RCS file: /cvs/ini/makefile.win32.pre,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.156 v_4_0_3_15: 1.161 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2011/06/30 15:27:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Copy ..\bin\sesam\sbc_vmware_cbt.dll $(SM_MAKEDIR)\..\bin_[cli]|[gui]\bin\sesam ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2011/06/09 12:53:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 change: Use compiled version of backint_sapdb.exe ---------------------------- revision 1.159 date: 2011/05/17 15:26:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Copy 'set_vddk64.ps1' script to skel for server kit ---------------------------- revision 1.158 date: 2011/05/17 08:44:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: Copy 'set_vddk64.ps1' script into GUI/Client kit ---------------------------- revision 1.157 date: 2011/05/16 12:28:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: libvirt must be copied into bin_cli|_gui/bin/sesam ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/scripts/sm_copy_kits.sh,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.16 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/16 06:28:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Correct move of DEB packages into 'old' directory ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/scripts/sm_kit.sh,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2010/12/27 10:13:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: CVSROOT from 'sepmail' -> 'cvs' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/scripts/sm_make_packages.sh,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/26 17:01:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 check 'HWPLATFORM' and 'DISTRIBUTION' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/skel/sm_db_update.ini,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.111 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/05/31 11:05:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 NEW: Update sesam version in 'params_fix' ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/05/24 09:22:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 BUGFIX: (#12914) Set 'restore_extern=n' for 'win32-unicode' ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/05/16 15:24:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: Call 'sm_setup set_java_policy' for update from 4.0.2->4.0.3 too ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/05/12 18:15:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 set correct protection for 'VMware vSphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2011/04/27 14:13:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 change: Commands for task type 'VMware vSphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2011/02/22 12:23:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 bugfix: Correct 'mkdir gv_rw_ini:stpd_conf' ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/02/18 11:18:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -16 change: Set task_types.backup_online and .missing_cfdi values ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/sql/sesam_db_pg.sql,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.191 v_4_0_3_15: 1.213 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2011/06/29 12:19:23; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Set user_name CHAR(255) for command, command_events and users, too ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2011/06/20 10:22:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: In same tables 'data_store' was to short, now set to correct VARCHAR(32). 'duration' set to VARCHAR(6) ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2011/06/17 06:47:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: 'clients.name NOT NULL UNIQUE' ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2011/05/31 08:03:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add 'clients.version_number' ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2011/05/27 11:09:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 change: Enlarge all ids ('cal_sheets.id, result.saveset...') to CHAR(64) ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2011/04/23 15:27:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: drop notifications and correct create notifications ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2011/04/18 12:07:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: 'restore_tasks.target_server/target_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2011/04/18 07:57:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: 'clients.vm_server_type' ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2011/04/05 10:53:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 new: Table 'notifications' ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2011/04/01 07:26:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add 'hw_drives.access_mode' ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2011/03/07 23:21:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add results.locked ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2011/02/17 11:42:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: task_types.missing_cfdi VARCHAR(4) ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2011/02/08 09:31:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: 'media_results.check_flag' ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2011/02/07 15:19:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 add data_stores.total/used/free ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2011/01/28 11:27:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 add 'media_events.data_store' and 'media_results.data_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2011/01/25 08:21:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +17 -9 rename 'datastore_events' to 'media_events' ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2011/01/24 16:45:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +37 -1 add 'media_actions' and 'datastore_events' ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2011/01/20 10:31:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +21 -4 add table 'data_stores' ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2011/01/18 14:31:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 add 'mediapool_location.(low/high)_water_mark ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2011/01/15 12:55:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add 'results.eol' ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2011/01/05 15:26:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add 'params_fix.server_id' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/sql/sesam_insert_start.sql,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.141 v_4_0_3_15: 1.152 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.152 date: 2011/06/17 07:15:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 change: Set 'task_types.missing_cfdi' ---------------------------- revision 1.151 date: 2011/06/16 09:16:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Set missing_cfdi to 'i' for 'SharePoint Server' (farm) and 'SharePoint Sites' ---------------------------- revision 1.150 date: 2011/05/27 11:08:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: ULTRIUM-TD4 and ULTRIUM-TD5' ---------------------------- revision 1.149 date: 2011/05/12 18:15:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 set correct protection for 'VMware vSphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.148 date: 2011/04/27 14:13:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Commands for task type 'VMware vSphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.147 date: 2011/04/26 15:43:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 adopt backup type 'VMware vSphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.146 date: 2011/04/01 07:26:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: (#12610) Drive type 'LTO-4' ---------------------------- revision 1.145 date: 2011/03/02 12:19:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -11 new: results.locked for locking single saveset change: only one generic media_type for DISK_STORE drives ---------------------------- revision 1.144 date: 2011/02/18 10:51:15; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Correct INSERT-statement for Hyper-V ---------------------------- revision 1.143 date: 2011/02/17 11:53:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +40 -39 new: Task_type 'Hyper-V' with prefix 'VSS:/Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer' change: Add settings for task_types.missing_cfdi ---------------------------- revision 1.142 date: 2011/01/13 15:24:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 add 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/makefile.common,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.150 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.150 date: 2011/06/07 14:28:08; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: '-I$(SMS_STPD_DIR)' added to IFLAGS ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.58 v_4_0_3_15: 1.60 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/05/12 16:18:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: build 'sbc_vadp' ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/01/08 15:41:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: Put shared libraries into LDFLAGS to avoid rebuild, because make searches for a file like '-lregex'. Add 'UUID' lib ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/makefile.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.284 v_4_0_3_15: 1.288 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.288 date: 2011/07/07 14:47:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.6A18 BUGFIX: Avoid duplicate last block in case of Exchange 2003 (since sbc.3.6A15 kit ---------------------------- revision 1.287 date: 2011/07/05 09:23:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.6A17 BUGFIX: Check if volume is excluded in case of 'all' backup before processing VSS snapshot; NEW: Backup source can be specified as key value from sm.ini pathes section, e.g. gv_rw_work:, gv_rw_prot:restore. ---------------------------- revision 1.286 date: 2011/07/01 13:16:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 SBC_NETWARE_VERSION=2.0A11: BUGFIX: Since version 1.8R36 a cluster failover was not longer executed ---------------------------- revision 1.285 date: 2011/06/03 07:56:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: XBSA_VERSION=4.0R1 with sSession[MAX_CONNECTIONS] structure to allow theuse of more connections for one process, e.g. for worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/makefile.wcommon,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.92 v_4_0_3_15: 1.95 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/06/09 12:54:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Rules to build ssb backint_sapdb.exe ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/06/07 14:40:56; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: remove all duplicated source code from stpd_main.c and stpd_utl.c ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/06/06 15:40:22; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Added CRYPT_LIB=$(ADD_LIB)\libeay32.lib and SSL_LIB=$(ADD_LIB)\ssleay32.lib ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.71 v_4_0_3_15: 1.74 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/06/09 12:54:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -3 change: Rules to build ssb backint_sapdb.exe ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/04/29 14:16:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 change: set the "vss" build's and clean's rules as separate targets ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2010/12/27 16:11:22; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 new: vss rule ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/cm_db_dummy.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/04 18:30:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 add dummy function 'iDB' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/cm_file_util.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/06 13:21:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: Reset cpInfo->szwInfo if called for 'du' ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/02/07 16:00:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +35 -26 change: vShowSummary() If cpInfo->bDuMode then show only summary size in KB like 'du -s .' ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/02/07 15:48:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Count only size for directories without 'nosbc' files ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/cm_lang.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.183 v_4_0_3_15: 1.186 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2011/04/06 09:04:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 E003_LICENSE_ERROR_STORAGE_SPACE ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2011/03/24 08:41:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: W001_COPYSAVESET -> E001_COPYSAVESET ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2011/03/10 12:42:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: XX_BACKUP_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/cm_trace.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.55 v_4_0_3_15: 1.58 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/01/18 13:55:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Now correct for UNIX with (int)(tv.tv_usec/1000) for milliseconds ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/01/18 13:53:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +23 -17 change: Adapted for Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/01/18 13:34:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +31 -6 change: If key [Params] gv_log_milliseconds=YES in sm.ini then trace with milliseconds ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/cm_url.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.79 v_4_0_3_15: 1.80 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/05/11 15:19:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: #include cm_posix.h ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/04/26 12:16:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: copy for md5.dll not longer necessary ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/04/26 08:01:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 change: Output changed 'Building ...' > 'Processing ... $(TARGET)' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/bf/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/26 08:09:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: out_dir_prepare rule improved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/LL.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/11 11:07:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/LL.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/11 11:07:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/LLstr.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/arg2Str.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/argv.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/buffStr.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/cm_crypt.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/27 11:10:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 new: cm_rand_base64url: Returns a random key 'base64url' encoded ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/26 12:17:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +72 -2 change: Move 'base64' function to cm_crypt.c ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/11 10:12:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/cm_crypt.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/07/05 07:38:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 define function 'cm_rand_base64url' ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/26 12:19:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: Move 'base64' function to cm_crypt.c ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/11 10:12:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/cm_split.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/cm_strptime.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -22 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/dictionary.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/fnmatch.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/iniparser.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/11 11:07:12; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: snprintf.obj with snprintf() and vsnprintf() not necessary on windows ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/replace.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/29 16:19:02; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +84 -1 new: strchrrep and wcschrrep - ANSI and UNICODE versions of the character replacement function ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/replace.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/29 16:19:02; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: strchrrep and wcschrrep - ANSI and UNICODE versions of the character replacement function ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/snprintf.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/11 11:07:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/strGM.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/strlib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/strsep.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/syserrtxt.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/21 21:30:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 source code format change ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/tokenStr.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/xutil.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/05/11 11:07:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/win32_hal/ev_base.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/08 14:56:15; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: Avoid Sleep(1000) in EVbase_WaitClose() ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/win32_hal/ev_base.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/16 13:37:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use global name space for events (prefix 'Global\') to allow to signal events (sm_kill 2 or 15) even for other users, e.g. system user ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/common/win32_hal/fp_base.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/11 15:42:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/md5/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/26 12:00:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: Distinguish between MD5_DLL and MD5_LIB - use different pathes ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/26 08:08:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: clean and build rule improved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/md5/sbc_md5.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/11 14:50:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compielr warning solved in MD5 svc_md5 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/sm_common.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/06/09 13:14:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: During parse of 'key=value' switches: Split only one time because value can include '=' ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/30 08:36:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6 bugfix: Correct order of free/used space ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/14 18:34:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 new parameter for 'sm_rexec_status' 'p' to allows switching write to Sesam prot ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/09 14:49:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 check 'error' condition ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/02/22 14:40:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: Call sm_rexec without '-L /dev/stdout' because some unknown IO problem in sm_popen on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/02/11 10:48:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +48 -4 add some 'disk stat' (df/du) functions ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/02/04 07:51:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Write to 'STDOUT' in sm_popen_status ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/01/26 07:59:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +15 -5 new: Option to write logline into 2nd file (sesam prot). Function 'sesam_day' ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/01/18 16:20:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +55 -57 sm_popen: new option 'outfilter' to filter out all matching lines from command output ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/01/18 14:33:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: function 'sm_rexec' to return buffer from a Sesam RCMD command call ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/sm_db.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/18 14:32:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4 change trace format ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/11 16:20:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +36 -16 add python DB-API 2.0 for access to Sesam DB ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/pg8000/__init__.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/11 16:23:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; add pure Python Postgresql access lib ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/pg8000/dbapi.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/11 16:23:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; add pure Python Postgresql access lib ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/pg8000/errors.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/11 16:23:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; add pure Python Postgresql access lib ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/pg8000/interface.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/11 16:23:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; add pure Python Postgresql access lib ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/pg8000/protocol.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/11 16:23:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; add pure Python Postgresql access lib ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/pg8000/types.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/11 16:23:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; add pure Python Postgresql access lib ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/python/pg8000/util.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/11 16:23:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; add pure Python Postgresql access lib ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/sbc_get_item.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.16 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/02 14:50:29; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: define wcscasecmp for WIN platform ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/31 08:47:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -8 change: Push retrieved subdirectories to the beginning of the list to allow to process them first ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/30 13:05:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +143 -134 CHANGE: Use more powerful common/common/LL*.c list implementation instead of common/common FIFO list.c implementation ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/30 09:00:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Call 'DestroyFIFOList( psFindStruct->hSubDirList );' after processing last element. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/11 15:21:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\sm_common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/sbc_get_item.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/02 14:07:28; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: include "LL.h" instead "List.h" ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/30 13:05:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: Use more powerful common/common/LL*.c list implementation instead of common/common FIFO list.c implementation ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/sbc_msg.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.144 v_4_0_3_15: 1.149 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.149 date: 2011/07/07 11:08:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: sbc-3305 Write end of file index record for item [...] (fail over) ---------------------------- revision 1.148 date: 2011/06/20 12:42:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: add log message, that describe the 'create snapshot' action with its parameters (quiesce, memory) ---------------------------- revision 1.147 date: 2011/06/07 15:53:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 new: log warning messages with id '2966', '2967' ---------------------------- revision 1.146 date: 2011/05/13 08:33:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 Message '3986' without prefix ---------------------------- revision 1.145 date: 2011/04/28 14:12:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: message with id=1940 (vm restore fails due to existing vm, no overwrite set) new: message with id=3930 (log version of vsphere component, if use vmaccess) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/sbc_parse_item.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/07/04 11:29:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: sbc_checkargs() check if eOPERATION > DIRLIST ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/05/11 15:21:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved in common\sm_common ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/packdata/makevolb.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/14 13:02:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Write volume and machine in VOLB block without ending zero to avoid postfixed '\' ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/06/15 11:25:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Write volume and machine in VOLB block without ending zero to avoid postfixed '\' (fetched from rev. 1.8) ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/05/02 15:23:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: status.c function now with extra argument _MTF_CURRENT_STATUS to allow use of worker threads for backup with own memory ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/05/02 07:55:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Use argumen _MTF_FILE * in Make_MTF_...() to allow use of concurrent thread suring backup ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/packdata/mtf_def.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/06/14 12:40:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Set SET MAX_SSET_USER 128 to allow longer user names in MTF SSET block ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/packdata/readdblk.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.64 v_4_0_3_15: 1.66 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/07/12 12:43:19; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: compare ansi and unicode characters ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/07/08 05:44:31; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 bugfix: use the wcsncpy instead wcslcpy because it occurs an failure of the MOSS item restore (wcslcpy - copies wide-characters of number size-1 !!! always) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/packdata/callback/pds.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/26 12:38:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: PDS_I_FILE_CLOSED, // 40 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/sm_common/packdata/callback/sbc_def.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/07/06 15:32:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: #define WSTR_SYSTEM_RESERVED_DE L"System-reserviert" ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/07/04 11:29:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: sbc_checkargs() check if eOPERATION > DIRLIST ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/21 14:06:56; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 bugfix: revert to v1.7 ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/21 13:23:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: revert last changes ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/21 12:30:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: -a btype=vmware_cbt, load sbc_vmware_cbt.dll ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/unix/cm_hal_file_util.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.28 v_4_0_3_15: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/05/06 13:25:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: set cpInfo->szUser to unknown user '-' ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/03/13 20:38:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 CHANGE: (#12451) Show Scalix only once in 'sm_client dir' output even 2 config files are found (usually this is a symbolic link) ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/03/07 12:50:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 add 'df' information to 'info' in case of mount point ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/02/08 11:40:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +37 -23 change: vShowTree[All] > iShowTree[All] ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/02/07 17:27:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warning removed ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/02/07 17:26:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +95 -80 change: Allow to call vShowTree() for a file (UNIX) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/unix/cm_hal_unix.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.92 v_4_0_3_15: 1.99 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/05/31 10:56:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: 'i_GET_LOCK_FOR_PROCESS': Write semaphore file to 'gv_rw_work:/sem' instead of 'gv_rw_work' ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/04/21 21:29:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: return 'errno' if 'statvfs' fails ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/02/10 11:11:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Return 'WEXITSTATUS(iReturn)' in 'i_cm_exec' ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/02/08 10:18:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +54 -5 new: int i_GetDirectoryUsage(cpPath,...) to return 'du' directory usage of 'cpPath' new: int event_log_lib_interface() to return /var/log/messages ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/01/17 14:09:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: i_GetDiskUsage() check if ( llAllBytes/100 == 0 ) ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/01/17 09:27:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 new: 'i_GetDiskUsage' to get free/used bytes of filesystem ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/01/08 15:43:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -12 add UUID lib ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/unix/cm_system_msg.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/28 15:24:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 add 'Sesam disaster information:' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/unix/cm_uuid.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/05 22:03:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: Call 'uuid_create' before 'uuid_make' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/02 11:56:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 change: Enforce version 1 uuid on Solaris because V3 does not work on it ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/02 11:53:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 new: cm_uuid: Check uuid type requested ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/unix/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.36 v_4_0_3_15: 1.37 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/01/08 15:43:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 add UUID lib ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/wnt/cm_event_log.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/16 13:38:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: #define SIGHUP SIGSEGV to use unused SIGSEGV (11) on Windows as SIGHUP ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/16 12:49:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 change: Add #define SIGHUP 1 missing on Windows ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/wnt/cm_hal_file_util.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.67 v_4_0_3_15: 1.82 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/06/16 12:16:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: If brosing source is '/System Recovery' then print '/System Recovery/all' and return ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/05/06 13:21:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: Set cpInfo->szUser to "-" ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/05/06 11:37:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: Show size for each file ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/03/03 13:18:12; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: iShowTree() Avoid matching of special task types with path elements, e.g. 'Exchange Server' ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/02/28 15:25:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use 'not_selectable' for not selectable files of Hyper-V sources ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/02/18 16:06:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +45 -3 change: Adaption vor Hyper-V source browsing: Host with type 'dh', lower level 'not_saveable' ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/02/17 16:49:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: set type to db for Hyper-V ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/02/17 16:46:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 change: Browse /Hyper-V: task type ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/02/10 13:06:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Changed browsing prefix '/VMware vSphere' > '/VMware vSphere:' ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/02/08 11:46:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +38 -34 change: vShowTree[All] > iShowTree[All] ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/02/08 10:49:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +54 -11 new: int i_GetDirectoryUsage( cpPath, ... ) for WINDOWS ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/02/07 17:06:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +16 -7 change: Allow to call vShowTree() with a file name ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/02/07 15:48:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 change: Count only size for directories without 'nosbc' files ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/02/02 16:50:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: vShowTree() now returns the Used size for volumes ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/02/02 15:02:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -10 change: Show size of mounted volumes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/wnt/cm_signal.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/16 13:44:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: Use global name space for events (prefix 'Global\') to allow to signal events (sm_kill 2 or 15) even for other users, e.g. system user ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/16 12:23:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -21 change: Use trace() instead of TR() to allow use of i_cm_signal() in lower components, e.g. sm_sms_main.exe ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/common/wnt/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.29 v_4_0_3_15: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/05/11 15:17:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: get trace.h from sbc windows by using -I$(SBC_WINDOWS_DIR) in first place ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/.classpath,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.42 v_4_0_3_15: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/05/04 12:42:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -7 change: classpath with removed packages (eclipse only) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/build.xml,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.112 v_4_0_3_15: 1.119 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/06/28 07:34:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 new: GUI Ant build: remove compiled classes not used for distribution ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/05/03 12:53:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +138 -203 change: remove all lib files and classes, that use old vm access interface ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/com/jidesoft/document/document_de.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/31 14:23:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: remove umlaut chars from source code ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/com/jidesoft/grid/grid.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/22 08:49:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: suppress output of "(Name)" and "(Description)" in the property panels if no values available ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/com/jidesoft/grid/grid_de.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/22 08:49:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: suppress output of "(Name)" and "(Description)" in the property panels if no values available ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/com/jidesoft/grid/grid_de_by.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/22 08:49:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: suppress output of "(Name)" and "(Description)" in the property panels if no values available ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CLIStrings.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.16 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/24 14:04:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: show hwdrive.drivenum instead of hwdrive.name for conflicting hw drives, when use cli datastore with drive creation ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliAction.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.16 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliClient.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.42 v_4_0_3_15: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/06/16 10:57:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 change: set password (-P), if create client with CLI ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliCommandEvent.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliData.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/17 10:01:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: set correct sql query, if use cli with command 'add datastore' with drive and drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/16 14:34:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -4 change: improve remove hwDrives with cli, add parameter -G , -g for remove all drives at specified drive group, that are not in use, driveNum must be set to 'auto' ('remove drive auto -g drivegroup') ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/16 12:35:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 bugfix: check, if drive group is still in use by drives, before delete it with cli ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/01 12:59:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: new parameters for cli 'list media' action > -D list media by given day > -m list media by mediapool ->-l list media by label ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/04 11:43:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: rename method 'getTypFromHwDrives' to 'getTypeFromHwDrives' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/24 10:26:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 bugfix: prove, if required parameters -h, -l, -c are set for cli datastore change: improve datastore help bugfix: prove, if datastore is still in use by hwdrive, when try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/31 14:00:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +43 -1 new: cli object datastore with actions add|modify|remove|help|list ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliDataStore.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/07/06 15:16:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: CLI Data Store generation: Avoid NPE when creating a DataStore if there are no hw_drives. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/07/06 13:53:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: Avoid possible NPE when creating a DataStore with drive and drive group via CLI ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/21 13:49:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 bugfix: check, if datastore already exists, is use cli 'datastore' command with 'add' action ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/17 11:57:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +48 -3 new: parameters for cli 'add datastore' -o config drive disabled -m mediapool name (create new mediapool) -e eol for media pool ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/17 10:12:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 new: parameter '-d ' for drive creation of cli 'add datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/17 10:01:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: set correct sql query, if use cli with command 'add datastore' with drive and drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/16 11:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Avoid a 'column name is not unique' exception when try to use a duplicate data store name new: update data store table when a data store is inserted or deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/16 10:36:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 bugfix: use cli for create datastore with drivegroup fixed, prevent nullpointerexception ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/16 10:24:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: use cli for create datastore with drivegroup fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/07 16:33:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -12 remove: unused method 'getAutoNum' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/03/04 11:43:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: rename method 'getTypFromHwDrives' to 'getTypeFromHwDrives' ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/02 14:15:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: allow only negative values for data store fields capacity, high_water_mark and negative values+zero for low_water_mark at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/24 13:35:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: prove, if datastore is still in use by hwdrive, when try to delete it fixed change: set default value for datastore.low_water_mark to "0" for cli datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/24 10:26:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -13 bugfix: prove, if required parameters -h, -l, -c are set for cli datastore change: improve datastore help bugfix: prove, if datastore is still in use by hwdrive, when try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/24 09:37:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set datastore at hwdrive object, when use cli datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +199 -23 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/22 15:49:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 change: allow negative values for cli datastore parameter -c (capacity), -l (lowwatermark), -h (highwatermark) ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/07 11:43:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +39 -36 change: reduce cli 'datastore' parameter to (-i, -c, -l, -h) and prove syntax of parameter and datastore name (no blanks allowed) -i comment -c capacity <0-9> in Gb -l low_water_mark <0-9> in Gb -h high_water_mark <0-9> in Gb ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/31 14:00:31; author: cg; state: Exp; new: cli object datastore with actions add|modify|remove|help|list ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliDriveGroup.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/16 12:35:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 bugfix: check, if drive group is still in use by drives, before delete it with cli ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliFailure.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -30 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/24 14:25:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 better errore message format ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/24 10:26:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: prove, if required parameters -h, -l, -c are set for cli datastore change: improve datastore help bugfix: prove, if datastore is still in use by hwdrive, when try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/07 11:43:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: reduce cli 'datastore' parameter to (-i, -c, -l, -h) and prove syntax of parameter and datastore name (no blanks allowed) -i comment -c capacity <0-9> in Gb -l low_water_mark <0-9> in Gb -h high_water_mark <0-9> in Gb ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliHelp.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +79 -64 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliHwDrive.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.25 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/06/16 14:34:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +65 -9 change: improve remove hwDrives with cli, add parameter -G , -g for remove all drives at specified drive group, that are not in use, driveNum must be set to 'auto' ('remove drive auto -g drivegroup') ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/02/22 15:55:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: add -p parameter for cli hwdrive ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/02/22 15:28:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 change: do not allow set parameters -D , -d at the same time for cli object "hw drives" ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/02/22 15:18:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +64 -47 new: new parameters -D , -p for cli object "hw drives" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliInventory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/17 10:01:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set correct sql query, if use cli with command 'add datastore' with drive and drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/11 17:17:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show correct cli error message, if use cli start inventory with media type, that does not exist ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliLocations.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -7 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliMailer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.29 v_4_0_3_15: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliMain.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.92 v_4_0_3_15: 1.97 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/01/31 14:00:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 new: cli object datastore with actions add|modify|remove|help|list ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/01/25 14:05:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 new: cli help text for cli action 'sql' (sm_cmd help sql) and cli list operation (sm_cmd help list) ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/01/19 16:57:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: show status log line at curl call, if cli action in successful ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/01/19 16:48:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6 bugfix: init localdbconns, if cli runs in servermode to prevent nullpointer exception ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +26 -7 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliMediaPool.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.25 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/16 11:34:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -9 new: cli parameter '-g' (drivegroupid) for mediapool ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliMediapoolEvent.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliMigration.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.46 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/03/18 09:10:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -9 remove: code fragments at cli migrate class, that is unnecessary ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/03/18 09:05:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -3 bugfix: use cli with action migrate fixed, set all neccessary data (saveset, grpflag) for migrationevent ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/03/15 11:42:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 bugfix: use cli action 'migrate' fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/03/15 10:00:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: cli with action 'migrate' fixed, remove parameter 'G', 'j', 'c' and set parameter 's' mandantory, refresh clihelp with changes ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliMigrationTask.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/03/15 10:00:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -6 bugfix: cli with action 'migrate' fixed, remove parameter 'G', 'j', 'c' and set parameter 's' mandantory, refresh clihelp with changes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliObj.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.35 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/01/31 14:00:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: cli object datastore with actions add|modify|remove|help|list ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/01/25 14:05:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: cli help text for cli action 'sql' (sm_cmd help sql) and cli list operation (sm_cmd help list) ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliRestart.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/03/03 10:14:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: cli with operation 'list restart' fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliRestoreEvent.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.35 v_4_0_3_15: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliSchedule.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/02/11 18:18:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -7 bugfix: prevent null pointer exception, when try to add new schedule with cli ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliShortcuts.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliTaskEvent.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.47 v_4_0_3_15: 1.49 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/02/09 09:48:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 bugfix: check, if drivegroup of mediapool (-m) contains drivenum (-d), when use cli with shortcut 'backup' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/ListObject.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/01 14:37:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -15 change: show used labels for newday events at results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/01 13:25:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: cli with operation "list media" without parameters fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/01 12:59:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +35 -3 change: new parameters for cli 'list media' action > -D list media by given day > -m list media by mediapool ->-l list media by label ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/01/27 15:42:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +32 -2 change: improve cli list and web service server, show only given object cli example: (#>sm_cmd list locations ) url example: (http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/task/2files?d=|&F=noheader) ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/SQLOutputFormatter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/02 09:24:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: set correct sql header column, when use cli sql with count operation ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/11 16:53:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: cli parameter -K for all clievents (taskevent, restoretaskevent, mediaevent, ...), that set suppress flag bugfix: print sql queries without 'select' fixed, when use cli sql ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/28 10:44:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -6 bugfix: set correct cli return value, if use cli with action sql modify/insert ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/27 15:09:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: disable cli list parameter -s, -C, if use cli sql component ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/resources/CliHelpData.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.60 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/06/17 11:57:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: parameters for cli 'add datastore' -o config drive disabled -m mediapool name (create new mediapool) -e eol for media pool ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/16 11:34:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: cli parameter '-g' (drivegroupid) for mediapool ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/01 12:59:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 change: new parameters for cli 'list media' action > -D list media by given day > -m list media by mediapool ->-l list media by label ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/03/15 15:39:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -11 correct examples ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/03/15 10:00:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -7 bugfix: cli with action 'migrate' fixed, remove parameter 'G', 'j', 'c' and set parameter 's' mandantory, refresh clihelp with changes ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/03/03 09:11:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +50 -42 change: Correct CLI help ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/02/24 13:21:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -12 Correct help for 'datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/02/24 10:26:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 bugfix: prove, if required parameters -h, -l, -c are set for cli datastore change: improve datastore help bugfix: prove, if datastore is still in use by hwdrive, when try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/02/22 15:18:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 new: new parameters -D , -p for cli object "hw drives" ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/02/11 17:05:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -12 change: synchronize cli help with cli help from internal wiki ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/02/11 16:58:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: add cli help for new cli parameter '-K' ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/02/07 11:43:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -12 change: reduce cli 'datastore' parameter to (-i, -c, -l, -h) and prove syntax of parameter and datastore name (no blanks allowed) -i comment -c capacity <0-9> in Gb -l low_water_mark <0-9> in Gb -h high_water_mark <0-9> in Gb ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/01/31 14:00:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -4 new: cli object datastore with actions add|modify|remove|help|list ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/01/28 14:24:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: improve cli help resources, add examples to cli help results ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/01/27 14:40:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct parameter (-s) at cli help text, that describe 'help list' action ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/01/27 14:13:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 bugfix: prove, if -d 'put' is set, when try to manipulate data with url access (use of cli shortcuts) ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/01/25 14:08:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: improve cli help output format for cli objects 'list', 'sql' ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/01/25 14:05:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +36 -1 new: cli help text for cli action 'sql' (sm_cmd help sql) and cli list operation (sm_cmd help list) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/LogMsg.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/20 12:42:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: add log message, that describe the 'create snapshot' action with its parameters (quiesce, memory) ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/07 15:53:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: log warning messages with id '2966', '2967' ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/17 09:19:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: log message with id '1120' (backup source not found), if vm does not exist ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/13 07:54:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: log message with id '3986', if server is esx fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/28 13:29:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: log version of vm access omponent change: cancel restore vm, if vm already exists and overwrite flag is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/13 14:02:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: set whole parameter 'a' to sbc exec, if backup vm change: disable vm backup with vijava component ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/06 16:06:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: vm message with id '3986' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/05 10:50:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve logging for vmaccess component, remove gui version at log, give moref logs own logid, remove warn log, if snapshot does not exists ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/SBCLogger.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/28 13:29:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -11 change: log version of vm access omponent change: cancel restore vm, if vm already exists and overwrite flag is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/05 10:50:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: improve logging for vmaccess component, remove gui version at log, give moref logs own logid, remove warn log, if snapshot does not exists ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VMAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.105 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/07/01 10:54:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -8 new: add new VM backup invocation ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2011/06/20 15:53:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -1 change: print sbc_vm commandline at log, if use vmaccess ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/06/20 12:19:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +37 -9 new: vmaccess subparameter (mem)ory ( default=false , (qui)esce (, default=true) for create vm backup|snapshot, enable/disable memory, quiesce flag (snapshot_task) ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2011/06/15 11:50:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -19 change: modify subparameter 'vmname' for vmaccess, add folder to vmname (folder/datacenter/vmname) ---------------------------- revision 1.101 date: 2011/06/15 11:14:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set correct subparameter 'datacenter' for sbc invocation at component 'vmaccess' ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2011/06/15 10:23:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 change: improve subparameter 'datacenter' at component 'vmaccess', allow foldername before datacentername (-a datacenter="DS-Folder/SEP Test DC") ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/06/09 09:41:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -31 bugfix: use vmaccess with vcenter password, that contains '=' fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/06/09 08:24:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: use vmaccess with vcenter password, that contains '=' fixed, remove substring 'null' ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/06/08 16:18:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -5 bugfix: use vmaccess with vcenter password, that contains '=' fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/06/08 15:48:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 change: Help text ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/06/07 15:01:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 bugfix: decrpyt vcenter password for vmaccess operations 'createsnapshot', 'removesnapshot', 'list' ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/06/03 07:53:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: print stacktrace of exception for vmaccess, if exceptionmessage is null ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/05/31 14:23:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 change: remove umlaut chars from source code ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2011/05/23 14:53:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +47 -13 bugfix: set encoding format 'CP850' for outputstream of component vmaccess ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2011/05/23 10:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -3 bugfix: set correct format for sbc invocation, when use vm backup/restore operation ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/05/20 07:53:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: deactivate URL encoder for vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/05/19 15:11:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -7 bugfix: print original vcenter data, if utf8 converter fails bugfix: replace all chars of cluster name with UTF8 format, when use vmaccess with backup, restore ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/05/19 13:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: replace all blanks at cluster name with char '%20' at vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/05/19 10:43:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +91 -104 remove: subparameter 'vcenter ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/05/19 08:44:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set subparameter without argument for vmaccess fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2011/05/19 08:00:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 bugfix: restore vm with vmaccess, when use no vcenter fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2011/05/18 15:39:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5 bugfix: continue with vm backup, if clone vmx fails ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2011/05/17 12:29:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +50 -52 change: improve logging, if vm access produce errors ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/05/17 09:19:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: log message with id '1120' (backup source not found), if vm does not exist ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/05/17 08:57:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 bugfix: remove vmx file after backup fixed (serviceinstance war not more initialized after backup) ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/05/12 11:07:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: start vm backup at command line fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/05/12 08:47:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: reset flag vmError in VMAccess ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/05/11 14:53:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +35 -36 change: show vmaccess exceptions as extra browser row, when caller is GUI ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/05/04 07:28:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -6 bugfix: VMAccess: The password was decoded to late ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/05/03 12:53:17; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +32 -309 change: remove all lib files and classes, that use old vm access interface ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/05/02 11:04:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: add subparameter 'vm' to sbc invoke, when restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/05/02 10:54:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 change: remove sbc vmx subparameter for restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/05/02 09:36:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: set correct -a subparameter (vmx=, vm=vmname), when invoke sbc ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/05/02 09:14:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -27 change: remove test code from vm access component ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/05/02 09:06:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: accept vm/vmx subparameter for backup/restore vm operation ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/05/02 08:51:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +38 -40 remove: cloned vmx file after vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/04/28 15:55:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -5 change: create clone of vmx before create snapshot at vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/04/28 14:03:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 change: cancel restore vm, if vm already exists (without cut of vmx) and overwrite flag is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/04/28 13:29:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +26 -3 change: log version of vm access omponent change: cancel restore vm, if vm already exists and overwrite flag is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/04/27 15:41:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 bugfix: remove sbc subparameter 'vcenter', if host is esx and vm operation is backup ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/04/27 14:32:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: remove apostrophs at parameter 'a' ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/04/27 13:40:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set correct subparameter 'vcenter' for sbc call with operation backup vm fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/04/27 13:25:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -32 bugfix: set correct subparameter 'server' for sbc call fixed change: prevent changes of parameter '-R' ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/04/27 13:06:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -13 change: enable subparameter 'server' for vcenter, if use backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/04/27 12:37:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: remove subparameter 'vm', when restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/04/27 12:25:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +45 -11 change: append vcenter,cluster to log with id '3902' change: accept [user.*] as subparameter (username) ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/04/26 08:49:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +59 -25 bugfix: set correct sbc parameters for restore vm with sbc ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/04/20 15:33:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +270 -37 change: change sbc command line for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/04/20 11:03:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 change: remove vcenter subparameter for sbc call, if host is no vcenter, when backup/restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/04/20 10:07:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -10 bugfix: add apostrophe before and after argument of parameter a ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/04/20 09:43:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -30 bugfix: add all subparameter to -a parameter for sbc commandline, when start vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/04/20 09:06:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -98 bugfix: decrypt password for vm backup/restore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/04/20 07:36:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +113 -2 new: decrypt password in VMAccess ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/04/15 14:01:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/04/14 10:15:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -16 change: improve log messages at vm access component ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/04/13 16:41:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -46 bugfix: set correct message, if login to vSphere server failed (SystemError Exception) ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/04/13 16:33:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -7 bugfix: print whole command with 'sm_rexec', if use data mover, when start vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/04/13 16:12:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 bugfix: set correct parameters for sbc call, if execute backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/04/13 16:03:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +46 -51 bugfix: set correct parameters for sbc call, if execute backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/04/13 15:05:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: convert server subparameter to vcenter, when execute sbc ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/04/13 14:59:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: prevent log of stacktrace, if stacktrace exception will be thrown ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/04/13 14:31:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -16 bugfix: replace parameter of sbc call, prevent to loop through all given subparameter of -a parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/04/13 14:02:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +43 -22 change: set whole parameter 'a' to sbc exec, if backup vm change: disable vm backup with vijava component ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/04/13 12:02:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: allow -a subparameter, that are unknown for vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/04/13 11:39:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -8 new: subparameter dm (datamover) for backup,restore vm action ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/04/08 10:55:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +56 -14 bugfix: improve vm parameter, allow append of datacenter to specify vm, set 'datacenter/vm' or 'vm', if vm is unique ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/04/08 09:15:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: stop vm backup, if vm name is not unique (exists at several data centers) ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/04/06 15:54:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +43 -19 change: execute sbc, if restore vm with same parameters like vm backup, if vm does not exists, use -R parameter (datacenter, datastore, vm) as sbc commandline ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/04/05 10:50:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -107 change: improve logging for vmaccess component, remove gui version at log, give moref logs own logid, remove warn log, if snapshot does not exists ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/04/01 11:14:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 bugfix: prevent NullPointerExceptions, if use subparameter without argument (passwd=), when use vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/03/29 12:21:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -8 change: remove all snapshots, before create temporary snapsnap, when create vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/03/29 11:16:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 change: improve log, add sbc execution command, if create vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/03/29 10:06:17; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -10 change: disable create of temporary directory, if start vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/03/25 15:36:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +113 -24 new: arguments 'delete:', 'deleteall', 'nodeletebefore', 'deletebefore', 'deletebefore' for subparameters 'snap*' at vm access component new: log base drive new: append root vmkd path to sbc execution vmdk subparameter ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/25 10:06:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: print correct vmdk´s depending on latest snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/24 11:53:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set all vmdk´s of latest snapshot to sbc parameters bugfix: set correct sbc, if use backup vm with subparameter 'sbc=download' and get vm files with viJava API ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/24 10:34:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +52 -40 bugfix: finally remove created snapshot, if create vm backup and procedure fails ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/24 09:59:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: remove blanks at parameter '-a' for backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/03/24 09:45:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: set vmdk files as extra parameter, when execute vm backup bugfix: set correct quotes at sbc_vmware execution call ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/03/24 09:07:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -10 bugfix: if use backup vm, execute sbc_vmware only with vmdk files change: prevent remove snapshot warnings during backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/03/24 08:41:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: start vm backup fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/23 14:45:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +40 -30 change: accept regular expression 'pass.*' for password as subparameter, rename 'password' to 'passwd' ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/22 17:37:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: fix internal logic, if backup vm with subparameter 'sbc=sbc' ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/22 17:32:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +50 -28 remove: subparameter sbc_vmware for vm access change: set several arguments (sbc=default, download=viJava vm download, any other string = remote call) for subparameter 'sbc' at vm access interface ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/22 17:00:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: use correct remote exe 'sbc_vmware' for backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/22 16:59:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +57 -9 bugfix: backup vm with sbc_vmware fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/03/22 16:16:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -7 change: set subparameter 'sbc_vmware' as default, when backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/22 15:04:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +71 -75 change: improve error handling at vm access component, remove created snapshot, if error occur ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/22 14:41:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -5 change: set 'vmx' subparameter to 'vm' and add esx host to argument of parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/22 14:17:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +77 -64 bugfix: remove snapshot, if sbc_vmware execution fails bugfix: enclose parameter 'a' with apostrophe ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/22 13:20:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +167 -48 change: disable backup vm with java, execute 'sbc_vmware' for backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/22 12:08:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -135 new: snapshot action 'list' for viJava modul new: snapshot action 'removeAll' for viJava modul, that remove all SepSesam snapshots bugfix: backup vm with sbc fixed (subparameter sbc=on must be set) ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/21 17:11:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -6 change: generated name of snapshot, if create new one, append saveset_id after name ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/03/21 15:37:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: use correct format for log, when create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/21 15:18:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +49 -10 bugfix: use correct format for log, when create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/03/21 14:00:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +84 -11 change: improve log line, when create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/18 11:33:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: log snapshot reference id of new snapshot bugfix: create vm snapshot fixed bugfix: handle case, if use list vm with datastore, that does not exist ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/11 15:58:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -17 new: browse vSphere for sep event ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/10 15:48:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -6 change: accept subparameter (snapshot=delete) for delete a snapshot, same as (snapshot=remove) change: show '*' instead of vm password at log ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VMGuiAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +58 -5 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/19 08:56:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: encrypt client password with version MD5 in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/15 14:18:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: methods 'getUser', 'getPassword' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -6 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/15 08:56:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +32 -1 new: fill datastore/datacenter combobox at restore wizard vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/14 15:37:57; author: cg; state: Exp; new: vmaccess for gui ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/ExportOvfToLocal.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- revision date: 2010/04/28 15:24:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 new: dockable gui from source gui V3.7 Build 1 A 1.7869 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/ImportLocalOvfVApp.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- revision date: 2010/04/28 15:24:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 new: dockable gui from source gui V3.7 Build 1 A 1.7869 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/PrintInventory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/12 09:03:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: set correct size of vmdk, if browser vm ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/12 08:44:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -9 bugfix: check, if VirtualMachineConfigInfo from vm is null, when print vms ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/03 08:27:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -47 remove: arguments of method 'printVM', that is not more needed ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/02 12:00:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -5 bugfix: browse vm data fixed, show all vms at specified datacenter ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/04/26 16:28:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: set correct browser path, if select vm element at browser change: hide browser checkbox for browser vmdk rows ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/15 09:17:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -30 bugfix: set correct vmdk size data at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/14 12:44:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: rename getVMData() method ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +36 -36 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/08 13:22:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +123 -1 new: browse of vmdk´s (base disk) for vm at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/08 11:46:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -0 change: add cluster, esx server to list vm output ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/08 10:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +64 -0 bugfix: improve vm parameter, allow append of datacenter to specify vm, set 'datacenter/vm' or 'vm', if vm is unique ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/18 11:33:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 change: log snapshot reference id of new snapshot bugfix: create vm snapshot fixed bugfix: handle case, if use list vm with datastore, that does not exist ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/28 16:46:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: new icon for vSphere.datastore row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/28 14:49:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 bugfix: select correct task type at task dialog, when select browser row with type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/11 15:58:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +66 -10 new: browse vSphere for sep event ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMConfig.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/19 10:50:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: method 'isVCenter' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/17 12:29:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 change: improve logging, if vm access produce errors ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/02 08:51:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -2 remove: cloned vmx file after vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/28 15:55:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +36 -1 change: create clone of vmx before create snapshot at vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/28 14:03:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 change: cancel restore vm, if vm already exists (without cut of vmx) and overwrite flag is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/27 12:25:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -1 change: append vcenter,cluster to log with id '3902' change: accept [user.*] as subparameter (username) ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/20 15:33:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +89 -4 change: change sbc command line for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -22 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/08 09:15:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -16 bugfix: stop vm backup, if vm name is not unique (exists at several data centers) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/06 15:54:02; author: cg; state: Exp; change: execute sbc, if restore vm with same parameters like vm backup, if vm does not exists, use -R parameter (datacenter, datastore, vm) as sbc commandline ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMController.