GUI Bugfixes: bugfix: handle more than 1000 notifications bugfix: (#18642) GUI enabled overwrite an existing task group bugfix: fixed subsequent error of commit 12243856976d8cbb408d26b7acdccfef8bd74cd5 bugfix: (#18644) Avoid stack trace creating a new task group change: adapt hwdriveperf call to be async to avoid blocking the gui on slow servers. Also introduce a callback handler for slow calls. change: Increased gui logback level to TRACE to see the parallel processes bugfix: (#18638) The 'Delete Data Store' button appeared in the New Data Store dialog bugfix: correct menu items for popup menues in minutes, in hours, in days bugfix (#18610) VSS writers could be excluded if source is already filled bugfix: (#18597) Incorrect specification for Immediate Start of a replication job bugfix: (#18469) Avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when double clicking on a mediapool bugfix: (#18620) Reusing the familiar auto update buttons bugfix: excluded artifact xml-apis in dependency of com.vmware.vijava; leaded to duplicate org.w3c.dom (resides in rt.jar) and compilation errors bugfix: (#18632) The value of Date Until was not saved during start migration change: Hide the parallel migration checkbox in case of a replication bugfix: (#18622) Improved Datastore properties label bugfix: (#18612) Avoid NPE when trying to open drive properties of an existing data store bugfix: (#18611) Do not add media init results in the task cb of the restore wizard change: fix merging issue with name generator change: (#18607)state='-2' -> to long. Must be 'a'. restore_id -> Part after @ has to cut off. bugfix: (#18613) Automatic task creation in case of Linux was corrupt change: Refactored gui client, merged class SepFrame into Frame (no functinal changes) bugfix: correct params in sesamLogger debug lines bugfix: (#18603) avoid NPE: Null child not allowed in schedules tab bugfix: (#18469) simplify handling of tabbed panes; try as much as possible not to work with index at TabbedPanes to avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException bugfix: (#18259) Restore wizard showed involved datastores as missing tapes in loader bugfix: (#18098) write field names before the data values bugfix: (#18098) show saveset tree in backup results without alpha key, expand tree, remove datatype labels. bugfix: (#18556) NPE during autoupdate change: remove obsolete cyclic trace bugfix: (#18589) VSS row cannot be excluded bugfix: (#18590) avoid writing a stacktrace when an IllegalArgumentException appears in the date conversion; The root cause is a false seconds value (99) in results.sbc_start bugfix: (#18589) disable VSS row at browser, if VSS option at task dialof is disabled change: (#18589) disable VSS row at browser, of no path item is selected bugfix: (#18318) GUI master mode - properties button of the server showed always the default values fix: Make sure base64 encoding is applied correctly and read correctly. change: remote scriptDto and transfer script as String to service class change: add log of executed script+output at server side bugfix: cli output of executed script is missing bugfix: run cli script return 'return is missing' bugfix: start script via cli (start script or -f file) new: (#18543) added a tooltip in the date field of the message status bar fix: unit test for generate term fix: remove obsolete tests change: (#18219) removed now unused saxon transformer factory bugfix: fix unit test and error message for duplicate bugfix: make sure duration calculation works correctly fix: unit test for date utils change: (#18219) use mustache as a templating engine for unique name generation Revert "Revert "change: (#18219) - unique task generate using XSLT 2.0"" fix: add exception log appender to log output bugfix: (#18557) revert the revert "enhance fill time of ByStatus windows" bugfix: browse filesystem cause NumberFormatException (parse filesize=,Port= bugfix: (#18588) Open replication task under schedule cause classcastexception Revert "Revert "bugfix: (#18557) enhance fill time of ByStatus windows"" change: enhance scripting api description change: add javascript service bugfix: (#18586) run immediate backup cause show exception dialog 'ConnectionException: Invalid