$Id: sm_cvs_history.c,v 1.4 2004/11/04 15:33:49 sesam Exp $ RCS file: /cvs/united/makefiles/makefile.common,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.115 v_3_4_1_29: 1.116 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2008/06/13 09:55:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: add '/usr/include/postgresql/' to INCLUDE PATH for Etch ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/makefiles/makefile.ver,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.168 v_3_4_1_29: 1.169 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2008/06/27 09:00:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: XBSA_VERSION=2.0R7: stpc_recv() Algorithm to read lines changed so detailled trace messages will not any longer appear for every single character but for every line ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/makefiles/makefile.win32,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.52 v_3_4_1_29: 1.54 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2008/06/23 10:47:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: After last change (adding correct clean rules) BIN_TARGETS must not contain 'clean' otherwise compiled binaries will be removed ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/06/18 13:54:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -20 change: clean rule with xbsa_clean bf_clean scc_clean sms_clean kernel_clean sbc_ex2k_clean sbc_com_clean ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/cm_lang.h,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.90 v_3_4_1_29: 1.91 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2008/06/17 13:01:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: XX_LICENSE_SHOW_SHARED_DRIVES with '%3d SAN Shared Drives' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/fnmatch.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/06/18 14:52:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Do comparision with cast (unsigned char*) to avoid compiler warnings on AIX ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/18 14:48:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Instead of changing function parameter to (unsigned char *) do a local convert to (unsigned char *) so prototype remains unchanged ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/06/18 08:51:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: Change declaration of char parameters to unsigned char to avoid core dump if sm_kill.exe is called and process table has processes with high ascii > 128 e.g. umlaute bcs. of istype.c _chvalidator() with _ASSERTE((unsigned)(c + 1) <= 256); implicit ely called within isupper(c) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/mtf_func.h,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/06/26 10:52:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 exclude define of 'encrypt' function for AIX, because of conflict with system include. TODO: How to build correctly on AIX ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sqlite/makefile.unix,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/06/18 20:44:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: build only sqlite static library ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/unix/cm_hal_unix.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.73 v_3_4_1_29: 1.74 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2008/06/20 08:51:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Function 'glbv' returns '?? message', instead of 'FATALER SOFTWARE ERROR', because some function only check agains '?' for a GLBV to exist ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/.classpath,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: The performance view of the message window has now scales. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 NEW: not the tree of component client can be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/09/12 08:19:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 *** empty log message *** ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/02/16 13:58:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -4 branches: 1.13.2; new: placement of dialogs are memorized: if the gui user moves a dialog to an other location it will be reopend on the same place the next time ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/build.xml,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: The performance view of the message window has now scales. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2007/07/06 09:35:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 change: new targets for cleaning docs build and dist separately ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2007/06/05 10:50:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: added common resources ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/06/05 10:23:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: reactivate target "rmic" ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2007/02/16 13:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -3 branches: 1.33.2; new: placement of dialogs are memorized: if the gui user moves a dialog to an other location it will be reopend on the same place the next time ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +31 -4 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/23 13:12:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: removed antīs rmic actions ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/rmic.xml,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/07/26 08:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -328 bugfix: corrected $Id: substitution string change: removed unused tags ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -0 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/02/16 13:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -0 branches: 1.5.2; new: placement of dialogs are memorized: if the gui user moves a dialog to an other location it will be reopend on the same place the next time ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -0 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:55:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -0 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/AboutDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/03/05 10:35:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +445 -479 change: About dialog: cleanup code ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/02/27 08:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -66 bugfix: added missing blanks in AboutDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: the usage of the license and the update tickers are controlled by a separate controller ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: a ticker for update timeouts ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/06/19 12:59:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 CHANGE: Display RMI mode (classic or cajo) in about dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ArchivDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/29 08:05:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Loader content: The memorized values for use small slots and use barcode wer not saved correctly ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the delete client dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/02/13 13:20:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +274 -248 CHANGE: data access for loader content now on server side. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/02/05 12:50:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: loader content: the show barcode and show small slots option was not saved user specific (Bug#: 5287) ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2007/12/05 13:57:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -159 BUGFIX: Loader content: the new content was not painted immediate after the 'switch barcode' button was pressed. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2007/07/25 09:02:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: new media icon for showing loader content ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/07/24 08:01:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: barcode was not painted in new version ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/07/20 11:10:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +225 -135 CHANGE: layout changes to make the loader content resizable; changed the internal refesh interval to 10 sec. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/07/18 08:40:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -6 CHANGE: avoid flickering of loader content; set default refresh rate from 6 to 20 seconds; NEW: refresh interval can be external set with key "loader_refresh_interval" in table defaults; ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/04/05 08:52:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: switch extended tracing OFF ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/02/28 17:22:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +142 -196 bugfix: prevent dialog from dead lock - changed tread handling ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ArchivDialogPanel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/12/05 13:57:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +42 -1 BUGFIX: Loader content: the new content was not painted immediate after the 'switch barcode' button was pressed. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/07/20 11:10:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +250 -0 CHANGE: layout changes to make the loader content resizable; changed the internal refesh interval to 10 sec. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/BlockFormatter.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/17 15:18:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -2 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: display very small values as 0,1 MB instead of 0,0 MB. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/02/05 15:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +31 -2 CHANGE: Task by status, Restore Wizard: the table column 'size' has now fixed size format in MB, no more auto range ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/29 16:59:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1 CHANGE: divided sms channel panel in two separate charts for tasks and sum values; CHANGE: added a movable divider between sms channel panel and throughput panel; BUGFIX: the block value was interpreted as GB value ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/10/11 15:00:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -321 change: code cleanup after modification ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/10/10 16:00:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +61 -4 NEW: ByteFormatter to show values greater than Gigabyte ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/10/10 11:05:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -5 NEW: the occupancy column in the media table is now well formatted if value is greater than 999 GB ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ByteStringCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/04/17 15:18:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: display very small values as 0,1 MB instead of 0,0 MB. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CalendarDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] extracted TaskEventPanel from ScheduleDialog for visual editing ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/08/02 15:04:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -6 NEW: new filter in Component Media Table: 'Free from date' or 'Locked until date' ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CalendarSheet.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.57 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -17 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -21 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2008/02/18 09:38:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -29 change: extracted 1 method from calendarsheet ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the delete client dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2008/02/14 14:12:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -30 CHANGE: the calendar sheet is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/01/02 13:39:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Added a binding margin to the printouts of trees and tables ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2007/12/13 11:01:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -10 BUGFIX: the print button was not removed from main toolbar if the calendar was closed. ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +62 -4 NEW: Added a footer with the tableīs name to the printouts ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Now itīs possble to start a cyclic update of tasks by status, restores by status and migrations by status ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2007/05/30 12:42:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -6 BUGFIX: In old version properties of backups which were started by a group couldn't be shown (ev_type = 'b' indicates backup of a task_group) ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2007/04/25 10:15:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +84 -43 NEW: when working in refresh mode the Calendar sheet sets the viewpoint to the actual minute, not just actual hour. ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CheckNode.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientCBCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -16 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +83 -38 CHANGE: the delete client dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.53 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/06/16 08:12:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -115 BUGFIX: ClientDialog: It was possible to delete a client even if a reference to a task was existing. ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The CloneTaskDialog is now sql-free (don`t test jet: TaskDataAccess must be implemented). CHANGE: removed 7 now unused classes. ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/03/31 08:16:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 BUGFIX: #5565 Client not deletable bcs. foreign key references interfaces ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/03/20 13:40:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 NEW: added a button to clear the last system comment in client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/03/19 12:06:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +264 -210 CHANGE: the dialog for creating a new client is now sql-free. CHANGE: Extracted the main panel of the client dialog to visual java bean. BUGFIX: correct handling of new db field user_comment. ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +522 -419 CHANGE: the clientdialog is now now sql-free. NEW: a new field for users comment is available ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/01/28 11:38:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +51 -7 BUGFIX: A SQLite.Exception was thrown in the client dialog when trying to insert into interfaces with not unique columns client_id, i_name ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/01/22 14:24:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: Client dialogs now support new column clients.user_comment to save user information ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -18 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/11/12 15:17:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: internal code cleanup: remove duplicate assignments ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/09/12 10:44:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: in client dialog: delete only interfaces for a client, which are not used in task events any more ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2007/07/10 15:52:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: tasks where not saveable if data_mover is empty ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -18 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ClientNew.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.49 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/05/15 10:35:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: New client: The default selection of a windows operation system was "WNT". This is no more supported, so we use "Windows NT" now. ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/04/10 08:15:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The Slr classes are deactivated - will be revitalized later. CHANGE: The class Select.jave is eliminated- ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/03/19 13:21:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -13 CHANGE: donīt allow to use the same client name in different locations ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/03/19 12:06:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +670 -753 CHANGE: the dialog for creating a new client is now sql-free. CHANGE: Extracted the main panel of the client dialog to visual java bean. BUGFIX: correct handling of new db field user_comment. ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/01/22 14:24:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Client dialogs now support new column clients.user_comment to save user information ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/01/08 16:22:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -12 CHANGE: The feature to put IP address in /etc/hosts file during creation of a new client was removed from GUI ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/01/08 15:43:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +384 -238 change: [internal] extracted main panel from ClientNew - now visual editable. ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2007/07/10 15:52:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: tasks where not saveable if data_mover is empty ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Clipper.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CommandTableDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -9 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/03/20 11:36:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Immediate start of a command event: The selection of a command from the last used command table was hanging ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +128 -136 CHANGE: the immediate start of a command event is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentClient.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/06/16 08:12:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +31 -35 BUGFIX: ClientDialog: It was possible to delete a client even if a reference to a task was existing. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -19 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The CloneTaskDialog is now sql-free (don`t test jet: TaskDataAccess must be implemented). CHANGE: removed 7 now unused classes. ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: The class DelDrive is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/03/31 08:16:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: #5565 Client not deletable bcs. foreign key references interfaces ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -25 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -553 CHANGE: the location dialog is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/02/29 15:03:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: the tree core class TabTree is now sql-free. NEW: the virtual loader is now visualized in "topology" too. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +567 -488 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Client ("Topologie") is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -21 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -16 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +42 -11 NEW: not the tree of component client can be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentDriveGroups.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.40 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -13 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -22 BUGFX: [#5633] A drive group was not deletable bcs. hidden reference to media_pools.drive_grp; this is now visible in the drive group delete dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -19 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: get backup type from results, not from tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/04/16 14:48:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 BUGFIX: DriveDialog: check device in client only in isert mode ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/16 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 CHANGE: Modified getDriveNumAndNamesByDriveGrpId from StringListModel[] to Vector; ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: The class DelDrive is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/02/27 14:16:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Loader is now sql-free. new: extracted component loaderīs toolbar to an external bean. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/02/27 12:11:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +311 -247 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Drive Groups is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +56 -16 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/09/12 09:26:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -10 BUGFIX: add prefix 'drive nn' in tree in every case - not only when the drive is named ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentLicCheck.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.5 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/04/07 13:50:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +163 -103 CHANGE: the class ComponentLicCheck is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ComponentLoader.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.47 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -18 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/04/18 08:04:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: ComponentLoader: make an explicit Integer conversion to satisfy compiler ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/04/17 14:50:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 BUGFIX: ComponentLoader: make an explicit Integer conversion to satify compiler ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/04/17 14:14:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Task by status: make a table content update when checkbox "all servers" is selected or deselected ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/04/17 13:35:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +53 -28 BUGFIX: ComponentLoader: show drives only in a folder if grouped by drive groups name ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/04/16 10:47:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 CHANGE: Modified getDriveNumAndNamesByLoaderNum from StringListModel[] to Vector; ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/04/11 14:11:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 CHANGE: GUI CLIENT IS NOW SQL-FREE. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: The class DelDrive is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -28 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/03/04 11:31:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +796 -1207 NEW: The tasks in Task By Client are filled by default; NEW: The state of the tasks are visualized by color; change: code cleanup, remove oblolete commented code ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/02/28 15:49:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: prevent NullPointerException in Componentloader ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/02/27 14:16:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +338 -293 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Loader is now sql-free. new: extracted component loaderīs toolbar to an external bean. ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +64 -21 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2007/09/12 13:34:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +102 -54 NEW: group loader drives by drive name in tree component loader ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2007/09/12 09:26:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -11 BUGFIX: add prefix 'drive nn' in tree in every case - not only when the drive is named ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ConfigComboBox.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/04/10 08:25:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The class Utils.java is eliminated. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DateMaker.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/09/05 13:56:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -14 BUGFIX: the calculation of monthly executions was wrong if locale was set to en; weekly calculation was not executed if a day was deselected; Austrian week started incorrectly with sunday; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Defaults.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/03/12 16:48:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -42 CHANGE: the basic class Defaults is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +57 -47 CHANGE: the immediate start of a backup is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/09/07 08:54:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 CHANGE: Transfer changes from v3_2 Check-in [17609] and Check-in [17608] to HEAD ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DefaultsDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/06/16 11:59:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 CHANGE: Dialog Defaults - Extras: changed combobox button texts; added multiline tooltips with long description to comboboxes ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -10 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +31 -1 NEW: The placement of the component media filter (internal or external frame) is now configurable. NEW: The media filter settings of the last selection are saved and reused on net visit. This feature is user specific. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/03/20 12:03:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: Configuration/Defaults/Online Help: Sql exception was thrown when an empty value string should be stored ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: the 'remote servers' and 'single remote server' dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/03/06 14:21:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1663 -1630 BUGFIX: the Defaults dialog dodnīt store settings for current messages CHANGE: the media managemant dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/03/05 14:59:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1637 -1484 CHANGE: the 'defaults' dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +41 -15 NEW: now itīs possible to restore broken backups. The restore wizard has a new checkbox "provide broken backups", which is only visible if itīs appearence is switchend on in the extra panel of the defaults dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/01/30 12:15:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +211 -87 NEW: A new panel 'Extras' in the defaults dialog to turn on/off gui specific settings, e.g. 'update ticker off' ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/04/20 13:15:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -14 CHANGE: set link for user manual to http://wiki.sepsoftware.com/wiki/index.php/Benutzer_Handbuch ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DelDrive.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/04/09 11:52:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Deleting a drive didnīt trigger a sm_config_drives command. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +98 -76 CHANGE: The class DelDrive is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Introduce new trace level " sqlLevel" - traces sql insert, update and delete statements CHANGE: remove unused dbLevel and jrshdLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DialogAccounts.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +234 -137 CHANGE: the email accounts dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/12/10 09:12:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: added a tooltip text for the correct use of a mail account name ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DialogMedien.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/11 12:17:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The class Delete.java eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/08 13:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: When creating a new media type the insert in table capacity failed. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -20 CHANGE: the single dialog media is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +419 -375 CHANGE: the media dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -6 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveActionDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -14 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.61 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +49 -4 CHANGE: recovered and extended desktop handling for internal frames on head ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2008/04/25 12:25:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +559 -1252 CHANGE: Revision of DriveDialog: extracted first tab to visual editable panel; tansferred field "tape in driver" from third to first tab; removed third tab; ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2008/04/17 13:35:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -28 BUGFIX: ComponentLoader: show drives only in a folder if grouped by drive groups name ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2008/04/16 15:24:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: prevent empty tape server in new drive dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2008/04/16 14:48:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 BUGFIX: DriveDialog: check device in client only in isert mode ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: Modified getNamesFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2008/04/16 10:57:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +74 -192 CHANGE: Modified getClientIdAndNameByHwDriveNum from StringListModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/04/09 11:52:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: Deleting a drive didnīt trigger a sm_config_drives command. ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 CHANGE: The class DelDrive is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/04/01 16:02:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1842 -1640 CHANGE: the client dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -9 CHANGE: Introduce new trace level " sqlLevel" - traces sql insert, update and delete statements CHANGE: remove unused dbLevel and jrshdLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -37 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveGroupDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -7 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/23 08:57:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 BUGFX: [#5633] A drive group was not deletable bcs. hidden reference to media_pools.drive_grp; this is now visible in the drive group delete dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +91 -83 BUGFX: [#5633] A drive group was not deletable bcs. hidden reference to media_pools.drive_grp; this is now visible in the drive group delete dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/03 13:36:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -26 CHANGE: the drivegroup dialog and drivegroup delete dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DriveGroupDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -49 BUGFIX: Component Drive Groups: It was possible to insert duplicate drive group names ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -17 BUGFX: [#5633] A drive group was not deletable bcs. hidden reference to media_pools.drive_grp; this is now visible in the drive group delete dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/11 12:37:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 CHANGE: removed obsolete java.sql.Statement imports ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/04/11 09:11:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classs Insert.java. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/04/03 13:36:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +506 -497 CHANGE: the drivegroup dialog and drivegroup delete dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Editor.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/03/10 10:58:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +42 -17 NEW: a new class TimedJOptionPane as a replacement for TimedDialog change: use TimedJOptionPane in Editor BUGFIX: Editor works now with all files, with which it is to work. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +162 -113 CHANGE: the editors for pre and post interface are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ExceptionHandler.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/05/16 12:32:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Remote server dialog was hanging if a unreachable host was defined and switched on. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 CHANGE: the 'remote servers' and 'single remote server' dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -0 CHANGE: the tasks by client tree is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +83 -0 BUGFIX: eliminated wrong interpretation of init problems on gui startup. In detail: Unsuccessfull init was always interpreted as 'GUI server has no exe service'; in case of a java.rmi.ConnectIOException, which occurs while making a connection to the remote host for a remote method call the reason is a missing SocketPermission in the sm_java.policy for the client. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: improved connection testing and error messages on gui startup. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ExeService.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: added hard coded trace messages for analyzing port forwarding. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 BUGFIX: eliminated wrong interpretation of init problems on gui startup. In detail: Unsuccessfull init was always interpreted as 'GUI server has no exe service'; in case of a java.rmi.ConnectIOException, which occurs while making a connection to the remote host for a remote method call the reason is a missing SocketPermission in the sm_java.policy for the client. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/FeedbackDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 CHANGE: Class MailSupport is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/FontDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.9 v_3_4_1_29: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Frame.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.119 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -21 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2008/06/10 07:46:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -11 BUGFIX: The user defined placement of the vertial splitter was overwritten by WindowsAdapter ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1423 -1404 CHANGE: recovered and extended desktop handling for internal frames on head ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2008/06/09 08:50:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +83 -81 CHANGE: removed enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - will come in next version ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +71 -41 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2008/06/06 08:46:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -28 CHANGE: removed code for internal frame handling ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2008/06/06 08:25:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -31 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: The target combobox was always filled with values from client with id 0. ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +93 -1 CHANGE: added hard coded trace messages for analyzing port forwarding. ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2008/06/02 15:04:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 NEW: The divider location positions the main frame are now handled by placement management. ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2008/05/13 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 CHANGE: If check admin permission fails, try with the canonical [full qualified] name again. ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2008/05/07 12:30:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -9 BUGFIX: -M 1 is now default; BUGFIX: no duplicate entry of master; CHANGE: Remapping of servername+port to alias name [first version] , Syntax: - s @: ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: # 5752 "No display of active jobs, if window is already opened" ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2008/05/06 13:44:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -4 BUGFIX: Enhancesd switching connections with differnet ports; ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +41 -35 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2008/04/30 09:34:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -14 BUGFIX: Master mode management: avoid duplicate connections; BUGFIX: provide server combobox in headless mode; CHANGE: removed animated splash screen (transparent background was not updated) ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -13 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 NEW: Introduce new mode "multiconnect with no master" command line syntax: -M2 -s[:] [-s[:]] ---------------------------- revision 1.101 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +113 -101 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2008/04/10 08:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The class VersionClipper.java is eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2008/03/10 10:58:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 NEW: a new class TimedJOptionPane as a replacement for TimedDialog change: use TimedJOptionPane in Editor BUGFIX: Editor works now with all files, with which it is to work. ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2008/03/07 10:24:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -3 CHANGE: the ticker classes are now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: enhanced tracing capabilities: dynamic switching of trace output for periodic cajo requests ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 BUGFIX: eliminated wrong interpretation of init problems on gui startup. In detail: Unsuccessfull init was always interpreted as 'GUI server has no exe service'; in case of a java.rmi.ConnectIOException, which occurs while making a connection to the remote host for a remote method call the reason is a missing SocketPermission in the sm_java.policy for the client. ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -10 NEW: the usage of the license and the update tickers are controlled by a separate controller ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 NEW: a ticker for update timeouts ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2007/12/12 11:38:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -10 CHANGE: auto resizing: internal frames are resized automatically if the main frame size or the splitter position is changed ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2007/12/12 10:17:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: move media frame from beta test to original position ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +90 -15 CHANGE: improved connection testing and error messages on gui startup. ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -10 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2007/11/16 09:02:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 CHANGE: restrict command line parameters to normally used values ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2007/11/12 15:14:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Immediate start of a migration: start display with the source tab; corrected clipping; change mask title if needed; allow use of field interface; ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2007/10/09 14:04:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +52 -42 BUGFIX: in GUI download option; error message if rename of new file fails (bcs. ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION on XP-SP2) ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] extracted TaskEventPanel from ScheduleDialog for visual editing ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2007/07/23 13:54:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: corrected dynamic placement of splash screen ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -8 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/FrameLiveRecovery.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/10 08:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The class VersionClipper.java is eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 NEW: the usage of the license and the update tickers are controlled by a separate controller ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/FreeDriveDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getDriveNumsFromHwDrives from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/07 14:12:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +69 -31 CHANGE: the FreeDriveDialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Globals.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/06/20 13:38:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 BUGFIX: Fix problem with parsing of server name when given format is -S : ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +42 -18 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/05/07 13:51:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: #5763: Until now the GUI Server RMISecurityManagerīs "checkAccept" was only called if the connecting host did change. In the new caio mode this happens very infrequently. Now we also check if the host's port did change. ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/05/07 12:30:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -5 BUGFIX: -M 1 is now default; BUGFIX: no duplicate entry of master; CHANGE: Remapping of servername+port to alias name [first version] , Syntax: - s @: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/05/06 14:36:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 BUGFIX: Workaround for getting a switched connection; ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/05/06 13:44:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 BUGFIX: Enhancesd switching connections with differnet ports; ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/04/30 09:34:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -10 BUGFIX: Master mode management: avoid duplicate connections; BUGFIX: provide server combobox in headless mode; CHANGE: removed animated splash screen (transparent background was not updated) ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -4 NEW: Introduce new mode "multiconnect with no master" command line syntax: -M2 -s[:] [-s[:]] ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +312 -339 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2007/08/02 15:04:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 NEW: new filter in Component Media Table: 'Free from date' or 'Locked until date' ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2007/07/31 10:35:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: don't try a connection if connect=off; donīt try to terminate a non existing connection ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/GroupDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/03 16:17:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -36 CHANGE: the task group delete dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/IDCalculator.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/08 15:09:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +175 -133 CHANGE: The restore wizardīs IDCalculator is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +173 -0 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ImageIcons.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.34 v_3_4_1_29: 1.44 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/06/16 14:32:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 CHANGE: In case of non windows use a linux like folder icon for the main components in the left tree ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/06/12 08:10:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +170 -167 NEW: New icons for RestoreWizard virtual_integration, virtual_disk, virtual_snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/06/11 14:27:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 NEW: Provide ESX tree selection with virtual machine icons ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/06/06 11:26:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: load icon mig_vmware ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/06/04 08:12:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: added icons for vmware ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: only one task was shown under a task group; CHANGE: better visualisation of tasks and task groups states; ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2007/11/28 16:28:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: uppercase error in mig_openldap.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/07/04 12:34:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 NEW: added SEPsesam Bare System Recovery to TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ImageLoader.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/InfoAccess.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.14 v_3_4_1_29: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -2 NEW: new info service for getting the gv_db_type from server; used in RemoteServerDialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +140 -140 CHANGE: improved connection testing and error messages on gui startup. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: dead; lines: +1 -1 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:41; author: wf; state: dead; lines: +1 -1 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +240 -319 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/InfoService.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: new info service for getting the gv_db_type from server; used in RemoteServerDialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -19 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Inventory.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.35 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/05/07 15:26:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: sm_inventory must not be started with a "-c no" switch, either "-c yes" is allowed. If no is wanted suppress this switch. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/25 13:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 CHANGE: show loader drives in combobox of archiv adjustment ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/16 10:36:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 CHANGE: Modified getMediaPoolsNameAndIdByHwLoadersNum from StringListModel[] to Vector; ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/10 07:42:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -18 BUGFIX: Inventory: solve pool_id - pool_name confusion ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/09 07:27:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -9 BUGFIX: The field drive group was not filled correctly in achive adjustment. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/04/03 13:53:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: Inventory: prevent draw error: force storage pools combobox to be unselected. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/03 09:44:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +244 -156 CHANGE: the inventory dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/03 07:17:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Inventory: Storage pool was not resetted when modiapool was changed. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/02 15:33:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +57 -19 NEW: added storage pool combobox in inventory dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/02 14:06:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +213 -201 CHANGE: extracted visual editable panel class for Inventory ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/10/25 09:46:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: #4747 A media type "50 GB" causes an error in sm_inventory, because of wrong parsing. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LRDB.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/04/10 14:13:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +242 -251 CHANGE: The class LRDB deactivated - will be revitalized later. CHANGE: deleted 6 now unused classes ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LRService.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LicenseDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.13 v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/03/05 10:29:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -25 CHANGE: License dialog: Start with greater dimension; attach a wait cursor; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LoaderActionDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/07 14:40:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -14 CHANGE: the loader action dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/03 15:37:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +89 -55 CHANGE: the loader action dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LoaderDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.10 v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -7 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/03/19 12:57:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +78 -46 CHANGE: the dialog for deleting a loader is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LoaderDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.35 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getNamesFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/16 12:36:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getIdsFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/03/19 16:23:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +465 -386 CHANGE: the loader dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/06/19 10:57:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: changed the default setting of a loaderīs auto unload function to 'no'. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LocalDBConnection.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -94 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/05/16 12:32:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Remote server dialog was hanging if a unreachable host was defined and switched on. ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/30 09:34:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -54 BUGFIX: Master mode management: avoid duplicate connections; BUGFIX: provide server combobox in headless mode; CHANGE: removed animated splash screen (transparent background was not updated) ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +105 -97 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -45 NEW: Introduce new mode "multiconnect with no master" command line syntax: -M2 -s[:] [-s[:]] ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +269 -419 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/17 08:48:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 NEW: switching rmiPort in all CajoXXXAccess classes; ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/11 14:11:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -42 CHANGE: GUI CLIENT IS NOW SQL-FREE. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/10 08:32:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: The class VersionClipper.java is eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/03/17 12:35:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: fix boolean<->Boolean and int<->Integer compile problems in RestoreWizard. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/03/14 15:22:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +233 -203 CHANGE: the basic class LocalDBConnection is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/02/08 13:00:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +56 -38 new: extracted splash screenīs panel for VE ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LocalDBConns.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.17 v_3_4_1_29: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -23 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/05/07 12:30:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +57 -8 BUGFIX: -M 1 is now default; BUGFIX: no duplicate entry of master; CHANGE: Remapping of servername+port to alias name [first version] , Syntax: - s @: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -5 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Introduce new mode "multiconnect with no master" command line syntax: -M2 -s[:] [-s[:]] ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +71 -367 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/16 16:11:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -6 NEW: Sesam server can be used with different rmi ports (switching rmiPort in CajoDataAccess); ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/11 14:11:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +137 -124 CHANGE: GUI CLIENT IS NOW SQL-FREE. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/16 14:42:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 NEW: use sql transaction handling for task dialogīs update ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LocationDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.10 v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/03/17 16:44:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +69 -28 CHANGE: the location delete dialog is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/LocationDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/08 07:39:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +47 -37 BUGFIX: LocatinoDialog: It was not possible to create a new location under topology BUGFIX: creating a sublocation was inserted under the wrong sublevel BUGFIX: comment wasnīt stored on first insert in db ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +376 -270 CHANGE: the location dialog is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Lookup.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MailSend.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -13 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 CHANGE: Class MailSupport is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -27 CHANGE: the dialog 'send mail' is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MailSettingDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.15 v_3_4_1_29: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -12 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/30 14:46:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -33 BUGFIX: new mail account was not saved; ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/22 08:55:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -9 BUGFIX: changes were not always stored in e-mail setting dialog; corrected localized labels; ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +260 -142 CHANGE: the email accounts dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/12/10 09:12:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 CHANGE: added a tooltip text for the correct use of a mail account name ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MailSupport.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/05/16 12:32:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 BUGFIX: Remote server dialog was hanging if a unreachable host was defined and switched on. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +93 -62 CHANGE: Class MailSupport is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Mailer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.21 v_3_4_1_29: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/05/08 12:18:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 BUGFIX: Mailer: connection was lost. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -12 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Introduce new mode "multiconnect with no master" command line syntax: -M2 -s[:] [-s[:]] ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -7 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/03/13 14:04:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -9 BUGFIX: mailer didnīt work bcs. server name was not set. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/03/12 17:11:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -18 CHANGE: the standalone class mailer is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/01/18 13:48:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: the Mailer was not ported completely to cajo mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ManageLiveRecovery.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -27 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/08 15:21:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -10 CHANGE: Class ManageLifeRecovery sql-free deactivated - will be revitalized later. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +620 -616 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classes ComboBox.java and RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 CHANGE: Introduce new trace level " sqlLevel" - traces sql insert, update and delete statements CHANGE: remove unused dbLevel and jrshdLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -29 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -12 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/04/16 14:17:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: Media Dialog: The update of a media e.g. "locked until" was not saved ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +53 -29 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classs Update.java. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/09 11:26:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 BUGFIX: fix number format compile errors in media dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/09 08:58:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +394 -264 CHANGE: The media dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/02/01 13:36:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 NEW: the savesets table in the media dialog is now resizable ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/02/01 13:11:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +35 -28 change: extracted third tab of media dialog to a be java bean ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/02/01 12:34:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +106 -269 change: extracted second tab of media dialog to a be java bean ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/07/27 13:28:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: write protection was no more selectable ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/06/21 09:26:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: Media dialog was not visible when storage pools not initialized. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/06/11 12:30:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +168 -137 change: extracted panel1 to have it visual editable; NEW: in the media dialog the storage pools are now visible ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaManagDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/03/06 14:21:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +96 -79 BUGFIX: the Defaults dialog dodnīt store settings for current messages CHANGE: the media managemant dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaNew.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 NEW: The placement of the component media filter (internal or external frame) is now configurable. NEW: The media filter settings of the last selection are saved and reused on net visit. This feature is user specific. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/16 11:03:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: Modified getLoaderInfoByHwDriveNum from StringListModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in method getNamesFromMediaPools(). ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/09 09:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -6 CHANGE: Dialog new media: Replaced class TimedDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/07 16:08:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +127 -54 CHANGE: The dialog for creating a new media is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/07/31 15:45:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Component Media Table has now the first two filter options (cajo based) ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/06/11 08:35:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -207 NEW: added new -L switch for storage pools in dialog 'introducing new media' ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/06/06 16:28:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +256 -222 NEW: new media works now with new field 'storage pool' ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/08 11:05:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 CHANGE: The info about the introdution of a new media is now a timed dialog -- needs no mouse click. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaPoolsDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/08 09:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +77 -37 CHANGE: The dialog for deleting mediapools is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/06/12 15:55:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: activate usage of fields prio and komment in MediaPoolDialogīs second tab ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/06/05 10:02:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 NEW: use of storage pools; beta version; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaTypeEditor.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/03/06 14:21:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 BUGFIX: the Defaults dialog dodnīt store settings for current messages CHANGE: the media managemant dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/11/07 15:24:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +148 -0 CHANGE: collective update of changes developed in V 3.0 reference check-ins: [17979], [17966], [17965], [17964], [17946], [17945], [17923], [17918], [17875], [17874]. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MemoryDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.10 v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MigrationDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified DataService.javafrom StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in method getNamesFromMediaPools(). ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/09 14:11:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 CHANGE: The restore tasks dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/09 13:53:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: The restore results dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/04/09 12:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +291 -238 CHANGE: The MigrationDialog is now sql-free. CHANGE: The class MemorizedMediaPool is eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +70 -28 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classes ComboBox.java and RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/02 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +117 -10 BUGFIX Ref. #3720: GUI migration task was deletable although if used in a time table. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -50 CHANGE: cumulative supplement of changes developed on branch v3_2 concerning migration tasks (Check-in [18151], [18149]) ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/09/14 08:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +132 -40 BUGFIX: It was not possible to change an migration task. NEW: new button 'Create New' to store the displayed task with a new name (replaces button 'apply') ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/04 09:45:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -5 BUGFIX: the client id was not saved properly in the new migrations dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/04/27 10:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: increased the preferred size of the apply button in migration dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/04/20 11:41:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +59 -21 NEW: field count in Migration dialog added ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MigrationResultsDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/06/06 08:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Full restores with type not exaxtly 'f' have been displayed as selective restores. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -13 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/04/09 13:53:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: The restore results dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/04/09 13:32:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +362 -236 CHANGE: The migration results dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MonitoringDrives.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.10 v_3_4_1_29: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/05/14 13:59:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -11 CHANGE: Optical adjustment of frame toolbars (opaque, border). ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -14 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getDriveNumsFromHwDrives from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/03/04 15:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +305 -309 CHANGE: Monitoring Drives is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MonitoringProcess.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/PasswordDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/09 12:46:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +78 -42 CHANGE: The PasswordDialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -8 CHANGE: Class MailSupport is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Placer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/06/25 15:27:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -7 NEW: complete remote placement to provide the same features as the local placer. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/06/18 14:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 BUGFIX: ComponentMedia: The placement handling of the vertical divider was incomplete. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/06/11 07:43:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 BUGFIX: Component Media: The filters divider location was not set properly if user controlled placement was active ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/06/10 07:46:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: The user defined placement of the vertial splitter was overwritten by WindowsAdapter ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/05/15 14:23:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 BUGFIX: remote placement repaired. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/PlacerLocal.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/06/25 15:27:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -35 NEW: complete remote placement to provide the same features as the local placer. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/06/11 07:43:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -5 BUGFIX: Component Media: The filters divider location was not set properly if user controlled placement was active ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -2 CHANGE: recovered and extended desktop handling for internal frames on head ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/03 15:00:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +157 -59 NEW: The component media divider location is now handled by placement. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/06/02 15:04:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -1 NEW: The divider location positions the main frame are now handled by placement management. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/05/30 12:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -3 NEW: The maximized state of the main frame is now handled by placement management. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -13 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/07/23 08:05:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +70 -45 change: save placement values of archive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/PlacerRemote.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/06/25 15:27:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +125 -19 NEW: complete remote placement to provide the same features as the local placer. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: recovered and extended desktop handling for internal frames on head ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/06/03 15:00:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +194 -145 NEW: The component media divider location is now handled by placement. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/02 15:04:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -17 NEW: The divider location positions the main frame are now handled by placement management. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/05/30 12:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +55 -1 NEW: The maximized state of the main frame is now handled by placement management. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/05/15 14:23:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -22 BUGFIX: remote placement repaired. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/07/23 08:05:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +84 -54 change: save placement values of archive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Policy.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/PreferenceService.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ProgramExecuter.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Protocol.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.22 v_3_4_1_29: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/05/14 13:59:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -14 CHANGE: Optical adjustment of frame toolbars (opaque, border). ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 CHANGE: Class MailSupport is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/03/04 16:08:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +64 -31 CHANGE: Protocol is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ProtocolRestore.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 CHANGE: Class MailSupport is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Reconnector.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RefreshButton.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/18 09:16:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: simplify sql statement ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/12/12 09:01:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: The tables in task by status, restores by status and migrations by status kan now be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -7 NEW: Now itīs possble to start a cyclic update of tasks by status, restores by status and migrations by status ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RegisterDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.9 v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 CHANGE: Class MailSupport is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RemoteServerDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +271 -163 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/05/16 12:32:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +191 -144 BUGFIX: Remote server dialog was hanging if a unreachable host was defined and switched on. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/05/14 10:34:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +52 -41 BUGFIX: Exception in ServersDialog: corrected connection and rmiport. ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/05/06 12:39:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Integer<->int mismatch; ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/05/06 12:30:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: Integer<->int mismatch; ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -12 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/30 09:34:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: Master mode management: avoid duplicate connections; BUGFIX: provide server combobox in headless mode; CHANGE: removed animated splash screen (transparent background was not updated) ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Introduce new mode "multiconnect with no master" command line syntax: -M2 -s[:] [-s[:]] ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -171 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -195 NEW: new info service for getting the gv_db_type from server; used in RemoteServerDialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/11 14:11:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -23 CHANGE: GUI CLIENT IS NOW SQL-FREE. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +35 -19 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classs Update.java. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/10 08:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The class VersionClipper.java is eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1023 -909 CHANGE: the 'remote servers' and 'single remote server' dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/07/31 10:35:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -21 BUGFIX: don't try a connection if connect=off; donīt try to terminate a non existing connection ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RestartTasksDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.49 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -24 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getNamesFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/04/02 10:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +40 -37 BUGFIX: Ref. #5516 Immediate start was always running with the highest prio, now default is 0; NEW: Added a spinner for prio selection by user; ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +382 -264 CHANGE: the restart tasks dialog is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RestartThread.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +40 -47 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RestoreResultsDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.37 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/06/06 08:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Full restores with type not exaxtly 'f' have been displayed as selective restores. ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/09 13:53:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +245 -117 CHANGE: The restore results dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1215 -1208 CHANGE: the class MigrationByStatusTable used in tasb by status is now sql-free. CHANGE: corrected the placement handling of the results dialog and the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RestoreTaskDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/09 14:11:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +157 -87 CHANGE: The restore tasks dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ResultsDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -12 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/04/11 09:08:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -3 NEW: Results dialog: Hide pre and post tabs depending on event type ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/04/09 14:51:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +105 -67 CHANGE: The results dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +979 -978 CHANGE: the class MigrationByStatusTable used in tasb by status is now sql-free. CHANGE: corrected the placement handling of the results dialog and the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/02/15 08:36:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -12 BUGFIX: (#2221) The backup state dialog did not show the correcet cryption aes256 and bf64. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/06/22 08:14:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: use protocol status as newday protocol in ResultsDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2007/06/22 07:52:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 BUGFIX: newday protocol was not visible in ResultsDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2007/06/21 16:11:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: newday protocol was not visible in ResultsDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2007/02/23 09:57:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -14 bugfix: the results dialog was not stackedver the main frame correctly ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RunCommandDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: Modified getNamesFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/02 07:45:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: #5595 Immediate Start Command Event fails bcs. next_exec missing ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +277 -213 CHANGE: the immediate start of a command event is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/RunMediaDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -12 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified DataService.javafrom StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in method getNamesFromMediaPools(). ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/04/03 10:28:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Immediate start of a media event fails bcs. next_exec missing ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/02 08:03:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 BUGFIX for #5339: Immediate Start of a media event adds space char ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 CHANGE: the immediate start of a command event is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/03/12 10:31:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +316 -236 CHANGE: the immediate start of a media event is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/09/25 16:14:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: [internal] basic table and row handler for server side access to db (I) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SaveDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.54 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -16 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2008/04/16 12:29:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: Modified getINamesFromInterfaces from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2008/04/16 12:18:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: Modified getGrpNamesFromTaskGroups from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified DataService.javafrom StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in method getNamesFromMediaPools(). ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/03/31 16:32:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 BUGFIX: #5579 immediate start of a backup: corrected handling of task selection with clipped task ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/03/19 16:05:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: donīt preselect an optional drive in immediate backup start ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/03/19 08:35:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: added missing entry next_exec in immedate start of a backup ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/03/14 13:48:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Immediate start didnīt work when started from tree with right mouse click ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/03/12 10:31:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 CHANGE: the immediate start of a media event is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +393 -353 CHANGE: the immediate start of a backup is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2007/09/05 13:49:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: protection flags were not respected correctly in task combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleBackupTasks.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -17 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Client ("Topologie") is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/02/25 15:58:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: correct connection switching for childs in schedule backup tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/02/25 13:25:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +343 -252 CHANGE: the internal frame tasks - backup plans is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +62 -16 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] extracted TaskEventPanel from ScheduleDialog for visual editing ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleDates.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/04/16 11:20:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringListModel to String[] in method getEventByTable(); ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/04/16 10:14:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringListModel to String[] in method getNewdayEventByTermsId(); ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/04/16 09:44:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in methods getStartTimAndCntFromResults and getEventTerms; ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/04/16 09:25:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in method getActiveSchedules. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/11 12:37:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 CHANGE: removed obsolete java.sql.Statement imports ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/03/14 13:50:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: Immediate started jobs were not visible in the next execution view ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +110 -108 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Client ("Topologie") is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/02/26 13:49:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +86 -58 NEW: open corrcect dialog for day change events BUGFIX: revised LocalStrings of schedule dates ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/02/26 11:37:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +434 -370 CHANGE: the internal frame Scheduling Events (next run) is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/12/13 11:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -29 NEW: now printable: Schedule dates, time table ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] extracted TaskEventPanel from ScheduleDialog for visual editing ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/04/04 13:57:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: commented System.out ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -8 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -13 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/09 15:34:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +103 -65 CHANGE: The schedule delete dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ScheduleMediaDates.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/05/14 13:59:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 CHANGE: Optical adjustment of frame toolbars (opaque, border). ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -14 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in method getNamesFromMediaPools(). ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/04/15 15:35:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -110 BUGFIX: UnmarshalExceptionin ScheduleMediaDates ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -18 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: the internal frame TaskByStatus is now sql-free. BUGFIX: a wrong method for getting media was used in the media tree ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/02/14 16:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: removed unused class change: removed commented code ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the delete client dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/02/14 11:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +330 -261 CHANGE: the internal frame Component- Media Pools is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -21 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] extracted TaskEventPanel from ScheduleDialog for visual editing ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/05/22 10:00:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: mediapools: rebuild new for maintain in visual editor; extracted to separate package; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SegDisplay.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SelectClient.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.12 v_3_4_1_29: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -13 CHANGE: the editors for pre and post interface are now sql-free. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SendLogDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SepFrame.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -1 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -0 NEW: enhanced tracing capabilities: dynamic switching of trace output for periodic cajo requests ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SesamRemoteShell.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/05/07 15:26:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: sm_inventory must not be started with a "-c no" switch, either "-c yes" is allowed. If no is wanted suppress this switch. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/02 06:24:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: use named parameters for calling (getopt) 'sm_inventory'. Needs 'sm_inventory' 1.32 and 'sm_gui_request' 1.36 ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +108 -104 CHANGE: the editors for pre and post interface are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -12 BUGFIX: scalix mail was not handled properly in restore wizard (side effects of generation restore flag on initialisation; switching if mail flag but no IMAP in response file) ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/02/21 16:22:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 change: sesam remote shell with hard coded system.outs ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/02/21 16:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +54 -36 CHANGE: additonal trace of sesam remote shell commands to system.out ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/09/13 11:14:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: introduction of a new client is now working with the new defined operation systems, e.g. "Windows XP" ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/06/11 08:35:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 NEW: added new -L switch for storage pools in dialog 'introducing new media' ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SingleDialogMedien.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +177 -111 CHANGE: the single dialog media is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +571 -621 CHANGE: the media dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/11/07 15:24:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -4 CHANGE: collective update of changes developed in V 3.0 reference check-ins: [17979], [17966], [17965], [17964], [17946], [17945], [17923], [17918], [17875], [17874]. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SingleRemoteServerDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/05/14 10:34:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -129 BUGFIX: Exception in ServersDialog: corrected connection and rmiport. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/10 08:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The class VersionClipper.java is eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 CHANGE: the editors for pre and post interface are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +375 -231 CHANGE: the 'remote servers' and 'single remote server' dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/07/31 08:47:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: The remote server's client name was filtered twice -- removed the oblsolete standardStringFilter ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SingleUsersDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SlrDbs.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/10 08:15:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +159 -162 CHANGE: The Slr classes are deactivated - will be revitalized later. CHANGE: The class Select.jave is eliminated- ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SlrDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +46 -25 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/04/11 12:37:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 CHANGE: removed obsolete java.sql.Statement imports ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -45 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classs Update.java. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/10 08:15:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +493 -500 CHANGE: The Slr classes are deactivated - will be revitalized later. CHANGE: The class Select.jave is eliminated- ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +83 -26 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classes ComboBox.java and RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/11/12 15:17:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: internal code cleanup: remove duplicate assignments ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SlrNew.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +42 -25 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/10 08:15:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +190 -195 CHANGE: The Slr classes are deactivated - will be revitalized later. CHANGE: The class Select.jave is eliminated- ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -21 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classes ComboBox.java and RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SlrServices.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/10 08:15:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +398 -401 CHANGE: The Slr classes are deactivated - will be revitalized later. CHANGE: The class Select.jave is eliminated- ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SortTableModel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/04/24 08:53:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +43 -3 new: the new column showing the date of the last full sucessful backup in the task by status screen was not sortable in every case. Made java.sql.Timestamp sortable, even if mixed with empty entries in a column. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SplashScreen.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -77 NEW: Introduce new mode "multiconnect with no master" command line syntax: -M2 -s[:] [-s[:]] ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/02/08 13:00:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +102 -60 new: extracted splash screenīs panel for VE ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/07/23 13:54:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -13 bugfix: corrected dynamic placement of splash screen ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/02/23 09:10:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: removed use of LogFactory.getLog -- too much logging ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/02/16 16:11:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -4 new: make splash screen draggable for user placement ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/StringControl.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/04 10:15:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 BUGFIX: disallow umlauts in creation of schedule names ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/06/21 14:34:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: commented a println ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +70 -2 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/StripedTableCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/04/23 09:54:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: The table in the users dialog was not readable after changes; BUGFIX: The delete action removed the wrong entry if table was sorted before; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TabTable.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: # 5752 "No display of active jobs, if window is already opened" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TabTree.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.72 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -14 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2008/04/24 14:44:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +31 -25 BUGFIX: The tasks were assigned correctly by client in the tasks tree; ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2008/04/24 13:42:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +27 -3 BUGFIX: the client tasks were also shown in the topology tree; ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2008/04/22 13:39:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1356 -1381 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: Clients wer not insertet in tree if they had no task or restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2008/04/22 07:26:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -24 CHANGE: TaskByStatus: Use fast access for inserting clients with tasks and restore tasks also on sublocations; ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +137 -43 CHANGE: TaskByStatus: better performance for insert tasks and restore tasks in tree; ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2008/04/16 10:47:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: Modified getDriveNumAndNamesByLoaderNum from StringListModel[] to Vector; ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -43 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2008/04/11 14:11:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 CHANGE: GUI CLIENT IS NOW SQL-FREE. ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2008/04/07 13:57:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 CHANGE: eliminated the now unused class DBColChecker. ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2008/03/31 08:16:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 BUGFIX: #5565 Client not deletable bcs. foreign key references interfaces ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2008/03/20 13:12:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 BUGFIX: donīt show client tasks in topology tree ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +173 -145 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2008/03/04 11:31:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1277 -1875 NEW: The tasks in Task By Client are filled by default; NEW: The state of the tasks are visualized by color; change: code cleanup, remove oblolete commented code ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2008/03/04 09:49:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 BUGFIX: showing restore tasks in tree ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -11 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -18 CHANGE: Status pie is now sql-free. BUGFIX: Drivegroups have not been visible (bug in getDriveNumAndNamesByDriveGrpId) change: some unimportant messages were moved from developLevel to suTraceLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2008/02/29 15:03:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +588 -462 CHANGE: the tree core class TabTree is now sql-free. NEW: the virtual loader is now visualized in "topology" too. ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +52 -48 BUGFIX: only one task was shown under a task group; CHANGE: better visualisation of tasks and task groups states; ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +56 -56 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 NEW: not the tree of component client can be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2007/11/12 15:14:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 CHANGE: Immediate start of a migration: start display with the source tab; corrected clipping; change mask title if needed; allow use of field interface; ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2007/09/12 13:34:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 NEW: group loader drives by drive name in tree component loader ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2007/08/02 11:07:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1703 -1654 BUGFIX: in some cases the schedule dialog did not close properly. ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Table.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.16 v_3_4_1_29: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: cumulative supplement of changes developed on branch v3_2 concerning migration tasks (Check-in [18151], [18149]) ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/09/17 10:00:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: it is possible to define a backup with a fixed tape label ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/07/04 12:34:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: added SEPsesam Bare System Recovery to TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/06/11 12:38:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: textual change prioritiy to priority ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/05/31 15:30:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 new: [internal] use of storage pools; invisible version; ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -16 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TableReport.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.5 v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/12/11 13:01:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -3 NEW: The content of the media table can now be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/07/13 12:17:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +140 -66 BUGFIX:The listings of the protocol files were corrupt. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskByClient.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.53 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -20 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2008/04/22 07:26:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: TaskByStatus: Use fast access for inserting clients with tasks and restore tasks also on sublocations; ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -7 CHANGE: TaskByStatus: better performance for insert tasks and restore tasks in tree; ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The CloneTaskDialog is now sql-free (don`t test jet: TaskDataAccess must be implemented). CHANGE: removed 7 now unused classes. ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/04/02 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +91 -28 BUGFIX Ref. #3720: GUI migration task was deletable although if used in a time table. ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -28 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 CHANGE: the location dialog is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/03/04 11:39:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 BUGFIX: the right mouse commands of a task did not work any more ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/03/04 11:31:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +703 -1160 NEW: The tasks in Task By Client are filled by default; NEW: The state of the tasks are visualized by color; change: code cleanup, remove oblolete commented code ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Client ("Topologie") is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +471 -391 CHANGE: the tasks by client tree is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 CHANGE: cumulative supplement of changes developed on branch v3_2 concerning migration tasks (Check-in [18151], [18149]) ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +61 -21 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2007/11/13 10:54:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -20 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not start from task by client view ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] extracted TaskEventPanel from ScheduleDialog for visual editing ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +178 -67 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskComboBox.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/03/12 10:31:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: the immediate start of a media event is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/03/12 09:17:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +107 -141 CHANGE: the task combo box is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 BUGFIX: the taskAuftragCBModel in new task event ws not filled via cajo ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/11/15 10:25:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -13 BUGFIX: immediate start of a task was not working on every allowed task (protection was handled as integer, not as hex) ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/09/05 13:49:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +43 -20 BUGFIX: protection flags were not respected correctly in task combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskDelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -9 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/07 08:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +107 -49 CHANGE: the task delete dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/02 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 BUGFIX Ref. #3720: GUI migration task was deletable although if used in a time table. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.86 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2008/06/09 08:34:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: reverted cryptKey definition (27) ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2008/06/02 13:42:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: The cryption password length control was limited to 27 instead of 127. ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2008/05/30 08:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -24 BUGFIX: Call #5855: r_prepost was not filled in task dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2008/05/29 15:41:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 change: ClientBrowser: begin to ungarble code; ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2008/05/15 12:56:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -23 BUGFIX: Task dialog: It was not possible to store an empty string in comment or exclude path. ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2008/05/05 08:30:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +333 -677 BUGFIX: Client browsing did not work in every case. ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2008/04/25 12:27:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 CHANGE: Removed "change profile" option. ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2008/04/25 12:25:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 CHANGE: Revision of DriveDialog: extracted first tab to visual editable panel; tansferred field "tape in driver" from third to first tab; removed third tab; ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getNamesFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2008/04/16 12:36:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getIdsFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2008/04/16 10:07:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 CHANGE: Modified getOperSystemAndSbcVersionByClientId from StringListModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2008/04/11 12:37:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 CHANGE: removed obsolete java.sql.Statement imports ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2008/04/08 08:38:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: TaskDialog: increase max ecludel list length to 254 char; CHANGE: cut via cut & paste inserted strings to max defined length ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 CHANGE: the task types combo box is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +598 -444 CHANGE: the task dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2008/04/04 08:36:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -38 NEW: added length limit for exclude list in TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2008/03/20 12:36:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +76 -31 BUGFIX: correct handling of pre/post checkboxes in task dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2008/01/22 13:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 BUGFIX: The profile combobox in the create new task dialog showed the wrong selected item by default. ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2008/01/16 14:42:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -14 NEW: use sql transaction handling for task dialogīs update ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2007/09/13 14:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1783 -1701 CHANGE: In the task dialog the button "Apply was replaced by "Create New". New functionality: If task name is changed the clicck to create new will make an immediate insert with the values of the old task and the new given name. ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2007/07/11 11:02:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: tasktypes combobox was not visible in new visual editable version ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2007/07/09 13:24:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: enable bsr checbox only in case of path backup ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2007/07/09 09:31:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -320 change: [internal] removed unused code in TaskDialog after sucessfully extraction of first tab ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2007/07/05 09:11:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: draw Bare System Recovery box on left side before checkboxes ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2007/07/04 12:34:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +355 -299 NEW: added SEPsesam Bare System Recovery to TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2007/06/20 10:34:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Warning if vgpath=none and no online backup will be possible. ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +207 -210 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -23 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +113 -57 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2007/04/05 11:17:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +202 -107 new: open an alert box if "vgpath=None" in the task source. No online backup is possible with this setting. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/05/09 09:53:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: use old crypt_flag value "1" for cryption on. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/05/09 08:53:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: removed AES256 from crypt combobox in taskdialog. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskGroupDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -7 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/15 15:53:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: the symantec JListChooser does not support sepīs StringListModel, so create a sep version. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/07 11:53:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +267 -255 CHANGE: the task group dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Introduce new trace level " sqlLevel" - traces sql insert, update and delete statements CHANGE: remove unused dbLevel and jrshdLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskGroups.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/05/14 13:59:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 CHANGE: Optical adjustment of frame toolbars (opaque, border). ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/04/16 09:44:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in methods getStartTimAndCntFromResults and getEventTerms; ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/04/16 09:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -8 CHANGE: Modified content cajo transferred type from StringComboBoxModel to String[] in method getTasksAndResultStsFromTaskGroupRelations(). ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/03/04 11:31:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -35 NEW: The tasks in Task By Client are filled by default; NEW: The state of the tasks are visualized by color; change: code cleanup, remove oblolete commented code ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +40 -34 BUGFIX: only one task was shown under a task group; CHANGE: better visualisation of tasks and task groups states; ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/02/18 09:41:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +675 -1022 CHANGE: visualize status fof task group ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/02/15 14:57:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +285 -236 CHANGE: the tasks by groups tree is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -21 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/12/13 11:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 NEW: now printable: Schedule dates, time table ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -16 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskTypeCBCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/06/04 08:12:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 NEW: added icons for vmware ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 CHANGE: the task types combo box is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskTypeCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.5 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/04 08:12:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -0 NEW: added icons for vmware ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +85 -4 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskTypesComboBox.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/07 12:48:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: corrected $Id string for cvs in class TaskTypesComboBox ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +141 -78 CHANGE: the task types combo box is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 BUGFIX: the taskAuftragCBModel in new task event ws not filled via cajo ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TimeStampCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TimeTable.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.57 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2008/06/09 13:59:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1012 -981 BUGFIX: Deleting a schedule also deleted ALL terms. ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2008/06/09 08:50:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -32 CHANGE: removed enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - will come in next version ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2008/05/29 10:39:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -13 BUGFIX: The schedule dialog sometimes worked with the wrong data connection when started from then timetable frame. ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +36 -36 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2008/04/16 11:25:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: Modified getFromTermsAndNewdayEvents from StringListModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +36 -36 BUGFIX: the migration and restore tasks were no more visible in task by client ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -6 CHANGE: the internal frame Component Client ("Topologie") is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/02/27 09:52:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +188 -187 CHANGE: extracted toolbar from timetable as a java bean ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +505 -345 CHANGE: the internal frame TimeTable is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -21 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +124 -7 NEW: the newday events handling is now an integral part of the schedule dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2007/12/13 11:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -11 NEW: now printable: Schedule dates, time table ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] extracted TaskEventPanel from ScheduleDialog for visual editing ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2007/06/06 08:07:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: command events where not deletable via right mouse click ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2007/06/06 08:01:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: command events where not deletable via right mouse click ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TimedDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the editors for pre and post interface are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +125 -84 BUGFIX: scalix mail was not handled properly in restore wizard (side effects of generation restore flag on initialisation; switching if mail flag but no IMAP in response file) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TopPanel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/06/19 13:23:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 NEW: Automatic deselection of item in main tree. Purpose: You can open the same frame more than one time, eg. for showing two media lists with different filter settings. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/06/16 14:32:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 CHANGE: In case of non windows use a linux like folder icon for the main components in the left tree ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +120 -10 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 CHANGE: recovered and extended desktop handling for internal frames on head ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +248 -105 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/07 13:50:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 CHANGE: the class ComponentLicCheck is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2007/12/12 10:17:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 CHANGE: move media frame from beta test to original position ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/11/26 13:14:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: finished relative filter section in component media. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -45 NEW: [internal] basic table and row handler for server side access to db (II) ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/09/12 09:16:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: reactivated old ComponentMedia for testing: can be switched between classic access and cajo access ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/07/31 15:45:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Component Media Table has now the first two filter options (cajo based) ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/05/22 11:11:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: a additional window was opend when a top level tree entry was expanded, without selecting a entry on the second level (gui in multi window mode) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TopPanelLiveRecovery.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TraceLevelDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.11 v_3_4_1_29: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/02/12 11:53:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +121 -55 CHANGE: adapted trace level panel to new trace level ranks ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/UsersDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/04/23 09:54:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +36 -11 BUGFIX: The table in the users dialog was not readable after changes; BUGFIX: The delete action removed the wrong entry if table was sorted before; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/VVComboBoxFiller.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -0 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/10 08:51:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +67 -71 CHANGE: The helper class VVComboBoxFiller is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/03/13 08:41:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 BUGFIX: in the date combobox every second date was missiing ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: the class MigrationByStatusTable used in tasb by status is now sql-free. CHANGE: corrected the placement handling of the results dialog and the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: Status pie is now sql-free. BUGFIX: Drivegroups have not been visible (bug in getDriveNumAndNamesByDriveGrpId) change: some unimportant messages were moved from developLevel to suTraceLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -1 CHANGE: the internal frame TaskByStatus is now sql-free. BUGFIX: a wrong method for getting media was used in the media tree ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/WaitWatcher.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/WebStarter.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.15 v_3_4_1_29: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/06/18 14:58:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -29 BUGFIX: GUI update: The method checking if client differs from server was buggy. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -19 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +71 -9 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/10/09 14:04:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +264 -226 BUGFIX: in GUI download option; error message if rename of new file fails (bcs. ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION on XP-SP2) ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/WorkerThread.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/06/13 12:53:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 CHANGE: Client browser: Change Selection "/ESX Server" to "all" ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/06/12 08:26:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 NEW: Use new icons virtual_integration, virtual_disk, virtual_snapshot also in client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/06/11 16:09:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -16 NEW: Added ESX server restore start handling to wizard. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/06/11 13:23:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: ClientBrowser: Transfer selection list to task dialog without leading blank ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/06/11 10:59:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 NEW: Client browser in ESX mode: 1. Create generated task name 2. Selection list separation with ", " 3. Switch task type in calling dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/06/10 15:58:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +43 -107 NEW: Integrated VMware support into client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +848 -862 change: ClientBrowser: begin to ungarble code; ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/05/14 14:40:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -12 BUGFIX: ClientBrowser: get client via client_id ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/05/14 14:22:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -6 BUGFIX: ClientBrowser: prevent from working with null value in server_platform. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/14 08:15:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +84 -478 change: code cleanup -no functional change. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -13 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -74 CHANGE: The class DBUtils.java eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/02/06 10:44:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -6 BUGFIX: Client browser crashed when called from Restore Wizard and trace on ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/16 16:01:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 NEW: Browsing of a NetWare exclude list now differentiates between Linux File System and Netware File System ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/16 15:07:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -31 BUGFIX: corrected pattern for browsing NetWare file systems ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/16 11:42:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: corrected syntax for browsing exclude list of Netware File System ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/16 11:15:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -10 BUGFIX: corrected browser result for Netware File System; NEW: added browser support for eDirectory; ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/09/13 11:10:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -10 CHANGE: modified browser behaviour from client os to client platform ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/07/10 15:29:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -12 BUGFIX: Handling of '/' if Pattern matches with "NetWare|Linux [Cluster] File System" ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/07/06 09:09:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: corrected corrupt $Id: tag ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/06/28 08:21:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: correct path of netware path in case of client os is LINUX ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/06/18 14:26:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +112 -69 BUGFIX: path of exclude list was not norrect in case of 'all' backups; pre and postfix of linux exclude lists where missing; ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/06/15 12:17:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 new: added section for Cluster File System in client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/06/15 11:24:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +103 -50 BUGFIX: in Client Browser: The exclude list of a path backup was not built properly. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +826 -763 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/21 08:05:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3781 -0 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroFileNodeView.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: ClientBrowser: begin to ungarble code; ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -15 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +74 -0 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroIconCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 change: ClientBrowser: begin to ungarble code; ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +96 -0 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroIconData.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 change: ClientBrowser: begin to ungarble code; ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -0 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroInfo.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/06/10 15:58:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -10 NEW: Integrated VMware support into client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 change: ClientBrowser: begin to ungarble code; ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -19 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +74 -0 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroStrings.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/06/11 10:59:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Client browser in ESX mode: 1. Create generated task name 2. Selection list separation with ", " 3. Switch task type in calling dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/06/10 15:58:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Integrated VMware support into client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/01/16 11:15:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: corrected browser result for Netware File System; NEW: added browser support for eDirectory; ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/08 10:17:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +47 -0 change: transferred client browser changes developed on branch v3_2 to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo/CajoInfoAccess.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +60 -31 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The db drivers are no more loaded on client side; The -M0 option (for no master mode) is available again; NEW: Itīs possible to specify more than 1 client via -s switches directly; The -s switch can be extended with a : value; ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/17 08:48:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -2 NEW: switching rmiPort in all CajoXXXAccess classes; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 NEW: new info service for getting the gv_db_type from server; used in RemoteServerDialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/CliBroStrings.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/06/10 15:58:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Integrated VMware support into client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/12/04 16:06:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: change local strings construct: "Please you..." ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/CliBroStrings_de.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/13 12:53:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Client browser: Change Selection "/ESX Server" to "all" ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/06/10 15:58:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Integrated VMware support into client browser ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/04/25 15:15:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: ClientBrowser has now a better AutoTaskname function; don't hide / in trees ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.215 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.215 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -15 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2008/06/16 11:59:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -7 CHANGE: Dialog Defaults - Extras: changed combobox button texts; added multiline tooltips with long description to comboboxes ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2008/06/11 07:43:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Component Media: The filters divider location was not set properly if user controlled placement was active ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2008/05/30 09:06:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: marketing-related replacement: Tape server -> Device server ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2008/05/15 16:08:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: An immediate migration was startable even without target drive. ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2008/05/15 10:13:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Start time of an immediate start of a migration was moved to the next day. ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2008/05/14 09:26:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 NEW: Component media: Added a colum for storage pool locations ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Component Drive Groups: It was possible to insert duplicate drive group names ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2008/04/28 14:02:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 CHANGE: DrivePanel: Added a tooltip to field tape in drive; ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2008/04/28 12:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: change illegal update done message; ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2008/04/22 08:55:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -27 BUGFIX: changes were not always stored in e-mail setting dialog; corrected localized labels; ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Modified getRTasksFromRestoreTasksByRestTyp and getRTasksFromRestoreTasks from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2008/04/08 13:13:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: When creating a new media type the insert in table capacity failed. ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -38 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classes ComboBox.java and RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2008/04/04 08:36:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: added length limit for exclude list in TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2008/04/03 15:02:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: ScheduleDialog: the RestoreTaskEventPanel is now sql-free. BUGFIX: the "new migration task" button was shown in wrong context CHANGE: the class sep.sesam.gui.client.List was eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2008/03/20 13:40:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: added a button to clear the last system comment in client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2008/03/19 13:21:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: donīt allow to use the same client name in different locations ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the clientdialog is now now sql-free. NEW: a new field for users comment is available ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: the restart tasks dialog is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: the email accounts dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the media dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2008/03/04 15:25:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: fill the pie 'migration by status' with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the internal frame TimeTable is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.187 date: 2008/02/26 13:49:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -43 NEW: open corrcect dialog for day change events BUGFIX: revised LocalStrings of schedule dates ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2008/02/15 13:48:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: #5377 INSERT INTO clients failed bcs. of missing localized TCPIP string ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2008/02/15 08:35:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: (#2221) The backup state dialog did not show the correcet cryption aes256 and bf64. ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2008/02/12 16:49:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 NEW: a new ticker coming when an illegal update was made. ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2008/02/12 11:53:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -6 CHANGE: adapted trace level panel to new trace level ranks ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2008/02/08 11:43:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: localized string 'Summe' ---------------------------- revision 1.181 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: now itīs possible to restore broken backups. The restore wizard has a new checkbox "provide broken backups", which is only visible if itīs appearence is switchend on in the extra panel of the defaults dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: eliminated wrong interpretation of init problems on gui startup. In detail: Unsuccessfull init was always interpreted as 'GUI server has no exe service'; in case of a java.rmi.ConnectIOException, which occurs while making a connection to the remote host for a remote method call the reason is a missing SocketPermission in the sm_java.policy for the client. ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2008/02/01 10:45:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: textual change: 'cancel' -> 'close' in inventory and archive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +46 -47 CHANGE: cumulative supplement of changes developed on branch v3_2 concerning migration tasks (Check-in [18151], [18149]) ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2008/01/31 15:09:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: enhanced textual output to message viewīs data panel ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 NEW: the usage of the license and the update tickers are controlled by a separate controller ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2008/01/30 12:15:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: A new panel 'Extras' in the defaults dialog to turn on/off gui specific settings, e.g. 'update ticker off' ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2008/01/28 14:15:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Update Ticker: 1. Calculation of date difference was incorrect; 2.Very log strings in the ticker did not scroll until the end. 3. changed tickers color ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -2 NEW: a ticker for update timeouts ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -3 NEW: a new sms channel panel in the message view ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: The performance view of the message window has now scales. ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -8 NEW: the newday events handling is now an integral part of the schedule dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2007/12/19 09:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: a break of a migration task was not executed ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2007/12/13 11:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: now printable: Schedule dates, time table ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: not the tree of component client can be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Added a footer with the tableīs name to the printouts ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 NEW: Now itīs possble to start a cyclic update of tasks by status, restores by status and migrations by status ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2007/12/11 13:01:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: The content of the media table can now be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2007/12/10 09:12:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: added a tooltip text for the correct use of a mail account name ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2007/12/05 15:09:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: component media: an open external filter panel was not closed when the component media panel is closing. ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 CHANGE: improved connection testing and error messages on gui startup. ---------------------------- revision 1.159 date: 2007/12/04 16:06:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: change local strings construct: "Please you..." ---------------------------- revision 1.158 date: 2007/11/26 13:14:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 NEW: finished relative filter section in component media. ---------------------------- revision 1.157 date: 2007/11/23 14:24:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 NEW: the filter in the media panel can now be moved outside the internal frame. ---------------------------- revision 1.156 date: 2007/11/21 16:17:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -8 CHANGE: correct some label entries of local strings ---------------------------- revision 1.155 date: 2007/10/09 14:04:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 BUGFIX: in GUI download option; error message if rename of new file fails (bcs. ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION on XP-SP2) ---------------------------- revision 1.154 date: 2007/09/17 10:00:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: it is possible to define a backup with a fixed tape label ---------------------------- revision 1.153 date: 2007/09/14 08:28:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: It was not possible to change an migration task. NEW: new button 'Create New' to store the displayed task with a new name (replaces button 'apply') ---------------------------- revision 1.152 date: 2007/09/13 14:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: In the task dialog the button "Apply was replaced by "Create New". New functionality: If task name is changed the clicck to create new will make an immediate insert with the values of the old task and the new given name. ---------------------------- revision 1.151 date: 2007/09/07 08:54:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 CHANGE: Transfer changes from v3_2 Check-in [17609] and Check-in [17608] to HEAD ---------------------------- revision 1.150 date: 2007/08/02 15:04:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: new filter in Component Media Table: 'Free from date' or 'Locked until date' ---------------------------- revision 1.149 date: 2007/08/01 13:34:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 NEW: Added some rows to Component Media Table ---------------------------- revision 1.148 date: 2007/07/31 15:45:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Component Media Table has now the first two filter options (cajo based) ---------------------------- revision 1.147 date: 2007/07/27 11:57:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Storage pools can be renamed; storage pools can by copied ---------------------------- revision 1.146 date: 2007/07/09 13:01:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: localize checkbox with bsr string ---------------------------- revision 1.145 date: 2007/07/02 13:43:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: [internal] added localized strings for TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.144 date: 2007/06/20 10:34:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Warning if vgpath=none and no online backup will be possible. ---------------------------- revision 1.143 date: 2007/06/11 12:30:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: extracted panel1 to have it visual editable; NEW: in the media dialog the storage pools are now visible ---------------------------- revision 1.142 date: 2007/06/06 16:28:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: new media works now with new field 'storage pool' ---------------------------- revision 1.141 date: 2007/06/05 10:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: use of storage pools; beta version; ---------------------------- revision 1.140 date: 2007/06/04 10:56:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: use of storage pools; alpha version; [internal:] missing: referential integrity check for delete; update of available slist if new storage pool is inserted; ---------------------------- revision 1.139 date: 2007/05/31 15:30:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: [internal] use of storage pools; invisible version; ---------------------------- revision 1.138 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.137 date: 2007/05/22 10:00:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: mediapools: rebuild new for maintain in visual editor; extracted to separate package; ---------------------------- revision 1.136 date: 2007/05/08 10:48:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: avoid german word "Desaster" - use english "Disaster" everywhere ---------------------------- revision 1.135 date: 2007/04/27 10:36:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: label change to 'Remote Device Server' ---------------------------- revision 1.134 date: 2007/04/26 14:25:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 CHANGE: changed columns in Migration by Status ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2007/04/20 11:41:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: field count in Migration dialog added ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2007/04/05 11:17:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: open an alert box if "vgpath=None" in the task source. No online backup is possible with this setting. ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.216 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.216 date: 2008/06/24 14:45:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: correct typo Editor.Button_No=Nein (was Neins) ---------------------------- revision 1.215 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -15 CHANGE: The mastersesam server switching is now based on canonical (= full qualified) server names BUGFIX: Remote Server Dialog: The on/off switching of servers could result in an infinit loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2008/06/16 11:59:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -8 CHANGE: Dialog Defaults - Extras: changed combobox button texts; added multiline tooltips with long description to comboboxes ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2008/06/11 07:43:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Component Media: The filters divider location was not set properly if user controlled placement was active ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2008/05/30 09:06:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: marketing-related replacement: Tape server -> Device server ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2008/05/15 16:08:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: An immediate migration was startable even without target drive. ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2008/05/15 10:13:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Start time of an immediate start of a migration was moved to the next day. ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2008/05/14 09:26:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -8 NEW: Component media: Added a colum for storage pool locations ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: Component Drive Groups: It was possible to insert duplicate drive group names ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2008/04/28 14:02:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 CHANGE: DrivePanel: Added a tooltip to field tape in drive; ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2008/04/28 12:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: change illegal update done message; ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2008/04/22 08:55:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -24 BUGFIX: changes were not always stored in e-mail setting dialog; corrected localized labels; ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Modified getRTasksFromRestoreTasksByRestTyp and getRTasksFromRestoreTasks from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2008/04/08 13:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: When creating a new media type the insert in table capacity failed. ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -38 CHANGE: eliminated now unused classes ComboBox.java and RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2008/04/04 08:36:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: added length limit for exclude list in TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2008/04/03 15:02:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: ScheduleDialog: the RestoreTaskEventPanel is now sql-free. BUGFIX: the "new migration task" button was shown in wrong context CHANGE: the class sep.sesam.gui.client.List was eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2008/03/20 13:40:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: added a button to clear the last system comment in client dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2008/03/19 13:21:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: donīt allow to use the same client name in different locations ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the clientdialog is now now sql-free. NEW: a new field for users comment is available ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: the email accounts dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the media dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2008/03/04 15:25:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: fill the pie 'migration by status' with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: the internal frame TimeTable is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.187 date: 2008/02/26 13:49:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -42 NEW: open corrcect dialog for day change events BUGFIX: revised LocalStrings of schedule dates ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2008/02/15 13:48:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: #5377 INSERT INTO clients failed bcs. of missing localized TCPIP string ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2008/02/15 08:35:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: (#2221) The backup state dialog did not show the correcet cryption aes256 and bf64. ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2008/02/12 16:49:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 NEW: a new ticker coming when an illegal update was made. ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2008/02/12 11:53:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -6 CHANGE: adapted trace level panel to new trace level ranks ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2008/02/08 11:43:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: localized string 'Summe' ---------------------------- revision 1.181 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 NEW: now itīs possible to restore broken backups. The restore wizard has a new checkbox "provide broken backups", which is only visible if itīs appearence is switchend on in the extra panel of the defaults dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: eliminated wrong interpretation of init problems on gui startup. In detail: Unsuccessfull init was always interpreted as 'GUI server has no exe service'; in case of a java.rmi.ConnectIOException, which occurs while making a connection to the remote host for a remote method call the reason is a missing SocketPermission in the sm_java.policy for the client. ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2008/02/01 10:45:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: textual change: 'cancel' -> 'close' in inventory and archive dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -47 CHANGE: cumulative supplement of changes developed on branch v3_2 concerning migration tasks (Check-in [18151], [18149]) ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2008/01/31 15:09:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 CHANGE: enhanced textual output to message viewīs data panel ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -16 NEW: the usage of the license and the update tickers are controlled by a separate controller ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2008/01/30 12:15:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: A new panel 'Extras' in the defaults dialog to turn on/off gui specific settings, e.g. 'update ticker off' ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2008/01/29 16:59:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: divided sms channel panel in two separate charts for tasks and sum values; CHANGE: added a movable divider between sms channel panel and throughput panel; BUGFIX: the block value was interpreted as GB value ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 NEW: a ticker for update timeouts ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -22 NEW: a new sms channel panel in the message view ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: The performance view of the message window has now scales. ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -8 NEW: the newday events handling is now an integral part of the schedule dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2007/12/19 09:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: a break of a migration task was not executed ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2007/12/13 11:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: now printable: Schedule dates, time table ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: now printable: Component drive groups, component loader, schedule backup tasks, schedule meida dates, task by client, task groups ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: not the tree of component client can be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Added a footer with the tableīs name to the printouts ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 NEW: Now itīs possble to start a cyclic update of tasks by status, restores by status and migrations by status ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2007/12/11 13:01:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: The content of the media table can now be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2007/12/10 09:12:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: added a tooltip text for the correct use of a mail account name ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2007/12/05 15:09:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: component media: an open external filter panel was not closed when the component media panel is closing. ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -8 CHANGE: improved connection testing and error messages on gui startup. ---------------------------- revision 1.159 date: 2007/12/04 16:06:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 CHANGE: change local strings construct: "Please you..." ---------------------------- revision 1.158 date: 2007/11/26 13:14:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 NEW: finished relative filter section in component media. ---------------------------- revision 1.157 date: 2007/11/23 14:24:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 NEW: the filter in the media panel can now be moved outside the internal frame. ---------------------------- revision 1.156 date: 2007/11/21 16:17:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +566 -563 CHANGE: correct some label entries of local strings ---------------------------- revision 1.155 date: 2007/10/09 14:04:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 BUGFIX: in GUI download option; error message if rename of new file fails (bcs. ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION on XP-SP2) ---------------------------- revision 1.154 date: 2007/09/17 10:00:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: it is possible to define a backup with a fixed tape label ---------------------------- revision 1.153 date: 2007/09/14 08:28:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: It was not possible to change an migration task. NEW: new button 'Create New' to store the displayed task with a new name (replaces button 'apply') ---------------------------- revision 1.152 date: 2007/09/13 14:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: In the task dialog the button "Apply was replaced by "Create New". New functionality: If task name is changed the clicck to create new will make an immediate insert with the values of the old task and the new given name. ---------------------------- revision 1.151 date: 2007/09/07 08:54:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 CHANGE: Transfer changes from v3_2 Check-in [17609] and Check-in [17608] to HEAD ---------------------------- revision 1.150 date: 2007/08/02 15:04:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: new filter in Component Media Table: 'Free from date' or 'Locked until date' ---------------------------- revision 1.149 date: 2007/08/01 13:34:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 NEW: Added some rows to Component Media Table ---------------------------- revision 1.148 date: 2007/07/31 15:45:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Component Media Table has now the first two filter options (cajo based) ---------------------------- revision 1.147 date: 2007/07/27 11:57:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Storage pools can be renamed; storage pools can by copied ---------------------------- revision 1.146 date: 2007/07/09 13:01:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: localize checkbox with bsr string ---------------------------- revision 1.145 date: 2007/07/02 13:43:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 new: [internal] added localized strings for TaskDialog ---------------------------- revision 1.144 date: 2007/06/20 10:34:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Warning if vgpath=none and no online backup will be possible. ---------------------------- revision 1.143 date: 2007/06/11 12:30:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: extracted panel1 to have it visual editable; NEW: in the media dialog the storage pools are now visible ---------------------------- revision 1.142 date: 2007/06/06 16:28:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: new media works now with new field 'storage pool' ---------------------------- revision 1.141 date: 2007/06/05 10:02:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: use of storage pools; beta version; ---------------------------- revision 1.140 date: 2007/06/04 10:56:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: use of storage pools; alpha version; [internal:] missing: referential integrity check for delete; update of available slist if new storage pool is inserted; ---------------------------- revision 1.139 date: 2007/05/31 15:30:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: [internal] use of storage pools; invisible version; ---------------------------- revision 1.138 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.137 date: 2007/05/22 10:00:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: mediapools: rebuild new for maintain in visual editor; extracted to separate package; ---------------------------- revision 1.136 date: 2007/05/08 10:48:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: avoid german word "Desaster" - use english "Disaster" everywhere ---------------------------- revision 1.135 date: 2007/04/30 12:20:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: corrected german button labels ---------------------------- revision 1.134 date: 2007/04/27 10:36:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: label change to 'Remote Device Server' ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2007/04/26 14:25:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 CHANGE: changed columns in Migration by Status ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2007/04/20 11:41:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 NEW: field count in Migration dialog added ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2007/04/05 11:17:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: open an alert box if "vgpath=None" in the task source. No online backup is possible with this setting. ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.129 date: 2007/04/02 13:15:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: other german title for immediate start of a media event ---------------------------- revision 1.128 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/RestoreWizStrings.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/06/12 08:10:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: New icons for RestoreWizard virtual_integration, virtual_disk, virtual_snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/06/11 16:09:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Added ESX server restore start handling to wizard. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/06/11 08:15:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Textual change of Restore wizards expert options ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: scalix mail was not handled properly in restore wizard (side effects of generation restore flag on initialisation; switching if mail flag but no IMAP in response file) ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: now itīs possible to restore broken backups. The restore wizard has a new checkbox "provide broken backups", which is only visible if itīs appearence is switchend on in the extra panel of the defaults dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/01/08 11:51:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: restrict scalix restoration to IMAP:sxadmin and file sxadmin if needed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/04 15:10:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 NEW: better handling of missing tapes in loader in RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Added a footer with the tableīs name to the printouts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/RestoreWizStrings_de.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/06/12 08:10:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: New icons for RestoreWizard virtual_integration, virtual_disk, virtual_snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/06/11 16:09:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Added ESX server restore start handling to wizard. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/06/11 08:15:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Textual change of Restore wizards expert options ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: scalix mail was not handled properly in restore wizard (side effects of generation restore flag on initialisation; switching if mail flag but no IMAP in response file) ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: now itīs possible to restore broken backups. The restore wizard has a new checkbox "provide broken backups", which is only visible if itīs appearence is switchend on in the extra panel of the defaults dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/08 11:51:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: restrict scalix restoration to IMAP:sxadmin and file sxadmin if needed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/01/04 15:10:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 NEW: better handling of missing tapes in loader in RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Added a footer with the tableīs name to the printouts ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/05/08 10:48:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: avoid german word "Desaster" - use english "Disaster" everywhere ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/RestoreResultsDlgPanel1.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/CheckBoxPanel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/MigrationByStatusColumns.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/04/26 14:25:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -9 CHANGE: changed columns in Migration by Status ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/04/24 09:50:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +41 -0 change: supress irrelevant columns in migration by state ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/MigrationByStatusTable.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/05/08 07:34:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: # 5752 "No display of active jobs, if window is already opened" also for restore tasks and migrations ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/05 08:01:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus wasn't updated sometmes if running in refresh mode; BUGIFIX: Ditto. RestoreByStatus BUGIFIX: Ditto. MigrationByStatus ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/04/23 13:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -4 CHANGE: Task-/Restore-/Migration-ByStatus: Avoid heavily repainting when running in auto refresh mode; ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +430 -455 CHANGE: the class MigrationByStatusTable used in tasb by status is now sql-free. CHANGE: corrected the placement handling of the results dialog and the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -8 CHANGE: the internal frame TaskByStatus is now sql-free. BUGFIX: a wrong method for getting media was used in the media tree ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/12/19 09:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: a break of a migration task was not executed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/07/18 15:23:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: Subrestores of a generation restore must not be visible in Job State ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/04/26 14:25:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -61 CHANGE: changed columns in Migration by Status ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/04/24 13:42:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: set auto resize mode in migration by status ; optimized column widths in XXx by status ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/04/24 09:50:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +503 -0 change: supress irrelevant columns in migration by state ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/RestoreByStatusTable.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/05/08 07:34:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: # 5752 "No display of active jobs, if window is already opened" also for restore tasks and migrations ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -19 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/05/05 08:01:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus wasn't updated sometmes if running in refresh mode; BUGIFIX: Ditto. RestoreByStatus BUGIFIX: Ditto. MigrationByStatus ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/23 13:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +52 -3 CHANGE: Task-/Restore-/Migration-ByStatus: Avoid heavily repainting when running in auto refresh mode; ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +446 -521 CHANGE: the class MigrationByStatusTable used in tasb by status is now sql-free. CHANGE: corrected the placement handling of the results dialog and the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +96 -52 CHANGE: the class RestoreByStatusTable used in task by status is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -8 CHANGE: the internal frame TaskByStatus is now sql-free. BUGFIX: a wrong method for getting media was used in the media tree ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/07/18 15:23:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: Subrestores of a generation restore must not be visible in Job State ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/04/24 13:42:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: set auto resize mode in migration by status ; optimized column widths in XXx by status ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/04/24 09:50:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -12 change: supress irrelevant columns in migration by state ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/SlrLogsByStatusTable.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/23 13:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -3 CHANGE: Task-/Restore-/Migration-ByStatus: Avoid heavily repainting when running in auto refresh mode; ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/04/11 12:37:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -41 CHANGE: removed obsolete java.sql.Statement imports ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/10 08:44:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -55 CHANGE: The class SlrLogsByStatusTable is deactivated - will be revitalized later. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/03/28 15:58:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Functionality for cloning a task: makes a deep copy of the original task including references to task groups and task events. These references are optionally selectable. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/StateString.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/04/24 09:50:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -0 change: supress irrelevant columns in migration by state ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/StatusTableInterface.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/23 13:49:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 CHANGE: Task-/Restore-/Migration-ByStatus: Avoid heavily repainting when running in auto refresh mode; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/TaskByStatus.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.47 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/05/26 12:01:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -6 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: GUI was hanging if "all Servers" was selected and one or more servers were not existing ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: # 5752 "No display of active jobs, if window is already opened" ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -14 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: The master mode was got from different places - now always via clipped field "masterMode"; NEW: the splash screen with textual messages is deprecated (dbconnection messages obsolete, the rest to fast to read), so moved remaining messages to message panel and replaced splash to an animated version. ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/04/23 13:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -8 CHANGE: Task-/Restore-/Migration-ByStatus: Avoid heavily repainting when running in auto refresh mode; ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/04/17 14:14:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +28 -10 BUGFIX: Task by status: make a table content update when checkbox "all servers" is selected or deselected ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: Modified getNamesFromClients from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/03/06 16:23:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: added missing '*' in restoretask by state's client combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/03/06 16:02:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: added missing '*' in task by state's client combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 CHANGE: the desktop defaults in menubar/window are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/03/05 08:13:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 BUGFIX: Task by status: Donīt let the user try to print the statistic pie; NEW: Use the frame title as the print job name ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/03/04 15:25:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 BUGFIX: fill the pie 'migration by status' with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1095 -1347 CHANGE: the class MigrationByStatusTable used in tasb by status is now sql-free. CHANGE: corrected the placement handling of the results dialog and the restore results dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 CHANGE: Status pie is now sql-free. BUGFIX: Drivegroups have not been visible (bug in getDriveNumAndNamesByDriveGrpId) change: some unimportant messages were moved from developLevel to suTraceLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +314 -250 CHANGE: the internal frame TaskByStatus is now sql-free. BUGFIX: a wrong method for getting media was used in the media tree ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/12/19 09:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 BUGFIX: a break of a migration task was not executed ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Added a footer with the tableīs name to the printouts ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/12/12 10:15:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 change: place help after print button ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/12/12 09:01:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +38 -3 NEW: The tables in task by status, restores by status and migrations by status kan now be printed ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +134 -1 NEW: Now itīs possble to start a cyclic update of tasks by status, restores by status and migrations by status ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/07/18 15:23:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -11 BUGFIX: Subrestores of a generation restore must not be visible in Job State ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/04/24 13:42:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: set auto resize mode in migration by status ; optimized column widths in XXx by status ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/04/24 09:50:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -12 change: supress irrelevant columns in migration by state ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/04/02 09:10:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -9 change: reactivated automatic show action if screen is opend ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/TaskByStatusPie.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/03/04 15:25:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +395 -533 BUGFIX: fill the pie 'migration by status' with correct values ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +176 -106 CHANGE: Status pie is now sql-free. BUGFIX: Drivegroups have not been visible (bug in getDriveNumAndNamesByDriveGrpId) change: some unimportant messages were moved from developLevel to suTraceLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -27 NEW: The performance view of the message window has now scales. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status/TaskByStatusTable.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/06/18 09:07:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: Interpret value of results.blocks as a Long, not as an Integer. ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/06/18 08:51:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: Parse results.blocks value from db to ensure it is an integer. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/05/26 12:01:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: GUI was hanging if "all Servers" was selected and one or more servers were not existing ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: # 5752 "No display of active jobs, if window is already opened" ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/05/05 08:01:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus wasn't updated sometmes if running in refresh mode; BUGIFIX: Ditto. RestoreByStatus BUGIFIX: Ditto. MigrationByStatus ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/04/23 13:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -8 CHANGE: Task-/Restore-/Migration-ByStatus: Avoid heavily repainting when running in auto refresh mode; ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/04/17 15:18:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 BUGFIX: TaskByStatus: display very small values as 0,1 MB instead of 0,0 MB. ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/04/16 09:55:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -46 CHANGE: Modified getTaskAndMaxStopTimeFromResults frimStringListModel[] to Vector; ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: compilation probems (a single char cannot be transferred by rmi - must be an object e.g. String) ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: the class RestoreByStatusTable used in task by status is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/03/03 13:34:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +188 -109 CHANGE: the class TaskByStatusTable used in tasb by status is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 CHANGE: the internal frame TaskByStatus is now sql-free. BUGFIX: a wrong method for getting media was used in the media tree ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/04/24 09:50:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -46 change: supress irrelevant columns in migration by state ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/04/04 15:49:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -20 bugfix: column last-good-full was not sortable; display last-good-full only if in FDI ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/JPanel5Layout.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/08 10:48:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: avoid german word "Desaster" - use english "Disaster" everywhere ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWActionListener.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: ClientBrowser: begin to ungarble code; ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/05/14 08:15:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -53 change: code cleanup -no functional change. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/04/02 15:53:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: not check of missing tapes in loader with virtual loader 0 ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/08 11:53:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 bugfix: localized string mismatch ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/04 15:10:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +73 -9 NEW: better handling of missing tapes in loader in RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -36 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/05/08 10:48:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: avoid german word "Desaster" - use english "Disaster" everywhere ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWChangeListener.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/06/12 14:10:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: The position text field in restore wizard tab files is now resizing ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/06/11 13:26:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 CHANGE: RestoreWizard: Fake tasks with backup type "ESX Server" to be a mail backup. ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/04/25 08:55:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -16 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: a "/ORIGINAL" was appended wrongly in case of scalix restore and the "complete restore of selected task" box was checked. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWCheckNode.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWCheckRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/06/25 13:38:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard - tab tasks: Comboboxes which were not been paintable as a whole did disappear completely. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -6 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWExpertOptsDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -26 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWItemListener.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/04/29 10:50:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -44 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: The restore drive was not explicit settable by user. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/31 12:26:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: #5564 supress duplicate call of sm_lis_db in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/03/17 10:49:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: target node and clients were not properly filled in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -39 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/02/08 14:08:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -0 BUGFIX: #4987 The path and file names of a generation restore are shown even if changed to 'no generation restore' in der restore wizardīs file selection ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -0 NEW: now itīs possible to restore broken backups. The restore wizard has a new checkbox "provide broken backups", which is only visible if itīs appearence is switchend on in the extra panel of the defaults dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/09/07 08:38:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 CHANGE: change order of scalix path parameter in restore wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWKeyAdapter.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWListSelectionListener.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: get backup type from results, not from tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWNodeSelectionListener.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/01/08 11:51:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -6 NEW: restrict scalix restoration to IMAP:sxadmin and file sxadmin if needed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWSearchDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +212 -195 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/03/19 11:09:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 BUGFIX: when using the restore wizardīs internal file search function the generation restore mode was not properly handled ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWStrings.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWTransactionCBRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWWindowAdapter.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/01/08 11:21:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: reactivate the generation restore combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/12/14 14:36:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: Restore Wizard: Customize Zarafa target handling CHANGE: Eliminate the use of defaults.key 'generationrestore' BUGFIX: Immediate start of a restore task: Start button was disabled, if no restore tasks of the clipped task was available change: Code cleanup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RestoreWizard.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.115 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2008/06/25 13:38:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard - tab tasks: Comboboxes which were not been paintable as a whole did disappear completely. ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2008/06/16 14:19:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 CHANGE: RestoreWizard: Supress leading prefix [I]MAP: in selection tree ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2008/06/12 14:10:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +121 -80 CHANGE: The position text field in restore wizard tab files is now resizing ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2008/06/12 13:35:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: RestoreWizard: Change default for folder option of ESX server backup to 'deep'. ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2008/06/12 08:10:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5 NEW: New icons for RestoreWizard virtual_integration, virtual_disk, virtual_snapshot ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2008/06/11 16:09:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +42 -4 NEW: Added ESX server restore start handling to wizard. ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2008/06/11 14:27:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -15 NEW: Provide ESX tree selection with virtual machine icons ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2008/06/11 13:26:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 CHANGE: RestoreWizard: Fake tasks with backup type "ESX Server" to be a mail backup. ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2008/05/26 14:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +40 -15 NEW: RestoreWizard: Implement alternative target node selection via task types - see specification http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Target_Node_via_task_types ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -18 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 BUGFIX: The titles of dialogs and frames should have a postfix "[Server xxx]" only in master mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2008/04/29 10:50:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1298 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: The restore drive was not explicit settable by user. ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -18 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2008/04/25 08:55:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: a "/ORIGINAL" was appended wrongly in case of scalix restore and the "complete restore of selected task" box was checked. ---------------------------- revision 1.101 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: get backup type from results, not from tasks ---------------------------- revision 1.100 date: 2008/04/16 13:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 CHANGE: Modified getTasksFromResults from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.99 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getRTasksFromRestoreTasksByRestTyp and getRTasksFromRestoreTasks from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.98 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Modified getDriveNumsFromHwDrives from StringComboBoxModel to String[]; ---------------------------- revision 1.97 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -16 BUGFIX: prevent NullPointerExceptions in classes ComponentDriveGroups, Editor, MailSend, MonitoringDrives, RestartTasksDialog, SingleRemoteServerDialog, TaskComboBox; BUGFIX: corrected insert tree items in TaskByClient; BUGFIX: Show only the used storage pool in MediaDialog; BUGFIX: Removed message "getting db version.."; CHANGE: Enlarged label and occupancy col in component media; CHANGE: Changed label "Pool" to "Source Pool" in MigrationDialog; ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 CHANGE: implemented a new way for master gui switching ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 CHANGE: eliminated now obsolete dbVersion switching. ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2008/04/08 15:09:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -12 CHANGE: The restore wizardīs IDCalculator is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2008/04/08 09:40:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: Wrong tapes were shown in missing tape in loader list. ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2008/04/04 07:51:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: A parameter for update restore task was missing. ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2008/04/02 15:53:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 BUGFIX: not check of missing tapes in loader with virtual loader 0 ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2008/04/02 08:35:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +72 -35 BUGFIX: Hide field "restore since the last full" if FDI type is 'C' or 'F'. This behaviour depends not on backup type. ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2008/03/31 16:12:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: #5579: eliminate single quotation mark in target of restore ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2008/03/31 15:37:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -8 BUGFIX: the used media box in the restore wizard was not filled always ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +63 -48 CHANGE: Eliminated indirect use of local db access in Restore vizard via class de.sep.sesam.gui.client.ComboBox ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2008/03/31 13:21:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +43 -32 BUGFIX: #5578: RestoreWizard: NetWare restore with 'wiederherstellen ab letztem FULL' and COPY/FULL destroys SEL-File CHANGE: donīt load unused image icons ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2008/03/31 12:36:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 BUGFIX: prevent null pointer exception when getting barcode label in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2008/03/17 15:38:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: added lost line which sets the use of generation restore in RestoreWizard. ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2008/03/17 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +59 -28 CHANGE: the insert commands of the restore wizard ar now on server side. ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2008/03/17 10:49:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 BUGFIX: target node and clients were not properly filled in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1458 -1090 CHANGE: The Restore Wizard is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2008/03/12 16:48:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 CHANGE: the basic class Defaults is now now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +36 -13 BUGFIX: scalix mail was not handled properly in restore wizard (side effects of generation restore flag on initialisation; switching if mail flag but no IMAP in response file) ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2008/02/21 16:37:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -26 change: added super trace level in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2008/02/21 16:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: additonal trace of sesam remote shell commands to system.out ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2008/02/08 14:08:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: #4987 The path and file names of a generation restore are shown even if changed to 'no generation restore' in der restore wizardīs file selection ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2008/02/06 10:49:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 BUGFIX: Restore wizardīs search function "Search pattern for filename or path" did not display any match (#5298) ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -20 NEW: now itīs possible to restore broken backups. The restore wizard has a new checkbox "provide broken backups", which is only visible if itīs appearence is switchend on in the extra panel of the defaults dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +85 -88 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2008/01/10 13:31:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: Restore was not startable, if tape has no barcode ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2008/01/08 11:51:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +113 -2 NEW: restrict scalix restoration to IMAP:sxadmin and file sxadmin if needed ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2008/01/08 11:21:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +45 -8 BUGFIX: reactivate the generation restore combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2008/01/04 15:10:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +145 -94 NEW: better handling of missing tapes in loader in RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2007/12/14 14:36:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +790 -1173 CHANGE: Restore Wizard: Customize Zarafa target handling CHANGE: Eliminate the use of defaults.key 'generationrestore' BUGFIX: Immediate start of a restore task: Start button was disabled, if no restore tasks of the clipped task was available change: Code cleanup ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2007/12/12 16:44:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: correct font style for print button ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2007/12/12 16:28:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +70 -12 NEW: added print function for restore task list ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2007/12/06 15:33:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +49 -67 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: corrected the media labels shown for a generation restore ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +33 -21 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -11 CHANGE: cumulated update of changes developed in v3_2: [18053], [18059], [18060], [18062], [18064], [18065] ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2007/11/08 11:36:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 BUGFIX: it was possible to create restore tasks with multiple "/ORIGINAL" identifier ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2007/09/07 08:38:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +281 -235 CHANGE: change order of scalix path parameter in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2007/05/25 14:07:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -8 bugfix: prevent tailing " in restorewizards new restore path ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +56 -96 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -39 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2007/05/08 10:48:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: avoid german word "Desaster" - use english "Disaster" everywhere ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +55 -9 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/TargetMailPanel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/04/25 08:55:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: a "/ORIGINAL" was appended wrongly in case of scalix restore and the "complete restore of selected task" box was checked. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/TargetPathPanel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/11/08 11:36:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 BUGFIX: it was possible to create restore tasks with multiple "/ORIGINAL" identifier ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/TargetScalixPanel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/04/25 08:55:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: RestoreWizard: a "/ORIGINAL" was appended wrongly in case of scalix restore and the "complete restore of selected task" box was checked. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/Brand.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2008/04/15 08:47:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 branches: 1.177.2; new: Brand 10, because GUI client is now SQL free ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2008/03/12 14:15:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: new 'Build' version '2', because of update of SQLite JDBC driver to version '3.5.6'. Attention: 'sqlite_jni.dll' or 'libsqlite_jni.so' have to updated on Sesam server before this update can be used ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2007/08/09 11:31:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHAGE: Test ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2007/08/09 11:22:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHAGE: Test ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2007/08/09 11:15:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHAGE: Comment added ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2007/05/18 07:01:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: major version 3.4 ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2007/04/18 08:29:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 cvs commit test ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2007/04/18 08:07:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 cvs commit test ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2007/03/22 07:59:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Version V3.0 Build 3 R 1.242 with NetWare Browsing functionality ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/06/28 09:54:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new gui release ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/06/13 09:13:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Branch for v3_4 Version ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/CVSVersion.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.1789 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1789 date: 2008/06/25 15:30:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1788 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1788 date: 2008/06/25 15:27:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1787 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PlacerRemote.java PlacerLocal.java Placer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1787 date: 2008/06/25 13:53:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1786 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images diskhwpoff.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1786 date: 2008/06/25 13:38:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1785 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWCheckRenderer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1785 date: 2008/06/25 13:30:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1784 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images bigarrowleftright.gif bigarrowupdown.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1784 date: 2008/06/25 13:25:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1783 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIWrapper.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1783 date: 2008/06/25 13:24:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1782 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib cajo.jar ---------------------------- revision 1.1782 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1781 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemotePermission.java RemotePreference.java RemoteTime.java RemoteInfo.java RemoteLRServer.java ExtendedRemotePermission.java RemoteData.java RemoteIni. java RemoteMail.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1781 date: 2008/06/24 15:55:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1780 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1780 date: 2008/06/24 15:39:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1779 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1779 date: 2008/06/24 14:50:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1778 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIWrapper.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1778 date: 2008/06/24 14:45:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1777 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1777 date: 2008/06/23 12:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1776 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1776 date: 2008/06/20 13:38:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1775 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Globals.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1775 date: 2008/06/19 13:23:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1774 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TopPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1774 date: 2008/06/19 13:02:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1773 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java FilterPanelVE.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1773 date: 2008/06/19 12:35:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1772 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1772 date: 2008/06/18 14:58:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1771 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client WebStarter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1771 date: 2008/06/18 14:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1770 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Placer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1770 date: 2008/06/18 14:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1769 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1769 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1768 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConnection.java FrameLiveRecovery.java SplashScreen.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java VVComboBoxFiller.java Frame.java InfoAccess.java Globals.j ava LocalDBConns.java SepFrame.java RemoteServerDialog.java ArchivDialogPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1768 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1767 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1767 date: 2008/06/18 13:26:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1766 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoPreferenceAccess.java CajoInfoAccess.java CajoExtendedPermissionAccess.java CajoMailAccess.java CajoPermissionAccess.java CajoTimeAccess.java C ajoExeAccess.java CajoLRAccess.java CajoIniAccess.java CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1766 date: 2008/06/18 09:07:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1765 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1765 date: 2008/06/18 08:51:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1764 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1764 date: 2008/06/16 14:32:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1763 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TopPanel.java ImageIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1763 date: 2008/06/16 14:32:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1762 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images folder_blue.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1762 date: 2008/06/16 14:19:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1761 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1761 date: 2008/06/16 11:59:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1760 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ExtraPanel.java DefaultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1760 date: 2008/06/16 11:59:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1759 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1759 date: 2008/06/16 08:55:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1758 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1758 date: 2008/06/16 08:12:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1757 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientDialog.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1757 date: 2008/06/13 12:53:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1756 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1756 date: 2008/06/13 12:53:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1755 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources CliBroStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1755 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1754 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images topology.gif drivegroup.gif tskgroup.gif protocol.gif sesam.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1754 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1753 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1753 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1752 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TopPanel.java Frame.java ImageIcons.java MonitoringDrives.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1752 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1751 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1751 date: 2008/06/13 09:13:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1750 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1750 date: 2008/06/13 09:01:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1749 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ViewsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1749 date: 2008/06/12 14:10:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1748 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWChangeListener.java RestoreWizard.java RWUpperPanel4.java RWJPanel4.