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/07/01 10:54:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 new: add new VM backup invocation ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/06/15 10:23:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 change: improve subparameter 'datacenter' at component 'vmaccess', allow foldername before datacentername (-a datacenter="DS-Folder/SEP Test DC") ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/09 15:24:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 change: skip obsolete VM message: [Input length = 1] ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/31 14:23:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -7 change: remove umlaut chars from source code ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/24 13:53:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -6 bugfix: encode argument of subparameter 'cluster' with 'utf8', before invoke sbc for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/23 13:28:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -0 change: print cluster value with and without utf8 for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/19 15:11:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: print original vcenter data, if utf8 converter fails bugfix: replace all chars of cluster name with UTF8 format, when use vmaccess with backup, restore ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/17 14:33:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: prevent check of valid host system, if use backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/17 12:49:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -6 bugfix: check, if datacenter contains esx server, when use vmaccess with operation restore ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/17 12:29:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +154 -36 change: improve logging, if vm access produce errors ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/17 09:19:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 bugfix: log message with id '1120' (backup source not found), if vm does not exist ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/13 07:54:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -4 bugfix: log message with id '3986', if server is esx fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/27 12:25:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -0 change: append vcenter,cluster to log with id '3902' change: accept [user.*] as subparameter (username) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/27 07:52:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -8 bugfix: log correct esx server for message with id '3986', when use vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/20 15:33:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -7 change: change sbc command line for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/20 11:03:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +39 -18 change: remove vcenter subparameter for sbc call, if host is no vcenter, when backup/restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/18 13:22:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -0 new: add vmx info to printVMInformations ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/14 11:11:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +34 -23 change: log vm data with unique id '3986', when backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/14 10:15:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +34 -7 change: improve log messages at vm access component ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/13 16:03:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: set correct parameters for sbc call, if execute backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/13 14:02:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: set whole parameter 'a' to sbc exec, if backup vm change: disable vm backup with vijava component ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/13 12:02:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: allow -a subparameter, that are unknown for vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +153 -8 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/08 13:22:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -3 new: browse of vmdk´s (base disk) for vm at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/08 10:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +38 -6 bugfix: improve vm parameter, allow append of datacenter to specify vm, set 'datacenter/vm' or 'vm', if vm is unique ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/08 09:15:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +48 -0 bugfix: stop vm backup, if vm name is not unique (exists at several data centers) ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/06 15:54:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 change: execute sbc, if restore vm with same parameters like vm backup, if vm does not exists, use -R parameter (datacenter, datastore, vm) as sbc commandline ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMFileAccessVI.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMRestoreVI.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +114 -85 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMSnapshotNew.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/06/20 12:42:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -5 change: add log message, that describe the 'create snapshot' action with its parameters (quiesce, memory) ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/06/20 12:19:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 new: vmaccess subparameter (mem)ory ( default=false , (qui)esce (, default=true) for create vm backup|snapshot, enable/disable memory, quiesce flag (snapshot_task) ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/16 08:56:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 revert change adding space after folder name, because sbc_vmware doesn't it need it any more ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/15 11:59:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: add blank between folder and datacenter for sbc invocation at vmaccess compoment, that is requires, if backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/06/15 11:14:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 change: set correct subparameter 'datacenter' for sbc invocation at component 'vmaccess' ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/06/07 15:53:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 new: log warning messages with id '2966', '2967' ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/06/07 15:08:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +89 -81 bugfix: if create snapshot fails due to 'FilesystemQuiesceFault', try it second time without quiesce flag ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/05/24 14:10:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: encode argument of subparameter 'datacenter' with 'utf8', before invoke sbc for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/05/24 14:06:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -12 remove: log of debug code ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/05/24 13:53:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: encode argument of subparameter 'cluster' with 'utf8', before invoke sbc for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/05/23 13:28:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: print cluster value with and without utf8 for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/05/20 07:53:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: deactivate URL encoder for vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/05/19 15:11:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: print original vcenter data, if utf8 converter fails bugfix: replace all chars of cluster name with UTF8 format, when use vmaccess with backup, restore ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/05/19 13:47:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -0 bugfix: replace all blanks at cluster name with char '%20' at vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/05/18 07:49:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 bugfix: if drive is independent, remove vmx path completely at sbc call, if use vmaccess with backup ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/05/17 16:04:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -5 bugfix: if drive is independent, prevent adding it to sbc vms pathes, if use vmaccess with backup ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/05/02 09:47:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 bugfix: set correct -a subparameter (vmx=, vm=vmname), when invoke sbc ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/04/27 07:52:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 bugfix: log correct esx server for message with id '3986', when use vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/04/14 11:11:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: log vm data with unique id '3986', when backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/04/13 11:16:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: correct close of vm service instance at end of vm access ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/04/08 13:22:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -13 new: browse of vmdk´s (base disk) for vm at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/04/08 09:15:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -13 bugfix: stop vm backup, if vm name is not unique (exists at several data centers) ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/04/06 13:52:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +42 -4 change: add moref of vm, snapshot to sbc commandline ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/04/05 10:50:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -4 change: improve logging for vmaccess component, remove gui version at log, give moref logs own logid, remove warn log, if snapshot does not exists ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/04/04 15:05:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: log moref of current vm, if create vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/04/04 14:21:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -163 change: log internal name of temporary snapshot, if create vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/03/30 16:22:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: add log message, that show independent drives (no snapshot creation possible), if create backup of vm ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/03/30 16:12:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: prove, if drive is independent and add base drive to sbc command line, it it is ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/03/30 15:43:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -13 bugfix: add correct cluster to sbc command line, when create vm backup, if no cluster exist, add no cluster to sbc command line ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/03/30 10:55:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -0 change: add cluster to sbc command line, when create vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/29 10:22:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: append all vmdk files to sbc exec command ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/28 15:41:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +249 -127 bugfix: add correct source drives to all base drives, when execute sbc_vmware ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/28 10:33:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +58 -16 bugfix: add source to all base drives, when execute sbc_vmware ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/25 16:40:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 bugfix: set correct base discs at logging, when create snapshot for vm ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/03/25 16:14:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -6 bugfix: log base discs, when create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/03/25 15:51:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +127 -36 new: arguments 'delete:', 'deleteall', 'nodeletebefore', 'deletebefore', 'deletebefore' for subparameters 'snap*' at vm access component new: log base drive new: append root vmkd path to sbc execution vmdk subparameter ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/03/25 11:28:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +45 -4 bugfix: add blank char at vm parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/25 10:06:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -92 bugfix: print correct vmdk´s depending on latest snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/24 11:53:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -7 change: set all vmdk´s of latest snapshot to sbc parameters bugfix: set correct sbc, if use backup vm with subparameter 'sbc=download' and get vm files with viJava API ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/24 09:45:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -5 change: set vmdk files as extra parameter, when execute vm backup bugfix: set correct quotes at sbc_vmware execution call ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/24 09:07:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 bugfix: if use backup vm, execute sbc_vmware only with vmdk files change: prevent remove snapshot warnings during backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/23 14:45:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: accept regular expression 'pass.*' for password as subparameter, rename 'password' to 'passwd' ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/03/22 16:59:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: backup vm with sbc_vmware fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/22 15:22:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 bugfix: cancel vm operation, if vm does not exist ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/22 14:41:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set 'vmx' subparameter to 'vm' and add esx host to argument of parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/22 14:17:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: remove snapshot, if sbc_vmware execution fails bugfix: enclose parameter 'a' with apostrophe ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/22 12:08:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +111 -15 new: snapshot action 'list' for viJava modul new: snapshot action 'removeAll' for viJava modul, that remove all SepSesam snapshots bugfix: backup vm with sbc fixed (subparameter sbc=on must be set) ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/21 16:31:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -13 change: log datastores of vm, if create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/21 15:58:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: log datastores of vm, if create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/03/21 15:37:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 bugfix: use correct format for log, when create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/21 15:18:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +35 -10 bugfix: use correct format for log, when create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/03/21 14:00:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +91 -5 change: improve log line, when create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/18 15:21:17; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -6 bugfix: print correct host system of vm, if create new snaphot ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/03/18 15:01:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: print host system of vm, if create new snaphot ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/18 14:48:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: print vmx path of vm, if create new snaphot ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/18 13:45:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -0 new: log all files, that belongs to snapshot, if create snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/18 11:33:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -0 change: log snapshot reference id of new snapshot bugfix: create vm snapshot fixed bugfix: handle case, if use list vm with datastore, that does not exist ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/extern/VMPoweroff.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/resources/SBCStrings.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/20 12:42:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -0 change: add log message, that describe the 'create snapshot' action with its parameters (quiesce, memory) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/13 07:54:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: log message with id '3986', if server is esx fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/28 13:29:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: log version of vm access omponent change: cancel restore vm, if vm already exists and overwrite flag is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/08 09:15:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: stop vm backup, if vm name is not unique (exists at several data centers) ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/05 10:50:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve logging for vmaccess component, remove gui version at log, give moref logs own logid, remove warn log, if snapshot does not exists ---------------------------- revision date: 2010/04/28 15:24:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 new: dockable gui from source gui V3.7 Build 1 A 1.7869 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/AboutDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.46 v_4_0_3_15: 1.47 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -7 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ArchivDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.60 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/05/31 14:18:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 bugfix: the use small font button did not switch to small font view bugfix: The images of lto and rdx media were swapped ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -165 new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/02/01 11:38:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +74 -76 bugfix: (#12158) size of archiv dialog will be increase after each reopen fixed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/BlockFormatter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/03/10 14:26:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show size values (total, free, use) in 'gb' without unit at new data store dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ButtonPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/09 10:55:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -2 NEW: added a second button for creating a media pool from the first tab of the data store dialog NEW: Ask user if he likes to create a new media pool after creating a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -19 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/03/09 12:11:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +60 -39 new: method 'getCreateDrive()' ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/03 14:02:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: hide quick search field at datastore dialog, if first tab is active ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/17 10:24:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -12 new: Implement 'Save View' in the saveset tab of the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CalendarSheet.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.85 v_4_0_3_15: 1.90 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/05/20 13:54:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 bugfix: (#12412) refill event-table at component calendarsheet, if cyclic refresh is activated ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/05/20 13:12:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: hide cyclic refreshbutton at toolbar, when selected day is not current day ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/05/20 12:38:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: user calendar from server time,when check, if day is today (component: calendarsheet) ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/05/20 12:29:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +92 -127 bugfix: (#12444) set correct date at calendar sheet after change tab ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/04/13 10:17:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: removed obsolete debug logging ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -13 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.102 v_4_0_3_15: 1.121 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/07/07 13:59:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -9 change: remove duplicate refresh of tree in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/05/13 07:25:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +58 -42 BUGFIX: It was not possible to delete a password in the client dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/05/09 10:35:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: use password controller class as non static ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -0 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/04/21 14:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 bugfix: the previous stored data mover was not shown when opening the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/04/21 13:16:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: add missing else in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/04/21 13:07:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -52 new: add distinction of cases ESX-Server and vCenter when switching password tab in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/04/21 11:43:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +77 -38 change: Switching between different password tabs in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/04/20 15:13:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +148 -16 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the Client Properties Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/04/20 10:51:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 new: Added a checkbox "Client is a vCenter Server" to the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/04/20 08:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +182 -199 change: add ESX-Server handling in Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/04/15 13:51:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -5 new: add username/password pane to client dialog when OS is ESX Server ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -0 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -12 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -6 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2011/02/01 15:44:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -18 bugfix: (#12122) refresh client at tree, if change client comment fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientDialogMainPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/04/21 11:43:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -6 change: Switching between different password tabs in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/04/20 15:13:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -18 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the Client Properties Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/20 10:51:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -7 new: Added a checkbox "Client is a vCenter Server" to the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/20 08:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: add ESX-Server handling in Client Dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientNew.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.101 v_4_0_3_15: 1.112 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/05/09 10:35:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: use password controller class as non static ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/04/20 15:13:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the Client Properties Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/04/20 14:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -17 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the New Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2011/04/20 13:49:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 change: Use common class PasswordController for password encryption new: Crypt password when writing vCenter client entry from client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2011/04/20 08:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -25 change: add ESX-Server handling in Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/04/19 15:42:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +280 -204 change: generalize tabbed pane handling in client new dialog to respect case OS is ESX-Server ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2011/04/19 13:58:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +122 -280 change: cleanup code before making functional changes ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/04/15 13:51:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -7 new: add username/password pane to client dialog when OS is ESX Server ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -18 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientNewMainPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.16 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/20 15:13:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the Client Properties Dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CloneTaskDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CloneTaskPane.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CommandPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/09 11:13:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: use 'LimitedStringControlDocument' as new document for command name ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CommandTableDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.34 v_4_0_3_15: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/06/27 10:33:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Correct internal name of the command table in the command table dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CommandsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/04 08:44:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -9 bugfix: ( #12397) Avoid NPE in Commands Dialog when the the host name was changed externally ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentClient.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.102 v_4_0_3_15: 1.118 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/06/21 15:56:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -4 change: improve handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in Topology ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/06/21 15:31:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -24 change: Simplify handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in Topology ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -14 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/06/21 12:26:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -18 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in Topology ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -18 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/05/04 15:46:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -56 remove: old unused code ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2011/03/01 12:43:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: use correct constructor for creating location dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +36 -36 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentDriveGroups.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.63 v_4_0_3_15: 1.74 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -10 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -10 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/01/27 11:00:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -15 bugfix: (#12127) GUI Refresh: after edit drive groups fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentLoader.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.72 v_4_0_3_15: 1.82 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -11 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -9 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentTaskGroups.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -11 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -11 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -21 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/10 09:17:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -3 bugfix: (#11505) show vss flag depends on client at taskdialog, if caller component is 'taskgroup' ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -3 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -13 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -2 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DataService.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.248 v_4_0_3_15: 1.275 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.275 date: 2011/07/07 12:42:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 CHANGE: Disable 'locked until' combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- revision 1.274 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.273 date: 2011/06/16 12:35:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: check, if drive group is still in use by drives, before delete it with cli ---------------------------- revision 1.272 date: 2011/06/01 12:59:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: new parameters for cli 'list media' action > -D list media by given day > -m list media by mediapool ->-l list media by label ---------------------------- revision 1.271 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.270 date: 2011/05/06 13:07:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 remove: unused method 'getPreferenceValueByProfil' ---------------------------- revision 1.269 date: 2011/04/20 14:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the New Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.268 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.267 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- revision 1.266 date: 2011/03/28 10:24:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: DataStoreDialog: Get the media results of a disk store directly via data store name, not via label ---------------------------- revision 1.265 date: 2011/03/22 16:36:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Fill the client combobox in the drive dialog only with values of clients which are sesam device servers ---------------------------- revision 1.264 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.263 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.262 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.261 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.260 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.259 date: 2011/03/04 11:43:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: rename method 'getTypFromHwDrives' to 'getTypeFromHwDrives' ---------------------------- revision 1.258 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.257 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.256 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.255 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.254 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.253 date: 2011/01/28 08:43:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Adding support for data stores to new media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.252 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.251 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.250 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -37 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.249 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Defaults.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.43 v_4_0_3_15: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/06/07 10:15:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: retrive saveset tree in the restore wizard with new method sm_lis_items; to activate insert entry to table defaults: key='sm_list_items', user='sesam', value='1' ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/06/03 12:57:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 change: move pathrow with path='/' to parent level change: get 'use pathrow' switch from defaults each time, when browser opens ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/06/01 15:07:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: add path rows with defaults entry (key=use_path_rows, value=1,user=sesam) ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/02/24 09:10:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -6 bugfix: set mediapool as default without predefined default mediapool at component media pools fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/02/02 15:07:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -1 change: (#12034) set default media pool at component media pools ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DelDrive.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.24 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/09 10:32:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: avoid a possible NPE when deleting a drive from the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/06 08:38:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -119 bugfix: Avoid an InvocationTargetException when deleting a drive with a reference to migration_tasks ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DeleteClient.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DialogMedien.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.40 v_4_0_3_15: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveActionDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/02/15 08:24:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -16 change: correct title in DriveActionDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/14 12:30:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 bugfix: (#12282) use toolbar button 'drive actions' with selected drivegroup at gui component 'hwdrives' fixed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.138 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.138 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.137 date: 2011/03/31 13:03:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: ( #12604 ) The file "device" remained empty when opening a tape drive the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.136 date: 2011/03/23 13:52:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 bugfix: create new mediapool at data store dialog fixed, prevent exception, when try to change drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.135 date: 2011/03/22 16:36:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: Fill the client combobox in the drive dialog only with values of clients which are sesam device servers ---------------------------- revision 1.134 date: 2011/03/22 16:07:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 bugfix: In the normal drive dialog (Properties) the drive group was not set in every case. ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2011/03/11 12:00:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -24 bugfix: avoid PSQLException when creating a new drive starting from Data Store dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +50 -10 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2011/03/09 16:10:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: delete drives from data store dialog fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +39 -9 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.128 date: 2011/03/09 13:32:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: set field 'drive type' at drive dialog to 'not editable', when caller is data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.127 date: 2011/03/08 13:07:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -3 new: open drive properties at datastore, if use double click at table drive change: checkbox for create drive new: textfield drivenum at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.126 date: 2011/03/04 12:47:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -23 change: hide option tab at drive dialog, if drive type is 'disk_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.125 date: 2011/03/04 11:43:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: rename method 'getTypFromHwDrives' to 'getTypeFromHwDrives' ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2011/03/02 16:44:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +49 -16 change: Port changes to cvs head done with Check-in [34915] on branch v4_0_2_branch: bugfix: Prevent a PSQLException when creating a new drive ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/02/21 16:50:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: avoid possible PSQLException when creating a new drive with drive type DISK_STORE ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -21 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +103 -167 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +202 -54 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/01/25 15:58:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -20 change: Drive Dialog: Moved the input field for path for removable media from the options tab to the main tab ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/01/19 16:16:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 change: customized handling of field hw_drive.device in case of DISK_STORE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveGroupDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveGroupDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.38 v_4_0_3_15: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveOptionPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/02 16:44:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 change: Port changes to cvs head done with Check-in [34915] on branch v4_0_2_branch: bugfix: Prevent a PSQLException when creating a new drive ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/25 15:58:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -34 change: Drive Dialog: Moved the input field for path for removable media from the options tab to the main tab ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DrivePanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/31 13:03:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 bugfix: ( #12604 ) The file "device" remained empty when opening a tape drive the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/03/14 10:13:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -22 change: limit sms_cnts to max 60 ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +36 -8 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/01/25 15:58:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +41 -1 change: Drive Dialog: Moved the input field for path for removable media from the options tab to the main tab ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Editor.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.38 v_4_0_3_15: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/EventsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/06 08:38:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -76 bugfix: Avoid an InvocationTargetException when deleting a drive with a reference to migration_tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/01/19 15:31:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct imports for class ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ExceptionHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.36 v_4_0_3_15: 1.37 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/FeedbackDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.24 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/FontDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Frame.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.324 v_4_0_3_15: 1.336 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.336 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -16 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.335 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.334 date: 2011/04/15 12:52:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 change: Add border to workspace layout ---------------------------- revision 1.333 date: 2011/04/13 10:24:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: avoid getting uninitialized center area instance ---------------------------- revision 1.332 date: 2011/04/08 08:49:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 bugfix: Avoid to write an empty string in the eol field of the saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.331 date: 2011/04/06 15:20:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: install Jide Extension for uniform LookAndFeel ---------------------------- revision 1.330 date: 2011/04/05 15:20:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 change: globally register new OnOffCellEditor ---------------------------- revision 1.329 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ---------------------------- revision 1.328 date: 2011/04/04 13:32:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: use new OnOffConverter for saveset table's locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.327 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +78 -1 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.326 date: 2011/03/29 11:06:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: close gui, if click at X (top right icon) at update gui dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.325 date: 2011/03/23 09:08:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 new: button 'cancel' for exit gui at 'update gui' dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/FreeDriveDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/GroupDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Inventory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/06/21 09:36:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Do not overwrite the slot range for inventory of virtual loader when already set by the user ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/06/21 09:32:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: The proposed slot range for inventory of virtual loader was overwritten when the media pool was changed by the user ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/20 14:19:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: proposed slot range for inventory of virtual loader (now "0-") ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/01 09:49:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +109 -239 CHANGE: (#12996) Allow individual slot range input for the Archive Adjustment ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/04/07 13:40:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 BUGFIX: Transfer fix of Check-in [35527] on branch v4_0_2_branch: BUGFIX: Remove leading and tailing double quotes in sm_inventory parameters ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/InventoryPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/01 09:49:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -22 CHANGE: (#12996) Allow individual slot range input for the Archive Adjustment ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LicenseDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LoaderActionDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LoaderDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LocationDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.24 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LocationDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.38 v_4_0_3_15: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/03/01 09:28:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -15 bugfix: refresh tree at component topology after create new location ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -3 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MailSettingsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/26 08:24:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: correct string filter for email textfield in the email settings dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/25 10:07:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: Prevent the entry of a space in the sender field of the mail dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MailSettingsPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -17 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Mailer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.67 v_4_0_3_15: 1.69 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/01/25 13:14:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: improve return value after send a mail with invalid file path (-M) with mailer component ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/01/25 12:58:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +59 -70 bugfix: when use mailer with parameter '-M and the filename does not exists, prevent to write log message 'mail successfully send' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.119 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/07/07 12:42:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -3 CHANGE: Disable 'locked until' combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/07/07 09:45:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 CHANGE: Hide write protection combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/06/30 12:14:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +126 -104 change: save selected date format of table 'media_read_check' at media dialog, if save current table view ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/06/29 13:37:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -5 change: save 'mediadialog.saveset table' view with selected date format at default profile ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/05/26 12:07:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: set correct screenshot name for media property dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/05/25 13:46:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: Let the user edit the EOL date of the saveset in the media dialog only when coming from the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/05/25 12:50:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -14 NEW: The EOL date in the saveset table of the media dialog is now editable within the table ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/05/12 07:39:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: (#12819) Couldn't delete users comment of a media ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/04/15 08:36:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -28 change: simplify method to populate the used labels row in the Media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2011/03/28 15:03:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -220 change: Use same model for all media action tables (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +98 -86 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2011/03/23 16:11:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -8 bugfix: remove media from media table at data store dialog, if remove media ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -4 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.101 date: 2011/02/28 12:14:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -6 new: Add mechanism to open a result dialog when double clicking on a saveset table row in the media or the data store dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2011/02/18 14:48:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: Add missing state converter to Media and Data Store Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -25 new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/02/17 10:24:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +77 -221 new: Implement 'Save View' in the saveset tab of the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -24 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +46 -253 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaDialogPanel1.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/07/07 09:45:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 CHANGE: Hide write protection combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaDialogPanel3.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/18 14:55:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: enlarge row hight of saveset table in data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/28 14:56:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: unify panel for savesets table ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -7 new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaDialogPanel4.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/29 15:08:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 bugfix: switch date format for table 'media read check' at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/27 10:34:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: put the internal name of the media table to TableTypeConstants.COMPONENT_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/07 10:39:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set an intercell spacing to the readcheck table ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaManagDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/10 07:43:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: Media Managment Dialog: The value of the 'accept EOL' combobox was filled and stored with wrong values in the db ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/23 11:45:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -31 change: cleanup source code ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/23 11:42:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +123 -137 BUGFIX: (#12135) Incorrect button label in the window media management ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaManagDialogPanelNB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/23 11:42:10; author: wf; state: Exp; BUGFIX: (#12135) Incorrect button label in the window media management ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaManagDialogPanelNB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/23 11:45:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -9 change: cleanup source code ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/23 11:42:10; author: wf; state: Exp; BUGFIX: (#12135) Incorrect button label in the window media management ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaNew.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.48 v_4_0_3_15: 1.62 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/03/17 16:44:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: set size for column 'media.filled' at data store dialog bugfix: set correct visibility of media dialog items, if create new media at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/03/17 11:51:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -6 bugfix: initialize new media sub dialog at data store dialog with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -3 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/03/14 10:12:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 bugfix: Avoid NPE when creating a new media on a disk store pool. ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/03/03 17:10:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: hide more gui elements at media dialog, when create new one and mediapool.type is 'data_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/03/03 17:00:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -10 change: hide more gui elements at media dialog, when create new one and mediapool.type is 'data_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/03/03 13:07:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 bugfix: fix media.mediapool listener, hide textfield 'media type', if select mediapool with data store type, otherwise show it ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -26 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/02/17 10:56:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 change: avoid duplicate entries in the storage pool combobox of new media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/01/28 08:43:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +114 -136 new: Adding support for data stores to new media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/01/25 16:02:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -17 change: added dependency if pool references to a data store to New Media dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaNewPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/03 17:05:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -7 change: hide more gui elements at media dialog, when create new one and mediapool.type is 'data_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/03/03 17:00:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -3 change: hide more gui elements at media dialog, when create new one and mediapool.type is 'data_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/28 08:43:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -13 new: Adding support for data stores to new media dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaPoolsDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MegaBlockFormatter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/10 14:26:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show size values (total, free, use) in 'gb' without unit at new data store dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MemoryDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MigrationTasks.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -15 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -9 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/05/27 13:38:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: The immediate start of a migration was sometimes shifted to the next day ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +98 -51 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MonitoringDrives.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.30 v_4_0_3_15: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MonitoringProcess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.19 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/NetwarePanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/30 13:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 The Exchange Access panel in the task dialog was not visible when started from task by status ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/29 12:50:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 change: set correct password label for task type 'exchange' at task dialog, resize user field at exchange tab (task dialog), that user fits to user field ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/29 12:22:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 remove: exchange password popup change: crypt password before write it into db ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/29 09:08:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 change: show password tab at task dialog, if task type is 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/01 10:14:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: image icon for VCenterMode ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/21 13:07:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 new: add distinction of cases ESX-Server and vCenter when switching password tab in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/20 15:13:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the Client Properties Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/15 13:51:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -12 new: add username/password pane to client dialog when OS is ESX Server ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/PasswordController.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/29 12:22:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 remove: exchange password popup change: crypt password before write it into db ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/19 13:58:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: cleanup code before making functional changes ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/19 08:56:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: encrypt client password with version MD5 in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/PasswordDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.24 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/PolicyData.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Protocol.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.69 v_4_0_3_15: 1.71 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/06/30 16:00:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: add correct attachments to mail, which exists and improve mail message, if attachments does not exist ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ProtocolRestore.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.35 v_4_0_3_15: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RefreshButton.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/24 16:29:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -12 bugfix: (# 12379) GUI ends with OutOfMemoryError ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RegisterDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.25 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -7 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RemoteServerDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.59 v_4_0_3_15: 1.60 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RestoreTaskDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RunMediaDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.56 v_4_0_3_15: 1.57 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleBackupTasks.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.58 v_4_0_3_15: 1.69 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -10 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -9 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -3 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/05/09 08:42:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: save tree for component schedulebackuptasks, if change tab at gui ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -11 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleDates.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.74 v_4_0_3_15: 1.84 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -10 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -11 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/02/07 12:52:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +55 -48 bugfix: Avoid NPE in the schedule dates tree if a reference to an unknown event is listed in the database ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -7 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleMediaDates.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.73 v_4_0_3_15: 1.90 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -10 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -10 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/05/31 08:09:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +48 -3 change: reduce db accesses to table 'media_pools', if open gui component 'media pools' ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/03/24 14:09:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -36 change: Add read check panel to media pool dialogs only if needed (never in data store context) new: Set context specific icons for media pool dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/03/03 11:04:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: open properties dialog of media with new tree icon (disk_store) fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/03/02 17:20:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -4 bugfix: use correct method for proving type of mediapool is 'data_store' change: set new icon for mediapool, media with type datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/02/24 09:10:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -7 bugfix: set mediapool as default without predefined default mediapool at component media pools fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/02/02 15:07:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +70 -11 change: (#12034) set default media pool at component media pools ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScreenshotManager.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +64 -35 new: show extra file dialog, that allow to set new path to screenshot, if capture screenshot fails ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/31 12:48:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -12 change: show error in extra messagebox, if capture screenshot fails ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/31 11:30:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 bugfix: capture exception and print error to log, if capture screenshot fails ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/31 11:18:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -7 bugfix: prevent using umlauts for screenshotmanager ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/31 10:50:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: save screenshots to path 'SEPsesam\var\tmp\' ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/26 14:11:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +84 -73 bugfix: prevent capture gui screenshot several times ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/26 13:55:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: capture screenshots for gui with linux platform fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/26 13:49:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -1 bugfix: Allow screenshots on non modal dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/26 12:39:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: use title of JDialog, if name of JDialog is not set for screenshot name ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/25 14:56:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 change: add cvs head to class 'screenshotmanager' ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SelectClient.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.24 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SesamIconsFactory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/01 10:14:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 new: image icon for VCenterMode ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/01 09:52:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: create extra mount items for browser, if os of hostsystem is 'linux' ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/31 14:18:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: the use small font button did not switch to small font view bugfix: The images of lto and rdx media were swapped ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +51 -14 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/05 09:53:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: locked icons for media component locked col ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/03 14:14:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: vmdk icon for browser vmdk rows under vm ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/04/11 11:16:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: fix problems with mutilated locked icons in saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/03 11:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 new: images for media_datastore and mediapool_datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/02/28 16:46:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: new icon for vSphere.datastore row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/23 14:36:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: make checkboxes in the client browser XP compatible ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/18 11:02:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Icon for hyper_v tasktype ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 new: Set of icons for hyper_v ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/11 09:18:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: Icon for data store purge ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/01/20 11:31:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: package root and initial icon for data_stores ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SingleDialogMedien.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SingleRemoteServerDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.44 v_4_0_3_15: 1.46 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SingleUsersDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.26 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +79 -71 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SingleUsersDialogWithDB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TabTree.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.139 v_4_0_3_15: 1.145 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.145 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +38 -38 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.144 date: 2011/05/06 13:22:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: remove sortabletreetablemodel at tree search function, that is not more neccessary ---------------------------- revision 1.143 date: 2011/04/04 09:54:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -19 bugfix: (#12612) fill tree at component topology, taskbyclient with all servers fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.142 date: 2011/03/03 11:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -36 new: images for media_datastore and mediapool_datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.141 date: 2011/03/02 17:20:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: use correct method for proving type of mediapool is 'data_store' change: set new icon for mediapool, media with type datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.140 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TablePreferences.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/10 14:16:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: save visible columns at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/28 14:56:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: unify panel for savesets table ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/17 10:24:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -133 new: Implement 'Save View' in the saveset tab of the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/11 14:26:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 new: implement function 'Save view' for the DataStore table. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TablePrinter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskByClient.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.108 v_4_0_3_15: 1.121 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -11 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -25 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -21 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -3 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/05/10 11:32:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: add button 'new client' to toolbar of component taskbyclients ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +26 -13 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -2 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/01/19 10:58:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 bugfix: prevent unnecessary sql queries, if change gui tab to 'task by client' component (performance improvement) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskByClientToolBar.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/30 14:17:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: (#12925) prevent create of subclient under client at component taskbyclients fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/12 09:08:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: change position of button 'create client' at taskbystatus toolbar ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/10 11:32:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -1 change: add button 'new client' to toolbar of component taskbyclients ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskDelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskGroupDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.48 v_4_0_3_15: 1.50 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskTypeUtils.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/19 08:23:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 new: add a separate backup type logo row in the restore wizards task table ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/16 16:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; bugfix: The backup type icon in the restore wizards task table were no more visible; new: Extracted backup type to icon conversion end eliminate duplicate code ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TimeTable.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.128 v_4_0_3_15: 1.141 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.141 date: 2011/06/28 13:46:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -73 bugfix: TimeTable: Avoid empty lines in tree of the timetable if a task was selected and opened; add missing show of properties task in group; ---------------------------- revision 1.140 date: 2011/06/22 08:46:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -15 bugfix: Avoid duplicate filling of the property panels with the same values ---------------------------- revision 1.139 date: 2011/06/21 13:13:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -10 change: Consistent handling of addTreeSelectionListeners in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.138 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -20 change: Alternative handling to control the filling of the PropertyPanel in all tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.137 date: 2011/05/26 12:40:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent refresh of property table, if expand/collapse nodes at tree ---------------------------- revision 1.136 date: 2011/05/20 11:42:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: (#12448) refill tree of schedule component with correct values when close taskgroup dialog bugfix: (#12409, set correct status=inactive for tree icon at scheduletree after creating a new inactive schedule) ---------------------------- revision 1.135 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.134 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2011/01/31 16:21:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: (#11505) show VSS Option checkbox, if open properties of a task from component timetable (schedules) ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2011/01/31 10:55:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: refresh property table after editing gui element (task,client,schedule,...), for all components with tree ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/01/24 16:33:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: improve performance, if use search function at any gui component with tree, change tab and search again ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TimedDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TraceLevelDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.28 v_4_0_3_15: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/UsersDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +116 -111 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/UsersDialogWithDB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/CliBroDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/25 13:00:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/11 17:05:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 new: method 'getClientsByName' ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/08/24 15:57:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -24 new: SSL for interfaces dataservice infoservice exeservice extendedremotepermission ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/ClientDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.22 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/04/20 14:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -68 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the New Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/04/04 13:17:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: set correct class casting for method 'getCountCommandEventsByHost' ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +49 -1 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/DataStoreDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/20 10:19:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Avoid possible NPE when creating a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/18 08:32:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Set correct content of drive group selection when opening the media dialog coming from 'Media Pool for new Datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/04 14:19:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: if create mediapool at datastoredialog and datastore has drives, initialize drivegroup at mediapooldialog ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/28 10:24:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: DataStoreDialog: Get the media results of a disk store directly via data store name, not via label ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -3 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/23 13:52:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: create new mediapool at data store dialog fixed, prevent exception, when try to change drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/22 13:27:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: write drive group name in the data store dialog instead of id ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/03/18 14:40:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +41 -1 new: Added new editable column 'locked' to saveset table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -1 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -14 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/03/09 10:14:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: fill drive goups combobox at datastore dialog for new datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +119 -1 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -2 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -1 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -2 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -292 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:35; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/DefaultsDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/03 12:57:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: move pathrow with path='/' to parent level change: get 'use pathrow' switch from defaults each time, when browser opens ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/DriveDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/03/23 13:52:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: create new mediapool at data store dialog fixed, prevent exception, when try to change drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/03/22 16:36:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: Fill the client combobox in the drive dialog only with values of clients which are sesam device servers ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/03/04 12:47:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: hide option tab at drive dialog, if drive type is 'disk_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/03/04 11:43:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: rename method 'getTypFromHwDrives' to 'getTypeFromHwDrives' ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -7 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/MediaDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.46 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/07/07 12:42:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 CHANGE: Disable 'locked until' combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/05/25 12:50:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -1 NEW: The EOL date in the saveset table of the media dialog is now editable within the table ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/03/28 15:03:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: Use same model for all media action tables (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/01/28 08:43:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 new: Adding support for data stores to new media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -25 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/MediaPoolDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/18 08:32:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 bugfix: Set correct content of drive group selection when opening the media dialog coming from 'Media Pool for new Datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/03/22 15:45:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: The a new media pool was no more saveable from data store dialog bcs. of missing id. (Sequence error of using names of the drive group in the media pool table) ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -4 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/02 17:20:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 bugfix: use correct method for proving type of mediapool is 'data_store' change: set new icon for mediapool, media with type datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/07 15:05:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 bugfix: hide textfield 'directory' and radiobutton 'use_storage_pools' at media_pools dialog, if drive_type of selected drive_group is 'disk_store' ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/08/24 15:57:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -25 new: SSL for interfaces dataservice infoservice exeservice extendedremotepermission ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/RestoreDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +39 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/04/15 14:00:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +58 -1 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/02/18 16:17:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: set correct sesam log message depends on method name ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/ResultsDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/20 12:26:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 NEW: Added columns for Loader and Slot to the used label table in the results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -3 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/01 14:37:17; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -2 change: show used labels for newday events at results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -3 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/01 12:35:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -2 change: show textfield 'on/off mode' at results dialog, when task_type.online_mode = '1' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/ScheduleDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/StartDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.26 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/01 14:37:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: set enable of hot/cold combobox at run backup dialog dependency to table task_type.backup_online = 'y' or '1' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/TreeDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.108 v_4_0_3_15: 1.115 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/06/10 09:27:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 new: method 'getNameFromClient' for class 'treedataaccess' ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/05/06 13:07:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -21 remove: unused method 'getPreferenceValueByProfil' ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -1 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/03/02 17:20:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 bugfix: use correct method for proving type of mediapool is 'data_store' change: set new icon for mediapool, media with type datastore ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/accounts/AccountTable.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/accounts/AccountTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/accounts/DialogAccounts.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -16 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/accounts/SslConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/BrowserColumnCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/10 14:16:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -8 new: save visible columns at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/08 13:01:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -2 change: remove status 'subselect' for all mount rows under rootrow '/', if rootrow is selected ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/21 09:05:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: hide the flexipanel when showin the VM panel in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/BrowserConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/BrowserLegend.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/30 08:20:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: added path symbol to browser legend ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/12 10:39:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: added vSphere datastore icon to browser legend ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/BrowserMethods.