GUI Bugfixes: bugfix: the show buttons in the bystatus frames did not make a full update of the entries bugfix: (#18439) custom table column 'state' filter does not work bugfix: (#18499) list single taskgrouprelation via cli does not work and helptext references to wrong object 'migrationtask' bugfix: (#17085) start several restoreevents from schedule cause database locked bugfix: avoid NPE when refilling the migration mask bugfix: create restoreevent under schedule does not create its term entry at DB bugfix: (#18493) Backup by State: State Filter uses state text instead of enum (active - a) change: The menubar entry "Permission Management" is only visible in alpha mode bugfix: hide VSS Tooltip label, when change backuptype 'path' and VSS option will be hidden bugfix:the restore bz status listener reacted only on selected item events bugfix: cli list VM datacenter show esxserver as vcenter, rename vcenter to esx_server=... ("/ws2008x64/VMware vSphere:/LI-QA" dd - - - - 0 - ,esx_server={,}) change: added mtime to restore results properties info Merge commit 'd4042bf5816a17760c57607d5ddee1a92bb15bf8' change: added mtime to restore by status table bugfix: A command has been selected even though only 'close' has been pressed. bugfix: correct mapping of from_date/to_date in the MigrationResultsMapper Merge commit 'd4042bf5816a17760c57607d5ddee1a92bb15bf8' Merge commit 'ed7c62a5e7c7aad8a189819f783c809b2ad11a84' bugfix: (#18490) select browser item with another tasktype as 'Path' does not disable item 'VSS' bugfix: (#18490) set correct logic of VSS browser node, set as excluded selected item, when it will be selected and clicked again instead of unselected bugfix: junit test in RestoreEventsDaoTest failed; use mock for sm_info get_unique_id change: Added a vss gif for the client browser change: (#11490) set VSS root excluse path to "vss_writers" at browser change: (#18490) Show VSS writers at browser and preselect VSS writers browser node, if option "backup with VSS" is selected at taskdialog new: added an overlay label to the snapshot cb in the task dialog change: (#18488) Trim Layout of Datastore Window change: Construct a two line label for the CalculationDSO combobox change: Use dasUpdateableTreeTableModel in RestoreByStatus as in TaskByStatus bugfix: (#18452) Correct the data string if an ObjectNotFoundException is thrown in the ComandEventsDao bugfix: (#18452) Show the correct data when opening the command events dialog bugfix: correct layout of changed datastore panel fix: exclude license write unit test to avoid overwriting existing license or problems on the build server bugfix: (#18344) change handler to use thread safe date parser fix: fix failing unit tests bugfix: (#18344) replace simpledateformat for a thread safe version (joda time) bugfix: (#18452) Avoid NPE when starting the new command dialog bugfix: missing 'de' label for checkbox 'calculation type' of existing datastore change: (#18488) improve checkbox 'Calculation via freespace' at datastore dialog, show combobox only for datastore type 'Path' bugfix: (#18473) cli modify task with invalid tasktype cause NPE; set correct error message "tasktype not found in DB" bugfix: (#18472) cli modify task with invalid tasktype cause NPE; set correct error message "tasktype not found in DB" fix: exclude license write unit test to avoid overwriting existing license or problems on the build server bugfix: (#18344) change handler to use thread safe date parser fix: fix failing unit tests bugfix: (#18344) replace simpledateformat for a thread safe version (joda time) bugfix: (#18452) run command without name failed, char '@' of generated command name is invalid) bugfix: choose command does not apply client to event at parent run command dialog change: (#18452) removed unused listener bugfix: remoteserver dialog cause classcastexception at column 'os_col' - set type of column to opersystems instead of String change: (#18452) use CommandSettingsPanel also for RunCommandDialog change: improve label for force delete client (Force delete) bugfix: (#17868) Enforce delete client with dependencies at gui change: (#18452) eliminated CommandTableDialog, integrated the functionality in the CommandListDialog bugfix: column 'server' at notification center table cannot be sorted change: (#18452) localized command panel strings bugfix: (#18452) The selected command list dialog did not appear on top of the open dialog stack new: (#18452) Implemented