GUI Bugfixes: 4a852ef new dist with changes after feedback 2c517ce copy task data before filtering, disable compare mode in tasks widget when selecting a client in clients widget e0d98d0 gray btn-default for daterange buttons 144f80e newest dist 98d5947 sort task data correctly by startTime, handle early cleint or task selection before data is available 2552e09 handle rest api error where in mediaResults the dataStore type is incorrect a341fc4 get language from javaEnv.getLang() if available (for java GUI) change: (#20667) Press OK at input field at dashboard cause close dashboar window,remove default focus for button 'close'; rename button 'ok' to 'close' bugfix: (#17358) Instant recovery setting "Start VM" not saved if checkbox is disabled .Problem: start flag will not be set at recover mode. .SOlution: correct handling for start flag, which can be changed directly at restore wizard start page or instant recovery options d901db3 newest dist to test javaEnd.getLang() 8b6675d changes according to feedback, first try of javaEnv.getLang(), removed letters from event type icons (datasize) and changed order, use ag-grid theme ag-fresh change: (#20683) "Set as Quick Filter" doesn't work in tab "Media Actions" .Problem: column label will be set as quickfilter; media_results without label has no effect. .Solution: Hide mouse context menu option, if selected row has no label bugfix: (#20684) Column Locked is missing in Datastore Dialog where the savesets are listed change: (#20681) set format of imageicon 'readflag.png' to 'readflag.gif) 25912d8 newest dist with fixes for 20671, 20239, 20646 55d22f4 partial fix for #20239, cleint selection in compare mode, legend for event types, reset filter button 10abca1 bugzilla 20646, show stored property only if dedup, change order in bubble, also in detail page 9614d80 add lang query parameter to dashboard url to change language for now 0e1fa41 add comment datastore sizes are still in GB 0826a2d add sorting by object, partial implementation for bugzilla #20671 2ced2c2 test allresults sorting by object change: (#20681) improve table savesets under datastore, add own icon for saveset entries, which has same date for 'eol' and 'saveset_eol'; exchange column order for column eol, saveset_eol change: (#20682) ContextMenu in the GUI (DataStores-SAVESETS) is wrong (properties - task properties) .Solution: add separate context menuitem 'task properties' (task properties) next to 'saveset properties' bugfix: (#20693) Operation Not Possible - Unable to process null/null exception .Problem: Happen, when get all resultlbls for column 'saveset_eol' .Solution: get filtered resultlbls by media bugfix: (#20676) Task-encryption doesn't work on the comandline, when starting a backup -> (Error: Decryption of [-o encrypt=] failed.) Revert "bugfix: (#20400) add filter-change checks when thread inserts data to avoid adding data in a thread that should have been filtered" bugfix: (#20669) Exchange Restore Target Browser Button is labeled: !getTargetDbRecoveryPanel().Button_rdb_browser! bugfix: wrong sesam day for created restore results during vm attach/mount, get sesam day from command: 'sm_glbv r gv_date' bugfix: (#20672) Overwrite all swing classes with empty sepswing classes bugfix: (#20660) Execution options (overwrite, no overwrite, new version) are not selectable in restore wizard bugfix: (#20666) A excluded drive ist in the exlude list, but it is not marked as excluded (red "x") when browsing bugfix: (#19958) allow any ssl certificate for gui and cli and enable https as default change: double-string conversion added to other table model bugfix: (#20635) VMware Single File restore does not write saveset into restore_results.saveset, when browse vmdk files at mount session and leave restorewizard. change: adjust help message because parameter -b doesn't exist bugfix:(#20647) correct handling of the connect cb in the single remote server dialog bugfix:(#20647) reactivate on/off switching of remote servers in the remote servers dialog bugfix: (#20650) save the VIEW in the GUI with a closed tree node the view will be saved many times bugfix: (#20151) dont display login dialog is localFullauth=true change: avoid multiple gui redraw on startup bugfix:(#20604) correct print function in the -by-status listeners bugfix: (#20400) add filter-change checks when thread inserts data to avoid adding data in a thread that should have been filtered bugfix: (#20609) add Wait Cursor if "OK" button is pushed in "Task property" change: add missing helptag (All_Results_by_State) for ResultByStatus change: implement enum for default dateformat bugfix: (#20495) introduce a new export-model interface for custom formatting in excel export change: Code Cleanup for better readability SRC Bugfixes: NEW: (#20695) Redesign of scheduler with optional start time frame. Problem: Most customers do not want to set start time window. Solution: Allow to configure schedules without start time window (duration=NULL) new: changed version number from to bugfix: (#20653) Drive used for backup is also used for restore although another drive is defined in restore event. Problem: Release of memory was corrupt. Solution: Avoid free(...) change: Use message 'E027-SBC_COM Missing saveset with VMDK image for saveset ...' instead of 'sm_sbc_com-E007-SBC_COM Missing mandatory save set identifier' when VMDK saveset is missing BUGFIX: (#20653) Drive used for backup is also used for restore although another drive is defined in restore event. Problem: Check for drive of data store did not allow to use other drive for restore. Solution: Check if data store's path for the given drive matches change: Implement argument aprsing for 'analyze_log -f [-I 0|1|X]' bugfix: (#19889) Backup of Citrix XEN can fail, but is reported as successful BUGFIX: (#20681) Adjust EOL of savesets with state 'Canceled' or 'Failed' causes 'External process failed' error. Problem: The referenced FULL backup of the selected INCR backup was already gone. Solution: If EOL should be changed then the exit after FDI_CHAIN problem must be avoided bugfix: (#20679) Third party license text missing in Windows installshield. Problem: Reason not obvious - add 'echo on' to trace the processing BUGFIX: (#20680) The GUI button to open the dashboard is not present after installation. Problem: Entry 'enable_dashboard' is missing in table defaults. Solution: Add entry during installation