*** GUI Changes *** 167495c285 - BUGFIX: (#24100) - Immediate start uses time of GUI client for start time CHANGE: (#24098) Rename defaults key 'enable_hyperv_mount' to 'enable_gui_hyperv_mount' (activate hyperV mount in the restore wizard) BUGFIX: Hide "Descend directories on other file systems" option for Windows path backup task for Grolar BUGFIX: (#23922) Adding of new drive isn't possible in Multi drive dialog' anymore. Problem: a null pointer exception will be thrown, when create a new drive. Solution: enable button 'create drive' only, when an existing drive is selected. Add tool tip how to enable button. Set focus to new drive row in the table. BUGFIX: (#24077) - Drive number cannot be changed in properties of existing restore event BUGFIX: (#22633) - Adopt drive selection in GUI, if fixed READ/WRITE drive allocation is active CHANGE: (#23952) fill VM Buffer thread executor has bad performance. Problem: Executor locked fill VM buffer threads of all vSphere server clients until all has been terminated. Solution: check thread state only for requested VM server. BUGFIX: (#24059) Hyper-V Host Component backup fails with "Backup finished. Status: ERROR Error: DB Module: [BackupProcessing: No virtual machine is found in the system]". Problem: source start with prefix '/Hyper-V:/Host Component'. Solution: cut prefix (source=Host Component ) BUGFIX: VM exception during browse client will not be shown at browser. Problem: Error will not be displayed in the browser as a row. Solution: set correct error handling. 7b7340b114 - CHANGE: (#23381) Update defaults key for saved 'restore VM attach' config to 'gui.proxy_vm.' BUGFIX: attach panel is empty, when restore VM with attach. Problem: When restore VM and click to last step, go back and restore VM with attach cause empty attach panel. Solution: set correct initialization at restore page handler, when restore VM attach. (merge:970ddbb) CHANGE: (#23381) Set default proxy VM for restore over attach, choosen attach config will be saved at defaults by server, when click next at restore VM attach and will be used as initialization, when restore VM attach again from same server (merge:a199017) BUGFIX: (#24013) - Do not offer S3 clone pool for backup in task group schedule tab change: Fix saveset shown twice for S3 clone media pool BUGFIX: (#23755) - S3 Replication: Deactivating clone media pool should stop replication BUGFIX: (#23763) - S3 connection settings can be changed when associated with a data store change: Use monospaced font in "Current Messages" change: Fix naming of "S3 Credentials" tab and section header BUGFIX: (#23622) - cannot change "note" field of internal groups BUGFIX: (#23677) - Context menu "New Backup Event" does nothing when invoked from a migration event change: Fix default value for "Max Channels" not correct when creating a new data store CHANGE: (#23952) Use original timeouts VM buffer executor thread. (was changed at commit: 'f185e4f') change: Fix NPE in Mailer when connect is failing BUGFIX: (#23983) - NPE location based admin try to import sesam db in GUI BUGFIX: (#23996) - The drives disappear except for the first one in the GUI CHANGE: (#23952) Add extensive logging to the VM buffer, add trace log for VM property collector and reduce awaiting timeout for VM buffer thread manager. BUGFIX: (#23918) - Savesets are duplicated in Restore wizard task table BUGFIX: (#23986) "Single File Restore" is shown twice in the Restore Wizard of a Hyper-V Restore. Problem: mount saveset and whole VM mount/attach will be shown. Solution: hide mount saveset and VM attach for hyperV, hide all mount option, when restore 'incr' backup BUGFIX: (#23978) - Selective restore of SESAM backup switch to disaster restore CHANGE: (#23952) Add extensive logging to the VM buffer, add trace log for log duration for retrieve VM metadata and of each VMDto object BUGFIX: (#23499) - Selection box for drive number in Si3 initial seed dialog is to small change: Use "-_." as default media action log file name BUGFIX: (#23956) - Si3 encryption password may only be changed after inserting the existing password CHANGE: (#23952) Add disabled entry to enable trace log for component VMBuffer CHANGE: (#23952) Add extensive logging to the VM buffer, add trace log for log