a choose button to select a command bugfix: enable/disable remote server faileld dur to cause classcastexception (set servers.connect flag to boolean) bugfix: set correct VM param for resetCBT cli example bugfix: property of remote server cause classcastexception and cannot be changed new: (#18452) Implemented a commands table in the menu bar under configuration change: improve code for fix of commit '18427' (get correct command from sorted template table at run command dialog) bugfix: (#15551) select several notifications over different remote servers and do apply notification failed, notification config will not be applied change: (#15551) show all notification by server at notification center for mastermode gui bugfix: (#18320) backup HyperV with exclude local/clustered VM failed, write correct token to task.exclude (local_VMs -> local_vms; clustered_VMs -> clustered_vms) bugfix: (#18320) hyperv exclude panel will be cutted, when appear at taskdialog change: removed unused classes new: (#18320) add Hyper-V cluster radio buttons of local or clustered VMs at taskdialog (visible for all hyperV backup) bugfix:(#18414) Moved Notification Center button in the upper right corner bugfix: avoid incorrect handling of InterruptedException in the UpdateableTreeTableModel bugfix: use correct stateType in the UpdateableTreeTableModel change: incorporated minor changes to facilitate tracing. change: (#18443) improve mediapool dialog, add messagebox 'password incorrect' for mediapool encryption, when reopen existed crypted mediapool and try to change password bugfix: cli help media has wrong description param output bugfix: cli operation 'list media' write full mediapool object at column 'pool' bugfix: (#18446) create crypted mediapool with encryption capable drivegoup will not be applied to DB bugfix: create restore event write wrong 'min_max' data to db; min/max instead of MIN/MAX (#18413) Add tape encryption parameters in CLI for media (add media -K -E (cg) bugfix: create restore event write wrong 'min_max' data to db; min/max instead of MIN/MAX change: (#18353) allow empty interface for schedules backups change: allow empty interface for run backup new: (#18413) Add tape encryption parameters in CLI (add mediapool -k -E bugfix: (#18359) change datastore does not set correct device name at drivedialog change: (#18344) Additional trace to figure out date conversion issues change: (#18353) allow empty interface for schedules backups bugfix: (#18439) restore 'hyperv' task cause NPE change: allow empty interface for run backup bugfix: (#18359) Creating a new datastore drive from drive view use wrong init for drivedialog, no device is set (DS@_) and is editable bugfix: column 'client' of tasks as list table is empty at gui bugfix: gui tab 'tasks as list' does not show complete task data (filter show 100) bugfix: restore VM mount at restorewizard, step back (umount) and run mount again cause error 'restoretask already exists' change: set some cyclic gui logger messages to level "ERROR" bugfix: (#6961) a change of a command event within an existing schedule was not handled properly bugfix: (#18345) force remove restoretask with dependencies to schedule failed bugfix: (#6961) simplify user interface for command events bugfix: (#18173) restore hyperV VM init target path with all VMs instead of selected VMs Revert "Revert: Restore wizard changed, which run VM mount/attach, VM saveset with MountService, use old StreamService" bugfix: (#18173) restore hyperV VM init target path with all VMs instead of selected VMs new: fill the savesets panel of the results dialog with a generic JTree from a given json structure change: change method to retrieve unique ids for terms and the corresponding events -- use sm_info get_unique_id instead of max(id) bugfix: (#18425) cli add notification popup/confirm has no visual effect on guis, which run at server bugfix: cli action 'add notification' not found SRC Bugfixes: bugfix: (#18507) - System state backup fails with error VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. Move the trace with "SetBackupSucceeded" up. bugfix: (#18507) - System state backup fails with error VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. Skip calling "SetBackupSucceeded" for ASR writer as it could lead to VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND error in some cases bugfix (#18507): System state backup fails with error