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.144 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.144 date: 2011/07/08 14:17:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change : Enable browsing into VOLUMES of a Linux Cluster File System. ---------------------------- revision 1.143 date: 2011/07/08 08:18:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 Client Browser: Eliminate tailing colons in labels of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Sites; Change Icons under SharePoint Sites ---------------------------- revision 1.142 date: 2011/07/06 16:05:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -69 BUGFIX: Allow multiple exclude on NetWare Linux File System in the Client Browser ---------------------------- revision 1.141 date: 2011/07/05 15:30:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -8 bugfix: revert changes done with Check-in [37089]: Enhancements for NetWare Linux Cluster File System had side effects to NetWare Linux File System browsing ---------------------------- revision 1.140 date: 2011/07/04 14:03:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 bugfix: (#13182) Wrong source of metadata backup for XenServer fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.139 date: 2011/07/04 09:39:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 BUGFIX: Could not browse mount points when located under "All local file systems" ---------------------------- revision 1.138 date: 2011/06/28 15:09:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 bugfix: refresh task tree after create restore task bugfix: set correct items at browser of restore wizard, if start an existing restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.137 date: 2011/06/22 14:16:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -102 new: Browser Methods: Decode mime text in the mail subject of a IMAP Row ---------------------------- revision 1.136 date: 2011/06/22 08:32:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: select correct items under 'vcb' row at browser, if reopen browser, set correct task type, if select 'vcb' item at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.135 date: 2011/06/21 15:26:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: select correct exclude paths, if selected path is 'all' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.134 date: 2011/06/21 09:42:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -9 bugfix: selected correct items at browser, if path preselection exists and browser will be reopen ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2011/06/20 11:15:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 bugfix: select exclude for zarafa children rows fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2011/06/20 10:01:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: select correct row with path = 'all', if browser table contains several paths 'all' and browser will be reopen ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2011/06/20 08:51:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: rename label of browser pathrow to 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2011/06/20 08:11:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: set correct exclude items at browser, if reopen it ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/06/17 09:01:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 bugfix: show only browser rows with type 'path' and hide checkbox for all files at browser of datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.128 date: 2011/06/17 08:22:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: enable new browser selection permanently (no default entry required) ---------------------------- revision 1.127 date: 2011/06/16 09:08:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 bugfix: select pathrow at browser, if given path is 'all' bugfix: prevent deselect of mountrow, if childs are still excluded ---------------------------- revision 1.126 date: 2011/06/15 15:51:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -7 change: exclude several rows for childs of 'novell' rootrow ---------------------------- revision 1.125 date: 2011/06/14 12:37:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: show row 'scalix' at browser, prevent duplicated rows at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2011/06/14 10:56:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: allow multiselection for 'hyper-v' at browser change: allow selection of rootrow 'hyper-v', set path to 'all' ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/06/14 09:40:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: if browser tasktype 'hyper-v' at browser, set correct task name change: allow only single selection for browser items under parent with type 'Hyper-V' bugfix: set correct path, if browser child row of 'hyper-v' ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2011/06/10 15:23:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: hide checkbox for row 'citrix xen server' bugfix: select correct children of parent row 'citrix xen server', if reopen browser ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/06/10 15:13:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -6 change: add all 'citrix xen' browser rows to new parent row 'citrix xen server' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/06/10 14:13:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +61 -49 change: put all files to level 'citrix xen' at browser, if client os is 'Citrix Xen Server' and path starts with 'XEN Server' ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/06/10 13:30:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: hide columns 'allrow', 'pathrow' at browser, if tasktype is 'Citrix Xen Server' ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/06/10 12:09:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +132 -98 bugfix: subselect correct child rows under rootrow with type 'citrix xen server' ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/06/10 10:59:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -8 bugfix: fill row 'CitrixXenServer' row with data at browser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/06/10 09:28:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: hide allrow and pathrow at browser, if clientplatform is 'NETWARE' ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/06/09 15:47:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: sub select rootrow 'zarafa', if childs of them are selected at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/06/09 15:12:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 bugfix: select correct exclude rows under root row 'all', if reopen browser ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/06/09 13:32:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +67 -30 bugfix: select correct rows, if reopen browser ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/06/09 08:32:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: disable correct child mount rows of parent row 'all', which type is 'nfs' ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/06/08 15:53:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 bugfix: exclude content of inner mount rows from rootrow '/' at browser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/06/08 15:15:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: remove misleading title appendix in client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/06/08 14:59:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -6 bugfix: Avoid another case of duplicate selection of rows starting with the same vPath ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/06/08 13:47:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 bugfix: Avoid duplicate selection of rows starting with the same vPath ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2011/06/08 13:01:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +34 -9 change: remove status 'subselect' for all mount rows under rootrow '/', if rootrow is selected ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2011/06/08 09:53:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 bugfix: check, if row type is ',nfs', before disable row under all row bugfix: disable all rows with type ',nfs' under all row ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/06/08 09:23:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: add correct exclude path, if select row under row 'all' at browser change: translate node 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2011/06/07 14:41:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent duplicated browser rows ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/06/07 13:44:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 change: disable all mountrows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2011/06/07 13:27:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: disable all mountrows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' change: allow inner selection instead of exclude for mount rows under rootrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.101 date: 2011/06/07 11:00:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: disable browser rows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' change: prevent expand of browser rows 'all', '/', when open browser first time ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2011/06/07 10:47:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 change: set sm_gui_request relevant sesamLogger messages from debug to info level ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/06/07 10:40:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct string parameters for sm_lis_items ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +32 -4 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/06/07 10:15:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 new: retrive saveset tree in the restore wizard with new method sm_lis_items; to activate insert entry to table defaults: key='sm_list_items', user='sesam', value='1' ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/06/06 15:57:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: show mount rows under pathrows ('\', 'all') at file browser ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/06/06 15:54:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 change: remove separated mount rows from pathrow 'all', set all elements under pathrow 'all' as exclude rows, set same elements for pathrow 'all' as pathrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/06/06 10:55:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: change pathrow '/' position, place it after pathrow 'all', show mount rows under pathrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/06/03 12:57:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 change: move pathrow with path='/' to parent level change: get 'use pathrow' switch from defaults each time, when browser opens ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2011/06/01 15:07:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: add path rows with defaults entry (key=use_path_rows, value=1,user=sesam) ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2011/06/01 09:52:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +61 -6 change: create extra mount items for browser, if os of hostsystem is 'linux' ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/05/31 14:44:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 change: add all mount rows to 'all' row as childs for file browser ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/05/31 12:03:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 bugfix: show only path items at restore wizard target path browser ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/05/31 10:45:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: use browse for target path at restore wizard fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/05/31 10:16:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: add path rows at file browser ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/05/31 09:23:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: revert last changes ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2011/05/31 09:19:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: add path rows at file browser ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2011/05/31 09:03:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +37 -14 change: temporary remove path rows at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2011/05/30 14:57:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set correct icon for tasktype 'groupwise' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/05/30 13:06:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -5 bugfix: select correct rows at browser for existing task with type='iFolder', 'NSS File System' ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/05/30 11:56:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -10 bugfix: select correct values at browser for existing task with type='Novell', when reopen browser ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/05/26 16:08:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +49 -5 new: add browser rows with tasktype 'path' to extra parent node ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/05/24 07:49:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 BUGFIX: (#12909) DataStore partition information can not be determined when the DS is to be created on RDS. ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/05/17 15:36:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: (#12842) Selections of sources and excludes did not fit to task configuration ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/05/13 10:15:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Avoid NPE when browsing a vmware task in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/05/12 15:44:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: flag, that deactivate exclude for subnode and his childs at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/05/12 15:30:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 remove: code of invoke methods, that are undefined ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/05/12 15:27:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -22 remove: TODO comments ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/05/12 15:24:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -6 remove: TODO comments ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/05/12 15:22:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: select esx server nodes at browser, after reopen browser with selection ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/05/12 15:15:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: browse esx server fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/05/12 09:39:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -11 change: check, if host.os is 'esx server', when try to browse vm data after sesam server connection fails ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/05/11 14:38:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -10 bugfix: prevent show vcenter authorisation dialog several times at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/05/11 14:32:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +118 -143 change: refactored method retrieveTreeViaRmi (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/05/11 11:27:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -11 bugfix: show all exceptions as errorRow at filebrowser, if request data fails ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/05/10 11:32:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +40 -16 change: try to browse as vCenter server, if connection to server fails at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/05/06 13:06:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +154 -5 bugfix: select correct rows at restore wizard browser after search files ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/05/05 09:34:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: prevent stacktrace, if vm login at browser fails ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/04/28 09:06:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: prevent exception stacktrace of vm 'invalid login' exception at browser, if vcenter authorisation fails ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/04/28 08:49:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +54 -96 change: retrieve vm browser data from sesam server at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/04/20 15:48:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: decrypt password in client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/04/20 13:49:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 change: Use common class PasswordController for password encryption new: Crypt password when writing vCenter client entry from client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/03/10 14:04:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -3 change: fill size fields total, use, free at new data store dialog, when choose path with browser ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/03/08 13:05:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent select of child rows after select parent row at data_store browser ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +32 -1 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/03/03 16:41:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 bugfix: search files at restore wizard sel browser fixed bugfix: avoid npe, when editing existing exclude path ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/03/01 16:52:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: disable rows at browser, that contains a row type, that is not compatible of the selected row type ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/02/25 13:00:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +111 -50 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/02/22 13:29:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -4 bugfix: set correct error row at browser, if client is not reachable ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/02/22 12:37:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -7 bugfix: prevent checkbox with grey background at browser, if select browser row ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/02/22 10:43:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 bugfix: set correct browser exclude path for browser at task dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/02/22 10:31:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: set correct auto generated task name, when select 'hyper-V' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/02/21 16:09:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 bugfix: remove null pointer exception at restore wizard sel and targetpath browser ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +128 -211 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/02/16 08:52:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: fill exclude browser with data at taskdialog fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/02/11 15:58:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +124 -33 new: browse vSphere for sep event ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/02/08 13:47:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Check for 'INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE' not for 'vShowTree() INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE' ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/01/26 09:31:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -7 bugfix: (#12185) select of sel browser items for existing restore task fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/01/21 15:30:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -2 change: if select node at restore wizard browser, select all childs under this, when save/start restore, use parent node for sel file, if all childrens are selected, otherwise insert selected childrens of parent ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/BrowserModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/15 15:51:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -20 change: exclude several rows for childs of 'novell' rootrow ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/10 14:16:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: save visible columns at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/04/01 14:09:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: set correct block value at all tables with block column ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/01 16:52:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 bugfix: disable rows at browser, that contains a row type, that is not compatible of the selected row type ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/25 13:00:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/24 14:58:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: reset exclude path textfield at browser, if change row task type bugfix: disable exclude row, if exclude parent row new: static class for whole browser logic ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/22 12:37:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: prevent checkbox with grey background at browser, if select browser row ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -2 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/01/21 15:30:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -2 change: if select node at restore wizard browser, select all childs under this, when save/start restore, use parent node for sel file, if all childrens are selected, otherwise insert selected childrens of parent ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/ClientBrowserDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/17 08:45:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show only path elements at file browser, if caller is datastoredialog ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/31 12:03:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: show only path items at restore wizard target path browser ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/18 08:32:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Set correct content of drive group selection when opening the media dialog coming from 'Media Pool for new Datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/16 13:11:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 bugfix: avoid possible NPE if the Client Browser is started with an empty exclude list ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/29 15:13:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: Add a title to the client browser if used within the the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/11 10:13:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: hide selection path+count panels at browser of data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/10 14:26:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -6 bugfix: show size values (total, free, use) in 'gb' without unit at new data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/10 14:04:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +52 -1 change: fill size fields total, use, free at new data store dialog, when choose path with browser ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +40 -21 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -10 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/FileRowCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/08 13:01:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: remove status 'subselect' for all mount rows under rootrow '/', if rootrow is selected ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/01 16:52:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 bugfix: disable rows at browser, that contains a row type, that is not compatible of the selected row type ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/22 13:29:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: set correct error row at browser, if client is not reachable ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/22 12:37:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 bugfix: prevent checkbox with grey background at browser, if select browser row ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/FileRowFactory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/07/08 13:00:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -2 bugfix : Fix errors when browsing a Linux Cluster File System ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/07/08 08:18:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -3 Client Browser: Eliminate tailing colons in labels of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Sites; Change Icons under SharePoint Sites ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/07/06 16:05:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -7 BUGFIX: Allow multiple exclude on NetWare Linux File System in the Client Browser ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/07/05 15:30:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -18 bugfix: revert changes done with Check-in [37089]: Enhancements for NetWare Linux Cluster File System had side effects to NetWare Linux File System browsing ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/07/05 09:33:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 BUGFIX: ClientBrowser: A selection for backup of Novell NSS mounted row failed. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/07/04 14:03:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: (#13182) Wrong source of metadata backup for XenServer fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: use single selection without exclude for 'postgresql' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path for 'ifolder' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path and hide checkbox for 'groupwise' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/30 14:57:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 bugfix: set correct icon for tasktype 'groupwise' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/19 14:29:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 bugfix: add rows with type 'vmware vcenter' at browser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/04/28 09:16:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: allow only single selection for vm rows at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/26 11:30:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: (#12619) show date data of single exchange mail for restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/08 13:22:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: browse of vmdk´s (base disk) for vm at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/04 14:20:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: show size information at browser for rows with type 'mount' ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/28 16:46:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: new icon for vSphere.datastore row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/28 14:49:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: select correct task type at task dialog, when select browser row with type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/17 10:56:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: set correct taskdialog.task_type for browser row type ''exchange 2003" (merge from branch v4_0_2) ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/17 10:02:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: set correct path and icon for browser row type 'exchange 2003' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/IconsFactory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/12 10:39:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 new: added vSphere datastore icon to browser legend ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/PanelBrowser.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/07/06 16:05:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: Allow multiple exclude on NetWare Linux File System in the Client Browser ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/06/28 15:09:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: refresh task tree after create restore task bugfix: set correct items at browser of restore wizard, if start an existing restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: use single selection without exclude for 'postgresql' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path for 'ifolder' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path and hide checkbox for 'groupwise' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/20 10:01:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: select correct row with path = 'all', if browser table contains several paths 'all' and browser will be reopen ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/06/20 08:29:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -20 bugfix: remove mouse listener for right mouse button at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/06/17 13:08:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +32 -22 bugfix: remove regular expression chars for exclude path, if tasktype is 'NSS File System' ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/06/17 08:30:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -21 change: disable mouselistener for right mouse button at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/06/17 08:00:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +43 -13 change: disable observer source code at panelbrowser ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/06/15 15:51:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -5 change: exclude several rows for childs of 'novell' rootrow ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/06/10 14:16:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: save visible columns at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/06/09 13:32:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: select correct rows, if reopen browser ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/06/08 13:01:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: remove status 'subselect' for all mount rows under rootrow '/', if rootrow is selected ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/06/08 09:23:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: add correct exclude path, if select row under row 'all' at browser change: translate node 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/06/07 15:40:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set correct exclude pathes, if exclude browser items under selected mountrow with selected parent 'pathrow' ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/06/07 13:27:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 change: disable all mountrows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' change: allow inner selection instead of exclude for mount rows under rootrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +268 -247 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/06/06 15:54:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 change: remove separated mount rows from pathrow 'all', set all elements under pathrow 'all' as exclude rows, set same elements for pathrow 'all' as pathrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/06/01 10:31:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use the whatever space left in the 'Select Files' page of the restore wizard for the files browser table ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/06/01 10:07:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: Browser: Show checkbox of root row when used in restore wizard context ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/05/31 12:03:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: show only path items at restore wizard target path browser ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/05/30 08:02:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: exclude root rows at gui filebrowser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/05/26 16:08:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 new: add browser rows with tasktype 'path' to extra parent node ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/05/12 15:44:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 new: flag, that deactivate exclude for subnode and his childs at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/05/11 14:39:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: revert last changes ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/05/11 14:35:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent show vcenter authorisation dialog several times at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/04/04 15:45:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -1 bugfix: (#2483) set correct path for task, if task contains umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/04/04 14:58:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 bugfix: (#12452) open column header menu of all columns at browser treetable fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/03/10 14:04:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -35 change: fill size fields total, use, free at new data store dialog, when choose path with browser ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +55 -14 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/03 16:41:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -4 bugfix: search files at restore wizard sel browser fixed bugfix: avoid npe, when editing existing exclude path ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/02/25 15:40:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: init restore wizard with existing exchange restore task fixed bugfix: set correct path for task type exchange at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/02/25 13:00:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/02/24 14:58:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -5 bugfix: reset exclude path textfield at browser, if change row task type bugfix: disable exclude row, if exclude parent row new: static class for whole browser logic ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/02/22 10:43:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct browser exclude path for browser at task dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +237 -62 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/01/27 09:16:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: set return value of browser at restore wizard exchange target path panel fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/01/25 11:46:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 change: select child elements at restore wizard sel browser, if parent is selected and will be expanded ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/01/21 15:30:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: if select node at restore wizard browser, select all childs under this, when save/start restore, use parent node for sel file, if all childrens are selected, otherwise insert selected childrens of parent ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/PanelSouth.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/11 10:13:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: hide selection path+count panels at browser of data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/25 15:38:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +87 -121 change: Layout of CientBrowsers lower panel ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +101 -21 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/TaskBrowserRetVal.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/10 14:04:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: fill size fields total, use, free at new data store dialog, when choose path with browser ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/AbstractRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/07/06 16:05:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +86 -135 BUGFIX: Allow multiple exclude on NetWare Linux File System in the Client Browser ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/06/21 09:42:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: selected correct items at browser, if path preselection exists and browser will be reopen ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/06/16 16:04:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: prevent select of parent node at browser, if child node is already selected to prevent wrong pathes ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/06/15 15:51:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 change: exclude several rows for childs of 'novell' rootrow ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/06/10 15:13:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: add all 'citrix xen' browser rows to new parent row 'citrix xen server' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/06/08 15:53:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: exclude content of inner mount rows from rootrow '/' at browser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/06/08 13:01:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -1 change: remove status 'subselect' for all mount rows under rootrow '/', if rootrow is selected ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/06/07 15:40:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 bugfix: set correct exclude pathes, if exclude browser items under selected mountrow with selected parent 'pathrow' ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/06/07 13:27:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 change: disable all mountrows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' change: allow inner selection instead of exclude for mount rows under rootrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/06/07 11:00:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 change: disable browser rows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' change: prevent expand of browser rows 'all', '/', when open browser first time ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -3 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/06 15:54:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 change: remove separated mount rows from pathrow 'all', set all elements under pathrow 'all' as exclude rows, set same elements for pathrow 'all' as pathrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/26 16:08:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 new: add browser rows with tasktype 'path' to extra parent node ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/12 15:44:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 new: flag, that deactivate exclude for subnode and his childs at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/03/10 14:04:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 change: fill size fields total, use, free at new data store dialog, when choose path with browser ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/01 16:52:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -26 bugfix: disable rows at browser, that contains a row type, that is not compatible of the selected row type ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -459 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/02/24 14:58:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -19 bugfix: reset exclude path textfield at browser, if change row task type bugfix: disable exclude row, if exclude parent row new: static class for whole browser logic ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/22 12:37:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: prevent checkbox with grey background at browser, if select browser row ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +177 -35 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/02 14:38:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: show size values for all row types at browser, if size data is available ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/01/24 16:37:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 bugfix: set correct state (selected/subselected) for sel browser elements at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/21 15:30:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +123 -25 change: if select node at restore wizard browser, select all childs under this, when save/start restore, use parent node for sel file, if all childrens are selected, otherwise insert selected childrens of parent ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/AllRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/06 15:54:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: remove separated mount rows from pathrow 'all', set all elements under pathrow 'all' as exclude rows, set same elements for pathrow 'all' as pathrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/01 09:52:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: create extra mount items for browser, if os of hostsystem is 'linux' ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/26 16:08:32; author: cg; state: Exp; new: add browser rows with tasktype 'path' to extra parent node ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/BareSystemRecoveryRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/BlockDeviceRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/BrowserTableRowUtils.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/22 08:32:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 bugfix: select correct items under 'vcb' row at browser, if reopen browser, set correct task type, if select 'vcb' item at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/17 13:09:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: remove bug at algorithm 'isParentRowSelected' at browser utility class ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/16 16:04:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 bugfix: prevent select of parent node at browser, if child node is already selected to prevent wrong pathes ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/16 09:08:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 bugfix: select pathrow at browser, if given path is 'all' bugfix: prevent deselect of mountrow, if childs are still excluded ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/15 15:51:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 change: exclude several rows for childs of 'novell' rootrow ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/08 15:53:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: exclude content of inner mount rows from rootrow '/' at browser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/07 13:27:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 change: disable all mountrows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' change: allow inner selection instead of exclude for mount rows under rootrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/06 15:54:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: remove separated mount rows from pathrow 'all', set all elements under pathrow 'all' as exclude rows, set same elements for pathrow 'all' as pathrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/12 15:44:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +62 -7 new: flag, that deactivate exclude for subnode and his childs at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/01 16:52:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +83 -7 bugfix: disable rows at browser, that contains a row type, that is not compatible of the selected row type ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +212 -9 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/24 14:58:09; author: cg; state: Exp; bugfix: reset exclude path textfield at browser, if change row task type bugfix: disable exclude row, if exclude parent row new: static class for whole browser logic ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/CharDeviceRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/CliBroIcons.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/30 08:20:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: added path symbol to browser legend ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/12 10:39:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: added vSphere datastore icon to browser legend ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/CliBroStrings.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/07/08 13:00:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix : Fix errors when browsing a Linux Cluster File System ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/30 08:20:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: added path symbol to browser legend ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/12 10:39:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: added vSphere datastore icon to browser legend ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/22 10:31:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: set correct auto generated task name, when select 'hyper-V' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/17 10:02:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set correct path and icon for browser row type 'exchange 2003' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DB2Row.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DBGroupwiseDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DBNetwareFileDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DBOracleDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DBOxDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/14 12:11:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: allow multiselection zarafa child rows at browser change: set correct icon for browser row 'Open-Xchange' ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DBSloxDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DBSystemDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/14 11:32:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: set correct path, id expand 'system recovery' node at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbDocuDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbEsxDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbEsxFileDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbExch2003DatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/11 09:13:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct icon for row with type exchange2003 at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/17 10:56:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct taskdialog.task_type for browser row type ''exchange 2003" (merge from branch v4_0_2) ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/17 10:02:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 bugfix: set correct path and icon for browser row type 'exchange 2003' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbExch2007DatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbExch2010DagDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbExch2010DatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbExch5XDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbExchchangeServerSingleMailboxRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbLotusDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbMsSqlDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/21 14:50:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: enable multiselection of browser rows with type 'mssql' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbMysqlDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/12 15:44:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: flag, that deactivate exclude for subnode and his childs at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/12 13:53:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: revert last changes ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/12 12:50:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: allow only single selection for mysql database row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbNetwareDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/14 11:00:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: hide checkbox for row type 'Novell' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbNetwareDirectoryRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/15 15:51:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: exclude several rows for childs of 'novell' rootrow ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbPostgresqlDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbScalixAllDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbScalixMailDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbVCBDirectoryRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbXenDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbZarafaFileDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/14 12:11:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: allow multiselection zarafa child rows at browser change: set correct icon for browser row 'Open-Xchange' ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/24 12:00:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 bugfix: remove blank at beginning of path, when select child row of zarafa row type at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/22 10:30:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 remove: unused code ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DefaultDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 change: use single selection without exclude for 'postgresql' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path for 'ifolder' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path and hide checkbox for 'groupwise' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DeviceDirectoryRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/16 09:37:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: hide child selection for row 'cd-rom' at browser, if select parent element ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/ErrorRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/22 13:29:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: set correct error row at browser, if client is not reachable ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/ExecRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/FolderRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: use single selection without exclude for 'postgresql' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path for 'ifolder' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path and hide checkbox for 'groupwise' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/14 09:40:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 bugfix: if browser tasktype 'hyper-v' at browser, set correct task name change: allow only single selection for browser items under parent with type 'Hyper-V' bugfix: set correct path, if browser child row of 'hyper-v' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/09 15:26:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set vmdk icon for browser rows, which name ends with ".vmdk" and backuptype=VMware vSphere ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/03 14:14:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: vmdk icon for browser vmdk rows under vm ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/26 16:28:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: set correct browser path, if select vm element at browser change: hide browser checkbox for browser vmdk rows ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/11 17:06:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: set correct icon for row with type 'sharepoint sites' at restore wizard browser ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/HyperVRootRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/14 10:56:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -12 change: allow multiselection for 'hyper-v' at browser change: allow selection of rootrow 'hyper-v', set path to 'all' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/14 09:40:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 bugfix: if browser tasktype 'hyper-v' at browser, set correct task name change: allow only single selection for browser items under parent with type 'Hyper-V' bugfix: set correct path, if browser child row of 'hyper-v' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/22 10:22:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: set correct task type for 'hype-v' browser row at task dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/21 17:03:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct icon for hyper-v server with state 'on' ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/IMAPRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/22 14:16:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 new: Browser Methods: Decode mime text in the mail subject of a IMAP Row ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/26 11:30:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 bugfix: (#12619) show date data of single exchange mail for restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/25 15:40:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -12 bugfix: init restore wizard with existing exchange restore task fixed bugfix: set correct path for task type exchange at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/LinkFileRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/MountDirectoryRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/MountRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/21 14:55:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: disable expand of browser row 'GroupWise Mail Server' ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/17 13:07:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +44 -42 change: disable overwrited method 'setselected' at mountrow class ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/16 09:08:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: select pathrow at browser, if given path is 'all' bugfix: prevent deselect of mountrow, if childs are still excluded ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/15 15:51:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: exclude several rows for childs of 'novell' rootrow ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/08 13:01:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: remove status 'subselect' for all mount rows under rootrow '/', if rootrow is selected ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/07 13:27:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: disable all mountrows with type 'nfs' under rootrow 'all' change: allow inner selection instead of exclude for mount rows under rootrow '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/07 10:35:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: browser rows 'all', '/' cannot be selected at same time change: rows under rootrow 'all' with type 'nfs' are not more selectable bugfix: path controller at browser fixed, only pathes of selected items are set ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/01 09:52:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: create extra mount items for browser, if os of hostsystem is 'linux' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/31 12:21:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -7 bugfix: expand mount row at file browser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/03/04 14:20:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: show size information at browser for rows with type 'mount' ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/01 16:52:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: disable rows at browser, that contains a row type, that is not compatible of the selected row type ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/NetWareServerRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/NetwareDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/NovellDirectoryRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/NovellGroupwiseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: use single selection without exclude for 'postgresql' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path for 'ifolder' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path and hide checkbox for 'groupwise' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/30 14:57:22; author: cg; state: Exp; bugfix: set correct icon for tasktype 'groupwise' at browser ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/NovellIFolderRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/30 11:56:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: select correct values at browser for existing task with type='Novell', when reopen browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/NovellNssFolderRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/NovellNssMountRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/07/08 14:17:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +38 -37 change : Enable browsing into VOLUMES of a Linux Cluster File System. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/08 13:00:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix : Fix errors when browsing a Linux Cluster File System ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/07/05 09:33:20; author: wf; state: Exp; BUGFIX: ClientBrowser: A selection for backup of Novell NSS mounted row failed. ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/ParentRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/07/08 11:52:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -12 change: remove obsolete code ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -5 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/07/05 15:30:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -9 bugfix: revert changes done with Check-in [37089]: Enhancements for NetWare Linux Cluster File System had side effects to NetWare Linux File System browsing ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/07/05 09:33:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -8 BUGFIX: ClientBrowser: A selection for backup of Novell NSS mounted row failed. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/07/04 14:03:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: (#13182) Wrong source of metadata backup for XenServer fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/21 08:45:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -10 bugfix: use correct bulgarian character set at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/30 14:57:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: set correct icon for tasktype 'groupwise' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/26 16:08:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -4 new: add browser rows with tasktype 'path' to extra parent node ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/03 13:14:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: show checkbox at browser for rows, that contains info 'not_saveable' and caller is restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/28 14:47:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set checkbox.setVisible to false, if browser raw data contains 'not_selectable' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/22 13:29:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 bugfix: set correct error row at browser, if client is not reachable ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/11 14:56:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: set correct path, if select row with type 'ifolder store' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/PathRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/01 09:52:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: create extra mount items for browser, if os of hostsystem is 'linux' ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/26 16:08:32; author: cg; state: Exp; new: add browser rows with tasktype 'path' to extra parent node ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/PipeRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/PostgresqlDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/21 12:48:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: use single selection without exclude for 'postgresql' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path for 'ifolder' row at browser bugfix: set correct exclude path and hide checkbox for 'groupwise' row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/RootRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/03 09:56:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: (#12401) selective restore failed if only the top level element in tree was selected ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/ScalixDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/14 12:37:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: show row 'scalix' at browser, prevent duplicated rows at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/SharePointFarmRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/SharePointRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/SharePointServerRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/14 08:43:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: hide checkbox for row type 'sharepoint server' at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/SharePointSitesDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/07/08 08:18:41; author: wf; state: Exp; Client Browser: Eliminate tailing colons in labels of SharePoint Server and SharePoint Sites; Change Icons under SharePoint Sites ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/SharePointSitesRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/SocketRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/UnknownDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/VMDataRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 08:25:45; author: cg; state: Exp; new: 'vm data row' for browser, that is responsible for complete vmaccess handling ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/VSphereDataCenterRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/28 16:46:08; author: cg; state: Exp; change: new icon for vSphere.datastore row at browser ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/VSphereRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/28 14:48:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: hide browser checkbox for row with type 'vSphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/11 15:58:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 new: browse vSphere for sep event ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/10 15:59:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: set slash as path, if select a vmware vsphere item at browser bugfix: select tasktype='vmware vsphere' at task dialog, if select vmware vsphere item at browser ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/VirtualMachineRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/28 09:16:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 bugfix: allow only single selection for vm rows at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/28 16:46:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: new icon for vSphere.datastore row at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/21 09:42:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 bugfix: use utf8 converter for citrix rows at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/06/17 08:32:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: VCB proxy: Removed addition of a leading space in the task source of a VCB proxy job ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/XenFileRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/07/04 14:03:51; author: wf; state: Exp; bugfix: (#13182) Wrong source of metadata backup for XenServer fixed ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/ZarafaDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/08 11:50:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: A file intended to be not selectable was selectable when browsing an Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/14 12:11:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: allow multiselection zarafa child rows at browser change: set correct icon for browser row 'Open-Xchange' ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo/CajoDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.276 v_4_0_3_15: 1.304 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.304 date: 2011/07/07 12:42:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +418 -1 CHANGE: Disable 'locked until' combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- revision 1.303 date: 2011/06/20 10:20:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Avoid possible NPE when starting a backup immediately ---------------------------- revision 1.302 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.301 date: 2011/06/16 12:35:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 bugfix: check, if drive group is still in use by drives, before delete it with cli ---------------------------- revision 1.300 date: 2011/06/01 12:59:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: new parameters for cli 'list media' action > -D list media by given day > -m list media by mediapool ->-l list media by label ---------------------------- revision 1.299 date: 2011/05/18 15:51:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: methods 'getClientByVMServerType', 'getClientsByOS' ---------------------------- revision 1.298 date: 2011/05/06 13:07:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -9 remove: unused method 'getPreferenceValueByProfil' ---------------------------- revision 1.297 date: 2011/04/20 14:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the New Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.296 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.295 date: 2011/04/04 12:57:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: methods 'getCountCommandEventsByHost', 'getCommandNamesByClientId' ---------------------------- revision 1.294 date: 2011/03/28 10:24:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: DataStoreDialog: Get the media results of a disk store directly via data store name, not via label ---------------------------- revision 1.293 date: 2011/03/22 16:36:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 change: Fill the client combobox in the drive dialog only with values of clients which are sesam device servers ---------------------------- revision 1.292 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.291 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.290 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.289 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.288 date: 2011/03/07 16:57:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 new: method 'getDriveGroupsByDriveType' ---------------------------- revision 1.287 date: 2011/03/04 11:43:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: rename method 'getTypFromHwDrives' to 'getTypeFromHwDrives' ---------------------------- revision 1.286 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.285 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.284 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.283 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.282 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.281 date: 2011/01/28 08:43:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Adding support for data stores to new media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.280 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.279 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.278 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +96 -15 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.277 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -9 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo/CajoTimeAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/15 11:27:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 bugfix: Avoid ParseException when starting a migration from the results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo/CajoVSphereAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/16 08:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Correct message of NPE thrown in CajoVSphereAccess ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/18 15:51:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -3 new: methods 'getClientByVMServerType', 'getClientsByOS' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/11 12:09:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: set correct exception handling at component cajovSphereAccess ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/09 10:49:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: remove stacktrace log, if vSphere authorisation at browser fails ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/28 08:49:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 change: retrieve vm browser data from sesam server at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/26 15:48:47; author: cg; state: Exp; change: move vm access from gui restore wizard to sesam server side bugfix: select correct datastore (vmx path), esx server, datacenter at restore wizard depends on vm backup ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/DateConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffCellEditor.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/05 15:20:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: globally register new OnOffCellEditor ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffChooserDemo.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffChooserPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/11 11:16:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -12 change: fix problems with mutilated locked icons in saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffComboBox.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffPropertyPaneDemo.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/converter/onoffchooser/OnOffSplitButton.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/AbstractPropertiesPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/11 14:14:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 bugfix: prove, if drivegroup is set at data store dialog if create data store with drive ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 13:07:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: open drive properties at datastore, if use double click at table drive change: checkbox for create drive new: textfield drivenum at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/ComponentDataStore.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/28 09:20:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: no functional changes - code maintainance in ComponentDataStore: DATA_STORE_TABLE_PREF_NODE not localized; no setupRenderers; correct variable name; ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/28 09:06:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: switch date format for table datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +81 -50 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/16 11:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: Avoid a 'column name is not unique' exception when try to use a duplicate data store name new: update data store table when a data store is inserted or deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/14 12:40:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +34 -9 change: union of state, stateicon column to single column at data store table ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -11 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -17 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -18 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/28 10:11:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -3 new: add quick table filter field for component data store at toolbar ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/11 14:26:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -11 new: implement function 'Save view' for the DataStore table. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/10 16:09:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 bugfix: init purge dialog with selected datastore row fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -6 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/09 12:07:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: correct casting of column classes, when update datastore table ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/09 11:39:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 change: default column order of datastore table ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/08 14:00:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -8 new: column state_icon for data_store table, that visualise state column ( 0-green, 1-orange, others-red) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/07 16:22:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: implement advanced features in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/07 13:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -434 new: Add usage of new fields in the Component - Data Stores screen ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/26 16:25:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 bugfix: Avoid NPE when reading data stores table from db ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +503 -1078 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreAcessModePanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreAcessModePanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/08 15:36:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: hide info field at data store dialog change: autoresize drive table at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 14:46:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: hide field 'access_mode' at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -228 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/14 12:40:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: union of state, stateicon column to single column at data store table ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/07 09:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set slot and loader right-aligned in the media table ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/10 15:56:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -0 change: set name column at datastore table as fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/08 14:00:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +38 -16 new: column state_icon for data_store table, that visualise state column ( 0-green, 1-orange, others-red) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreCommentPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/30 11:04:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: Enable the delete button in the drive store dialog after deleting all assigned drives change: Enable the OK button only if the minimal needed values are present ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreCommentPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/30 11:04:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: Enable the delete button in the drive store dialog after deleting all assigned drives change: Enable the OK button only if the minimal needed values are present ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDialog.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/28 15:53:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: Dialog New data Store: The saveset table was filled with wrong data ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/10 11:23:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +54 -43 change: Data store dialog: Show manikin icon only on first tab ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -9 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/07 16:22:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +35 -1 new: implement advanced features in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.104 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2011/07/04 14:35:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 NEW: New DataStore: Added a string control filter to prevent empty spaces in the data store name ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/06/29 15:08:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 bugfix: switch date format for table 'media read check' at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2011/06/28 12:24:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -2 change: switch date format for table savesets at datastore- and media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.101 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2011/06/20 13:23:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +53 -43 bugfix: It was not possible to create a new data store if the db is empty ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/06/20 10:19:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Avoid possible NPE when creating a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/06/16 11:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -9 BUGFIX: Avoid a 'column name is not unique' exception when try to use a duplicate data store name new: update data store table when a data store is inserted or deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/05/25 13:46:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Let the user edit the EOL date of the saveset in the media dialog only when coming from the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/05/25 12:50:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -73 NEW: The EOL date in the saveset table of the media dialog is now editable within the table ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/05/18 08:32:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -17 bugfix: Set correct content of drive group selection when opening the media dialog coming from 'Media Pool for new Datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2011/05/09 10:55:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +40 -2 NEW: added a second button for creating a media pool from the first tab of the data store dialog NEW: Ask user if he likes to create a new media pool after creating a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2011/05/04 15:26:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -12 new: Added double click feature to media results table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/05/04 14:19:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -11 change: if create mediapool at datastoredialog and datastore has drives, initialize drivegroup at mediapooldialog ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/04/14 13:43:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: replaced block size column with data size column in the saveset table of the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/04/12 15:24:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +35 -10 bugfix: save selected format of all saveset columns at default profile ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/04/08 08:49:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3 bugfix: Avoid to write an empty string in the eol field of the saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2011/04/07 09:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: set slot and loader right-aligned in the media table ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2011/04/05 15:46:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: correct condition for updateLockedInResults ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2011/04/04 13:49:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: use internal selection combobox instead of checkbox for on/off switching in the saveset table's locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/04/01 11:42:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: Hide the create media button in the data store dialog if expert options is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/04/01 11:18:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 bugfix: add cvs header to class 'DsDefaultValues' bugfix: set correct values for data store default values ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/03/31 14:51:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +48 -58 change: reformat default values internal dialog for data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/03/31 13:35:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: hide button 'create drive' at data store dialog, if defaults.expertopt = 0 ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/03/31 13:34:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: hide button ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/03/30 15:21:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: hide create media button in the data store dialog when used for new data store creation ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/03/30 11:04:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +107 -15 bugfix: Enable the delete button in the drive store dialog after deleting all assigned drives change: Enable the OK button only if the minimal needed values are present ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/03/29 14:59:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set the default return option value of the size calculation panel to yes ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/03/29 13:02:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set -1 as minimum value for capacity, when suggest default values for new data store after path browse at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/03/28 15:34:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -5 new: Add save view function to media action table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/03/28 15:03:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -40 change: Use same model for all media action tables (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/03/28 10:24:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 change: DataStoreDialog: Get the media results of a disk store directly via data store name, not via label ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -1 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/03/23 16:11:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 bugfix: remove media from media table at data store dialog, if remove media ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/03/23 13:52:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +35 -8 bugfix: create new mediapool at data store dialog fixed, prevent exception, when try to change drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/03/23 10:54:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: Data Store Dialog: Disable button CreateMediaPool if no drive is configured ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/03/22 15:45:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -29 change: The a new media pool was no more saveable from data store dialog bcs. of missing id. (Sequence error of using names of the drive group in the media pool table) ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/03/22 13:27:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 change: write drive group name in the data store dialog instead of id ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/03/22 11:35:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -39 change: cleanup code (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/03/22 11:25:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -244 change: cleanup code (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/03/22 11:12:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -37 bugfix: avoid NPE when deleting a media pool within data store dialog change: activate OK button when something changed in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/03/18 14:55:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: enlarge row hight of saveset table in data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/03/18 14:40:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -1 new: Added new editable column 'locked' to saveset table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/03/17 16:44:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +54 -12 new: set size for column 'media.filled' at data store dialog bugfix: set correct visibility of media dialog items, if create new media at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/03/17 12:04:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: set correct arguements for class constructor 'medianew' ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/03/17 11:51:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -4 bugfix: initialize new media sub dialog at data store dialog with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/03/17 09:31:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 change: disable button 'create media' at data store dialog, if data store has no drives ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/03/17 08:46:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: fill table 'media 'pool at datastore dialog with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +257 -25 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/03/11 15:52:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +32 -4 bugfix: enable 'ok' button at data store dialog for existing data store, if change spinner ('capacity, high water mark, low water mark) ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/03/11 15:12:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 bugfix: check, if new drive group already exists at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/03/11 14:14:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +85 -57 bugfix: prove, if drivegroup is set at data store dialog if create data store with drive ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/03/11 12:28:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -16 bugfix: add missing sms_cnts when saving a hw_drive from data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/03/11 12:17:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -14 change: improve dialog for datastore.size default values at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/03/10 16:51:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -8 change: prevent comma at default capacity, high_water_mark when browse path at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/03/10 15:52:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -1 new: ask for using of default values for capacity, high water mark, low water mark depends on browser size data, when use browser at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/03/10 14:04:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: fill size fields total, use, free at new data store dialog, when choose path with browser ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +68 -11 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/03/09 12:05:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: reset drive.path textfield, if change rds of drive at new data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/03/09 11:57:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -10 bugfix: init browser with rds as host at datastore dialog fixed bugfix: check, if path for drive at new datastore dialog is set ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/03/09 10:36:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: disable button 'delete' at datastore dialog, if data store is still in use by hwDrive ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/03/09 10:14:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: fill drive goups combobox at datastore dialog for new datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/03/08 15:36:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -20 change: hide info field at data store dialog change: autoresize drive table at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/03/08 15:20:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: fill saveset table at data store dialog fixed change: remove savesets tab at datastore dialog, if create new one ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -17 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/03/08 14:46:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: hide field 'access_mode' at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/03/08 14:32:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: fill drive table at data store dialog fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/03/08 14:06:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -17 bugfix: multiple close actions were needed if dialog was opened several times (tech: resetting the factory) ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/03/08 13:07:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +85 -12 new: open drive properties at datastore, if use double click at table drive change: checkbox for create drive new: textfield drivenum at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/03/08 10:14:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +50 -20 bugfix: use sesam remote shell with command 'configDrives', if create datastore with drive ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/08 09:48:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 bugfix: reset path field of drive at datastore dialog, if create new one ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/08 08:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: column 'path' for drive table at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/07 16:49:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: nullpointerexception fixed, that occur, if edit existing datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +304 -39 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +122 -72 change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/03/03 15:51:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +77 -3 change: allow only valid chars for text fields capacity, low_water_mark, high_water_mark at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/03/03 15:00:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +81 -32 change: Layout and labels of Data Store Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/03 13:39:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +38 -1 change: show image icon at left side of data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/03 13:19:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +303 -465 bugfix: show filter at header and resize columns of datastore.saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/02 14:15:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +61 -33 change: allow only negative values for data store fields capacity, high_water_mark and negative values+zero for low_water_mark at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/02/28 15:53:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -4 bugfix: Dialog New data Store: The saveset table was filled with wrong data ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/28 14:56:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: unify panel for savesets table ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/28 12:14:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -5 new: Add mechanism to open a result dialog when double clicking on a saveset table row in the media or the data store dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/24 15:00:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 change: set focus to text field, when create new datastore with missing informations (datastore name, high water mark, ...) ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +67 -2 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/18 14:48:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 bugfix: Add missing state converter to Media and Data Store Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/17 10:24:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +31 -20 new: Implement 'Save View' in the saveset tab of the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -23 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/10 11:23:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -16 change: Data store dialog: Show manikin icon only on first tab ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -42 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/09 12:06:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +93 -84 change: memorize selected row of datastore table, when change datastore and row will be updated ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/09 11:58:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 bugfix: update existing datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/09 11:09:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -20 new: Data store dialog: Respect case low_water_mark=0; More place for comment and message; Labels witch [GB] ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +215 -128 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/08 15:03:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -9 bugfix: remove error message, if datastore.high_water_mark less than datastore.capacity ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 10:33:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +98 -31 new: Check the values entered in the data store dialog, draw localized error message if necessary ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/07 16:22:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +145 -6 new: implement advanced features in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDiskSizePanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/03 15:00:22; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Layout and labels of Data Store Dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDiskSizePanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/03 15:00:22; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Layout and labels of Data Store Dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDriveParamPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/03/14 10:13:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: limit sms_cnts to max 60 ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/11 11:38:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +153 -88 new: Extended layout for create new data store panel ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -12 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/08 11:02:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +49 -36 new: added a checkbox for creating the new drive in the drive param panel ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/08 10:40:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct hight of drive param panel fields ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 10:17:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -15 new: Added field for drive num in drive store drive param panel ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDriveParamPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/14 10:13:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: limit sms_cnts to max 60 ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/03/11 11:38:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +131 -87 new: Extended layout for create new data store panel ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -13 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/08 13:07:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -1 new: open drive properties at datastore, if use double click at table drive change: checkbox for create drive new: textfield drivenum at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/08 11:02:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +35 -25 new: added a checkbox for creating the new drive in the drive param panel ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/08 10:40:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct hight of drive param panel fields ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 10:17:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +35 -9 new: Added field for drive num in drive store drive param panel ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDrivesPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreDrivesPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreEditPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreEditPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreFilterPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreIconPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreIconPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreLastActionPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreLastActionPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreMediaPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/22 11:35:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: cleanup code (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/17 09:31:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: disable button 'create media' at data store dialog, if data store has no drives ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreMediaTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/07 09:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; change: set slot and loader right-aligned in the media table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreNamePanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/11 11:38:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -0 new: Extended layout for create new data store panel ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreNamePanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/11 11:38:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Extended layout for create new data store panel ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreNewPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/11 11:38:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -12 new: Extended layout for create new data store panel ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/10 14:50:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -25 change: Rearranged inner panels of the new data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreNewPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/11 11:38:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -16 new: Extended layout for create new data store panel ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/10 14:50:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -21 change: Rearranged inner panels of the new data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStorePackage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/20 11:31:40; author: wf; state: Exp; new: package root and initial icon for data_stores ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStorePanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -22 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/14 12:40:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: union of state, stateicon column to single column at data store table ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/08 14:00:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: column state_icon for data_store table, that visualise state column ( 0-green, 1-orange, others-red) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStorePanelFactory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/08 14:53:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: reset listeners after reopen data store dialog fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 14:06:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 bugfix: multiple close actions were needed if dialog was opened several times (tech: resetting the factory) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStorePropPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStorePropPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStorePropertiesPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/03 15:00:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -63 change: Layout and labels of Data Store Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/03 13:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: add GB to size labels ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -44 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/09 11:09:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +82 -50 new: Data store dialog: Respect case low_water_mark=0; More place for comment and message; Labels witch [GB] ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:18; author: wf; state: Exp; new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStorePropertiesPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/03 15:00:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -69 change: Layout and labels of Data Store Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/03 13:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: add GB to size labels ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -38 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/09 11:09:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +72 -50 new: Data store dialog: Respect case low_water_mark=0; More place for comment and message; Labels witch [GB] ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:18; author: wf; state: Exp; new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreSaveSetTableEditorListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/04 15:37:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: DataStoreDialog - Table Savesets: Write correct value in db when updating locked in the results table ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/25 12:50:48; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: The EOL date in the saveset table of the media dialog is now editable within the table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreSizeConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/08 14:00:00; author: cg; state: Exp; new: column state_icon for data_store table, that visualise state column ( 0-green, 1-orange, others-red) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreSizesPanel.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreSizesPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/07 09:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Redesign and enhance data store forms (safety check in - not yet ready!) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreStatusColor.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/21 08:23:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: add status text to datastore status column ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 16:49:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: use grey icon for datastore state icon, if state is null or state length is 0 ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/08 14:05:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: use red icon color for datastore.state_icon, if state is null ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/08 14:00:00; author: cg; state: Exp; new: column state_icon for data_store table, that visualise state column ( 0-green, 1-orange, others-red) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/28 09:20:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: no functional changes - code maintainance in ComponentDataStore: DATA_STORE_TABLE_PREF_NODE not localized; no setupRenderers; correct variable name; ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/28 09:06:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 bugfix: switch date format for table datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/21 08:23:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: add status text to datastore status column ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/14 12:40:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +51 -4 change: union of state, stateicon column to single column at data store table ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 14:00:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +50 -14 new: column state_icon for data_store table, that visualise state column ( 0-green, 1-orange, others-red) ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/07 16:22:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -12 new: implement advanced features in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreToolBar.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -16 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/28 10:11:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 new: add quick table filter field for component data store at toolbar ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/11 09:18:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 new: Icon for data store purge ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -1 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/DataStoreViewColumns.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/14 12:40:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -14 change: union of state, stateicon column to single column at data store table ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/11 14:26:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: implement function 'Save view' for the DataStore table. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/09 11:39:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +35 -35 change: default column order of datastore table ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 14:00:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 new: column state_icon for data_store table, that visualise state column ( 0-green, 1-orange, others-red) ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/07 13:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -5 new: Add usage of new fields in the Component - Data Stores screen ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/SavesetTableInterface.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/25 12:50:48; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: The EOL date in the saveset table of the media dialog is now editable within the table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/nb/DSDefaultValues.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/31 14:51:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +69 -48 change: reformat default values internal dialog for data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/11 12:17:26; author: cg; state: Exp; change: improve dialog for datastore.size default values at datastore dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/nb/DSDefaultValues.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/01 11:18:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: add cvs header to class 'DsDefaultValues' bugfix: set correct values for data store default values ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/31 14:51:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +64 -40 change: reformat default values internal dialog for data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/11 12:17:26; author: cg; state: Exp; change: improve dialog for datastore.size default values at datastore dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/nb/DataStorePurgeDialog.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/29 12:54:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: Adjust size of data store purge dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/nb/DataStorePurgeDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/29 12:54:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -9 change: Adjust size of data store purge dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/nb/DataStorePurgeNB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/29 12:43:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -6 change: localize strings in data store purge dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/nb/DataStorePurgeNB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/29 12:43:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -6 change: localize strings in data store purge dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/tablemenu/MediaReadCheckChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/29 15:08:36; author: cg; state: Exp; bugfix: switch date format for table 'media read check' at datastore dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/defaults/DefaultInterfacesButtonPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/defaults/DefaultInterfacesDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/defaults/DefaultInterfacesListDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/defaults/DefaultsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/CenterArea.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.22 v_4_0_3_15: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/05/09 13:23:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: remove debug string for LayoutPersistence version ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/05/09 08:56:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: prevent registry too much DocumentListeners at GUI Tab Components ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/05/06 10:08:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prevent open bystatus property dialog several times after load layout during gui start ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/05/04 14:51:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: open datastore component, if profile use it ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/05/04 14:45:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +88 -83 bugfix: load layout data of internal panes with faster algorithm fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +44 -4 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/04/15 12:51:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: Log Layout Persistence Version ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/04/13 10:24:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +101 -177 change: avoid getting uninitialized center area instance ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/04/06 15:18:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Replaced two System.out.println to SesamLogger debug messages ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/04/06 10:43:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Fixed a potential NPE ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/04/06 09:43:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: Fixed a potential NPE issue when switching layouts in the docking frame center area ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/DockableCenterPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/30 13:52:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: check, if treepanel of active tab is set before refresh it ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/22 13:12:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Add line number to the 'recover view of last selected' message ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/22 08:47:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: added a sesam logger info message when try to recover the view of the last selected row ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/20 10:52:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: try to recover the view of the last selected row in the tree windows ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/03 08:36:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 bugfix: prevent refresh property table for each element at tree after refresh tree ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/09 10:17:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: prevent several log of same sql query, if select node at tree of gui tab component ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/09 08:09:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -13 bugfix: prevent nullpointerexception, if expand saved tree pathes after tab change ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/28 11:33:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -6 bugfix: memorize selected rows, if change tab or refresh current tab ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/08 14:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 new: property table for taskbystatus component ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/04 12:18:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: (#12166) collapse of tree after click reset button of tree searcher ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/DockablePanelFactory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.25 v_4_0_3_15: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/06/28 09:20:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: no functional changes - code maintainance in ComponentDataStore: DATA_STORE_TABLE_PREF_NODE not localized; no setupRenderers; correct variable name; ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/05/04 14:45:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +58 -29 bugfix: load layout data of internal panes with faster algorithm fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/04/13 10:26:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +58 -201 change: Enhanced SesamLogger debugging in docking components ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/08 15:55:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: removed empty (unused) filter panel for data store ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/08 14:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +42 -17 new: property table for taskbystatus component ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -11 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/DockingController.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.16 v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/09 13:19:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: revert addition of LayoutPersistence Version to the docking keys ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/04/15 12:51:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Log Layout Persistence Version ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/04/13 10:26:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -54 change: Enhanced SesamLogger debugging in docking components ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/07 07:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: Fixed a potential NPE ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/06 15:18:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Replaced two System.out.println to SesamLogger debug messages ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/06 10:43:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -8 bugfix: Fixed a potential NPE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/DockingLayout.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/13 10:26:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -23 change: Enhanced SesamLogger debugging in docking components ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/LayoutObserverContainer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/13 10:22:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Correct mess up in toString methods of layout observer container and view data observer container ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/LayoutProfileDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/04/13 10:18:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +38 -171 change: localize message in Layout Profile dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/loader/LoaderActionListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/loader/LoaderDialogVE.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -12 new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/23 14:25:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8 BUGFIX: A manually entered hw_loader type was overwritten when opened in the loader dialog in case ctrl was type DIR_DISK ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +62 -61 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mailer/MailSend.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mailer/SendLogDialogNew.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/ComponentMedia.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.117 v_4_0_3_15: 1.131 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -61 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2011/06/27 10:34:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -8 change: put the internal name of the media table to TableTypeConstants.COMPONENT_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/05/30 12:47:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -35 bugfix: avoid fatal cast error when introducing a new media ---------------------------- revision 1.128 date: 2011/05/05 09:36:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 remove: unused classes AnimatedDateConverter, AnimatedTimeStampCellRenderer bugfix: change eol date at media component fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.127 date: 2011/05/04 15:45:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: change date format for column 'eol' at component media ---------------------------- revision 1.126 date: 2011/04/14 15:22:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 change: remove animatedTimeStampCellRenderer at media component and use jide stylesheet ---------------------------- revision 1.125 date: 2011/04/07 15:28:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +59 -4 new: change date format for column 'backup_init' at component media ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2011/04/07 09:04:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set user comment at component media fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -49 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -8 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -23 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -16 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/02/28 09:59:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 new: add quick table filter field for component media at toolbar ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/EolDate.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/05 09:36:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 remove: unused classes AnimatedDateConverter, AnimatedTimeStampCellRenderer bugfix: change eol date at media component fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/04 15:45:46; author: cg; state: Exp; bugfix: change date format for column 'eol' at component media ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/LockIcon.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/MediaColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -57 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/14 15:22:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8 change: remove animatedTimeStampCellRenderer at media component and use jide stylesheet ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/07 15:28:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +64 -22 new: change date format for column 'backup_init' at component media ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +39 -186 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/MediaPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.30 v_4_0_3_15: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -18 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/06/27 10:34:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -7 change: put the internal name of the media table to TableTypeConstants.COMPONENT_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/04/07 15:28:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 new: change date format for column 'backup_init' at component media ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/04/07 09:00:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set slot and loader right-aligned in the media table ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/MediaTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/17 08:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -43 change: added cvs id header to source file ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/05 09:36:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 remove: unused classes AnimatedDateConverter, AnimatedTimeStampCellRenderer bugfix: change eol date at media component fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/04 15:45:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -32 bugfix: change date format for column 'eol' at component media ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/14 15:22:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +107 -8 change: remove animatedTimeStampCellRenderer at media component and use jide stylesheet ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/07 15:28:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: change date format for column 'backup_init' at component media ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/07 09:00:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: set slot and loader right-aligned in the media table ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -5 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/MediaToolBar.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -15 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/28 09:59:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 new: add quick table filter field for component media at toolbar ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/PanelMediaCheckVE.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/03 09:50:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: correct height of panel MediaCheck ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media/ReadCheckColumnChooserPopupMenueCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/30 12:14:11; author: cg; state: Exp; change: save selected date format of table 'media_read_check' at media dialog, if save current table view ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediaaction/MediaActionStatics.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -17 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/28 15:03:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +70 -60 change: Use same model for all media action tables (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/28 10:24:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: DataStoreDialog: Get the media results of a disk store directly via data store name, not via label ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:55; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools/LocationsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools/MediaPoolDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.51 v_4_0_3_15: 1.65 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/06/27 14:14:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 bugfix: Sometimes some fields from the media read check tab appeared on the first tab of the media pool dialogs. ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/03/31 12:40:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +49 -56 bugfix: ( #12603 ) Removed the need to enter a capacity for a disk group of type "Tape Drives" ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/03/24 14:09:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +59 -47 change: Add read check panel to media pool dialogs only if needed (never in data store context) new: Set context specific icons for media pool dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/03/22 16:55:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: hidwe combobox 'set media inactive' when creating a new media pool within datastore change: correct title of delete media pool dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/03/22 11:12:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -23 bugfix: avoid NPE when deleting a media pool within data store dialog change: activate OK button when something changed in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/03/03 11:02:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -10 bugfix: hide capacity field at mediapools dialog, if open an existing mediapool with type 'disk_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/03/02 17:20:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: use correct method for proving type of mediapool is 'data_store' change: set new icon for mediapool, media with type datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/02/07 15:05:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +94 -111 bugfix: hide textfield 'directory' and radiobutton 'use_storage_pools' at media_pools dialog, if drive_type of selected drive_group is 'disk_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/02/07 11:45:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: hide textfield 'directory' and radiobutton 'use_storage_pools' at media_pools dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools/MediaPoolNew.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.33 v_4_0_3_15: 1.50 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/06/27 14:14:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -5 bugfix: Sometimes some fields from the media read check tab appeared on the first tab of the media pool dialogs. ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/05/18 08:32:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 bugfix: Set correct content of drive group selection when opening the media dialog coming from 'Media Pool for new Datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/05/04 14:19:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: if create mediapool at datastoredialog and datastore has drives, initialize drivegroup at mediapooldialog ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/03/31 12:40:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +62 -74 bugfix: ( #12603 ) Removed the need to enter a capacity for a disk group of type "Tape Drives" ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/03/24 14:09:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -21 change: Add read check panel to media pool dialogs only if needed (never in data store context) new: Set context specific icons for media pool dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/03/23 13:52:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -21 bugfix: create new mediapool at data store dialog fixed, prevent exception, when try to change drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/03/22 16:55:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: hidwe combobox 'set media inactive' when creating a new media pool within datastore change: correct title of delete media pool dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/03/22 15:45:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -20 change: The a new media pool was no more saveable from data store dialog bcs. of missing id. (Sequence error of using names of the drive group in the media pool table) ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/03/22 10:04:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 bugfix: avoid NPE when creating a new media pool within data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -6 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/03/03 10:15:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +43 -68 bugfix: nullpointer exception at new media pools dialog fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -8 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/03/02 17:20:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: use correct method for proving type of mediapool is 'data_store' change: set new icon for mediapool, media with type datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/02/07 15:05:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 bugfix: hide textfield 'directory' and radiobutton 'use_storage_pools' at media_pools dialog, if drive_type of selected drive_group is 'disk_store' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools/MediaPoolPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/31 12:40:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 bugfix: ( #12603 ) Removed the need to enter a capacity for a disk group of type "Tape Drives" ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/07 15:05:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: hide textfield 'directory' and radiobutton 'use_storage_pools' at media_pools dialog, if drive_type of selected drive_group is 'disk_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/07 13:16:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: position of textfield 'directory' at mediapools dialog to prevent paint over ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/07 11:45:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 change: hide textfield 'directory' and radiobutton 'use_storage_pools' at media_pools dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools/TabbedDialogVE.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/24 14:09:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 change: Add read check panel to media pool dialogs only if needed (never in data store context) new: Set context specific icons for media pool dialogs ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message/DynamicDataPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/11 09:10:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: set throughput value to 0 if drive status is idle ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message/MessageConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/05 10:41:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 change: Check for 'READ|WRITE' (instead of 'SMS_WRT|SMS_READ') in SMS/STPD performance file because 'DataStore' uses these tokens ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message/MessageView.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.56 v_4_0_3_15: 1.62 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/07/06 13:40:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -9 BUGFIX: The amount values in the SMS Channel Panel of the performance view were only visible in English GUIs ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/07/05 10:41:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Check for 'READ|WRITE' (instead of 'SMS_WRT|SMS_READ') in SMS/STPD performance file because 'DataStore' uses these tokens ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/05/11 09:10:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -7 change: set throughput value to 0 if drive status is idle ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/03/22 10:03:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 bugfix: avoid possible NPE when starting the GUI with corrupt preferences values ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/01/27 16:36:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Avoid possible IllegalArgumentException when starting the gui ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/01/19 09:08:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -9 bugfix: Avoid NumberFormatException in the message view if throughput result has temporary a mismatched value like "-1.#IO" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/migration/MigrationData.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/27 09:41:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -161 change: code maintenance (no functional changes) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/migration/MigrationMethods.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/07/07 09:52:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 bugfix: Avoid NumberFormatException in scheduled migration if the priority of a migration event is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/03 09:26:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 bugfix: (#12982) When changing the media pool the interface is not refreshed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/27 09:41:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +77 -276 change: code maintenance (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/04 10:41:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 remove: unused class migrationeventpanel bugfix: start migrationevent from taskbystatus component fixed, set correct groupflag at migrationevent ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/migration/MigrationPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.19 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/03 09:26:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: (#12982) When changing the media pool the interface is not refreshed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/migration/MigrationTaskDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.45 v_4_0_3_15: 1.47 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/05/27 13:38:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -50 BUGFIX: The immediate start of a migration was sometimes shifted to the next day ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/navigation/NavigationNodeLabels.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/navigation/NavigationNodes.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/04 12:22:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: move node 'component.data_stores' to second position at navigation tree ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -10 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/navigation/NavigationPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/renderer/ClientCBCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/renderer/OnOffTableCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/14 13:50:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: (#12133) show correct tooltip text equals table cell text for media table, that appears, if column is too small to display text ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/renderer/StateCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/27 10:34:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: put the internal name of the media table to TableTypeConstants.COMPONENT_MEDIA_TABLE_NAME ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/12 15:23:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -7 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu at saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/12 13:24:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -43 remove: access to column 'stateArt' ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/14 13:50:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: (#12133) show correct tooltip text equals table cell text for media table, that appears, if column is too small to display text ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/renderer/StripedTableCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -7 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/CliBroStrings.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/30 08:20:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: added path symbol to browser legend ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/CliBroStrings_de.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/30 08:20:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: added path symbol to browser legend ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/CliBroStrings_de_BY.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/30 08:20:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: added path symbol to browser legend ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.548.2.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.633 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.633 date: 2011/06/29 12:50:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set correct password label for task type 'exchange' at task dialog, resize user field at exchange tab (task dialog), that user fits to user field ---------------------------- revision 1.632 date: 2011/06/29 09:08:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: show password tab at task dialog, if task type is 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.631 date: 2011/06/28 13:33:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: ask for user and password at task dialog, if create a new task with type 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.630 date: 2011/06/20 12:26:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Added columns for Loader and Slot to the used label table in the results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.629 date: 2011/06/20 08:51:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: rename label of browser pathrow to 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.628 date: 2011/06/16 13:45:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Sample for slot range in the Inventory dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.627 date: 2011/06/16 11:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -72 BUGFIX: Avoid a 'column name is not unique' exception when try to use a duplicate data store name new: update data store table when a data store is inserted or deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.626 date: 2011/06/15 09:50:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Correct a minor type mismatch ---------------------------- revision 1.625 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -20 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ---------------------------- revision 1.624 date: 2011/06/08 09:23:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: add correct exclude path, if select row under row 'all' at browser change: translate node 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.623 date: 2011/06/01 09:49:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 CHANGE: (#12996) Allow individual slot range input for the Archive Adjustment ---------------------------- revision 1.622 date: 2011/05/31 12:48:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: show error in extra messagebox, if capture screenshot fails ---------------------------- revision 1.621 date: 2011/05/30 08:04:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: add message 'path' for pathrow at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.620 date: 2011/05/26 12:07:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set correct screenshot name for media property dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.619 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.618 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.617 date: 2011/05/23 11:42:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: (#12135) Incorrect button label in the window media management ---------------------------- revision 1.616 date: 2011/05/20 09:38:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: localized labels ---------------------------- revision 1.615 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.614 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.613 date: 2011/05/18 08:32:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Set correct content of drive group selection when opening the media dialog coming from 'Media Pool for new Datastore' ---------------------------- revision 1.612 date: 2011/05/17 14:04:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: localized new strings in Restore Wizards task page; ---------------------------- revision 1.611 date: 2011/05/10 11:32:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: add button 'new client' to toolbar of component taskbyclients ---------------------------- revision 1.610 date: 2011/05/09 10:55:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 NEW: added a second button for creating a media pool from the first tab of the data store dialog NEW: Ask user if he likes to create a new media pool after creating a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.609 date: 2011/05/06 09:45:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: Correct English labels ---------------------------- revision 1.608 date: 2011/05/06 09:22:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Correct 3 English labels ---------------------------- revision 1.607 date: 2011/05/06 08:38:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: Avoid an InvocationTargetException when deleting a drive with a reference to migration_tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.606 date: 2011/04/21 13:07:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: add distinction of cases ESX-Server and vCenter when switching password tab in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.605 date: 2011/04/20 10:51:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Added a checkbox "Client is a vCenter Server" to the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.604 date: 2011/04/19 15:42:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: generalize tabbed pane handling in client new dialog to respect case OS is ESX-Server ---------------------------- revision 1.603 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.602 date: 2011/04/15 13:51:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: add username/password pane to client dialog when OS is ESX Server ---------------------------- revision 1.601 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.600 date: 2011/04/13 10:18:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: localize message in Layout Profile dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.599 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.598 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.597 date: 2011/04/04 13:01:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: set correct command header for delete client conflict dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.596 date: 2011/03/31 14:51:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: reformat default values internal dialog for data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.595 date: 2011/03/29 11:00:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: localize data store messages ---------------------------- revision 1.594 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.593 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.592 date: 2011/03/22 16:55:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: hidwe combobox 'set media inactive' when creating a new media pool within datastore change: correct title of delete media pool dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.591 date: 2011/03/22 10:05:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: Label of create media and create media pool buttons ---------------------------- revision 1.590 date: 2011/03/21 15:42:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: correct data size unit in the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.589 date: 2011/03/18 14:47:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set correct column header name (media.location) for media table at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.588 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.587 date: 2011/03/17 09:44:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: header of table media, mediapools at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.586 date: 2011/03/16 21:42:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 correct messages ---------------------------- revision 1.585 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.584 date: 2011/03/11 15:12:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: check, if new drive group already exists at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.583 date: 2011/03/11 12:17:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 change: improve dialog for datastore.size default values at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.582 date: 2011/03/11 11:38:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Extended layout for create new data store panel ---------------------------- revision 1.581 date: 2011/03/10 16:46:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5 new: Additional date presentation options for customizing sesam date values ---------------------------- revision 1.580 date: 2011/03/10 15:52:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: ask for using of default values for capacity, high water mark, low water mark depends on browser size data, when use browser at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.579 date: 2011/03/10 14:08:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Correct title of Cancel Backup dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.578 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.577 date: 2011/03/10 08:32:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: item strings for popup menu customizer ---------------------------- revision 1.576 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.575 date: 2011/03/09 11:57:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: init browser with rds as host at datastore dialog fixed bugfix: check, if path for drive at new datastore dialog is set ---------------------------- revision 1.574 date: 2011/03/09 10:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: hide exclude column in the task by status table by default ---------------------------- revision 1.573 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.572 date: 2011/03/08 13:08:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: title text 'Drive Properties' for drive dialog with data_store parent ---------------------------- revision 1.571 date: 2011/03/08 08:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: column 'path' for drive table at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.570 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.569 date: 2011/03/07 15:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Added the possibility to show the throughput in MB/s and GB/s in the task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.568 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.567 date: 2011/03/03 15:00:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Layout and labels of Data Store Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.566 date: 2011/03/03 13:37:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: add GB to size labels ---------------------------- revision 1.565 date: 2011/03/02 16:44:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Port changes to cvs head done with Check-in [34915] on branch v4_0_2_branch: bugfix: Prevent a PSQLException when creating a new drive ---------------------------- revision 1.564 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.563 date: 2011/02/23 17:00:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: correct label cycle number to count number in the task results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.562 date: 2011/02/23 16:51:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: correct type mismatch ---------------------------- revision 1.561 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -0 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.560 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -14 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.559 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.558 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -0 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.557 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- revision 1.556 date: 2011/02/09 11:09:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Data store dialog: Respect case low_water_mark=0; More place for comment and message; Labels witch [GB] ---------------------------- revision 1.555 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.554 date: 2011/02/08 10:33:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 new: Check the values entered in the data store dialog, draw localized error message if necessary ---------------------------- revision 1.553 date: 2011/02/07 13:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: Add usage of new fields in the Component - Data Stores screen ---------------------------- revision 1.552 date: 2011/02/02 15:07:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: (#12034) set default media pool at component media pools ---------------------------- revision 1.551 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.550 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.549 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -1 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.544.2.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.626 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.626 date: 2011/07/07 10:44:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Password > Passwort ---------------------------- revision 1.625 date: 2011/06/29 12:50:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set correct password label for task type 'exchange' at task dialog, resize user field at exchange tab (task dialog), that user fits to user field ---------------------------- revision 1.624 date: 2011/06/29 09:08:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: show password tab at task dialog, if task type is 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.623 date: 2011/06/28 13:33:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: ask for user and password at task dialog, if create a new task with type 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.622 date: 2011/06/20 12:26:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Added columns for Loader and Slot to the used label table in the results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.621 date: 2011/06/20 08:51:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: rename label of browser pathrow to 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.620 date: 2011/06/16 13:45:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Sample for slot range in the Inventory dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.619 date: 2011/06/16 11:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -69 BUGFIX: Avoid a 'column name is not unique' exception when try to use a duplicate data store name new: update data store table when a data store is inserted or deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.618 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -18 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ---------------------------- revision 1.617 date: 2011/06/08 09:23:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: add correct exclude path, if select row under row 'all' at browser change: translate node 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.616 date: 2011/06/01 09:49:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 CHANGE: (#12996) Allow individual slot range input for the Archive Adjustment ---------------------------- revision 1.615 date: 2011/05/31 12:48:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: show error in extra messagebox, if capture screenshot fails ---------------------------- revision 1.614 date: 2011/05/30 08:04:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: add message 'path' for pathrow at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.613 date: 2011/05/26 12:07:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set correct screenshot name for media property dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.612 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.611 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.610 date: 2011/05/23 11:42:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: (#12135) Incorrect button label in the window media management ---------------------------- revision 1.609 date: 2011/05/20 09:38:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: localized labels ---------------------------- revision 1.608 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.607 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.606 date: 2011/05/17 14:04:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: localized new strings in Restore Wizards task page; ---------------------------- revision 1.605 date: 2011/05/10 11:32:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: add button 'new client' to toolbar of component taskbyclients ---------------------------- revision 1.604 date: 2011/05/09 10:55:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 NEW: added a second button for creating a media pool from the first tab of the data store dialog NEW: Ask user if he likes to create a new media pool after creating a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.603 date: 2011/05/06 08:38:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Avoid an InvocationTargetException when deleting a drive with a reference to migration_tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.602 date: 2011/04/21 13:07:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: add distinction of cases ESX-Server and vCenter when switching password tab in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.601 date: 2011/04/20 10:51:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Added a checkbox "Client is a vCenter Server" to the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.600 date: 2011/04/19 15:42:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: generalize tabbed pane handling in client new dialog to respect case OS is ESX-Server ---------------------------- revision 1.599 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.598 date: 2011/04/15 13:51:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: add username/password pane to client dialog when OS is ESX Server ---------------------------- revision 1.597 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.596 date: 2011/04/13 10:18:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: localize message in Layout Profile dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.595 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.594 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.593 date: 2011/04/04 13:01:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: set correct command header for delete client conflict dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.592 date: 2011/03/31 14:51:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: reformat default values internal dialog for data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.591 date: 2011/03/30 11:04:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: Enable the delete button in the drive store dialog after deleting all assigned drives change: Enable the OK button only if the minimal needed values are present ---------------------------- revision 1.590 date: 2011/03/29 14:45:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: localize data store labels ---------------------------- revision 1.589 date: 2011/03/29 11:00:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: localize data store messages ---------------------------- revision 1.588 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.587 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.586 date: 2011/03/22 16:55:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: hidwe combobox 'set media inactive' when creating a new media pool within datastore change: correct title of delete media pool dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.585 date: 2011/03/22 10:05:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Label of create media and create media pool buttons ---------------------------- revision 1.584 date: 2011/03/21 15:42:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: correct data size unit in the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.583 date: 2011/03/18 14:47:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set correct column header name (media.location) for media table at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.582 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.581 date: 2011/03/17 09:44:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: header of table media, mediapools at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.580 date: 2011/03/16 21:42:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 correct messages ---------------------------- revision 1.579 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.578 date: 2011/03/11 15:12:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: check, if new drive group already exists at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.577 date: 2011/03/11 12:17:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve dialog for datastore.size default values at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.576 date: 2011/03/10 16:46:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -5 new: Additional date presentation options for customizing sesam date values ---------------------------- revision 1.575 date: 2011/03/10 15:52:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: ask for using of default values for capacity, high water mark, low water mark depends on browser size data, when use browser at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.574 date: 2011/03/10 14:08:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Correct title of Cancel Backup dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.573 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- revision 1.572 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.571 date: 2011/03/10 08:32:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: item strings for popup menu customizer ---------------------------- revision 1.570 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.569 date: 2011/03/09 11:57:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: init browser with rds as host at datastore dialog fixed bugfix: check, if path for drive at new datastore dialog is set ---------------------------- revision 1.568 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.567 date: 2011/03/08 13:44:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: German translation for state (Zustand->Status) ---------------------------- revision 1.566 date: 2011/03/08 13:08:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: title text 'Drive Properties' for drive dialog with data_store parent ---------------------------- revision 1.565 date: 2011/03/08 08:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: column 'path' for drive table at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.564 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.563 date: 2011/03/07 15:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Added the possibility to show the throughput in MB/s and GB/s in the task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.562 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.561 date: 2011/03/03 13:37:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: add GB to size labels ---------------------------- revision 1.560 date: 2011/03/02 16:44:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Port changes to cvs head done with Check-in [34915] on branch v4_0_2_branch: bugfix: Prevent a PSQLException when creating a new drive ---------------------------- revision 1.559 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.558 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -0 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.557 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -16 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.556 date: 2011/02/15 08:24:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct title in DriveActionDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.555 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.554 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -0 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.553 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- revision 1.552 date: 2011/02/09 11:09:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Data store dialog: Respect case low_water_mark=0; More place for comment and message; Labels witch [GB] ---------------------------- revision 1.551 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.550 date: 2011/02/08 10:33:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: Check the values entered in the data store dialog, draw localized error message if necessary ---------------------------- revision 1.549 date: 2011/02/07 13:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: Add usage of new fields in the Component - Data Stores screen ---------------------------- revision 1.548 date: 2011/02/02 15:07:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: (#12034) set default media pool at component media pools ---------------------------- revision 1.547 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.546 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.545 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -1 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings_de_BY.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.273 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.273 date: 2011/07/07 10:45:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +132 -132 change: Password > Passwort, Bitte > Bid'sche ---------------------------- revision 1.272 date: 2011/06/29 12:50:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set correct password label for task type 'exchange' at task dialog, resize user field at exchange tab (task dialog), that user fits to user field ---------------------------- revision 1.271 date: 2011/06/29 09:08:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: show password tab at task dialog, if task type is 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.270 date: 2011/06/28 13:33:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: ask for user and password at task dialog, if create a new task with type 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.269 date: 2011/06/20 12:26:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Added columns for Loader and Slot to the used label table in the results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.268 date: 2011/06/20 08:51:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: rename label of browser pathrow to 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.267 date: 2011/06/16 13:45:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Sample for slot range in the Inventory dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.266 date: 2011/06/16 11:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +916 -915 BUGFIX: Avoid a 'column name is not unique' exception when try to use a duplicate data store name new: update data store table when a data store is inserted or deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.265 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ---------------------------- revision 1.264 date: 2011/06/08 09:23:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: add correct exclude path, if select row under row 'all' at browser change: translate node 'all local file systems' ---------------------------- revision 1.263 date: 2011/06/01 09:49:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 CHANGE: (#12996) Allow individual slot range input for the Archive Adjustment ---------------------------- revision 1.262 date: 2011/05/31 14:27:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: remove umlaut chars from source code ---------------------------- revision 1.261 date: 2011/05/31 12:48:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: show error in extra messagebox, if capture screenshot fails ---------------------------- revision 1.260 date: 2011/05/30 08:04:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: add message 'path' for pathrow at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.259 date: 2011/05/26 12:07:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set correct screenshot name for media property dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.258 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.257 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.256 date: 2011/05/23 11:42:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: (#12135) Incorrect button label in the window media management ---------------------------- revision 1.255 date: 2011/05/20 09:38:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: localized labels ---------------------------- revision 1.254 date: 2011/05/19 15:43:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: expand/collapse for all tree nodes, that has childs ---------------------------- revision 1.253 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.252 date: 2011/05/17 14:04:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: localized new strings in Restore Wizards task page; ---------------------------- revision 1.251 date: 2011/05/10 11:32:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: add button 'new client' to toolbar of component taskbyclients ---------------------------- revision 1.250 date: 2011/05/09 10:55:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: added a second button for creating a media pool from the first tab of the data store dialog NEW: Ask user if he likes to create a new media pool after creating a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.249 date: 2011/05/06 08:38:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Avoid an InvocationTargetException when deleting a drive with a reference to migration_tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.248 date: 2011/04/21 13:07:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: add distinction of cases ESX-Server and vCenter when switching password tab in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.247 date: 2011/04/20 10:51:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Added a checkbox "Client is a vCenter Server" to the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.246 date: 2011/04/19 15:42:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: generalize tabbed pane handling in client new dialog to respect case OS is ESX-Server ---------------------------- revision 1.245 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.244 date: 2011/04/15 13:51:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: add username/password pane to client dialog when OS is ESX Server ---------------------------- revision 1.243 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.242 date: 2011/04/13 10:18:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: localize message in Layout Profile dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.241 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.240 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.239 date: 2011/04/04 13:01:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: set correct command header for delete client conflict dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.238 date: 2011/03/31 14:51:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: reformat default values internal dialog for data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.237 date: 2011/03/30 11:04:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 bugfix: Enable the delete button in the drive store dialog after deleting all assigned drives change: Enable the OK button only if the minimal needed values are present ---------------------------- revision 1.236 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.235 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.234 date: 2011/03/22 16:55:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: hidwe combobox 'set media inactive' when creating a new media pool within datastore change: correct title of delete media pool dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.233 date: 2011/03/22 10:05:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Label of create media and create media pool buttons ---------------------------- revision 1.232 date: 2011/03/21 15:42:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: correct data size unit in the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.231 date: 2011/03/18 14:47:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set correct column header name (media.location) for media table at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.229 date: 2011/03/17 09:44:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 change: header of table media, mediapools at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.228 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.227 date: 2011/03/11 15:12:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: check, if new drive group already exists at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.226 date: 2011/03/11 12:17:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: improve dialog for datastore.size default values at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.225 date: 2011/03/10 16:46:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -6 new: Additional date presentation options for customizing sesam date values ---------------------------- revision 1.224 date: 2011/03/10 15:52:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 new: ask for using of default values for capacity, high water mark, low water mark depends on browser size data, when use browser at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.223 date: 2011/03/10 14:08:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Correct title of Cancel Backup dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.222 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- revision 1.221 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.220 date: 2011/03/10 08:32:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 new: item strings for popup menu customizer ---------------------------- revision 1.219 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.218 date: 2011/03/09 11:57:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: init browser with rds as host at datastore dialog fixed bugfix: check, if path for drive at new datastore dialog is set ---------------------------- revision 1.217 date: 2011/03/08 15:17:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 new: localize data store dialog panels; trim layout; ---------------------------- revision 1.216 date: 2011/03/08 13:08:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: title text 'Drive Properties' for drive dialog with data_store parent ---------------------------- revision 1.215 date: 2011/03/08 08:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: column 'path' for drive table at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2011/03/07 15:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Added the possibility to show the throughput in MB/s and GB/s in the task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2011/03/03 13:37:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: add GB to size labels ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2011/03/02 16:44:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Port changes to cvs head done with Check-in [34915] on branch v4_0_2_branch: bugfix: Prevent a PSQLException when creating a new drive ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -15 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2011/02/09 11:09:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Data store dialog: Respect case low_water_mark=0; More place for comment and message; Labels witch [GB] ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2011/02/08 10:33:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 new: Check the values entered in the data store dialog, draw localized error message if necessary ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2011/02/07 13:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: Add usage of new fields in the Component - Data Stores screen ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2011/02/02 15:07:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: (#12034) set default media pool at component media pools ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -1 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/RestoreWizStrings.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.64 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/RestoreWizStrings_de.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.67 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/06/28 09:42:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: reduce size of bottom labels at restore wizard result table ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/RestoreWizStrings_de_BY.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/01/27 09:06:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: set correct restore wizard strings (bavarian gui) for new restore wizard exchange target path panel ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/MediaResultsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -40 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/04 15:26:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -6 new: Added double click feature to media results table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/01/28 12:15:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +54 -24 new: added support to view a purge protocol in the media results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/MigrationResultsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/MigrationResultsPanel1.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/21 15:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 bugfix: correct data size unit in the migration results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/RestoreResultsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/07/05 10:10:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -6 change: Remove obsolete 'restore/' prefix when showing pre- or post- log in the Restore Results Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/RestoreResultsPanel1.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/21 15:42:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 bugfix: correct data size unit in the restore results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/07/04 15:37:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: DataStoreDialog - Table Savesets: Write correct value in db when updating locked in the results table ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/06/20 12:26:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -16 NEW: Added columns for Loader and Slot to the used label table in the results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/06/15 12:35:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the third tab panel with resize functionalities ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/06/15 11:39:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the second tab panel with resize functionalities ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +61 -7 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/06/09 10:23:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 change: remove duplicate saveset identifier when getting pre/post/not files with new filenames ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/06/09 10:19:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +178 -126 NEW: Try to get pre/post/not files with new filenames (leading sid) when showing task by status protocols. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/06/01 14:37:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 change: show used labels for newday events at results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/05/27 11:09:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: Avoid potential StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when generating a protocol name in the ResultsDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/03/30 13:54:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 bugfix: Avoid NPE when using the results dialog in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/03/21 09:21:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -14 change: avoid obsolete update statements in the results dialog if field users comment of locked remains unchanged ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -2 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/01 13:25:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: set correct hot/cold backup state at immediate start dialog, if parent component is taskbystatus ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/01 12:35:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -12 change: show textfield 'on/off mode' at results dialog, when task_type.online_mode = '1' ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/01 12:03:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: textfield 'on/off' at results dialog, that will be appear, if current result.online_flag is '1' (hot) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel1.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/01 12:03:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +34 -2 new: textfield 'on/off' at results dialog, that will be appear, if current result.online_flag is '1' (hot) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel1NB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:58; author: wf; state: Exp; CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel1NB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:58; author: wf; state: Exp; CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel2.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel2NB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 11:39:44; author: wf; state: Exp; CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the second tab panel with resize functionalities ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel2NB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 11:39:44; author: wf; state: Exp; CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the second tab panel with resize functionalities ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel3NB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 12:35:08; author: wf; state: Exp; CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the third tab panel with resize functionalities ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/ResultsDialogPanel3NB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 12:35:08; author: wf; state: Exp; CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the third tab panel with resize functionalities ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/savesets/AnimatedDateCellEditor.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/08 08:49:46; author: wf; state: Exp; bugfix: Avoid to write an empty string in the eol field of the saveset table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/savesets/BlockRangeConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/01 14:09:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 bugfix: set correct block value at all tables with block column ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/01 13:40:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 bugfix: Use ByteFormatter in ByteRangeConverter ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -28 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -6 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/22 08:58:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -41 change: cleanup code (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/18 14:37:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set flag 'supportfromString' to false ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/17 16:44:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +46 -22 new: set size for column 'media.filled' at data store dialog bugfix: set correct visibility of media dialog items, if create new media at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/savesets/SaveSetTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/28 12:24:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -11 change: switch date format for table savesets at datastore- and media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/25 13:46:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -8 change: Let the user edit the EOL date of the saveset in the media dialog only when coming from the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/14 13:43:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -9 change: replaced block size column with data size column in the saveset table of the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/12 15:23:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +49 -10 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu at saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/08 08:49:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: Avoid to write an empty string in the eol field of the saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/05 16:01:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -5 bugfix: enhance condition for updateLockedInResults ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/05 15:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 bugfix: fill saveset table at datastore dialog fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/05 15:46:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: correct condition for updateLockedInResults ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/05 15:20:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: globally register new OnOffCellEditor ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/05 14:56:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: extend and generalize selection combobox for on/off switching within a table ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/04 13:49:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -7 change: use internal selection combobox instead of checkbox for on/off switching in the saveset table's locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/04 13:32:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +124 -6 change: use new OnOffConverter for saveset table's locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -14 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/18 14:40:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -3 new: Added new editable column 'locked' to saveset table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/18 14:48:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: Add missing state converter to Media and Data Store Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/savesets/SavesetViewColumns.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/14 13:43:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced block size column with data size column in the saveset table of the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/12 15:23:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -14 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu at saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/18 14:40:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: Added new editable column 'locked' to saveset table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/savesets/SavesetsTable.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/14 13:43:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced block size column with data size column in the saveset table of the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/12 15:23:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -7 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu at saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -64 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/05 15:46:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -2 change: correct condition for updateLockedInResults ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/05 15:20:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -63 change: globally register new OnOffCellEditor ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/04 13:32:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: use new OnOffConverter for saveset table's locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/18 14:40:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +41 -73 new: Added new editable column 'locked' to saveset table in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 14:06:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +97 -59 new: Add column backup source to saveset table; Add column eol to task by status table; change: use common class for task data object ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -44 new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/savesets/SavesetsTablePopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/28 12:24:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +90 -2 change: switch date format for table savesets at datastore- and media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/14 13:43:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced block size column with data size column in the saveset table of the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/12 15:23:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -5 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu at saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -152 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -12 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 09:22:47; author: wf; state: Exp; new: implement rendering and formatting of the saveset table content in the media dialog and the data store dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/CmdEventPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.22 v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/04 08:44:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -26 bugfix: ( #12397) Avoid NPE in Commands Dialog when the the host name was changed externally ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/RestoreTaskEventPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/02/10 09:28:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -50 BUGFIX: (#12258) In case of automatic restore the media pool was written to the DB with attached spaces ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/ScheduleCalculator.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/27 13:38:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +38 -26 BUGFIX: The immediate start of a migration was sometimes shifted to the next day ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/ScheduleDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.183 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2011/05/27 13:38:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +69 -32 BUGFIX: The immediate start of a migration was sometimes shifted to the next day ---------------------------- revision 1.181 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2011/03/04 10:41:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 remove: unused class migrationeventpanel bugfix: start migrationevent from taskbystatus component fixed, set correct groupflag at migrationevent ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2011/01/24 15:47:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: rename method to 'refillMediaPoolCB' ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2011/01/24 15:44:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +72 -4 bugfix: #12168 show all mediapools independent from loader, when create media event without action 'archive adjustment' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/ScheduleDialogBase.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/20 11:26:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 BUGFIX: (#12126) Set the proper weekly flags for the cases of non weekly schedules ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/27 13:38:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +154 -125 BUGFIX: The immediate start of a migration was sometimes shifted to the next day ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/ScheduleDialogItemListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/06 10:01:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: (#12982) When changing the media pool the interface is not refreshed; Last fix handled Migration Dialog; This fix covers the Task Event Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/24 15:47:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: rename method to 'refillMediaPoolCB' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/01/24 15:44:29; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: #12168 show all mediapools independent from loader, when create media event without action 'archive adjustment' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/TaskEventMethods.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/06 10:01:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -9 bugfix: (#12982) When changing the media pool the interface is not refreshed; Last fix handled Migration Dialog; This fix covers the Task Event Dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/start/RunBackupDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/15 10:35:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: if start task group at once, set beginning substring of saveset with "SG" ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/02 09:23:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: select taskgroup radiobutton at run backup dialog, if task group is clipped ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/01 14:37:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -14 change: set enable of hot/cold combobox at run backup dialog dependency to table task_type.backup_online = 'y' or '1' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/01 13:25:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 bugfix: set correct hot/cold backup state at immediate start dialog, if parent component is taskbystatus ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/start/RunCommandDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/ByStatusInternalFrame.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.111 v_4_0_3_15: 1.123 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2011/04/14 13:40:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: rename component to avoid duplicate class names ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -110 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/04/01 14:47:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: save internal layout of bystatus components with view fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +53 -28 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -12 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +95 -10 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/02/11 14:26:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -13 new: implement function 'Save view' for the DataStore table. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/ProfilesManager.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/06/10 14:16:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -0 new: save visible columns at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/06/06 10:13:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -22 change: add created profile to local buffer, reload of local profile buffer is not more neccessary ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/06/06 09:47:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4 change: improve db access to profiles table, if open media component ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/05/09 13:19:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: revert addition of LayoutPersistence Version to the docking keys ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/05 12:33:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: optimize access to profiles table during gui start ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/05 09:51:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set correct node when getting preference value for the main frame ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/04 13:40:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 change: add layout persistence version number in docking node db entries ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/SizeConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/28 12:24:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: switch date format for table savesets at datastore- and media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -6 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -7 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/StateString.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/21 08:23:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: add status text to datastore status column ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/TableTypeConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/10 14:16:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 new: save visible columns at browser ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/28 14:56:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: unify panel for savesets table ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/17 10:24:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: Implement 'Save View' in the saveset tab of the media dialog and the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/11 14:26:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: implement function 'Save view' for the DataStore table. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/TreeTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/ViewDataObserverContainer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/13 10:22:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Correct mess up in toString methods of layout observer container and view data observer container ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/ByStatusColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -0 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -2 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -0 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/DatePresentationMenu.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/29 11:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 bugfix: switch date format for columns 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'sesam_date' at components 'restorebystatus', 'migrationbystatus', 'mediabystatus' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/28 12:24:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: switch date format for table savesets at datastore- and media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/28 08:22:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 bugfix: set correct date format for component media ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/01 14:31:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: The customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard is now saved by 'store view' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/07 15:28:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 new: change date format for column 'backup_init' at component media ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -12 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/21 10:02:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -68 change: cleanup code (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/15 11:29:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: avoid class cast exception in restart tasks dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +165 -49 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/10 16:46:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +204 -55 new: Additional date presentation options for customizing sesam date values ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:48; author: wf; state: Exp; new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/MediaActionColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/29 11:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +72 -2 bugfix: switch date format for columns 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'sesam_date' at components 'restorebystatus', 'migrationbystatus', 'mediabystatus' ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/14 13:40:57; author: wf; state: Exp; change: rename component to avoid duplicate class names ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/MigrationColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/29 11:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +68 -1 bugfix: switch date format for columns 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'sesam_date' at components 'restorebystatus', 'migrationbystatus', 'mediabystatus' ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -1 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/RestoreColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/29 11:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +75 -5 bugfix: switch date format for columns 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'sesam_date' at components 'restorebystatus', 'migrationbystatus', 'mediabystatus' ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -2 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/SizeMenu.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/07 09:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: set slot and loader right-aligned in the media table ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/07 08:43:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: change size of occupency column at media component fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/01 14:09:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +56 -36 bugfix: set correct block value at all tables with block column ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +69 -32 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/01 11:23:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Solve compilation conflict: set method getBlockSizeMenu to public ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/31 15:01:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -19 change: Next step to eliminate SizeMenuNew (no functional changes) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/StateMenu.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/14 12:40:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 change: union of state, stateicon column to single column at data store table ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/12 15:23:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu at saveset table ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/TableColumnCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/17 15:48:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: hide locked column in TaskByStatus ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/09 10:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: hide exclude column in the task by status table by default ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/21 15:52:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Remove visibility of columns pid and client_id from table Media Actions ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -3 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/TaskColumnChooserPopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -1 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -6 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +69 -8 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/columnchooserpopupmenucustomizer/ThroughputMenu.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/07 15:13:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -3 new: Added the possibility to show the throughput in MB/s and GB/s in the task by status table ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/converter/ByteRangeConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/30 11:30:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show data, if use converter CONTEXT_BYTE fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/01 14:09:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: set correct block value at all tables with block column ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/01 13:40:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix: Use ByteFormatter in ByteRangeConverter ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +51 -29 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/10 14:26:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show size values (total, free, use) in 'gb' without unit at new data store dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/converter/DriveNumConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/converter/ExtendedDateConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/03/22 08:58:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -33 change: cleanup code (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +89 -65 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/10 16:46:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -7 new: Additional date presentation options for customizing sesam date values ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +40 -8 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/converter/ExtendedDoubleConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/07 15:13:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -18 new: Added the possibility to show the throughput in MB/s and GB/s in the task by status table ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/media/MediaByStatus.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.102 v_4_0_3_15: 1.103 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/media/MediaByStatusColumns.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/21 15:52:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Remove visibility of columns pid and client_id from table Media Actions ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +36 -5 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/media/MediaByStatusConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +34 -35 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +99 -2 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/media/MediaByStatusListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/01/28 12:15:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -35 new: added support to view a purge protocol in the media results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/media/MediaDataObject.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -15 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +191 -21 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/media/MediaTreeTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/29 11:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -5 bugfix: switch date format for columns 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'sesam_date' at components 'restorebystatus', 'migrationbystatus', 'mediabystatus' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +51 -7 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -4 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/21 15:52:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: Remove visibility of columns pid and client_id from table Media Actions ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/media/MediaTreeTableRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +79 -6 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/migration/MigrationByStatus.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.99 v_4_0_3_15: 1.100 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/migration/MigrationByStatusColumns.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/migration/MigrationByStatusConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -15 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/migration/MigrationDataObject.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -16 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/migration/MigrationTreeTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/29 11:15:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +26 -6 bugfix: switch date format for columns 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'sesam_date' at components 'restorebystatus', 'migrationbystatus', 'mediabystatus' ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -8 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/migration/MigrationTreeTableRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/restore/RestoreByStatus.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.98 v_4_0_3_15: 1.99 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/restore/RestoreByStatusColumns.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/restore/RestoreByStatusConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -17 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/restore/RestoreDataObject.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -16 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/restore/RestoreTreeTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/29 11:15:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -5 bugfix: switch date format for columns 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'sesam_date' at components 'restorebystatus', 'migrationbystatus', 'mediabystatus' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +48 -6 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -3 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/restore/RestoreTreeTableRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/RestartTask.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/17 14:01:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -29 BUGFIX: (#12836) Job State column contents are displayed incorrectly in the TaskByStatus window ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/RestartTasksConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/09 10:54:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: hide exclude column in the task by status table by default ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/RestartTasksTreeTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/04 13:32:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: use new OnOffConverter for saveset table's locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -5 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/17 15:48:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 bugfix: the restart comboboxes in restart backup dialog were no more selectable ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/03/09 10:54:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: hide exclude column in the task by status table by default ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/TaskByStatus.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.191 v_4_0_3_15: 1.202 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2011/07/04 15:37:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: DataStoreDialog - Table Savesets: Write correct value in db when updating locked in the results table ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2011/05/17 14:01:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 BUGFIX: (#12836) Job State column contents are displayed incorrectly in the TaskByStatus window ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2011/03/17 15:48:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -15 change: use a CheckBox as a CellEditor for the locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2011/03/17 13:59:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -63 change: remove System.out.printlns (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +223 -194 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2011/03/08 16:03:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 change: refresh property table at taskbystatus, if select rows with key 'arrow_up' and 'arrow_down' ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2011/03/08 14:15:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5 new: property table for taskbystatus component ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2011/02/24 16:29:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +89 -21 bugfix: (# 12379) GUI ends with OutOfMemoryError ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2011/02/18 14:06:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: Add column backup source to saveset table; Add column eol to task by status table; change: use common class for task data object ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2011/01/21 14:52:28; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 bugfix: prevent crash of gui server, when gui runs a long time with cyclic data update (byStatus components) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/TaskByStatusColumns.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/17 14:01:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -12 BUGFIX: (#12836) Job State column contents are displayed incorrectly in the TaskByStatus window ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/18 14:06:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -6 new: Add column backup source to saveset table; Add column eol to task by status table; change: use common class for task data object ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/TaskByStatusConstants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/17 14:01:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8 BUGFIX: (#12836) Job State column contents are displayed incorrectly in the TaskByStatus window ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -28 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -8 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/18 14:06:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -20 new: Add column backup source to saveset table; Add column eol to task by status table; change: use common class for task data object ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/TaskByStatusListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.60 v_4_0_3_15: 1.64 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/04/28 10:46:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 bugfix: select correct type (task/taskgroup) for taskbystatus.runbackupdialog ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/03/10 14:08:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -20 bugfix: Correct title of Cancel Backup dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/03/01 13:25:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -2 bugfix: set correct hot/cold backup state at immediate start dialog, if parent component is taskbystatus ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/TaskDataObject.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.28 v_4_0_3_15: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/07/04 15:37:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: DataStoreDialog - Table Savesets: Write correct value in db when updating locked in the results table ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +115 -24 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/02/18 14:06:40; author: wf; state: dead; lines: +1 -1 new: Add column backup source to saveset table; Add column eol to task by status table; change: use common class for task data object ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/TaskTreeTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/06/17 11:12:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +67 -60 bugfix: handle repaint exception, that can be occur during refresh treetable ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -4 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/04/08 11:06:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: disable the editing capability of field 'locked' in the job state view ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/04/01 13:17:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -7 change: set all converter as non static bugfix: prevent numberformat exception at taskbystatus dialog, when fill table change: register all converter one time , when start gui ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/31 14:27:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Next step to context driven BlockRangeConverter (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/17 15:48:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -23 change: use a CheckBox as a CellEditor for the locked column ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +47 -45 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/03/15 10:22:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -5 new: Task by Status: The date format of the fields sesam date, start time stop time can now individually selected and stored by the user. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/08 10:38:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 bugfix: Make the the values of the new columns processed, not processed and excluded visible in the TaskByStatus table ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/18 14:06:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 new: Add column backup source to saveset table; Add column eol to task by status table; change: use common class for task data object ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/task/TaskTreeTableRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/17 14:01:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: (#12836) Job State column contents are displayed incorrectly in the TaskByStatus window ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/04/12 13:17:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -12 change: use only one state column for state information, icon and text an be hidden with column header menu ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/04/08 11:06:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -30 change: disable the editing capability of field 'locked' in the job state view ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -40 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/03/16 11:11:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: fill restart task table fixed, use correct column id´s ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/09 10:54:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: hide exclude column in the task by status table by default ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/08 10:38:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 bugfix: Make the the values of the new columns processed, not processed and excluded visible in the TaskByStatus table ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -13 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/02/18 14:06:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -8 new: Add column backup source to saveset table; Add column eol to task by status table; change: use common class for task data object ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/table/CustomAutoFilterTableHeader.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/table/TableUtils2.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/19 15:38:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 bugfix: added missing 'Save View' button in the task table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/28 13:02:15; author: cg; state: Exp; new: add quick search fields for table media, datastore and mediadialog.saveset table and datastoredialog.savesettable ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/MultilineConverter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/31 15:47:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 bugfix: the source and the exclude list in the task dialog contained line feeds ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TDMultilineStringComboBox.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/31 15:47:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: the source and the exclude list in the task dialog contained line feeds ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TDTaskPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/08 14:59:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: Avoid another case of duplicate selection of rows starting with the same vPath ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/17 08:01:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -27 bugfix: Avoid NPE when saving a task with an empty exclude list ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/16 13:12:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 new: Proposal for an input help for very long browser lists ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/12 14:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -44 CHANGE: Eliminated obsolete button for exclude list browsing - this functionality is integrated in source list browsing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TaskDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.68 v_4_0_3_15: 1.89 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/06/30 13:48:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 The Exchange Access panel in the task dialog was not visible when started from task by status ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/06/29 12:22:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -20 remove: exchange password popup change: crypt password before write it into db ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/06/29 09:08:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -5 change: show password tab at task dialog, if task type is 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/06/28 13:33:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +65 -31 change: ask for user and password at task dialog, if create a new task with type 'exchange' or 'exchange dag' ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2011/06/21 09:21:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: transfer correct source and exclude list from task dialog to browser ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2011/06/20 09:47:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: avoid NPE in the task dialog when saving an empty source task list ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2011/06/15 14:42:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Hide additional backup options backup type is "iFolder" ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/06/15 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: Hide additional backup options "Descend directories on other file systems" and "Save data mounted by NFS" when backup type is "NSS File system" ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/05/31 15:47:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 bugfix: the source and the exclude list in the task dialog contained line feeds ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/05/24 13:31:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 NEW: new Source List and Exclude List Editors for the Task Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/05/17 08:01:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +94 -63 bugfix: Avoid NPE when saving a task with an empty exclude list ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/05/16 13:12:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -22 new: Proposal for an input help for very long browser lists ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/05/12 14:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -12 CHANGE: Eliminated obsolete button for exclude list browsing - this functionality is integrated in source list browsing ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/04/20 15:13:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the Client Properties Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/03/03 16:56:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -31 change: let the exclude button do the same as the browser button in the task dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/03/01 09:41:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: refresh tree at component taskbyclient after create of new client with new task ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/02/21 16:28:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -9 change: hide SaveView button in dialogs if not needed ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/02/03 15:53:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +37 -13 bugfix: (#12062) refresh tree after move of component to another parent (location to other parent location, task to other client, drive to other drivegroup, hwloader to other client, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TaskTypeCBCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/16 16:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -140 bugfix: The backup type icon in the restore wizards task table were no more visible; new: Extracted backup type to icon conversion end eliminate duplicate code ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/02/21 14:56:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct 'hyper-v' icon at taskdialog tasktype combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/02/10 13:56:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: set correct icon for task type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TaskTypeCellRenderer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/16 16:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -307 bugfix: The backup type icon in the restore wizards task table were no more visible; new: Extracted backup type to icon conversion end eliminate duplicate code ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/04/12 13:15:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: set vmware icon for vm task at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWExpertOptsDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.69 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/05/25 14:47:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: create gui screenshots of active java swing component with shortcut 'ctrl'+'DRUCK', that will be saved in folder 'bin/gui/html/images' ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/05/20 10:57:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -6 BUGFIX: (#12109) Expert Options change 'original target' location to 'new restore target' ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/05/16 13:11:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: avoid possible NPE if the Client Browser is started with an empty exclude list ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/05/04 12:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -25 new: integrated expert opts dialog in restore wizard with backup type VM_WARE_VSPHERE ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/05/02 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Transfer changes done in branch 4.0.2 with Check-in 35967: BUGFIX: (#12568) do not switch to mailbox view if backup type is EXCHANGE_SERVER_2003 ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/03/24 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -13 change: Reactivate the backup types panel for path backup type in the expert options dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/02/11 09:56:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: (#12275) Exchange restore task start with wrong parameters fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RestoreWizard.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.319 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.319 date: 2011/06/22 14:23:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 bugfix: prevent exception, if save modified restore task with type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.318 date: 2011/06/22 14:03:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +47 -19 bugfix: set correct data at restore wizard for existing vmware restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.317 date: 2011/06/03 09:54:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set correct logging, if test connection to esx server at restore wizard with vm tasktype ---------------------------- revision 1.316 date: 2011/06/03 09:48:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -10 bugfix: if change vcenter combobox, fill all combobox depend on vcenter with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.315 date: 2011/06/01 14:31:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: The customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard is now saved by 'store view' ---------------------------- revision 1.314 date: 2011/05/30 09:06:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: The favorite columns in the restore wizards task table were filled with wrong constants. ---------------------------- revision 1.313 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +138 -175 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.312 date: 2011/05/25 14:59:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +128 -215 bugfix: Could not restart a restore from immediate start of a restore within the restore by status screen ---------------------------- revision 1.311 date: 2011/05/20 10:57:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 BUGFIX: (#12109) Expert Options change 'original target' location to 'new restore target' ---------------------------- revision 1.310 date: 2011/05/20 10:21:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -20 bugfix: set default layout at restore wizard task table fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.309 date: 2011/05/19 15:38:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -35 bugfix: added missing 'Save View' button in the task table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.308 date: 2011/05/19 13:18:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +467 -447 change: if targetvm at restore wizard is not set, prevent start of restore vm at restore wizard change: add combobox drive for vmpanel at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.307 date: 2011/05/19 12:09:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -11 change: hide button 'recover' vm panel of restore wizard bugfix: refill esx combobox with correct values after change of vcenter at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.306 date: 2011/05/19 08:23:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -16 new: add a separate backup type logo row in the restore wizards task table ---------------------------- revision 1.305 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +330 -68 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.304 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +47 -47 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.303 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -4 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- revision 1.302 date: 2011/05/18 10:36:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -14 change: Switch directly to start page if backup types is VM_WARE_VSPHERE and as path and TaskComplete is selected in the Restore Wizard change: remove obsolete listeners (Node Selection Listener, Tree Expansion Listener Tree Selection Listener) -now handled via client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.301 date: 2011/05/17 14:04:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -4 change: localized new strings in Restore Wizards task page; ---------------------------- revision 1.300 date: 2011/05/17 08:50:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -37 change: Refactoring TaskTableColumns in Restore Wizard; simplify TaskTableModel (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.299 date: 2011/05/16 16:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -47 bugfix: The backup type icon in the restore wizards task table were no more visible; new: Extracted backup type to icon conversion end eliminate duplicate code ---------------------------- revision 1.298 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +47 -920 BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ---------------------------- revision 1.297 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -14 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.296 date: 2011/05/05 13:51:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 bugfix: (#9138) Added a control variable to prevent overwriting of data in the start page, which have been already filled by the user ---------------------------- revision 1.295 date: 2011/05/04 12:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -22 new: integrated expert opts dialog in restore wizard with backup type VM_WARE_VSPHERE ---------------------------- revision 1.294 date: 2011/05/03 08:33:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 change: when authorise to esx server and no data are available, try authorisation with user=root and password from vCenter Server at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.293 date: 2011/05/02 14:35:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -11 bugfix: set overwrite/recover flag at restore task, if restore task with backuptype='vm ' ---------------------------- revision 1.292 date: 2011/05/02 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -21 change: Transfer changes done in branch 4.0.2 with Check-in 35967: BUGFIX: (#12568) do not switch to mailbox view if backup type is EXCHANGE_SERVER_2003 ---------------------------- revision 1.291 date: 2011/04/27 09:15:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -10 bugfix: set correct target, original_flag for vm restore_task at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.290 date: 2011/04/27 08:35:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 bugfix: fill target_server, target_node at restore wizard r_task with values (backuptype=vsphere) ---------------------------- revision 1.289 date: 2011/04/26 15:48:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +137 -94 change: move vm access from gui restore wizard to sesam server side bugfix: select correct datastore (vmx path), esx server, datacenter at restore wizard depends on vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.288 date: 2011/04/26 08:17:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 bugfix: refresh data store combobox at restore wizard, if change esx host or datacenter ---------------------------- revision 1.287 date: 2011/04/21 11:43:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Switching between different password tabs in the client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.286 date: 2011/04/21 09:05:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: hide the flexipanel when showin the VM panel in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.285 date: 2011/04/20 15:49:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 change: use values from client when trying to update the ESX panel data ---------------------------- revision 1.284 date: 2011/04/20 13:49:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -11 change: Use common class PasswordController for password encryption new: Crypt password when writing vCenter client entry from client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.283 date: 2011/04/20 13:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +40 -24 change: button refresh of the VCConnection does not implicit touch the esx connection new: propose user = "root" if value is not set yet new: add vm_server_type "vCenter" when inserting a client ---------------------------- revision 1.282 date: 2011/04/19 10:07:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -4 change: use Blowfish instead of MD5 for password encryption in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.281 date: 2011/04/19 08:56:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 new: encrypt client password with version MD5 in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.280 date: 2011/04/19 07:28:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -26 change: functionality of authorisation buttons: check instead of refresh in the restore wizard vcenter start page ---------------------------- revision 1.279 date: 2011/04/18 15:14:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: initialize data store combobox with correct value ---------------------------- revision 1.278 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +85 -40 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.277 date: 2011/04/18 12:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -11 new: added an item listener to the data center combobox which controls the content of the esx combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.276 date: 2011/04/18 11:02:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -13 bugfix: avoid NPE when connecting to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.275 date: 2011/04/18 10:34:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: check if vcAccess or esxAccess failed to connect ---------------------------- revision 1.274 date: 2011/04/18 10:15:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -18 change: correct values for creating clients for vm access in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.273 date: 2011/04/15 14:17:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -19 change: improve password dialog, show vcenter for authentification ---------------------------- revision 1.272 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +75 -77 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.271 date: 2011/04/15 08:56:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +139 -94 new: fill datastore/datacenter combobox at restore wizard vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.270 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +151 -1 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.269 date: 2011/04/12 13:15:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +42 -1 new: set vmware icon for vm task at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.268 date: 2011/04/04 08:12:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -16 change: prevent register of table converters several times ---------------------------- revision 1.267 date: 2011/03/09 09:52:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 bugfix: set correct hwDriveNum at restore wizard dialog for existing restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.266 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.265 date: 2011/02/25 15:40:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +84 -10 bugfix: init restore wizard with existing exchange restore task fixed bugfix: set correct path for task type exchange at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.264 date: 2011/02/11 11:20:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: show and fill gui components at last restore wizard step, if task type is 'sharepoint sites' fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.263 date: 2011/02/11 08:44:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set correct value at config line of last restore wizard step, if tasktype is 'sharepoint sites' ---------------------------- revision 1.262 date: 2011/02/10 16:52:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 bugfix: #12274 set correct target path panel at last step of restore wizard, if tasktype is 'sharepoint sites' ---------------------------- revision 1.261 date: 2011/01/27 09:19:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 remove: delete source code, that is not required ---------------------------- revision 1.260 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +59 -40 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- revision 1.259 date: 2011/01/19 11:35:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: Add server name in the title of the Restore Wizard if operating in master mode ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/TaskTableColumns.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/20 10:21:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set default layout at restore wizard task table fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/19 08:23:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -18 new: add a separate backup type logo row in the restore wizards task table ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/17 09:56:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 change: replaced TableColumnChooserButton with TableHeaderPopupMenus for column customization in the tasks table in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/17 08:50:33; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Refactoring TaskTableColumns in Restore Wizard; simplify TaskTableModel (no functional changes) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/TaskTableModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -14 new: customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/30 10:09:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 bugfix: show all columns at restore wizard task table fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/30 09:06:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 bugfix: The favorite columns in the restore wizards task table were filled with wrong constants. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/19 08:23:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 new: add a separate backup type logo row in the restore wizards task table ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/17 08:50:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -19 change: Refactoring TaskTableColumns in Restore Wizard; simplify TaskTableModel (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/16 16:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -5 bugfix: The backup type icon in the restore wizards task table were no more visible; new: Extracted backup type to icon conversion end eliminate duplicate code ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/adapter/RWFocusAdapter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/adapter/RWKeyAdapter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/19 13:18:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 change: if targetvm at restore wizard is not set, prevent start of restore vm at restore wizard change: add combobox drive for vmpanel at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/customizer/TasksTablePopupMenuCustomizer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/01 14:31:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +213 -5 new: The customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard is now saved by 'store view' ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; new: customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/listener/RWActionListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/28 15:09:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: refresh task tree after create restore task bugfix: set correct items at browser of restore wizard, if start an existing restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/04 12:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -34 new: integrated expert opts dialog in restore wizard with backup type VM_WARE_VSPHERE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/listener/RWItemListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/06 09:00:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 bugfix: fill datastore combox with correct data, if change datacenter at restore wizard vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/19 12:09:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: hide button 'recover' vm panel of restore wizard bugfix: refill esx combobox with correct values after change of vcenter at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -0 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/02 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: Transfer changes done in branch 4.0.2 with Check-in 35967: BUGFIX: (#12568) do not switch to mailbox view if backup type is EXCHANGE_SERVER_2003 ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/26 08:17:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -0 bugfix: refresh data store combobox at restore wizard, if change esx host or datacenter ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/18 12:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -21 new: added an item listener to the data center combobox which controls the content of the esx combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +66 -0 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/listener/RWListSelectionListener.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/25 14:59:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -20 bugfix: Could not restart a restore from immediate start of a restore within the restore by status screen ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/17 08:50:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Refactoring TaskTableColumns in Restore Wizard; simplify TaskTableModel (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -6 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/CliBroPopup.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/31 12:03:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show only path items at restore wizard target path browser ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/FilesPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/01 10:31:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Use the whatever space left in the 'Select Files' page of the restore wizard for the files browser table ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/30 11:08:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Correct the order of the buttons in the restore wizard - cancel will be always the last one ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -89 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/16 16:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 bugfix: The backup type icon in the restore wizards task table were no more visible; new: Extracted backup type to icon conversion end eliminate duplicate code ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/FilterPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/19 09:09:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 bugfix: (#12169) Restore task can not continue when clicked in the text box under "pattern ..." ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +115 -117 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/IntroPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -85 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/PatternPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/19 10:31:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 bugfix: (#12354) Search the Restore Wizard moves back when [Enter] in the search box ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +64 -99 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWComponents.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/19 15:38:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -11 bugfix: added missing 'Save View' button in the task table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -43 BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/04 12:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: integrated expert opts dialog in restore wizard with backup type VM_WARE_VSPHERE ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/21 09:05:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: hide the flexipanel when showin the VM panel in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/01/27 09:16:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: set return value of browser at restore wizard exchange target path panel fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/01/27 09:03:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: browser button at restore wizard exchange target path panel fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWPanelFactory.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -31 BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWPanels.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWUpperPanel4NB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/27 09:24:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: The symbols of the selected task was shown grey in the restore wizards start page ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWUpperPanel4NB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/27 09:24:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The symbols of the selected task was shown grey in the restore wizards start page ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWUpperPanel5NB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/27 09:24:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: The symbols of the selected task was shown grey in the restore wizards start page ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWUpperPanel5NB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/27 09:24:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The symbols of the selected task was shown grey in the restore wizards start page ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RestoreVMPanelNB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/20 11:16:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +43 -11 bugfix: add correct form for panel 'restorevmpanelnb' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/04 12:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -4 new: integrated expert opts dialog in restore wizard with backup type VM_WARE_VSPHERE ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/20 13:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -56 change: button refresh of the VCConnection does not implicit touch the esx connection new: propose user = "root" if value is not set yet new: add vm_server_type "vCenter" when inserting a client ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/19 07:28:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: functionality of authorisation buttons: check instead of refresh in the restore wizard vcenter start page ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -45 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/18 10:15:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -15 change: correct values for creating clients for vm access in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +157 -105 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/15 08:56:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 new: fill datastore/datacenter combobox at restore wizard vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +98 -70 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:36; author: cg; state: Exp; new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RestoreVMPanelNB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/05/19 13:18:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +26 -3 change: if targetvm at restore wizard is not set, prevent start of restore vm at restore wizard change: add combobox drive for vmpanel at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/19 12:09:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -10 change: hide button 'recover' vm panel of restore wizard bugfix: refill esx combobox with correct values after change of vcenter at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/05/04 12:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +38 -5 new: integrated expert opts dialog in restore wizard with backup type VM_WARE_VSPHERE ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/04 08:16:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: add "Generated Code" section for netbeans editor ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/04/20 13:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -24 change: button refresh of the VCConnection does not implicit touch the esx connection new: propose user = "root" if value is not set yet new: add vm_server_type "vCenter" when inserting a client ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/19 07:28:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: functionality of authorisation buttons: check instead of refresh in the restore wizard vcenter start page ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -44 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/04/18 10:15:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -11 change: correct values for creating clients for vm access in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +132 -101 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/15 08:56:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 new: fill datastore/datacenter combobox at restore wizard vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +208 -127 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:36; author: cg; state: Exp; new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RestoreWizardDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/21 11:43:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Switching between different password tabs in the client dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/StartPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/30 11:08:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: Correct the order of the buttons in the restore wizard - cancel will be always the last one ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/20 12:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -7 change: removed obsolete class ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +131 -68 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/18 10:36:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: Switch directly to start page if backup types is VM_WARE_VSPHERE and as path and TaskComplete is selected in the Restore Wizard change: remove obsolete listeners (Node Selection Listener, Tree Expansion Listener Tree Selection Listener) -now handled via client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/05 13:51:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: (#9138) Added a control variable to prevent overwriting of data in the start page, which have been already filled by the user ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/04 12:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: integrated expert opts dialog in restore wizard with backup type VM_WARE_VSPHERE ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/04/21 09:05:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -63 change: hide the flexipanel when showin the VM panel in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -16 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/15 13:59:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -15 new: save esx password as new client with user/password, if use vm restore ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/15 08:56:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -18 new: fill datastore/datacenter combobox at restore wizard vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/14 15:19:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +37 -4 change: remove swing components at restore vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/25 15:40:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 bugfix: init restore wizard with existing exchange restore task fixed bugfix: set correct path for task type exchange at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/01/27 09:03:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 bugfix: browser button at restore wizard exchange target path panel fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/01/27 08:34:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +82 -16 new: 'targetpath' panel for exchange task types at restore wizard, when use mail view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TargetBrowserDialog.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/31 12:03:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: show only path items at restore wizard target path browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/26 11:52:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: improve filename of screenshot, add correct dialog dialog with internal active tab to filename ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TargetExchangePanelNB.form,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TargetExchangePanelNB.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TasksPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/01 14:31:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -14 new: The customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard is now saved by 'store view' ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/31 13:18:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -9 new: customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/30 09:24:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 bugfix: The hidden columns in the restore wizards task table were not always hidden ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/30 09:06:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: The favorite columns in the restore wizards task table were filled with wrong constants. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/20 10:21:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -25 bugfix: set default layout at restore wizard task table fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/19 15:38:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +49 -31 bugfix: added missing 'Save View' button in the task table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/18 14:55:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: Refactoring: eliminated deprecated class RWConstants ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +62 -69 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/18 10:36:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: Switch directly to start page if backup types is VM_WARE_VSPHERE and as path and TaskComplete is selected in the Restore Wizard change: remove obsolete listeners (Node Selection Listener, Tree Expansion Listener Tree Selection Listener) -now handled via client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/17 14:04:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 change: localized new strings in Restore Wizards task page; ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/17 09:56:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -7 change: replaced TableColumnChooserButton with TableHeaderPopupMenus for column customization in the tasks table in the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/17 08:50:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -8 change: Refactoring TaskTableColumns in Restore Wizard; simplify TaskTableModel (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +124 -107 BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -5 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/05/05 13:51:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: (#9138) Added a control variable to prevent overwriting of data in the start page, which have been already filled by the user ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/04/15 08:56:07; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -8 new: fill datastore/datacenter combobox at restore wizard vm panel ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/12 09:00:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: panel for tasks with type 'vmware vsphere' at restore wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TemplateSelectionPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/panels/RWJPanel4.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/01 10:31:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use the whatever space left in the 'Select Files' page of the restore wizard for the files browser table ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/panels/TaskPageControllerPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:19; author: wf; state: Exp; BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/panels/TasksTable.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/01 14:31:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: The customized format selection of start date, sesam date und size in the tasks table of the restore wizard is now saved by 'store view' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/19 15:38:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -26 bugfix: added missing 'Save View' button in the task table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/16 12:49:19; author: wf; state: Exp; BUGFIX: The AutoFilter in the restore wizards tasks page was no more working after update to new JIDE lib version ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/search/IndexCreationPage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +36 -29 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/search/LuceneSearchMethods.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/19 15:38:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: added missing 'Save View' button in the task table of the restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/17 08:50:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Refactoring TaskTableColumns in Restore Wizard; simplify TaskTableModel (no functional changes) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/search/ResultsTablePage.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/18 14:19:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +47 -40 change: Refactoring: eliminated RWChangeListener (no functional change) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/AccountNotFoundException.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/BackupTypes.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/28 14:49:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: select correct task type at task dialog, when select browser row with type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/18 16:21:27; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: task type 'hyper-V' for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/11 17:08:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct 'VMWare vSphere' String constant ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/10 14:09:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: add task type 'VM_WARE_VSPHERE' as static final variable ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/Brand.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.208 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ByteFormatter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/10 14:26:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 bugfix: show size values (total, free, use) in 'gb' without unit at new data store dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/CVSLibVersion.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/05/03 12:53:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: remove all lib files and classes, that use old vm access interface ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/CVSVersion.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12184 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12515 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12515 date: 2011/07/08 14:17:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: New RMI revision 1.12514 generated during checkin of -d su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common -m gui su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes NovellNssMountRow.java ---------------------------- ... ---------------------------- revision 1.12185 date: 2011/05/31 14:18:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: New RMI revision 1.12184 generated during checkin of -d su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common -m gui su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SesamIconsFactory.java ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/Constants.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/16 17:06:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: static variable for media type 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/DBState.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/DateUtils.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.26 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/10 16:46:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -27 new: Additional date presentation options for customizing sesam date values ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/FormatedDate.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.19 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/03/10 11:39:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -5 new: The sesamdate format in the task by status table is now user configurable (date only, date with time, date with weekday, iso format) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/LogFilter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/24 16:29:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 bugfix: (# 12379) GUI ends with OutOfMemoryError ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/01/20 17:14:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -0 bugfix: filter out of log lines on servers side, when request unique id fixed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ProtectionFlags.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/RegUtils.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/SEPUtils.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ScheduleCalculator.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/11 17:39:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 bugfix: calculate next run for schedule fixed, if use cli start backup with schedule ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/UnsupportedTableException.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/VMException.