data' problem: schedule.duration deserializer use still type date instead of long change: add more manipulation functions for templates bugfix: (#18586) run immediate backup cause show exception dialog 'ConnectionException: Invalid data' problem: schedule.duration deserializer use still type date instead of long change: add more manipulation functions for templates Revert "change: (#18219) - unique task generate using XSLT 2.0" bugfix: use duration as number in minutes instead of date object to avoid parsing issues. change: add utility functions that work with duration in minutes change: (#18579) Recommended sizes of datastore will be cutted, when browse big disk for datastore location change: (#18219) - unique task generate using XSLT 2.0 Revert "bugfix: (#18557) enhance fill time of ByStatus windows" bugfix: (#18585) No state symbol and no results selection in context menu in task tree, if backup is active bugfix: (#18557) enhance fill time of ByStatus windows bugfix: (#18563) reopen existing task with type 'PATH' and add some exclude VSS writers show wrong excluded paths at browser bugfix: (#18563) Checkbox "All local file systems" cannot be ticked anymore via client browser bugfix: (#15521) Open remote server dialog with incompatible server caused NPE bugfix: (#18575) task groups can be selected at task combobox of restore wizard bugfix: (#18255) the button test mail was inactive in the configuration email account bugfix: (#18565) save migration event cause classcastexception problem: value of spinner cannot be convert to Long bugfix: (#18565) open properties of mediapool failed due to classcastexception problem: value of spinner cannot be set with Long value and must be converted to Integer bugfix: add migrationevent to schedule without start set referenceId and failed change: (#18192) - Performance tuning: Decrease repetition rate of the RSS channel fetcher change: (#17354) better german labels for font and settings dialog change: (#18554) add param '-m ' to command sm_copy_files (mount saveset) change: (#18554) add param '-m ' to command sm_copy_files (VM mount) change: fix default typo bugfix: avoid NPE with hanging gui client when gui server is shut down change: fix naming bugfix: (#18543) set global timezone with localdbconns bugfix: (#18558) restore exchange with mode 'recovery pro' does not set generation parameter for command 'sm_lis_items' bugfix: restore exchange with mode 'recovery pro' does not set gen flag for command 'sm_lis_items' bugfix: (#18537) Avoid #unknown in GUI client logging change: cleanup code bugfix: (#18543) convert time correctly betwenn server and client timezones on immediate backup and use rest for clarity and to avoid conversion issues with rmi change: add comments to helper methods. change: use calendar with timezone instead of date to set immediate time on backup dialog and add utils that handle timezone bugfix: (#18543) since date has no time information, add timezone difference when getting time of the server new: define new parameters startRssFeed and startVmBuffer // optional suppress the start the RSS feed reader thread @Parameter(names = {"--startRssFeed"}, description = "start the RSS feed reader thread") public boolean startRssFeed = true; change: (#18543) changed logging of RMIDataAccess bugfix: (#18550) open properties of drive failed due to classcastexception (set spinner value with int instead of long) bugfix: (#18543) add timezone id to getInfo to be able to convert the time to the correct active server timezone new: (#18543) added HttpReques /sep/sesam/date to figure out time zone issues bugfix: (#18537) Avoid #unknown in GUI client logging change: use existing libraries for json parsing instead of introducing new ones bugfix: (#18533) add migrationevent to schedule failed due to classcastexception bugfix: (#18533) Properties of schedules cannot be opened due to classcastexception;use type 'int' for set spinner value at schedule dialog change: avoid failed request when exception occur in authentication handling fix: ConcurenntModificationExcpetion in session handling remove: merge token: '>>>>>>> refs/heads/master' change: add buffer release to potentially fix memory leak bugfix: changed sesam gui logging configuration change: (#18530) add create BSR item with type='DB' at browser ("/BSR Windows:" db - - - - 0 - ,BSR Pro Version 9.5.65) bugfix: (#18530) Client browser does not show info for task type 'BSR_Windows' bugfix: (#18497) Job State -> Restore was empty when newly opened change: (#18490) improve text of VSS infobox and remove VSS tooltip at taskdialog bugfix: (#18528) Generated task name for Windows path backup tasks is always '_all_writers' change: set 'mount saveset' info link to address '' change: (#18462) disable root client row at restore wizard for exchange restore with recovery pro bugfix: (#18497) Restorebystatus was empty in some cases bugfix: (#18526) restorebystatus toolbar button 'cancel' will not be enabled, is focus is set to 'active' row item at treetable bugfix: esx/datacenter combobox will be cutted under linux at VM restore wizard bugfix: (#18505) media and preferred pool cannot be selected for VM restore bugfix: backup VM log wrong vcenter at message with id under id '3986' problem: get host of VM return esx instead of vcenter (si.getServerConnection(), getVM().getRuntime().getHost()) solution: get host directly from URL of execution VM backup command bugfix: (#18512) Added a warning about window replication task in the migration commant panel bugfix: backup VM log wrong vcenter at message with id under id '3986' problem: get host of VM return esx instead of vcenter (si.getServerConnection(), getVM().getRuntime().getHost()) solution: get host directly from URL of execution VM backup command bugfix: (#18512) Added a warning about window replication task in the migration commant panel bugfix: esx/datacenter combobox will be cutted under linux at VM restore wizard bugfix: (#18505) media and preferred pool cannot be selected for VM restore bugfix: the show buttons in the bystatus frames did not make a full update of the entries bugfix: (#18439) custom table column 'state' filter does not work bugfix: (#18509) Additional filter must not be shown at replication task when assigned to schedule change: prevent list options to be printed more than once bugfix: create restoreevent under schedule does not create its term entry at DB bugfix: avoid NPE when refilling the migration mask change: The menubar entry "Permission Management" is only visible in alpha mode bugfix: hide VSS Tooltip label, when change backuptype 'path' and VSS option will be hidden bugfix:the restore bz status listener reacted only on selected item events merge: from branch dev bugfix: (#17085) start several restoreevents from schedule cause database locked bugfix: (#18493) Backup by State: State Filter uses state text instead of enum (active - a) bugfix: cli help text reference to wrong table bugfix: (#18499) list single taskgrouprelation via cli does not work and helptext references to wrong object 'migrationtask' bugfix: cli list VM datacenter show esxserver as vcenter, rename vcenter to esx_server=... ("/ws2008x64/VMware vSphere:/LI-QA" dd - - - - 0 - ,esx_server={,}) change: added mtime to restore results properties info change: added thread to fetch drive performance every few seconds and adapted dao to allow retrieval of performance data. change: added mtime to restore by status table bugfix: (#18490) select browser item with another tasktype as 'Path' does not disable item 'VSS' bugfix: A command has been selected even though only 'close' has been pressed. bugfix: correct mapping of from_date/to_date in the MigrationResultsMapper change: add missing dependencies bugfix: (#18490) set correct logic of VSS browser node, set as excluded selected item, when it will be selected and clicked again instead of unselected change: prepare drive performance cache on server SRC Bugfixes: bugfix: (#18652) insert the bsr_pro=none option in the sm_setup install/update routine. bugfix: remove the bCBtFlag from the parameter list of the SetArchivePipe. bugfix: inserted the packdata in the clean rule. bugfix: inserted the basics.dll in the clean rule. bugfix: remove the quotes from the product code and the installer package name bugfix: (#18652) due to a major version change in the O&O installer an additional uninstall chained package was inserted. And a different registry key is now checked for O&O. From now on in