duration of VM Buffer and internal VM buffer by datacenter with list of all VM names, count VMs. (merge:2a74ecd) BUGFIX: (#23963) - Groups Dialog adjustments BUGFIX: (#23962) - "Create and/or Change User" dialog adjustments BUGFIX: (#23955) - Move the "Si3 Repair Area" from the Si3 DataStore to the Expert mode BUGFIX: (#23958) - In "Manage multiple drives" Dialog change column name "Changed" to "Selected" change: (#23560) Added MigrationResultsPanel2 to Panel1 and enlarge the message to the full width of the window BUGFIX: (#23957) - Change title of S3 tab from "Amazon S3 Access" to "S3 Access" BUGFIX: (#23953) - Change Default date range of "Last Backup State" to maximum date range possible BUGFIX: (#23890) - The wrong LOG is displayed in the RESTORE tab of TRACE-LOG BUGFIX: (#23798) OperationNotPossibleException when changing backup level of backup task event for task type not supporting level full. Problem: fdi type combobox model will not be refreshed, after change scheduled task. Solution: select first item at cfdi combobox as init for refresh after refill. CHANGE: (#23922) add missing note 'All Backup-, Restore- and Migration Tasks will be stopped.', when apply drive config at dialog 'change multiple drives' BUGFIX: (#23939) - Stop action only on affected Si3 server, if Si3/S3 credentials are changed CHANGE: (#23922) when add drive at multidrive dialog, use device='/dev/nst?' as template, when server use platform 'unix'. BUGFIX: (#23922) wrong drivenum, when create second drive at multidrive dialog. Problem: free drive will be get from server each time, no local drivenum exist check. Solution: get free drivenum from table instead of from server, new drive will be added to table. CHANGE: (#23922) set correct init for hw_drives fields: name, loaderdrive,device at new drive under multiple drive dialog for new drive CHANGE: (#23922) hide drives with type 'SNAP' at multiple drive dialog BUGFIX: (#23922) Add drive under multiple drive dialog does not work. Problem: new row will be appended as last row, some columns are not editable. Solution: use selected row as template, create clone for new drive. BUGFIX: (#23856) - Customer calendar - changing date and display entered range BUGFIX: (#23909) - Permission management - Add "Use local User Database" to show users that they don't have to use AD or LDAP BUGFIX: (#23943) - Column disappears in restore wizard when removing a hook - and when moving a column to the left, an exception comes up BUGFIX: (#23944) GUI does not more respond, when delete all drives from datastore. Problem: Drivetable will not be refreshed, after remote last drive. Solution: refresh drive table. BUGFIX: (#23942) When I delete a drive in DATASTORES the sure-question comes up two times. Problem: the user will be ask for deletion at datastore dialog and invisible drive dialog. Solution: remove one confirm deletion at datastore dialog. (merge:0a562be) BUGFIX: (#23941) - ClassCastException thrown when creating an addtional Si3 drive CHANGE: (#23931) Add and rename columns at datastore drivetable. Add column 'accessmode', rename column 'Name' to 'Device Server (RDS)' BUGFIX: (#23927) - GUI hangs after pressing 'Manage VM task' button' BUGFIX: (#23921) Restore of VM to original fails with VM Exception: [NullPointerException]. Problem: fields for network configDistributedCirtualPortgroup or configNetwork are empty. Solution: add null check for all fields. BUGFIX: (#23918) The column width in the gui should not be adjusted automatically (GUI - DATASTORES). Problem: When refresh table datastore manually via F5 or change tab, table will be refilled with auto adjust column sizes. Solution: auto adjust columns only after first fill of table BUGFIX: (#23898) VM backup without raw vmdks and excluded independent disks finish with warning. Problem: log id '2971' at info level, the kernel scan this id and exit with warning. Solution: use default id in that case. BUGFIX: (#23919) - NPE comes up, wenn I try to duplicate a task change: Add long report date range when "date_column" is not "sesam_date" BUGFIX: (#23898) Exclude for independed VMDK works, but warning appears anyway. Problem: independent vmdks will be logged as warning although excluded. Solution: do not log independent vmdks as warning, when