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/08 11:01:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 new: constructor with delete snapshot flag for vmexception ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/VSphereAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/28 08:49:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: retrieve vm browser data from sesam server at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/26 15:48:47; author: cg; state: Exp; change: move vm access from gui restore wizard to sesam server side bugfix: select correct datastore (vmx path), esx server, datacenter at restore wizard depends on vm backup ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/cajo/CajoStrings.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/04/26 15:54:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: add new cajostring for vmaccess component over rmi ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/checker/DataStoreChecker.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/16 11:02:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -2 BUGFIX: Avoid a 'column name is not unique' exception when try to use a duplicate data store name new: update data store table when a data store is inserted or deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/02 14:15:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -9 change: allow only negative values for data store fields capacity, high_water_mark and negative values+zero for low_water_mark at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/25 15:40:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 bugfix: init restore wizard with existing exchange restore task fixed bugfix: set correct path for task type exchange at restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/24 15:00:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -109 change: set focus to text field, when create new datastore with missing informations (datastore name, high water mark, ...) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:20; author: cg; state: Exp; new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/db/ColumnOrder.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/27 15:46:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 change: show error message, if use cli list with parameter -s and invalid sort, only (d)escending, (a)scending is allowed (sm_cmd list locations -d name:d) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/db/TableName.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/20 14:15:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: gui access interface for new table 'data_stores' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/Account.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/Client.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/31 11:15:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -1 change: add more client information (sbc_version, sesam_version) to property panel ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/04/20 09:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +133 -9 new: Added new vm data fields to basic client classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/DataStore.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/09 11:09:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: Data store dialog: Respect case low_water_mark=0; More place for comment and message; Labels witch [GB] ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/07 16:22:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: implement advanced features in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/07 11:28:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +55 -2 new: Implemented new defined fields in data stores access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/20 14:15:25; author: cg; state: Exp; new: gui access interface for new table 'data_stores' ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/DynamicRows.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/15 09:03:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -0 CHANGE: In ResultsDialog: Recreated the first tab panel with resize functionalites; Replaced the text field for the labels with a table containing used labels, barcode and EOM state ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/01 14:37:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +30 -0 change: show used labels for newday events at results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/HwDrive.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/18 13:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 change: place category 'Store' on top of the drives properties ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -2 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/LisInfo.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/10 12:59:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +91 -44 change: avoid gettting an empty last modifed date string in the LisInfo data structure ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/MediaResult.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +109 -12 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/01/28 12:15:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -5 new: added support to view a purge protocol in the media results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/RestoreTask.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/27 08:35:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 bugfix: fill target_server, target_node at restore wizard r_task with values (backuptype=vsphere) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/Result.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.25 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -2 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +110 -17 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/01 12:35:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 change: show textfield 'on/off mode' at results dialog, when task_type.online_mode = '1' ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/02/09 16:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +93 -67 new: Data store dialog: Complete Saveset Tab; Add media_pool and EOL columns; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/Schedule.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/31 10:52:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -7 change: add schedule column 'p_info' to property table ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/TaskType.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/18 12:18:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: add new task type column 'backup_online' to gui tasktype db object to retrieve this information ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/property/MediaPoolsEventProperty.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/12 13:08:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 remove: comment ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/prefs/PersistentBasicDataSource.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/18 12:17:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 bugfix: recover corrupt CVS ID tags in sources (no changes in code) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.62 v_4_0_3_15: 1.73 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/05/31 11:15:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: add more client information (sbc_version, sesam_version) to property panel ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/04/20 09:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: Added new vm data fields to basic client classes ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/04/15 12:50:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: fix typo ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/02/18 12:18:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: add new task type column 'backup_online' to gui tasktype db object to retrieve this information ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/02/07 11:28:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 new: Implemented new defined fields in data stores access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/01/20 14:15:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: gui access interface for new table 'data_stores' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/31 11:15:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: add more client information (sbc_version, sesam_version) to property panel ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/04/20 09:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Added new vm data fields to basic client classes ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/GUIServer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.116 v_4_0_3_15: 1.121 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/04/26 15:48:46; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -0 change: move vm access from gui restore wizard to sesam server side bugfix: select correct datastore (vmx path), esx server, datacenter at restore wizard depends on vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/03/03 09:46:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -7 change: revert changes ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/02/23 15:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -32 change: added missing space in guiserver access control exception message ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteData.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.284 v_4_0_3_15: 1.311 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.311 date: 2011/07/07 12:42:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +384 -2 CHANGE: Disable 'locked until' combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- revision 1.310 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.309 date: 2011/06/16 12:35:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 bugfix: check, if drive group is still in use by drives, before delete it with cli ---------------------------- revision 1.308 date: 2011/06/01 12:59:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: new parameters for cli 'list media' action > -D list media by given day > -m list media by mediapool ->-l list media by label ---------------------------- revision 1.307 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.306 date: 2011/05/06 13:07:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -11 remove: unused method 'getPreferenceValueByProfil' ---------------------------- revision 1.305 date: 2011/04/20 14:38:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the New Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.304 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.303 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- revision 1.302 date: 2011/03/28 10:24:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: DataStoreDialog: Get the media results of a disk store directly via data store name, not via label ---------------------------- revision 1.301 date: 2011/03/22 16:36:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: Fill the client combobox in the drive dialog only with values of clients which are sesam device servers ---------------------------- revision 1.300 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.299 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.298 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.297 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:22; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- revision 1.296 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.295 date: 2011/03/07 10:10:48; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: rename method 'getTypFromHwDrives' to 'getTypeFromHwDrives' ---------------------------- revision 1.294 date: 2011/03/03 09:40:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 bugfix: show/hide capacity field at mediapools dialog depends on driveType = 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.293 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- revision 1.292 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.291 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -3 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.290 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.289 date: 2011/01/28 08:43:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: Adding support for data stores to new media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.288 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.287 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.286 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +124 -18 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.285 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteMail.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.72 v_4_0_3_15: 1.75 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/07/07 10:00:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: Prevent a possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the RemoteMail doSendMail method ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/07/01 10:57:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Remote Mail: Correct imprecisely text if attachment not available ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/06/30 16:00:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -34 bugfix: add correct attachments to mail, which exists and improve mail message, if attachments does not exist ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteVSphere.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/08 14:41:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -10 bugfix: decrypt vcenter password for server logging ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/28 08:49:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +55 -4 change: retrieve vm browser data from sesam server at gui browser ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/26 15:48:46; author: cg; state: Exp; change: move vm access from gui restore wizard to sesam server side bugfix: select correct datastore (vmx path), esx server, datacenter at restore wizard depends on vm backup ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RmiJdbcServer.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/23 15:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -17 change: Remove attempt to load unused JdbcOdbcDriver ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/TestRemoteData.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/communication/CliRestlet.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/11 18:26:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: call cli with restlet fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/27 14:56:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: improve error message, when use web service and try to manipulate gui data without '-d put' parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/01/27 14:36:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -4 bugfix: prove, if -d 'put' is set, when try to manipulate data with url access (use of cli shortcuts) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/01/21 09:50:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +71 -2 new: execute cli shortcuts with curl ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/01/19 16:17:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 change: add action 'start' to curl api example: #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/task/{taskname}/start?m={mediapool}" ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +49 -12 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/communication/CurlDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/communication/GUIServerApplication.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/27 15:38:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -16 change: remove unused services from web service server ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -27 new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/communication/resources/curlHelpData.text,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/28 14:23:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +465 -233 change: improve help resources of web service server component ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/27 14:13:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: prove, if -d 'put' is set, when try to manipulate data with url access (use of cli shortcuts) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/19 15:23:34; author: cg; state: Exp; new: show curl help action with commando #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/{object}/help"" (-d get is default) execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli add action with curl command #> curl -d post "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/auto?L=curlloc" execute cli modify action with curl command #> curl -d put "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9?i=describe" execute cli delete action with curl command #> curl -d delete "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location/9" execute cli list action with curl command #> curl "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/location" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/AccountsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/ClientsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.77 v_4_0_3_15: 1.81 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/05/18 15:44:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +45 -7 bugfix: check, if version of vcenter is valid at restore wizard with 'vmware vsphere' as tasktype bugfix: fill correct esx server at combobox, when use no vcenter change: check, if entries at restoretask.source are valid for restore wizard task type 'vmware vsphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/04/20 14:38:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -1 change: In case of a ESX-Server OS fill the data mover combobox with clients with windows OS in the New Client Dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/04/20 09:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3 new: Added new vm data fields to basic client classes ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/03/22 16:36:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -19 change: Fill the client combobox in the drive dialog only with values of clients which are sesam device servers ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/ClientsRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.22 v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/04/20 09:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -10 new: Added new vm data fields to basic client classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/CommandEventsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/04/04 12:52:58; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +131 -108 bugfix: (#12617) check, if client is used by command event, if delete client ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/DBHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/01 12:59:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +79 -7 change: new parameters for cli 'list media' action > -D list media by given day > -m list media by mediapool ->-l list media by label ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/01/27 15:44:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: cli list parameter -C allow several columns to show divided by comma (sm_cmd list locations -C id,name) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/DataStoresHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +44 -0 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/07 11:28:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -0 new: Implemented new defined fields in data stores access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/01/31 14:00:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 bugfix: modify datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/26 15:59:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -0 new: Added data store support to the drive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/25 10:17:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -12 new: Initial version of a Data Store CRUD dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +53 -7 new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/20 14:15:25; author: cg; state: Exp; new: gui access interface for new table 'data_stores' ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/DataStoresRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/11 08:39:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: create new datastore fixed, prevent sql exception ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/09 14:20:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -4 bugfix: then data_store.status was not updated ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/07 11:28:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +57 -3 new: Implemented new defined fields in data stores access classes ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/27 08:42:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 bugfix:Fix PSQLException if invalid input syntax for type double precision ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/26 16:45:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -12 bugfix: Avoid syntax error when adding a data store with missing non mandatory fields ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/26 16:38:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -11 bugfix: Avoid PSQL exception when saving a new data store ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/20 14:15:25; author: cg; state: Exp; new: gui access interface for new table 'data_stores' ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/DriveGroupsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.58 v_4_0_3_15: 1.68 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/06/16 13:08:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 bugfix: Handle mismatch in global method getDriveGroup: Divide into getDriveGroupByMediaPool and getDriveGroupByName ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/03/23 14:08:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set correct query for db method 'getDriveGroupsByDriveType' ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/03/23 13:52:09; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 bugfix: create new mediapool at data store dialog fixed, prevent exception, when try to change drivegroup ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/03/22 15:45:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The a new media pool was no more saveable from data store dialog bcs. of missing id. (Sequence error of using names of the drive group in the media pool table) ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2011/03/09 16:02:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: check, if drivegroup at new datastore dialog is set new: create drive for existing data store at data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/03/09 11:28:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: set correct sql query for method 'getDriveGroupsByDriveType' ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/03/09 10:14:47; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +48 -27 bugfix: fill drive goups combobox at datastore dialog for new datastore fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/03/07 16:35:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 new: possible to create drive with drivegroup, if create a new datastore ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/DriveGroupsRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/HwDrivesHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.84 v_4_0_3_15: 1.90 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/03/03 09:42:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -1 new: method 'getCountDrivesByDriveTypeAndDriveGroupId' ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/02/11 12:47:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -6 change: Data Store Dialog: Check preconditions for delete; Enlarge dialog when showing saveset table tab; Localize Data Store strings; Data Store Table: Fill column LastGoodFullJobsHash with values; ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/02/10 10:47:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 new: Toolbar button 'purge' at gui component 'datastore' with dialog and remove execution ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/01/28 08:43:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Adding support for data stores to new media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/HwDrivesRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -10 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/01/25 16:00:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +85 -65 new: Added support for the new field hw_drives.data_store to the low level access classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/MediaHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.66 v_4_0_3_15: 1.71 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/07/05 12:44:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -14 CHANGE: Hide data store media in the component media table view with better sql statement ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/07/05 10:41:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -9 CHANGE: Hide data store media in the component media table view ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +191 -178 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/03/10 09:35:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 bugfix: check, if drive is still used by media, if try to delete it ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/MediaPoolsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.49 v_4_0_3_15: 1.56 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/07/07 13:44:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: fix result of method isDataStoreMedia in MediaPoolsHandler ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/07/07 12:42:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -1 CHANGE: Disable 'locked until' combobox in the media dialog when used in data store context ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/06/17 11:57:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: parameters for cli 'add datastore' -o config drive disabled -m mediapool name (create new mediapool) -e eol for media pool ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/03/16 21:41:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 correct SQL statement ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/03/16 17:01:54; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +140 -125 new: further tab for data store dialog for creating media, mediapools ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/03/03 09:42:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: method: 'getCountDrivesByMediaPoolNameAndDriveType' ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/03/02 16:12:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +34 -1 change: hide capacity button of mediapool, if drivegrp of mediapool use 'disk_store' as drive type change: hide media_type at media dialog, if media_pool with drivegrp use 'disk_store' as drive type ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/MediaPoolsRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/17 11:57:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -5 new: parameters for cli 'add datastore' -o config drive disabled -m mediapool name (create new mediapool) -e eol for media pool ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/MediaResultsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/28 10:24:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 change: DataStoreDialog: Get the media results of a disk store directly via data store name, not via label ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -16 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -17 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/01/28 12:15:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +31 -31 new: added support to view a purge protocol in the media results dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/MediapoolLocationsRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/04/07 10:38:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Maintain changed done with Check-ins [35522] , [35521] on branch v4_0_2_branch: Could not delete a comment, mount and unmount in the storage pools dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/RestoreTasksHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.60 v_4_0_3_15: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/04/27 08:35:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: fill target_server, target_node at restore wizard r_task with values (backuptype=vsphere) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/RestoreTasksRow.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/04/27 08:35:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +35 -1 bugfix: fill target_server, target_node at restore wizard r_task with values (backuptype=vsphere) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/ResultsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.113 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/04/07 14:15:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 new: The eol fields in the saveset table of the data store dialog are now editable ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/03/18 13:01:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -2 new: dynamic appearing checkbox for locked in the results dialog; visible only when saveset is locatet in a disk store; allows to directly change and save the locked flag; ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/03/17 11:55:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 new: Added new column 'locked' to results table and dialog new. locked is user editable with auto save in db new: added DockableFrame propertyFrame in Restart Task Dialog change: replace 'Medias' with 'Media' ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/03/07 13:14:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 new: added columns processed, not processed and excluded to visible task by status table ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/03/01 12:03:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: textfield 'on/off' at results dialog, that will be appear, if current result.online_flag is '1' (hot) ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/02/10 10:19:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Fill value EOL from db in Saveset Tabs ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2011/02/08 16:59:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 bugfix: avoid ClassCastException when getting results by location ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -4 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/01/19 14:55:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +144 -103 bugfix: (#12132) TaskByStatus: The column of last full backup was filled with wrong values ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/SQLHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/11 17:10:16; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -24 bugfix: set correct sql execution at servers side, when use cli sql insert/update/delete ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/11 16:37:15; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -5 bugfix: execute query with method: Statement.executeUpdate(query), if query starts with update|insert|delete ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/11 16:17:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: close resultsset and statement (servers side) after execute sql with cli ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.40 v_4_0_3_15: 1.41 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/03/02 09:25:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +45 -44 bugfix: set correct sql query for method 'getSloxInGrpCountFromTaskGroupRelations' (with task_type.backup_online='y'), that is responsible for enable/disable hot/cold combobox at run backup dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/TaskTypesHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/18 12:18:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: add new task type column 'backup_online' to gui tasktype db object to retrieve this information ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/TransactionHandler.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/17 11:57:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +36 -1 new: parameters for cli 'add datastore' -o config drive disabled -m mediapool name (create new mediapool) -e eol for media pool ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/23 16:56:19; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +109 -1 new: cli parameter -S, -p, -G, -n for cli with object datastore and action add ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools/LocalStringsTester.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.24 v_4_0_3_15: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/05/23 11:42:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 BUGFIX: (#12135) Incorrect button label in the window media management ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/03/25 14:29:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Additional tab in the data store dialog showing the media actions of the data store ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/03/24 15:00:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Rename field e-mail address to sender in mail setting dialogs change: remove syntax restriction for field sender in mail setting dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/22 16:55:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: hidwe combobox 'set media inactive' when creating a new media pool within datastore change: correct title of delete media pool dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/21 15:42:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: correct data size unit in the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/10 14:08:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Correct title of Cancel Backup dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/02/21 14:15:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Supplement new columns to the table Media Actions, especially the column data store ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/02/15 08:24:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: correct title in DriveActionDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -26 new: implement second tab for savesets in the data store dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools/TimeLineFilter.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/23 11:48:24; author: wf; state: Exp; new: helper tool for weekly report ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/JCancelButton.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/23 11:45:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: cleanup source code ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/JTriStateBox.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/23 14:36:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -117 change: make checkboxes in the client browser XP compatible ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/22 14:53:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set new graphic for checkbox with exclude mode ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/22 14:48:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -10 change: set new graphic for checkbox with exclude mode ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +43 -10 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/JXOptionPane.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -6 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/03/29 14:59:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -1 change: set the default return option value of the size calculation panel to yes ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/03/11 12:18:10; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: parameter of method 'showOptionPane' ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +60 -32 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/LimitedStringControlDocument.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/26 08:24:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 bugfix: correct string filter for email textfield in the email settings dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/03/25 10:07:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Prevent the entry of a space in the sender field of the mail dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/02/09 11:23:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: allow input at document filter, when set only max size without filter, mode(uppercase/lowercase) ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/08 15:51:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +62 -14 bugfix: set correct filter for capacity, low_water_marked, high_water_market textfields at datastore dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/02/07 16:22:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: implement advanced features in the data store dialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/PropertyPanel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/22 09:17:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: removed obsolete "properytable rowcount" log messages ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/PropertyPanelObj.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/22 09:17:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: removed obsolete "properytable rowcount" log messages ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/QuickTableFilterTF.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/28 09:59:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: add quick table filter field for component media at toolbar ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/QuickTreeFilterTF.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/06 13:22:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: remove sortabletreetablemodel at tree search function, that is not more neccessary ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/06 12:04:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 bugfix: search function at gui components with tree fixed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/StartSpinnerComboBox.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/02 16:32:17; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: (#12218) use sesam server time instead of local time, when start task,command immediately, disable time refresher thread ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/TriStateModel.java,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/21 15:55:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -2 change: improve task browser, set exclude pathes and client pathes of task to same browser (exclude will be automatically used, if parent element at tree table is selected) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/25 13:01:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: save autorisation data for vsphere server access with browser at current client.username, client.password ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/de/sep/swing/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/04/18 14:53:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: added two buttons to make a connect to VM ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/cb_disabled.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/23 14:36:35; author: wf; state: Exp; change: make checkboxes in the client browser XP compatible ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/cb_excluded.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/23 14:36:35; author: wf; state: Exp; change: make checkboxes in the client browser XP compatible ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/cb_included.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/23 14:36:35; author: wf; state: Exp; change: make checkboxes in the client browser XP compatible ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/cb_selected.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/23 14:36:35; author: wf; state: Exp; change: make checkboxes in the client browser XP compatible ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/cb_unselected.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/23 14:36:35; author: wf; state: Exp; change: make checkboxes in the client browser XP compatible ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/citrix_xen.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/11 09:55:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -7 change: New version of citrix_xen image ---------------------------- revision date: 2010/04/28 15:33:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 new: add missing icons ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/crest_by.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/21 13:33:36; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Initial version of components for new dockable panel "Data Store" ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/dat.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:06; author: wf; state: Exp; new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/datastore.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/20 11:31:39; author: wf; state: Exp; new: package root and initial icon for data_stores ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/db.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 new: Set of icons for hyper_v ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/dlt.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:06; author: wf; state: Exp; new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/esx_server.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:43; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/hyper_v_icon.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/hyper_v_machine.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/hyper_v_machines.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/hyper_v_manager.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/hyper_v_server.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/hyper_v_server_off.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/21 16:59:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Content of hyper_v_server_off image ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/hyper_v_tasktype.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/21 08:53:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Content of hyper_v_tasktype image ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 11:02:03; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Icon for hyper_v tasktype ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/locked_off.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/11 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; change: fix problems with mutilated locked icons in saveset table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/locked_off_darker.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/05 08:13:38; author: wf; state: Exp; new: icons for locked visualisation ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/locked_on.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/11 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; change: fix problems with mutilated locked icons in saveset table ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/locked_on_blue.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/05 09:55:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: icon for locked visualisation ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/05 08:13:38; author: wf; state: Exp; new: icons for locked visualisation ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/locked_on_brighter.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/05 08:13:38; author: wf; state: Exp; new: icons for locked visualisation ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/lto.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:06; author: wf; state: Exp; new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/media_datastore.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/03 11:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; new: images for media_datastore and mediapool_datastore ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/mediapool_datastore.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/03/03 11:38:21; author: wf; state: Exp; new: images for media_datastore and mediapool_datastore ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/mig_esx_server.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:43; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/mig_hyper_v_icon.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/mig_vmware.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/ox.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/14 12:18:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: smaller version of OX icon ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/purge.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/11 09:18:34; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Icon for data store purge ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/rdxwpoff.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/31 14:18:03; author: wf; state: Exp; bugfix: the use small font button did not switch to small font view bugfix: The images of lto and rdx media were swapped ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/sayfuse.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:06; author: wf; state: Exp; new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/server_off.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/18 10:40:09; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Set of icons for hyper_v ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/tandberg.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/30 14:52:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -118 new: integrated new icons for tandberg loader ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +118 -19 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/vcenter_dialog.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/01 10:14:00; author: wf; state: Exp; new: image icon for VCenterMode ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/vmdk.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/05/04 08:15:10; author: cg; state: Exp; new: icon vmdk.gif ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/vmware.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/10 15:26:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -13 NEW: Implemented "VMware vSphere as Path" in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/05/06 10:46:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -7 change: new vmware logo ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/images/vsphere_datastore.gif,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/28 16:29:45; author: wf; state: Exp; new: icon for vsphere datastore ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/lib/jide-action.jar,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +676 -634 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +376 -341 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +306 -347 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +347 -306 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +175 -175 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/lib/jide-common.jar,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3513 -3287 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3240 -3296 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2633 -2637 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2637 -2633 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2679 -2658 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/lib/jide-components.jar,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +411 -447 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +651 -581 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +579 -652 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +652 -579 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +249 -248 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/lib/jide-dialogs.jar,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -45 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +45 -44 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -44 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -44 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -44 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/lib/jide-dock.jar,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +506 -490 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +992 -912 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +821 -929 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +929 -821 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +735 -758 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/lib/jide-grids.jar,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4216 -4030 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4615 -4472 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2768 -2667 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2667 -2768 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2794 -2784 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/gui/lib/jide-properties.jar,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/15 09:28:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1346 -1344 CHANGE: Update JIDE Library to 3.0.4, after the following was fixed: Keep the children if any of their anchestors match (Kinder anzeigen, falls der Elternknoten übereinstimmt) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/04 13:29:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1386 -1349 new: update jide version to 3.0.2 for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/28 12:52:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1320 -1322 bugfix: reverted JIDE lib version back to 2.10.4 (problems with layout manager in API) ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/24 16:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1322 -1320 new: JIDE lib version 2.11.1 ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/01/25 10:14:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1321 -1321 new: JIDE lib version 2.10.4 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/installshield_msi/SesamInstaller/SesamInstaller.ism,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/03 17:23:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +244 -244 change: 'Client', 'Remote Device [Server]' and 'Feature Größe' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/03 17:13:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15561 -3003 change: Updated to InstallShield2011Premier (many new localized tags) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/installshield_msi/SesamInstaller/Script Files/Setup.rul,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/03 17:06:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Messages revised ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.87 v_4_0_3_15: 1.99 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/07/04 17:57:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add 'sm_lis_items' (should replace sm_lis_db.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/06/14 13:15:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 remove 'sm_lis_items' for release build ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/06/07 12:03:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: 'sm_lis_items.c' to replace old 'sm_lis_db': Uses modern 'getopt' for parameter parsing and 'results.saveset' for key ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/06/02 15:08:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 bugfix: Correct build rules for linking archives into libsm.so ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/06/02 14:38:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Remove LD_FLAGS during link os libsm.so ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/04/27 08:45:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 bugfix: Add 'sm_sbc_com_lib.h' as dependency ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2011/01/26 12:35:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 change: Rule for SMLIC=//sesam_make_lic changed ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2011/01/26 10:26:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 change: sesam_make_lic.c rev. 1.151 moved to su/src/kernel ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/01/18 14:37:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add 'sm_sesam' ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/01/09 15:25:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +25 -25 adopt order of LDFLAGS ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/01/08 15:43:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Put shared libraries into LDFLAGS to avoid rebuild, because make searches for a file like '-lregex'. Add 'UUID' lib ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.121 v_4_0_3_15: 1.129 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.128 date: 2011/06/06 15:51:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 change: As CM_CRYPT now refers to libeay32.lib all rules with $(CM_CRYPT) are adapted ---------------------------- revision 1.127 date: 2011/05/11 09:40:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: scc rule changed into $(SM_CTRL_LIB) rule to build sm_ctrl.lib if missing ---------------------------- revision 1.126 date: 2011/05/11 09:27:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -5 change: add build rule for scc (sm_ctrl) ---------------------------- revision 1.125 date: 2011/04/18 13:56:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: link sm_start.c with sm_lic_lib ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2011/02/08 13:51:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: vShowTree() > iShowTree() ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/01/26 11:58:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Link rule for sesam_make_lic adapted ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2011/01/26 10:56:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: sesam_make_lic.c rev. 1.151 moved to su/src/kernel ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sesam.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.410.2.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.432 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.432 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.431 date: 2011/07/05 07:41:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: 'i_get_default_set' to get 'DB:defaults' entry. Check 'sm_lis_items' in DB:defaults to use 'sm_lis_items' instead of 'sm_lis_db' ---------------------------- revision 1.430 date: 2011/07/04 16:52:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Change parameters of 'i_get_lisfile_name' so function can already be used to get LIS file name (without saveset id) ---------------------------- revision 1.429 date: 2011/06/30 14:42:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_GET_NETWARE_PASSWORD(...) renamed to i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD(...) change: Now i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() returns 1 if user_name and password read from DB new: Use i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() for Exchange Server task in case of backup and restore ---------------------------- revision 1.428 date: 2011/06/29 12:17:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: #define USER_LEN set to 256 >> bcs user_name is CHAR(255) ---------------------------- revision 1.427 date: 2011/06/20 10:21:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Set DRV_PROP char szDataStore[DB_DATASTORE_NAME_LEN]; with #define DB_DATASTORE_NAME_LEN 33 bcs. data_stores.name is VARCHAR(32). Attention: Used for mediapool_locations.name VARCHAR(32), too ---------------------------- revision 1.426 date: 2011/06/17 13:34:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Now loader_handler is called with argument DRV_PROP sctDP to have access to drive properties szDn and szDataStore ---------------------------- revision 1.425 date: 2011/05/26 11:49:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.424 date: 2011/04/05 16:24:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +23 -12 change: New function 'i_NOTIFY' to call Sesam user interfaces with struct 'NOTIFICATION' as parameter. 'i_NOTIFICATION' as wrapper for 'i_NOTIFY' ---------------------------- revision 1.423 date: 2011/03/22 07:52:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.422 date: 2011/03/22 07:50:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.421 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.420 date: 2011/03/14 14:15:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Function 'que_set' to set queue balancing ---------------------------- revision 1.419 date: 2011/03/04 13:47:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new common function to get LIS/SGM/NOT file name for a saveset id ---------------------------- revision 1.418 date: 2011/02/24 12:33:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Set 'results.eol' for failed savesets, because 'results' entry will be deleted during next 'purge' od data store else. (no information about failed backups in DB after Sesam newday) ---------------------------- revision 1.417 date: 2011/02/22 13:28:22; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: New license items HYPER-V and HYPER-V_SEATS ---------------------------- revision 1.416 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.415 date: 2011/01/26 13:24:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: In case of WIN32 sesam.dll exports eLang in cm_lang.h ---------------------------- revision 1.414 date: 2011/01/21 12:25:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Use 'hw_drives.data_store' information for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.413 date: 2011/01/21 11:49:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: 'i_INSERT_INTO_MEDIA_RESULTS' add more information, so it can be used not only for 'sm_inventory' ---------------------------- revision 1.412 date: 2011/01/20 15:09:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Handle backup_type ExchangeDAG like Exchange2007 ---------------------------- revision 1.411 date: 2011/01/17 13:38:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: Move i_GET_FREE_SPACE_OF_DIR from hal to kernel. Add 'UUID' to results ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sesam_make_lic.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/29 13:51:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Set Support_Timeout to +365 for '2nd_Level' support (Lizenz Meeting 25. Mai 2011) ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/15 13:23:15; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Hyper-V license for test and demo ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/12 13:34:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Allow sesam server name with '_' if retried ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/22 14:23:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Print head line '- Hyper-V:' before asking for Hyper-V ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/22 14:03:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +24 -4 change: New license keys HYPER-V and HYPER-V_SEATS ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/01/27 11:11:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -9 change: Use only global str_log strLog; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/27 09:09:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +44 -37 change: In case of service function 'Check' wait for any input before exiting ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/26 11:59:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -10 change: #include(s) adapted and v_set_log_main() inserted ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/26 10:26:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; change: sesam_make_lic.c rev. 1.151 moved to su/src/kernel ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_arch.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.227 v_4_0_3_15: 1.242 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.242 date: 2011/07/04 19:17:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -10 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- revision 1.241 date: 2011/06/24 11:29:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -173 change: Obsolete iINSERT_RESULTS() removed ---------------------------- revision 1.240 date: 2011/06/20 11:51:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Update loader_content with 'location' ---------------------------- revision 1.239 date: 2011/06/20 11:36:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -11 bugfix: If a DISK_HARD pool has not set path but uses storage pools then the missing path is ignored ---------------------------- revision 1.238 date: 2011/06/17 13:34:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: Now loader_handler is called with argument DRV_PROP sctDP to have access to drive properties szDn and szDataStore ---------------------------- revision 1.237 date: 2011/05/26 11:55:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.236 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.235 date: 2011/03/09 12:00:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Call 'sm_data_store' on Sesam server not on device node ---------------------------- revision 1.234 date: 2011/03/07 13:34:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +52 -12 NEW: Remove medium: Try to remove saveset files for DISK_HARD media ---------------------------- revision 1.233 date: 2011/03/03 13:07:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: do not 'mount' medium in case of disk store ---------------------------- revision 1.232 date: 2011/02/17 11:18:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 new: Write 'remove' action into 'media_results' ---------------------------- revision 1.231 date: 2011/02/16 19:09:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +31 -14 new: remove media from 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.229 date: 2011/01/22 17:05:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 'sm_disk_store' -> 'sm_data_store' ---------------------------- revision 1.228 date: 2011/01/19 13:51:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -7 call sm_data_store for DISK_STORE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_auto_conf_hw.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.85 v_4_0_3_15: 1.86 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/06/01 17:17:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -5 NEW: Try to find a matching sub string in device type, if no exact match was found ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_backup.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.162 v_4_0_3_15: 1.180 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2011/07/04 19:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -11 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2011/05/31 13:26:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -16 CHANGE: Update 'clients.sesam_version' directly in 'alive_test_sbc' ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2011/05/31 08:05:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 NEW: Write Sesam version to 'clients.version_number' as long, to have easier DB selects based on client version ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2011/05/30 10:16:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -16 change: Get start time directly by 'time_get' and not from saveset id. Write DataStore info file after ANALYSE_LOG to get correct state ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2011/05/30 10:08:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: Create unique saveset ID ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2011/05/26 11:55:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2011/05/12 16:45:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: no alive test; if os='ESX Server' and data mover is set ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2011/03/09 13:59:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 new: 'write_saveset_info' to append all infos from 'results' to datastore '.info' file ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2011/03/06 12:01:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +26 -11 NEW: Update group result (throughput, amount..) after every finished task, not only after last one ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2011/02/24 12:33:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 change: Set 'results.eol' for failed savesets, because 'results' entry will be deleted during next 'purge' od data store else. (no information about failed backups in DB after Sesam newday) ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2011/01/20 11:08:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Set 'results.blocks' to 1 if 'data_size' is smaller then 1024 bytes ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2011/01/14 11:29:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 fix compiler warnings ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2011/01/12 10:51:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 do not reparse backup message twice ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2011/01/12 10:29:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Correct format string for scanf ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2011/01/11 11:00:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 bugfix: Use 'sscanf' to split message returned from 'sm_sms_backup', because message can include '/ ' too ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2011/01/10 14:34:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Avoid creation of not file ending with 'SF.not' in case of DIFF/INCR if FULL was missing ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2011/01/10 08:50:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 bugfix: Use session ID of task group to start migration task ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_break.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.85 v_4_0_3_15: 1.87 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/03/09 23:06:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 format change only ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_break2.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_client.c,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.191 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2011/06/24 11:32:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Trace for output of given options revised ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2011/06/24 10:08:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Declare 'char szCmd[MAX_CMD_LEN]' to support large command lines for migration with full saveset info ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2011/06/22 12:54:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Call fflush(stdout) before writing to stderr to avoid mixing up stdout with stderr, e.g. retrieveing directory list for DATASTORE purging ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2011/05/09 13:27:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: Set process priority only implemented for Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.187 date: 2011/05/06 12:09:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +86 -53 change: Allow sm_client dir with mode '-m t' (timer) and '-m p' (set process to highest priority) ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2011/04/27 11:39:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 bugfix: Avoid deletion of sms.ini file during drive configuration ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2011/03/29 09:42:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: in 'df': llFreeBytes and llUsedBytes were inverted ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2011/03/21 22:08:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: do not write 'gv_client_sts' any more (obsolete) ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2011/02/17 16:08:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: iDiskUsage: '0' percent used bytes is not an error ---------------------------- revision 1.181 date: 2011/02/11 11:24:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -3 change: Check for older SmallBusinessServer via 'SuitePID' ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2011/02/08 11:39:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: vShowTree[All] > iShowTree[All] ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2011/02/08 10:44:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Define long long llUsedKBytes for i_GetDirectoryUsage() bcz KBytes are returned from 'du' ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2011/02/08 10:19:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: Use new function i_GetDirectoryUsage(...) in case of 'sm_client du ...' ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2011/02/07 16:57:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -12 change: New function 'du get disk usage of directory' for sm_client (implemented for Windows) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_cmd.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/19 08:20:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 enlarge szCmd ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/09 23:05:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -5 add '-v switch' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_config_client.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.46 v_4_0_3_15: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/06/30 14:42:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_GET_NETWARE_PASSWORD(...) renamed to i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD(...) change: Now i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() returns 1 if user_name and password read from DB new: Use i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() for Exchange Server task in case of backup and restore ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/06/01 17:24:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Insert 'clients.version_number' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_config_drives.c,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.176 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2011/06/22 12:49:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: que_set with 'balancing' -> argument names and description changed ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2011/04/19 08:50:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -17 BUGFIX: Set 'loader_drive'='drive_num' for 'DISK_HARD', because it isn't done by GUI any more ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2011/03/15 15:46:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Check 'cpBalance==NULL' before using it ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2011/03/14 14:21:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +15 -7 new: Set queue balance to 'balanced' for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2011/03/07 21:37:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 NEW: Add DISK_STORE drives with zero streams to 'sms.ini'so no dataserver will be stated for them ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2011/02/04 11:59:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +33 -5 change: License must alos be checked if sm_config_drives is called for specific drives. ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2011/01/25 17:06:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 add drive num to DISK_STORE device name ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2011/01/21 12:25:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: Use 'hw_drives.data_store' information for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2011/01/14 11:02:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 compare drive type with complete string ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2011/01/12 23:49:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +43 -36 new: Create 'stpd.ini' file for drive type 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_copy.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.65 v_4_0_3_15: 1.74 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/06/21 07:48:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Check for 'backup_type='BSR_Windows' and data_size=0' to filter out leading BSR task from migration, because 'results.blocks' are always set to '1' if 'data_size'<1024 Bytes ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/06/03 07:04:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Do not submit copy jobs in case of DataStore (more testing needed) ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/05/26 11:49:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/05/24 14:10:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: Do not user 'order by ... nulls last' because not supported on Postgresql SLES10 ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/03/28 10:11:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Report error, if no saveset was found for migration ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/03/22 11:36:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 remove hardcoded 'sctRT.iSubmit=1' set for testing ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/03/21 16:33:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +86 -23 new: Parallel migration for 'DISK_STORE' can be set '-P' switch ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/03/15 13:55:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +35 -9 change: Find correct source drive for migration in case saveset wassaved to a 'DISK_STORE' media ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_ctrlc_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.63 v_4_0_3_15: 1.64 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/02/22 12:55:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +44 -26 change: Error handling improved so if sm_ctrl() failed then set sctRcmd->szMsg to given error message ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_db.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.63 v_4_0_3_15: 1.64 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_db_update.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.74 v_4_0_3_15: 1.75 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_get_volume.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.72 v_4_0_3_15: 1.73 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_get_volume_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.131 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2011/07/06 07:36:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 Init 'sctDrvProp' by using memset ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2011/06/21 11:52:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 change: MOUNT_VIRTUAL_MEDIUM(): Answer message improved ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/06/21 10:01:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Trace message improved ---------------------------- revision 1.128 date: 2011/06/17 13:34:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 change: Now loader_handler is called with argument DRV_PROP sctDP to have access to drive properties szDn and szDataStore ---------------------------- revision 1.127 date: 2011/06/17 13:03:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +24 -24 change: iMOUNT_VIRTUAL_MEDIUM() Set DRV_PROP *pDP with retrieved values ---------------------------- revision 1.126 date: 2011/06/14 08:11:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: Do not resend 'sm_alarm' to often when requesting a tape, if tape couldn't be unloaded, but is still online ---------------------------- revision 1.125 date: 2011/06/08 09:44:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: Call eject command with device name (drive letter) as 2nd paramter, so SayFuse disk loader will set device offline (fetched from rev. ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2011/06/02 20:13:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Check only begin of return message for media error, because rest depends on OS and LANG ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/05/11 09:43:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 change: Compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/03/14 15:03:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 change: Read perf for DISK_STORE ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/03/09 23:04:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 call 'sm_client' with '-r' flag, so no status glbv will be created ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2011/03/04 12:25:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: diskstore_handler without 'DllExport' because only used in sm_get_volume_lib.c itself ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2011/03/03 13:21:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +445 -3 change: Function 'diskstore_handler' as a copy of 'drive_handler'. Most function have still to be adopted ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2011/02/17 11:18:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Allow 'dismount' for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/02/17 10:12:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 fix type in trace message ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/02/09 15:06:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 return empty message fod 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/01/21 12:25:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Use 'hw_drives.data_store' information for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/01/14 10:32:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +27 -9 NEW: Try to find out error message, in case of 'umount' fails. Add some code for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/06/14 08:06:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: Do not resend 'sm_alarm' to often when requesting a tape, if tape couldn't be unloaded, but is still online ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_get_volume_lib.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/14 15:03:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: Read perf for DISK_STORE ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/03 13:21:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Function 'diskstore_handler' as a copy of 'drive_handler'. Most function have still to be adopted ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_gui_request.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.46 v_4_0_3_15: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/02/09 15:04:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +25 -1 new: 'sm_data_store purge' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_info.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.29 v_4_0_3_15: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/05/30 09:51:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Create unique saveset ID ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/05/26 11:49:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_init.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.199 v_4_0_3_15: 1.200 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2011/03/06 13:59:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +15 -8 CHANGE: do not allow label change during init if '-c n' is set ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_inventory.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.45 v_4_0_3_15: 1.47 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/01/21 11:51:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: EOM event will be written into 'media_results ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_kernel.rc,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 14:26:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: ProductVersion 4.0.2 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.852.2.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.907 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.907 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -253 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.906 date: 2011/07/05 12:20:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Correct check of 'sm_lis_items' in defaults ---------------------------- revision 1.905 date: 2011/07/05 07:41:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +32 -3 new: 'i_get_default_set' to get 'DB:defaults' entry. Check 'sm_lis_items' in DB:defaults to use 'sm_lis_items' instead of 'sm_lis_db' ---------------------------- revision 1.904 date: 2011/07/04 16:52:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +91 -13 change: Change parameters of 'i_get_lisfile_name' so function can already be used to get LIS file name (without saveset id) ---------------------------- revision 1.903 date: 2011/06/30 14:42:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +56 -43 change: i_GET_NETWARE_PASSWORD(...) renamed to i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD(...) change: Now i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() returns 1 if user_name and password read from DB new: Use i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() for Exchange Server task in case of backup and restore ---------------------------- revision 1.902 date: 2011/06/30 12:10:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +55 -33 change: Description of function iDELETE_OLD_LIS() and iCHECK_LAST_SAVESET() revised ---------------------------- revision 1.901 date: 2011/06/22 12:49:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: que_set with 'balancing' -> argument names and description changed ---------------------------- revision 1.900 date: 2011/06/21 11:50:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: RCMD_SEARCH() must check for 'i_LL_search() > 0' otherwise every execution will be treated as failed, e.g. Loading of DISK_HARD Storage Location ---------------------------- revision 1.899 date: 2011/06/21 10:01:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Trace message improved ---------------------------- revision 1.898 date: 2011/06/17 13:34:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -8 change: Now loader_handler is called with argument DRV_PROP sctDP to have access to drive properties szDn and szDataStore ---------------------------- revision 1.897 date: 2011/06/17 13:05:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -9 change: If sm_loader is called with new argument '-L store' then this store may be used for 'Load' command, e.g. if label of DISK_HARD media is not in table media and a storage location is used ---------------------------- revision 1.896 date: 2011/06/17 11:15:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: Instead of -L use swithc -P (protocol) to set log file for sm_loader ---------------------------- revision 1.895 date: 2011/06/17 10:10:50; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 change: iGET_STORAGE_POOL() if called for label then return only corresponding storage location ---------------------------- revision 1.894 date: 2011/06/17 09:04:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: iGET_STORAGE_POOL: Select DISK_HARD storage locations via mediapool_relations ---------------------------- revision 1.893 date: 2011/05/31 13:26:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +38 -4 CHANGE: Update 'clients.sesam_version' directly in 'alive_test_sbc' ---------------------------- revision 1.892 date: 2011/05/31 08:06:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Use old Sesam Id (numbers only) for notification Id ---------------------------- revision 1.891 date: 2011/05/30 09:51:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Create unique saveset ID ---------------------------- revision 1.890 date: 2011/05/27 11:33:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +20 -2 CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: Sesam time stamp + 9 byte random value ---------------------------- revision 1.889 date: 2011/05/26 11:49:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +29 -26 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.888 date: 2011/05/11 09:15:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: Do not call sm_reformat_lis for backup type Exchange2003 bcs. no single email or mailbox supported ---------------------------- revision 1.887 date: 2011/05/03 12:38:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: As sm_data_store.exe uses '/dev/stdout' to indicate stdout so accept it in RCMD ---------------------------- revision 1.886 date: 2011/04/23 15:59:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: In create UNIQUE_ID: szTime [TIME_LEN+1] ---------------------------- revision 1.885 date: 2011/04/18 14:05:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 new: Read complete VADP backup source from sbc output and write it into 'results.source' ---------------------------- revision 1.884 date: 2011/04/05 16:24:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +47 -17 change: New function 'i_NOTIFY' to call Sesam user interfaces with struct 'NOTIFICATION' as parameter. 