GUI Bugfixes: Revert "change: disable test 'testAddClientWithMissingParam', which cause freeze jenkins. (test only)" change: disable test 'testAddClientWithMissingParam', which cause freeze jenkins. (test only) Revert "change: disable test 'testAddTasksWithSameTypeClientSource'" change: disable test 'testAddTasksWithSameTypeClientSource' change: disable test 'testAddTasksWithSameTypeClientSource', must be fixed first change: set correct desktop icon for gui v443 change: improve test 'testAddTasksWithSameTypeClientSource' add: test 'testAddTasksWithSameTypeClientSource' Revert "bugfix: add task with cli param "-O check_existing" does not more work; default values backupType=Path not set; client will not be applied" Revert "change: (#18219) combination of attributes 'client', 'source', 'type' must be unique inside group, when add task with differ name to existing group with param '-O check_existing'" Revert "change: (#18219) add task with param '-O check_existing' and without group does not work, when combined task combination 'source/type/client' still exist at DB" bugfix: junit tests with hwdrive cause BadGrammarException Revert "bugfix: junit tests with hwdrive cause BadGrammarException" change: (#20742) Remove hint about deletion of replicated savesets change: show the whole name for log file for 'media_results->inventory' bugfix: (#20758) use concurrentHashMap to avoid modificatino exceptions bugfix: junit tests with hwdrive cause BadGrammarException bugfix: (#20749; #20745) add correct name for log file for 'media_results->inventory'; Inventory is shown as Inventory in column action bugfix: partial revert to avoid issues with JCombobox/SepCombobox bugfix: (#20661) MessageDialog shown to inform the user of using the export function instead bugfix: (#20715) also accept 1 as true bugfix: (#20751) Exchange restore with RPEX option --> Hint text for RPEX desktop link is missing fix: remove invalid message dialog bugfix: (#20582) replace "Successful" in data store state with "OK" bugfix: remove label from caching fix: warnings and add documentation for cache clearing bugfix: source line 'import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;' cause build failed bugfix: (#19151) INC mount with RPEX fails, because "-o gen" parameter is missing bugfix: (#20640) remove label from caching and add timer to check whith open dialog bugfix: (#20550) Column 'Modification Time' is now deselectable (JOB STATUS -> RESTORES) bugfix: (#20743) Restart of failed backup is impossible. No task is selectable in "Restart backup" popup window (code improvement, add populate table check directly at method 'filterChanged' bugfix: (#20744) corrected use of SepComboBox bugfix: (#20743) Restart of failed backup is impossible. No task is selectable in "Restart backup" popup window bugfix: (#20586) rename "Show" button to "Refresh" bugfix: (#20727) remove datastore, which use drivegroup of another datastore cannot be deleted; prevent question 'create new mediapool', when create datastore with existing drivegroup, which will be used bugfix: (#20735) CastClassException change: (#20695) set default value by defaults key 'default_duration', when duration is null (key 'enable_no_default_endtime is unset/false'). (default val is 4 days) bugfix: (#20640) add new api to trigger cache update for hw drives change: (#20695) add default key 'enable_no_default_endtime' for allow set terms.endtime=null (add missing class SchedulesdaoImpl) change: (#20695) add default key 'enable_no_default_endtime' for allow set terms.endtime=null fix: CastClassException errors for TextFields bugfix: avoid freezing because of synchronization issues with cancel. fix: gui-test project change: set build version to 'V4.4 Build 3 A' bugfix: (#20728) Target path settings for Exchange path restore in the GUI no more available bugfix: (#3992) wrong init of suppress tree, when open existing newdayevent bugfix: (#20728) Target path settings for Exchange path restore in the GUI no more available bugfix: (#3992) wrong init of suppress tree, when open existing newdayevent bugfix: (#20400) add extra checks and force closing all threads to make sure no invalid data is displayed change: (#3992) add field 'newday_events.suppress_flags' for newdayevent with flags: {A=all events (except newday itself), B=Backup, M=Media, R=Restore, X=Command,C=Migration/replication} revert commit: 'd4378dc' bugfix: (#20640) field 'tape in drive' at drive dialog