case of a major version change of O&O an additional uninstall routine has to be added and the new product code has to be inserted. bugfix: (#18656) sm_sesam.exe cores when opening properties of failed vSphere backups. Stack size increased to 4GB change: use new O&O version 10.0.68 bugfix: revert all left over VMDK_CBT specific changes. bugfix: (#18551) Restore a split saveset from HARD_DISK runs endless with error MTF_ERROR_STREAM_NOT_FOUND. Avoid move operations on following disk BUGFIX: (#18404) (from branch v_4_4_2_57_branch gitid e929af0d) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks. In case of CBT backup do not check for hard linked file change: Do not build sqlite DLL with common build. Use rule in su/src/makefile.win32 for explicite sqlite_lib build together with rule all bugfix: (#18643) vSphere backup fails with warning: DB Module: [sbc_vmware error](reverted skip zero block changes) change: If called for restore with option '-l list' then create script to validate given saveset bugfix: (#18643) vSphere backup fails with warning: DB Module: [sbc_vmware error](dont check pipe flag during restore) NEW: (#18429) BSR Windows: O&O DiskImage Backup and Disaster Restore - Seek in saveset is to slow. Seek with offset less than block size 64k was not implemented change: trace message revised bugfix: (#18652) insert more log lines and insert the REGDB_OPTION_WOW64_64KEY option bugfix: (#18652) the automatic replacement of the O&O version in the build script did not work properly. bugfix: (#18643) vSphere backup fails with warning: DB Module: [sbc_vmware error](skip blocks with zero size) change: use the O&O DiskImage subkey to obtain the installed O&O version. Compare the given O&O version with the one included in the installer. change: removed the check for the O&O version number since it is not needed anymore. This would only be necessary if O&O would be updated but since a deinstallation takes place no version number is needed. change: Reset multiply factor for offset bugfix: (#18643) vSphere backup fails with warning: DB Module: [sbc_vmware error](resolved merge errors) change: Additional result codes change: Set registry keys to version 10 specific values bugfix: (#18643) vSphere backup fails with warning: DB Module: [sbc_vmware error] change: partially revert commit 322fb19b0e2 'bugfix: crash oh Hyper-V relocation restore' bugfix: Insert the missing parameter for the ArchivePipe function in the recreate_pipe function bugfix: remove the ifdef PIPE_USAGE from the Read_STAN_STREAM method. change: inserted the new O&O installer version 10.0.64 change: find_com_intf(): Trace the sbc_com_interface command bugfix: hyper-V relocation restore bugfix: crash oh Hyper-V relocation restore bugfix: (#18640) BSR Windows: Restore data connection ends with WSAECONNRESET (10054) Connection reset by peer. Set SO_LINGER with 10s to allow a graceful shutdown of STPD data port when closesocket() is called remove '#include ', because probaly not necessary at least for LINUX and Solaris Revert "Adoption for Solaris" Revert "change: fix online check after SUNOS fix" BUGFIX: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks. In case of CBT backup do not check for hard linked file change: Call GetAlignedBuffer(size) BUGFIX: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks. In case of CBT the backup data is transferred via pipe and the device check must be skipped. Revert "bugfix: (#18546) Net backup with sbc on Solaris 11 doesn't work (SMS also need to be fixed)" BUGFIX: (#18147) system_state backup should notify AD /repadmin after successful backup. Allow to execute System REcovery job with level FULL to truncate logs of AD (NTDS). change: Due to recent merge the necessary #include "gnu_regex/regex.h" was missing in cm_common.c bugfix:(#18631) Excluded unnecessary VSS-writer calls in case of VM restoration with relocation along all the algorithm. bugfix: (#18489) DO NOT REVERT IT! Comment "_BUGFIX_18489" in the "sbc_w32_os2\vss\vss_server.h" instead. Revert "bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks" Revert "bugfix: fixed build on linux packdata" Revert "bugfix: vfs on windows" Revert "bugfix: fixed sbcmsql backup" Revert "bugfix: hyper-V relocation