GUI Bugfixes: 1c89be1bb3 BUGFIX: (#30573) - Reports with "location" restrictions are not working BUGFIX: (#30471) - Wrong file name is used if downloading compressed files from the REST server Auto deploy Web UI NG2 from Jenkins job sep-webui-ng2-5001 build 56 (1fc5e2fde746a0a5277d864c89f08b865da35543) change: Fix build errors after merge change: Rework the initialization of the VMConfig application before enabling or disabling the CBT status of a virtual machine. bugfix: VADP fails to import valid OVF file because it cannot identify the network device correctly BUGFIX: (#31335) - Internal "objects" list not always cleared when refreshing the remote buffer change: Fix NPE in PanelBrowser when refreshing the remote buffer. CHANGE: Make the "nvup" option visible also in the Java RW (expert recovery options). wip: Fix build errors from previous merges CHANGE: For VMware vSphere, add the "nvup" recover option per default to the recover string. wip: (#31303) - Start restore with saveset doesn't use saveset for restore BUGFIX: (#31303) - Start restore with saveset doesn't use saveset for restore bug: (#31303) - Start restore with saveset doesn't use saveset for restore CHANGE: (#31284) - VDDK disconnect is not executed as separate call when sbc cores CHANGE: (#31272) - Do not set default port for Azure BLOB space connection wip: Fix build error after merge. BUGFIX: (#31186) - Creating new GUI user for all clients (*) fails with "Please select or enter a client" BUGFIX: (#31234) - Hyper-V restore "As path backup" causes NPE, if selected target node is no Hyper-V server bugfix: Fix NPE in NotificationsAgent when the notification message is empty. BUGFIX: (#31123) - Disk exclusions for XEN hypervisors do not work, if set by GUI CHANGE: (#31161) - Complete restore of VM does not create nvram and CBT is not enabled CHANGE: (#31155) - Immediate start of command event does not use configured clients change: Client configured in command is not used as default for new command events. BUGFIX: (#31156) - Clients in command events are not sorted wip: wip: Fix failing unit tests BUGFIX: (#31130) - NPE in restore wizard when trying to start a restore of an encrypted backup BUGFIX: (#31096) - Client browser substitutes Unicode with '?' NEW: Enforce the use of HTTPS for opening content in the web browser when HTTP protocol is turned of in sm.ini NEW: Allow to disable the HTTP protocol use of the SEP sesam REST server. BUGFIX: (#31082) - Entering an absolute path in the GUI when exporting the Sesam database will lead to an exception wip: Fix failing unit tests change: Restore mode "Display both possibilities" not visible in "Simple" mode. Web-UI Bugfixes: 6c37fb23 BUGFIX: (#31349) - VMware "Restore to original VM" not possible BUGFIX: (#31218) - Selection of a new Hyper-V restore target is ignored BUGFIX: correct links to Release Notes Jaglion V2 CHANGE: (#31161) - Complete restore of VM does not create 'nvram' by default Web-UI NG Bugfixes: 1fc5e2fde BUGFIX: correct links to Release Notes Jaglion V2 Kernel Bugfixes: 1b637de80b bugfix: (#31362) DB2 backups are started without saveset name and com errors not checked. Solution: Additional check for error message while reply=OK and empty saveset name returned by server bugfix: (#31355) Do not start backup with empty saveset name. Problem: Backup could be started with empty saveset name. Solution: Add an additional fuse for empty saveset in STPD BUGFIX: (#31380) RHEV: Catch Index Error during restore to new VM, change log message to info instead of warning BUGFIX: (#31376) Canceling vSphere backups does not work correctly if started by a task group. Add 'order by start_time' to SQL statement to get the correct sub-task entry from 'DB:results' BUGFIX: (#31375) fix race condition of ReplicationSource and GC BUGFIX: fix race condition of OCCK and GC when got OCCK missing page log during GC page update BUGFIX: (#31246) Size of no more existing Oracle tasks in results is counted for level 3 front side volume. The check for tasks.exec='1' has been added. BUGFIX: (#31367) Analyze of backup log with warnings leads to failed backup status: 'SBC logging without final state message'. Set at least one warning message in analyze backup log BUGFIX: (#31352) 'sm_sshd' executes 3 'icacls' processes during each processs start. Remove superfluous function call in v5_0_0_1 branch (already changed in develop branch) BUGFIX: (#31363) Queued job 'sm_sbc_com_ext' is not removed when SAP Hana backup runs into timeout. Fix check of backup type string 'SAP Hana' BUGFIX: (#30831) Notification about corrupted datastores not send any more. Reset ID before calling 'i_UNIQUE_ID_START_AND_DAY()' to get new unique ID bugfix: (#31354) Windows: sbc crashes on path backups with large exclude lists. Check 1st if psRegInclude/psRegExclude was allocated. bugfix: (#31354) Windows: sbc crashes on path backups with large exclude lists. Release allocated memory before sbc finishes BUGFIX: (#31354) Windows: sbc crashes on path backups with large exclude lists. Solution: Create the array for the include and exclude elements according to the number needed BUGFIX: (#31268) Restore of UNC folder runs into error because parent folder cannot be overwritten. Solution: Check first if all upper directories exist. Additional: End with error if a directory cannot be created due to a file with identical name. BUGFIX: (#31344) sm_data_store check_db -o remove all deletes all files from datastore if a file named '.data' found on data store bugfix: "di delete .*" may result into unexpected delete bugfix: fix repair recovery status that ignore corrupted pages from occk bugfix: skip non page files during /pages dir iterating; log foreign file name bugfix: add max async requests restriction for pcck and gc bugfix: read average chunk size on async gc bugfix: forcibly remove repaired page from corrupted list bugfix: make page modifier for s3 connector async; fix repetitive page content reading for sync page modifier; fix page resource reuse on page modifying; fix tests bugfix: disable FSCK pages/objects tracker if iteration list is empty new: add printout of file system validation message on server start and init commands new: log page/object tracker stats on FSCK and GC start; add log on page lock during backup or restore) BUGFIX: (#31344) 'sm_data_store check_db -o remove_all' deletes all files form datastore if a file named '.data' is found on a data store BUGFIX: (#31341) Due to an indentation error the a variable which was not initialized was used. Fix the indentation error. CHANGE: Merge Si3-NG from 'develop' branch BUGFIX: (#31304) sm_dedup_interface brings an ERROR MSG=HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server error - sm_dedup_cli works otherwise. Problem: sm_dedup_interface replace "\\" with "/" in response JSON, which cause JSON parse issue. Solution: Avoid any response string changes BUGFIX: (#31285) Backup to dedupstore fails with " The device is not ready" but backup is marked as successful. Problem: Specific error parsing performed to detect false failed backups. Solution: Error parsing changed to be more unique and do not mark failed backups as successful new: (#31205) added antivirus detection for windows - module sbc_proxy/UTIL BUGFIX: (#31285) Backup to dedupstore fails with " The device is not ready" but backup is marked as successful. Problem: Specific error parsing performed to detect false failed backups. Solution: Error parsing changed to be more unique and do not mark failed backups as successful CHANGE: New version for release build bugfix: (#31257) Fixed Nutanix hotadd backup. Undefined variable vm was used instead of the class member self.dm_vm CHANGE: Merge all changes for '' from develop branch change: Merge from develop branch, added missing class objects in sbcopts in order for Nutanix module copied from devlop to work CHANGE: Merge all changes for 'sbc_proxy' from develop branch BUGFIX: (#31282) Use correct saveset and backup id during 'INSERT INTO migration_results' in case of generation migration change: Merged commits for Citrix XEN server module from branch develop. BUGFIX: (#31071) XEN backup used NBD certificate obtained from Citrix server for the first VHD, for all subsequent VHDs. (#30944) Fixes in performance improvements implemented on develop branch that were not merged to release branch. BUGFIX: (#29770) Fixes in check for needed free disk space for restore that were not merged to release branch. change: (#28699) Check for VDI snapshot type after snapshot data removal. (#31202) change: More descriptive error if NBD info is empty. Additional logs bugfix: (#31089) Implement function to write to local savesets with sbc_smdr BUGFIX: (#31268) Restore of UNC folder runs into error because parent folder cannot be overwritten. Since backing