GUI Bugfixes: change: set correct version: '1.05641', gitId=c4a4d01cf990adc6b35de19ba4e828622f58889a, dateString=2015/08/21 11:10:15 bugfix: log will id 'svp-3...' (info) will be logged as error change: (#18810) add icon for task type 'RHEV' change: log exception as non error message, if exception will not be thrown from signal handler change: add log id for error messages, which will be thrown at 'WSClient' change: Improve error message for vsphere process terminated, use logId=1028 Termination signal received! bugfix: VMAccess termination log, after java process was killed will not be logged as error (VM process was terminated) change: VM invoke exceptions will not be logged with log 'id' change: do not log stacktrace for all Exception, which are from type vim25.MethodFault (NotAuthentificate, InvalidRequest, ...) bugfix: cyclic refresh of restoreresults cause NPE, if get no restoreresults by filter change: log exception as non error message, if exception will not be thrown from signal handler bugfix: protocol not found for media result with action 'FSCK' change: add log id for error messages, which will be thrown at 'WSClient' change: add extra tests for task name generation and correctly cur too long values (first path, then name) change: fix comments to clearify preExisting logic. change: remove duplicate functionality in api. If the allTasks is not null, then it implies removeNonExisting to be true fix: code duplication in tasks and use correct exception handling. Add documentation and simplify batch-insert functionality change: add extra tests for task name generation and correctly cur too long values (first path, then name) change: fix comments to clearify preExisting logic. change: remove duplicate functionality in api. If the allTasks is not null, then it implies removeNonExisting to be true fix: code duplication in tasks and use correct exception handling. Add documentation and simplify batch-insert functionality bugfix: (#18819) Button "Apply" at taskdialog will never be enabled change: Improve error message for vsphere process terminated, use logId=1028 Termination signal received! bugfix: VMAccess termination log, after java process was killed will not be logged as error (VM process was terminated) change: VM invoke exceptions will not be logged with log 'id' change: (#18810) add icon for task type 'RHEV' change: do not log stacktrace for all Exception, which are from type vim25.MethodFault (NotAuthentificate, InvalidRequest, ...) change: merge VM SATI controller support change: prevent log stacktrace of exception 'NotAuthentificated' bugfix: remove debug code of init vcenter connection bugfix: check serverconnection, when run operation on vcenter server, make reconnect, if serverconnection failed change: remove small timeout (1min) for vcenter serviceinstance Revert "change: correct the design of the main panel in the client dialog; removed separate cb models for accessmode, platform type and vmhost - now use internal models of SepCombobox;" Revert "Revert "new: (#18810) add tasktype 'RHEV'"" Revert "new: (#18810) add tasktype 'RHEV'" new: (#18810) add tasktype 'RHEV' change: set vsphere serviceinstance timeout to 60 secs bugfix: (#18805) restore crypted saveset cause 'ObjectNotFoundException' bugfix: parent exception 'RemoteException' instead of 'InvalidRequest' will be thrown, add check cause exception bugfix: (#18799) catch exception 'InvalidArgument' and prevent log stacktrace bugfix: (#18802) vSphere exception 'NotAuthenticated' will not be catched, complete stacktrace is visible at log (Check for parent exception 'RemoteException') bugfix: (#18792) restore exchange does not show file view at restorewizard saveset browser; last page of restore exchange with mounted saveset show wrong RDB panel. bugfix: read savesetExists from results cause NPE at restore wizard, add null check. bugfix: Correctly parse saveset_exists change: add unit test for savesetExist Revert "Revert "bugfix: (#18801) handle saveset_exists count in addition to "M" "" Revert "Revert "Revert "bugfix: (#18801) results.saveset_exists will be set to NULL, if change eol of saveset, set saveset datatype to 'String'""" Revert "Revert "Revert "bugfix: build failed due to last commit""" Revert "Revert "bugfix: build failed due to last commit"" Revert "Revert "bugfix: (#18801) results.saveset_exists will be set to NULL, if change eol of saveset, set saveset datatype to 'String'"" Revert "bugfix: (#18801) handle saveset_exists count in addition to "M" " bugfix: (#18801) handle saveset_exists count in