$Id: sm_cvs_history.c,v 1.9 2012/02/24 11:26:54 miraculix Exp $ RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/cm_lang.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.194 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/17 08:30:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: Message XX_W_RESTORE_HARDLINK_INFO (rev. 1.196) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.157 v_4_0_5_20: 1.158 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.158 date: 2012/03/13 12:24:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 define SL1 1024 and define SL2 2048 ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common/LLio.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.2 v_4_0_5_20: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2012/01/02 15:46:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +36 -4 change: ReadLL/WriteLL() set stdin/stdout to binary mode ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common/cm_common.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.17 v_4_0_5_20: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2012/02/29 14:45:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Comment for squeeze() revised ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common/cm_crypt.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.25 v_4_0_5_20: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2012/03/23 13:21:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +60 -1 new: Functions char *url_decode_string( const char * ); and char *url_decode_query_string( const char * ); added ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2012/03/21 17:09:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: encoded = url_encode_string( str ); ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/03/21 16:12:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 new: url_encode_query_string( const char *str ) Encode given string in URL Query-String with blanc is represented as '+' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common/cm_crypt.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.19 v_4_0_5_20: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2012/03/23 13:21:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Functions char *url_decode_string( const char * ); and char *url_decode_query_string( const char * ); added ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2012/03/21 16:12:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: url_encode_query_string( const char *str ) Encode given string in URL Query-String with blanc is represented as '+' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.24 v_4_0_5_20: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2012/02/29 16:42:50; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: remove duplicate Dump function ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2012/02/29 16:08:22; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: fix compilation(dump.c) on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/02/29 13:59:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: dump.c was excluded from the make process. ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2012/02/29 12:13:07; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: add generic dump function ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.9 v_4_0_5_20: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2012/01/10 13:25:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Put " around $(PLATFORM_SDK)\lib (for /LIBPATH:...) bcz it may contain path with blancs ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2012/01/06 15:21:21; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: User32.lib library added to dependence list in order to resolve the GetSystemMetrics() Windows API call ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/common/xutil.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.22 v_4_0_5_20: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/12/01 14:43:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Further Windows operating systems added: X_OSID_WIN_2003_R2, X_OSID_WIN_STORAGE_2003, X_OSID_WIN_HOME and X_OSID_WIN_XP_X64 ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/sm_common/db_api.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.30 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2012/04/18 12:17:16; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 branches: 1.35.2; new string variable DB_STR_GENERATE_W for DB API clients (VSS) ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2012/03/22 09:07:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -5 change: Revert last change to normal build for 'v4_0_6' ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2012/03/22 09:06:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: User old 'DB_InitOperation' for UNIX to build on 'v4_0_5' tag ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2012/03/15 10:00:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: vm variable ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:45; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +15 -4 change: DB_InitOperation() declaration extended with extra parameter ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/19 07:16:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Add "#ifdef UNIX int DB_InitOperation (DB_OPERATION_TYPE, DB_OPERATION_LEVEL, TCHAR **); ..." (old DB_API) on v4_0_5_branch ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/sm_common/sbc_msg.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.167 v_4_0_5_20: 1.172 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2012/04/16 15:12:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: log correct command with exitcode at vmaccess, that would be executed. ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2012/03/21 09:49:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change VADP message text ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2012/03/15 11:48:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replace message with id '1938' with 'Register VM failed, no host system found at datacenter '%s'' ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2012/03/15 10:34:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 correct some 'sbc_jvm' messages ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2012/03/07 15:08:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Message: sbc-3215 Subject lines are displayed URL encoded ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/sm_common/packdata/callback/sbc_def.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.20 v_4_0_5_20: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2012/04/18 12:23:25; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: snc option ARG_OP_GENERATE_DB for generating RDB ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/unix/cm_hal_pipe.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.28 v_4_0_5_20: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2012/03/07 17:22:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: iReadFromHandle() Return iRet == 1 if some data was read even if EAGAIN was not raised ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/03/07 13:09:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 BUGFIX: (#14805) Unix: iReadFromHandle() did not return last line if last line did not end with LF ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/unix/cm_hal_unix.