restore" Revert "bugfix: crash oh Hyper-V relocation restore" Revert "bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks (use one thread for all cbt blocks)" Revert "bugfix: close buffer correctly if reading from disk failed" Revert "bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks (redesigned cbt backup)" Revert "bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks (made additional cbt adjustments)" Revert "bugfix: (#18604) VMware configuration backup cannot remove temp directory anymore" Revert "bugfix: (#18614) sbc cores at VMware CBT backup" Revert "bugfix: (#18615) Restore of VMware host works, but sbc cores at the end" Revert "bugfix: fixed mssql restore" Revert "bugfix: fixed vmware CBT restore" Revert "bugfix: write buffer end buffer only in the end vmdk transfer" Revert "bugfix: adopted new cbt backup for Linux" Revert "bugfix: (#18615) Restore of VMware host works, but sbc cores at the end" new: Print out GitID bugfix: Avoid overflow in block number if called with big offset change: Revert to #include 'regex.h' (after recent change in cm_common.h) change: Avoid conflicting #include in cm_common.h change: Compile with #include change: Avoid conflictzing regexp types with (gnu regex.h <> local regex.h) change: Revert changes in common: cm_kernel.c, common.h, common.c, common/... except the cm_common.c get_addr_len() function add 'gnu_regex.h' to build on 4.4.2 change: fix online check after SUNOS fix bugfix: (#17383) implemented topology support in sm_auto_conf_hw BUGFIX: (#18498) Restart (stop and start) 'sm_sms_watch' during drive configuration to recognize changed drive configuration bugfix: (#18615) Restore of VMware host works, but sbc cores at the end bugfix: adopted new cbt backup for Linux bugfix: write buffer end buffer only in the end vmdk transfer bugfix: fixed vmware CBT restore bugfix: fixed mssql restore bugfix: windows build issue bugfix: (#18615) Restore of VMware host works, but sbc cores at the end bugfix: (#18463) Bad blocks during system_recovery restore. PACKDATA: If already processed directory appears again then process it again bugfix: (#18614) sbc cores at VMware CBT backup bugfix: (#18544) SBC trys to restore files with double backslash in path during system state restore. Recent changes revised. new: Use 'AR' macro for 'ar' so it can be overwritten at one place. (ar -X64 on AIX for example) Bug (#18544) - SBC trys to restore files with double backslash in path during system state restore. The issue is caused by the commit 509a2fc357058cb2cddc0ead82816cf51ac4980b bugfix: (#18604) VMware configuration backup cannot remove temp directory anymore bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks (made additional cbt adjustments) bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks (redesigned cbt backup) bugfix: close buffer correctly if reading from disk failed bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks (use one thread for all cbt blocks) bugfix: hyper-V relocation restore bugfix: crash oh Hyper-V relocation restore bugfix: fixed sbcmsql backup add '/include' bugfix: vfs on windows bugfix: fixed build on linux packdata bugfix: insert the $(PCRE_DIR)\$(PLATFORM) in the makefile. change: Move 'i_pcre_find' and 'pscanf' from 'cm_kernel' to 'cm_common' bugfix: (#18404) VMware CBT backup with Windows data mover slows down when backing up small blocks bugfix: fixed wrong path while restoring. Added backslash to separate file name and folder name if missed BUGFIX: (#18578) SMS read tape with slow throughput. Set read buffer size to 64k and tape block size 64K if sms.ini [SMS_Tape] Read_Block_Size=64K is set new: Use 'statvfs64' on AIX bugfix: Large file support for AIX. (-D _LARGE_FILES) use define 'UNIX' instead of '_UNIX' bugfix: (#18578) SMS read tape with slow throughput. If sms.ini [SMS_Tape] Read_Block_Size=64K is set then set uiMaxBlockSize = BLOCK_SIZE_64K to set the buffer read size to 64K too. BUGFIX: (#18605) Oracle backup fails with 10054. RecvN: In case of partial read remember that EOF was already read and return EOF if next recv fails. Support a platforms that doesn't have the 'C99' standard 'uint*_t'. bugfix: (#18546) Net backup with sbc on Solaris 11 doesn't work (SMS also need to be fixed) Adoption