BUGFIX: (#30226) Do not execute 'Delete everything older then oldeset Sesam day' section in 'sm_pur_status', because valid backup could accidentally be removed BUGFIX: (#30198) Purge does not delete meta files from LIS folder, if migrated saveset is purged before original one CHANGE: Add '.meta' and '.not.mail.gz' to list of file extension removed during saveset purge BUGFIX: (#30207) Correct calculation of amount of data stored on a data store, if savesets are migrated to this store BUGFIX: (#28844) Command sm_ssh got exit code 255 at sbc_es.exe -browse databases/replicas. Solution: Sometimes GetExitCodeThread() may return STATUS_THREAD_IS_TERMINATING 0xC000004B (related to AV software e.g. McAfee) then process exit code must be used. BUGFIX: (#30134) Selective restore from RDX backup does not work. Solution: RestoreFilter() must return segment number to match with line from .dat (segment) file BUGFIX: (#30165) NSS backup stops at 'NWSMTSConnectToTargetServiceEx CL3PROG_SERVER (NWSM_AUTH_UTF8_DATA - encoded)'. NSS requires SSL 1.0.x BUGFIX: (#30166) vSphere VM containing special characters can't be backed up. Add URI encoding of backup source for new backup sub type 'VSPHERE_CBT:' NEW: (#30023) Delete NetApp snapshots used as Sesam backup savesets by 'sm_remove_saveset purge' operation BUGFIX: (#29943) Fixed restore of a VM with CDROM. BUGFIX: (#29946) Do not fallback to Nutanix backup type NFS if iscsi data service cannot be connected. BUGFIX: (#29928) Remove Nutanix disks from VM config before creating restored VM also when protocol is NFS CHANGE: (#29961) Implemented -A delsnap function for Nutanix BUGFIX: (#29941) Nutanix backup default warning on crash consistent backup, qui=0 for no warning Use common sbc message for logging VM backup transport mode Fixed typo in error message for Nutanix backup Changed warning and error messages for Nutanix backup crash consistent/application consistent backups BUGFIX: (#30156) At the start of Nutanix hotadd backup and restore, check if the proxy VM exists on the Nutanix server CHANGE: (#27306) Added -o shortlog to Nutanix backup, Citrix full and copy backup BUGFIX: (#30149) Backup to RDX drive fails after EOM. Solution: Since commit 34be1ec (#28822) "EOM doesn't work on RDX SayFUSE" file descriptor after EOM is not set appropriate BUGFIX: (#30058) External restore fails when backup has been done with old LIS file director structure, but new date based one set after backup. Call 'i_get_lisfile_name_task()' with 'get' option for restore operation BUGFIX: (#30043) SGM and LIS file are searched on wrong host after migration, if backup has done with SSDD flag set BUGFIX: (#30159) Update from Beefalo to Jaglion purges EOL free savesets which are locked. Set backup result.locked if migrated saveset is locked BUGFIX: (#30158) NSS File System backup failed with 'E020-BACKUP The data size of the backup data (SBC) is different from the size of the stored data (STPD)'. Problem: sbc_smdr showed several lines of "sbc-3006: Info: Saveset size" in not log BUGFIX: (#30119) insert the zlib.dll from sesamdev\vmware\vddk_... subfolder to the build process of srv, cli and gui package. BUGFIX: (#30035) Exception in 'sm_event' during start of migration for a task group, if some tasks are still active BUGFIX: (#29080) Exchange backup fails with "a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'". Problem: Since Python3 gzip open file in binary mode. Solution: Open gzip files in text mode NEW: (#30089) Sesam server shutdown hangs, because DB isn't reachable any more. Start Sesam PostgreSQL server using 'setpriv' instead of 'su/runuser', because 'systemd' terminates 'su' sessions before stopping SEPsesam service BUGFIX: (#30117): KVM restore fails with: Restore was not successful. UUID object has no attribute get_hex: port uid generation to python3 BUGFIX: (#30116): KVM Restore fails with: Error reading config file: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' : open config file in binary mode BUGFIX: (#30008) Log Python stacktrace in case of an unexpected exception BUGFIX: (#30008) Open local Sesam package file using binrary mode BUGFIX: (#30008) Problem: Package download by sm_update_client using 'https://' fails. Solution: If download url is https use CA certificate file also for varification of download packages not only for index.txt. BUGFIX: (#30098) sm_data_server cores during 'getlabel' on RDX drive. Solution: Close file handle after reading from DISK_HARD with appropriate command BUGFIX: (#30106) RHEV: restore of VM may fail with: 'Disk in VM is already marked as boot' if first processed disk during restore is marked as bootable': initalize bootable flag for each disk BUGFIX: (#30059) Fixed parsing of Kopano .not file in sm_reformat_lis by adding decode with arguments utf-8 and replace BUGFIX: (#30097) Fixed reading of NDMP LIS file in sm_reformat_lis by decoding read lines with arguments utf-8 and replace BUGFIX: (#30097) Fixed encoding of lis file in sm_reformat_lis for NDMP BUGFIX: (#30087) Backup to tape with EOM fails with 'Failed to detect lis file' when 'sm_reformat_lis' is called. Adopt SQL statement to build LIS file name to not returning multiple entries in subquery from DB:result_lbls BUGFIX: (#30097) Default timeout to cancel running jobs for external backups must be at least 1 day. Revert CHANGE: (#17427) Set stop time for external to at least one day for restores only BUGFIX: (#30052) Selective restore from tape fails with 'no valid MTF Stream ID was found', but complete restore works. Solution: Since commit 996785b the block size is not retrieved from segment file in case of selective restore BUGFIX: (#30032) Fixed restore of Citrix Xen server VM to selected target data store. Selected SR was not used by sbc_proxy to do restore, instead, default SR was searched for. When the default SR could not be found, restore failed BUGFIX: (#30011) Systemd unit file calls 'sm_shutdown' instead of 'sm_main stop' to stop Sesam on client CHANGE: New version for release build