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.101 v_4_0_5_20: 1.103 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2012/03/20 12:23:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: i_GetDiskUsage() descripion revised ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2012/03/02 11:15:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 new: use file function to set modification time of a file ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/unix/cm_posix.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.10 v_4_0_5_20: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2012/03/28 08:23:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: (Windows) Input file for file transfer must be opened with binary mode ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/wnt/cm_hal_file_util.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.82 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/07 12:59:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +52 -75 BUGFIX: (#14827) Running 'sm_client dir mount' x86 binary (on x64 system) leads to core dump with STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION (0xc0000374) bcz LoadLibrary("kernel32") and GetProc("GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName") retrieves x64 function. Now the function is used without locating it in kernel32.dll as Windows 2000 support is already finished (rev. 1.84) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/wnt/cm_hal_wnt.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.84 v_4_0_5_20: 1.92 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2012/04/11 13:01:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: GetDiskUsage() set return values to 0 before checking Path ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2012/04/11 12:47:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +78 -60 bugfix: GetDiskUsage(): stat() function expects directories without ending '/' otherwise errno 2 (ENOENT) 'No such file or directory' is returned ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2012/03/21 17:33:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Call Windows sort with option '/rec 65535' to allow maximal record size ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2012/03/20 12:22:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +21 -10 BUGFIX: (#14933) Now i_GetDiskUsage() checks if the source exists and returns -! * POSIX error if an error occurs ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2012/03/02 15:47:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -7 change: Windows: cm_chmod(...) Set requested file attributes +R|-R|+A|-A ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2012/03/02 15:22:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +54 -39 change: cm_chtime( char *szLastAccessTime, char *szFile ) Set LastAccessTime for given file to UTC representation of szLastAccessTime ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2012/03/02 11:40:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +62 -6 change: cm_chtime(...) implemented for test reasons with current system time ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2012/03/02 11:18:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -1 change: Dummy function int cm_chtime( char *szMode, char *szFile ) on Windows ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/common/wnt/cm_posix.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.31 v_4_0_5_20: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2012/03/28 08:23:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: (Windows) Input file for file transfer must be opened with binary mode ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sys/sm_setup.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.596 v_4_0_5_20: 1.601 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.601 date: 2012/03/30 10:16:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 CHANGE: Set sm.ini package_type and package_name during update ---------------------------- revision 1.600 date: 2012/03/30 09:30:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -9 BUGFIX: (#15005) Do not create directory link to 'gv_rw_var:' if oper system is Windows 2003 ---------------------------- revision 1.599 date: 2012/03/30 08:54:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +88 -77 BUGFIX: (#15004) If called with 'sm_setup make_srv -o ...license_accepted=yes' then insert LICENSE_EULA into notifications ---------------------------- revision 1.598 date: 2012/03/28 07:21:06; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 change: iKillJobs() in case of an update or downgrade iKillJobs is called with cpMode='gui', since we do not want sm_ctrld to be killed in those cases the 'sm_kill sm_ctrld' statement is excluded in case iKillJobs is called with the parameter 'gui'. ---------------------------- revision 1.597 date: 2012/03/02 16:20:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New command line for sm_db_update with -o {old_version} and -n {new_version} ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.136 v_4_0_5_20: 1.137 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.137 date: 2012/03/23 14:12:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: Need -EXPORT:curl_unescape to access curl_unescape() ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sesam_make_lic.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.35 v_4_0_5_20: 1.46 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2012/03/26 08:54:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: WRITE_LIC_ITEMS_TO_LIC_FILE() Check if item is of type long or string via strcmp() ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2012/03/08 17:28:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +38 -149 change: Use new WRITE_LIC_ITEMS_TO_LIC_FILE(...) ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2012/03/08 16:48:22; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +65 -60 change: Use gszLicItems[] TIMEOUT_DATE, SUPPORT_TIMEOUT_DATE, UPDATE_TIMEOUT_DATE, CYRUS_IMAP_LIC, xxx_SEATS and xxxR064 ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2012/03/08 14:08:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -9 change: Compiler warning about gszListOfLicenseKeys[] removed by using new function char *szLICENSE_KEY( enum LICENSE_KEYS ); ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2012/03/06 17:16:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +203 -171 bugfix: OPENLDAP_LIC must be used for gszLicItems[] ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2012/03/06 16:03:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -18 change: Use gszLicItems[CUSTOMER] and gszLicItems[TCPIP] ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2012/03/06 15:43:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +784 -764 change: New function i_GET_LICENSE_VALUES() with code moved from main() ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2012/03/06 11:40:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -10 change: Use new function v_LIC_INIT_LIC_ITEMS() to set gszLicItems[] to "0" ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2012/03/06 11:22:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +363 -396 change: Instead of local char variables use sm_lic_lib.h char gszLicItems[][] array for license items ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2012/03/06 09:09:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +40 -4 NEW: Marathon everRun licenses: SEP-MAR001, and RAM based SEP-MARR001 with SEP-MARR064 extension ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2012/02/27 16:44:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Usage with example for encryption using serial number ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_backup.