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1748 date: 2008/06/12 13:35:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1747 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1747 date: 2008/06/12 13:08:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1746 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWUpperPanel4.java RWJPanel4.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1746 date: 2008/06/12 12:38:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1745 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images virtual_snapshot.gif virtual_configuration.gif virtual_disk.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1745 date: 2008/06/12 10:59:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1744 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWJPanel4.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1744 date: 2008/06/12 10:11:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1743 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWJPanel4.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1743 date: 2008/06/12 09:58:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1742 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWJPanel4.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1742 date: 2008/06/12 08:26:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1741 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java CliBroIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1741 date: 2008/06/12 08:10:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1740 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ImageIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1740 date: 2008/06/12 08:10:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1739 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1739 date: 2008/06/12 08:10:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1738 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1738 date: 2008/06/11 16:09:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1737 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1737 date: 2008/06/11 16:09:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1736 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1736 date: 2008/06/11 16:09:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1735 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1735 date: 2008/06/11 14:27:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1734 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ImageIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1734 date: 2008/06/11 14:27:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1733 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1733 date: 2008/06/11 14:23:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1732 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images virtual_machine.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1732 date: 2008/06/11 13:26:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1731 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWChangeListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1731 date: 2008/06/11 13:23:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1730 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1730 date: 2008/06/11 10:59:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1729 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java CliBroStrings.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1729 date: 2008/06/11 09:28:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1728 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule SchedulePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1728 date: 2008/06/11 09:18:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1727 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1727 date: 2008/06/11 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1726 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule SchedulePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1726 date: 2008/06/11 08:44:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1725 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediapoolsEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1725 date: 2008/06/11 08:44:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1724 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1724 date: 2008/06/11 08:15:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1723 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1723 date: 2008/06/11 07:43:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1722 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1722 date: 2008/06/11 07:43:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1721 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ExtraPanel.java PlacerLocal.java Placer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1721 date: 2008/06/11 07:43:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1720 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1720 date: 2008/06/11 07:37:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1719 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1719 date: 2008/06/10 15:59:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1718 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images virtual_machine.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1718 date: 2008/06/10 15:58:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1717 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java CliBroStrings.java CliBroInfo.java CliBroIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1717 date: 2008/06/10 15:58:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1716 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources CliBroStrings_de.properties CliBroStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1716 date: 2008/06/10 13:07:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1715 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db InterfacesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1715 date: 2008/06/10 07:46:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1714 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Placer.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1714 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1713 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop BaseDesktopManager.java DesktopScrollPane.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1713 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1712 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PlacerRemote.java TopPanel.java PlacerLocal.java Frame.java DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1712 date: 2008/06/09 13:59:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1711 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TimeTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1711 date: 2008/06/09 08:50:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1710 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop BaseDesktopManager.java DesktopScrollPane.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1710 date: 2008/06/09 08:50:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1709 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TimeTable.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1709 date: 2008/06/09 08:35:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1708 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialogVE.java CliBroPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1708 date: 2008/06/09 08:34:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1707 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1707 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1706 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1706 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1705 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop BaseDesktopManager.java DesktopScrollPane.java BaseDesktopPane.java FramePositioning.java JScrollableDesktopPane.java DesktopMediator.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1705 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1704 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MonitoringProcess.java CalendarSheet.java Frame.java Placer.java MonitoringDrives.java TopPanel.java TimeTable.java PlacerLocal.java TaskDialog.java Com ponentDriveGroups.java ComponentClient.java ProtocolRestore.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1704 date: 2008/06/06 11:46:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1703 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialogVE.java CliBroPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1703 date: 2008/06/06 11:26:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1702 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ImageIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1702 date: 2008/06/06 11:17:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1701 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1701 date: 2008/06/06 08:46:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1700 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1700 date: 2008/06/06 08:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1699 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MigrationResultsDialog.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1699 date: 2008/06/06 08:25:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1698 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1698 date: 2008/06/06 08:19:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1697 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1697 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1696 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoExeAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1696 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1695 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ExeService.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1695 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1694 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteExeServer.java RemoteExec.java GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1694 date: 2008/06/04 08:12:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1693 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskTypeCellRenderer.java TaskTypeCBCellRenderer.java ImageIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1693 date: 2008/06/04 08:12:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1692 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images vmware.gif mig_vmware.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1692 date: 2008/06/03 15:00:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1691 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1691 date: 2008/06/03 15:00:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1690 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PlacerRemote.java PlacerLocal.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1690 date: 2008/06/03 12:26:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1689 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1689 date: 2008/06/03 12:26:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1688 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1688 date: 2008/06/02 15:04:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1687 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PlacerRemote.java PlacerLocal.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1687 date: 2008/06/02 13:42:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1686 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1686 date: 2008/06/02 13:40:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1685 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Crypter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1685 date: 2008/05/30 12:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1684 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PlacerRemote.java PlacerLocal.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1684 date: 2008/05/30 09:06:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1683 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1683 date: 2008/05/30 08:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1682 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1682 date: 2008/05/29 15:41:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1681 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1681 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1680 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWActionListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1680 date: 2008/05/29 15:39:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1679 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroIcons.java CliBroFileNodeView.java CliBroDialog.java CliBroIconCellRenderer.java CliBroInfo.java CliBroIconData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1679 date: 2008/05/29 14:46:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1678 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1678 date: 2008/05/29 14:46:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1677 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing CaretShifter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1677 date: 2008/05/29 10:39:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1676 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1676 date: 2008/05/29 10:39:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1675 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TimeTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1675 date: 2008/05/28 15:31:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1674 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images down.gif up.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.1674 date: 2008/05/28 15:31:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1673 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing JListChooser.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1673 date: 2008/05/26 14:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1672 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1672 date: 2008/05/26 14:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1671 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1671 date: 2008/05/26 14:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1670 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1670 date: 2008/05/26 14:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1669 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1669 date: 2008/05/26 14:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1668 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1668 date: 2008/05/26 14:48:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1667 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1667 date: 2008/05/26 14:44:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1666 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ExtendedRemotePermission.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1666 date: 2008/05/26 12:01:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1665 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1665 date: 2008/05/26 12:01:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1664 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1664 date: 2008/05/16 12:32:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1663 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MailSupport.java LocalDBConnection.java RemoteServerDialog.java ExceptionHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1663 date: 2008/05/15 16:08:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1662 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1662 date: 2008/05/15 16:08:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1661 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1661 date: 2008/05/15 14:23:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1660 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemotePreference.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1660 date: 2008/05/15 14:23:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1659 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PlacerRemote.java Placer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1659 date: 2008/05/15 14:23:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1658 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoPreferenceAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1658 date: 2008/05/15 12:56:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1657 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1657 date: 2008/05/15 10:35:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1656 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1656 date: 2008/05/15 10:13:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1655 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule NextExecPanel.java ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1655 date: 2008/05/15 10:13:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1654 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1654 date: 2008/05/14 15:48:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1653 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1653 date: 2008/05/14 14:40:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1652 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access CliBroDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1652 date: 2008/05/14 14:40:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1651 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1651 date: 2008/05/14 14:22:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1650 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1650 date: 2008/05/14 13:59:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1649 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media MediaToolBar.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1649 date: 2008/05/14 13:59:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1648 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Protocol.java TaskByClientToolBar.java TimeTableToolBar.java ScheduleMediaDates.java TaskGroups.java MonitoringDrives.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1648 date: 2008/05/14 10:34:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1647 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RemoteServerDialog.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1647 date: 2008/05/14 09:26:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1646 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java MediaColumns.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1646 date: 2008/05/14 09:26:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1645 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1645 date: 2008/05/14 08:15:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1644 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWActionListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1644 date: 2008/05/14 08:15:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1643 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1643 date: 2008/05/13 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1642 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1642 date: 2008/05/13 09:54:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1641 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1641 date: 2008/05/09 12:34:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1640 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1640 date: 2008/05/09 11:56:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1639 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1639 date: 2008/05/09 09:53:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1638 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1638 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1637 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1637 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1636 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1636 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1635 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1635 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1634 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java DriveGroupDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1634 date: 2008/05/09 09:33:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1633 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1633 date: 2008/05/09 08:53:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1632 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1632 date: 2008/05/09 08:31:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1631 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1631 date: 2008/05/08 12:18:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1630 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Mailer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1630 date: 2008/05/08 09:23:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1629 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client HostName.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1629 date: 2008/05/08 07:34:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1628 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status RestoreByStatusTable.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1628 date: 2008/05/07 15:26:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1627 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SesamRemoteShell.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1627 date: 2008/05/07 13:51:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1626 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1626 date: 2008/05/07 13:51:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1625 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Globals.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1625 date: 2008/05/07 12:30:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1624 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConns.java Globals.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1624 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1623 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1623 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1622 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTable.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1622 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1621 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1621 date: 2008/05/06 14:36:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1620 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Globals.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1620 date: 2008/05/06 14:36:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1619 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoPreferenceAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1619 date: 2008/05/06 13:44:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1618 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Globals.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1618 date: 2008/05/06 12:39:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1617 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RemoteServerDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1617 date: 2008/05/06 12:30:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1616 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RemoteServerDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1616 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1615 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1615 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1614 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1614 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1613 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1613 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1612 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopDefaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1612 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1611 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1611 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1610 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java TaskByStatus.java RestoreByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusPie.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1610 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1609 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1609 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1608 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/prefs PropsPreferences.java XMLPreferences.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1608 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1607 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoInfoAccess.java CajoExtendedPermissionAccess.java CajoMailAccess.java CajoTimeAccess.java CajoDataAccess.java CajoPreferenceAccess.java CajoPer missionAccess.java CajoIniAccess.java CajoExeAccess.java CajoLRAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1607 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1606 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java LicenseChecker.java UpdateChecker.java IllegalUpdateChecker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1606 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1605 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationsDialog.java MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1605 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1604 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access EditorDataAccess.java CliBroDataAccess.java ClientDataAccess.java StartDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java SlrDataAccess.java ServersDataAccess.j ava MailDataAccess.java CalendarDataAccess.java DefaultsDataAccess.java LoaderDataAccess.java TaskDataAccess.java RestoreResultsDataAccess.java MediaPoolDataAccess.java RestoreDataAccess.java ResultsDataAccess.java RestartDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAcces s.java LocationDataAccess.java MediaDataAccess.java DriveDataAccess.java ArchivDataAccess.java LicenseDataAccess.java MessageDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1604 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1603 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java ComponentLicCheck.java FrameLiveRecovery.java MediaPoolsDelDialog.java Frame.java IDCalculator.java Protocol.java DriveGroupDial og.java RestartTasksDialog.java ComponentLoader.java DriveGroupDelDialog.java RegisterDialog.java Clipper.java ScheduleDates.java ClientDialog.java DialogAccounts.java MediaManagDialog.java RemoteServerDialog.java TaskComboBox.java ComponentClient.java Ta skTypesComboBoxVE.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java CalendarSheet.java TaskGroups.java MediaNew.java MailSettingDialog.java TaskTypesComboBox.java RunMediaDialog.java SaveDialog.java FreeDriveDialog.java TimeTable.java DefaultsDialog.java DriveDialog.jav a SingleDialogMedien.java TaskGroupDialog.java MigrationResultsDialog.java MailSupport.java LoaderActionDialog.java LocationDialog.java ProtocolRestore.java CloneTaskDialog.java ClientDelDialog.java Mailer.java LoaderDelDialog.java MigrationDialog.java Se samRemoteShell.java ResultsDialog.java LocationDelDialog.java ScheduleMediaDates.java RestoreResultsDialog.java LocalDBConnection.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java Globals.java MediaDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java FeedbackDialog.java I nventory.java Editor.java ScheduleDelDialog.java TabTree.java ClientNew.java MonitoringDrives.java LocalDBConns.java TaskByClient.java PasswordDialog.java RestoreTaskDialog.java DelDrive.java RunCommandDialog.java TaskDelDialog.java WebStarter.java Select Client.java GroupDelDialog.java Defaults.java MailSend.java SendLogDialog.java PlacerLocal.java DialogMedien.java TaskDialog.java ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1603 date: 2008/05/05 08:30:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1602 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1602 date: 2008/05/05 08:01:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1601 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status RestoreByStatusTable.java MigrationByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusToolBar.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1601 date: 2008/04/30 14:51:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1600 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1600 date: 2008/04/30 14:46:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1599 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MailSettingDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1599 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1598 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1598 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1597 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1597 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1596 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1596 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1595 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWExpertOptsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1595 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1594 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1594 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1593 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1593 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1592 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1592 date: 2008/04/30 12:10:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1591 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java MediaPoolsDelDialog.java LoaderDelDialog.java Protocol.java ResultsDialog.java DriveGroupDialog.java LocationDelDialog.java Rest artTasksDialog.java DriveActionDialog.java DriveGroupDelDialog.java RegisterDialog.java ClientDialog.java DialogAccounts.java MediaManagDialog.java MediaDialog.java LoaderDialog.java UsersDialog.java FeedbackDialog.java Inventory.java Editor.java Schedule DelDialog.java ClientNew.java CalendarSheet.java MonitoringDrives.java MailSettingDialog.java MediaNew.java RunMediaDialog.java SaveDialog.java FreeDriveDialog.java DefaultsDialog.java RunCommandDialog.java TaskDelDialog.java SelectClient.java GroupDelDia log.java MailSend.java MonitoringProcess.java DriveDialog.java TaskGroupDialog.java SendLogDialog.java DialogMedien.java LocationDialog.java ProtocolRestore.java ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1591 date: 2008/04/30 09:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1590 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Globals.java LocalDBConnection.java RemoteServerDialog.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1590 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1589 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1589 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1588 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1588 date: 2008/04/29 15:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1587 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client AnimatedSplash.java LocalDBConnection.java SepFrame.java FrameLiveRecovery.java RemoteServerDialog.java RestartTasksDialog.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1587 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1586 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1586 date: 2008/04/29 13:29:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1585 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConns.java Globals.java LocalDBConnection.java SplashScreen.java RemoteServerDialog.java Mailer.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1585 date: 2008/04/29 10:50:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1584 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWItemListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1584 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1583 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Reconnector.java LocalDBConnection.java FrameLiveRecovery.java Mailer.java Frame.java InfoAccess.java Globals.java LocalDBConns.java SepFrame.java Remot eServerDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1583 date: 2008/04/29 09:07:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1582 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoPreferenceAccess.java CajoInfoAccess.java CajoExtendedPermissionAccess.java CajoMailAccess.java CajoPermissionAccess.java CajoTimeAccess.java C ajoExeAccess.java CajoLRAccess.java CajoIniAccess.java CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1582 date: 2008/04/29 08:05:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1581 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1581 date: 2008/04/28 14:02:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1580 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DrivePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1580 date: 2008/04/28 14:02:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1579 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1579 date: 2008/04/28 12:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1578 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1578 date: 2008/04/28 12:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1577 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker IllegalUpdateChecker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1577 date: 2008/04/25 13:32:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1576 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1576 date: 2008/04/25 13:32:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1575 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1575 date: 2008/04/25 13:32:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1574 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1574 date: 2008/04/25 13:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1573 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1573 date: 2008/04/25 13:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1572 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1572 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1571 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools JavaQry.java MainLister.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1571 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1570 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java CheckBoxPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1570 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1569 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWExpertOptsDialog.java RWTransactionCBRenderer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1569 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1568 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media FilterEOLPanel.java MedienTableCellRenderer.java FilterToolBar.java MediaToolBar.java AnimatedTimeStampCellRenderer.java FilterRelPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1568 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1567 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule MediaEventPanel.java DailyPanel.java SchedulePanel.java MonthlyPanel.java TaskEventPanel.java BaseTabbedPane.java WeeklyPanel.java ButtonPanel. java NextExecPanel.java NewdayEventPanel.java OncePanel.java YearlyPanel.java CmdEventPanel.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1567 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1566 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools StoragePoolTab.java LocationPanel.java StoragePoolButtonPanel.java MainButtonPanel.java NewButtonPanel.java ListDialogVE.java MediaPoolTab.ja va RelationPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1566 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1565 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client AboutDialog.java CommandTableDialog.java FrameLiveRecovery.java Frame.java ManageLiveRecovery.java StripedTableCellRenderer.java TaskTypeCBCellRenderer. java ClientDialog.java TraceLevelDialog.java DialogAccounts.java MediaNewPanel.java MediaManagDialog.java MediaDialog.java TaskDialogTaskPanel.java TabTree.java InventoryPanel.java CalendarSheet.java MailSettingDialog.java CloneTaskPane.java CloneTaskPane l.java PasswordDialog.java DefaultsDialog.java TimeStampCellRenderer.java FontDialog.java SelectClient.java WebStarterVE.java SplashScreen.java DriveDialog.java SendLogDialog.java ClientNewMainPanel.java MediaDialogPanel1.java TaskDialog.java TraceLevelPa nel.java TaskTypeCellRenderer.java ClientCBCellRenderer.java ArchivDialogPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1565 date: 2008/04/25 12:27:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1564 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1564 date: 2008/04/25 12:25:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1563 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DrivePanel.java TaskDialog.java DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1563 date: 2008/04/25 08:55:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1562 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard TargetScalixPanel.java RWChangeListener.java TargetMailPanel.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1562 date: 2008/04/24 15:01:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1561 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1561 date: 2008/04/24 14:44:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1560 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1560 date: 2008/04/24 14:22:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1559 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1559 date: 2008/04/24 14:12:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1558 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1558 date: 2008/04/24 13:42:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1557 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1557 date: 2008/04/23 13:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1556 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status StatusTableInterface.java RestoreByStatusTable.java TaskByStatus.java MigrationByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusTable.java SlrLogsByStatusTable.jav a ---------------------------- revision 1.1556 date: 2008/04/23 08:57:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1555 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1555 date: 2008/04/23 08:57:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1554 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DriveGroupDelDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1554 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1553 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1553 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1552 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1552 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1551 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1551 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1550 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1550 date: 2008/04/23 08:56:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1549 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DriveGroupDelPanel.java DriveGroupDelDialog.java DataService.java DriveGroupDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1549 date: 2008/04/22 14:27:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1548 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ScheduleDialogMask.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1548 date: 2008/04/22 13:39:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1547 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1547 date: 2008/04/22 08:55:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1546 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MailSettingDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1546 date: 2008/04/22 08:55:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1545 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db AccountsRow.java AccountsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1545 date: 2008/04/22 08:55:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1544 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1544 date: 2008/04/22 07:26:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1543 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java TaskByClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1543 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1542 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1542 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1541 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TasksHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1541 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1540 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1540 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1539 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1539 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1538 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/db ClientRestoreTask.java ClientTask.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1538 date: 2008/04/21 15:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1537 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java TaskByClient.java DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1537 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1536 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing SelectableTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1536 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1535 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1535 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1534 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1534 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1533 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1533 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1532 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media FilterFrame.java ComponentMedia.java AnimatedTimeStampCellRenderer.java MediaPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1532 date: 2008/04/18 14:01:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1531 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaNew.java ExtraPanel.java DefaultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1531 date: 2008/04/18 08:04:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1530 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1530 date: 2008/04/17 15:18:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1529 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1529 date: 2008/04/17 15:18:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1528 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client BlockFormatter.java ByteStringCellRenderer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1528 date: 2008/04/17 14:50:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1527 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1527 date: 2008/04/17 14:14:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1526 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1526 date: 2008/04/17 14:14:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1525 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1525 date: 2008/04/17 13:35:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1524 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1524 date: 2008/04/17 13:35:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1523 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1523 date: 2008/04/17 13:35:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1522 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1522 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1521 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1521 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1520 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1520 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1519 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1519 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1518 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ComponentDriveGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1518 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1517 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1517 date: 2008/04/17 09:22:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1516 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWListSelectionListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1516 date: 2008/04/17 08:48:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1515 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1515 date: 2008/04/17 08:48:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1514 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoPreferenceAccess.java CajoInfoAccess.java CajoExtendedPermissionAccess.java CajoMailAccess.java CajoPermissionAccess.java CajoLRAccess.java Caj oTimeAccess.java CajoExeAccess.java CajoIniAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1514 date: 2008/04/16 16:11:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1513 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1513 date: 2008/04/16 16:11:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1512 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConns.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1512 date: 2008/04/16 15:25:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1511 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1511 date: 2008/04/16 15:24:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1510 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1510 date: 2008/04/16 15:21:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1509 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentDriveGroupsToolBar.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1509 date: 2008/04/16 14:48:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1508 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentDriveGroups.java DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1508 date: 2008/04/16 14:17:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1507 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1507 date: 2008/04/16 13:51:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1506 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1506 date: 2008/04/16 13:49:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1505 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1505 date: 2008/04/16 13:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1504 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1504 date: 2008/04/16 13:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1503 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1503 date: 2008/04/16 13:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1502 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1502 date: 2008/04/16 13:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1501 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1501 date: 2008/04/16 13:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1500 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1500 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1499 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1499 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1498 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1498 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1497 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1497 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1496 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1496 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1495 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1495 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1494 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1494 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1493 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1493 date: 2008/04/16 13:37:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1492 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1492 date: 2008/04/16 13:05:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1491 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1491 date: 2008/04/16 13:05:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1490 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1490 date: 2008/04/16 13:05:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1489 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1489 date: 2008/04/16 13:05:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1488 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1488 date: 2008/04/16 13:05:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1487 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db SchedulesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1487 date: 2008/04/16 13:05:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1486 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1486 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1485 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1485 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1484 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1484 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1483 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1483 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1482 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1482 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1481 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1481 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1480 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java DriveDialog.java RunCommandDialog.java TaskDialog.java RestartTasksDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1480 date: 2008/04/16 12:54:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1479 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestartDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java TaskDataAccess.java StartDataAccess.java LoaderDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java DriveDataAccess .java ---------------------------- revision 1.1479 date: 2008/04/16 12:45:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1478 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1478 date: 2008/04/16 12:45:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1477 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1477 date: 2008/04/16 12:45:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1476 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1476 date: 2008/04/16 12:45:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1475 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1475 date: 2008/04/16 12:45:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1474 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1474 date: 2008/04/16 12:45:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1473 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1473 date: 2008/04/16 12:36:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1472 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1472 date: 2008/04/16 12:36:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1471 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1471 date: 2008/04/16 12:36:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1470 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1470 date: 2008/04/16 12:36:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1469 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1469 date: 2008/04/16 12:36:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1468 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1468 date: 2008/04/16 12:29:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1467 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1467 date: 2008/04/16 12:29:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1466 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db InterfacesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1466 date: 2008/04/16 12:29:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1465 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1465 date: 2008/04/16 12:29:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1464 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1464 date: 2008/04/16 12:29:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1463 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1463 date: 2008/04/16 12:29:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1462 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1462 date: 2008/04/16 12:18:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1461 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1461 date: 2008/04/16 12:18:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1460 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1460 date: 2008/04/16 12:18:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1459 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1459 date: 2008/04/16 12:18:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1458 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1458 date: 2008/04/16 12:18:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1457 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1457 date: 2008/04/16 12:18:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1456 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1456 date: 2008/04/16 12:12:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1455 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1455 date: 2008/04/16 12:12:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1454 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1454 date: 2008/04/16 12:12:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1453 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1453 date: 2008/04/16 12:12:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1452 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1452 date: 2008/04/16 12:12:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1451 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1451 date: 2008/04/16 12:12:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1450 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1450 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1449 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1449 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1448 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1448 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1447 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1447 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1446 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1446 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1445 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1445 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1444 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ScheduleDataAccess.java RestoreDataAccess.java DriveDataAccess.java MessageDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1444 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1443 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db SlrServicesHandler.java SlrDbsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1443 date: 2008/04/16 12:04:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1442 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MonitoringDrives.java FreeDriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1442 date: 2008/04/16 11:53:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1441 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1441 date: 2008/04/16 11:53:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1440 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1440 date: 2008/04/16 11:53:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1439 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1439 date: 2008/04/16 11:53:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1438 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1438 date: 2008/04/16 11:53:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1437 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1437 date: 2008/04/16 11:53:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1436 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1436 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1435 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1435 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1434 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1434 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1433 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1433 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1432 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1432 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1431 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java SaveDialog.java MigrationDialog.java RunMediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1431 date: 2008/04/16 11:45:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1430 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartDataAccess.java RestoreResultsDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1430 date: 2008/04/16 11:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1429 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1429 date: 2008/04/16 11:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1428 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1428 date: 2008/04/16 11:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1427 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1427 date: 2008/04/16 11:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1426 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1426 date: 2008/04/16 11:36:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1425 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1425 date: 2008/04/16 11:25:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1424 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1424 date: 2008/04/16 11:25:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1423 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1423 date: 2008/04/16 11:25:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1422 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1422 date: 2008/04/16 11:25:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1421 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TimeTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1421 date: 2008/04/16 11:25:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1420 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DefaultEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1420 date: 2008/04/16 11:20:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1419 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1419 date: 2008/04/16 11:20:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1418 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DefaultEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1418 date: 2008/04/16 11:12:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1417 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1417 date: 2008/04/16 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1416 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1416 date: 2008/04/16 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1415 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1415 date: 2008/04/16 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1414 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1414 date: 2008/04/16 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1413 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ComponentDriveGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1413 date: 2008/04/16 11:12:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1412 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1412 date: 2008/04/16 11:03:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1411 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1411 date: 2008/04/16 11:03:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1410 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1410 date: 2008/04/16 11:03:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1409 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1409 date: 2008/04/16 11:03:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1408 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1408 date: 2008/04/16 11:03:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1407 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MediaNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1407 date: 2008/04/16 10:57:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1406 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1406 date: 2008/04/16 10:57:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1405 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1405 date: 2008/04/16 10:57:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1404 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1404 date: 2008/04/16 10:57:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1403 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1403 date: 2008/04/16 10:57:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1402 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1402 date: 2008/04/16 10:47:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1401 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1401 date: 2008/04/16 10:47:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1400 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1400 date: 2008/04/16 10:47:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1399 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1399 date: 2008/04/16 10:47:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1398 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1398 date: 2008/04/16 10:47:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1397 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ComponentLoader.java DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1397 date: 2008/04/16 10:36:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1396 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1396 date: 2008/04/16 10:36:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1395 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1395 date: 2008/04/16 10:36:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1394 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1394 date: 2008/04/16 10:36:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1393 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1393 date: 2008/04/16 10:36:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1392 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1392 date: 2008/04/16 10:30:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1391 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1391 date: 2008/04/16 10:29:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1390 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1390 date: 2008/04/16 10:29:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1389 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1389 date: 2008/04/16 10:29:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1388 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1388 date: 2008/04/16 10:29:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1387 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1387 date: 2008/04/16 10:29:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1386 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1386 date: 2008/04/16 10:29:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1385 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaPoolDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1385 date: 2008/04/16 10:14:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1384 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db NewdayEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1384 date: 2008/04/16 10:14:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1383 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1383 date: 2008/04/16 10:07:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1382 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1382 date: 2008/04/16 10:07:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1381 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1381 date: 2008/04/16 10:07:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1380 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1380 date: 2008/04/16 10:07:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1379 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreUsersHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1379 date: 2008/04/16 10:07:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1378 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1378 date: 2008/04/16 09:55:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1377 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1377 date: 2008/04/16 09:55:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1376 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1376 date: 2008/04/16 09:55:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1375 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1375 date: 2008/04/16 09:55:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1374 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1374 date: 2008/04/16 09:55:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1373 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1373 date: 2008/04/16 09:55:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1372 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1372 date: 2008/04/16 09:44:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1371 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDates.java TaskGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1371 date: 2008/04/16 09:44:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1370 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java TermsHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1370 date: 2008/04/16 09:25:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1369 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1369 date: 2008/04/16 09:25:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1368 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db SchedulesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1368 date: 2008/04/16 09:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1367 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1367 date: 2008/04/16 09:09:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1366 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1366 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1365 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1365 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1364 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1364 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1363 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1363 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1362 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreResultsDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java StartDataAccess.java MediaDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1362 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1361 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1361 date: 2008/04/16 08:40:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1360 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MigrationDialog.java MediaNew.java RunMediaDialog.java SaveDialog.java ScheduleMediaDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1360 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1359 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/remote RemoteInfoService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1359 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1358 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteInfoServer.java RemoteInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1358 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1357 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoInfoAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1357 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1356 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client InfoAccess.java RemoteServerDialog.java InfoService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1356 date: 2008/04/15 15:53:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1355 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskGroupDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1355 date: 2008/04/15 15:53:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1354 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing JListChooser.