GUI Bugfixes: bugfix: (#20547) Log original exception message, if exception has no predefined message. (inernal error '') change: (#20474) Prevent open properties of results for results with state 'Never used' bugfix: (#20565) Exception creating migration task .Problem: Use Taskgroup with lots of tasks for migration task cause invalid length of request url .Solution: use only PK for migrationtasks.taskgroups for request. change: (#20528) change Change tooltip from 'Results' to 'Backups' change: (#20562, #20564, #20566) add correct link for migrationTasks, TaskByGroup, TaskByClient BUGFIX: (#20555) Avoid Exception in drive dialog -> Release drive group bugfix: (#20521) change drive show client node at tree bugfix: (#20497) Wrong message text on info window after canceling a task "TaskByStatus" bugfix: (#20548) run loaderaction remove loader from cache SRC Bugfixes: bugfix: (#20573) Diff and incr backups always run as 'full'. Problem: Since version the eol of the FULL backup is not stored into result_lbls. Solution: Call ADUST_EOLS() for FULL and COPY savesets too