excluded. BUGFIX: (#23900) Nullpointerexception will be thrown, when select saveset at restore wizard. Problem: Boolean has state 'null', but will be checked as true. Solution: use correct check for type 'Boolean' BUGFIX: (#23892) - Java exception comes up when deleting area in a datastore 8e3c9a098b - BUGFIX: (#23855) vSphere RAW volumes are not shown for exclude. Problem: raw vmdks under VM will be filtered at client browser. Solution: show raw vmdks (merge:3b11f59) BUGFIX: (#23577) Independend disks are not marked as warning when VMware machine is powered off. Problem: no warning log, when offline VM has independent drives. Solution: add warning log, when VM is offline and has independet drives. CHANGE: clean+format code CHANGE: (#23847) Use own log ids for command 'sbc_vadp'. 2972=Cannot back up the volume with compatibility mode 'physicalMode'. 2973=Cannot back up the volume with compatibility mode 'virtualMode'. BUFGIX: (#23847) VMware backup excludes RAW volumes automatically, but does not provide any information about it. Problem: customer will no be informed, that raw VMDK will not be saved. Solution: add warning log that VM has raw vmdks BUGFIX: (#23600) VM Exception: [com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectNotFound: VirtualMachine:vm-528228] during restore. Problem: Connection lost to vsphere server. Solution: Ping server to prevent lost connection. BUGFIX: (#23888) VM restore cause NPE and checkbox single file restore available. Problem: Restore VM without image offers include VMDKs although not supported. Solution: offer VM include VMDK step only at restore wizard, when original VM use option 'Backup as image'. CHANGE: (#23881) Change task type RHEV and Tab RHEV into RHV only at GUI. (revert one file 'VMController') Revert "CHANGE: (#23881) Change task type RHEV and Tab RHEV into RHV only at GUI." CHANGE: (#23881) missing de label, when change access tab RHEV into RHV GUI. CHANGE: (#23881) Change task type RHEV and Tab RHEV into RHV only at GUI. BUGFIX: (#23880) - When I create new datastore, the capacity/hwm is presetted, but the value cannot be changed BUGFIX: (#23873) - Grolar: after installation a internal group called backup exist, should not exist BUGFIX: (#23761) - S3 Access Set which is in use should not be deletable. BUGFIX: (#23869) - Remove 'Descend directories on other file systems' in task properties of a BSR task BUGFIX: (#23812) - Readability Check repeat rate is the same like the readability check limit days, after new open the dialog box BUGFIX: (#23854) - Regression: Column 'Locked' missing in the saveset table of the data store properties dialog wip: (#23835) - LDAP / AD mapping does not work correctly if user is member of multiple groups change: Stabilize analysis of DAO classes and detection of eligible rest methods wip: (#23835) - LDAP / AD mapping does not work correctly if user is member of multiple groups change: Fix wrong remove method used in media pools dao to remove media pool relations wip: (#23835) - LDAP / AD mapping does not work correctly if user is member of multiple groups BUGFIX: (#23835) - LDAP / AD mapping does not work correctly if user is member of multiple groups 167495c285 - BUGFIX: (23833) - Missing save sets in media properties BUGFIX: (#23821) - Buttons in data store dialog are missing in some cases BUGFIX: (#23819) - Access to media failed: ERROR: column reference "label" is ambiguous change: Fix merge error change: Add column "Label" to restore wizard task table model BUGFIX: (#23800) - Trying to open the properties of a replicated saveset fails with an "No Data Available" error BUGFIX: (#23655) - After remove existing task from task group (right click) - task is still visible BUGFIX: (#23781) - "Operation Not Possible" exception thrown if restore user tries to set standard layout BUGFIX: (#23802) Restore wizard hangs in task selection after vSphere saveset is mounted. Problem: when initialize browser with mounted VMDK, expandAll will be done. Solution: do expandAll only for normal VM restore with include VMDKs as data. BUGFIX: (#23807) - cannot add a "follow up" event to task_event because no blank input possible BUGFIX: (#23761) - S3 Access Set which is in use should not be deletable BUGFIX: (#23624) - Basic