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1354 date: 2008/04/15 15:35:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1353 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1353 date: 2008/04/15 15:35:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1352 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleMediaDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1352 date: 2008/04/15 14:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1351 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message SmsChannelFrame.java PlotFrame.java SmsChannelPanel.java MessageView.java PerformancePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1351 date: 2008/04/15 08:47:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1350 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1350 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1349 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1349 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1348 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib swingx-0.9.1.jar sqlite.jar ---------------------------- revision 1.1348 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1347 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1347 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1346 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/models StringListModel.java StringComboBoxModel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1346 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1345 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools JavaQry.java LocalStringsTester.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1345 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1344 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1344 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1343 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java TaskByStatus.java RestoreByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusPie.java SlrLogsByStatusTable.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1343 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1342 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWExpertOptsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1342 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1341 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule WochenTagModel.java ScheduleDialog.java MonatsNamenModel.java YearlyPanel.java CmdEventPanel.java MediaEventPanel.java SchedulePanel.java Month lyPanel.java TaskEventPanel.java ErstenZweitenModel.java NewdayEventPanel.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1341 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1340 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java LoaderDataAccess.java TaskDataAccess.java RestoreResultsDataAccess.java MediaPoolDataAccess.java Restore DataAccess.java RestartDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java MediaDataAccess.java DriveDataAccess.java MessageDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1340 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1339 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1339 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1338 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SlrDbs.java DriveGroupDialog.java RestartTasksDialog.java ComponentLoader.java ScheduleDates.java ClientDialog.java TaskComboBox.java ComponentClient.ja va TaskTypesComboBoxVE.java SingleUsersDialog.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java TaskGroups.java TaskTypesComboBox.java MediaNew.java RunMediaDialog.java SaveDialog.java TimeTable.java FreeDriveDialog.java DriveDialog.java TaskGroupDialog.java SingleDialo gMedien.java LoaderActionDialog.java LocationDialog.java DataService.java SlrServices.java MigrationDialog.java ManageLiveRecovery.java ScheduleMediaDates.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java Globals.java MediaDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.j ava Inventory.java TabTree.java ClientNew.java SlrDialog.java MonitoringDrives.java TaskByClient.java RunCommandDialog.java SlrNew.java SelectClient.java MailSend.java SendLogDialog.java TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1338 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1337 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools StoragePoolTab.java MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1337 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1336 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java NewdayEventsHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java Inte rfacesHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java DefaultEventsHandler.java RestoreUsersHandler.java TermsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java MediaHandler.java DriveGroupsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java TasksHandler.java TaskGroupsHandler.java SchedulesHandler.j ava ---------------------------- revision 1.1336 date: 2008/04/14 14:44:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1335 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/models - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.1335 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1334 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1334 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1333 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1333 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1332 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1332 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1331 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1331 date: 2008/04/14 13:43:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1330 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Editor.java TabTree.java LocalDBConnection.java MailSend.java ExceptionHandler.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java MonitoringDrives.java TaskByClient.jav a MediaDialog.java RestartTasksDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java TaskComboBox.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1330 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1329 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1329 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1328 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1328 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1327 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1327 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1326 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1326 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1325 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1325 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1324 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusPie.java TaskByStatusTable.java TaskByStatus.java RestoreByStatusTable.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1324 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1323 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationsDialog.java MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1323 date: 2008/04/14 08:40:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1322 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java ComponentLicCheck.java CloneTaskDialog.java ClientDelDialog.java MediaPoolsDelDialog.java LoaderDelDialog.java MigrationDialog.j ava IDCalculator.java Protocol.java ResultsDialog.java DriveGroupDialog.java ScheduleMediaDates.java LocationDelDialog.java RestartTasksDialog.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ComponentLoader.java DriveGroupDelDialog.java ScheduleDates.java ClientDialog.jav a DialogAccounts.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java MediaManagDialog.java RemoteServerDialog.java MediaDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java TaskComboBox.java ComponentClient.java Inventory.java TabTree.java ScheduleDelDialog.java Editor.java ClientNew.java TaskTypesComboBoxVE.java SlrDialog.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java TaskGroups.java MonitoringDrives.java TaskTypesComboBox.java MailSettingDialog.java MediaNew.java RunMediaDialog.java LocalDBConns.java TaskByClient.java PasswordDialog. java RestoreTaskDialog.java SaveDialog.java TimeTable.java FreeDriveDialog.java TaskDelDialog.java DefaultsDialog.java DelDrive.java RunCommandDialog.java SlrNew.java SelectClient.java GroupDelDialog.java MailSend.java DriveDialog.java TaskGroupDialog.jav a SingleDialogMedien.java MigrationResultsDialog.java MailSupport.java LoaderActionDialog.java TaskDialog.java DialogMedien.java LocationDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1322 date: 2008/04/11 14:11:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1321 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ComponentLoader.java LocalDBConns.java LocalDBConnection.java RemoteServerDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1321 date: 2008/04/11 12:37:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1320 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status SlrLogsByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1320 date: 2008/04/11 12:37:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1319 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DriveGroupDialog.java TaskDialog.java ScheduleDates.java SlrDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1319 date: 2008/04/11 12:17:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1318 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DialogMedien.java Delete.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1318 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1317 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access CliBroDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1317 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1316 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1316 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1315 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common DbUtils.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1315 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1314 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1314 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1313 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1313 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1312 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1312 date: 2008/04/11 12:13:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1311 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1311 date: 2008/04/11 11:25:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1310 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule UserDefScheduDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1310 date: 2008/04/11 11:25:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1309 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common GUICmd.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1309 date: 2008/04/11 11:08:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1308 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1308 date: 2008/04/11 11:08:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1307 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common GetCurLabels.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1307 date: 2008/04/11 11:08:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1306 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1306 date: 2008/04/11 11:08:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1305 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1305 date: 2008/04/11 11:08:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1304 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1304 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1303 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1303 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1302 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1302 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1301 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1301 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1300 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1300 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1299 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java RemoteServerDialog.java MediaDialog.java SlrDialog.java Update.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1299 date: 2008/04/11 10:03:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1298 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1298 date: 2008/04/11 09:11:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1297 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DriveGroupDialog.java Insert.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1297 date: 2008/04/11 09:08:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1296 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1296 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1295 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1295 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1294 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1294 date: 2008/04/11 08:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1293 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java Update.java ScheduleDates.java SlrDialog.java CalendarSheet.java DriveDialog.java FreeDriveDialog.java TimeTable.java RunCommand Dialog.java DriveActionDialog.java Insert.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1293 date: 2008/04/11 07:47:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1292 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialogTaskPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1292 date: 2008/04/11 07:43:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1291 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1291 date: 2008/04/11 07:43:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1290 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1290 date: 2008/04/11 07:43:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1289 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1289 date: 2008/04/11 07:43:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1288 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java CloneTaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1288 date: 2008/04/11 07:43:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1287 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TermsHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1287 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1286 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1286 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1285 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1285 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1284 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ClientDataAccess.java TaskDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1284 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1283 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db Row.java TaskEventsRowSet.java TasksRow.java TaskGroupRelationsRow.java TaskEventsRow.java TermsRow.java RowInterface.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1283 date: 2008/04/10 16:16:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1282 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java CloneTaskDialog.java ClientDialog.java TaskByClient.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1282 date: 2008/04/10 15:46:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1281 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1281 date: 2008/04/10 15:46:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1280 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1280 date: 2008/04/10 14:13:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1279 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LRDB.java TestLR.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1279 date: 2008/04/10 14:13:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1278 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db MediaPoolsRow.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java UserSchedsRow.java TaskGroupsRow.java MediapoolLocationsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1278 date: 2008/04/10 14:13:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1277 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule UserDefScheduDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1277 date: 2008/04/10 13:22:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1276 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule UserDefScheduDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1276 date: 2008/04/10 13:03:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1275 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1275 date: 2008/04/10 12:46:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1274 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1274 date: 2008/04/10 12:46:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1273 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaPoolDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1273 date: 2008/04/10 12:30:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1272 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1272 date: 2008/04/10 12:30:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1271 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1271 date: 2008/04/10 12:30:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1270 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java ViewsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1270 date: 2008/04/10 12:30:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1269 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolNew.java MediaPoolTab.java MediaPoolDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1269 date: 2008/04/10 12:30:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1268 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1268 date: 2008/04/10 12:30:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1267 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaPoolDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1267 date: 2008/04/10 08:51:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1266 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client VVComboBoxFiller.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1266 date: 2008/04/10 08:44:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1265 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status SlrLogsByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1265 date: 2008/04/10 08:44:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1264 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access SlrDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1264 date: 2008/04/10 08:32:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1263 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConnection.java FrameLiveRecovery.java RemoteServerDialog.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java Frame.java VersionClipper.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1263 date: 2008/04/10 08:25:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1262 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteMail.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1262 date: 2008/04/10 08:25:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1261 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ConfigComboBox.java Utils.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1261 date: 2008/04/10 08:15:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1260 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db TaskEventsRowSet.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1260 date: 2008/04/10 08:15:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1259 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientNew.java SlrServices.java SlrDbs.java SlrDialog.java SlrNew.java Select.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1259 date: 2008/04/10 07:42:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1258 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1258 date: 2008/04/10 07:42:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1257 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1257 date: 2008/04/10 07:42:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1256 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1256 date: 2008/04/10 07:42:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1255 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1255 date: 2008/04/10 07:42:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1254 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1254 date: 2008/04/09 15:55:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1253 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1253 date: 2008/04/09 15:34:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1252 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1252 date: 2008/04/09 15:34:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1251 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1251 date: 2008/04/09 15:34:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1250 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1250 date: 2008/04/09 15:34:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1249 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskEventsHandler.java CommandEventsHandler.java NewdayEventsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1249 date: 2008/04/09 15:34:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1248 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDelDialog.java DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1248 date: 2008/04/09 14:51:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1247 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ResultsDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1247 date: 2008/04/09 14:51:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1246 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1246 date: 2008/04/09 14:11:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1245 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RestoreTaskDialog.java MigrationDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1245 date: 2008/04/09 13:53:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1244 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreResultsDataAccess.java MigrationDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1244 date: 2008/04/09 13:53:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1243 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MigrationResultsDialog.java MigrationDialog.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1243 date: 2008/04/09 13:32:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1242 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1242 date: 2008/04/09 13:32:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1241 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1241 date: 2008/04/09 13:32:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1240 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MigrationDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1240 date: 2008/04/09 13:32:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1239 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MigrationResultsDialog.java DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1239 date: 2008/04/09 13:32:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1238 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1238 date: 2008/04/09 12:46:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1237 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PasswordDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1237 date: 2008/04/09 12:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1236 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1236 date: 2008/04/09 12:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1235 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1235 date: 2008/04/09 12:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1234 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info RestoreTask.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1234 date: 2008/04/09 12:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1233 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1233 date: 2008/04/09 12:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1232 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MigrationDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1232 date: 2008/04/09 12:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1231 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MigrationDialog.java MemorizedMediaPool.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1231 date: 2008/04/09 12:26:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1230 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1230 date: 2008/04/09 11:52:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1229 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DelDrive.java DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1229 date: 2008/04/09 11:26:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1228 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1228 date: 2008/04/09 09:55:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1227 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Protocol.java PasswordDialog.java MailSupport.java MailSend.java RegisterDialog.java ProtocolRestore.java FeedbackDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1227 date: 2008/04/09 09:11:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1226 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1226 date: 2008/04/09 08:58:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1225 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1225 date: 2008/04/09 08:58:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1224 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1224 date: 2008/04/09 08:58:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1223 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1223 date: 2008/04/09 08:58:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1222 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1222 date: 2008/04/09 08:58:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1221 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1221 date: 2008/04/09 07:27:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1220 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1220 date: 2008/04/09 07:27:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1219 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1219 date: 2008/04/09 07:27:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1218 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1218 date: 2008/04/09 07:27:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1217 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1217 date: 2008/04/09 07:27:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1216 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1216 date: 2008/04/08 15:21:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1215 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ManageLiveRecovery.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1215 date: 2008/04/08 15:09:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1214 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1214 date: 2008/04/08 15:09:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1213 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1213 date: 2008/04/08 15:09:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1212 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1212 date: 2008/04/08 15:09:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1211 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1211 date: 2008/04/08 15:09:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1210 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java IDCalculator.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1210 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1209 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1209 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1208 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1208 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1207 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1207 date: 2008/04/08 14:26:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1206 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java DataService.java DelDrive.java ComponentDriveGroups.java DriveDialog.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1206 date: 2008/04/08 14:05:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1205 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediapoolRelationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1205 date: 2008/04/08 14:05:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1204 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1204 date: 2008/04/08 13:37:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1203 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1203 date: 2008/04/08 13:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1202 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db CapacitiesRow.java CapacitiesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1202 date: 2008/04/08 13:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1201 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DialogMedien.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1201 date: 2008/04/08 13:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1200 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1200 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1199 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1199 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1198 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1198 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1197 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1197 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1196 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1196 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1195 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MigrationDataAccess.java MediaPoolDataAccess.java DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1195 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1194 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1194 date: 2008/04/08 12:41:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1193 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java SlrDialog.java MigrationDialog.java ManageLiveRecovery.java SlrNew.java ComboBox.java RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1193 date: 2008/04/08 09:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1192 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1192 date: 2008/04/08 09:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1191 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1191 date: 2008/04/08 09:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1190 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1190 date: 2008/04/08 09:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1189 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MediaPoolsDelDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1189 date: 2008/04/08 09:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1188 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaPoolDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1188 date: 2008/04/08 09:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1187 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1187 date: 2008/04/08 09:40:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1186 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1186 date: 2008/04/08 09:09:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1185 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1185 date: 2008/04/08 09:09:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1184 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1184 date: 2008/04/08 09:09:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1183 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1183 date: 2008/04/08 09:09:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1182 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1182 date: 2008/04/08 09:09:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1181 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1181 date: 2008/04/08 09:09:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1180 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1180 date: 2008/04/08 08:38:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1179 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1179 date: 2008/04/08 07:39:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1178 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocationDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1178 date: 2008/04/08 07:39:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1177 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db LocationsRow.java LocationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1177 date: 2008/04/07 16:08:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1176 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1176 date: 2008/04/07 16:08:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1175 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1175 date: 2008/04/07 16:08:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1174 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1174 date: 2008/04/07 16:08:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1173 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1173 date: 2008/04/07 16:08:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1172 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MediaNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1172 date: 2008/04/07 14:40:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1171 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1171 date: 2008/04/07 14:40:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1170 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1170 date: 2008/04/07 14:40:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1169 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1169 date: 2008/04/07 14:40:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1168 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java LoaderActionDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1168 date: 2008/04/07 14:40:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1167 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1167 date: 2008/04/07 14:12:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1166 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1166 date: 2008/04/07 14:12:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1165 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client FreeDriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1165 date: 2008/04/07 13:57:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1164 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java DBColChecker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1164 date: 2008/04/07 13:50:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1163 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1163 date: 2008/04/07 13:50:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1162 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1162 date: 2008/04/07 13:50:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1161 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1161 date: 2008/04/07 13:50:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1160 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LicenseDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1160 date: 2008/04/07 13:50:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1159 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TopPanel.java ComponentLicCheck.java ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1159 date: 2008/04/07 12:58:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1158 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskTypesComboBoxVE.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1158 date: 2008/04/07 12:48:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1157 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskTypesComboBox.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1157 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1156 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1156 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1155 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1155 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1154 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1154 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1153 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskTypesHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1153 date: 2008/04/07 12:46:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1152 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskDialog.java TaskTypeCBCellRenderer.java TaskTypesComboBox.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1152 date: 2008/04/07 11:53:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1151 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1151 date: 2008/04/07 11:53:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1150 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1150 date: 2008/04/07 11:53:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1149 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1149 date: 2008/04/07 11:53:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1148 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskGroupDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1148 date: 2008/04/07 11:53:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1147 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupsHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsRow.java TaskGroupsRow.java TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1147 date: 2008/04/07 08:48:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1146 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1146 date: 2008/04/07 08:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1145 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1145 date: 2008/04/07 08:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1144 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info RestoreUser.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1144 date: 2008/04/07 08:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1143 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1143 date: 2008/04/07 08:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1142 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreUsersHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1142 date: 2008/04/07 08:48:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1141 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskDelDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1141 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1140 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info Task.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1140 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1139 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1139 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1138 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1138 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1137 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1137 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1136 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskTypesHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java TasksRow.java OperSystemsHandler.java TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1136 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1135 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1135 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1134 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1134 date: 2008/04/04 11:57:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1133 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1133 date: 2008/04/04 08:36:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1132 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1132 date: 2008/04/04 08:36:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1131 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1131 date: 2008/04/04 07:51:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1130 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1130 date: 2008/04/04 07:40:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1129 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1129 date: 2008/04/03 16:17:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1128 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1128 date: 2008/04/03 16:17:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1127 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1127 date: 2008/04/03 16:17:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1126 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1126 date: 2008/04/03 16:17:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1125 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client GroupDelDialog.java DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1125 date: 2008/04/03 16:17:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1124 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskEventsHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1124 date: 2008/04/03 15:37:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1123 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1123 date: 2008/04/03 15:37:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1122 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LoaderActionDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1122 date: 2008/04/03 15:37:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1121 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1121 date: 2008/04/03 15:02:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1120 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1120 date: 2008/04/03 15:02:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1119 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1119 date: 2008/04/03 15:02:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1118 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client List.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1118 date: 2008/04/03 15:02:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1117 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1117 date: 2008/04/03 15:02:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1116 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1116 date: 2008/04/03 13:53:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1115 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1115 date: 2008/04/03 13:36:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1114 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1114 date: 2008/04/03 13:36:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1113 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1113 date: 2008/04/03 13:36:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1112 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1112 date: 2008/04/03 13:36:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1111 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DriveGroupDelDialog.java DataService.java DriveGroupDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1111 date: 2008/04/03 13:36:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1110 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java DriveGroupsRow.java HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1110 date: 2008/04/03 10:28:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1109 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RunMediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1109 date: 2008/04/03 09:44:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1108 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1108 date: 2008/04/03 09:44:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1107 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1107 date: 2008/04/03 09:44:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1106 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1106 date: 2008/04/03 09:44:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1105 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1105 date: 2008/04/03 09:44:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1104 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java DriveGroupsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java MediapoolRelationsHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1104 date: 2008/04/03 07:17:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1103 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1103 date: 2008/04/02 15:53:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1102 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWActionListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1102 date: 2008/04/02 15:33:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1101 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client InventoryPanel.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1101 date: 2008/04/02 14:06:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1100 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client InventoryPanel.java Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1100 date: 2008/04/02 10:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1099 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RestartTasksDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1099 date: 2008/04/02 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1098 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1098 date: 2008/04/02 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1097 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1097 date: 2008/04/02 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1096 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1096 date: 2008/04/02 09:49:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1095 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskByClient.java DataService.java TaskDelDialog.java MigrationDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1095 date: 2008/04/02 08:35:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1094 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1094 date: 2008/04/02 08:03:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1093 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RunMediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1093 date: 2008/04/02 07:45:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1092 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RunCommandDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1092 date: 2008/04/02 06:24:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1091 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SesamRemoteShell.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1091 date: 2008/04/01 16:02:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1090 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1090 date: 2008/04/01 16:02:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1089 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DriveDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1089 date: 2008/04/01 16:02:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1088 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1088 date: 2008/04/01 16:02:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1087 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java DriveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1087 date: 2008/04/01 16:02:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1086 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java DefaultEventsHandler.java HwDrivesRow.java HwDrivesHandler.java DriveTypesHandler.java ClientsHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.j ava ---------------------------- revision 1.1086 date: 2008/03/31 16:32:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1085 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1085 date: 2008/03/31 16:12:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1084 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1084 date: 2008/03/31 15:37:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1083 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1083 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1082 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1082 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1081 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1081 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1080 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1080 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1079 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1079 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1078 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1078 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1077 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1077 date: 2008/03/31 15:00:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1076 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1076 date: 2008/03/31 13:21:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1075 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1075 date: 2008/03/31 12:36:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1074 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1074 date: 2008/03/31 12:26:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1073 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWItemListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1073 date: 2008/03/31 08:16:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1072 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ClientDialog.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1072 date: 2008/03/25 22:18:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1071 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1071 date: 2008/03/20 13:40:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1070 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientDialogMainPanel.java ClientDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1070 date: 2008/03/20 13:40:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1069 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1069 date: 2008/03/20 13:12:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1068 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1068 date: 2008/03/20 12:36:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1067 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1067 date: 2008/03/20 12:03:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1066 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DefaultsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1066 date: 2008/03/20 12:03:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1065 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DefaultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1065 date: 2008/03/20 11:36:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1064 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1064 date: 2008/03/20 11:26:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1063 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1063 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1062 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1062 date: 2008/03/20 11:25:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1061 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ClientNew.java SlrServices.java CloneTaskDialog.java SlrDbs.java SlrDialog.java TaskGroups.java MigrationDialog.java MediaNew.java TaskByCl ient.java ManageLiveRecovery.java DriveGroupDialog.java TimeTable.java ScheduleMediaDates.java RestartTasksDialog.java SlrNew.java ComponentLoader.java ScheduleDates.java DriveDialog.java TaskGroupDialog.java ClientDialog.java RestartThread.java ScheduleB ackupTasks.java TaskDialog.java MediaDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java LocationDialog.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1061 date: 2008/03/19 16:23:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1060 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1060 date: 2008/03/19 16:23:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1059 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersRow.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1059 date: 2008/03/19 16:23:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1058 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1058 date: 2008/03/19 16:23:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1057 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1057 date: 2008/03/19 16:23:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1056 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java LoaderDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1056 date: 2008/03/19 16:05:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1055 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1055 date: 2008/03/19 15:07:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1054 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveTypesRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1054 date: 2008/03/19 13:21:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1053 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ClientDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1053 date: 2008/03/19 13:21:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1052 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1052 date: 2008/03/19 13:21:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1051 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1051 date: 2008/03/19 12:57:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1050 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1050 date: 2008/03/19 12:57:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1049 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1049 date: 2008/03/19 12:57:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1048 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LoaderDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1048 date: 2008/03/19 12:57:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1047 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1047 date: 2008/03/19 12:57:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1046 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java LoaderDelDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1046 date: 2008/03/19 12:13:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1045 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db LoaderContentsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1045 date: 2008/03/19 12:06:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1044 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1044 date: 2008/03/19 12:06:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1043 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1043 date: 2008/03/19 12:06:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1042 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ClientDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1042 date: 2008/03/19 12:06:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1041 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1041 date: 2008/03/19 12:06:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1040 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientDialogMainPanel.java ClientNew.java DataService.java ClientDialog.java ClientNewMainPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1040 date: 2008/03/19 08:35:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1039 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TermsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1039 date: 2008/03/19 08:35:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1038 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1038 date: 2008/03/18 16:57:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1037 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1037 date: 2008/03/18 16:20:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1036 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java InterfacesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1036 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1035 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1035 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1034 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1034 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1033 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ClientDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1033 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1032 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsRow.java ClientsHandler.java InterfacesHandler.java LocationsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1032 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1031 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ClientDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1031 date: 2008/03/18 15:00:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1030 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.1030 date: 2008/03/17 16:44:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1029 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1029 date: 2008/03/17 16:44:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1028 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1028 date: 2008/03/17 16:44:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1027 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1027 date: 2008/03/17 16:44:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1026 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LocationDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1026 date: 2008/03/17 16:44:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1025 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java LocationDelDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1025 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1024 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1024 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1023 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1023 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1022 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java LocationsRow.java LocationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1022 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1021 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access LocationDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1021 date: 2008/03/17 16:20:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1020 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskByClient.java DataService.java LocationDialog.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1020 date: 2008/03/17 15:38:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1019 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1019 date: 2008/03/17 12:35:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1018 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1018 date: 2008/03/17 12:35:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1017 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TermsHandler.java SchedulesHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1017 date: 2008/03/17 11:16:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1016 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1016 date: 2008/03/17 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1015 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1015 date: 2008/03/17 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1014 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1014 date: 2008/03/17 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1013 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1013 date: 2008/03/17 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1012 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1012 date: 2008/03/17 11:16:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1011 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TermsHandler.java SchedulesHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1011 date: 2008/03/17 10:49:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1010 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWItemListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1010 date: 2008/03/17 10:49:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1009 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteExec.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1009 date: 2008/03/17 10:49:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1008 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1008 date: 2008/03/14 15:22:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1007 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1007 date: 2008/03/14 14:40:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1006 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1006 date: 2008/03/14 14:40:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1005 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db CommandEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1005 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1004 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1004 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1003 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1003 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1002 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1002 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1001 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1001 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.1000 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java LocalDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.1000 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.999 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java InterfacesHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java TasksHandler.java ResultLblsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.999 date: 2008/03/14 13:53:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.998 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWListSelectionListener.java RWStrings.java ScalixBuffer.java RWActionListener.java RWCheckNode.java RWCheckRenderer.java RWExpertOptsDialog.java RWItemListener.java RWSearchDialog.java RestoreWizard.java LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.998 date: 2008/03/14 13:52:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.997 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/wizard - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.997 date: 2008/03/14 13:50:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.996 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.996 date: 2008/03/14 13:48:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.995 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.995 date: 2008/03/13 17:10:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.994 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultLblsHandler.java ParamsFixHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.994 date: 2008/03/13 17:10:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.993 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestoreDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.993 date: 2008/03/13 14:04:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.992 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Mailer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.992 date: 2008/03/13 11:04:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.991 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db SchedulesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.991 date: 2008/03/13 10:41:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.990 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib ICE_JNIRegistry.dll sqlite_jni.dll ---------------------------- revision 1.990 date: 2008/03/13 08:41:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.989 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client VVComboBoxFiller.java ---------------------------- revision 1.989 date: 2008/03/12 17:11:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.988 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Mailer.java AccountData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.988 date: 2008/03/12 16:48:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.987 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.987 date: 2008/03/12 16:48:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.986 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Defaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.986 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.985 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/remote RemoteInfoService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.985 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.984 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteInfoServer.java RemoteInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.984 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.983 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.983 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.982 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoInfoAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.982 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.981 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client InfoAccess.java InfoService.java WebStarter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.981 date: 2008/03/12 14:15:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.980 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.980 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.979 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.979 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.978 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.978 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.977 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db CommandEventsHandler.java CommandEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.977 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.976 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java DataService.java RunCommandDialog.java RunMediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.976 date: 2008/03/12 13:34:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.975 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.975 date: 2008/03/12 10:31:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.974 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediapoolsEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.974 date: 2008/03/12 10:31:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.973 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SaveDialog.java TaskComboBox.java RunMediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.973 date: 2008/03/12 10:31:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.972 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartDataAccess.java StartTaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.972 date: 2008/03/12 09:17:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.971 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.971 date: 2008/03/12 09:17:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.970 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.970 date: 2008/03/12 09:17:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.969 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.969 date: 2008/03/12 09:17:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.968 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartTaskDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.968 date: 2008/03/12 09:17:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.967 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common ResultValues.java ---------------------------- revision 1.967 date: 2008/03/12 09:17:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.966 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskComboBox.java ---------------------------- revision 1.966 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.965 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.965 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.964 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.964 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.963 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.963 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.962 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java InterfacesHandler.java MediaTypesRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.962 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.961 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Defaults.java DataService.java SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.961 date: 2008/03/11 16:48:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.960 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access StartTaskDataAccess.java RestartDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.960 date: 2008/03/11 16:12:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.959 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib ICE_JNIRegistry.dll sqlite_jni.dll ---------------------------- revision 1.959 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.958 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.958 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.957 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.957 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.956 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java RestartTasksDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.956 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.955 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.955 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.954 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java SchedulesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.954 date: 2008/03/11 11:34:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.953 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access RestartDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.953 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.952 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.952 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.951 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MailDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.951 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.950 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.950 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.949 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info Account.java ---------------------------- revision 1.949 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.948 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db AccountsRow.java AccountsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.948 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.947 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java DialogAccounts.java MailSettingDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.947 date: 2008/03/10 14:43:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.946 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.946 date: 2008/03/10 10:58:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.945 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing TimedJOptionPane.java ---------------------------- revision 1.945 date: 2008/03/10 10:58:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.944 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Editor.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.944 date: 2008/03/10 08:35:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.943 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ServersHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.943 date: 2008/03/07 15:49:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.942 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db OperSystemsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.942 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.941 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.941 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.940 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.940 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.939 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.939 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.938 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access EditorDataAccess.java ServersDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.938 date: 2008/03/07 15:17:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.937 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Editor.java SesamRemoteShell.java DataService.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java TimedDialog.java SelectClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.937 date: 2008/03/07 15:11:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.936 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib sqlite_jni.dll ---------------------------- revision 1.936 date: 2008/03/07 14:31:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.935 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib sqlite.jar ---------------------------- revision 1.935 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.934 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.934 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.933 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ExtendedRemotePermission.java RemoteLRServer.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.933 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.932 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ServersHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ServersRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.932 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.931 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ServersDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.931 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.930 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ExceptionHandler.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java RemoteServerDialog.java DefaultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.930 date: 2008/03/07 10:24:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.929 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.929 date: 2008/03/07 10:24:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.928 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker IllegalUpdateChecker.java LicenseChecker.java UpdateChecker.java TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.928 date: 2008/03/07 10:22:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.927 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db TermsRow.java Row.java MediaPoolsRow.java TaskEventsRowSet.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java TasksRow.java UserSchedsRow.java TaskGroupsRow.java TaskGro upRelationsRow.java MediapoolLocationsRow.java TaskEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.927 date: 2008/03/06 17:10:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.926 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ServersHandler.java OperSystemsHandler.java ServersRow.java MediaTypesRow.java DriveTypesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.926 date: 2008/03/06 17:10:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.925 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info OperSystem.java Server.java ---------------------------- revision 1.925 date: 2008/03/06 16:23:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.924 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.924 date: 2008/03/06 16:23:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.923 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java RestoreResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.923 date: 2008/03/06 16:02:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.922 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.922 date: 2008/03/06 16:02:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.921 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.921 date: 2008/03/06 14:21:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.920 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaManagDialog.java DefaultsDialog.java MediaTypeEditor.java ---------------------------- revision 1.920 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.919 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.919 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.918 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.918 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.917 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.917 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.916 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaTypesHandler.java MediaTypesRow.java DriveTypesHandler.java DriveTypesRow.java CapacitiesHandler.java CapacitiesRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.916 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.915 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info DriveType.java MediaType.java DriveVendor.java ---------------------------- revision 1.915 date: 2008/03/06 13:37:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.914 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java SingleDialogMedien.java DialogMedien.java ---------------------------- revision 1.914 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.913 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.913 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.912 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db CapacitiesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.912 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.911 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.911 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.910 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.910 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.909 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java DialogMedien.java SingleDialogMedien.java ---------------------------- revision 1.909 date: 2008/03/05 16:46:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.908 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.908 date: 2008/03/05 14:59:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.907 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.907 date: 2008/03/05 14:59:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.906 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DefaultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.906 date: 2008/03/05 14:59:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.905 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.905 date: 2008/03/05 14:59:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.904 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DefaultsDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.904 date: 2008/03/05 14:59:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.903 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java DefaultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.903 date: 2008/03/05 10:35:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.902 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client AboutDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.902 date: 2008/03/05 10:29:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.901 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LicenseDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.901 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.900 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.900 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.899 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MailDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.899 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.898 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db AccountsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.898 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.897 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.897 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.896 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopDefaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.896 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.895 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java MailSend.java ---------------------------- revision 1.895 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.894 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.894 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.893 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DefaultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.893 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.892 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.892 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.891 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.891 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.890 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DefaultsDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.890 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.889 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopDefaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.889 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.888 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.888 date: 2008/03/05 08:13:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.887 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.887 date: 2008/03/04 16:40:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.886 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access DefaultsDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.886 date: 2008/03/04 16:08:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.885 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Protocol.java ---------------------------- revision 1.885 date: 2008/03/04 15:55:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.884 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MonitoringDrives.java ---------------------------- revision 1.884 date: 2008/03/04 15:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.883 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MessageDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.883 date: 2008/03/04 15:45:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.882 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.882 date: 2008/03/04 15:25:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.881 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusPie.java TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.881 date: 2008/03/04 15:25:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.880 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.880 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.879 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ResultsDialog.java VVComboBoxFiller.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.879 date: 2008/03/04 15:02:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.878 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status RestoreByStatusTable.java TaskByStatus.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.878 date: 2008/03/04 11:39:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.877 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskByClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.877 date: 2008/03/04 11:31:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.876 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ComponentLoader.java TaskByClient.java TaskGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.876 date: 2008/03/04 09:49:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.875 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.875 date: 2008/03/04 09:49:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.874 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ---------------------------- revision 1.874 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.873 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.873 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.872 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.872 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.871 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.871 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.870 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.870 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.869 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java RestoreByStatusTable.java StatusTableInterface.java TaskByStatusPie.java MigrationByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusTable.java SlrL ogsByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.869 date: 2008/03/04 09:15:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.868 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.868 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.867 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.867 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.866 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.866 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.865 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.865 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.864 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java TaskByStatusPie.java ---------------------------- revision 1.864 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.863 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ResultsHandler.java SlrLogsHandler.java RestoreResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.863 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.862 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java DataService.java VVComboBoxFiller.java Select.java ---------------------------- revision 1.862 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.861 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.861 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.860 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.860 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.859 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.859 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.858 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.858 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.857 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status RestoreByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.857 date: 2008/03/03 14:12:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.856 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.856 date: 2008/03/03 13:34:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.855 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.855 date: 2008/03/03 13:34:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.854 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.854 date: 2008/03/03 13:34:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.853 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.853 date: 2008/03/03 13:34:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.852 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.852 date: 2008/03/03 13:34:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.851 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.851 date: 2008/03/03 13:34:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.850 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.850 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.849 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.849 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.848 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.848 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.847 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.847 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.846 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusToolBar.java TaskByStatus.java RestoreByStatusTable.java MigrationByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.846 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.845 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java VVComboBoxFiller.java ScheduleMediaDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.845 date: 2008/03/03 12:38:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.844 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db SlrLogsHandler.java RestoreResultsHandler.java ResultsHandler.java SlrServicesHandler.java MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.844 date: 2008/03/03 11:05:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.843 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.843 date: 2008/03/03 11:05:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.842 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.842 date: 2008/02/29 15:03:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.841 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.841 date: 2008/02/29 15:03:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.840 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.840 date: 2008/02/29 15:03:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.839 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.839 date: 2008/02/29 15:03:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.838 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java LocationsHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.838 date: 2008/02/29 15:03:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.837 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java DataService.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.837 date: 2008/02/29 11:52:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.836 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.836 date: 2008/02/29 11:52:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.835 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.835 date: 2008/02/29 11:52:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.834 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwLoadersHandler.java LocationsHandler.java MediaHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java TasksHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.834 date: 2008/02/29 11:52:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.833 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.833 date: 2008/02/29 11:52:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.832 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access ScheduleDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.832 date: 2008/02/29 11:52:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.831 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.831 date: 2008/02/29 10:49:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.830 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info SlrLog.java SlrService.java SlrDb.java ---------------------------- revision 1.830 date: 2008/02/29 10:49:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.829 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db SlrDbsHandler.java SlrServicesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.829 date: 2008/02/28 15:49:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.828 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java ---------------------------- revision 1.828 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.827 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsHandler.java LocationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.827 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.826 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.826 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.825 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.825 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.824 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.824 date: 2008/02/28 15:42:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.823 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentClientToolBar.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java TaskByClient.java DataService.java TimeTable.java ScheduleDates.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.823 date: 2008/02/27 14:16:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.822 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.822 date: 2008/02/27 14:16:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.821 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.821 date: 2008/02/27 14:16:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.820 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.820 date: 2008/02/27 14:16:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.819 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoaderToolBar.java ComponentLoader.java DataService.java ComponentDriveGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.819 date: 2008/02/27 14:16:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.818 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.818 date: 2008/02/27 12:11:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.817 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.817 date: 2008/02/27 12:11:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.816 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.816 date: 2008/02/27 12:11:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.815 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.815 date: 2008/02/27 12:11:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.814 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentDriveGroupsToolBar.java DataService.java ComponentDriveGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.814 date: 2008/02/27 12:11:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.813 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.813 date: 2008/02/27 09:52:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.812 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TimeTableToolBar.java TimeTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.812 date: 2008/02/27 08:49:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.811 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client AboutDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.811 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.810 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.810 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.809 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.809 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.808 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.808 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.807 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info DefaultEvent.java ---------------------------- revision 1.807 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.806 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TimeTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.806 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.805 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.805 date: 2008/02/26 17:18:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.804 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DefaultEventsHandler.java SchedulesHandler.java EventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.804 date: 2008/02/26 13:49:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.803 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDatesToolBar.java ScheduleDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.803 date: 2008/02/26 13:49:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.802 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.802 date: 2008/02/26 11:37:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.801 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.801 date: 2008/02/26 11:37:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.800 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db NewdayEventsHandler.java EventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.800 date: 2008/02/26 11:37:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.799 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDatesToolBar.java ScheduleDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.799 date: 2008/02/25 15:59:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.798 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.798 date: 2008/02/25 15:59:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.797 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.797 date: 2008/02/25 15:59:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.796 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.796 date: 2008/02/25 15:59:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.795 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.795 date: 2008/02/25 15:59:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.794 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db EventsHandler.java TermsHandler.java ServerSideRow.java SchedulesHandler.java ViewsHandler.java NewdayEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.794 date: 2008/02/25 15:58:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.793 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleBackupTasks.java ---------------------------- revision 1.793 date: 2008/02/25 13:25:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.792 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.792 date: 2008/02/25 13:25:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.791 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.791 date: 2008/02/25 13:25:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.790 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.790 date: 2008/02/25 13:25:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.789 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupsHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.789 date: 2008/02/25 13:25:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.788 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleBackupTasksToolBar.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.788 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.787 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.787 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.786 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.786 date: 2008/02/22 12:57:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.785 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SesamRemoteShell.java TimedDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.785 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.784 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.784 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.783 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.783 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.782 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.782 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.781 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db LocationsRow.java LocationsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.781 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.780 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info Location.java ---------------------------- revision 1.780 date: 2008/02/22 09:56:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.779 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskByClientToolBar.java TaskByClient.java DataService.java ExceptionHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.779 date: 2008/02/21 16:37:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.778 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.778 date: 2008/02/21 16:37:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.777 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Trace.java ---------------------------- revision 1.777 date: 2008/02/21 16:22:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.776 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SesamRemoteShell.java ---------------------------- revision 1.776 date: 2008/02/21 16:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.775 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.775 date: 2008/02/21 16:13:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.774 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SesamRemoteShell.java ---------------------------- revision 1.774 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.773 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.773 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.772 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java TaskGroups.java ImageIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.772 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.771 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images tskgroup_info.gif task_cancelled.gif tskgroup_cancelled.gif task_info.gif tskgroup_ok.gif task_ok.gif task_bad.gif tskgroup_bad.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.771 date: 2008/02/18 09:41:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.770 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.770 date: 2008/02/18 09:41:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.769 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.769 date: 2008/02/18 09:41:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.768 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.768 date: 2008/02/18 09:41:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.767 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.767 date: 2008/02/18 09:41:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.766 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.766 date: 2008/02/18 09:38:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.765 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client StatusColor.java CalendarSheet.java ---------------------------- revision 1.765 date: 2008/02/15 14:57:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.764 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.764 date: 2008/02/15 14:57:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.763 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.763 date: 2008/02/15 14:57:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.762 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.762 date: 2008/02/15 14:57:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.761 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.761 date: 2008/02/15 14:57:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.760 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupRelationsHandler.java TaskGroupRelationsRow.java ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.760 date: 2008/02/15 14:41:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.759 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib/win64 ICE_JNIRegistry.dll sqlite_jni.dll ---------------------------- revision 1.759 date: 2008/02/15 14:40:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.758 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib/win64 - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.758 date: 2008/02/15 13:48:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.757 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.757 date: 2008/02/15 08:36:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.756 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.756 date: 2008/02/15 08:36:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.755 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.755 date: 2008/02/14 16:54:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.754 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.754 date: 2008/02/14 16:54:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.753 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.753 date: 2008/02/14 16:54:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.752 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access TreeDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.752 date: 2008/02/14 16:54:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.751 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaPoolsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.751 date: 2008/02/14 16:54:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.750 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.750 date: 2008/02/14 16:54:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.749 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.749 date: 2008/02/14 16:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.748 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleMediaDates.java ClientDelDialogSlr.java ---------------------------- revision 1.748 date: 2008/02/14 16:08:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.747 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.747 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.746 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.746 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.745 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.745 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.744 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java TasksHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.744 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.743 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access MediaPoolDataAccess.java CalendarDataAccess.java ArchivDataAccess.java ClientDataAccess.java ScheduleDataAccess.java TreeDataAccess.java MessageDa taAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.743 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.742 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.742 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.741 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.741 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.740 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java MessageDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.740 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.739 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ClientDelDialog.java CalendarSheet.java ScheduleMediaDates.java ArchivDialog.java TreeDataAccess.java CalendarDataAccess.java ArchivData Access.java ---------------------------- revision 1.739 date: 2008/02/14 15:46:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.738 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.738 date: 2008/02/14 14:12:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.737 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.737 date: 2008/02/14 14:12:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.736 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db CalSheetsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.736 date: 2008/02/14 14:12:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.735 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.735 date: 2008/02/14 14:12:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.734 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CalendarDataAccess.java DataService.java CalendarSheet.java ---------------------------- revision 1.734 date: 2008/02/14 11:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.733 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.733 date: 2008/02/14 11:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.732 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info Media.java Schedule.java ---------------------------- revision 1.732 date: 2008/02/14 11:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.731 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.731 date: 2008/02/14 11:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.730 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaRow.java SesamTableRow.java TermsHandler.java DefaultsHandler.java SchedulesRow.java MediaHandler.java SchedulesHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java SesamTableHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.730 date: 2008/02/14 11:50:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.729 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TreeDataAccess.java DataService.java ArchivDataAccess.java ScheduleMediaDates.java ---------------------------- revision 1.729 date: 2008/02/13 13:20:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.728 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.728 date: 2008/02/13 13:20:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.727 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.727 date: 2008/02/13 13:20:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.726 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info SesamTable.java Capacity.java ---------------------------- revision 1.726 date: 2008/02/13 13:20:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.725 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db CapacitiesHandler.java HwLoadersHandler.java LoaderContentsHandler.java SesamTableHandler.java CapacitiesRow.java ViewsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.ja va ---------------------------- revision 1.725 date: 2008/02/13 13:20:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.724 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.724 date: 2008/02/13 13:20:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.723 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ArchivDataAccess.java DataService.java ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.723 date: 2008/02/12 16:49:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.722 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.722 date: 2008/02/12 16:49:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.721 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker IllegalUpdateChecker.java UpdateChecker.java TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.721 date: 2008/02/12 14:29:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.720 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.720 date: 2008/02/12 13:58:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.719 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.719 date: 2008/02/12 11:53:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.718 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.718 date: 2008/02/12 11:53:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.717 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TraceLevelPanel.java TraceLevelDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.717 date: 2008/02/12 11:53:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.716 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.716 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.715 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.715 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.714 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageDataAccess.java MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.714 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.713 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.713 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.712 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LogHandler.java DataService.java Frame.java SepFrame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.712 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.711 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Trace.java ---------------------------- revision 1.711 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.710 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.710 date: 2008/02/08 14:08:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.709 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWItemListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.709 date: 2008/02/08 13:00:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.708 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SplashPanel.java LocalDBConnection.java SplashScreen.java ---------------------------- revision 1.708 date: 2008/02/08 12:04:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.707 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteLRServer.java ExtendedRemotePermission.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.707 date: 2008/02/08 11:43:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.706 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageConstants.java ---------------------------- revision 1.706 date: 2008/02/08 11:43:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.705 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.705 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.704 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.704 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.703 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ManageLiveRecovery.java Update.java DelDrive.java DriveDialog.java Delete.java TaskGroupDialog.java Insert.java ---------------------------- revision 1.703 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.702 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ServerSideRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.702 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.701 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Trace.java DbUtils.java ---------------------------- revision 1.701 date: 2008/02/07 19:43:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.700 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java RemoteIni.java ---------------------------- revision 1.700 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.699 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java GlbvReader.java RemoteIni.java ServerLogger.java ExtendedRemotePermission.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.699 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.698 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Trace.java ---------------------------- revision 1.698 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.697 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java ServerSideRow.java CommandEventsHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java MediapoolRela tionsHandler.java CalSheetsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.697 date: 2008/02/07 11:36:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.696 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ResultsHandler.java TermsHandler.java TaskGroupsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java ViewsHandler.java Newd ayEventsHandler.java DefaultsHandler.java MediaHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java ServerSideRow.java SchedulesHandler.java MediapoolLocationsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java CommandEventsHandler.java LoadersHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java Mediapo olRelationsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java TasksHandler.java CalSheetsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.696 date: 2008/02/07 11:35:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.695 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db InterfacesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.695 date: 2008/02/07 10:14:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.694 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.694 date: 2008/02/06 17:05:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.693 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.693 date: 2008/02/06 17:05:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.692 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsRow.java RestoreTasksRow.java ViewsHandler.java InterfacesRow.java SchedulesRow.java TasksRow.java TaskEventsRow.java MediaPoolsRow.java DriveG roupsRow.java ServerSideRow.java RestoreEventsHandler.java NewdayEventsRow.java MediapoolsEventsRow.java CalSheetsRow.java LoadersRow.java TermsRow.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java TaskGroupsRow.java HwDrivesRow.java RestoreEventsRow.java SchedulesHandler. java DefaultsRow.java UserSchedsRow.java MediapoolLocationsRow.java CommandEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.692 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.691 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.691 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.690 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java RemotePermission.java ExtendedRemotePermission.java RemoteLRServer.java RemoteData.java RemoteMail.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.690 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.689 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java RestoreEventsRow.java ServerSideRow.java HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.689 date: 2008/02/06 11:23:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.688 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ResultsHandler.java TermsHandler.java TaskGroupsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java NewdayEventsHandler.ja va InterfacesHandler.java DefaultsHandler.java MediaHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java ServerSideRow.java SchedulesHandler.java MediapoolLocationsHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java CommandEventsHandler.java LoadersHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java Me diapoolRelationsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java TasksHandler.java CalSheetsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.688 date: 2008/02/06 10:49:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.687 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.687 date: 2008/02/06 10:44:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.686 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.686 date: 2008/02/05 15:50:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.685 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.685 date: 2008/02/05 15:50:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.684 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.684 date: 2008/02/05 15:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.683 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common ByteFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.683 date: 2008/02/05 15:10:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.682 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client BlockFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.682 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.681 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWItemListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.681 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.680 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ExtraPanel.java DefaultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.680 date: 2008/02/05 14:37:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.679 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.679 date: 2008/02/05 13:14:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.678 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Update.java ---------------------------- revision 1.678 date: 2008/02/05 13:14:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.677 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.677 date: 2008/02/05 12:50:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.676 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.676 date: 2008/02/04 15:15:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.675 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.675 date: 2008/02/04 15:14:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.674 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.674 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.673 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoExeAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.673 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.672 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ExeService.java ExceptionHandler.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.672 date: 2008/02/04 13:13:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.671 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.671 date: 2008/02/01 13:36:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.670 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.670 date: 2008/02/01 13:11:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.669 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaDialogPanel3.java MediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.669 date: 2008/02/01 13:09:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.668 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.668 date: 2008/02/01 12:34:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.667 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaDialogPanel2.java MediaDialogPanel1.java MediaDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.667 date: 2008/02/01 10:45:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.666 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.666 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.665 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.665 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.664 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskByClient.java Update.java Table.java MigrationDialog.java Insert.java ---------------------------- revision 1.664 date: 2008/02/01 10:18:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.663 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.663 date: 2008/01/31 15:09:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.662 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.662 date: 2008/01/31 15:09:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.661 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.661 date: 2008/01/31 14:16:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.660 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message TestSmsChannelPanel.java MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.660 date: 2008/01/31 14:16:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.659 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common RandomValues.java ---------------------------- revision 1.659 date: 2008/01/30 16:21:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.658 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.658 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.657 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker LicenseChecker.java UpdateChecker.java TickerControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.657 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.656 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.656 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.655 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client AboutDialog.java FrameLiveRecovery.java Frame.java UpdateChecker.java LicChecker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.655 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.654 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.654 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.653 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ticker - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.653 date: 2008/01/30 12:46:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.652 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.652 date: 2008/01/30 12:15:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.651 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ExtraPanel.java DefaultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.651 date: 2008/01/30 12:15:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.650 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.650 date: 2008/01/30 12:08:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.649 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing JMarquee.java ---------------------------- revision 1.649 date: 2008/01/30 09:33:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.648 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client UpdateChecker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.648 date: 2008/01/30 09:32:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.647 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.647 date: 2008/01/29 17:34:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.646 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.646 date: 2008/01/29 17:34:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.645 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.645 date: 2008/01/29 16:59:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.644 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common ByteFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.644 date: 2008/01/29 16:59:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.643 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.643 date: 2008/01/29 16:59:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.642 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message SmsChannelPanel.java MessageView.java MessageConstants.java PerformancePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.642 date: 2008/01/29 16:59:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.641 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client BlockFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.641 date: 2008/01/29 16:59:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.640 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.640 date: 2008/01/29 08:35:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.639 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.639 date: 2008/01/29 07:26:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.638 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.638 date: 2008/01/28 14:15:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.637 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing JMarquee.java ---------------------------- revision 1.637 date: 2008/01/28 14:15:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.636 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client UpdateChecker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.636 date: 2008/01/28 14:15:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.635 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.635 date: 2008/01/28 13:14:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.634 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.634 date: 2008/01/28 11:38:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.633 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.633 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.632 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing JMarquee.java ---------------------------- revision 1.632 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.631 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common DateUtils.java ---------------------------- revision 1.631 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.630 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.630 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.629 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client UpdateChecker.java AboutDialog.java Frame.java LicChecker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.629 date: 2008/01/25 10:26:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.628 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.628 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.627 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ServersDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.627 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.626 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageConstants.java SmsChannelPanel.java MessageDataAccess.java DynamicDataPanel.java MessageView.java PerformancePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.626 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.625 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info Result.java ---------------------------- revision 1.625 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.624 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.624 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.623 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ResultsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.623 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.622 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.622 date: 2008/01/24 13:39:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.621 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.621 date: 2008/01/24 13:39:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.620 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.620 date: 2008/01/24 13:39:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.619 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.619 date: 2008/01/24 13:39:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.618 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.618 date: 2008/01/23 14:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.617 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.617 date: 2008/01/23 14:45:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.616 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.616 date: 2008/01/23 14:42:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.615 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.615 date: 2008/01/23 14:39:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.614 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.614 date: 2008/01/23 14:28:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.613 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.613 date: 2008/01/23 11:56:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.612 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db InterfacesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.612 date: 2008/01/23 08:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.611 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db InterfacesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.611 date: 2008/01/22 14:24:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.610 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info Client.java ---------------------------- revision 1.610 date: 2008/01/22 14:24:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.609 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ClientsRow.java ClientsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.609 date: 2008/01/22 14:24:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.608 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientNew.java Update.java ClientDialog.java Insert.java ---------------------------- revision 1.608 date: 2008/01/22 14:24:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.607 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.607 date: 2008/01/22 13:55:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.606 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.606 date: 2008/01/18 13:48:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.605 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteMail.java ---------------------------- revision 1.605 date: 2008/01/18 13:48:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.604 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Mailer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.604 date: 2008/01/18 09:16:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.603 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.603 date: 2008/01/18 09:16:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.602 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RefreshButton.java ---------------------------- revision 1.602 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.601 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.601 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.600 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageDataAccess.java MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.600 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.599 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.599 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.598 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.598 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.597 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.597 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.596 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info HwDrive.java ---------------------------- revision 1.596 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.595 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.595 date: 2008/01/17 15:48:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.594 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.594 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.593 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopMediator.java ---------------------------- revision 1.593 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.592 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/lib jcommon-1.0.12.jar jfreechart-1.0.9.jar ---------------------------- revision 1.592 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.591 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusPie.java ---------------------------- revision 1.591 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.590 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message DynamicDataPanel.java MessageView.java PerformancePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.590 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.589 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui .classpath build.xml ---------------------------- revision 1.589 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.588 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.588 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.587 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images oes.gif netware.