GUI Bugfixes: abbdc467b7 change: Use correct branch name for fetching artifacts from GIT repository change: Do not log the MailerDto when calling "send". It might be huge. wip: Fix failing unit tests wip: Fix failing unit test (VMDtoTest) BUGFIX: (#32516) - Compressed mail attachments have no file name extension wip: Fix build errors after merge CHANGE: (#32523) - Filter for automatic vSphere task creation for OS "all Linux" not match for all Linux distributions wip: Fix NPE in TasksDaoImpl when no task type is specified for the task generation CHANGE: (#32483) - MS-SQL tasks generated by automatic task generation don't add instance names to backup source wip: Fix build errors after merge change: (#32487) - MS-SQL task generation, read all databases from all instances and create tasks change: Adapt regular expression when parsing the mount points from the sm_mount command output to also accept double quote before Drives: change: Remove addition double qoutes around "rpex=..." option. wip: Fix failing unit tests BUGFIX: (#32508) - vSphere: incremental or differential backup use wrong "change blocks" BUGFIX: (#30100) - sm_cmd download log sesam fails with "CLI: The todays sesam log file does not exist (File not found)" wip: Fix failing unit tests wip: Fix build issues after merge. BUGFIX: (#32465) - Removing a saveset or backup with saveset state 'ERROR' also deletes good copies of the same backup change: Add action 'Migrate' to 'Savesets' view of data store or tape. new: Added unit test for call #32464 wip: Fix failing unit tests wip: Fix build errors after merge wip: Fix failing unit tests wip: Fix failing unit tests. wip: Fix failing unit tests BUGFIX (#32466) - pre/post does not work with sm_cmd restore BUGFIX (#32473) - Possible memory leak of RMI when sending mail with attachment change: Log Netty handler exceptions to sm_gui_server.log. change: Use case-sensitive string sorter for loader name column. Web-UI Bugfixes: d9932263 Web-UI NG Bugfixes: 25a1c1179 Kernel Bugfixes: 7f190b1899 BUGFIX: (#32534) Wrong relocation parameter for VMDK restore set. Problem: Special symbols in relocation have to be masked with back slash as a result string size enlarged. Solution: Correct string size calculation BUGFIX: (#32526) MSSQL incr log backup ends with unequal lsn number on a database. Solution: Improve LSN check: Log backup must not take care about previous Diff backups, only check if previous basic incr saveset last_lsn == first_lsn, if previous backup was a full then first_lsn <= full last_lsn+1 <= last_lsn and in case of Diff check database_backup_lsn == Full checkpoint_lsn NEW: (#31049) Enhance backup chain check for MSSQL log backup. Solution: Use the basic saveset which is given in the saveset info to retrieve previous backed up log last_lsn number bugfix: (#29481) Incorrect formatted 'dir' for MSSQL module. Avoid leading '/' BUGFIX: (#31821) MSSQL backup ends with (Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type varchar). Solution: Use CAST(s.backup_size AS VARCHAR(20)) size in the sql statement. change: (#22358) MS SQL Server Recover with Point_in_Time and Recovery state option. Change: Only Diff backup must check for current database_backup_lsn == recent Full checkpoint_lsn. Log (INCR) must only check for last_lsn == first_lsn bugfix: (#32531) Recovery level for database not correctly detected if backup source contains server and instance name. Solution: If full qualified database name server/[instance]/database then select status from master..sysdatabases for given database. bugfix: (#32520) Error during calculation of next starting time for 1 hourly schedule. Solution: The calculation allowed only 3600 loops, so an hourly schedule advanced only 150 days. Increased to 100000 (11 years) new: (#32256) Show all MS-SQL databases on one server by one 'dir' command new: (#32256) 'sm_sho dir -o recursive ' executes 'sm_client dir -r ...' on client wip: (#26035) Copy Sesam kits from Jenkins artifactory