addition to "M" Revert "bugfix: (#18801) results.saveset_exists will be set to NULL, if change eol of saveset, set saveset datatype to 'String'" Revert "bugfix: build failed due to last commit" bugfix: build failed due to last commit bugfix: (#18801) results.saveset_exists will be set to NULL, if change eol of saveset, set saveset datatype to 'String' change: (#18735) set correct event table column names and change column order new: (#18735) schedule dates (events) as table view bugfix: failed CBT calculation at VM backup use wrong error message. (RemoteException with cause FileFault will be thrown instead of FileFault) bugfix: Restore VM to vcenter < 5.5 cause 'InvalidArgument' and will be failed. (Parent Exception of InvalidArgument fill be thrown and not be catched) bugfix: (#18737) get right VMDK depends on VMDK path failed (source vmdk contains snapshotid '00001' bugfix: VM operation cause lots of open tcpip connection to vcenter server Revert "Revert "change: fix dependency resolution"" Revert "Revert "change: use custom yavijava with special http client"" Revert "Revert "change: update http client version to same as yavijava"" bugfix: (#18755) Scan for 'IMAP' or 'MAP' from sel file for set correct panel (file/alternate panel) failed bugfix: (#18755) Restart of Exchange Restore Task with NPE bugfix: (#18779) persist loader with blank at name cause InvalidValueException; allow blank at loader name change: fix description in schedules change: simplify taskparams and allow double dash parameters in addition to -O change: add TODOs based on bugzilla change: use correct exceptions for parameter checks change: rename service function and add "getNextExec" for SchedulesDao bugfix: (#18734) cli resetCBT cause NPE and failed problem: wrong param for vcenter server will be used solution: set correct example for resetcbt and set correct error message, if no vcenter client is set change: Adapt description and some function name to correspond with actual functionality (prove->precheck/check) bugfix: (#18733) 'Hyper-V VM' and Exclude options are visible, when create/edit BSR task change: (#18765) add column throughput to restore results table bugfix: Wrong message 'This event has no active entries.' was shown on every event in Scheduling->Events(Next Run) new: extended junit test for TermsDaoFilter change: (#18765) add column throughput to restore results table bugfix: (#18708) Avoid NPE after command event has been removed from schedule bugfix: ssl trustmanager will not be initialized, if run server without vmbuffer bugfix: buffer VM license data cause lots of open tcpip connections change: allow response to use gzip (reduces traffic ba 1/10th) change: correct the design of the main panel in the client dialog; removed separate cb models for accessmode, platform type and vmhost - now use internal models of SepCombobox; Revert "change: update http client version to same as yavijava" Revert "change: use custom yavijava with special http client" Revert "change: fix dependency resolution" change: improve retrieve VM informations for fill VMBuffer, get VMdata in one step via PropertyCollectorUtil change: fix dependency resolution change: use custom yavijava with special http client bugfix: (#18748) vSphere IR (addNfsStore) doesn't work because of SSL problems change: update http client version to same as yavijava bugfix: avoid serializable exception in enum ServerModelType bugfix: remove taskgroup and refresh tree via F5 show removed taskgroup again. (reload local DBbuffer) bugfix: close vcenter serviceinstance after fill data of vcenter change: (#18219) - automatic task name generation - shorten task name automatically to fit constrains bugfix: (#18219) - automatic task name generation - fixed tasks insert for single task insertion SRC Bugfixes: bugfix: (#18745) After system state restore *_new files are not deleted when the computer reboots. Set registry value [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\AllowProtectedRenames] = [1] to allow rename of protected files during reboot change: Windows: common.h Add #include 'cm_hal_wnt.h' for WIN32 change: Windows: New function i_SET_REG_VALUE() to set value in registry bugfix: (#18829) Start SEP sesam service failed with: 'SEP Sesam is not a valid Win32 application'. Enclose executable path in " to avoid matching with 'C:\Program' change: (#18726) During 'all' backup the same hard linked file is transfered again and again. Logic for complete hardlink revised BUGFIX: (#18726) During 'all' backup the same hard linked file is transfered again and again. Logic added to avoid repeated processing of same hardlinked file change: More details in log message if unknown OS Data ID or version was retrieved change: HardlinkCleanProcessedGroup() return 0 if file not found new: Generate media log file for FSCK: fsck-{Data Store}_{ID}.prt change: Obsolete 'MoveFileEx( {file}, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT )' removed change: Use path prefix '\\?