GUI Bugfixes: change: new dist with csv export, notifications, paging option change: (#19620) Character input test is inconsistent, if I add a media pool in the GUI .Problem: poolname cannot be start with number, if poolname is empty .Solution: set correct poolname filter bugfix: wrong log file name for mount/vmdk mount/attach action change: Added trace code for time measurement in the Schedules Frame fix: count is a get request fix: api call and add datastoretype cache change: set correct title for output of command 'copy files' (mount saveset) change: show output of umount command and clean session, when prevent umount action bugfix: the drive number was not automatically populated in the new drive dialog change: use method 'callRestServiceGet' for invoke method 'getCheckNextId' bugfix: correct cli notification switches for module (shortFields="M") and objectType (shortFields="o") bugfix: restore task with mode 'mount_saveset' does not show command output and gui freezed. .Problem: mount saveset command output does not use filelog and cause NPE .Solution: add NPE check change: set retVal and param to Long instead of long at drive method 'getCheckNextId' Revert "change: improve speed of filling tree for component taskbyclient; fill tree without refresh data the first time (fast), refresh tree again with icon of task which depends on results_sts at the background (slow)" change: improve speed of filling tree for component taskbyclient; fill tree without refresh data the first time (fast), refresh tree again with icon of task which depends on results_sts at the background (slow) fix: NPE in notifications change: use cache instead of single selects fo rexisting caches change: add cache handler to tasks BUGFIX: (#19622) In function getNotAcknowledged return only the last object_type=accept_eula message (merge:e1576b9) change: open internetbrowser, if click followup link at tooltip change: open internetbrowser, if click followup link at tooltip (missing english language support) (merge:21e0f41) change: Added a tooltip text to the follow up label bugfix: no command output for mount saveset at restorewizard; prevent create a new mount session for mount restore change: adapted to statistics API changes, check serverInfo.requireAuth to partially avout authentication check, add favicon to dist change: add Get to callListRestService and callRestListDao depending on isGet annotation (merge:360e8a1) bugfix: (#19614) Loader Type DIR-DISK SayFuse deletes slot allocation in case a second sayFuse loader is configured .Problem: table loaderdevice will be cleared completely, when set devices of one loader .Solution: filter deletion by current loader bugfix: corrected usage of isGet annotation in DataStoresDao new: initial checkin. bugfix: correct relative path to sep/api bugfix: corrected remove calls .Solution use callRestServiceGet instead of callRestService Revert "bugfix: remove task does not work" Revert "bugfix: remove client and location" Revert "bugfix: create drive failed" added unit tests for Restore functions in statistic service removed inheritance in ClientValuesDto task #19237 - added javadocs to the private functions bugfix: could not delete a datastore via gui .Solution: remove typos in MediaMapper.xml bugfix: media cannot be edited .Problem: is empty .Solution: add empty check for at update method bugfix: use correct saveset param for mount saveset command bugfix: the prio of an immediate start event was not handled correctly bugfix: Avoid JsonMappingException when creating a new Taskgroup with the taskgroup dialog bugfix: remove task does not work change: add documentation (merge:a32230f,57b43e6,bba1c3d) CHANGE: (#19497) improve error message, when try to remove datastore with replication tasks; set correct font and rename ok/cancel button of message dialog bugfix: topology tree is empty, when hwdrive has unknown client bugfix: remove client and location bugfix: create drive failed bugfix: added source side dedup in immediate start dialog new: initial checkin of the dashboard ui change: add no empty element at drive restore wizard drive combobox for VM mount bugfix: empty restoredrive combobox model, when run restore VM with attach/mount task #19237 - added tests for statistic service bugfix: umount command will not be executed after copy (VM mount) bugfix: set corrrect params for VM mount command 'copy' bugfix: vm attach/mount copy command cause NPE, if no interface is set bugfix: Avoid NPE because of task group relations with null values bugfix: wrong order for VM attach/mount execution commands (restore wizard last page, first copy command, second umount command) bugfix: Avoid NPE because of an unfulfilled task group relations and relations with null values change> remove unused code fix> resthandler change: rename dashboard to statisticservice and restructure bugfix: change task order of taskgroup with lots of tasks cause deletion of group change: move old web ui to v1 subfolder revert: (3373616) change: change id of the object from iconValue to IconNode.entity change: add special handling for get and getAll fix npe and problem with dao calls (get vs. post) fix: allow negative numbers to be parsed bugfix: prevent npe (getTasksFromTaskGroupRelations) and rest issues (getAllUnstarted) bugfix: VM mount use wrong saveset for mount command bugfix: VM attach use wrong param -s saveset for command ms_vmdk_interface attachro... bugfix: gui freezed, after run attach VM change: improve TODO comment bugfix: table last backup state is empty at gui fix unti tests task #19237 - removed mappers from dashboad impl task #19237 - access db through dao instead of resultMapper task #19237 - code refactored fix: results list and prevent printing logs for every date format change: add timezone offset to info object for easier handling fix: unit tests with calendar task #19237 - fix for sqlite bugfix: start task immediately option at mouse context menu is invisible (taskbystatus) task #19237 - code refactored and added some comments (merge:d32198e) test 'testYearlyRelative' failed change: allow editing and adding of events change: correctly load calendar object and make them more usable in js (convert to json and pass as string) change: allow calling of daos through javascript datautils class change: date serialization is handled by the http header (X-Sesam-Dateformat) http://badefix/wiki/index.php/RestAPIUsage. removing custom handler to keep this feature intact change: correctly handle calendarevents through the calendar incl filtering task #19237 - dates in server timezone bugfix: reimplemented method getAllUnstarted and added aJunit test bugfix: (#19603) SEP sesam license timed out due to wrong installation date (e.g. 1976-05-14) .Problem: complete params_fix will be overwritten, when change default settings .Solution: remove readonly field from sql update query Revert "bugfix: (#19603) SEP sesam license timed out due to wrong installation date (e.g. 1976-05-14) .Problem: complete params_fix will be overwritten, when change default settings .Solution: mark fields at paramFix object as read only" change: add calendar web gui code start fixing calendars dao bugfix: (#19603) SEP sesam license timed out due to wrong installation date (e.g. 1976-05-14) .Problem: complete params_fix will be overwritten, when change default settings .Solution: mark fields at paramFix object as read only 19334 - Calendar Dialog for User Defined Calendar -- Initial version bugfix: VSS flag is visible for linux tasks bugfix: restoreresults.rtask for attachVM is null bugfix: existing client cannot be set as virtual client add: test testEmptyMaxMTime fix: date conversion error with clients mtime add: client test: 'testMaxMTime' bugfix: Wrong error message, when create schedule which already exist bugfix: cli dir client use wrong output format .Problem: 2 blanks after type ("/xyz/" dv - - - - 0 - ,) change: rename cli start migration param 'G' to 'J' (taskgroup), set migrationevent.grpflag=true, if saveset is group or taskgroup is set bugfix: open client property under topology tree cause NPE; .Problem: client of location is null .Solution: set correct clientId for client dialog bugfix: avoid NPE when changing the values of a task group event bugfix: (#19576) VMware restore uses wrong parameter, if saveset on Si3 was replicated to another store; add param -t