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.187 v_4_0_5_20: 1.198 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2012/04/12 15:55:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +31 -5 CHANGE: In case of Exchange Server DIFF backup the last INCR may be referenced in results.based_on ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2012/03/21 15:35:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Comment about results state revised ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2012/03/19 17:01:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Change task 'select' statement because 'multi_source' is ambigious now ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2012/02/21 16:31:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Enlarge buffer for SQL statement ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2012/02/20 13:21:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 return 0 (=OK) from sbc_post if not activated ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2012/02/20 12:43:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -4 CHANGE: Use exit code from 'sm_sbc_post' to set backup result state, so 'sm_sbc_post' can switch state to error. (but not from error to success) ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2012/02/20 11:12:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +40 -40 CHANGE: Use exit code from 'sbc_post' to set backup result state, so 'sbc_post' can switch state to error. (but not from error to success) ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2012/01/23 14:14:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Do not overwrite 'sbc_pre' log file from client by 'sm_sbc_pre' log file ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2012/01/23 14:12:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Do not overwrite 'sbc_post' log file from client by 'sm_sbc_post' log file ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2012/01/09 17:25:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 remove comment out line ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2012/01/09 11:50:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -5 adopt for 'i_GET_TASK_OR_CLIENT_PASSWORD' with 'data_mover' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_ctrlc_lib.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.64 v_4_0_5_20: 1.65 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2012/03/28 08:23:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: (Windows) Input file for file transfer must be opened with binary mode ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_db_update.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.76 v_4_0_5_20: 1.82 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2012/04/10 08:34:57; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: (#15069) The condition for the old syntax check the second argv for the '-' character but the '-' character is in the first argv. ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2012/04/04 08:18:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: Correct check uf old style argument list ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2012/04/03 11:20:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +16 -8 bugfix: Allow old CLI syntax to use sm_db_update with Sesam 4.0.5 ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2012/04/03 10:08:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -22 bugfix: Update on oper system SLES11 x64 could be aborted with message: "failed query: update defaults set value='1' where key='update_ticke'" due to use of 'strcpy( source, source+1 )' ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2012/03/08 14:51:34; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +34 -500 change: sm_db_update was adjusted to also be able to handle dump and change for adding not null columns in the database. Erased iSELECT_INTO_TEMP_FILE, iOADB_DO_SQL, iOADB_MAKE_DB_GET_FILE, iPGSQL_DO_SQL, iPGSQL_MAKE_DB_GET_FILE, not needed anymore. ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2012/03/02 16:25:35; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +202 -74 CHANGE: changed the parameter passing to getopts. Instead of 'sm_db_update update old_version new_version' it has to be called by 'sm_db_update update -o old_version -n new_version', depends on sm_setup.c 1.597 ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_lib.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.936.2.5 v_4_0_5_20: 1.936.2.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.936.2.6 date: 2012/04/03 14:10:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#15040) Command event could not be inserted into DB:results becaus buffer for SQL command was too small ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_lic_lib.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.72 v_4_0_5_20: 1.81 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2012/03/28 07:41:50; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Add WIN32_CLIENT_PACK and VMS_CLIENT_PACK to obsolete license keys ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2012/03/27 11:44:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i_LIC_UPDATE_DEFAULTS( "update_timeout", ...) only if bUpdate was set ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2012/03/27 11:10:23; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: If an license item is not supported in current sesam version then do not call 'sm_alarm LIC ...' but call info() for System message ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2012/03/26 08:55:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: 'Guardia_Civil' special 'ONE' license ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2012/03/12 11:23:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: e_LIC_GET_KEY() Start now with first item SERIAL_NUMBER ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2012/03/08 14:08:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +61 -13 change: Compiler warning about gszListOfLicenseKeys[] removed by using new function char *szLICENSE_KEY( enum LICENSE_KEYS ); ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2012/03/07 10:46:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: enum LICENSE_KEYS reordered: SERIAL_NUMBER, SERVER, LICENSE_ID, EDITION, TCPIP, ... (see sesam_make_lic.