\' for hardlinks too change: After backup a warning about hardlink counter difference appeared since commit fd795a0 'change: Restore of hard linked files counts every link to a file as processed hard link file' change: In case of function get use long long for bytes to skip and bytes to read bugfix: (#18814) BSR Windows: After upgrade to new BSR Pro the backup failed with: INVALID KEYWORD PARAMETER. Call PwdMgntWriteToFile() even if the SEP sesam server control port setting is already stored in the pwd file. Remove and add again server control port cos port range may be changed. bugfix: Set correct size for selective cpio restore (+140 Bytes cpio trailer) BUGFIX: (#18803) Single file restore fails with 'Failure opening the file ... .lst' if just migrated saveset still exists. Work with original LIS and LST file even if original saveset was purged. change: HumanReadable(): Print Bytes without extra digits bugfix: (#18177) STPD cores in case of incorrect SEL file format. Check if retrieved offsets are numbers BUGFIX: (#18275) Windows: SQL access to SQLite database returned with error 'database is locked'. Write message into oper system event log: SQL statement ''...'' failed: SQLite database is locked. bugfix: (#18564) Log info has been extended and backup/restore operation will be continued now even in case if it is not possible to bring Hyper-V environment to normal state. bugfix: (#18564) Additional log-records has been added. bugfix: (#18564) Restoration of failed Hyper-V environment. change: (#18717) Granular mdf and ldf restore type 'file' ends successful but files are corrupt. Avoid to display doubled 'Amount of Bytes' BUGFIX: (#18796) MS Exchange 2013 backup throws VSS exception 'CExchangeServer13::PrintVersion:RegQueryValueExW'. Call RegQueryValueEx() wit appropriate size bugfix: (#18784) Disk drive controller type recognition was not implemented. CHANGE: Windows: Avoid setting of MTF_DIRB/FILE backup date time to improve DeDup ratio BUGFIX: (#18787) Warnings during sbc backup to local disk. The For local FILE backup set lBSAHandle=1 cos it is used as index-1 to get stored saveset size bugfix: If end of SEL file reached then match only with last dir BUGFIX: (#18789) ME10 Selective generation restore for multiple user mailboxes failed with 'ERROR: Cannot find matching LIS line for item ...'. In case of COPY/FULL the LIS file is used but in case of DIFF/INCR the GLIS file is used which has lines ending with {saveset} {line_number} change: bGetOffsets() In case of bFormatLIS check if retrieved offset is correct -> retry with !bFormatLIS BUGFIX: (#18761) Generation restore of Exchange does not start recovery of DB, but non generation restore does. If Exchange server task was set up without special user/password for Exchange then the recover switch '-a offline,norecover,nodelete' was missing for the basic FULL/DIFF/INCR saveset restore. change: Obsolete line SM_STARTUP=0 removed BUGFIX: (#18786) After reboot all backup jobs fail with: E002-SEPULER Error from submitting qs-buildfix_sesam into queue ... (type B). After power failure the postgresql may need some time for database recovery so increase retry loop up to 2 minutes bugfix: (#18780) Huge sm_qm_main log due to DataStore filled. Do not write 'Attention: Got resource weight ...' in check_que_and_pending_jobs() but in Exec_Request() BUGFIX: (#18767) Selective restore from task 'sep-majestix_all' ends with 'ERROR: Cannot find matching LIS line for item ...'. Do not strip of '/' in root line: "/" change: SEP sesam BSR Pro version ==: BSR Pro Version -9 BUGFIX: (#18764) Selective restore with '/' ends with ERROR: Cannot find matching LIS line for item [/]. Recent changes skipped one char during compare of selected patterns change: remove the beta, hence from now on the kit is official. change: (#18760) BSR Windows: Task browsing must not display BSR_Windows twice if BSR CBMR is installed too. Now only one '/BSR Windows:' is displayed and the description informs about old BSR 2.3 (CBMR) Bug 18593 - VSS backup of volume C: failed with 'BackupProcessing string too long'. Wrong error string construction.