'i_NOTIFICATION' as wrapper for 'i_NOTIFY' ---------------------------- revision 1.883 date: 2011/04/05 10:53:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 new: Insert Sesam notifiy and alarm messages into DB ---------------------------- revision 1.882 date: 2011/03/28 15:25:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Write Sesam disaster information into system/event log ---------------------------- revision 1.881 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.880 date: 2011/03/22 07:31:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +45 -11 NEW: 'i_GET_DISK_STAT' to get 'df' information from client ---------------------------- revision 1.879 date: 2011/03/14 14:15:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +63 -0 new: Function 'que_set' to set queue balancing ---------------------------- revision 1.878 date: 2011/03/11 12:34:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 correct -c -> -n for 'sm_data_store check_space' call ---------------------------- revision 1.877 date: 2011/03/10 08:04:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +482 -471 new: Check free disk space before start backup on 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.876 date: 2011/03/09 23:11:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +24 -24 minor: Format change ---------------------------- revision 1.875 date: 2011/03/06 11:48:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -6 NEW: Update throughput and processed items for 'sm_newday' task ---------------------------- revision 1.874 date: 2011/03/04 13:47:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +41 -1 new common function to get LIS/SGM/NOT file name for a saveset id ---------------------------- revision 1.873 date: 2011/03/04 13:43:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -11 change: master_glbv(): check if argument starts with ':' - treat as called for localhost ---------------------------- revision 1.872 date: 2011/03/02 13:37:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +25 -22 change: Catch error from sm_arch, if called for automatically inroduce ne media ---------------------------- revision 1.871 date: 2011/03/02 13:05:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 NEW: Create new media for 'DISK-STORE' automatically ---------------------------- revision 1.870 date: 2011/02/25 21:25:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 change: Set 'results.eol' for failed savesets, because 'results' entry will be deleted during next 'purge' od data store else. (no information about failed backups in DB after Sesam newday) ---------------------------- revision 1.869 date: 2011/02/22 13:08:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: If sm_ctrl returns an error message scc-11xx then set 'STATUS=ERROR' ---------------------------- revision 1.868 date: 2011/02/10 10:01:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Since release the sm_disaster.cmd was called with extra line but cmd.exe does not allow this. Powershell script sm_disaster.ps1 was executed properly. Now optional 'Loader: .., Slot: ..' is printed in same line (fetched from v4_0_2_branch ) ---------------------------- revision 1.867 date: 2011/02/09 15:05:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: remove special handling for pool 'WORK' ---------------------------- revision 1.866 date: 2011/02/08 16:48:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -21 change: i_GET_DRIVES_OF_POOL() reviewed ---------------------------- revision 1.865 date: 2011/02/08 16:40:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 bugfix: i_GET_DRIVES_OF_POOL() may return 100 drives so char array must be extended to store 200 drive numbers (fetched from v3_6_branch) ---------------------------- revision 1.864 date: 2011/02/04 11:13:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: file_exist() now uses POSIX_STAT() to allow check of existence for directories too ---------------------------- revision 1.863 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.862 date: 2011/01/26 13:43:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: 'REMOTE_FILE_DELETE': Call sm_client with option '-r' to avoid writing 'msg glbv' ---------------------------- revision 1.861 date: 2011/01/21 12:25:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Use 'hw_drives.data_store' information for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.860 date: 2011/01/21 11:49:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 change: 'i_INSERT_INTO_MEDIA_RESULTS' add more information, so it can be used not only for 'sm_inventory' ---------------------------- revision 1.859 date: 2011/01/20 15:09:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Handle backup_type ExchangeDAG like Exchange2007 ---------------------------- revision 1.858 date: 2011/01/19 13:12:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Get 'mediapool_location' path from 'hw.drives.device' ---------------------------- revision 1.857 date: 2011/01/19 11:36:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 bugfix: Correct 'insert into results' statement ---------------------------- revision 1.856 date: 2011/01/18 15:45:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -34 change: Call sm_reformat_lis for Exchange2003 too ---------------------------- revision 1.855 date: 2011/01/18 11:33:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 iDELETE_OLD_LIS: (deletes saveset data from DB and lis): If 'caller' is set to 'single_saveset', then delete only one single saveset (instead of all savesets on one medium ---------------------------- revision 1.854 date: 2011/01/17 13:38:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +170 -7 CHANGE: Move i_GET_FREE_SPACE_OF_DIR from hal to kernel. Add 'UUID' to results ---------------------------- revision 1.853 date: 2011/01/14 11:30:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -7 add dummy function for GET_BACKUP_MEDIUM for 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_lic_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/07/08 08:31:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_CHECK_SBS_LICENSE(): Check only clients with permit='y' ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/07/08 08:13:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +41 -23 BUGFIX: In case of a SBS_... license the timeout value was not updated. So the Timeout ticker was not reset ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/07/01 09:26:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -9 change: License check for MSSharePointServer: set max from licenses used for either 'SharePoint Server' or 'SharePoint Sites' clients's tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/20 14:12:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: LIC_COUNT_STORAGE() avoid SQL error message after sql sum() aggregat function (value already returned by DB_ACCESS()) ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/04 14:16:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -5 change: Special license for 'CTBTO' ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/04/26 14:25:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 BUGFIX: Check for BSR_Windows_PLUS if no BSR_Windows license is available (fetched from v4_0_2_branch rev. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/04/19 12:57:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +66 -15 new: Count used 'SEP Bare System Recovery Windows Workstation' and 'SEP Bare System Recovery Windows Server' in license overview ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/04/04 12:22:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: Check space of data_stores for storage license ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/02/22 13:28:22; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +45 -8 change: New license items HYPER-V and HYPER-V_SEATS ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/02/17 15:26:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -7 BUGFIX: Checking sbs license was only executed on Sesam Server side ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/10 12:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -8 change: If SBS license but no client is a SBS server then print appropriate message ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/01/27 11:10:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +112 -96 change: i_LIC_GET_DATA: In case of bUdpate == FALSE (sesam_make_lic service 'check') set installdate to current date to allow calculation of support timeout and update timeout ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +23 -9 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_lis_items.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/04 16:28:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +161 -21 add 'SEARCH_LIS' again ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/09 10:09:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +87 -40 remove old unused code ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/07 12:02:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; new: 'sm_lis_items.c' to replace old 'sm_lis_db': Uses modern 'getopt' for parameter parsing and 'results.saveset' for key ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_loader.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.225 v_4_0_3_15: 1.234 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.234 date: 2011/07/04 19:25:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 fix compiler warnings ---------------------------- revision 1.233 date: 2011/07/04 14:11:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Correct function arguments for sCmp(const void* s1, const void* s2) ---------------------------- revision 1.232 date: 2011/06/22 11:10:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use storage location of DISK_HARD media in sm_robot to start correct calls (sm_loader, sm_arch), update loader_contents.location ---------------------------- revision 1.231 date: 2011/06/21 11:24:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +46 -14 change: Do not dismount store location for DISK_HARD if locations is unchanged ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2011/06/21 10:00:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +134 -154 change: DISK_HARD with storage locations: Use already retrieved location for given label ---------------------------- revision 1.229 date: 2011/06/20 15:56:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +95 -66 change: Use t_LL to build SLOT_LOCATION ---------------------------- revision 1.228 date: 2011/06/17 13:05:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +43 -32 change: If sm_loader is called with new argument '-L store' then this store may be used for 'Load' command, e.g. if label of DISK_HARD media is not in table media and a storage location is used ---------------------------- revision 1.227 date: 2011/06/17 11:15:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: Instead of -L use swithc -P (protocol) to set log file for sm_loader ---------------------------- revision 1.226 date: 2011/06/17 10:12:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: iCREATE_SHOW_LIST() In case of DISK_HARD (DIR_VIRT) with some storage locations the retrieved list of directory content must be emptied otherwise some label may appear multiple ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_newday.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.80 v_4_0_3_15: 1.82 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/01/25 16:56:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -14 change: Starte 'sm_start_all' after 'sm_pur_status', so files willnot be renamed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_recover.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.46 v_4_0_3_15: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_recover_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.34 v_4_0_3_15: 1.41 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/06/24 11:31:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Use substitute char '%' instead of '.' for backup_type bcs. '.' may appear in backup_type ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/06/06 15:52:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -6 change: Prototype for int i_GET_KEY_VAL(...) moved into sm_recover_lib.h ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/05/23 10:26:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +44 -49 BUGFIX: (HOTFIX): Avoid core dump of 'sm_recover' because of to many savesets or missing saveset information ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/05/12 14:14:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: Try to analyse small LIS files too ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/05/12 12:24:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: In 're-enter' saveset: Set 'results.data_size' ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/05/11 12:12:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +57 -44 change: During 're-enter saveset': Check if saveset already exists intead of trail and error ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/05/11 09:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +17 -9 BUGFIX: Correct parsing of saveset info from SMS to re-insert saveset into DB ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_recover_lib.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/06 15:52:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Prototype for int i_GET_KEY_VAL(...) moved into sm_recover_lib.h ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/05/11 09:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Correct parsing of saveset info from SMS to re-insert saveset into DB ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_remote.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.65 v_4_0_3_15: 1.66 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/05/26 11:49:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_restore.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.442.2.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.470 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.470 date: 2011/07/12 14:15:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 change: Do not overwrite the backup type MOSS_Service in case of generation restore and fdi_type 'F' ---------------------------- revision 1.469 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.468 date: 2011/07/12 11:13:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +165 -85 NEW: Generation restore for SharePoint Server Farm or Component is done with FULL restore as Path followed by DIFF restore with MOSS2K@/Farm ---------------------------- revision 1.467 date: 2011/07/12 08:53:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 BUGFIX: Correct LIS file name creation for generation restore ---------------------------- revision 1.466 date: 2011/07/05 07:42:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 new: 'i_get_default_set' to get 'DB:defaults' entry. Check 'sm_lis_items' in DB:defaults to use 'sm_lis_items' instead of 'sm_lis_db' ---------------------------- revision 1.465 date: 2011/07/04 19:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- revision 1.464 date: 2011/06/30 14:42:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +28 -14 change: i_GET_NETWARE_PASSWORD(...) renamed to i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD(...) change: Now i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() returns 1 if user_name and password read from DB new: Use i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() for Exchange Server task in case of backup and restore ---------------------------- revision 1.463 date: 2011/06/22 12:07:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: In case of Hyper-V target ORIGINAL must be set to '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.462 date: 2011/06/09 13:53:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Allow to restore a Site folder with all documents. ---------------------------- revision 1.461 date: 2011/06/08 08:52:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -84 change: Move 'COPY_ACCOMPANY_FILE' to sm_restore_lib.c ---------------------------- revision 1.460 date: 2011/06/06 16:22:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -11 BUGFIX: {#12954} Selective restore with Top Level selection failed (pattern set to '/') solved ---------------------------- revision 1.459 date: 2011/06/06 15:54:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 change: Calls of i_GET_KEY_VAL() now with extra argument ---------------------------- revision 1.458 date: 2011/05/30 09:49:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -20 change: move 'i_GET_KEY_VAL' into 'sm_recover_lib.c' ---------------------------- revision 1.457 date: 2011/05/26 11:55:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.456 date: 2011/05/16 12:53:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 BUGFIX: (#12790) Avoid same file name when copying 'smslis\{saveset}.dat' to RDS bcs. if rds is identic to sesam server the target file may became an empty file ---------------------------- revision 1.455 date: 2011/05/13 12:08:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 add -a 'vmold@vmnew' for VADP restore ---------------------------- revision 1.454 date: 2011/04/30 16:52:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: add '-a vm=' to command line for VADP restore ---------------------------- revision 1.453 date: 2011/04/27 13:42:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -4 change: Call 'sbc_vadp' for VADP restore instead of sbc directly ---------------------------- revision 1.452 date: 2011/04/21 21:48:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Use original datastore dring VADP restore, if not set in 'restore_tasks' ---------------------------- revision 1.451 date: 2011/04/21 14:50:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +70 -25 new: vSphere (VADP) specific restore options and target ---------------------------- revision 1.450 date: 2011/04/21 13:31:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -8 bugfix: Restore Exchange2003 without msl list parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.449 date: 2011/04/18 14:28:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +32 -3 new: VADP specific options ---------------------------- revision 1.448 date: 2011/03/23 09:55:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: (#12553): Fix core dump during processing 'VOLB' blocks in LIS file. Tech: Use 'SafeForeachLL_M' instead of 'ForeachLL_M' because item will be deleted in loop ---------------------------- revision 1.447 date: 2011/02/25 14:46:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: If Exchange Server 2010 task contains a full path then it must be shortened to a mailbox database name (basename) turing restore ---------------------------- revision 1.446 date: 2011/02/11 10:30:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +39 -18 BUGFIX: Exchange Server Mailbox Item recovery did only recover first mailbox item ---------------------------- revision 1.445 date: 2011/02/10 11:06:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: (#12260) Better error message, if no saveset is found during a scheduled restore ---------------------------- revision 1.444 date: 2011/02/07 11:34:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#12017) Select all mails in a folder, if only folder is selected during OX mail restore ---------------------------- revision 1.443 date: 2011/01/20 15:09:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -16 change: Handle backup_type ExchangeDAG like Exchange2007 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_restore_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.37 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/07/11 10:06:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Check, if 'FULL' backup was successfull when building FDI saveset chain ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/07/04 19:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -10 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/06/22 07:16:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: CREATE_SINGLE_MAIL_LINE() write matched line with extra newline '\n' into msl file ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/06/08 08:55:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +42 -42 format change ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/06/08 08:52:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +85 -1 change: Move 'COPY_ACCOMPANY_FILE' to sm_restore_lib.c ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_rexec.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/03 12:29:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: eliminate last added blank from command ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/14 15:01:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 NEW: -P switch to suppress writing to Sesam protocol ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/08 15:56:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Use sizeof(sctRCmd.szCmd) instead of (sizeof(sctRCmd.szClient) for command line length ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_robot.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.155 v_4_0_3_15: 1.166 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2011/07/06 22:17:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: Create 'SLOT_LIST_FILE' for non disk loaders again to get barcode information, but don't use it to get number of slots ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2011/07/04 14:42:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 correct paramter order for memset() ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2011/07/04 14:32:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -12 bugfix: Arguments(): Call 'iMaxSlot = i_CREATE_SLOT_LIST_FILE();' only if giLn == 0 ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2011/06/22 11:10:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +118 -81 change: Use storage location of DISK_HARD media in sm_robot to start correct calls (sm_loader, sm_arch), update loader_contents.location ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2011/06/21 09:52:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: In case of DISK_HARD do not switch from 't'ake to 'o'ver if label could not be read ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2011/06/20 15:59:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: Use iMaxSlot fetched from i_CREATE_SLOT_LIST_FILE() -1 if mode is 't'ake ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2011/06/20 12:49:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -9 change: Use i_CREATE_SLOT_LIST_FILE() to set maximal slot when slot area is given with open end: '-s 0-' ---------------------------- revision 1.159 date: 2011/06/17 13:55:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -7 change: Use -L {store} for sm_arch and sm_loader ---------------------------- revision 1.158 date: 2011/06/17 13:34:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -12 change: Now loader_handler is called with argument DRV_PROP sctDP to have access to drive properties szDn and szDataStore ---------------------------- revision 1.157 date: 2011/06/17 11:14:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Call sm_arch with barcode not prefixed by one blank ---------------------------- revision 1.156 date: 2011/01/21 11:51:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: EOM event will be written into 'media_results ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_robot.rc,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/02/08 14:26:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: ProductVersion 4.0.2 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sbc_com.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.119 v_4_0_3_15: 1.121 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2011/07/04 19:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -9 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/05/26 11:55:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sbc_com_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.100 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2011/07/12 13:59:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 change: Obsolete declared variables removed ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +263 -2 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/07/04 19:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -19 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/06/01 21:28:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Create random saveset id during migration. Remove ':' from saveset info before starting migration ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/06/01 17:15:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: Check, if initiator of extern backup fits with task type ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/05/30 13:28:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 new: Add 'results' to DataStore info file in DISCONNECT_BACKUP ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/05/26 13:20:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +30 -8 NEW: CHECK_MIGRATED_SAVESET: Build complete saveset chain recursive until an exiting Saveset is found. (Migration of migrated saveset) ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/05/26 11:55:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2011/02/24 12:33:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -10 change: Set 'results.eol' for failed savesets, because 'results' entry will be deleted during next 'purge' od data store else. (no information about failed backups in DB after Sesam newday) ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2011/02/08 16:49:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +99 -93 change: Check arguments ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/02/08 16:40:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: i_GET_DRIVES_OF_POOL() may return 100 drives so char array must be extended to store 200 drive numbers (fetched from v3_6_branch) ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sbc_com_lib.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.34 v_4_0_3_15: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/05/23 11:38:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: add backup type, platforma and source to saveset information during migration ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/04/18 14:28:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: VADP specific options ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/03/21 15:13:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change iParallel to iSubmit ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/03/15 15:48:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 add 'hw_drives.drive_type' to RTASK, because of 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_search_lis.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.30 v_4_0_3_15: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/07/04 19:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -7 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sepul_event.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.263 v_4_0_3_15: 1.270 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.270 date: 2011/07/06 14:26:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Allow only COPY backup for 'VMware vSphere' at the moment ---------------------------- revision 1.269 date: 2011/05/26 11:55:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID: New parameter to set requestes Id type ---------------------------- revision 1.268 date: 2011/04/19 07:00:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: define all 'date' fields with 'TIME_LEN+1', because of buffer overrun, whereas it is not clear way this happens ---------------------------- revision 1.267 date: 2011/03/01 12:11:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -14 CHANGE: Set results.online_flag to '0' if 'cold' (offline) was requested ---------------------------- revision 1.266 date: 2011/02/17 09:31:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 BUGFIX: Preset 'online_flag' with empty string, because insert into results can fail on Linux 'ppc' platform else. (Insert of group result entry fails, so no group view is possible in GUI results screen) ---------------------------- revision 1.265 date: 2011/01/26 14:58:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +170 -18 new: Media events for 'DataStores'. Uses table 'media_events'. 'mediapools_events' are unchanged, but should be ported to 'media_events' too ---------------------------- revision 1.264 date: 2011/01/26 11:39:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 correct argument list for 'i_INSERT_INTO_MEDIA_RESULTS' ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/02/17 09:38:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 BUGFIX: Preset 'online_flag' with empty string, because insert into results can fail on Linux 'ppc' platform else. (Insert of group result entry fails, so no group view is possible in GUI results screen) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sesam.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/04 16:52:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Change parameters of 'i_get_lisfile_name' so function can already be used to get LIS file name (without saveset id) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/07/03 09:06:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 correct usage and comments ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/30 15:47:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 BUGFIX: Call 'remove_saveset' with journal_flag='n', so result entry will be deleted from database ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/25 11:01:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 bugfix: No core if called with no arguments ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/07 14:50:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +16 -5 new: Call 'i_NOTIFICATION' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sho.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.122 v_4_0_3_15: 1.123 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sms_backup.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.325 v_4_0_3_15: 1.339 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.339 date: 2011/07/11 15:37:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: BUILD_BACKUP_SOURCE() for LotusNotes without leading '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.338 date: 2011/07/04 19:09:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -19 change: Use 'i_get_lisfile_name' to create LIS/SGM file name ---------------------------- revision 1.337 date: 2011/06/30 14:42:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +24 -20 change: i_GET_NETWARE_PASSWORD(...) renamed to i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD(...) change: Now i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() returns 1 if user_name and password read from DB new: Use i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD() for Exchange Server task in case of backup and restore ---------------------------- revision 1.336 date: 2011/06/29 15:13:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -17 change: Build -a username=...,password=.. for task type 'Exchange2007' and 'ExchangeDAG' ---------------------------- revision 1.335 date: 2011/06/27 11:57:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: BUILD_BACKUP_SOURCE() Do not squeeze() first '//' to allowUNC notation ---------------------------- revision 1.334 date: 2011/06/27 10:04:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: BUILD_BACKUP_SOURCE() for ExchangeServer2003 without leading '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.333 date: 2011/06/21 16:08:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: BUILD_BACKUP_SOURCE() in case of VCB must not be prefixed with '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.332 date: 2011/06/21 14:41:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: BUILD_BACKUP_SOURCE() in case of MSSQLServer and source 'all' a '/' must not be prefixed. '/all' is treated as database with name 'all'. ---------------------------- revision 1.331 date: 2011/06/20 12:31:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: No '/' between source prefix and mailboxes for task type 'zarafa' ---------------------------- revision 1.330 date: 2011/06/17 08:02:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 change: HYPER-V Adaption for VM hosts: If source is a VM then add pattern '*/' to allow mapping with component either 'Backup Using Child Partition Snapshot/' or 'Backup Using Saved State/' ---------------------------- revision 1.329 date: 2011/06/16 16:55:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: Do not add '/' at begin of backup source (VSS backup fails) ---------------------------- revision 1.328 date: 2011/06/15 14:20:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +40 -19 change: Adaptions for Hyper-V backup with source 'all' or some VMs ---------------------------- revision 1.327 date: 2011/05/12 17:55:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 do not add -o nfs option in case of VADP backup ---------------------------- revision 1.326 date: 2011/04/18 14:27:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +28 -7 new: VADP specific options ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sms_copy.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.46 v_4_0_3_15: 1.60 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/07/12 13:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_ANALYSE_RESTORE_LOG() moved to sm_sbc_com_lib.c and now with extra argument RTASK* to pass the RTASK structure, e.g. eBckType, and to allow specific processing, e.g. ignore sbc-3021 skipping items lines. ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/24 11:31:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Use substitute char '%' instead of '.' for backup_type bcs. '.' may appear in backup_type ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/24 10:42:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -6 BUGFIX: (Workaround) in 4.0.3 the full saveset info is used for migration but command line does not accept blanks in arguments especially in argument -i {saveset_info} so blanks are substituted by '.' ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/06/24 10:08:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -6 change: Declare 'char szCmd[MAX_CMD_LEN]' to support large command lines for migration with full saveset info ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/06/08 08:52:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -70 change: Move 'COPY_ACCOMPANY_FILE' to sm_restore_lib.c ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/06/03 08:12:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: Remove space from source in '-i' switch ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/06/02 11:20:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: Correct sql statement for check of all migration task are finished ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/06/01 21:28:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 CHANGE: Create random saveset id during migration. Remove ':' from saveset info before starting migration ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/05/23 11:38:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: add backup type, platforma and source to saveset information during migration ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/03/21 18:03:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 correct check for 'iSubmit' flag ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/03/21 16:47:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 Call 'CHECK_ALL_FINISED only if task was submitted ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/03/21 13:12:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +121 -6 new: Support of parallel migrations from DISK_STORE ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/03/15 13:55:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 revert last change ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/03/15 13:42:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Find correct source drive for migration in case saveset wassaved to a 'DISK_STORE' media ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_sms_watch.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.152 v_4_0_3_15: 1.165 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2011/06/28 08:24:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: Ignore sscanf() error in the beginning for 3 minutes bcs sbc may create snapshot (e.g. VSS) ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2011/06/17 13:34:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Now loader_handler is called with argument DRV_PROP sctDP to have access to drive properties szDn and szDataStore ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2011/03/21 22:06:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 NEW: Update 'migration_results' with curren throughput and saveset size ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2011/03/08 11:35:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Call 'sm_data_store check_space' with 'sm_sms_watch' log file ---------------------------- revision 1.159 date: 2011/03/06 11:08:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: Re-balance queues for DISK_STORE when becoming idle ---------------------------- revision 1.158 date: 2011/03/04 13:47:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: Check if given drive number does exist ---------------------------- revision 1.157 date: 2011/02/11 08:36:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 reset dismount message for DISK_STORE ---------------------------- revision 1.156 date: 2011/02/09 14:59:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: Call 'purge' for 'DISK_STORE' after backups are finished ---------------------------- revision 1.155 date: 2011/02/09 13:48:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 new: Call 'sm_data_store check_space' to update 'data_stores' ---------------------------- revision 1.154 date: 2011/01/31 21:40:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -5 new: Adopt for 'DISK_STORE'. Instead of internal SMS number, device name is used for file name (perf_DS\@DS-1_9.log) ---------------------------- revision 1.153 date: 2011/01/21 11:51:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +20 -9 NEW: EOM event will be written into 'media_results ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_start.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.68 v_4_0_3_15: 1.74 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/06/02 20:10:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Call 'alive_test_sbc' to update RDS Sesam version in DB ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/05/11 10:38:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/04/06 07:27:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +27 -1 NEW: Check storage pool licenses for DataStores ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/03/22 07:45:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use macro 'IS_DSTORE' to check drivetype='DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/01/25 16:57:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 start real purge ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/01/25 12:10:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 new: Purge data stores during 'sm_start' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_start_all.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.53 v_4_0_3_15: 1.55 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/01/26 15:05:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CHECK_LICENSE() with extra argument char *cpFile to allow to check an arbitrary sesam license file ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/01/17 13:38:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -86 CHANGE: Move i_GET_FREE_SPACE_OF_DIR from hal to kernel. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/sm_startup.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.112 v_4_0_3_15: 1.116 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2011/05/31 08:05:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 NEW: Write Sesam version to 'clients.version_number' as long, to have easier DB selects based on client version ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/02/25 21:33:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 use MAX_CMD_LEN instead of MAX_PATH, because MAX_PATH is not defined on UNIX ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/02/23 13:27:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -11 bugfix: If directory in sm.ini [PATHES] cannot be checked with stat(). e.g. a network share, then try to do a chdir() to avoid a break of sm_startup without creating disk queues. Happened for gv_rw_share=\\server\share ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/01/20 12:04:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: Create and insert 'seser_id' (UUID) into 'params_fix' if not already set ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/python/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/01/18 16:46:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 put 'sm_data_store' into SM_BINDIR ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/01/18 14:27:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 rename sm_arc_ds to sm_data_store ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/01/13 20:03:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 add target 'sm_arch_ds' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/python/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/04 10:45:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Copy PYTHON_SQLITE3_PYD and PYTHON_SQLITE3_DLL to BIN_DIR for x86 and x64 to use appropriate sqlite3.dll ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/04 09:47:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -23 change: sm_data_access.py is only used as a python source not an executable ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/02/04 09:25:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Clean rule for SM_DATA_ACCESS_EXE and SM_DATA_STORE_EXE added ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/04 08:43:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +42 -2 new: Build sm_data_access.exe and sm_data_store.exe ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/python/setup_freeze_data_store.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/02/04 08:43:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; new: Build sm_data_access.exe and sm_data_store.exe ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/python/setup_freeze_reformat_lis.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/04 08:43:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Comments revised ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/python/sm_data_access.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/03 12:40:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Avoid duplicate '/' for drive.dspath bcs in sm_data_store the dspath will always be appended by '/' which leads to duplicate '/' which is not supported on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/03/06 15:47:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 set data store path only if set in DB ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/02/09 15:00:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -5 new: Update 'data_store.status' only in case of check flag not set. Report original set water marks ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/02/08 15:03:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 add DataStore.name ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/02/03 21:00:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add 'data_store.capacity ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/22 17:06:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 Use table 'data_stores' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/19 14:55:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 media.eol ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/18 14:25:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +29 -1 add class 'DataLocation' ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/13 20:04:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; new Python module for Sesam DB access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/python/sm_data_store.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/06/30 12:08:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Trace and comments revised for purge of savesets ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/06/14 14:28:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Remove 'nulls first' from SQL statement because not suporrted by older Postgresql versions ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/06/01 17:25:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 add correct message ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/05/25 10:24:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 BUGFIX: Do not delete result entry during purge of saveset, if saveset is migrated ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/05/24 09:31:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +77 -18 NEW: Create 'sesam-.sds' info file including all datastore parameters from DB ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/05/03 12:42:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Trace for 'execute {host} sm_client dir {path}' added ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/04/30 16:57:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: do not write 'write_svaset_info' call into Sesam prot ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/04/26 11:56:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 bugfix: Adopt 'sort' for 'sqlite' ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/04/23 16:07:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 fix syntax error ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/04/23 15:42:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: For 'data store write saveset info file': Return with errer, if saveset couldn't be found in 'results' ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/04/23 15:05:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: add column name sum ('sum(data_size) as sum') because python DB module fails with key errer ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/03/22 10:53:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Check if 'sum(data_size)' returns empty value and set it to 0 then ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/03/22 09:58:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 fix syntax error ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/03/21 16:34:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +25 -9 USAGE for sm_data_store ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/03/10 12:28:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 calculate balance only over one drive group ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/03/09 13:59:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +35 -6 new: 'write_saveset_info' to append all infos from 'results' to datastore '.info' file ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/08 13:06:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 new: If '-o REMOVE' is set then delete dangaling saveset files ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/08 11:55:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +56 -27 new: Report number of saveset files without results entry and occupied space of this savesets ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/06 15:49:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +123 -5 add function 'balance' to set QM weight according to free space in data store ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/03/04 08:26:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 bugfix: Return OK in case of LWM is reached and there are no EOL free savesets ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/02/21 16:33:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add trace line ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/02/16 19:07:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +65 -8 new: Remove medium from 'DISK_STORE'. Do not insert int 'media_results' if called from 'sm_arch' ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/02/11 10:54:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 correct SQL statement ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/02/11 10:49:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -40 move 'du/df' functions to 'common' ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/02/11 09:39:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +135 -93 change: Use symbolic names for return value. Return message and print it out on STDOUT ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/02/10 08:44:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 Correc variable name ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/02/09 16:44:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +29 -10 'check_space': Set status to failed, if free space + eol free space is above HWM ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/02/09 15:00:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +33 -19 new: Update 'data_store.status' only in case of check flag not set. Report original set water marks ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/02/08 17:19:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 Correct return value, if no purge is necessary ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/02/08 15:41:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Do not select active savesets for purging ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/08 13:47:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +106 -90 Read complete directory list and compare savesets with index then ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/08 10:45:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -11 Check format of EOL date. Write 'check_flag' (dry run) into media_results ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/08 10:36:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +25 -9 Check format of EOL date. Write 'check_flag' (dry run) into media_results ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/06 10:37:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +64 -52 new: Check space used by Sesam by 'du' ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/04 09:25:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use Data_Store_Id for CVS Id to avoid printing of imported sm_data_access.py CVS Id ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/03 17:15:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +77 -23 new: Count deleted savesets. Print summary at the end of log ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/01 22:11:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 new function to check disk space ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/01/28 21:11:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 write 'data_store.name' into media results ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/01/26 23:16:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +56 -36 option to specify EOL on command line. Check free space, even if there a no EOL free savesets ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/01/25 12:50:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +74 -2 check free disk space, even if no saveset couldn't be deleted ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/01/24 16:42:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +26 -11 new: Purge for whole media_pool. Set exit state correctly ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/01/22 17:06:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +27 -26 Use table 'data_stores' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/19 14:53:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +59 -15 add action 'init' to delete all saveset from a 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/01/18 16:19:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +17 -6 filter out Sesam trace messages ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/01/18 14:26:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; new: Module for Data Store administration ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/python/sm_reformat_lis.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.53 v_4_0_3_15: 1.59 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/30 10:14:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 bugfix: sm_reformat_lis must keep all lines for 'SharePoint Sites', 'ESET' and 'Total:' line must not be skipped from original LIS file otherwise retore ends with MTF_BAD_ARCHIVE ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/20 12:29:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: choose the MS Exchange reformat strategy in depends of existing "Microsoft Exchange Writer" with message id - 2420 in the backup protocol. ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/06/20 09:33:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Mistyped method 'lenght' now corrected: 'len' ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/06/10 10:44:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -11 BUGFIX: Retrieve Cyrus IMAP Mail Subjec lines: Do not use hardcoded IMAP path during syntax check to find all mail lines ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/06/09 13:17:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -7 BUGFIX: (#12933) Catch 'IndexException' during parsing Cyrus IMAP mail subjects ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/05/12 15:31:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4 NEW: Support of Zarafa 7 export format (Version: 4). Return with error, if version is unknown ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/unix_hal/sm_check_version,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/01/26 16:56:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 new: Write package (kit) name to 'sm.ini' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/01/26 15:17:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 NEW: Write 'hwplatform','distribution' and 'package_type' into 'sm.ini' during update ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/unix_hal/sm_hal_unix.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.146 v_4_0_3_15: 1.148 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.148 date: 2011/06/24 10:08:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Declare 'char szCmd[MAX_CMD_LEN]' to support large command lines for migration with full saveset info ---------------------------- revision 1.147 date: 2011/01/17 13:38:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -70 CHANGE: Move i_GET_FREE_SPACE_OF_DIR from hal to kernel. Add 'UUID' to results ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/kernel/wnt_hal/sm_hal_wnt.c,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 1.262 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.262 date: 2011/06/24 10:08:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Declare 'char szCmd[MAX_CMD_LEN]' to support large command lines for migration with full saveset info ---------------------------- revision 1.261 date: 2011/04/27 11:38:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -7 change: file_copy() with trace() ---------------------------- revision 1.260 date: 2011/01/17 13:38:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -102 CHANGE: Move i_GET_FREE_SPACE_OF_DIR from hal to kernel. Add 'UUID' to results ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.19 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/01/09 16:11:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 adopt order of LDFLAGS ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/qm.rc,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/02/08 14:28:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: ProductVersion 4.0.2 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/qm_common.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +46 -1 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/01/27 13:49:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +91 -2 change: Set internal sm_qm_main structures QUeue and Resource to values given by 'sm_qm ... set balancing/weight ...' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/qm_common.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/03/04 13:53:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Implementation of balancing mode random and weight ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/01/27 13:49:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Set internal sm_qm_main structures QUeue and Resource to values given by 'sm_qm ... set balancing/weight ...' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/query.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/01/27 15:26:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Show balancing mode, decision mode and weight in 'sm_qm sho ...' output ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/01/27 13:49:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +29 -1 change: Set internal sm_qm_main structures QUeue and Resource to values given by 'sm_qm ... set balancing/weight ...' ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/01/27 12:14:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Start implementation for 'sm_qm set balancing ....' > allow the use of this command without any functionality ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/queue.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.43 v_4_0_3_15: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/07/04 16:02:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: Set balancing decision mode for ExecQueues to get correct 'wight: ...' output with 'sm_qm sho ...' ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/03/04 15:20:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -8 change: Queue.eDecMode removed - only the QueueTriple.eMode is used ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/03/04 13:53:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +108 -1 new: Implementation of balancing mode random and weight ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/01/27 15:26:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +30 -18 change: Show balancing mode, decision mode and weight in 'sm_qm sho ...' output ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/queue.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/03/04 20:22:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add enum DecisionMode eDecMode ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/03/04 15:20:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: Queue.eDecMode removed - only the QueueTriple.eMode is used ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/03/04 13:53:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 new: Implementation of balancing mode random and weight ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/03/04 09:47:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: If weight is set then set QueTriple->dWeightSum to sum of ExecQueues.dWeight ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/01/27 15:26:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Show balancing mode, decision mode and weight in 'sm_qm sho ...' output ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/01/27 14:18:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: #include common.h to have BOOL type for UNIX ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/01/27 13:49:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Set internal sm_qm_main structures QUeue and Resource to values given by 'sm_qm ... set balancing/weight ...' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/sm_hal_qm.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.38 v_4_0_3_15: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/sm_qm.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.36 v_4_0_3_15: 1.41 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/05/11 13:29:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved in QM ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/01/27 15:26:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Show balancing mode, decision mode and weight in 'sm_qm sho ...' output ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/01/27 12:14:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +51 -48 change: Start implementation for 'sm_qm set balancing ....' > allow the use of this command without any functionality ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/01/20 14:00:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: Usage with 'set {queue}[/{resource}] balancing|weight ...' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/qm/sm_qm_main.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.85 v_4_0_3_15: 1.97 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/07/04 16:02:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 change: Set balancing decision mode for ExecQueues to get correct 'wight: ...' output with 'sm_qm sho ...' ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2011/03/04 15:20:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -16 change: Queue.eDecMode removed - only the QueueTriple.eMode is used ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/03/04 13:53:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +29 -7 new: Implementation of balancing mode random and weight ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/03/04 09:47:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -9 change: If weight is set then set QueTriple->dWeightSum to sum of ExecQueues.dWeight ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2011/03/03 15:36:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +31 -14 change: If AllocationMode is not set to 'permanent' then reset allocate when resource becomes idle ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2011/03/03 15:07:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +89 -49 change: New function 'set {queue} allocation permanent|volatile|ignore' ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2011/01/27 15:29:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: prototype void que_set_decision_mode (Node *, enum DecisionMode *); ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2011/01/27 15:26:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +40 -19 change: Show balancing mode, decision mode and weight in 'sm_qm sho ...' output ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2011/01/27 13:49:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +107 -2 change: Set internal sm_qm_main structures QUeue and Resource to values given by 'sm_qm ... set balancing/weight ...' ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/01/27 12:14:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Start implementation for 'sm_qm set balancing ....' > allow the use of this command without any functionality ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/01/18 17:57:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 avoid 'my' in trace ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/01/18 13:37:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +135 -42 BUGFIX: UNIX: (#12006) Avoid waiting for answer pipe by using child process for answer() and answer_wildcard() ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_bsr/sbc_bsr.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.28 v_4_0_3_15: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/07/11 14:52:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: PCBAX script file name must not contain '-' otherwise 'ERROR: BMS0044: The script name is invalid' appears ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_com/sbc_com_interface_l/com_util_l.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/11 14:44:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 change: Compiler warnings solved in sbc_com_interface ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_com/sbc_com_interface_l/com_util_u.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/11 14:44:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 change: Compiler warnings solved in sbc_com_interface ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/11 13:55:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: #include cm_posix.h to have _snprintf() for snprintf() ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_com/sbc_com_interface_l/sbc_com_interface.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/05/11 14:44:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Compiler warnings solved in sbc_com_interface ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_com/sbc_com_interface_l/sbc_com_interface_util.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/05/11 14:44:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in sbc_com_interface ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vadp.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/23 23:57:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Set 'LC_ALL' to UTF-8, to have correct encoding for vSphere connection ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/19 11:13:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 use: '/bin/gui' instead of 'gv_ro_bin' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_xensrv.py,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.104 v_4_0_3_15: 1.105 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2011/06/09 08:37:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Add 'meta-database' and 'host-backup' as backup source ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_open.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.69 v_4_0_3_15: 1.79 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/06/20 14:06:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: DB_SetError format ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/06/17 11:13:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: trace header ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/06/16 11:12:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set headers to common folder ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/06/01 12:49:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Trace of DB_Init ctrl variables leads to core dump if ctrl variable contains '%' ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/05/25 16:25:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 change: url encode vcenter, datacenter, cluster only for libvirt connect ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/05/25 15:21:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: Do not URL encode vCenter ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/05/20 10:05:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: log: remove configuration files ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/05/20 09:33:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: url encoding parameters: vcenter, datacenter, cluster ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/05/18 13:00:22; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: wrong rule for message vm create ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/05/18 12:55:50; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct log message ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_read.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/17 11:10:28; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: trace header ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/16 11:12:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set headers to common folder ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_set.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.47 v_4_0_3_15: 1.59 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/20 14:08:05; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: DB_SetError format ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/17 11:12:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: trace header ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/06/16 11:12:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: set headers to common folder ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/05/20 13:40:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: message remove snapshots ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/05/18 15:22:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +28 -24 change: message vm found ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/05/18 13:19:52; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correcting message ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/05/18 12:49:38; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: message missing argument ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/05/18 12:44:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: messages vm cereation ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/05/18 12:37:13; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: uuid messages ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/05/18 12:19:15; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct log message ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/05/18 11:48:25; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: error message ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/05/18 11:45:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: log correcting ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/lv.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.26 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/06/17 11:01:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: DB_TraceExt to DB_Trace ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/17 10:53:30; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: use common/trace.h ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/lv_connect.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/17 10:58:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: use common/trace.h ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/15 11:14:16; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +12 -4 bugfix: do not modify the global variable datacenter for VDDK ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/06/14 13:30:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: replace slash ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/06/14 13:26:51; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 change: slash replacement to ';' for passing in libvirt ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/25 16:28:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: messages for encoded parameters ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/25 16:25:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +134 -8 change: url encode vcenter, datacenter, cluster only for libvirt connect ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/lv_error.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/17 10:58:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 change: use common/trace.h ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/lv_operation.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.49 v_4_0_3_15: 1.52 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/06/17 11:05:56; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: DB_TraceExt to DB_Trace ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/06/17 10:58:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: use common/trace.h ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/05/26 11:08:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 format change only ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/lv_xml.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.29 v_4_0_3_15: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/06/17 13:26:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: _strdup ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/06/17 11:02:28; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: DB_TraceExt to DB_Trace ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/06/17 10:58:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: use common/trace.h ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/05/19 08:42:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 change: file name in log message ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/05/19 08:38:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -5 change: file name in log message ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/05/18 14:50:14; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 change: rename vm.xml messages ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/05/18 14:42:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: rename disk messages ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/05/18 14:33:42; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: messages in vm.xml ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/05/18 13:46:16; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: messages renaming in virtual machine xml ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/05/18 13:38:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 new: rename config vm xml logs ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/05/18 11:40:41; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +14 -6 change: added error messages ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/05/18 11:33:19; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +12 -7 change: added error messages ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/05/18 11:14:05; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: error messages added ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/05/18 08:43:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +38 -33 add some importan log lines ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/16 11:04:53; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -17 change: use sbc_vmware_common static library ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.23 v_4_0_3_15: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/30 15:12:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 change: make sbc_vmware_cbt ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/16 11:04:53; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 change: use sbc_vmware_common static library ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/17 08:39:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 correct file name ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/17 08:37:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 copy set_vddk.ps1 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.303 v_4_0_3_15: 1.320 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.320 date: 2011/06/28 14:50:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -6 change: DB_ItemFinishStatus ---------------------------- revision 1.319 date: 2011/06/20 10:16:57; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 change: DB_GetError DB_SetError moved to common ---------------------------- revision 1.318 date: 2011/06/17 10:51:29; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 change: use common/trace.h ---------------------------- revision 1.317 date: 2011/06/17 10:46:30; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -21 change: remove DB_SetTrace ---------------------------- revision 1.316 date: 2011/06/16 11:12:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set headers to common folder ---------------------------- revision 1.315 date: 2011/05/25 16:25:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -57 change: url encode vcenter, datacenter, cluster only for libvirt connect ---------------------------- revision 1.314 date: 2011/05/25 15:21:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -22 BUGFIX: Do not URL encode vCenter ---------------------------- revision 1.313 date: 2011/05/20 12:47:52; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: error message to info message ---------------------------- revision 1.312 date: 2011/05/20 09:33:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +75 -1 change: url encoding parameters: vcenter, datacenter, cluster ---------------------------- revision 1.311 date: 2011/05/18 14:27:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -9 change: too many messages, remove some renaming mesages ---------------------------- revision 1.310 date: 2011/05/18 14:16:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: message disk_count ---------------------------- revision 1.309 date: 2011/05/18 14:08:41; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +16 -4 change: rename file messages ---------------------------- revision 1.308 date: 2011/05/18 13:54:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -7 change: message move file ---------------------------- revision 1.307 date: 2011/05/18 13:27:25; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: correct messages ---------------------------- revision 1.306 date: 2011/05/18 13:24:29; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct message find file ---------------------------- revision 1.305 date: 2011/05/18 12:03:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: correct message ---------------------------- revision 1.304 date: 2011/05/18 12:00:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: vddk connect messages ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/25 16:25:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 change: url encode vcenter, datacenter, cluster only for libvirt connect ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/25 15:21:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Do not URL encode vCenter ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/20 09:33:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: url encoding parameters: vcenter, datacenter, cluster ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware_utils.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.107 v_4_0_3_15: 1.114 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/06/20 10:16:57; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -17 change: DB_GetError DB_SetError moved to common ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/06/17 13:24:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -51 change: GetVDDKLibraryPath moved to common ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/06/17 11:15:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: trace header ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/06/17 11:09:17; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -67 change: fixing traces ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/06/17 10:44:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -32 change: remove sbc_vmware_log ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/06/16 11:12:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set headers to common folder ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/05/18 13:06:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -11 change: message open disk ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware_utils.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.76 v_4_0_3_15: 1.81 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/06/20 14:10:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: DB_SetError format ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2011/06/17 13:24:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -7 change: GetVDDKLibraryPath moved to common ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2011/06/17 11:09:17; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: fixing traces ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/06/17 10:50:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: remove defined trace ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/06/16 11:12:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set headers to common folder ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/build.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/01 08:48:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: module name ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/01 08:47:34; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: module name, version ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 11:50:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: adding build version.h ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/30 13:40:51; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: trace: remove file ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/30 11:29:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: if vervose < 2 remove file ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/30 11:28:18; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: remove cbt file ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/30 08:59:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -22 change: set cbt file ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/21 10:03:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: comparison rule ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/21 09:59:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 change: set cbt info ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/20 15:36:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +76 -1 new: cbt_block_from_file ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/20 14:35:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: cbt_add_disk stub ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/20 08:52:42; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: static cbt_struct ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/20 08:26:05; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt_struct ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/30 08:59:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 change: set cbt file ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/30 08:14:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: cbt_file in cbt_disk ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/29 16:00:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: operation_type ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/28 15:21:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: commentary ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/28 15:19:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: cbt item ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/28 15:11:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: item_status ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/27 15:53:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: verbose ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/25 10:51:56; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: tmp_dir ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/25 10:45:19; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: temp_dir ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/22 14:58:38; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: comment ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/22 14:56:19; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: current_disk, current_block ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/21 11:34:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: cbt vddk connection ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/20 15:36:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 new: cbt_block_from_file ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/20 14:35:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: cbt_add_disk stub ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/20 11:46:24; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: cbt_block, cbt_disk ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/20 08:26:05; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt_struct ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_db.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/30 13:39:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: trace ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/30 13:37:58; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: trace: remove file ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/30 13:20:53; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: remove case DIR ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/30 12:32:00; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +26 -5 change: trace function ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/30 09:39:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +15 -5 change: remove block file on restore ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/29 16:08:38; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +15 -3 change: DB_ItemFinishStatus deepnds of operation type ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/29 11:18:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: DB_ItemFinishStatus call cbt_set_item ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/29 09:34:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 change: remove files if verbose < 2 ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/28 15:29:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 change: DB_SetItem: save item name ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/28 15:19:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: cbt item ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/28 15:11:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 new: item_status ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/27 13:07:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: DB_CloseItem remove file block ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/23 10:34:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: DB_ReadBlock ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/22 15:32:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: cbt_get, return item name to packdata ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/22 09:58:42; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 change: DB_GetInfo ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/20 10:22:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -11 change: DB_GetError, DB_SetError used from common ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/17 10:47:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -10 change: remove DB_SetTrace ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/16 12:22:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 new: cbt module init exit functions stubs ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/16 08:51:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: cbt_db.h header ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 13:13:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: changed block tracking module skeleton ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_db.