up ACL for volume (here network share) the restore of the ACL tried to open this element during restore. BUGFIX: (#31269) Path backup of UNC path of DFS (reparse point) does not save files anymore. Problem: Since adding parent folder the folder itself was not followed any more bugfix: (#31134) Backup to encrypted tape may fail. Size of first argument to sbc_decrypt_password() must be adjusted to I_MAXENCPASS change: (#26883) Adapt community license. Review of specific license terms NEW: sbc_one: add option -a skip_snapshot: no snapshot will be created during backup if specified NEW: (#26883) Adapt community license. Add Community Edition specific license terms change: (#28807) Multistream backup with EOM fails with 'Failed to write Tape Trailer. Tape is already closed.'. Additional: Linux: Set maximum supported tape block size to 512KB to avoid buffer overrun. BUGFIX: (#30976) Savesets created by failed migration must not be used for restores or further migrations. Check for segment='-1' in 'i_FIND_MEDIUM()' too change: (#31062) Restore from tape ends with 'Archive without Trailer' due to data transfer ends too early. Additional: Set maximum supported tape block size to 512KB to avoid buffer overrun. BUGFIX: (#31062) Restore from tape ends with 'Archive without Trailer' due to data transfer ends too early. Solution: Use buffer size 1 MB (2*512 KB) to avoid heap corruption with tape block size 512KB together with cpio wip: (#31062) Restore from tape ends with 'Archive without Trailer' due to data transfer ends too early. Memory violation. Code revised. But problem still appears on other location: previously 'free(c_OutdecompressBuffer)' BUGFIX: (#29770) Citrix Xen server restore checks if there is enough free disk space on Sesam data mover to perform incremental/differential restore NEW: (#29770) Query over 'sbc_com' for Xen: Return total data size of all savesets belonging to a certain backup BUGFIX: (#29103) Single tape drive does not use media from other pools. Use correct 'DB:media_pools.accept_other' value for decision BUGFIX: (#31203) Selective Path restore - not all required items are restored. Problem: Sorting backup journal file (LIS) with different encoded lines (ISO8859 and UTF-8) results in corrupted Cyrillic 'c' 0x 'd1 81' -> 0x 'd1' in LST file. Solution: If the UTF-8 conversion failed, then the full code page CP437 is used in sm_sort, even if the sorting of the pure UTF-8 characters is wrong Fix merge conflict bugfix: (#30972) Service reboot reported in log, but no real action performed. Solution: Add new message sbc-3396 for correct logging of performed actions Revert "new: (#30762) Store objects in raw format without deduplication" change: remove all appearance of code related to raw backup/restore feature bugfix: (#31192) Restore of MS SQL Server database takes up to 5 minutes. Recent commit lead to problem in case of restore when 'all' databases are retrieved. Note: The specific database may not exist on target server. Additional: Error message handling improved change: Revert changes made in Si3 for RAW backup for release build BUGFIX: (#31132) Selective restore from DISK_CHNG devices fails with 'SMS user is not allowed to save on this directory'. Problem: On Windows zlib gz... functions are using offset long. Solution: Use gz...64 functions new: (#31142) Windows: sm_sshd changes encoding from UTF-8 to ISO. sm_sho detect if High Ascii symbol in source and use URI encoding for such sources (if sesam version >= 50000012) BUGFIX: (#31055) Linux path backup ends with warning (List of EA returned with error: errno = 34, error = Numerical result out of range). Problem: Too short buffer used for listxattr (2048 B). Solution: Increase listxattr buffer to 204800 B new: (#31142) Windows: sm_sshd changes encoding from UTF-8 to ISO. sm_sho detect if High Ascii symbol in source and use URI encoding for such sources (if sesam version > 50000012) new: (#31169) Add Java version to sm_dedup_interface status output new: (#31142) Windows: sm_sshd changes encoding from UTF-8 to ISO. sm_sho detect if High Ascii symbol in source and use URI encoding for such sources (if sesam version > 50000012) bugfix: (#31142) Windows: sm_sshd changes encoding from UTF-8 to ISO. Add URI encoded support for "end" argument (#31124) Set sys.stdout encoding to utf-8 is Calling from sm_sho sets encoding to cp1252 bugfix: (#31123) XEN disk excludes