regex check of follow up event BUGFIX: (#23721) - Properties for data stores drives can be opened from the topology view BUGFIX: (#23796) - Expert mode settings falls back from "Basic" to "Advanced" BUGFIX: (#23783) - Show media where saveset is stored under DATASTORE -> SAVESETS BUGFIX: (#23777) - Translate in the german GUI the 'Encryption & Compression' tab to 'Verschlüsselung & Komprimierung' BUGFIX: (#23774) - Add possibility to save "views" in GUI for Operator user BUGFIX: (#23783) - Show media where saveset is stored under DATASTORE -> SAVESETS *** SRC Changes *** a9f1cfe37b - change: Version: Beta->Release new: Trace S3 object deletion in 'sm_sms_watch' log BUGFIX: S3 replication: Do not call remove all objects in snapshot function before new recent snapshot operation has been finished BUGFIX: (#23984) Si3 encryption: Do not allow to set new password at once again, but wait a few minutes for possible Si3 restart. (GUI writes password into DB, but sm_config_drives needs some time until Si3 restart BUGFIX: (#24089) UNC backup without credentials fails to copy files, but finishes with warnings. Problem: The error 'The specified path is invalid.' was not checked. Solution: Set error with message 'sbc-1168 Error: Item generator returns [...]' bugfix: (#24071) - Hyper-V backup truncates transaction logs from VSS aware DBs in case of error during VM backup. Cause: "early" stage unlock for Hyper-V. Solution: Make the "late" stage unlock for Hyper-V. BUGFIX: (#23218) Problem: update script does not wait until the update has finished. Solution: insert a switch for the installer called /clone_wait which tells the installer to wait until the complete installation script is done. Also fixed some small variable problems and made the code better readable. CHANGE: (#24035) Delete entries from 'DB:performance' older then 31 calendar days, instead of Sesam days new: sm_copy_files: Use Sesam server as STPD data mover, if not set by GUI NEW: (#16053) Create unique file names during generation restore into dump files. If restore target ends with '/' (directory) a uniqe file name is created by using saveset and restore id NEW: (#16053) Create unique file names during generation restore into dump files. Token '${RID}' will be replaced by actual restore id used for restore in target path NEW: (#16053) Create unique file names during generation restore into dump files. Token '' will be replaced by actual saveset id used for restore in target path NEW: SAP Hana backup: Use backup id set in 'backint' call by Hana as Sesam session id (DB:results.session_id). So we've a direct connection between Hana backup id and Sesam saveset, without query of Hana DB NEW: (#21919) Static drive allocation for 'read' and 'write' only BUGFIX: (#24036) Saveset migration: Allow overwrite of task group filter from migration tasks->task group by migration event->task. Before this fix no task or task group filter has been set with this procedure CHANGE: (#23194) Saveset migration: Reset date filter, if a saveset id is set wip: (#17008) Re-start of failed migration: Use only saveset id as filter, if 'restart' flag is set. CHANGE: Filter output from 'blkid' on Sesam server side, because 'blkid|grep' doesn't work correctly in all cases CHANGE: Filter output from 'mount' on Sesam server side, because 'mount|grep' doesn't work correctly in all cases bugfix: (#24069) - NetApp restore failed with error No data has been restored a9f1cfe37b - bugfix: (#24020) Do not return silently with error, if compile of 'regex' for exclude fails bugfix: (#24014) - Netapp Full restore from saveset fails with error Could not open SEL file NEW: (#23993) vSphere restore using 'attach': Start rescan of SCSI command with '--alltargets' option, to search on all SCSI busses for new devices bugfix: (#16333) Backup of CIFS shares with user name/password authentication. Problem: Incorrect CIFS server shown. Solution: Show CIFS server only if we have what to show bugfix: DI could return wrong Sanity State in case of Si3 still booting bugfix: (#24002) - sbc cores during path backup since update. Remove unnecessary debug traces. bugfix: (#24002) - sbc cores during path backup since update. Cause: incorrect "parent" variable initialization . Solution: fix it bugfix: Saveset