for Solaris 'PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP' is available on Linux only Adoptions for 'AIX' Using 'uint8_t' insread 'u_int8_t' because it doesn't supported under Solaris. new: Avoid using GNUTLS on unix systems (remove libs, needed only for gnutls) new: Avoid using GNUTLS on unix systems change generation of 'sesam_version' so it doesn't relay on 'bash' change: In case of COM session rename log file to stpd_[pid].com.log after closing the log file bugfix: (#18578) SMS read tape with slow throughput. Allow to set sms.ini [SMS_Tape] Read_Block_Size=64K to ignore variable block size (0) change: Add message in case of error '2008: Invalid Block Size.' to trace the current block size Revert "change: use the new O&O installer package version 10.0.61" bugfix: (#18621) use the entries of the sm.ini instead of the registry values to resolve the path in the file_copy function. This is needed since the needed registry entries are not present on the RDS. change: use the new O&O installer package version 10.0.61 new: merge from master: Quote path names bugfix: Add 'sm_set_java' to client programs change generation of 'sesam_version' so it doesn't relay on 'bash' change: use XCode 4.5 instead of 3.1 for the build. change: switch to the current SDK version of the macdev1082 for the mac build. bugfix: (#18558) RPEX: Call 'sm_lis_items' with 'gen' flag to get EDB path from full backup. Do not throw exception, if EDB or LOG path aren't found in LIS and start RPEX with top level mount path instead bugfix: (#18573): Backup over LVM mount: Strip trailing '/' from source for searching mount point, because if 'soucre=mount point' it will not be found. BUGFIX: (#18476) Truncate saveset id from migrated saveset to 16 chars because 'backint' accepts only 16 chars bugfix: Fix SQL syntax error during creation of DB triggers. The error were not fatal change: sob_com_intf(): Trace for read bytes in loop only if log level is 3 change: Only trace the answer buffer if called with log level 3 BUGFIX: (#18553) Un-mount saveset (stop 'sm_vfs') on RDS and not on Sesam server bugfix: (#18560) Windows ORACLE backup failed in version Adapt recent changes in SOB and XBSA for Windows change: In case of Windows the program file name must be enclosed in " change: find_com_intf(): In case of x86 retry with RegOpenKeyEx(...,KEY_WOW64_64KEY) bugfix: (#18496) inserted the move of the python specific zip file for sm_sshd and changed the python33 dll move to python34 dll. change: Version information adapted to: 'sbc-3036: Info: # SEP XBSA, VERSION: %s%s Build: %s, Released: %s #' BUGFIX: (#15635) Use results.based_on and .based_on_full to avoid wrong FULL/DIFF/INCR saveset chains. Use only savesets which are referenced by results.based_on and .based_on_full. New switches: -o metadata|force bugfix: (#18464) - Microsoft group policies aren't saved by "system_recovery". SYSVOL files are backing up firstly. bugfix: (#18532) BSR Pro Windows: Better error messages instead of 'Error: Operation failed:'. Now adds the error code and message ID to the 'Operation failed: ...' bugfix: (#18531) BSR Pro Windows: Fisrt backup failed with sbr-3500: Info: BSR PRO initialize from PWD file returned (0XC0000034) OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND. Check first if the PWD file exists. new: (#18529) BSR Windows - Client browser must allow to select BSR Windows for BSR Pro. sm_client dir / now displays '/BSR Windows:' together with information 'BSR Pro Version 9.5.65' new: 16893 - Skip VSS Meta Data xml backup documents from Restore Wizard Select Tree. Step 2: All lines in LIS between 'SSET metadata' and 'ESET metadata' are skipped in sorted LST and Level Sorted LSL file. Step 3: Set sm.ini [Params] lis_with_metadata=1 to reactivate old with metadata in LST/LSL new: 16893 - Skip VSS Meta Data xml backup documents from Restore Wizard Select Tree. Step 1: Indicate 'SSET metadata' and 'ESET metadata' in LIS bugfix: (#18420) ME07 - Backup - error - sm_reformat_lis returned exit state 1. If meta file is missing in case of old sbc < 4.4.2 then skip meta file processing change: Add to dependency rule for sm_reformat_lis change: XX_AUTO_LOGIN_INCORRECT with 'Please adjust your TCP/IP name resolution.'