GUI client/REST server: 7463c733c5 BUGFIX: (#34004) - Label caption in media pool filter has placeholder !Label.Readonly! NEW: (#33976) - Creating a schedule using 6:34 - 6:49 does not work -> GUI puts 00:00 in the database BUGFIX: (#33971) - Race condition during parallel client creation via REST API BUGFIX: (#33970) - Wrong filter syntax for Proxmox task generation BUGFIX: (#33966) - vSphere: DIFF/INC backup may change to a FULL BUGFIX (#33966) - DIFF/INC backups fail if there are special characters in the VM name. wip: Improve parsing of CBT change ID information file. Handle special characters in VMDK names better (old VADP). NEW: (#33939) - Support of Proxmox CEPH based disk volumes by UI BUGFIX: (#33915) - VMware: It is not possible to select a data mover for the restore if the data mover has been deleted. wip: (#32934) - Mail attachment via SEP sesam server is malformed when GV is being used for attachment path Web restore assistant: b84ce8b6 CHANGE: (#33817) - Hide radio button "Restore all items flat in selected target directory" for an OES backup made with the TSA NEW: (#33829) - Support for overwrite/no overwrite/new version target selection for Proxmox NEW: (#33769) - Mount of Proxmox LVM backup BUGFIX: (#33913) - VMware: no datamover can be selected for restore Web client: d9d57c2c7 Kernel: edd422eef2 bugfix: (#34030) Fixed parsing of arguments for VSphere attach via sbc_vadp. Caused by recent changes in - must not change original application arguments CHANGE: (#32870) Do not reset 'DB:results.start_time' by 'sm_backup' to current time. Use DB:results.sbc_start for begin of data transfer instead bugfix: (#34017) Fixed backup for uri encoded backup sources, added decode for source in sbc_opts BUGFIX: (#33981) Correct URL for Sesam release notes change: (#33815) Promox - implemented backup and restore Ceph RBD with BDA WIP: (#33975) If the encryption of a tape fails, this tape must not be displayed as encrypted. If encryption failed then return the error message. bugfix: (#33917) Automatic deletion of orphaned LVM snapshots. There was a check to skip snapshots that are still mounted. However, this is most likely the case with an orphaned snapshot that could not be deleted and was therefore not unmounted. Such a snapshot could never be purged. Changed logic so that such snapshot is unmounted before deletion change: (#33815) Do not check for ZFS volumes existing on a pool if pool is alrady discovered to be RBD and vice versa bugfix: (#33917) Write warning log if LVM snapshot cannot be deleted after LVM Path backup. Changed snapshot name to shorter format bugfix: (#33992) Added logout XenAPI session after backup, restore and dir operations and during exit on errors change: (#33638) Changed warning message code to 2059 for Proxmox backup switching from incremental to full NEW: (#33014) Add support for Java 21 for Windows. Change the Link provided for Java download to Java version 21 NEW: (#33014) Add support for Java 21 for Windows installer and sm_setup. BUGFIX: (#33993) Add 'DROP CONSTRAINT' before recreation for 'DB:result_lbls.check_result_lbls_eol' new: merge su/src/sm_dedup from develop NEW: (#33815) Proxmox-VE incremental backup using CEPH volumes during backup and restore change: Use 'regexp_replace()' SQL function on Postgres only change: (#33921) Do not set 'gv_rw_bin' variable in 'sm.ini' during installation, because already done by 'sm_setup' NEW: (#33603) Add 'SM_VAR_BIN' to '/etc/sesam2000.ini' during Sesam server installation too bugfix: (#33749) Restore fails: E012-RESTORE Restore was not successful. Failed to reinitialize TPM. Problem: not filtered VMs which not support TPM. Solution: added condition to skip reinitialization of TPM for mentioned VMs. bugfix: (#32392) Backup and restore of TPM certificates for Hyper-V. Problem: restored VM was not initialized due to wrong VM Key Protector. Solution: added generation of new Key Protector and reinitialization for TPM. bugfix: (#32392) Backup and restore of TPM certificates for Hyper-V. Problem: VM can't start due to missed certificates. Solution: added logic for disabling of TMP and Secure Boot for first successful start. bugfix: (#32213) Prohibit parallel backup of same Hyper-V VM. Problem: there is no synchronization between two RCT backup processes. Solution: added semaphore for process synchronization BUGFIX: (#33914) Do not set low water mark to 0 for Si3 NG dedup store during update BUGFIX: (#33482) Sesam newday event couldn't be add during installation at last day of a month. Use correct time calculation function bugfix: Correct handling of '' containing '_' by 'sm_cross_check' CHANGE: (#33911) Start FSCK and PURGE action during newday on first drive of datastore only NEW: (#33603) Add 'SM_VAR_BIN' to '/etc/sesam2000.ini' during Sesam server installation too new: Increase SEP sesam version. Old version is, new version is BUGFIX: (#33707) The rear update was not performed during SEP sesam Server update since it is not supported in the sm_db_update.ini to have two conditional expressions combined. Solution: Move the update of rear to a separate Update section. Insert the missing Update command.