migration: Correct select statement to not return failed backups from a task group new: Migration of NetApp snapshot backups: Add Sesam server host name to snapshot name change: Try to copy LIS/SGM files from external backups, which return with exit code '1' too wip: (#23670) NetApp snapshot backup: Correct relocation path for restore bugfix: fix DI help message bugfix: S3 remove command return error bugfix: (#24003) vSphere backup fails with 'Insufficient permissions in the host operating system' error. Problem caused by 'szCookie' variable, which hasn't been initialized as emtpy sting new: Purge obsolete data from S3 clone store bugfix: (#23980) FSCK of Si3 datastore: Do not remove one saveset from datastore, if '-o remove_all' options is set NEW: (#23975) Create media log file from Si3 import action BUGFIX: (#23949) sm_sms_backup does not core anymore during Hyper-V backup BUGFIX: Start of initial Si3 seed: Print 'STATUS=SUCCESS MSG=OK' on STDOUT, so GUI doesn't report an error new: (#23936) Add 'snapshot dir' action to show all active S3 objects new: Use custom S3 object meta data to store original object size new: improve DI to print all alive objects existing in S3 snapshots (di s3 object list alive) new: S3 clone: Adopt 'DB:results.eol' for cloned savesets CHANGE: (#23951) S3 clone pool: Insert every saveset only one time, as data is reduced. bugfix: (#23930) FSCK of data store with S3 pool: Look for savesets on S3 store too. bugfix: (#23928) sm_remote_installer fails to update because installation package is not found. Problem: If the file name is not given for update then the glob function is used to get all file names but then file name is only set if more than 1 file is retrieved. Solution: Set package file name even if only 1 file matches BUGFIX: (#23924) sm_stpc command does not work when IPv6 is disabled in stpd.ini. Problem: sm_stpc always tries to use IPv6 address and only if not available it uses IPv4. Solution: Seek for IPv4 and if not available use IPv6 bugfix: (#23885) sm_config_drives cores on windows with S3 drive configuration. Solution: Increase DRV_PRP szOptions and use secures string functions to avoid overrun of strings BUGFIX: (#23166) Predefined exclude for vSphere config backup is ignored when exclude is specified. Problem: Internally either '\.log$' or given exclude was used. Solution: Pass EXCLUDE patterns via DB_Init() and use them together with default exclude BUGFIX: (#23915) - Exchange Backup saves data multiple times - also Exchange Recovery Pro fails to open the DB backup. BUGFIX: (#23879) Report templates are missing. The subfolders commons and reports in the skel\rythm folder did not yet have an own component, hence they were not included in the installation. Now they are present in the installation kit. bugfix: (#23391) - Restore must allow to exclude vhdx files from restore. Handle the case of missed some disks during the import vm. bugfix: (#23857) - Allow to exclude Hyper-V virtual disks (vhdx, avhdx files) from backup. Implemented vhdx-avhdx chain exclusion feature. 3ad0dd075c - BUGFIX: (#23879) [BETA] Report templates are missing. Solution: Use xcopy /s to copy subdirectories too merge: Merged with master change: Unix: mbstowcsl conversion stops when locale is correct bugfix: (#23490) - small typo bugfix: (#23490) - allow fallback to ISO-8859 for unix systems without UTF8 support. CPIO packdata debug enabled if sm_vfs log lvl > 3 BUGFIX: (#23883) Update Sesam Server with import DB ERROR: language 'plpgsql' already exists. Solution: Avoid error message by using DROP LANGUAGE IF EXISTS plpgsql; BUGFIX: (#23841) Windows backup of type PATH failed after switching to standby mode. Solution: Prevent sleep idle time-out (system standby) during backup or restore bugfix: (#23490) use wchar_t to compare folder and file names; use UTF-8 for primary conversion BUGFIX: (#23849) After fresh setup and configuration, no snapshots are created and/or synchronized to S3. Problem: The clone media_pool is set up with inactive flag set to NULL. Solution: Check with (inactive!='y' or inactive is NULL) CHANGE: (#23529) License for Storage TB must show the underlying sizes. Solution: 1. Display 'Storage' TB DISK_HARD and data_stores 'human readable'. 2. Use correct KB for DISK_HARD (old * 1,024). 