GUI client/REST server: *** Commit history: 7463c733c5..baff32ca04 *** BUGFIX: (src#33966) - vSphere: DIFF/INC backup may change to a FULL BUGFIX: (#33708) - Performance tab shows only throughput Web restore assistant: *** Commit history: 35e19fbc..b84ce8b6 *** Web client: *** Commit history: d9d57c2c7..d9d57c2c7 *** Kernel: *** Commit history: edd422eef2..fbf6cde27e *** BUGFIX: (#34096) Si3 fix race condition on GC when moving new page version from /tmp to pages/ but original page was not deleted after copying to trash BUGFIX: (#34097) Si3 use page decryption pass from announced path to file, not from default /pages BUGFIX: (#34006) Si3 fix worker actor behaviour issue for azureblob connector BUGFIX: (#34106) Correct import of DB dump made by Sesam 4.4.3.X into Sesam 5.1.0.X: Set 'DB:result_lbls.saveset_state=0' during import BUGFIX: (#34105) log/sms folder is not cleaned on RDS server. Solution: 'sm_client drop' uses resolve_glbv() which does not work on RDS. Solution: Call 'sm_client -f usefile -m d -n ...'. Additional: Use resolve_path() in sm_client drop BUGFIX: (#34012) BSR backup fails with: Operation failed: BSR Pro unknown return code (0X1). Solution: Service stop and start improved BUGFIX: (#34012) BSR backup fails with: Operation failed: BSR Pro unknown return code (0X1). Solution: Since commit 55a69b1 'BUGFIX: (#30544) SEP sesam BSR Pro must be terminated with a distinct message ... Additional: ... Restart service always' the service 'SEP sesam BSR Pro' is restarted. Now restart only if XBSA_TRACE was changed or with option '-o restart' NEW: (#33549) SBC_BSR with restore functionality. NEW: 'sbc_bsr -r -o overwrite -R {source_drive_letter}==::=={target_drive_letter}' allows to restore saveset with image from source drive to target drive. Note: The target drive is cleared before restore. BUGFIX: (#34056) Remove of backups doesn't delete meta files stored directly in LIS directory. Solution: Evaluation of condition was wrong BUGFIX: (#34077) MS SQL restore with restore to other database overwrites the original database. Problem: When checking if only the server name is given the algorithm checked if the computer name is part of the given target. This leads to restore to original database if target contains the computer name. Solution: If target is given without full format 'server/instance/database' then expect a target database NEW: (#33868) Oracle VM should be available in the DEMO license. Add OLVM_SERVER (5) to sm_lic.ini BUGFIX: (#33056) Many 'Curl: TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Unknown (23): ' logs. Hide curl logs containing "TLS header, Unknown" BUGFIX: (#34005) Savesets removed from DB aren't deleted from datastore before by 'purge'. NEW: (#34035) Set EOL for purge of 'smslis' directory by sm_pur_status: Use setting in 'GLBV:gv_remove_smslis_eol' for purge on Sesam server too