will not be refreshed .Problem: cache will not be refreshed, when kernel change data .Solution: cyclic refresh of drive cache all 10 seconds bugfix: (#20400) removed synchronization and added more checks if the filter has been changed to prevent updates from a previous thread bugfix (#20400) fix hashcode for filter and add missing checkboxes to disable function change - SepJButton -> JButton change: adjust help for parameter and correctly write errors to the lgo file instead stdout Revert "Revert "bugfix: (#20400) add filter-change checks when thread inserts data to avoid adding data in a thread that should have been filtered"" change: (#3992) add field 'newday_events.suppress_flags' for newdayevent with flags: {A=all events (except newday itself), B=Backup, M=Media, R=Restore, X=Command,C=Migration/replication} revert commit: 'd4378dc' bugfix: (#20640) field 'tape in drive' at drive dialog will not be refreshed .Problem: cache will not be refreshed, when kernel change data .Solution: cyclic refresh of drive cache all 10 seconds bugfix: (#20672) SepJButton -> SepButton bugfix: (#20672) Swing components -> Sep- components bugfix: (#20400) remove synchonization to avoid potential deadlock bugfix: (#19652) use info object instead of direct ini access bugfix: (#20726) catch any certificate related exception and make sure server is still up bugfix: (#20717) Info 2 tab of saveset result shows placeholders where database values are NULL bugfix: (#20479) increase the maximum request size to 10M. Add unit test for file size and request debugging. change: fix warnings bugfix: adjust synchronized block to avoid locking between two tree table models bugfix: (#20717) Info 2 tab of saveset result shows placeholders where database values are NULL bugfix: (#20479) increase the maximum request size to 10M. Add unit test for file size and request debugging. BUGFIX: (#20720) ClasscastException (JepJButton->JButton) occur, when open restore wizard. change - SepJButton -> JButton change: adjust help for parameter and correctly write errors to the lgo file instead stdout bugfix: (#20716) send protocol with WNT GUI with Linux Server cause URISyntaxException .Problem: Invalid token '/r' at URI String .Solution: remove token '/r' change: (#18219) add task with param '-O check_existing' and without group does not work, when combined task combination 'source/type/client' still exist at DB change: (#18219) combination of attributes 'client', 'source', 'type' must be unique inside group, when add task with differ name to existing group with param '-O check_existing' bugfix: (#20713) vm data will not more cached change: (#20713) show VM browser columns, when expand vsphere node change: (#20713) hide column vm folder(not filled yet), add columns vm_powerstate, vm hostname for client browser, which are visible for vsphere server clients new: browser columns vm folder(not filled yet); vm host; vm guest OS for client browser, which are visible for vsphere server clients bugfix: add task with cli param "-O check_existing" does not more work; default values backupType=Path not set; client will not be applied new: browser columns vm folder(not filled yet); vm host; vm guest OS for client browser, which are visible for vsphere server clients bugfix: add task with cli param "-O check_existing" does not more work; default values backupType=Path not set; client will not be applied bugfix: (#20640) field 'tape in drive' at drive dialog will not be refreshed .Problem: cache will not be refreshed, when kernel change data .Solution: cyclic refresh of drive cache all 10 seconds change: (#20458) add header 'out' for JSON output over webapi cliservice ({"out":["Usage: sm_cmd ...) change: (#20458) Sesam API call for "help" doesn't return information in JSON format; set default output from text to json (List) change: (#20114) improve help text for location; add reason, why set param '-p ' by ID only be supported change: (#20458) Sesam API call for "help" doesn't return information in JSON format; set default output from text to json (List) change: (#20114) improve help text for location; add reason, why set param '-p ' by ID only be supported BUGFIX: (#20624) after change drive settings of existing drive, encryption flag will be always deactivated (hw_drives.encryption_capable=0) change: (#20426) add esx server cpu sockets to VM license output new: (#20667) add button backup/forward at gui dashboard dialog. bugfix: (#20672) JideButton -> SepJideButton bugfix: (#20672) JButton -> SepJButton new: (#20667) add button backup/forward at gui dashboard dialog. change: (#20695) set default end date to 4 days for run immediately backup&command dialog change: (#20695) remove set of default duration 6h for all cases (immediatestart,..); bugfix: combobox 'enddate' will be activated for schedule type 'once', after disable/enable schedule change: (#20695) not all swing components will be disabled, when set execution to 'no' at schedule dialog change: (#20695) redesign additional config panel of schedule dialog change: (#20695) add checkbox for enable/disable duration field (default disabled); add default key 'default_lifetime' bugfix: init of some schedule swing components does not fit, after create new schedule/open properties of existing one 4a852ef new dist with changes after feedback 2c517ce copy task data before filtering, disable compare mode in tasks widget when selecting a client in clients widget e0d98d0 gray btn-default for daterange buttons 144f80e newest dist 98d5947 sort task data correctly by startTime, handle early cleint or task selection before data is available 2552e09 handle rest api error where in mediaResults the dataStore type is incorrect a341fc4 get language from javaEnv.getLang() if available (for java GUI) change: (#20667) Press OK at input field at dashboard cause close dashboar window,remove default focus for button 'close'; rename button 'ok' to 'close' bugfix: (#20672) JideButton -> SepJideButton bugfix: (#20672) JButton -> SepJButton bugfix: (#17358) Instant recovery setting "Start VM" not saved if checkbox is disabled .Problem: start flag will not be set at recover mode. .SOlution: correct handling for start flag, which can be changed directly at restore wizard start page or instant recovery options d901db3 newest dist to test javaEnd.getLang() 8b6675d changes according to feedback, first try of javaEnv.getLang(), removed letters from event type icons (datasize) and changed order, use ag-grid theme ag-fresh change: (#20683) "Set as Quick Filter" doesn't work in tab "Media Actions" .Problem: column label will be set as quickfilter; media_results without label has no effect. .Solution: Hide mouse context menu option, if selected row has no label bugfix: (#20684) Column Locked is missing in Datastore Dialog where the savesets are listed change: (#20681) set format of imageicon 'readflag.png' to 'readflag.gif) 25912d8 newest dist with fixes for 20671, 20239, 20646 55d22f4 partial fix for #20239, cleint selection in compare mode, legend for event types, reset filter button 10abca1 bugzilla 20646, show stored property only if dedup, change order in bubble, also in detail page 9614d80 add lang query parameter to dashboard url to change language for now 0e1fa41 add comment datastore sizes are still in GB 0826a2d add sorting by object, partial implementation for bugzilla #20671 2ced2c2 test allresults sorting by object change: (#20681) improve table savesets under datastore, add own icon for saveset entries, which has same date for 'eol' and 'saveset_eol'; exchange column order for column eol, saveset_eol change: (#20682) ContextMenu in the GUI (DataStores-SAVESETS) is wrong (properties - task properties) .Solution: add separate context menuitem 'task properties' (task properties) next to 'saveset properties' bugfix: (#20693) Operation Not Possible - Unable to process null/null exception .Problem: Happen, when get all resultlbls for column 'saveset_eol' .Solution: get filtered resultlbls by media bugfix: (#20676) Task-encryption doesn't work on the comandline, when starting a backup -> (Error: Decryption of [-o encrypt=] failed.) SRC Bugfixes: change: Improve the error handling mechanism for COM objects bugfix: (#16553) sbc_es.exe: debug output should be shown in restore loglevel -v 2 bugfix: (#18435) - Implement granularity level for SharePoint - to allow use without sqlmgr.dll. Implemented granularity level. Merged from master: 4e715d5 bugfix: Compilation error: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(3746,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "App.config" because it was not found. [D:\dev\main\.su\src\sbc_w32_os2\sbcmsql\sqlmgr\sqlmgr.csproj] 2970572 bugfix: (#18435) - Implement granularity level for SharePoint - to allow use without sqlmgr.dll. Implemented granularity level. 