3. Do not round up the data_size. This allows customer to check the resulting Storage TB data sizes bugfix: Linux: Compiler complained about TR2 macro change: (#23828) All sm_sms_watch processes query for drive status of queue manager, which is not necessary. Solution: Loggin in qm_cmd_ll() reduced and print output of 'sm_qm sho_full {drive}' only wiht log level 2 or when queu state changed change: Check if vSphere sub saveset LIS exists now with try: ... except: BUGFIX: (#23847) VMware backup excludes RAW volumes automatically, but does not provide any information about it. Solution: Scan for sbc_vadp warning messages 2972 and 2973 wip: (#23847) VMware backup excludes RAW volumes automatically, but does not provide any information about it. Add message tags 2972 and 2973 bugfix: typo BUGFIX: (#23848) Kopano restore failed with python error: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory. Problem: The regular expression '/.*/var/work/kopano/' was modified to '/\.*/var/work/kopano/'. Solution: Avoid escaping '.?', '.*', '.+', '.{n}' or '.{n,m}' bugfix: (#23355) - system_state backup fails with "CVssBaseObject::DiscoverComponentsForBackup: NULL-pointer of class CVssWriterConteiner * __ptr64". Print out more friendly error message. bugfix: (#23419) - Change the default Hyper-V restore path if only new VM name is given. Made path adaption in accordance to last requests. bugfix: (#23816) Check for queue submit fails in case of heavy system load. Solution: Wait up to 30 seconds in vmdk.py bugfix: (#19511) Enhance sm_sms_interface to change log level of SMS during runtime. Problem: "sm_sms_interface reread_ini" need to call login_to_SMS which fails if no tape in drive. Solution: for "sm_sms_interface reread_ini" use fake login_to_SMS and logout_from_SMS to avid error bugfix: [#23667] - sbc_netapp: browsing into volumes does not work as volume is beeing mounted on wrong host bugfix: (#4733) Don't repeat same error message to often in SMS/STPD logs. - Remove test traces change: Avoid trace 'OpenNamedPipe: open pipe ...' in log level 1 change: Avoid trace 'OpenNamedPipe: ... retries' bugfix: (#23822) Netapp Data-Store: fsck always failed. Problem: On Windows the 'connection refused' was not detected and HTTPS access was not used. Now end with 'No snapshots could be found' when no snapshots are existing BUGFIX: (#23832) DataStore action must display the reason for state INFORMATION or ERROR. Solution: Remember return message from space_info() change: (#23834) sm_sho dir displays to much sensible password information in higher log level. Solution: Enclose trace lines in #ifdef DEBUG ... #endif CHANGE: (#23826) Avoid messages under CURRENT MESSAGES - SYSTEM when a 'volume' license is used: 'I008-LICENSE An upgrade to an appropriate SEP sesam version is required to support the license entry ... with value ....'. Solution: Skip the message in case of edition '*Volume*'. bugfix: sm_sesam getSavesetTree core dumps when drive_group has more than 60 drives bugfix: (#23816) Check for queue submit fails in case of heavy system load. Solution: Wait up to 30 seconds bugfix: (#23661) sbc produces reparse point trace logs in regular loglevel. Avoid message 'GetReparsePointData: Reparse tag 0x...' new: (#4733) Don't repeat same error message to often in SMS/STPD logs. Problem: In case of an error the same message is written to logfile over and over again, so the first error message is often lost. Solution: Hide the same messages if where is less then set number of them, or they appears often then set bugfix: (#23824) SEP sesam on Linux always starts FULL FSCK for each Si3 store. Solution: Wrong definition in macro M_i_RCMD_EXEC_LOG(C,B,I,M,L) lead to size 4 bytes new: (#4733) Don't repeat same error message to often in SMS/STPD logs. Problem: In case of an error the same message is written to logfile over and over again, so the first error message is often lost. Solution: Hide the same messages if where is less then set number of them, or they appears often then set bugfix: (#23419) - Change the default Hyper-V restore path if only new VM name is given bugfix: (#23818) - Hyper-V 2016 after restore some AutoRecovery.avhdx files are left behind . Ignore intermediate AutoRecovery files. 