into download dfolder structure. BUGFIX: (32488) Sesam alarm interface script fails with NPE up from 5.1 when sending mail for a failed backup, because log file could not be found. Also use log file name for Windows set already by 'sm_backup' directly. For Linux use the given message from paramter $2 as mail body and add the log file as attachment instead of putting it in the mail body. NEW: (#32467) Windows backup fails with 'Not supported Microsoft reparse tag 0x00000036' (IO_REPARSE_TAG_CITRIX_PM). Solution: Add support for IO_REPARSE_TAG_CITRIX_PM - Citrix Systems for profile management NEW: (#32415) Windows backup fails with 'Not supported Microsoft reparse tag 0x80000023'. Solution: Add support for IO_REPARSE_TAG_AF_UNIX - Linux (WSL) UNIX domain socket BUGFIX: (#32443) INC Backup is not possible because of special F-D-I migration constellation. Problem: EOL of origin backup saveset was gone but saveset still exists. Solution: Do not retrieve already gone saveset use migrated saveset on other pool in that case. BUGFIX: (#31450) Next Execution time is calculated incorrectly during winter to summer time change. Solution: Reduce one hour, except for a schedule that should start in the missing hour, e.g. at '2:30'. The hour - e.g. '2' - must be stored in next_exec to be used for the next calculation, e.g. add 2 hours to '2:30' results in '4:30'. READ_SINGLE_TERM() modified next_exec by calling tim_s2i() BUGFIX: (#32297) Core dump sm_data_server and sm_stpd_http_conn after error allocating a memory. Solution: Check size before strcpy() BUGFIX: (#25497) Implement higher timeout of VDI connection for MSSQL operations. Solution: Increase timeout to 300 seconds bugfix: (#32209) Race condition reading 'sm.ini' on Windows. Problem: x_Rename() must use MoveFile() if target file does not exist. BUGFIX: (#32488) Sesam alarm interface script fails with NPE up from 5.1 when sending mail for a failed backup, because log file could not be found. Use log file name set already by 'sm_backup' directly bugfix: (#32455) Migration of migration could fail with 'Invalid segment number',if 'DB:result_lbls' contains failed migration entry. Check for 'DB:result_lbls.saveset=0' in 'iFIND_MEDIUM()' function NEW: (#31928) Add sm_sshd2 'sshdog' as possible replacement of Python SM_SSHD. Add sm_sshd2 to Windows srv/gui/cli package Revert "NEW: (#31928) Add sm_sshd2 'sshdog' as possible replacement of Python SM_SSHD. Add sm_sshd2 to Windows srv/gui/cli package" change: build sm_sshd2 to sesam directory NEW: (#31928) Add sm_sshd2 'sshdog' as possible replacement of Python SM_SSHD. Add sm_sshd2 to Windows srv/gui/cli package new: (#31928) Add sm_sshd2 'sshdog' as possible replacement of Python SM_SSHD. Add sm_sshd2 to Windows gui and cli package change: automatically added/removed files to unsigned file list. change: (#31928) do not attempt to daemonize process on windows or linux, process is started via sm_qm NEW: (#31898): add Debian Bookworm build to Jenkins Sesam release 5.1 pipeline NEW: (#31898) Support for Debian 12 Bookworm: Adapt build rule for 'sbc_ndmp' NEW: (#31898) Adapt Sesam server install scripts for Debian 12 BUGFIX: (#32138) Unnecessary comparison of size of aborted migration tasks with original size. Solution: Do not overwrite state 'c' (canceled) with state from DISCONN_BACKUP() new: Increase SEP sesam version. Old version is, new version is BUGFIX: (#32421) Verify using migrated savesets fails with checksum error. Use backup id to get checksum from backup BUGFIX: (#32432) Restore of big sparse file ~ 3GB will fail. Solution: Problem introduced with commit for (#32199) Restore of sparse file bigger than 4GB stucks but destination file becomes larger and larger (Apollon). Stream adjustment required. BUGFIX: (#32419) Installation of BSR Pro is not possible during SEP sesam Update. Solution: If SEP sesam BSR Pro should be additionally installed during update do not try to uninstall BSR Pro if it is not installed on the system.