work also by device name in addition to device position number bugfix: (#31142) Windows: sm_sshd changes encoding from UTF-8 to ISO. Fix paramiko version compare bugfix: (#31180) Linux backup fails with 'Call to sbc_regcomp_all() failed' when exclude contains a comma within brackets. Problem: Comma is used as separator, but at the same time its regular regex symbol. Solution: If comma prefixed with slash then its regex symbol and not a separator bugfix: (#30926) Confusing error message when the exclude list file does not exist. Problem: In case of failed CreateFile errno check called. Solution: Check GetLastError if CreateFile fails BUGFIX: (#31133) Restore of Windows data fails with 'UTF-8 conversion for item' when specified destination folder contains a mutated vowel. Problem: Command was executed on Windows Command line with non UTF-8 encoding. Solution: If UTF-8 conversion failed then use code page ISO-8859-15 -> but this conversion must not be correct for arbitrary code pages! bugfix: (#31153) vSphere SFR fails with object is not subscriptable using WebUI, if DIFF saveset is on a different pool (merged from develop) BUGFIX: (#30744) Fixed XenServer VM restore with umlauts in its VM-disk description. VM metada file must be read open for upload with binary flag BUGFIX: (#31031) Fixed vSphere SFR when migrated backups from tape have been migrated back to DS. Set arg.pool to the value found in DB in GetDriveDataStore function new: (#30762) Store objects in raw format without deduplication bugfix: (#31126) maxPage calculation of NG must be done correctly for bigger stores bugfix: (#31134) Recent code changes revised BUGFIX: (#31134) On Linux tape encryption could not be turned on during backup. Solution: Due to a variable overflow the salt key was not set correctly. Make sure the salt key which is used for turning on the encryption is correct. NEW: (#31075) Si3-NG does not work on a NSS volumes. Add file system type 'nssvol' to Si3 FS blacklist, so server will not start on it CHANGE: Merge Si3-NG from 'develop' branch BUGFIX: (#30909) Verify of all backup fails via: sbc-2044: Warning: Cannot create item .. Access is denied. Solution: Ignore hardlink attribute if standard Windows NT file osId (14) and version (1) are set. NEW: (#31121) Set 'DB:*results.stop_time' to start time, if not stop time is set for not active actions BUGFIX: (#31119) Restore by external caller doesn't work without segment file. Allow FULL restore, if segement could be read from DB BUGFIX: (#31083) All MS SQL data bases are backed up, if source db name starts with 'all' (e.g. db name is allris). Solution: Fixed and code revised BUGFIX: (#31170) HCL Domino incremental backup 'The number of objects saved from SBC (...) and the (0) LIS file does not match'. Solution: Avoid pushing excluded files into items list BUGFIX: (#31086) Backup of a specified folder structure fails with 'Invalid backup source'. Solution: Avoid 'Access denied' by setting backup privilege Not: Fix was already implemented with commit a3fe7efdb3a69e17523d Date: Fri Aug 5 14:24:33 2022 +0200 BUGFIX: (#30504) Backup of source with special characters does not work (since version 5.0). Additional: Code revised BUGFIX: (#31122) Release kit build with 'beta' flag set bugfix: (#27550) Create SSL CERT files for DB access during installation. Problem: Duplicate step_12 so sql 'alter system set unix_socket_group='sesam'' was not performed wip: (#27637) Enforce new full backup after number of incr. backups exceeds value set by 'gv_conf_max_fdi_length'. Default is 99999 now, so existing installations are not affected wip: (#27637) Enforce new full backup after number of incr. backups exceeds value set by 'gv_conf_max_fdi_length'. Correct SQL statement to count after last full backup only wip: (#27637) Enforce new full backup after number of incr. backups exceeds value set by 'gv_conf_max_fdi_length'. Avoid use of 'UNION ALL' (see call #31085) wip: (#27637) Inform user if backup FDI chain becomes to long. Log length in backup trace file BUGFIX: (#30504) Backup of source with special characters does not work (since version 5.0). Additional: Code revised bugfix: (#30504) Backup of source with special characters does not work (since version 5.0). Problem: Source existence failed due to unicode symbols. Solution: additional check for source existence using wide char string CHANGE: New version for release build