2e0b06b BUGFIX: (#20453) - Sesam Update overwrite a manually installed sqlmgr.dll with a wrong version, the backup fails with 'Failed to register [sqlmgr.dll] type library'. Add new file. 9d36043 BUGFIX: (#19486) Sesam Update overwrite a manually installed sqlmgr.dll with a wrong version, the backup fails with 'Failed to register [sqlmgr.dll] type library'. Re-design module with dynamical calls. bugfix: (#20115) Overlap of FULL and INC backup results to an incorrect saveset referencing. change: Use resource 'task_name' bugfix: (#20760) sm_restore cores during restore of fdi-path backup. Problem: Recent change in que_submit2() requires sctQue.LL_Resources = ConsLL(); for migration task too. bugfix: (#20760) sm_restore cores during restore of fdi-path backup. Problem: Recent change in que_submit2() requires sctQue.LL_Resources = ConsLL(); bugfix: Correct insert into 'DB:restore_results', if stop time for restore event is already gone bugfix: (#20718) Enable Sesam WEB interface during Sesam installation (has been enabled during update only before). Change has to be made in 'sm_update.ini' not in 'sm_db_update.ini' bugfix: (#20115) Overlap of FULL and INC backup results to an incorrect saveset referencing. Problem: sm_qm_main with many trace lines 'job ... has to wait. Global resources for job not ready'. Solution: Avoid such lines, log 'AllocateGlobalResource: ...' and 'ReleaseGlobalResource: ...' instead bugfix: (#20750) orasbt.dll cannot be loaded anymore. Problem: __declspec(dllexport) is missing for DLL exported sbt... functions. Solution: Add DllExport with __declspec(dllexport) in case of Windows to the function prototypes in sbt_api.h bugfix: (#20115) Overlap of FULL and INC backup results to an incorrect saveset referencing. Problem: Same backup task may be running concurrently with level FULL/DIFF/INCR. Solution: Use global resource job:{task}=1 to run only one FULL/DIFF/INCR at a time (Draft: Activate this behavior with GLBV 'gv_exclusive_FDI_backup'!) change: (#20406) Remember last (full) backup in DB:tasks. Problem: pszconvert_time() not longer necessary change: (#20406) Remember last (full) backup in DB:tasks. Problem: Function GET_INCR_TIME() uses old algo with select recent saveset from table results. Solution: Use tasks.last_full/diff/incr/fdi_backup as reference bugfix: (#20644) passd- and stpd_main-log-files on a sesam client are generated in c:\. Problem: Upgrade from 4.4.2 GUI+Client does not add STPD_INI registry key. Solution: If GUI with Client then call iSetRoot('client') during update to set root (registry) values bugfix: DB_ACCESS() Avoid string overrun in argument cpMsg by using size BUFLEN bugfix: (#20736) License expired but backup still possible. Problem: Since commit 0629edf '(#19811) Reduce license check (output) during backup' the license check was ommited. Solution: Do a full check again and reduce license output for backup. BUGFIX: (#20731) Backing up nsf file which is deleted during backup leads to Domino Server crash. Problem: Mailbox database is removed during backup. Solution: If a database file is removed during backup then treat this missing item as warning bugfix: (#20709) Update to fails because sm_passd.exe is missing. Problem: sm_passd.exe was moved to new installer component but installer only removes sm_passd.exe without extracting new component. Solution: Revert to old component. Attention: Update with in 4.4.3 is broken! BUGFIX: (#19058) sm_qm sho/full {drive} consumes too much answer time. Problem: Since commit b544302 time consuming asynchron communication reimplemented. Solution: Use synchron pipe communication again change: Move trace 'OpenNamedPipe: open pipe ...' to level 1 change: Move trace '--- check_que_and_pending_jobs: alloc mode not allocation_permanent' to level 2 bugfix: (#20721) Queue manager does not release all handles of job on Windows. Problem: The job object handle is not released if OpenProcess() failed. Solution: Avoid OpenProcess() by using process handle bugfix: (#20644) passd- and stpd_main-log-files on a sesam client are generated in c:\. Problem: GUI installation with client does not create stpd.ini change: E007_COPY_CHECKSUM deutsch: 'Prüfsumme der Saveset Kopie stimmt nicht überein' change: Log levels reduced from level 4 to level 5 due to commit a8b848a 'bugfix: (#19879) Lis-file contains a lot of slashes at the end of the file names. Problem: Extra Logs on log level 4. Solution: Revise logs levels bugfix: (#20652) Do not use 'systemd' to start Sesam during client installation