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.587 date: 2008/01/16 16:01:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.586 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.586 date: 2008/01/16 15:07:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.585 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.585 date: 2008/01/16 14:43:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.584 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.584 date: 2008/01/16 14:42:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.583 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConns.java Update.java TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.583 date: 2008/01/16 13:08:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.582 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopDefaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.582 date: 2008/01/16 13:08:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.581 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SlrDialog.java LocalDBConnection.java DefaultsDialog.java MigrationResultsDialog.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ImageIcons.java Select.java RemoteServerD ialog.java CommandTableDialog.java DialogAccounts.java DialogMedien.java Update.java MediaManagDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.581 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.580 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopDefaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.580 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.579 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java LocalDBConnection.java Update.java SlrDialog.java DialogAccounts.java MigrationResultsDialog.java MediaManagDialog.java RemoteSer verDialog.java Select.java DefaultsDialog.java DialogMedien.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.579 date: 2008/01/16 11:42:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.578 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.578 date: 2008/01/16 11:15:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.577 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java CliBroStrings.java ---------------------------- revision 1.577 date: 2008/01/15 16:03:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.576 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientNewMainPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.576 date: 2008/01/14 16:10:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.575 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java FilterPanelVE.java ---------------------------- revision 1.575 date: 2008/01/14 16:10:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.574 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.574 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.573 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoLRAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.573 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.572 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing SelectableTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.572 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.571 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.571 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.570 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common FormatedDate.java ---------------------------- revision 1.570 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.569 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopDefaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.569 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.568 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemotePermission.java GUIServer.java RemoteMail.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.568 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.567 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.567 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.566 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java TaskByStatus.java RestoreByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusPie.java SlrLogsByStatusTable.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.566 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.565 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWChangeListener.java TargetScalixPanel.java RestoreWizard.java RWExpertOptsDialog.java LabelRetriever.java RWItemListener.java RWSearchDialog.jav a ---------------------------- revision 1.565 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.564 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db TaskGroupRelationsRow.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java MediaPoolsRow.java TasksRow.java Row.java TaskGroupsRow.java MediapoolLocationsRow.java UserSche dsRow.java TaskEventsRowSet.java TaskEventsRow.java TermsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.564 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.563 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationsDialog.java MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.563 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.562 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message TracePanel.java PerformancePanel.java TextArea.java MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.562 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.561 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java FrameLiveRecovery.java ComponentLicCheck.java RunRestoreDialog.java SlrDbs.java MediaPoolsDelDialog.java Frame.java IDCalculator. java Protocol.java DriveGroupDialog.java Select.java RestartTasksDialog.java ComponentLoader.java DriveGroupDelDialog.java Update.java MemorizedMediaPool.java RegisterDialog.java ScheduleDates.java ClientDialog.java TraceLevelDialog.java DialogAccounts.ja va LicChecker.java MediaManagDialog.java RemoteServerDialog.java ComponentClient.java MemoryDialog.java Insert.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java CalendarSheet.java TaskGroups.java MediaNew.java MailSettingDialog.java RunMediaDialog.java SaveDialog.java T imeTable.java DefaultsDialog.java VVComboBoxFiller.java DriveDialog.java SingleDialogMedien.java TaskGroupDialog.java TestLR.java ComponentMedia.java MigrationResultsDialog.java MailSupport.java LoaderActionDialog.java LocationDialog.java ProtocolRestore. java SlrServices.java ClientDelDialog.java LoaderDelDialog.java List.java MigrationDialog.java SesamRemoteShell.java DBColChecker.java ResultsDialog.java ManageLiveRecovery.java LocationDelDialog.java ScheduleMediaDates.java RestoreResultsDialog.java Loca lDBConnection.java RestartThread.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java MediaDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java Delete.java FeedbackDialog.java Inventory.java Editor.java ScheduleDelDialog.java TabTree.java ComboBox.java ClientNew.java SlrDial og.java ClientDelDialogSlr.java ProgramExecuter.java TaskByClient.java PasswordDialog.java RestoreTaskDialog.java DelDrive.java RunCommandDialog.java TaskDelDialog.java SlrNew.java GroupDelDialog.java Defaults.java MailSend.java InfoAccess.java DialogMedi en.java TaskDialog.java WorkerThread.java ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.561 date: 2008/01/14 14:51:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.560 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopMediator.java ---------------------------- revision 1.560 date: 2008/01/10 13:31:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.559 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.559 date: 2008/01/09 16:48:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.558 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message MessagePanel.java MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.558 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.557 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoLRAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.557 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.556 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.556 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.555 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop DesktopDefaults.java ---------------------------- revision 1.555 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.554 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message TextArea.java MessageView.java ---------------------------- revision 1.554 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.553 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.553 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.552 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatusTable.java TaskByStatus.java RestoreByStatusTable.java TaskByStatusPie.java SlrLogsByStatusTable.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.552 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.551 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWChangeListener.java RestoreWizard.java RWExpertOptsDialog.java LabelRetriever.java RWItemListener.java RWSearchDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.551 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.550 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db TaskGroupRelationsRow.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java MediaPoolsRow.java TasksRow.java Row.java TaskGroupsRow.java MediapoolLocationsRow.java UserSche dsRow.java TaskEventsRowSet.java TaskEventsRow.java TermsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.550 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.549 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationsDialog.java MediaPoolDialog.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.549 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.548 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CommandTableDialog.java FrameLiveRecovery.java ComponentLicCheck.java RunRestoreDialog.java SlrDbs.java MediaPoolsDelDialog.java Frame.java IDCalculator. java Protocol.java DriveGroupDialog.java Select.java RestartTasksDialog.java ComponentLoader.java DriveGroupDelDialog.java Update.java MemorizedMediaPool.java RegisterDialog.java ScheduleDates.java ClientDialog.java TraceLevelDialog.java DialogAccounts.ja va LicChecker.java MediaManagDialog.java RemoteServerDialog.java ComponentClient.java MemoryDialog.java Insert.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java CalendarSheet.java TaskGroups.java MediaNew.java MailSettingDialog.java RunMediaDialog.java SaveDialog.java T imeTable.java DefaultsDialog.java VVComboBoxFiller.java DriveDialog.java SingleDialogMedien.java TaskGroupDialog.java TestLR.java ComponentMedia.java MigrationResultsDialog.java MailSupport.java SepFrame.java LoaderActionDialog.java LocationDialog.java Pr otocolRestore.java SlrServices.java ClientDelDialog.java LoaderDelDialog.java List.java MigrationDialog.java SesamRemoteShell.java DBColChecker.java ResultsDialog.java ManageLiveRecovery.java LocationDelDialog.java ScheduleMediaDates.java RestoreResultsDi alog.java LocalDBConnection.java RestartThread.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java MediaDialog.java LoaderDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java Delete.java FeedbackDialog.java Inventory.java Editor.java ScheduleDelDialog.java TabTree.java ComboBox.java ClientNe w.java SlrDialog.java ClientDelDialogSlr.java ProgramExecuter.java TaskByClient.java PasswordDialog.java RestoreTaskDialog.java DelDrive.java RunCommandDialog.java TaskDelDialog.java SlrNew.java GroupDelDialog.java Defaults.java MailSend.java InfoAccess.j ava DialogMedien.java TaskDialog.java WorkerThread.java ArchivDialog.java MessageView.java TextArea.java ---------------------------- revision 1.548 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.547 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/message - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.547 date: 2008/01/09 09:01:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.546 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common ByteFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.546 date: 2008/01/08 16:22:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.545 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientNew.java ClientNewMainPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.545 date: 2008/01/08 15:43:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.544 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientNewMainPanel.java ClientNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.544 date: 2008/01/08 11:53:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.543 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWActionListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.543 date: 2008/01/08 11:51:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.542 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.542 date: 2008/01/08 11:51:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.541 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWNodeSelectionListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.541 date: 2008/01/08 11:49:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.540 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.540 date: 2008/01/08 11:21:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.539 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWWindowAdapter.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.539 date: 2008/01/08 10:52:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.538 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.538 date: 2008/01/04 15:10:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.537 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWActionListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.537 date: 2008/01/04 15:10:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.536 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.536 date: 2008/01/04 10:33:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.535 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui .classpath ---------------------------- revision 1.535 date: 2008/01/04 10:24:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.534 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.534 date: 2008/01/04 10:15:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.533 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.533 date: 2008/01/04 10:15:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.532 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client StringControl.java ---------------------------- revision 1.532 date: 2008/01/04 10:05:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.531 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.531 date: 2008/01/03 13:25:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.530 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TablePrinter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.530 date: 2008/01/02 16:02:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.529 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.529 date: 2008/01/02 13:39:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.528 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TablePrinter.java TreePrinter.java CalendarSheet.java ---------------------------- revision 1.528 date: 2007/12/21 15:00:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.527 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.527 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.526 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.526 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.525 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db NewdayEventsHandler.java NewdayEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.525 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.524 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server GUIServer.java RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.524 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.523 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TimeTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.523 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.522 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule NewdayEventPanel.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ScheduleDataConverter.java ScheduleDialog.java SchedulePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.522 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.521 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.521 date: 2007/12/21 12:01:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.520 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.520 date: 2007/12/21 09:11:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.519 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.519 date: 2007/12/20 16:33:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.518 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.518 date: 2007/12/20 15:58:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.517 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java ---------------------------- revision 1.517 date: 2007/12/20 14:31:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.516 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWNodeSelectionListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.516 date: 2007/12/20 14:31:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.515 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.515 date: 2007/12/19 09:46:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.514 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.514 date: 2007/12/19 09:46:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.513 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.513 date: 2007/12/19 09:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.512 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java MigrationByStatusTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.512 date: 2007/12/19 09:30:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.511 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.511 date: 2007/12/17 12:20:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.510 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media MediaPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.510 date: 2007/12/14 14:36:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.509 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard ScalixBuffer.java ZarafaBuffer.java RWWindowAdapter.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.509 date: 2007/12/13 11:55:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.508 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TimeTable.java ScheduleDates.java TaskGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.508 date: 2007/12/13 11:55:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.507 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.507 date: 2007/12/13 11:01:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.506 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client CalendarSheet.java ---------------------------- revision 1.506 date: 2007/12/13 10:35:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.505 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images print.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.505 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.504 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.504 date: 2007/12/13 10:34:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.503 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleBackupTasks.java ComponentLoader.java TaskByClient.java ScheduleMediaDates.java ComponentDriveGroups.java TaskGroups.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.503 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.502 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui .classpath ---------------------------- revision 1.502 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.501 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.501 date: 2007/12/13 09:23:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.500 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TreePrinter.java TabTree.java TablePrinter.java ComponentClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.500 date: 2007/12/12 16:44:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.499 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.499 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.498 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.498 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.497 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TablePrinter.java PrintButton.java CalendarSheet.java ---------------------------- revision 1.497 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.496 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.496 date: 2007/12/12 16:43:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.495 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties RestoreWizStrings_de.properties RestoreWizStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.495 date: 2007/12/12 16:28:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.494 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.494 date: 2007/12/12 16:28:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.493 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client PrintButton.java TablePrinter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.493 date: 2007/12/12 11:38:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.492 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.492 date: 2007/12/12 11:38:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.491 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop JScrollableDesktopPane.java ---------------------------- revision 1.491 date: 2007/12/12 10:17:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.490 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TopPanel.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.490 date: 2007/12/12 10:15:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.489 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.489 date: 2007/12/12 09:01:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.488 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.488 date: 2007/12/12 09:01:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.487 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RefreshButton.java ---------------------------- revision 1.487 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.486 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.486 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.485 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.485 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.484 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MessageView.java RefreshButton.java CalendarSheet.java ---------------------------- revision 1.484 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.483 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.483 date: 2007/12/11 13:49:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.482 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing SelectableTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.482 date: 2007/12/11 13:49:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.481 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java FilterPanelVE.java MediaPanel.java FilterFrame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.481 date: 2007/12/11 13:01:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.480 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TablePrinter.java TableReport.java ---------------------------- revision 1.480 date: 2007/12/11 13:01:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.479 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.479 date: 2007/12/11 13:01:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.478 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.478 date: 2007/12/10 09:12:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.477 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DialogAccounts.java MailSettingDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.477 date: 2007/12/10 09:12:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.476 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.476 date: 2007/12/10 09:12:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.475 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.475 date: 2007/12/09 15:32:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.474 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.474 date: 2007/12/06 15:33:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.473 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.473 date: 2007/12/06 14:24:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.472 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard LabelRetriever.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.472 date: 2007/12/05 15:09:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.471 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.471 date: 2007/12/05 15:09:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.470 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.470 date: 2007/12/05 13:57:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.469 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ArchivDialogPanel.java ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.469 date: 2007/12/05 13:57:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.468 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools LocalStringsTester.java ---------------------------- revision 1.468 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.467 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ServerLogger.java ---------------------------- revision 1.467 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.466 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.466 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.465 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client InfoAccess.java ExceptionHandler.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.465 date: 2007/12/05 12:31:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.464 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools LocalStringsTester.java ---------------------------- revision 1.464 date: 2007/12/05 12:13:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.463 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools LocalStringsTester.java ---------------------------- revision 1.463 date: 2007/12/04 16:06:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.462 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties CliBroStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.462 date: 2007/12/04 16:06:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.461 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties CliBroStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.461 date: 2007/12/04 15:24:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.460 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.460 date: 2007/12/04 15:24:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.459 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/cajo CajoStrings.java ---------------------------- revision 1.459 date: 2007/12/04 15:24:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.458 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoInfoAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.458 date: 2007/12/04 15:24:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.457 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui build.xml ---------------------------- revision 1.457 date: 2007/12/04 15:24:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.456 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ExceptionHandler.java SepFrame.java Reconnector.java Frame.java ExeAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.456 date: 2007/12/03 15:07:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.455 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.455 date: 2007/12/03 15:07:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.454 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.454 date: 2007/12/03 12:11:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.453 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ResultsDialog.java MigrationResultsDialog.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.453 date: 2007/12/03 12:06:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.452 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.452 date: 2007/12/03 12:06:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.451 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java MigrationDialog.java TaskByClient.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.451 date: 2007/11/29 14:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.450 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWItemListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.450 date: 2007/11/28 16:28:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.449 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ImageIcons.java ---------------------------- revision 1.449 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.448 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationPanel.java MediaPoolTab.java MediaPoolNew.java ---------------------------- revision 1.448 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.447 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.447 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.446 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java MediaEventPanel.java SchedulePanel.java TaskEventPanel.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.446 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.445 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/status TaskByStatus.java ---------------------------- revision 1.445 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.444 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media MediaToolBar.java ComponentMedia.java FilterEOLPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.444 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.443 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.443 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.442 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results RestoreResultsDlgPanel1.java ---------------------------- revision 1.442 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.441 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images mig_netware.gif mig_path.gif mig_slox.gif mig_unicode.gif mig_ox.gif mig_sap.gif mig_sqlserver.gif mig_oracle.gif mig_zarafa.gif mig_db2_udb.gif mig_postgres.gif mig_grou pwise.gif mig_openldap.gif mig_scalix.gif mig_documentum.gif mig_mysql.gif mig_novell_edirectory.gif mig_abas.gif mig_outlook.gif mig_lotus.gif migration.gif mig_informix.gif mig_ndmp.gif mig_maxdb.gif migrationtask.gif migrationevent.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.441 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.440 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info DriveType.java RestoreResult.java ResultLbl.java Preference.java Location.java CommandEvent.java MediapoolsEvent.java TaskGroup.java Syntax.java Cap acity.java Server.java CalSheet.java RestoreUser.java RestoreTask.java Default.java MediapoolLocation.java Interface.java Term.java RestoreEvent.java MediaType.java Result.java TaskGroupRelation.java TaskEvent.java HwDrive.java LoaderContent.java DriveGro up.java Schedule.java Task.java ParamsFix.java TaskSource.java Client.java Account.java MediaPool.java DriveVendor.java UserSched.java Session.java NewdayEvent.java TaskType.java MediapoolRelation.java HwLoader.java OperSystem.java Media.java ---------------------------- revision 1.440 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.439 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client FrameLiveRecovery.java RunRestoreDialog.java SlrDbs.java Frame.java Protocol.java DriveGroupDialog.java ComponentLoader.java ClientDialog.java ComponentC lient.java SingleUsersDialog.java SingleRemoteServerDialog.java TaskGroups.java CalendarSheet.java RunMediaDialog.java SaveDialog.java FontDialog.java DriveDialog.java TaskGroupDialog.java SingleDialogMedien.java ComponentMedia.java MigrationResultsDialog .java RefreshButton.java MediaDialogPanel1.java LocationDialog.java ProtocolRestore.java ArchivDialogPanel.java SlrServices.java MigrationDialog.java ImageLoader.java ResultsDialog.java RestoreResultsDialog.java MediaDialog.java ComponentDriveGroups.java FeedbackDialog.java Editor.java ClientNew.java SlrDialog.java MonitoringDrives.java TaskByClient.java RunCommandDialog.java SlrNew.java MonitoringProcess.java TaskTypeCellRenderer.java ImageIcons.java ArchivDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.439 date: 2007/11/26 13:14:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.438 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TopPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.438 date: 2007/11/26 13:14:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.437 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java FilterPanelVE.java LoaderColumns.java PoolColumns.java FilterRelPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.437 date: 2007/11/26 13:14:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.436 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.436 date: 2007/11/26 13:14:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.435 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.435 date: 2007/11/23 14:24:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.434 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.434 date: 2007/11/23 14:24:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.433 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing SelectableTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.433 date: 2007/11/23 14:24:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.432 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media FilterFrame.java FilterRelPanel.java MediaToolBar.java ComponentMedia.java FilterPanelVE.java FilterEOLPanel.java MediaPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.432 date: 2007/11/23 14:24:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.431 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.431 date: 2007/11/23 13:05:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.430 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.430 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.429 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.429 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.428 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.428 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.427 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.427 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.426 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TaskTypesComboBoxVE.java TaskTypesComboBox.java TaskComboBox.java ResultValues.java ProtectionFlags.java ---------------------------- revision 1.426 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.425 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common ProtectionFlags.java ResultValues.java ---------------------------- revision 1.425 date: 2007/11/22 11:08:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.424 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDataAccess.java ScheduleDialog.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.424 date: 2007/11/22 09:28:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.423 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.423 date: 2007/11/22 09:28:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.422 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskGroupsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.422 date: 2007/11/21 16:20:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.421 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.421 date: 2007/11/21 16:17:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.420 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.420 date: 2007/11/21 15:15:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.419 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing JVerticalLabel.java VerticalLabelUI.java ---------------------------- revision 1.419 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.418 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWItemListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.418 date: 2007/11/19 10:05:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.417 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MigrationResultsDialog.java RestoreTaskDialog.java LocalDBConnection.java Clipper.java Frame.java RestoreResultsDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.417 date: 2007/11/16 11:12:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.416 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Clipper.java ---------------------------- revision 1.416 date: 2007/11/16 11:10:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.415 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MigrationResultsDialog.java RestoreResultsDialog.java RestoreTaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.415 date: 2007/11/16 10:13:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.414 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWItemListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.414 date: 2007/11/16 09:06:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.413 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.413 date: 2007/11/16 09:02:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.412 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.412 date: 2007/11/16 08:16:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.411 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.411 date: 2007/11/15 11:14:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.410 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client LocalDBConnection.java ---------------------------- revision 1.410 date: 2007/11/15 10:25:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.409 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskComboBox.java ---------------------------- revision 1.409 date: 2007/11/15 10:20:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.408 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskComboBox.java ---------------------------- revision 1.408 date: 2007/11/14 15:36:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.407 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.407 date: 2007/11/14 15:36:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.406 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ExeAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.406 date: 2007/11/14 15:25:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.405 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.405 date: 2007/11/14 15:25:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.404 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Frame.java ExeAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.404 date: 2007/11/14 10:00:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.403 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ServersDBConnection.java ServerLogger.java ---------------------------- revision 1.403 date: 2007/11/13 15:46:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.402 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ServersDBConnection.java ServerLogger.java ---------------------------- revision 1.402 date: 2007/11/13 13:25:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.401 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.401 date: 2007/11/13 10:54:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.400 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskByClient.java ---------------------------- revision 1.400 date: 2007/11/13 10:09:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.399 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.399 date: 2007/11/13 10:07:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.398 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemotePermission.java RemoteMail.java RemoteLRServer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.398 date: 2007/11/13 10:07:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.397 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java NewdayEventsHandler.java DefaultsHandler.java ServerSideRow.java HwDrivesHandler.java LoadersHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java TasksHandler.java CalSheetsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java TaskGroupsHandler.java TermsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java InterfacesHandler.java MediaHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java MediapoolLocationsHandler.java Sched ulesHandler.java CommandEventsHandler.java MediapoolRelationsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.397 date: 2007/11/12 15:17:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.396 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SlrDialog.java ClientDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.396 date: 2007/11/12 15:17:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.395 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/jws-gui index.html ---------------------------- revision 1.395 date: 2007/11/12 15:14:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.394 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.394 date: 2007/11/12 15:14:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.393 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db HwDrivesHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.393 date: 2007/11/12 15:14:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.392 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java Frame.java ---------------------------- revision 1.392 date: 2007/11/09 16:08:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.391 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.391 date: 2007/11/09 15:17:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.390 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.390 date: 2007/11/08 14:36:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.389 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.389 date: 2007/11/08 11:36:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.388 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java TargetPathPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.388 date: 2007/11/08 11:36:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.387 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client RunRestoreDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.387 date: 2007/11/08 11:18:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.386 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard TargetPathPanel.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.386 date: 2007/11/07 15:24:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.385 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaTypeEditor.java SingleDialogMedien.java ---------------------------- revision 1.385 date: 2007/11/07 15:24:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.384 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteInfo.java ServerLogger.java RemoteMail.java ---------------------------- revision 1.384 date: 2007/11/07 14:03:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.383 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteMail.java ---------------------------- revision 1.383 date: 2007/11/06 11:04:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.382 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteMail.java ---------------------------- revision 1.382 date: 2007/11/06 10:59:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.381 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server ServerLogger.java ---------------------------- revision 1.381 date: 2007/11/06 10:57:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.380 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.380 date: 2007/10/31 17:43:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.379 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MediaTypeEditor.java SingleDialogMedien.java ---------------------------- revision 1.379 date: 2007/10/30 20:34:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.378 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.378 date: 2007/10/30 13:05:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.377 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.377 date: 2007/10/30 11:01:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.376 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteMail.java ---------------------------- revision 1.376 date: 2007/10/25 09:50:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.375 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.375 date: 2007/10/25 09:46:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.374 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Inventory.java ---------------------------- revision 1.374 date: 2007/10/24 14:36:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.373 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing SelectableTable.java ---------------------------- revision 1.373 date: 2007/10/11 15:01:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.372 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationPanel.java MainButtonPanel.java MediaPoolDialog.java ListDialogVE.java ---------------------------- revision 1.372 date: 2007/10/11 15:00:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.371 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client BlockFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.371 date: 2007/10/10 16:00:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.370 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common ByteFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.370 date: 2007/10/10 16:00:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.369 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client BlockFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.369 date: 2007/10/10 11:05:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.368 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client BlockFormatter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.368 date: 2007/10/09 15:10:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.367 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.367 date: 2007/10/09 15:10:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.366 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.366 date: 2007/10/09 15:10:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.365 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediaHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.365 date: 2007/10/09 15:09:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.364 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteExec.java RemoteInfo.java GlbvReader.java ---------------------------- revision 1.364 date: 2007/10/09 14:04:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.363 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client WebStarterVE.java Frame.java WebStarter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.363 date: 2007/10/09 14:04:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.362 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.362 date: 2007/10/05 11:44:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.361 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.361 date: 2007/10/05 08:53:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.360 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db MediapoolsEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.360 date: 2007/10/05 08:53:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.359 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.359 date: 2007/10/05 08:35:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.358 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.358 date: 2007/10/05 08:24:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.357 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.357 date: 2007/10/05 08:17:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.356 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db CommandEventsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.356 date: 2007/10/05 08:10:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.355 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db RestoreEventsRow.java HwDrivesRow.java DriveGroupsRow.java RestoreTasksRow.java ClientsRow.java DefaultsRow.java TermsRow.java TaskGroupsRow.java Inte rfacesRow.java CommandEventsRow.java TasksRow.java MediapoolsEventsRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.355 date: 2007/10/04 16:05:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.354 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server TestRemoteData.java GUIServer.java RemoteData.java AdminPermission.java ---------------------------- revision 1.354 date: 2007/10/04 16:05:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.353 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDataConverter.java ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.353 date: 2007/10/04 16:05:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.352 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java ViewsHandler.java DefaultsHandler.java SchedulesRow.java TaskEventsRow.java MediaHandler.java ServerSideRo w.java SchedulesHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.352 date: 2007/10/04 16:05:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.351 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources LocalStrings.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.351 date: 2007/10/01 15:56:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.350 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.350 date: 2007/10/01 15:56:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.349 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.349 date: 2007/10/01 15:56:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.348 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java Update.java ---------------------------- revision 1.348 date: 2007/10/01 15:56:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.347 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDataConverter.java ScheduleDialog.java SchedulePanel.java ScheduleDataAccess.java CopyOfScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.347 date: 2007/10/01 15:56:00; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.346 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java ViewsHandler.java NewdayEventsHandler.java DefaultsHandler.java ServerSideRow.java HwDrivesHandler.java Lo adersHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java TasksHandler.java CalSheetsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java TermsHandler.java TaskGroupsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java InterfacesHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java MediapoolLocationsHandler.java Sched ulesHandler.java CommandEventsHandler.java MediapoolRelationsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.346 date: 2007/09/27 15:34:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.345 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.345 date: 2007/09/27 15:34:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.344 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.344 date: 2007/09/27 15:34:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.343 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.343 date: 2007/09/27 15:34:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.342 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDataConverter.java CmdEventPanel.java ScheduleDataAccess.java CopyOfScheduleDialog.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.342 date: 2007/09/27 15:34:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.341 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db ViewsHandler.java InterfacesRow.java InterfacesHandler.java DriveGroupsHandler.java TermsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java ClientsHandler.java Media Handler.java SchedulesHandler.java HwDrivesHandler.java CommandEventsHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java RestoreTasksHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.341 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.340 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.340 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.339 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.339 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.338 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/images diskhwpoff_org.gif mediawpoff_org.gif netware.gif ---------------------------- revision 1.338 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.337 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info DriveGroup.java Task.java ---------------------------- revision 1.337 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.336 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule CopyOfScheduleDialog.java ScheduleDialog.java MediaEventPanel.java TaskEventPanel.java ScheduleDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.336 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.335 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java TopPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.335 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.334 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db DriveGroupsHandler.java RestoreTasksRow.java ClientsRow.java ClientsHandler.java NewdayEventsHandler.java DefaultsHandler.java SchedulesRow.java Drive GroupsRow.java HwDrivesHandler.java NewdayEventsRow.java RestoreTasksHandler.java TaskGroupsHandler.java TaskGroupsRow.java HwDrivesRow.java SchedulesHandler.java DefaultsRow.java MediapoolsEventsHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.ja va MediaHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java MediapoolsEventHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.334 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.333 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/dist - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.333 date: 2007/09/25 16:14:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.332 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.332 date: 2007/09/25 16:14:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.331 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java ---------------------------- revision 1.331 date: 2007/09/25 16:14:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.330 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java Update.java RunMediaDialog.java Insert.java ---------------------------- revision 1.330 date: 2007/09/25 16:14:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.329 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDataAccess.java SchedulePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.329 date: 2007/09/25 16:14:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.328 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TermsHandler.java CalSheetsRow.java TermsRow.java TasksRow.java RestoreEventsRow.java CommandEventsHandler.java RestoreEventsHandler.java TasksHandler .java CommandEventsRow.java MediapoolsEventHandler.java CalSheetsHandler.java MediapoolsEventsRow.java TaskEventsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.328 date: 2007/09/24 14:07:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.327 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info MediaType.java DriveType.java MediapoolsEvent.java ParamsFix.java Account.java Capacity.java LoaderContent.java DriveVendor.java CalSheet.java Resto reResult.java ResultLbl.java OperSystem.java Preference.java Location.java Result.java Client.java MediaPool.java TaskEvent.java Server.java UserSched.java MediapoolLocation.java NewdayEvent.java TaskType.java MediapoolRelation.java HwLoader.java Media.ja va Schedule.java RestoreEvent.java ResultLbls.java ---------------------------- revision 1.327 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.326 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.326 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.325 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDataAccess.java ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.325 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.324 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.324 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.323 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server RemoteData.java MediaObject.java MediapoolRelationsObject.java MediaPoolsObject.java LoadersObject.java MediapoolLocationsObject.java ---------------------------- revision 1.323 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.322 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db TaskEventsRow.java LoadersHandler.java MediaPoolsHandler.java MediaHandler.java TaskEventsHandler.java UserSchedsRow.java MediapoolRelationsHandler.ja va MediapoolLocationsRow.java MediaPoolsRow.java ServerSideRow.java LoadersRow.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java MediapoolLocationsHandler.java ---------------------------- revision 1.322 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.321 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db TaskGroupsRow.java TaskGroupRelationsRow.java MediapoolLocationsRow.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java UserSchedsRow.java MediaPoolsRow.java TasksRow.jav a Row.java TaskEventsRowSet.java TaskEventsRow.java TermsRow.java RowInterface.java ---------------------------- revision 1.321 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.320 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/mediapools LocationsDialog.java RelationTableCellRenderer.java MediaPoolDialog.java LocationPanel.java MediaPoolDataAccess.java LocationsTableModel.java RelationPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.320 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.319 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/db StorageArea.java MediaPoolsRow.java TaskGroupRelationsRow.java TaskGroupsRow.java Loader.java TasksRow.java UserSchedsRow.java UserSched.java Mediapoo lLocationsRow.java Row.java RowInterface.java MediapoolLocation.java TermsRow.java TaskEventsRowSet.java MediaPool.java MediapoolRelation.java TaskEventsRow.java MediapoolRelationsRow.java ServerSideRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.319 date: 2007/09/21 12:03:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.318 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java CloneTaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.318 date: 2007/09/21 12:02:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.317 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.317 date: 2007/09/21 12:02:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.316 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/db - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.316 date: 2007/09/21 11:59:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.315 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info Result.java TaskEvent.java TaskGroupRelation.java HwDrive.java DriveGroup.java CommandEvent.java Schedule.java Task.java TaskGroup.java Client.java TaskSource.java MediaPool.java Syntax.java Server.java RestoreUser.java ResultLbls.java RestoreTask.java Default.java UserSched.java Session.java NewdayEvent.java MediapoolLocation.java Interface.java Term.java TaskType.java MediapoolRelation.java HwLoade r.java Media.java RestoreEvent.java TasksInfo.java ClientsInfo.java RestoreEventsInfo.java HwLoadersInfo.java HwDrivesInfo.java UserSchedsInfo.java MediapoolLocationsInfo.java DriveGroupsInfo.java TaskGroupRelationInfo.java CommandEventsInfo.java TaskGrou pInfo.java NewdayEventsInfo.java InterfacesInfo.java DefaultsInfo.java TermsInfo.java MediapoolRelationsInfo.java TaskEventsInfo.java MediaPoolsInfo.java RestoreTasksInfo.java MediaInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.315 date: 2007/09/20 15:29:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.314 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo CajoDataAccess.java ---------------------------- revision 1.314 date: 2007/09/20 15:29:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.313 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server LoadersObject.java ---------------------------- revision 1.313 date: 2007/09/20 15:29:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.312 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media ComponentMedia.java ---------------------------- revision 1.312 date: 2007/09/20 15:29:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.311 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client DataService.java ---------------------------- revision 1.311 date: 2007/09/20 15:29:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.310 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info HwLoadersInfo.java LoadersInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.310 date: 2007/09/20 14:58:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.309 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/db TasksRow.java ---------------------------- revision 1.309 date: 2007/09/20 14:58:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.308 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info TasksInfo.java DriveGroupsInfo.java ClientsInfo.java RestoreTasksInfo.java InterfacesInfo.java HwDrivesInfo.java LoadersInfo.java MediapoolLocations Info.java CommandEventsInfo.java TaskGroupInfo.java TaskGroupRelationInfo.java MediaPoolsInfo.java RestoreEventsInfo.java DefaultsInfo.java TermsInfo.java MediaInfo.java MediapoolRelationsInfo.java UserSchedsInfo.java TaskEventsInfo.java TaskInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.308 date: 2007/09/20 10:55:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.307 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info CommandEventsInfo.java NewdayEventsInfo.java RestoreEventsInfo.java DefaultsInfo.java LoadersInfo.java MediapoolLocationsInfo.java TaskGroupInfo.jav a TaskGroupRelationInfo.java MediaPoolsInfo.java TermsInfo.java TaskInfo.java MediaInfo.java MediapoolRelationsInfo.java UserSchedsInfo.java Markable.java TaskEventsInfo.java ---------------------------- revision 1.307 date: 2007/09/19 10:50:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.306 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule SchedulePanel.java UserDefScheduDialog.java NextExecPanel.java UserDefPanel.java ScheduleDialog.java MonthlyPanel.java YearlyPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.306 date: 2007/09/19 10:39:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.305 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule SchedulePanel.java CmdEventPanel.java WeeklyPanel.java ScheduleDialog.java DailyPanel.java MonthlyPanel.java YearlyPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.305 date: 2007/09/19 10:04:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.304 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common DateUtils.java ---------------------------- revision 1.304 date: 2007/09/19 09:23:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.303 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule NextExecPanel.java SchedulePanel.java UserDefScheduDialog.java ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.303 date: 2007/09/18 15:35:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.302 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule SchedulePanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.302 date: 2007/09/18 14:30:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.301 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ErstenZweitenModel.java MonatsNamenModel.java BaseTabbedPane.java WochenTagModel.java UserDefPanel.java YearlyPanel.java UserDefScheduDialog.jav a WeeklyPanel.java ScheduleDialog.java DailyPanel.java MonthlyPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.301 date: 2007/09/17 14:17:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.300 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule OncePanel.java WeeklyPanel.java DailyPanel.java MonthlyPanel.java ButtonPanel.java CmdEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.300 date: 2007/09/17 10:00:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.299 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.299 date: 2007/09/17 10:00:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.298 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Update.java Table.java Insert.java ---------------------------- revision 1.298 date: 2007/09/17 10:00:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.297 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.297 date: 2007/09/14 08:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.296 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client MigrationDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.296 date: 2007/09/14 08:28:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.295 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.295 date: 2007/09/13 14:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.294 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.294 date: 2007/09/13 14:24:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.293 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.293 date: 2007/09/13 11:14:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.292 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SesamRemoteShell.java ---------------------------- revision 1.292 date: 2007/09/13 11:10:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.291 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.291 date: 2007/09/12 16:15:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.290 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule CmdEventPanel.java ScheduleDialog.java MediaEventPanel.