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/20 10:22:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 change: DB_GetError, DB_SetError used from common ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/17 10:47:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 change: remove DB_SetTrace ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 08:51:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt_db.h header ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_exit.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/30 09:29:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: free disk name, cbt_file ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/25 10:51:56; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: tmp_dir ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/24 10:15:33; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: code sequence ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/24 10:13:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 change: free variables ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/24 10:02:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +48 -2 change: cbt_exit ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 12:22:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt module init exit functions stubs ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_exit.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 12:22:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt module init exit functions stubs ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_get.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/30 11:32:11; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: numbering discs ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/29 13:27:36; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: disk number in name ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/27 16:11:36; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 new: send metafile ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/27 14:17:13; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: message read block ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/27 11:22:56; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: read block message ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/25 12:32:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -9 bugfix: check finish ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/25 11:59:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 change: switch THROUGH_FILES ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/25 11:47:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: write to file ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/25 11:37:13; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +22 -2 change: blocks stream throught files ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/25 11:15:16; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +60 -1 new: download_block ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/25 09:10:34; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: determine the point of finish ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/24 10:22:29; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: block folder ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/24 09:28:49; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: item folder ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/24 08:38:30; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -9 change: calculate last ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/24 08:15:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: crossing bocks, disks ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/23 12:16:30; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: update state ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/23 11:02:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: commentary ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/23 10:59:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: variable name ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/23 10:42:33; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: reset offset block ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/23 10:38:50; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: type sizes ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/23 10:34:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +54 -2 new: DB_ReadBlock ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/22 15:32:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt_get, return item name to packdata ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_get.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/23 10:34:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: DB_ReadBlock ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/22 15:32:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt_get, return item name to packdata ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_init.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/07/01 09:15:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: log to DB_SetError ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/07/01 09:08:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: log vddk connect ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/07/01 09:02:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: message: read cbt file ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/07/01 08:59:15; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: error message: operation not allowed ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/07/01 08:45:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: log vddk connection ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/06/30 13:20:53; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: remove case DIR ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/06/30 13:11:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: eI_DBOperationType instead eI_DBOperationLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/06/30 10:22:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: log verbose ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/06/30 09:19:17; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: DB_SetError format ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/06/30 08:59:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +29 -17 change: set cbt file ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/06/29 16:02:53; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: set operation_type ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/06/29 11:37:14; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: case restore ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/29 11:25:36; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: case restore ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/06/28 15:19:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 new: cbt item ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/06/27 15:59:28; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: set verbose ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/06/27 15:50:29; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: create_metafile ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/27 15:33:38; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +47 -1 new: create_metafile ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/27 15:00:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +39 -12 change: create temp dir ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/25 10:51:56; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: tmp_dir ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/24 10:19:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: use cbt_exit ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/22 12:09:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: log message ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/22 12:06:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: log messages ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/22 12:00:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 change: print input variables ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/22 11:41:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: vddk load ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/22 11:37:28; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +12 -17 change: vddk_connect use string on the stack ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/22 10:36:38; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: parse cbt_file, disk_name ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/21 12:14:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 change: open disk ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/21 11:43:49; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: 0 to NULL ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/21 11:42:50; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 change: vddk connect ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/21 11:31:18; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +66 -1 new: vddk_connect ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/20 14:36:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: DB_SetError format ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/20 14:35:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +27 -2 change: cbt_add_disk stub ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/20 12:05:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: check DATABASE ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/20 10:36:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: check variables ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/20 09:41:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 change: check input variables ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/20 09:10:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +25 -3 change: initialize variables ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/17 14:57:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +47 -1 change: parse variables stubs ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 12:22:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt module init exit functions stubs ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_init.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 12:22:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt module init exit functions stubs ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_set.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/07/01 09:42:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: log writing block ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/29 15:28:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 bugfix: offset division ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/29 15:14:24; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: log message ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/29 15:09:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: info log ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/29 15:03:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +98 -2 new: upload_block ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/29 13:13:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 change: open disks ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/29 13:01:22; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: parse blocks ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/29 12:37:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: read disk_name ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/29 12:33:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -8 bugfix: check disk_count ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/29 12:29:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -12 change: check disk_count ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/29 12:10:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 change: check block_count ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/29 12:03:36; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: comparison ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/29 11:57:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: read_metafile: check disk_count ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/29 11:53:51; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: read metafile logs ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/29 11:39:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: escape % ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/29 10:54:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: goto next disk_name/cbt pair ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/29 10:52:19; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +156 -1 new: read_metafile ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/28 15:38:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt_set ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_set.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/29 10:52:19; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: read_metafile ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/28 15:38:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt_set ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/28 15:38:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: cbt_set ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/22 15:32:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: cbt_get, return item name to packdata ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/20 08:26:05; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 new: cbt_struct ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/17 08:48:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: rename module sbc_vmware_diff to sbc_vmware_cbt ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/16 12:24:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 new: cbt init exit source ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/16 08:51:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: cbt_db.h header ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 13:13:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: changed block tracking module skeleton ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/17 11:29:13; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: message creating library ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/17 08:48:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: rename module sbc_vmware_diff to sbc_vmware_cbt ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/16 11:59:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: link with sbc_vmware_common.lib ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/16 11:50:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: adding build version.h ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/15 13:13:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: changed block tracking module skeleton ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/sbc_vmware_cbt.def,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/17 08:48:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: rename module sbc_vmware_diff to sbc_vmware_cbt ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/test.cbt,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/22 11:01:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: cbt file for test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/20 13:24:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: stdbool.h ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/17 10:28:29; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: trace added ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/stdbool.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/20 13:23:25; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: stdbool.h ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/trace.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/20 14:02:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 change: DB_SetError assembles message ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/20 10:14:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +31 -1 new: DB_SetError, DB_GetError ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/17 10:41:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: use local DB_Trace ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/17 10:25:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +34 -1 new: sbc_vmware_log ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/17 09:51:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: trace functions ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/trace.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/20 14:02:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: DB_SetError assembles message ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/20 10:14:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: DB_SetError, DB_GetError ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/17 10:38:15; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: use DB_Trace ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/17 10:25:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: sbc_vmware_log ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/17 09:51:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: trace functions ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vddk_error.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vddk_error.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vixdisklib_callbacks.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/17 10:41:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: use local DB_Trace ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/16 11:03:22; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 change: extern DB_Trace to DB_TraceExt ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vixdisklib_callbacks.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vixdisklib_load.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/24 10:00:18; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: windows header ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/23 10:33:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: vddk header ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/17 13:24:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +55 -1 change: GetVDDKLibraryPath moved to common ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/17 10:38:15; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: use DB_Trace ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/16 11:03:22; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: extern DB_Trace to DB_TraceExt ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vixdisklib_load.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/24 10:00:18; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: windows header ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/23 10:33:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: vddk header ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/17 13:24:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: GetVDDKLibraryPath moved to common ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 10:08:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: sbc_vmware_common library ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/ctk_test.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/ctk_test.vcproj,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/example.ctk,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/vixDiskLib.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/vixdisklib_callbacks.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/vixdisklib_callbacks.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/vixdisklib_load.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/vixdisklib_load.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ctk_test/vm_basic_types.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ctk_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/child.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/child.vcproj,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/test.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/test.vcproj,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/vixdisklib_callbacks.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/vixdisklib_callbacks.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/vixdisklib_load.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/libvirt_test/vixdisklib_load.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:07:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move libvirt_test ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ms_vs_2008_project/sbc_vmware.sln,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:08:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ms_vs_2008_project ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ms_vs_2008_project/sbc_vmware.vcproj,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:08:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ms_vs_2008_project ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/tests/ms_vs_2008_project/sbc_vmware_test.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/16 09:08:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; change: move ms_vs_2008_project ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/build.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.73 v_4_0_3_15: 1.74 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/07/11 15:40:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.73 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes sbcln_d.h sbcln_f.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_d.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/07/11 15:40:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: Support for Lotus Notes *.ns2, *.ns3 and *.ns4 databases ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_f.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.48 v_4_0_3_15: 1.49 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/07/11 15:40:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 NEW: Support for Lotus Notes *.ns2, *.ns3 and *.ns4 databases ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/MOSS2k_func.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/07/10 11:42:46; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +21 -10 change: use the 'i_MOSS_Free' function to remove restored directories/files before unload MOSS module ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/28 13:40:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -49 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/MOSS2k_func.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/07/10 11:42:46; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: use the 'i_MOSS_Free' function to remove restored directories/files before unload MOSS module ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/build.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1186 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1231 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1231 date: 2011/07/12 13:10:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1230 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc sbc.c ---------------------------- ... ---------------------------- revision 1.1187 date: 2011/06/01 13:05:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1186 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc db_clnt.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/db_clnt.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.61 v_4_0_3_15: 1.62 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/07/05 11:33:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: Use new sbc_def.h enum E_OPERATION DIRLIST instead of obsolete DIR ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.60 v_4_0_3_15: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/06/15 11:59:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Use $(MACHINE) in link rule (fetched from ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/05/30 15:53:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: Use more powerful common/common/LL*.c list implementation instead of common/common FIFO list.c implementation ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/pds.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.127 v_4_0_3_15: 1.133 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2011/07/12 12:42:33; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +21 -3 bugfix: use the share and work directory in case of simple MOSS item restore (not only work) ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2011/07/05 10:28:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: avoid double message sbc-3008 for restoring vmdk disk through pipe ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2011/07/05 10:02:22; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 change: calculate item: use flag bItemFinishedOK for vmdk disks ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2011/06/30 10:20:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Logic for bMOSS2KOperation changed to include pattern matching not done if bMOSS2KOperation is set ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/06/28 14:40:42; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: enable DB_ItemFinishStatus for vmdk operation ---------------------------- revision 1.128 date: 2011/06/28 12:47:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -16 bugfix: In case of MOSS2KS restore with type document do not check include for directories to avoid ending restore 'with warnings' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.192 v_4_0_3_15: 1.205 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2011/07/12 13:10:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -5 bugfix: Avoid use of sbc_vmware_cbt.dll in restore case. Until now the CBT is not productive. The CBT dll must only be used if the saveset was generated with it! ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2011/07/10 11:42:46; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: use the 'i_MOSS_Free' function to remove restored directories/files before unload MOSS module ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2011/07/06 15:33:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: Get German 'System-reserviert' partition in case of all of systemroot backup ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2011/07/05 11:33:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use new sbc_def.h enum E_OPERATION DIRLIST instead of obsolete DIR ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2011/07/05 09:19:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 BUGFIX: Check if volume is excluded in case of 'all' backup before processing VSS snapshot creation ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2011/07/05 08:59:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 NEW: Backup source can be specified as key value from sm.ini pathes section. (gv_rw_work:, gv_rw_lis) ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2011/06/28 12:40:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: trace for bMOSS2KOperation and bMOSS2KSOperation revised ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2011/06/28 12:19:00; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 change: load sbc_vmware_cbt on restore: -a btype=vmware -l full ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2011/06/22 09:52:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: load sbc_vmware_cbt: check level FULL instead of BACKUP_DIFFERENTIAL ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2011/06/22 09:21:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: load sbc_vmware_cbt.dll ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2011/06/21 14:00:28; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +141 -110 bugfix: bad last revert, revert to v1.192 ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2011/06/21 13:04:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +110 -148 change: revert last changes ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2011/06/21 12:30:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: -a btype=vmware_cbt, load sbc_vmware_cbt.dll ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_bck.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.207 v_4_0_3_15: 1.214 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2011/07/12 08:19:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -6 change: trace messages revised for FilterITEM() ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2011/07/10 11:42:46; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: use the 'i_MOSS_Free' function to remove restored directories/files before unload MOSS module ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2011/07/07 14:44:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: Avoid duplicate last block in case of Exchange 2003 (since ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2011/06/28 13:40:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2011/06/28 11:18:57; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: clean string ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2011/06/27 12:48:34; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +17 -7 change: DB_CloseItem in case sbc_vmware ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2011/06/02 14:08:23; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +28 -25 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_func.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/02 14:08:23; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/06/17 08:19:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Avoid race condition by using global g_sSBC_Argument.szSavesetName. Now worker threads are using local szSaveset instead ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/06/15 11:19:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Reimplemented b_GetJunctionsDirs(...) to satisfy vss.dll function call ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/06/01 16:54:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use Thread local long lBSAHandle to handle xbsa sockets ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/05/31 14:17:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Allow to use MakeSavesetString() with optional argument char *szSavesetSpec for worker threads ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/05/30 15:53:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: Use more powerful common/common/LL*.c list implementation instead of common/common FIFO list.c implementation ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_hdr.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/03 15:13:21; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add: include "linkLL.h" ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/02 14:08:23; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_internal.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/07/10 11:42:46; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: use the 'i_MOSS_Free' function to remove restored directories/files before unload MOSS module ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/07/05 11:33:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use new sbc_def.h enum E_OPERATION DIRLIST instead of obsolete DIR ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/29 16:21:31; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 bugfix: change the path structure in case of 'COPY' backup for MOSS farm backup operation overwise it same operation as 'FULL' ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/28 13:40:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +18 -11 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_oper.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.26 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/07/10 11:42:46; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: use the 'i_MOSS_Free' function to remove restored directories/files before unload MOSS module ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/07/05 11:33:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use new sbc_def.h enum E_OPERATION DIRLIST instead of obsolete DIR ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_rst.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.56 v_4_0_3_15: 1.57 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/06/28 12:43:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: trace("%l5 ...") for ulItemsNotProcessed++ ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_util.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.41 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/07/12 08:18:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -16 change: trace messages revised to produce only important output in log level -v 3 for MatchRegExp() and MatchPattern() ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/06/28 13:40:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/06/03 15:14:39; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +149 -4 new: Implementing functions - CopyFIFOToLL and CopyLLToFIFO. Create unit test for them. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/06/02 14:08:23; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +51 -1 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/xbsa_intf.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/14 15:43:12; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Set XBSA trace level since level 4 with trace level 2 (XBSA_NORMAL_TRACE) or higher ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_cmdline.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/15 16:02:51; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +18 -4 new: create ini file with default EWS sets; use ini file for connecting to PowerShell and Exchange Web services ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_ini.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/15 16:02:51; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +72 -55 new: create ini file with default EWS sets; use ini file for connecting to PowerShell and Exchange Web services ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_main.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/15 16:02:51; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +35 -6 new: create ini file with default EWS sets; use ini file for connecting to PowerShell and Exchange Web services ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/sbc_ems.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.32 v_4_0_3_15: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/06/30 14:14:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +57 -2 BUGFIX: Adjust Powershell to version 1, if Exchange 2007 is running, because otherwise it tries to use Exchange 2010 commands, which does not work ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/06/15 16:02:51; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +58 -19 new: create ini file with default EWS sets; use ini file for connecting to PowerShell and Exchange Web services ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_Main_func.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/07/08 14:21:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +15 -2 new: Farm differential restore ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/28 13:39:04; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -9 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_Main_public.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/07/08 14:21:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Farm differential restore ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/28 13:39:04; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_Struct.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/07/08 14:21:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 new: Farm differential restore ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/28 13:39:04; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_Struct_Func.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.22 v_4_0_3_15: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/07/12 15:45:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: update the MOSS backup levels with COPY ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_Struct_Func.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.21 v_4_0_3_15: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/07/12 15:45:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +15 -5 change: update the MOSS backup levels with COPY ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/07/08 14:21:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +77 -50 new: Farm differential restore ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/06/28 13:39:04; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/sbc_moss.def,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/10 11:38:24; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: export the 'i_MOSS_Free' function ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/sbc_moss_cpp.def,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/07/10 11:38:24; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 new: export the 'i_MOSS_Free' function ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_mgr/BackupRestore.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.29 v_4_0_3_15: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/07/12 15:47:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +73 -52 change: update the MOSS backup level with COPY ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/07/12 07:27:40; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: backing up the generated directories;catch an exception of "Illegal characters in path"; ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/07/08 14:19:25; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +43 -50 new: Farm differential restore ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/07/05 15:53:00; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +94 -46 change: Restructuring the backed up files to get able to do differential restore;Rolling back changes in case of failed the backup operation ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/06/28 13:39:36; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +264 -152 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_mgr/Defs.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/07/12 15:47:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: update the MOSS backup level with COPY ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/28 13:39:36; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_mgr/DocData.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.18 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/06/28 13:39:36; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Farm differential backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_mgr/SvsRef.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/07/12 07:27:40; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +77 -23 bugfix: backing up the generated directories;catch an exception of "Illegal characters in path"; ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/07/05 15:53:00; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +174 -23 change: Restructuring the backed up files to get able to do differential restore;Rolling back changes in case of failed the backup operation ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/06/28 13:40:07; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +35 -19 change: choose the MS Exchange reformat strategy in depends of existing "Microsoft Exchange Writer" with message id - 2420 in the backup protocol. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_moss/MOSS_mgr/Utils.cs,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/07/08 14:19:25; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 new: Farm differential restore ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbcmsql/build.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.164 v_4_0_3_15: 1.165 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2011/05/25 11:02:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.164 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbcmsql db_def.h ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/build.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.511 v_4_0_3_15: 1.518 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.518 date: 2011/07/08 10:18:15; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.517 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_browse.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.517 date: 2011/07/05 09:52:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.516 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_operation.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.516 date: 2011/06/16 13:21:33; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.515 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.515 date: 2011/06/16 10:11:17; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.514 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp vss_collection.cpp vss_collection.h vss_components.h vss_server.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.514 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:15; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.513 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss sbc_vss.cpp sbc_vss.h vss_backup.cpp vss_browse.cpp vss_main.cpp vss_restore.cpp vss_trace.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.513 date: 2011/06/06 13:24:44; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.512 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_base.cpp vss_base.h vss_collection.cpp vss_server.cpp vss_writers.h ---------------------------- revision 1.512 date: 2011/06/02 14:06:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.511 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss sbc_vss.cpp vss_backup.cpp vss_base.cpp vss_custom.cpp ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/sbc_vss.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +25 -9 change: encapsulate the global vs object for avoid core dump in some cases ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/06/02 14:06:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/sbc_vss.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.16 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: encapsulate the global vs object for avoid core dump in some cases ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_backup.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.57 v_4_0_3_15: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/06/16 13:21:32; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: set configuration object before VSS API initializing. Overwise it occurs a bug of the involving sbc_es module in case of "all" backup ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/06/16 10:11:17; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +46 -34 change: VSS handling of Hyper-V source ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +67 -59 change: encapsulate the global vs object for avoid core dump in some cases ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/06/02 14:06:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_base.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.46 v_4_0_3_15: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/06/06 13:24:43; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1 -217 bugfix: sometimes the MS Exchange backup is incorrect because of involving "replica" components into process ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2011/06/02 14:06:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_base.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.34 v_4_0_3_15: 1.35 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/06/06 13:24:43; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 bugfix: sometimes the MS Exchange backup is incorrect because of involving "replica" components into process ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_browse.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/07/08 10:18:15; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use 'not_selectable' marker instead of 'not_saveable' for not selectable browsing elements, e.g. Exchange Server Logfiles within Exchange Server backup task ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 change: encapsulate the global vs object for avoid core dump in some cases ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_collection.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.24 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/16 10:11:17; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +64 -1 change: VSS handling of Hyper-V source ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/06/06 13:24:43; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +210 -1 bugfix: sometimes the MS Exchange backup is incorrect because of involving "replica" components into process ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_collection.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/16 10:11:17; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: VSS handling of Hyper-V source ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_components.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/16 10:11:17; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: VSS handling of Hyper-V source ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_custom.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/02 14:06:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: adapt to new 'sFindFirstStruct' struct ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_main.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 change: encapsulate the global vs object for avoid core dump in some cases ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_restore.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.25 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +35 -26 change: encapsulate the global vs object for avoid core dump in some cases ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_server.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.55 v_4_0_3_15: 1.57 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/06/16 10:11:17; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: VSS handling of Hyper-V source ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/06/06 13:24:43; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 bugfix: sometimes the MS Exchange backup is incorrect because of involving "replica" components into process ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_trace.cpp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/09 13:21:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -7 change: encapsulate the global vs object for avoid core dump in some cases ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_writers.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/06 13:24:43; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: sometimes the MS Exchange backup is incorrect because of involving "replica" components into process ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/scc/scc/ctrlc.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.64 v_4_0_3_15: 1.65 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/05/11 11:17:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/scc/scc/ctrld.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.61 v_4_0_3_15: 1.62 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2011/05/11 11:17:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/scc/scc/ctrld_hdr.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/11 11:17:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/scc/scc/ctrld_service.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/11 11:17:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 change: Compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/scc/scc/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.17 v_4_0_3_15: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/06/02 11:57:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: No (LDFLAGS) for compile of objects ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/scc/scc/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/04/26 07:53:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Clean rule improved ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sepuler/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.27 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/01/09 16:14:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 adopt order of LDFLAGS ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sepuler/sepuler.rc,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/02/08 14:29:22; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: ProductVersion 4.0.2 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sepuler/sm_sepuler.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/05/11 13:35:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Compiler warnings solved in SEPULER ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sepuler/sm_sepuler_cal.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.39 v_4_0_3_15: 1.40 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/05/11 13:35:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in SEPULER ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sepuler/sm_sepuler_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/05/11 13:35:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in SEPULER ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/mtfana/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/04/20 12:44:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 change: Support DEBUG=1 to build debug binary ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/mtfana/mtfana.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/05/18 14:50:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +220 -47 change: Print out PNAM und FNAM streams, dirs and files which are longer then 520 bytes ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/05/18 10:59:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 change: calculation of globoffset ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/05/18 10:46:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: calculation of globoffset ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/05/17 14:47:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 change: Set bytes_read to *piAlreadyRead to avoid break if full blco was already fetched ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/05/17 14:26:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +23 -18 change: Change back to handling of piAlready read from rev. 1.19 ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/05/17 13:09:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Sho trace() with log level 1 (default) ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/05/17 13:03:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Dump stream header if check_streamheader(() failed ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/17 10:16:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +230 -124 change: If unknown block_id retrieved then dump start of block (64 Bytes) ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/17 09:37:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +24 -25 change: Go on with next block (MTF_BLKSIZE) if an unhandled bloock_id is retrieved ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/04/20 15:22:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 bugfix: If stream needs assembling then address + offset must be used carefully ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/04/20 14:05:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Output changed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/04/20 13:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Check SPAD for ESPB DBLK ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/04/20 12:50:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +45 -35 bugfix: Stream Header are aligned on 4 bytes! ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/04/20 07:28:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +127 -113 change: Print dirs, files and summary to stdout and the rest to stderr ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/04/13 09:14:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 change: show position in MTF stream for DBLK and Stream processing even without loglevel ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/04/06 11:25:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +16 -4 change: take care about SPAD alignment end premature end of saveset ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/03/30 09:50:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 change: Include pathes in UNIX notation ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/mtfana/mtfutil.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/03/30 09:50:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Include pathes in UNIX notation ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/common_interface_func.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/05/11 13:19:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Compiler warnings solved in SMS ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/01/21 12:49:21; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: changed Sequence of record of data to info file ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/01/21 09:56:17; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 new: added DS_Write_Tape_Trailer call ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/communic.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.20 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/05/30 08:17:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: Use 'define SAVESET_NAME_SIZE 33' for declaration (len+1) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/ds_interface.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/14 12:09:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -13 change: Return system error message if saveset data/info file could not be opened ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/05/30 14:10:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Correct log message ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/05/18 10:04:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Define MAX_PATH if used for all working pathes, so MAX_PATH_LEN (=32k) is only used for pathes in LIS ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/05/11 13:19:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -13 change: Compiler warnings solved in SMS ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/03/18 13:48:17; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +11 -14 new: implemented continuous free space check for DATA_STORE media, using shared memory and new sm_stpd_util process. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/03/07 13:37:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change some log messages ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/02/25 17:04:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: fixed check return value of iGetDiskUsage function ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/02/25 12:15:45; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: fixed bug with retrieving free size of media on linux ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/02/24 13:15:42; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +55 -3 new: added check for available space before saveset creation for write ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/02/08 13:50:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Higher log level for messages written for every block. Do not flush after writing a block to disk ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/02/07 13:43:21; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +92 -7 new: added descriptions for each function change: changed log level for important traces ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/02/05 17:25:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 comment out check of used disk space, until we have a faster way to do this ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/02/01 08:44:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +16 -11 bugfix: Correct calculation of disk space used for disk store ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/01/21 12:49:11; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 change: changed Sequence of record of data to info file ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/01/21 09:57:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +39 -3 new: implemented writing to DS .info file ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/ds_interface.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.2 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/05/18 11:56:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 change: Use define BLOCK_SIZE set in sys_include.h instead of 65536 ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/05/18 10:04:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Define MAX_PATH if used for all working pathes, so MAX_PATH_LEN (=32k) is only used for pathes in LIS ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/11 13:19:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Compiler warnings solved in SMS ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/18 13:48:28; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: implemented continuous free space check for DATA_STORE media, using shared memory and new sm_stpd_util process. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/01/21 09:56:40; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 new: added defines for INFO file keys ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/events_s.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/21 14:00:15; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: CreateWaitSignalThread() Argument dwDesiredAccess in DuplicateHandle() was set to wrong value and stpd could not terminate main thread when signalled ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/ini_func.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/01 13:47:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 format change ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/main_service.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/16 13:59:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +79 -27 CHANGE: Use i_cm_signal( SIGHUP/SIGINT/SIGTERM, SIGNAL_HANDLER, ...) to allow to send signals to sm_sms_main and to react appropriate ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.41 v_4_0_3_15: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/06/22 14:41:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -20 change: Allow trace in stpd_utl_main ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/06/16 13:59:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 CHANGE: Use i_cm_signal( SIGHUP/SIGINT/SIGTERM, SIGNAL_HANDLER, ...) to allow to send signals to sm_sms_main and to react appropriate ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +20 -3 change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/06/07 14:28:08; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +9 -13 change: Dependency modules added for SM_STPD_UTIL_UNX_DEP ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.55 v_4_0_3_15: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2011/06/07 14:27:49; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +1 -9 change: remove all duplicate source code from stpd_main.c and stpd_utl.c ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2011/02/24 13:45:52; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 new: added new module sm_stpd_util for DATA_STORE continuous operations ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2011/01/31 11:00:02; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: to build sm_stpd_main_exe added flag -lpthread to allow threads ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2011/01/09 16:07:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 adopt order of LDFLAGS ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2011/01/08 15:37:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 add 'PCREG_LIB' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.42 v_4_0_3_15: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2011/06/22 14:41:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Allow trace in stpd_utl_main ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/06/16 13:59:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Use i_cm_signal( SIGHUP/SIGINT/SIGTERM, SIGNAL_HANDLER, ...) to allow to send signals to sm_sms_main and to react appropriate ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/mtfana_func.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.96 v_4_0_3_15: 1.101 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.101 date: 2011/07/13 11:38:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: (#13242) In case of long database names the name length must be fetched with mask 0x00ff ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2011/07/12 08:57:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: After Volume (Drive Letter) a '/' delimiter must be appended ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2011/06/14 14:07:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +65 -66 change: sUnicodePath2String: Avoid ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER returned by WideCharToMultiByte() ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2011/06/14 13:19:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -10 change: Avoid message 'ERROR: mtfana: readbuffer: Found unknown block' if zero block follows SFMB block to fill up physical block size ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2011/06/14 12:56:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 change: print_VOLB: Cut off '/' after machine and colume only if it exists ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/restore.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.3 v_4_0_3_15: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/05/30 08:17:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Use 'define SAVESET_NAME_SIZE 33' for declaration (len+1) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/server.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.4 v_4_0_3_15: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/05/30 08:17:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Use 'define SAVESET_NAME_SIZE 33' for declaration (len+1) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/sms_interface_lib.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.128 v_4_0_3_15: 1.140 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.140 date: 2011/06/14 13:18:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Instead of 'WARNING:' (level 2) use 'INFO' (level 3) for trace of 'Total: ...' line ---------------------------- revision 1.139 date: 2011/05/18 11:56:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use define BLOCK_SIZE set in sys_include.h instead of 65536 ---------------------------- revision 1.138 date: 2011/05/18 10:04:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Define MAX_PATH if used for all working pathes, so MAX_PATH_LEN (=32k) is only used for pathes in LIS ---------------------------- revision 1.137 date: 2011/05/12 13:31:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 BUGFIX: Check if SMS_read is done over socket before using stpd thread strucuture ---------------------------- revision 1.136 date: 2011/05/11 13:19:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in SMS ---------------------------- revision 1.135 date: 2011/03/18 13:48:43; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +34 -1 new: implemented continuous free space check for DATA_STORE media, using shared memory and new sm_stpd_util process. ---------------------------- revision 1.134 date: 2011/03/10 16:13:05; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: saveset name is saved to threadinfo structure ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2011/02/28 13:56:10; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: now sm_stpd_util calculates throughput for READ status(restore operation) ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2011/01/31 11:01:24; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 new: for DS performance calculations added process start time and status(read|write|idle) ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2011/01/21 12:48:49; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 change: changed Sequence of record of data to info file ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2011/01/21 09:58:22; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: implemented writing to DS .info file ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2011/01/11 14:22:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -9 bugfix: Set 'psThreadData->BDSInitialized' correctly during restore with 'DISK_STORE' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/sms_interface_main.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.93 v_4_0_3_15: 1.95 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2011/07/12 08:44:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 change: Unused prototypes, e.g. mtf_analyze_buffer(...) removed ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2011/05/30 08:17:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Use 'define SAVESET_NAME_SIZE 33' for declaration (len+1) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/smsbuild.sh_linux,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.1 v_4_0_3_15: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/07 15:01:02; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: remove all duplicated source code from stpd_main.c and stpd_utl.c ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/07 14:55:17; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 change: file version header added ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/stpd.dsp,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +0 -4 change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/07 14:27:06; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: remove all duplicate source code from stpd_main.c and stpd_utl.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/stpd_defaults.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/02 20:07:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 format change ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/05/18 10:04:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: Define MAX_PATH if used for all working pathes, so MAX_PATH_LEN (=32k) is only used for pathes in LIS ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/stpd_main.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2011/06/29 11:25:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +38 -32 change: On Windows no stpd_main log file was created ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +47 -5 change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/06/07 14:26:19; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +6 -193 change: remove dublicate source code from stpd_main.c and stpd.util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/06/02 20:07:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 format change ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/05/20 10:28:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +61 -10 CHANGE: Write correct STREAM INFO for Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/05/11 13:51:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: On UNIX enum LANGUAGES eLang = LANG_EN; must be declared ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/05/11 13:19:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Compiler warnings solved in SMS ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/02/24 14:46:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 change: on UNIX systems instead of thread for calculation DS performance, starts separate process sm_stpd_util ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/02/03 11:42:50; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 change: Do not write to sepcial debug file D:\\Debug.log bcs. program may be aborted if volume does not exist. Use trace() instead ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/01/31 21:41:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add dummy 'STREAM INFO' line to performance file, so 'sm_sms_watch' can already parse it ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/01/31 11:04:26; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +160 -2 new: added DS performance calculation for all child stpd processes. It is done in separate thread ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/stpd_utl.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/29 11:26:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Trace message changed, now with %l3 ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/22 14:41:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Allow trace in stpd_utl_main ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +19 -11 change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/07 14:24:32; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +35 -300 change: remove all duplicate source code from stpd_main.c and stpd_utl.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/stpd_utl.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/07 15:05:09; author: opr; state: Exp; new: header file for stpd_utl.c ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/stpd_utl_main.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.0 v_4_0_3_15: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/06/09 14:46:50; author: opr; state: Exp; change: Run stpd perfomance thread/process (compilator option: CALCULATE_STPD_PERFOMANCE_AS_THREAD) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/stpthread.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.47 v_4_0_3_15: 1.52 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/07/11 13:27:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Windows C compiler needs first use of memset() after declaration block ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/07/04 13:15:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 fix compile error on UNIX ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/06/27 16:59:40; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: performance file reset after break, datastore dismounted after break. ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/06/24 08:24:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +235 -254 change: Indentation revised: Instead of tab '\t' use 3 blanks ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2011/06/22 15:39:43; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 bugfix: STPD THROUGHPUT process - break does not end throughput thread! ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/tp_tc_struct.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/05/30 08:17:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Use 'define SAVESET_NAME_SIZE 33' for declaration (len+1) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sms/sms_interface/writelog.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.43 v_4_0_3_15: 1.44 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/06/14 08:18:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -129 change: Print full Windows operating system information with architecture (x64/x86) in log header ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sob/build.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.37 v_4_0_3_15: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/04/14 14:28:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: New revision 1.37 generated during checkin of -m sob -d su/src/sob libobk.c sbtopen.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sob/sob_version.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.43 v_4_0_3_15: 1.44 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2011/04/14 14:28:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: New revision generated during checkin of -m sob -d su/src/sob libobk.c sbtopen.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/ssb/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/09 12:45:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: BUILD_PATH = .\build\exe.win32-2.7 for python 2.7 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sys/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.48 v_4_0_3_15: 1.54 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/01/26 10:26:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -10 change: sesam_make_lic moved to su/src/kernel ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/01/11 14:55:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 remove 'sesam_make_lic' from target all ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2011/01/10 18:16:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use ../kernel/sm_lic_lib.c to allow check of license ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2011/01/09 16:51:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 adopt order of LDFLAGS ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2011/01/09 16:39:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 adopt order of LDFLAGS ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2011/01/08 15:42:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 add UUID lib ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sys/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.53 v_4_0_3_15: 1.55 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2011/01/26 10:28:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 change: sesam_make_lic.c rev. 1.151 moved to su/src/kernel ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/01/10 18:15:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use ../kernel/sm_lic_lib.c to allow check of license ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sys/slu.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.65 v_4_0_3_15: 1.66 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/06/28 09:51:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +16 -5 bugfix: FalconStore loader may appear in /proc/scsi/scsi with 'Host: scsi32 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 08' (one more char in scsi##) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sys/sm_kit.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.159 v_4_0_3_15: 1.161 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2011/05/11 14:24:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Include sesam header after system specific headers ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2011/05/11 13:53:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: #include cm_posix.h to have _snprintf() for snprintf() ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sys/sm_main.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.169 v_4_0_3_15: 1.172 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2011/06/16 14:00:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 change: Shutdown now first kills sm_data_server via sm_sms_main signal SIGTERM ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2011/06/16 11:09:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: Log level changed to lMSG for SHUTDOWN processing in bJobHandle 'softkill' ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2011/04/28 08:26:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Windows: Start service with name 'SEP sesam' bcs. the same service runs for SEP Sesam Server, RDS and Client ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sys/sm_setup.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.506 v_4_0_3_15: 1.517 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.517 date: 2011/07/07 13:22:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 BUGFIX: (#12890) RDS instalaltion on Windows starts sm_qm_main. Now only on UNIX the sm_qm_main is started ---------------------------- revision 1.516 date: 2011/07/06 10:28:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +154 -365 new: Functions to create data store instead of DISK_HARD for backup test during installation (not calles yet). Remove OPEN_RDA and OS/2 specific parts ---------------------------- revision 1.515 date: 2011/06/16 10:40:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: Extra kill command for sm_data_server.exe should allow update ---------------------------- revision 1.514 date: 2011/05/12 15:41:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: Add some java.RuntimePermission necessary for 'vSphere' browsing ---------------------------- revision 1.513 date: 2011/05/11 14:21:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: ExcludePattern11 must be set with last '?' escaped ---------------------------- revision 1.512 date: 2011/03/08 12:04:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Add Sesam 'lgc' and 'lgx' files to 'SBC_IGNORE_SIZE_CHANGE' in 'sm.ini' ---------------------------- revision 1.511 date: 2011/03/03 19:34:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -3 CHANGE: (#12397) 'change_server_name': Update 'commands' and 'command_events' too ---------------------------- revision 1.510 date: 2011/02/16 09:15:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Do not activate Sesam web service during installation ---------------------------- revision 1.509 date: 2011/02/09 15:59:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Added VADP:sbc_vmware.dll to sm.ini [SBC_DATABASE] DB_CLIENTS ---------------------------- revision 1.508 date: 2011/01/26 16:58:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 new: Write package (kit) name to 'sm.ini' ---------------------------- revision 1.507 date: 2011/01/26 15:29:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 NEW: Write 'hwplatform','distribution' and 'package_type' into 'sm.ini' during installation ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/sys/sm_setup.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.38 v_4_0_3_15: 1.40 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/01/26 16:58:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Write package (kit) name to 'sm.ini' ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/01/26 15:29:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: Write 'hwplatform','distribution' and 'package_type' into 'sm.ini' during installation ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsabegintxn.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.9 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsacreateobject.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsaenddata.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +18 -18 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +18 -18 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsaendtxn.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsagetdata.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.15 v_4_0_3_15: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsagetlasterror.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.6 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsagetnextqueryobject.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsagetobject.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsainit.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.19 v_4_0_3_15: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -19 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +40 -35 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsaqueryapiversion.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.8 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsaqueryobject.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsaqueryserviceprovider.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.7 v_4_0_3_15: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsasenddata.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.12 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -16 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsaterminate.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.11 v_4_0_3_15: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/build.ver,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.121 v_4_0_3_15: 1.124 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.123 generated during checkin of -d su/src/xbsa/xbsa bsabegintxn.c bsacreateobject.c bsaenddata.c bsaendtxn.c bsagetdata.c bsagetnextqueryobject.c bsagetobject.c bsainit.c bsaqueryobject.c bsaqueryserviceprovider.c bsasenddata.c bsat erminate.c sib_com.c xbsa_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.122 generated during checkin of -d su/src/xbsa/xbsa bsabegintxn.c bsacreateobject.c bsaenddata.c bsaendtxn.c bsagetdata.c bsagetlasterror.c bsagetnextqueryobject.c bsagetobject.c bsainit.c bsaqueryapiversion.c bsaqueryobject.c bsaqu eryserviceprovider.c bsasenddata.c bsaterminate.c sib_com.c stpc_func.c xbsa_def.h xbsa_func.c xbsa_open.c xbsa_proto.h xbsa_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2011/05/13 13:39:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.121 generated during checkin of -d su/src/xbsa/xbsa stpc_raw.c xbsa.h ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/sib_com.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.5 v_4_0_3_15: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/stpc_func.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.13 v_4_0_3_15: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_def.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.25 v_4_0_3_15: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_func.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.29 v_4_0_3_15: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_open.c,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.31 v_4_0_3_15: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/06/14 15:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: Start with session counter set to 1 to can distinguish from 0 (e.g. in sbc_bck.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -9 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_proto.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.14 v_4_0_3_15: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_stru.h,v v_4_0_2_13: 1.10 v_4_0_3_15: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/06/01 16:35:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: Use sSession[MAX_CONNECTION(=64)] to work with SOCKET, e.g. for sbc worker threads ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/version/sesam.4.0,v v_4_0_2_13: v_4_0_3_15: 3.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 3.15 date: 2011/07/12 07:26:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new version ---------------------------- revision 3.14 date: 2011/07/05 13:30:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 3.13 date: 2011/06/28 12:56:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 3.12 date: 2011/06/22 12:57:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 3.11 date: 2011/06/16 09:39:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 ---------------------------- revision 3.10 date: 2011/06/07 08:19:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 ---------------------------- revision 3.9 date: 2011/05/24 18:39:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Sesam ---------------------------- revision 3.8 date: 2011/05/18 11:45:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 ---------------------------- revision 3.7 date: 2011/05/12 16:27:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 ---------------------------- revision 3.6 date: 2011/05/06 13:36:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Version ---------------------------- revision 3.5 date: 2011/04/27 14:34:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 ---------------------------- revision 3.4 date: 2011/04/20 09:44:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Sesam ---------------------------- revision 3.3 date: 2011/03/09 14:41:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new 4.0.3 version ---------------------------- revision 3.2 date: 2011/02/22 12:23:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 3.1 date: 2011/02/09 16:08:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 3.0 date: 2011/02/07 16:16:59; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: Version 4.0.3.x ---------------------------- revision 2.8 date: 2011/02/07 16:15:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- Processed files: 6678 Number of changed files: 956