VSS_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND. Skip custom writers for SetBackupSucceeded(), added trace Bug 18238 - HyperV backup hangs at DllMain: Uninitializing COM ... until newday - use CoInitializeEx instead of CoInitialize, upgraded/fixed decorator for IVssBackupComponents object to get object released after operation is finished. Revert "Revert "* bugfix (#18487) - Simultaneously started VSS backups fail with VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS - simple file backup is occurred with "VSS API error: CProcessesSynchronizer::SharedDataAccess: Failed to lock.""" Revert "Revert "bugfix (#18487) - Simultaneously started VSS backups fail with VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS - improved the mechanism of simultaneously started VSS backups for different solution."" change: Call x_DumpEx() for read block only in log level 5 NEW: (#18429) BSR Windows: O&O DiskImage Backup and Disaster Restore - Seek in saveset is to slow. Seek to given offset instead of read till offset is reached change: Compiler warnings resolved Revert "bugfix (#18487) - Simultaneously started VSS backups fail with VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS - improved the mechanism of simultaneously started VSS backups for different solution." Revert "* bugfix (#18487) - Simultaneously started VSS backups fail with VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS - simple file backup is occurred with "VSS API error: CProcessesSynchronizer::SharedDataAccess: Failed to lock."" bugfix: Triggers for restore_results, migration_results and media_results have to reference the specific primary key columns bugfix: (#18503) vSphere restore fails with VM exception caused by a incorrect datastore path. MTF_END_PROCESSING must have a negative value. bugfix: (#18503) vSphere restore fails with VM exception caused by a incorrect datastore path. Device delimiter is set to '/' since commit c08f9212d5: (#18489) Hyper-V selective restore of one vm from a Hyper-V single server fails change: Renamed MTF_ERROR_END_PROCESSING to MTF_END_PROCESSING (not an error) change: Trace message with format specifier for long: 'Unexpected: Different BSA handles session[%ld] %ld <> argument %ld' change: Renamed MTF_ERROR_END_PROCESSING to MTF_END_PROCESSING (not an error) change: include the new O&O version 9.5.65 sbc_jira: fix removal of created backup dump file * bugfix (#18487) - Simultaneously started VSS backups fail with VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS - simple file backup is occurred with "VSS API error: CProcessesSynchronizer::SharedDataAccess: Failed to lock." bugfix (#18487) - Simultaneously started VSS backups fail with VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS - improved the mechanism of simultaneously started VSS backups for different solution. fix: (#17367) STATS command didn't work in case of FULL backup new: (#17367) Implement stats command when backing up MS-SQL database bugfix: (#18386) - Show included/excluded VSS writers in log level 0 - Change the sbc trace to sbc message 3500 for excluded writers change: (#18453) introduced 4 bit version field in extended attributes header; fixed a bug for encryption type new: Added the mtime colum triggers for restore_results, migration_results and media_results bugfix: (#18486) sbc cores on http and https backups since V4.4.2.55 change: (#18480) Sepuler is offline after system reboot. Reset counter after successful READ_INI() bugfix:(#18483) - false error message during Hype-V cluster VM restoration. bugfix: (#18489) Hyper-V selective restore of one vm from a Hyper-V single server fails. Turn device identifier delimiter '\' into '/' to allow a match with the Hyper-V item path with sm_reformat_lis change: Last commit added browsing for 'System_Recovery' but there should only be the critical volumes, not all volumes displayed, so avoid this extra browsing level again. new: (#18490) Insert a list of VSS writers during backup. Client browser now displays 'VSS:/{writers}' change: sFileInformation not available on UNIX change: Reset iTimeCnt BUGFIX: (#18475) SAP / ORACLE restores only 200 of 300 Files. Avoid problem whit wrong queue entry id by using uniq job id new: insert the sbc_vss.exe in the client and the gui package also. bugfix: (#18480) Sepuler is offline after system reboot. Probably a read sm.ini file problem. Now retry up to 12 times with delay 5s. change: Added '-EXPORT:x_Snprintf' to