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.290 date: 2007/09/12 13:52:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.289 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.289 date: 2007/09/12 13:34:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.288 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TabTree.java ComponentLoader.java ---------------------------- revision 1.288 date: 2007/09/12 10:44:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.287 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ClientDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.287 date: 2007/09/12 09:37:02; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.286 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java ComponentDriveGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.286 date: 2007/09/12 09:26:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.285 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentLoader.java ComponentDriveGroups.java ---------------------------- revision 1.285 date: 2007/09/12 09:16:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.284 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/media AnimatedTimeStampCellRenderer.java ---------------------------- revision 1.284 date: 2007/09/12 09:16:17; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.283 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ComponentMedia.java TopPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.283 date: 2007/09/12 08:19:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.282 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui .classpath ---------------------------- revision 1.282 date: 2007/09/10 16:14:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.281 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common CVSVersion.java ---------------------------- revision 1.281 date: 2007/09/10 14:27:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.280 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule ScheduleDialog.java MediaEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.280 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.279 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDates.java Frame.java ScheduleBackupTasks.java TaskByClient.java TimeTable.java ScheduleMediaDates.java CalendarDialog.java ScheduleDialogMask.ja va UserDefScheduDialog.java RestoreTaskEventPanel.java ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.279 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.278 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule UserDefScheduDialog.java CmdEventPanel.java ScheduleDialogMask.java ScheduleDialog.java MediaEventPanel.java SchedulePanel.java RestoreTaskEvent Panel.java TaskEventPanel.java ---------------------------- revision 1.278 date: 2007/09/10 11:37:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.277 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule - New directory ---------------------------- revision 1.277 date: 2007/09/07 08:54:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.276 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Defaults.java ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.276 date: 2007/09/07 08:54:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.275 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.275 date: 2007/09/07 08:38:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.274 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common StringUtils.java ---------------------------- revision 1.274 date: 2007/09/07 08:38:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.273 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RWItemListener.java RestoreWizard.java ---------------------------- revision 1.273 date: 2007/09/07 08:09:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.272 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWItemListener.java ---------------------------- revision 1.272 date: 2007/09/06 14:41:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.271 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client Defaults.java ScheduleDialog.java SaveDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.271 date: 2007/09/06 12:22:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.270 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.270 date: 2007/09/06 11:48:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.269 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common CVSVersion.java ---------------------------- revision 1.269 date: 2007/09/06 11:23:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.268 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources LocalStrings.properties LocalStrings_de.properties ---------------------------- revision 1.268 date: 2007/09/06 11:23:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.267 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.267 date: 2007/09/06 09:31:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.266 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.266 date: 2007/09/05 14:52:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.265 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.265 date: 2007/09/05 14:43:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.264 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.264 date: 2007/09/05 13:56:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.263 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java DateMaker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.263 date: 2007/09/05 13:54:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.262 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.262 date: 2007/09/05 13:49:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.261 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client SaveDialog.java ProtectionFlags.java TaskComboBox.java ---------------------------- revision 1.261 date: 2007/09/05 13:18:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.260 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client TaskComboBox.java SaveDialog.java ProtectionFlags.java ---------------------------- revision 1.260 date: 2007/09/05 11:15:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.259 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common CVSVersion.java ---------------------------- revision 1.259 date: 2007/09/05 11:12:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.258 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common Brand.java ---------------------------- revision 1.258 date: 2007/09/05 10:46:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.257 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client ScheduleDialog.java DateMaker.java ---------------------------- revision 1.257 date: 2007/09/04 14:28:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.256 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser CliBroDialog.java ---------------------------- revision 1.256 date: 2007/09/04 10:58:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.255 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard RestoreWizard.java RWItemListener.java RWKeyAdapter.java ---------------------------- revision 1.255 date: 2007/09/04 10:58:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.254 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common StringUtils.java ---------------------------- revision 1.254 date: 2007/08/27 13:31:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.253 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common CVSVersion.java ---------------------------- revision 1.253 date: 2007/08/09 15:40:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI revision 1.252 generated during checkin of ---------------------------- revision 1.252 date: 2007/08/09 15:21:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI Revision 1.251 generated during checkin of united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common CVSVersion.java ---------------------------- revision 1.251 date: 2007/08/09 15:21:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 CHANGE: to avoid confusion name build_version() strings prev_id and prev_dateString ---------------------------- revision 1.250 date: 2007/08/09 11:41:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 CHANGE: build_revision does need final static String id/dateString ---------------------------- revision 1.249 date: 2007/07/06 15:17:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -12 CHANGE: Now we construct ID and date from cvs $Id$ version info ---------------------------- revision 1.248 date: 2007/04/18 11:47:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI Revision ---------------------------- revision 1.247 date: 2007/04/18 11:46:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI Revision ---------------------------- revision 1.246 date: 2007/04/18 11:46:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 test only ---------------------------- revision 1.245 date: 2007/04/18 11:38:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 branches: 1.245.2; CHANGE: New RMI Revision ---------------------------- revision 1.244 date: 2007/04/18 08:29:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New RMI Revision ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/04/18 12:12:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: New RMI Revision ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/04/18 11:48:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 test only ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/04/18 11:47:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 test only ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/DateUtils.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 NEW: a ticker for update timeouts ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/09/19 10:04:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +55 -14 BUGFIX: a schedule was no longer displayed if invalid characters where saved in field 'Period of validity' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/FormatedDate.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.9 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ObjectTableModel.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/07/30 14:22:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 new: Component Media with filter options - [still invisible]. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/StopWatch.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/02/28 17:22:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 bugfix: prevent dialog from dead lock - changed tread handling ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/StringUtils.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/09/07 08:38:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -1 CHANGE: change order of scalix path parameter in restore wizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/Trace.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/02/21 16:37:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: added super trace level in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -14 NEW: enhanced tracing capabilities: dynamic switching of trace output for periodic cajo requests ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/02/08 10:31:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -6 CHANGE: Introduce new trace level " sqlLevel" - traces sql insert, update and delete statements CHANGE: remove unused dbLevel and jrshdLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -36 CHANGE: consistent handling of ServerLogger's log level; NEW: the GUI server log level is now from value in debug.ini (e.g. SM_GUI_SERVER=2); the setting in debug.ini is stronger than the setting via program argument (e.g. -v7) ; if no one is set the internal value is userLevel (2) ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/UnsupportedTableException.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/25 13:11:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -0 change: maintain changes done in v3_2: check-in 'blanks in command event names' and 'Client Browser enhancements' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/cajo/CajoStrings.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: the task dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/01/30 15:38:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 NEW: the usage of the license and the update tickers are controlled by a separate controller ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/29 17:34:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: ResultsHandler: added missing columns from dbīs results table ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: a new sms channel panel in the message view ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/22 14:24:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Client dialogs now support new column clients.user_comment to save user information ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/17 17:06:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: The throughput value of the message window is now feeded from db. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/remote/RemoteInfoService.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: new info service for getting the gv_db_type from server; used in RemoteServerDialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -16 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/AdminPermission.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/10/04 16:05:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 NEW: [internal] corrections for server side access of schedule dialog (I); new class for testing; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/ExtendedRemotePermission.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.10 v_3_4_1_29: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: added server logger println when creating instances of server service stubs. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/05/26 14:44:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +35 -17 BUGFIX: Avoid a "stale connection" when getting the extended remote permission ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 CHANGE: the 'remote servers' and 'single remote server' dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/02/08 12:04:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +54 -72 bugfix: the sep permissions check was switched off wrongfully ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +83 -79 CHANGE: consistent handling of ServerLogger's log level; NEW: the GUI server log level is now from value in debug.ini (e.g. SM_GUI_SERVER=2); the setting in debug.ini is stronger than the setting via program argument (e.g. -v7) ; if no one is set the internal value is userLevel (2) ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not work when db is postgres ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/06/21 14:20:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 CHANGE: consistent markers 'DB SQL Executing' and 'DB SQL Exception' for server side logging ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -6 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -6 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/GUIServer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/06/19 12:35:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: Bind GUI servers item server host to ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/06/06 11:17:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +113 -65 BUGFIX: GUIServer: Get the host name in the same way like the RmiJdbcServer ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +66 -2 CHANGE: added hard coded trace messages for analyzing port forwarding. ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/05/26 14:44:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Avoid a "stale connection" when getting the extended remote permission ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/05/07 13:51:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: #5763: Until now the GUI Server RMISecurityManagerīs "checkAccept" was only called if the connecting host did change. In the new caio mode this happens very infrequently. Now we also check if the host's port did change. ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/05/06 16:06:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 BUGFIX: # 5752 "No display of active jobs, if window is already opened" ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/04/30 14:51:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -15 CHANGE: [FOR TESTING] Bind Cajo RMI Services to host address, not to host name on server side. ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/02/12 14:29:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +39 -64 BUGFIX: GUIServer do a policy.refresh and a connect logging only if host has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/02/12 13:58:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +25 -2 change: attach stop watch to guiserver -- TEST ONLY -- NOT FOR PRODUCTIVE USE !! ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -12 NEW: enhanced tracing capabilities: dynamic switching of trace output for periodic cajo requests ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/02/07 19:43:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 CHANGE: Verbose level set on command line (-v) overrides level from 'ebug.ini' ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +68 -72 CHANGE: consistent handling of ServerLogger's log level; NEW: the GUI server log level is now from value in debug.ini (e.g. SM_GUI_SERVER=2); the setting in debug.ini is stronger than the setting via program argument (e.g. -v7) ; if no one is set the internal value is userLevel (2) ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -15 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not work when db is postgres ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/01/25 10:26:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +52 -34 CHANGE: GUIserver takes the rmi host name now from sm.ini, not from InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), but uses this as a fallback. ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2007/12/21 13:18:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: the newday events handling is now an integral part of the schedule dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2007/10/04 16:05:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 NEW: [internal] corrections for server side access of schedule dialog (I); new class for testing; ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2007/07/26 09:51:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 BUGFIX: GUIserver was not startable if an old registry was located anywhere. Now a new one is created always on startup ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2007/06/21 11:10:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 CHANGE: enhanced server side tracing to sm_gui_server.lgc ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +211 -173 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +123 -81 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2007/02/16 13:56:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +44 -1 branches: 1.26.2; new: placement of dialogs are memorized: if the gui user moves a dialog to an other location it will be reopend on the same place the next time ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:33:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +296 -140 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/03/22 16:58:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 NEW: changed getting data for ComponentMedia: transfer data as a result object from gui server, not as results via jdbc:odbc bridge; new: added full integration of cajo access; ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +118 -81 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/GlbvReader.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +32 -56 CHANGE: consistent handling of ServerLogger's log level; NEW: the GUI server log level is now from value in debug.ini (e.g. SM_GUI_SERVER=2); the setting in debug.ini is stronger than the setting via program argument (e.g. -v7) ; if no one is set the internal value is userLevel (2) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/10/09 15:09:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -25 CHANGE: remove waste messages to ServerLogger ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteExeServer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.10 v_3_4_1_29: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 CHANGE: added hard coded trace messages for analyzing port forwarding. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteExec.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/06/05 11:00:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: added hard coded trace messages for analyzing port forwarding. ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/17 10:49:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: target node and clients were not properly filled in restore wizard ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/10/09 15:09:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +26 -28 CHANGE: remove waste messages to ServerLogger ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/07/04 12:38:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: commented System.out.println ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2007/04/04 11:00:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +47 -64 change: removed obsolete code; ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +24 -5 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteInfo.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: added server logger println when creating instances of server service stubs. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 NEW: new info service for getting the gv_db_type from server; used in RemoteServerDialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +420 -432 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2007/12/12 08:50:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 NEW: Now itīs possble to start a cyclic update of tasks by status, restores by status and migrations by status ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/11/07 15:24:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: collective update of changes developed in V 3.0 reference check-ins: [17979], [17966], [17965], [17964], [17946], [17945], [17923], [17918], [17875], [17874]. ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/10/09 15:09:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: remove waste messages to ServerLogger ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/07/31 08:22:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 CHANGE: removed developer specific ServerLogger traces ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2007/06/21 14:20:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: consistent markers 'DB SQL Executing' and 'DB SQL Exception' for server side logging ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2007/06/21 11:10:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: enhanced server side tracing to sm_gui_server.lgc ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2007/04/05 08:51:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -33 bugfix: prevent StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in current messages ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -5 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteInfoServer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/04/15 16:09:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: new info service for getting the gv_db_type from server; used in RemoteServerDialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/03/12 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: Prevent GUI update if gui client runs on server, using the same jar file. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteIni.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: added server logger println when creating instances of server service stubs. ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/02/07 19:43:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Verbose level set on command line (-v) overrides level from 'ebug.ini' ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +114 -98 CHANGE: consistent handling of ServerLogger's log level; NEW: the GUI server log level is now from value in debug.ini (e.g. SM_GUI_SERVER=2); the setting in debug.ini is stronger than the setting via program argument (e.g. -v7) ; if no one is set the internal value is userLevel (2) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/02/16 13:56:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 branches: 1.12.2; new: placement of dialogs are memorized: if the gui user moves a dialog to an other location it will be reopend on the same place the next time ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -9 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteLRServer.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: added server logger println when creating instances of server service stubs. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/03/07 12:29:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: the 'remote servers' and 'single remote server' dialogs are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/02/08 12:04:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: the sep permissions check was switched off wrongfully ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not work when db is postgres ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/11/13 10:07:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: extended SQL error messages with class+method name ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/06/21 14:20:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: consistent markers 'DB SQL Executing' and 'DB SQL Exception' for server side logging ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/05/21 08:03:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 change: extracted cajo to separate package ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -17 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ---------------------------- revision date: 2006/11/16 14:59:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 save - under develop ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteMail.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: added server logger println when creating instances of server service stubs. ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/04/10 08:25:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: The class Utils.java is eliminated. ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not work when db is postgres ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/01/18 13:48:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 BUGFIX: the Mailer was not ported completely to cajo mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2007/11/13 10:07:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: extended SQL error messages with class+method name ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2007/11/07 15:24:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +222 -111 CHANGE: collective update of changes developed in V 3.0 reference check-ins: [17979], [17966], [17965], [17964], [17946], [17945], [17923], [17918], [17875], [17874]. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2007/06/21 14:20:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: consistent markers 'DB SQL Executing' and 'DB SQL Exception' for server side logging ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2007/04/04 13:48:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: members of class were not accessible by gnu.cajo.invoke.Remote ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemotePermission.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: added server logger println when creating instances of server service stubs. ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not work when db is postgres ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/11/13 10:07:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: extended SQL error messages with class+method name ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/06/21 14:20:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: consistent markers 'DB SQL Executing' and 'DB SQL Exception' for server side logging ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/04/04 15:50:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: removed static definition of methods ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/04/04 13:48:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: members of class were not accessible by gnu.cajo.invoke.Remote ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteTime.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/06/25 10:19:48; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: added server logger println when creating instances of server service stubs. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/02/23 08:51:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: replaced classic rmi access with new simplified cajo access ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/ServerLogger.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -18 CHANGE: consistent handling of ServerLogger's log level; NEW: the GUI server log level is now from value in debug.ini (e.g. SM_GUI_SERVER=2); the setting in debug.ini is stronger than the setting via program argument (e.g. -v7) ; if no one is set the internal value is userLevel (2) ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/12/05 12:52:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 CHANGE: improved connection testing and error messages on gui startup. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/11/14 10:00:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 BUGFIX: trace all exceptions on every level ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2007/11/13 15:46:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -9 CHANGE: ServerLogger prints to System out AND logger file always. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2007/11/07 15:24:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 CHANGE: collective update of changes developed in V 3.0 reference check-ins: [17979], [17966], [17965], [17964], [17946], [17945], [17923], [17918], [17875], [17874]. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2007/06/21 15:04:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: removed extra logger for DriverManager.class ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2007/06/21 11:10:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 CHANGE: enhanced server side tracing to sm_gui_server.lgc ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/05/31 15:30:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: [internal] use of storage pools; invisible version; ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/02/23 09:10:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: removed use of LogFactory.getLog -- too much logging ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/02/16 13:56:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: placement of dialogs are memorized: if the gui user moves a dialog to an other location it will be reopend on the same place the next time ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/ServersDBConnection.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.11 v_3_4_1_29: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/04/04 14:25:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +51 -1 CHANGE: the task dialog is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/03/04 08:41:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: Status pie is now sql-free. BUGFIX: Drivegroups have not been visible (bug in getDriveNumAndNamesByDriveGrpId) change: some unimportant messages were moved from developLevel to suTraceLevel ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/02/12 14:29:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: GUIServer do a policy.refresh and a connect logging only if host has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/02/11 16:20:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 NEW: enhanced tracing capabilities: dynamic switching of trace output for periodic cajo requests ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/02/08 12:04:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: the sep permissions check was switched off wrongfully ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/02/07 16:07:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +52 -28 CHANGE: consistent handling of ServerLogger's log level; NEW: the GUI server log level is now from value in debug.ini (e.g. SM_GUI_SERVER=2); the setting in debug.ini is stronger than the setting via program argument (e.g. -v7) ; if no one is set the internal value is userLevel (2) ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/02/06 17:05:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not work when db is postgres (II) ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/02/06 15:23:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: immediate start of a migration did not work when db is postgres ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/02/05 15:50:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +81 -57 CHANGE: try to isolate the reason for bug # 5283: try to close connection after getting active results for performance view ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/01/29 07:26:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 BUGFIX: connect to localhost in case of postgresql, bcs. usually connection with hostname is not allowed. (already fixed in 1.11, but change was lost in between ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/01/24 17:19:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: a new sms channel panel in the message view ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2007/11/14 10:00:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -75 BUGFIX: trace all exceptions on every level ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2007/11/13 15:46:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +34 -36 CHANGE: ServerLogger prints to System out AND logger file always. ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2007/05/31 15:30:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -3 new: [internal] use of storage pools; invisible version; ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2007/04/03 13:00:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -18 change: merged cajo branch to head ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2007/02/23 10:25:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 bugfix: important system message was only visible in develop level, not in exception level ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/02/23 10:25:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: important system message was only visible in develop level, not in exception level ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/02/23 10:25:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: important system message was only visible in develop level, not in exception level ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools/GuiIni.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools/JavaQry.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/04/14 14:45:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 NEW: added new classes StringComboBoxModel and StringListModel versions with serialVersionUID ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/tools/MainLister.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/04/25 12:56:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: eliminated the use of Font "Dialog"; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/JMarquee.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/01/30 12:08:55; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: set final timeout ticker font ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/28 14:15:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +29 -10 BUGFIX: Update Ticker: 1. Calculation of date difference was incorrect; 2.Very log strings in the ticker did not scroll until the end. 3. changed tickers color ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/25 16:01:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +226 -43 NEW: a ticker for update timeouts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/JTriStateBox.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/05/25 08:54:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/BaseDesktopManager.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +71 -71 CHANGE: recovered and extended desktop handling for internal frames on head ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/09 08:50:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: removed enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - will come in next version ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/BaseDesktopPane.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/DesktopDefaults.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/05/06 11:10:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 CHANGE: The RMI connection switching, which was controlled by host name only, is now controlled by host name AND port. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/03/05 10:14:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -10 CHANGE: the dialog 'send mail' is now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/03/05 09:19:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +74 -39 CHANGE: the desktop defaults in menubar/window are now sql-free. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/01/16 12:57:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/01/14 14:55:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: The invocation of tracing to message panel has changed ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/01/09 11:28:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: [internal] own package for message view ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/01/16 13:08:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: not all SQLExceptions have been displayed in the Message View ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/DesktopMediator.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: The performance view of the message window has now scales. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/01/14 14:51:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 CHANGE: avoid multiple save of desktop settings in db on startup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/DesktopMessages.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/DesktopScrollPane.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/06/09 15:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +542 -542 CHANGE: recovered and extended desktop handling for internal frames on head ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/06/09 08:50:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: removed enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - will come in next version ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +21 -2 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/FramePositioning.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +11 -8 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/JScrollableDesktopPane.java,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/06/06 12:29:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 NEW: Enhanced desktop handling for internal frames - see http://badefix/wiki/index.php/Manual_Placement#Manual_Placement ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/12/12 11:38:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 CHANGE: auto resizing: internal frames are resized automatically if the main frame size or the splitter position is changed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/scrollabledesktop/StringConstants.java,v v_3_4_1_26: v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/05/25 09:09:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: replaced umlauts ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/bigarrowleftright.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/06/25 13:30:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: transparent gifs for loader content arrows ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/bigarrowupdown.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/06/25 13:30:32; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: transparent gifs for loader content arrows ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/diskhwpoff.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/25 13:53:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +23 -77 change: new gif for diskhard ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/07/25 09:02:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +77 -75 CHANGE: new media icon for showing loader content ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/drivegroup.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/mediawpoff.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/07/25 09:02:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +77 -58 CHANGE: new media icon for showing loader content ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/migrationevent.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/migrationtask.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/11/28 16:11:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 NEW: A blue 'M' is now the symbol for Migration; all migrated tasks have now a icon with a leading blue 'M', e.g. in the restore wizard; migration task and migration events are visualized in the same way; CHANGE: [internal] substitute package ImageIcon from symantec to javax.swing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/netware.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/01/17 14:43:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 NEW: The performance view of the message window has now scales. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/09/26 15:24:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 NEW: [internal] basic table and row handler for server side access to db (II) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/print.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/12/13 10:35:18; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 NEW: new print icon ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/protocol.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/sesam.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/splash.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/07/04 12:36:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -21 NEW: added SEPsesam Bare System Recovery to TaskDialog ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/task_bad.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: only one task was shown under a task group; CHANGE: better visualisation of tasks and task groups states; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/task_ok.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 BUGFIX: only one task was shown under a task group; CHANGE: better visualisation of tasks and task groups states; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/tskgroup.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/13 10:54:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: The left selection tree is now decorated with icons ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/tskgroup_bad.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 BUGFIX: only one task was shown under a task group; CHANGE: better visualisation of tasks and task groups states; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/images/tskgroup_ok.gif,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/02/21 14:24:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 BUGFIX: only one task was shown under a task group; CHANGE: better visualisation of tasks and task groups states; ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/jws-gui/index.html,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.1 v_3_4_1_29: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/11/12 15:17:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: internal code cleanup: remove duplicate assignments ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/lib/cajo.jar,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/25 13:24:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +252 -212 CHANGE: new version of cajo.jar (1.93 -> 1.114) ---------------------------- revision date: 2007/05/16 07:35:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 NEW: GUI Server can be started in several rmi modes: classic mode, cajo mode, each with or without db support; parameter settings see GUIServer -help ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/lib/sqlite.jar,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.3 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/03/07 14:31:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +202 -166 CHANGE: New sqlite.jar for new libsqlite_jni.so resp. sqlite_jni.dll ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/makefile.win32,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.86 v_3_4_1_29: 1.87 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2008/06/24 07:51:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -15 CHANGE: Specific link commands: unused $(DEBUG_FLAG) substituted with $(NO_LIB) to avoid problems with differnet LIBCM.. libraries ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sesam.h,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.281 v_3_4_1_29: 1.283 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.283 date: 2008/06/20 06:55:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: move function 'GET_INTERPRETER' to find out saveset format of a certain task into 'sm_lib' and use it from sm_sms_copy and sm_arch ---------------------------- revision 1.282 date: 2008/06/19 09:14:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -7 NEW: ST_LIB_DRIVE_REQUIRES_CLEANING, ST_LIB_MEDIA_IS_WRITE_PROTECTED, ST_LIB_WRITE_ONCE_MEDIUM ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_arch.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.120 v_3_4_1_29: 1.125 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.125 date: 2008/06/25 10:15:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -10 NEW: use 'double' to calculate disk capacity, so very small and big amounts are calculated correctly ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2008/06/23 07:54:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: Set backup type to NetWare, before calling REFORMAT_LIS, so last offset is inserted correctly in 'lis' File ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2008/06/20 12:19:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -8 change: use 'GET_INTERPRETER' every time to find out saveset interpreter ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2008/06/20 06:55:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -61 change: move function 'GET_INTERPRETER' to find out saveset format of a certain task into 'sm_lib' and use it from sm_sms_copy and sm_arch ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2008/06/17 16:28:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 BUGFIX: If medium is deleted from GUI, remove it completely by sm_arch. Because 'sm_arch' is called without drive number, it failed in GET_DRIVE_PROPERTIES ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_client.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.122 v_3_4_1_29: 1.124 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2008/06/18 17:14:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 CHANGE: Function TAPE_STATUS: Set Return to ok for DISK_HARD and DISK_CHNG similar to i_TAPE_STATUS_CLIENT() ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2008/06/18 16:58:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +64 -57 CHANGE: Adapted for new i_TAPE_STATUS_LOCAL() which now returns 0 for drive accessible 1 for HW error ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_config_drives.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.140 v_3_4_1_29: 1.141 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.141 date: 2008/06/27 08:31:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: don't try to find out drive/loader connection during config drives. This should be only done by 'sm_auto_conf_hw' or manually ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.570 v_3_4_1_29: 1.580 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.580 date: 2008/06/27 09:54:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -7 BUGFIX: Changes in TAPE_STATUS must result in explicite check of status starts with ST_LIB_ONLINE ---------------------------- revision 1.579 date: 2008/06/26 13:37:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: CHECK_LICENSE(): TR with "SM_LIB version: {rcsid}" ---------------------------- revision 1.578 date: 2008/06/26 13:22:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 BUGFIX: (UNIX) LIC_GET_DATA(): Last bugfix worked only for WINDOWS bcs. cm_strftime does not set hour and minute so we have to memset(..., 0, ...) struct tm parameters before using them ---------------------------- revision 1.577 date: 2008/06/20 16:25:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -10 BUGFIX: For licenses with given TIMEOUT_DATE, e.g. TIMEOUT_DATE 20080912, the offset to installdate must be calculated to satisfy algo in i_LIC_CHECK_TIME() otherwise a correct Expiration Date will appear but license will be regretted with: "W001-LICENCE Licence time-out - please contact support@sep.de." ---------------------------- revision 1.576 date: 2008/06/20 12:15:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new: trace backup_type in GET_INTERPRETER ---------------------------- revision 1.575 date: 2008/06/20 07:13:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +31 -31 correct ident of function GET_INTERPRETER ---------------------------- revision 1.574 date: 2008/06/20 06:55:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +64 -2 change: move function 'GET_INTERPRETER' to find out saveset format of a certain task into 'sm_lib' and use it from sm_sms_copy and sm_arch ---------------------------- revision 1.573 date: 2008/06/19 11:00:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 change: GET_LABEL_VIA_SMS() use ST_LIB_WRITE_ONCE_MEDIUM to check for string 'Write-once medium' in message of i_TAPE_STATUS_REMOTE() ---------------------------- revision 1.572 date: 2008/06/19 10:50:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: TAPE_STATUS_REMOTE(): If REMOTE_CMD() failed then call PROT( I_011_BASICS_REMOTE_CMD_STATUS,...) ---------------------------- revision 1.571 date: 2008/06/16 13:51:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 bugfix: If only UPDATE_TIMEOUT_DATE is present in sm_lic.ini then 'Lizenz ohne Update Berechtigung.' was shown in Lizenz Overview bcs. of default value 0 for L.iLicUpdateDays ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_loader.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.159 v_3_4_1_29: 1.160 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2008/06/19 11:04:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: iEXEC_UNLOAD(): Check satus online with strstr( szStatus, ST_LIB_ONLINE ) == szStatus according to new TAPE_STATUS_LOCAL() ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_remote.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.52 v_3_4_1_29: 1.53 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2008/06/20 08:20:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -4 CHANGE: If REMOTE_CMD() failed then PROT(I_011_BASICS_REMOTE_CMD_STATUS, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_restore.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.302 v_3_4_1_29: 1.303 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.303 date: 2008/06/17 19:55:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: report restore Id instead of option (-I) in Sesam protokoll ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_restore_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/27 09:03:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: LOAD_VOLUME_INTO_DRIVE(): Call of info(...) after 'if ( i_CHECK_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS(...)' with wrong drive number ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_robot.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.130 v_3_4_1_29: 1.131 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2008/06/25 14:46:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 new: add description of '-L' switch to help ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_sbc_com_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.28 v_3_4_1_29: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/06/27 07:07:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 BUGFIX: Last revision which allowed sm_sbc_com to be called with -j r_task for backup and then changed r_task into backup task name was changing it too late: the name was changed after inserting it into results. This leads to problems about lis and sgm fi les ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_sms_copy.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/06/20 06:55:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: move function 'GET_INTERPRETER' to find out saveset format of a certain task into 'sm_lib' and use it from sm_sms_copy and sm_arch ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_start.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.55 v_3_4_1_29: 1.57 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2008/06/19 09:39:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -10 CHANGE: check_drive_available() Check Status from i_TAPE_STATUS_REMOTE(...) with strstr(...) ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2008/06/19 08:51:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +21 -169 change: Removed obsolete stuff: prepare_results_insertings(), check_already_submitted_jobs() ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/python/sm_reformat_lis.py,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/24 15:00:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Change '*' and '/' in Zarafa mail subject lines, so GUI can show them correctly ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/unix_hal/sm_hal_unix.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.102 v_3_4_1_29: 1.107 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.107 date: 2008/06/23 12:38:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -13 BUGFIX: EXECUTE_USER_COMMAND() changes in revisions 1.98/100 shortened command to programm without args ---------------------------- revision 1.106 date: 2008/06/19 10:56:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +46 -43 CHANGE: iCtrldAccess() if exit state was 253 then fetch error message from error output ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2008/06/19 07:15:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: i_TAPE_STATUS_LOCAL: Comment with 'Return SM_FAILURE: Drive status is ST_LIB_NO_DEVICE/ST_LIB_NOT_DEFINED' ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2008/06/18 16:57:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +76 -95 CHANGE: Main logic of i_TAPE_STATUS_LOCAL(...) changed: * Return: Return SM_OK (1) if drive is ok (either online, offline, ...) and SM_FAILURE (0) if drive in not accessible * Message: Message will be extended with : {message from mt -f /dev/... status} ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2008/06/17 10:22:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: When trying to edit sesam interface programm with GUI, e.g. sm_notify, but programm does not exist then GUI showed 'exit with status 2' from start_system_tee() instead of empty file and save would store this line to file ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/wnt_hal/sm_hal_wnt.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.218 v_3_4_1_29: 1.219 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.219 date: 2008/06/19 09:15:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +108 -67 CHANGE: Adapted i_TAPE_STATUS_LOCAL() for new logic: returning status and message, exit with SM_FAILURE if device is not accessible (ST_LIB_NO_DEVICE/ST_LIB_NOT_DEFINED) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_unix/sbc/build.ver,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.316 v_3_4_1_29: 1.317 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.317 date: 2008/06/26 09:39:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New revision 1.316 generated during checkin of ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_unix/sbc/sbc_nlm.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.114 v_3_4_1_29: 1.115 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2008/06/26 09:39:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 CHANGE: Log message 'The only supported primary nameSpace' only in loglevel > 2 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/slx/sbc_ox.py,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.17 v_3_4_1_29: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/06/24 15:05:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 NEW: Add '/usr/sbin' to PATH so user 'cyrus' will find 'ctl_mboxlist' command on OX EE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/writelog.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.29 v_3_4_1_29: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/06/17 17:08:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 BUGFIX: On Windows x64 _open() for O_WRONLY expects permission mode _S_IWRITE otherwise Read_Only files may be created and next time when a process wants to create the same file name - same PID may be used again - it fails with EACCESS (Permission denied) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/ssb/backint_func.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.9 v_3_4_1_29: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/06/18 15:03:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 branches: 1.10.2; BUGFIX: add a BLANK after every option, else parsing could fail, if called a 2nd time ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/06/19 09:39:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Use older FIFO implementation, because the new doesn't work correctly ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/ssb/backint_hdr.h,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.5 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/ssb/backint_proto.h,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.5 v_3_4_1_29: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/ssb/backint_util.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/ssb/makefile.dep,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/ssb/makefile.unix,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/makefile.win32,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.44 v_3_4_1_29: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/06/24 07:53:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: Specific link commands: unused $(DEBUG_FLAG) removed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sesam_make_lic.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.66 v_3_4_1_29: 1.71 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2008/06/23 10:43:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -10 CHANGE: Avoid printing UPDATE_TIMEOUT_DATE for 3.0/3.2 version bcs. otherwise customer mai gain additional Update allowance ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2008/06/20 07:54:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: Use sleep() on unix instead of Sleep(A*1000) on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2008/06/20 07:18:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +56 -14 CHANGE: Ask for '(3).0/(3).2 compatible license file' then generate with UPDATE and implicite UPDATE_TIMEOUT_DATE ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2008/06/19 14:42:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +75 -44 CHANGE: For NFR licenses set default to +180 days and use explicite date instead of TIMEOUT days ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2008/06/17 12:42:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +27 -13 change: If i_GET_VALUE_AND_WRITE_ITEM() is called with type d_date then check input length: < 4 may be offset; 4 < input < 8 error ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/slu.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.54 v_3_4_1_29: 1.55 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2008/06/27 08:28:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: don't try to start slu on AIX ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sm_main.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.129 v_3_4_1_29: 1.136 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.136 date: 2008/06/27 08:49:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: SM_MAIN could not start properly on Sesam client due to use of wrong index in check after hCreateProcHandle() ---------------------------- revision 1.135 date: 2008/06/26 07:00:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +45 -28 bugfix: Last version did not start jobs due to duplicate declaration of static struct sMain sSM; but only one initialisation in vServiceMain() ---------------------------- revision 1.134 date: 2008/06/25 16:13:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +392 -414 bugfix: Last version looped if only database was switched on then WaitForMultipleObjects was called with iEvents == 0 and returned WAIT_FAILED this happened during update ---------------------------- revision 1.133 date: 2008/06/24 11:59:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: vServiceStart: Set iJobMax = iEvent + 1; before calling WaitForMultipleObjects() ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2008/06/24 11:49:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +271 -247 CHANGE: vServiceStart() now uses WaitForMultipleObjects() to restart sms immediately ---------------------------- revision 1.131 date: 2008/06/20 16:30:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -23 BUGFIX: During installation pop-up "Some processes are not startet - please restart SM_MAIN manually" may appear and installation test may be broken due to long timeout before restarting SMS processes ---------------------------- revision 1.130 date: 2008/06/13 13:49:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +23 -2 BUGFIX: If vGetJavaBinDir() could not get Java bin dir from sm.ini [PATHES] sm_java_bindir then try to get it from Windows Registry ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sm_main.rc,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.4 v_3_4_1_29: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2008/06/26 11:12:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: Use correct string from RC_VERSION for resource VALUE FileVersion ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sm_setup.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.357 v_3_4_1_29: 1.361 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.361 date: 2008/06/20 12:14:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 insert tasks.exclude of SESAM_BACKUP with correct number of '\' ---------------------------- revision 1.360 date: 2008/06/20 10:25:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +22 -37 BUGFIX: Create group sesam for postgresql before user sesam ---------------------------- revision 1.359 date: 2008/06/20 07:42:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -18 CHANGE: write exlude of 'SESAM_BACKUP' as regular expression. Avoids that 'sbc_find' walking into 'work' and 'tmp' directory, which can causing errors during 'SESAM_BACKUP' ---------------------------- revision 1.358 date: 2008/06/19 16:15:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: don't write 'CONNECT sesam_db' in SQL file, if db type is 'sqlite' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sys_trace.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.7 v_3_4_1_29: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/06/27 08:52:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: Beautified: When compare with iLogLevel then write iLogLevel always as first, do not mix positions, e.g. always like 'if ( iLogLevel < ... )' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/xbsa/xbsa/bsaenddata.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.6 v_3_4_1_29: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/06/26 14:28:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Wrong xbsalogtrace message changed into "BSAEndData: Start - bsaHandle = %x" bsaenddata.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/xbsa/xbsa/build.ver,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.53 v_3_4_1_29: 1.56 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2008/06/26 14:28:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New revision 1.55 generated during checkin of ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2008/06/26 11:07:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New revision 1.54 generated during checkin of ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2008/06/26 10:57:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New revision 1.53 generated during checkin of ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/xbsa/xbsa/stpc_func.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.8 v_3_4_1_29: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/06/26 10:57:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +33 -20 CHANGE: stpc_recv(): Algorithm to read lines changed so detailled trace messages will not any longer appear for every single character but for every line ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa.rc,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.2 v_3_4_1_29: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2008/06/26 11:07:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: Use correct string from XBSA_VERSION for resource VALUE FileVersion ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_open.c,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.18 v_3_4_1_29: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/06/26 14:28:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Wrong xbsalogtrace message changed into "BSAEndData: Start - bsaHandle = %x" bsaenddata.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/scripts/sesam_gui,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.17 v_3_4_1_29: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/06/19 15:50:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 bugfix: remove 'set -x' from Sesam GUI start script ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/scripts/sm_copy_kits.sh,v v_3_4_1_26: 1.11 v_3_4_1_29: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/06/26 16:10:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 remove all old kits correctly before copying new kits ---------------------------- Processed files: 3809 Number of changed files: 293