9c18aec66d - bugfix: (#23419) - Change the default Hyper-V restore path if only new VM name is given bugfix: (#23818) - Hyper-V 2016 after restore some AutoRecovery.avhdx files are left behind . Ignore intermediate AutoRecovery files. bugfix: sm_sesam getSavesetTree core dumps when drive_group has more than 60 drives bugfix: (#23816) Check for queue submit fails in case of heavy system load. Solution: Wait up to 30 seconds bugfix: (#23661) sbc produces reparse point trace logs in regular loglevel. Avoid message 'GetReparsePointData: Reparse tag 0x...' bugfix: (#23824) SEP sesam on Linux always starts FULL FSCK for each Si3 store. Solution: Wrong definition in macro M_i_RCMD_EXEC_LOG(C,B,I,M,L) lead to size 4 bytes bugfix: (#23817) Tape action could fail with 'Could not dismount drive . (...): drive in state [SMS_ERROR] > dismount not allowed!'. Problem: Since commit 86716bd 'change: Function generate_performance_data() moved to admin_mode.c. Write ouptut to perf...file only if output was changed' the perf_... files are not recreated if removed by sm_config_drives. Solution: Remove only files older than 7 days in gv_rw_info: and recreate SMS perf_... files if they do not exist bugfix: (#23814) VSS backup fails on x86 systems: WIN32 API error: 126 - The specified module could not be found. LoadLibrary() call failed for: [vss.dll]]. Problem: Since commit e307dfd the hyperv_access.dll is not longer included in x86 package but vss.dll is hard linked to that dll. Solution: Add hyperv_accessl.dll again bugfix: (#23791) - Restore of 2016 Cluster VM fails with RestoreProcessing: Unexpected error: There is no found relocation rule for file "C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\2016\disks\2016-AutoRecovery.avhdx". Cause: image files were detected by the two conditions - by file extension and folder. Fix : handle image file just by the file extension. bugfix: (#23705) Killing sbc_bsr via 'sbc -k -s ...' ends in incorrect exit code. Problem: sbc -k failed to send signal to sbc_proxy which cause core termination. Solution: Add signal_handler thread for sbc_bsr BUGFIX: (#23803) Newly implemented compression in BSR Pro is always activated. Solution: Argument parsing improved bugfix: (#23791) - Restore of 2016 Cluster VM fails with RestoreProcessing: Unexpected error: There is no found relocation rule for file "C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\2016\disks\2016-AutoRecovery.avhdx". Cause: "-a norename" has not been handled "PrepareRestore" function. bugfix: (#23705) Killing sbc_proxy via "sbc -k -s ..." ends in incorrect exit code. Problem: sbc -k failed to send signal to sbc_proxy which cause core termination of *sbc* applications. Solution: Add signal_handler thread for sbc_proxy change: (#23441) - Add function to revert to snapshot for NetApp BUGFIX: (#23793) Windows 'all' backup fails for a Windows 10 client on reparse points 0x8000001b. Problem: Microsoft reparse tag IO_REPARSE_TAG_APPEXECLINK must be backed up with BACKUP_REPARSE_DATA stream. Solution: Backup all Microsoft reparse tags except IO_REPARSE_TAG_DEDUP via BackupRead() BACKUP_REPARSE_DATA stream. change: usage revised BUGFIX: (#23793) Windows 'all' backup fails for a Windows 10 client on reparse points 0x8000001b. Problem: Microsoft reparse tag IO_REPARSE_TAG_APPEXECLINK must be backed up with BACKUP_REPARSE_DATA stream. Solution: Backup all Microsoft reparse tags except IO_REPARSE_TAG_DEDUP via BackupRead() BACKUP_REPARSE_DATA stream. change: usage revised change: (#23783) Extend DB VIEW 'count_results' by media label information. With last commit no label for migrated backups has been shown BUGFIX: (#22753) Backup of Windows directory fails because of directory block size is larger than 1024 bytes. Solution: The directory stream name size must be checked together with OS Info size to determine if PNAM stream must be used when Format Logical Block size is too small bugfix: (#23787) Removed uninstall call, because install script of VMware does it automatically bugfix: (#23787) Mounting VMDK on Windows RDS may not work after SEP sesam update new: changed version number from to (for master kit) change: Compilation failed with 'cm_common.lib(getopt.obj) : error LNK2005: optarg already defined in sesam.lib(sesam.dll)'