= GUI Changes (commit 7bb42bb3c02a6ef14 tag: v_4_4_3_84_sp2, tag: origin/v4_4_3_5_build_561 = CHANGE: (#28179) - UI must only allow to set maximal tape block_size 512K change: (#28041) - GUI shows in task configuration for HANA a (useless) tab for HANA credentials BUGFIX: (#28172) - GUI add always "all" as source Kopano independent of selection in client browser BUGFIX: (#28159) - Field 'Service Pack Package' in the CLIENT view must be renamed to 'Package'. There the Sesam Install Package is displayed NEW: (#28097) Allow setting of options for saveset/VMDK mount operation; Add new text field 'advanced VM mount option', which appears, when GUI run at expert mode and is editable, when option above 'Mount virtual disk/s' is selected. BUGFIX: (#28133) - SFR via mount: sm_copy_files is called with relocation for "disk0" but files to restore are on "disk1" change: (#27435) - Rename German translation of 'save' and 'save as template' buttons in restore wizard - correct German translation BUGFIX: (#28073) - RHEV: restore selection in wizard is missing target nodes and general RHV related information BUGFIX: (#28006) - GUI Server won't start with recent OpenJDK Versions: SEP sesam DB is empty BUGFIX: (#28079) - Not possible to change or delete manually created user groups BUGFIX: (#28083) - Selecting Oracle backup source, task is set to type Path BUGFIX: (#27943) - No mail send possible with legal official certificate chain changed on the REST Server BUGFIX: (#28051) - Column for EOL in newday event is named EOM change: (#27723) - AD/LDAP users in sub groups BUGFIX: (#27947) - Time frame selection in restore wizard doesn't work CHANGE: (#27949) - Network must be selected during VMware restore to another vCenter = Kernel Changes (Commit 1716dc3) = BUGFIX: (#28162) Hyper-V VM complete restore finishes successful but VM is not recovered. Solution: Set MailMode for Hyper-V complete restore to set recover options CHANGE: (#28109) Do not retry initialization of tape medium, if media load timeout has been reached. This has lead to a useless EOL extension for 4 tapes bugfix: (#28165) - Hyper-V VM selective restore fails with 'Failed to find parent file ...q-debian7_1VHD_0.vhdx'. The temporary folder "__DISKS__" might be not empty and could contain images from previous operation. Solution: clean up the temporary folder but in case of specified -o over flag bugfix: (#28128) Increased timeout for VFS mount to be prepared from 10 minutes to 6000 seconds. BUGFIX: (#28154) Mount of VMDK with same file name but on different data stores. Add data store name to path of VMDK bugfix: (#27911) Hyper-V restore to VM with new name could overwrite original VM. Since SP1 the 'clustered=..' information was stored as part of the source and this information lead to misinterpreting of relocation pattern during restore. Therefore an offline original VM could be overwritten. new: added the date string to the name of the log file and added the date, timestamp to the log messages to ease log file analysis. new: Use SP2 now. BUGFIX: (#28124, #28129) Add skel sm_execute_update.cmd to SP1. BUGFIX: (#28129) Changed the timeout of the zip file extraction from 300 sec to 600 second. Also inserted the options parameter needed for the BSR options to be installed correctly. Moved the logging to the log file to the call functions, since the logging in the sub function does not work. Added some log messages to ease the log file analysis. BUGFIX: (#28111) Oracle: Restore of controlfile from AUTOBACKUP fails: 'no AUTOBACKUP found or...'. Reset sbc-com message before every query, because not found message isn't reset in case of success BUGFIX: (#28034) Path restore of a Hyper-V vhdx disk ends with 'No entries found in LIS for...'. Problem: UI allows selecting vhdx in Hyper-V VM selection view. Solution: Expand selected line to file item line and go on with file restore BUGFIX: (#28099) For automatic client and GUI SP extraction sm_glbv has been used which is not present on client and GUI systems. Solution: Use sm_client to read glbv instead. PATCH: (#27354) Small migration as well as external backup/restore jobs take longer than needed due to signal handing of 'sm_sbc_com_ext'; (#27175) Failed backups during drive configuration, because drive queue isn't created yet: Retry submit. PATCH: Add sm_sbc_com_ext.exe and sm_sepul_event.exe change: (#28014) Restrict length of sbc log line and split information into multiple lines. Problem: SBC may print too long lines which may cause troubles for other stuff. Solution: In case of long message print them in blocks of 8k, each next block as separate message with special code "3518" BUGFIX: (#28066) Data restored from BF64 encrypted savesets does not decrypt files. Problem: Wrong encrypt password used while backup. Solution: Revise BF64 password usage while backup BUGFIX: (#28063) CPIO analyze errors during BF64 encrypted backups. Problem: BF CPIO header check is missing. Solution: Add check for BF CPIO header BUGFIX: (#27797) Kopano backup: Public folder backup does not delete dump files. Wait longer time for termination of backup thread NEW: (#27846) Encrypt S3 access key in 'stpd conf' file, if 'gv_conf_s3_secretkey_crypt' is set BUGFIX: (#22814) vSphere backup with 'IndexError: list index out of range' in sm_reformat_lis. Solution: Lazy parsing of VADP backup log file (not) file to get VMX and VMDK meta files. (Note: sm_reformat_lis not contained in SP2) BUGFIX: (#28029) 'sm_auto_conf_hw' creates core dump, if single drive is attached (uninitialized variable used) BUGFIX: (#28025) Remote installation of SP did not wait until extraction finished, hence ended with error. Now it should wait.