LINK_EXPORT bugfix: use a string instead of an integer to find out if the drive group is encryption_capable. change: x_DumpEx(): Instead of printing the address the size in hex is added to the BLOCK INFO. This allows to compare different dumps without getting different BLOCK INFO lines bugfix: (#18474) BSR Windows: O&O DiskImage Restore failed with core dump in BSAInit(). Check Session index in BSAInit() and reset session index in BSATerminate() to avoid array index overrun change: switched to the new O&O version 9.5.60. bugfix: (#18470) The same file is stored endless during path backup. Reset sFileInformation if called for Harlink group processing bugfix: (#18464) - Restore of microsoft group policys doesn't work with system_recovery - added "DFS Replication writer" into system_state backup, making the general solution for involving system writers starting from Win2008 change: Copy sbc_vss.exe to SEP sesam GUI and Client packages bugfix: (#18057): implemented missing void functions add log if waiting for EOM semaphore change: Compielr warnings since commit d2af0c7 resolved change: Structure for semaphore ctrl_restore'dn' with same name [g]semCtrlRestore in all modules change: Code revised: Extra function DELETE_EVENT_FROM_DB() to delete obsolete ..._events and log file name changed into 'sm_sepul_event_{schedule}-{ev_type}-{object}_{hhmmss}_{sesam_date}.log new: Add backup type 'JIRA' new: Add GitID and check arguments change: Recent changes fetched from master (commit 8f723abd): -F none default for restore, use r.json(), parse 'JIRA:/' change: Put 'replication' into a sub-function change: use VDDK 5.5.4 instead of 5.5.3 new: Flush log message to STDERR new: Create symlink to '' change: (#18418) Call 'sbc_vadp_nss_post' script before umount of VMDK new: (#18419) umounting NSS pools with special characters in the name bugfix: (#18455) - ME10 - Backup - error - Error: VSS API error: CVssServer::CreateSnapshot: No volume could be determined. Side effect of the commit 2c31009d70a87670796e62f9dbc45030dffc4464 change: Adapted initializer for static _MTF_GLOBAL sMTFContext due to recent changes BUGFIX: (#16472) Backup archive shortcuts (Metalogix HSM Archive). Set MTF Common Block Displayable Size to store file size of original HSM file and to set it in case of restore bugfix: (#18430) restore from a datastore over http and https fails with no "no tape in drive" change: (#18451) MS SQL is able to recover into new DB using sm_restore -a relocate_log_files (automated Logical Files relocation according to data in LIS file) change: #define KEY_LEN 128 added in xutil.h change: Avoid truncation of semaphore file name. Now use SCT_SEMA char szSema[KEY_LEN] (128). All semaphore caller must be recompiled. BUGFIX: (#18449) sbc_rear: end backup with warning if debian jessie is detected change: Output of 'Parameter file' /'Input file' with colon ':' change: SSB: Trace input file name bugfix: (#18436) SAP Restore ends with: XBSA Call BSAGetObject failed with message: Access to the requested object is not possible. Add output to trace the parameter file name. BUGFIX: (#17649) notes module does not backup anything if backup source ends with /. Remove '/' if given as last char of backup source. Fix recommendation for maxPages. WORKAROUND: (#18434) Wait 60 sec. to give 'sm_sms_watch' enough time to occupy EOM semaphore and avoid dead lock change: Use 'long long' for '*' to soter unique id bugfix: (#18430) restore from a datastore over http and https fails with no "no tape in drive"(applied workaround) bugfix: initialize variable work_dir, so it works for unix also. change: 'DB:terms/*' as BIGINT BUGFIX: Do not set EOL back to an earlier point in time, if EOL of pool used for DIFF/INCR backups is shorter then of FULL. (fix: SQL 'or' clause not in parentheses bugfix: (#16472) Backup archive shortcuts (Metalogix Archive). Avoid Warning with IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSAG_HSM 0X25 BUGFIX: (#18097) the working directory of the file to execute was not set correctly, hence the file was not found during execution. Now the working directory is explicitly set when executing the the command via Popen BUGFIX: (#18436) SAP Restore ends with: XBSA Call BSAGetObject failed with message: Access to the requested object is not possible. 553 RETR Failed. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. In case of a migrated saveset the saveset name contains an additional '@' delimiter.