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2012/03/06 11:40:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 change: Use new function v_LIC_INIT_LIC_ITEMS() to set gszLicItems[] to "0" ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2012/03/06 09:49:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +43 -1 NEW: Handle backup_type 'Marathon everRun' and license items MARATHON_EVERRUN, MARATHON_EVERRUN_SEATS, MARR001 and MARR064 ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_lic_lib.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.8 v_4_0_5_20: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2012/03/08 14:08:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: Compiler warning about gszListOfLicenseKeys[] removed by using new function char *szLICENSE_KEY( enum LICENSE_KEYS ); ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2012/03/07 10:46:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -6 change: enum LICENSE_KEYS reordered: SERIAL_NUMBER, SERVER, LICENSE_ID, EDITION, TCPIP, ... (see sesam_make_lic.c) ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2012/03/06 11:40:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Use new function v_LIC_INIT_LIC_ITEMS() to set gszLicItems[] to "0" ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2012/03/06 09:49:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 NEW: Handle backup_type 'Marathon everRun' and license items MARATHON_EVERRUN, MARATHON_EVERRUN_SEATS, MARR001 and MARR064 ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_restore.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.518.2.44 v_4_0_5_20: 1.518.2.66 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.66 date: 2012/04/18 17:28:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: Use -o ...,generate only for Generation Restore of Exchange Server ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.65 date: 2012/04/18 15:29:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +49 -13 BUGFIX: Exchange Server Gen Restore: Allow to restore to generated RDB by special option '-o ...generate' and -R RDB_{MasterID} for all sbc restore commands ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.64 date: 2012/04/18 07:10:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -17 change: BLOW_UP_SLL() exit if a Match Error happens ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.63 date: 2012/04/17 13:44:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +110 -70 change: Selective Exchange Server generation restore searches IMAP database lines to get all necessary EDB and LOG files (see sm_reformat_ls.py rev. 1.69) change: SEL lines are checked for CRLF to avoid problems with IMAP SEL lines. change: Second BLOW_UP_SLL() for generation restore is skipped if SEL is already fully derived from LIS in PREPARE_SLL_FILE() ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.62 date: 2012/04/17 08:24:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +293 -129 change: Error checking improved for Exchange USER line retrieving (rev. 1.600) BUGFIX: Fetch all User mailbox datafiles in case of Exchange Server Gen restore (rev. 1.599) CHANGE: cpio hard link processing in case of selective restore (file must be added) (rev. 1.583/584) ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.61 date: 2012/04/13 13:35:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +51 -10 NEW: If an Exchange Generation restore was started but only FULL is needed then execute as non-generation restore (rev. 1.598) ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.60 date: 2012/04/04 11:53:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +34 -14 BUGFIX: (#14998) In case of selective Windows MTF saveset restore the label must be used from MTF TAPE block not from first selected item. Error message: '1027: Skipping tapemarks on tape failed.' ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.59 date: 2012/04/04 10:15:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +24 -24 change: Use macros FD_RDBIN and FD_WRBIN in fopen() calls to avoid CRLF and Ctrl-Z interpretation on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.58 date: 2012/04/03 19:24:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 BUGFIX: Always use backup drive for restore, if saveset is on a data store, because other drives in a drive group could not access it ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.57 date: 2012/04/03 12:08:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 CHANGE: Check if results.source ende with '/' and remove it ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.56 date: 2012/04/03 10:49:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: Support selection of a directory in Dovecot_IMAP email item restore without or with generation restore ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.55 date: 2012/04/03 09:16:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 bugfix: If Dovecot_IMAP path is retrieved from LIS file then remove ending '/' ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.54 date: 2012/03/28 14:34:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 BUGFIX: (#14959) Selective Zarafa Generation restore needs that SLL file is resorted to LIS order ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.53 date: 2012/03/23 15:07:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -4 change: Put SEL lines for Exchange2007/2010 and ExchangeDAG url_decoded into restore log (rev. 1.591) ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.52 date: 2012/03/22 10:28:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: (#14886) Do not reset restore drive in case of migrated saveset, if drive group was already checked in main restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.51 date: 2012/03/21 15:53:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 correct setting of recover switch for 'vSphere' ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.50 date: 2012/03/21 09:17:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +21 -11 change: Use 'restore_tasks.recover' for VADP specific recover options ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.49 date: 2012/03/15 15:44:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: (#14900) If LIS contains double '/' then the mapping to migrated LIS must squeeze '/' characters ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.48 date: 2012/03/07 12:10:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 add 'vmx=' for relocated restore too ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.47 date: 2012/03/07 11:08:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -6 BUGFIX: (#14659) Selective restore of ESX host may fail due to '/' processing (rev. 1.576) ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.46 date: 2012/03/07 08:55:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Add original VMX file name to sbc command line during restore ---------------------------- revision 1.518.2.45 date: 2012/03/06 15:02:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -22 BUGFIX: MOSS document restore failed since rev. 1.518.2.44 due to squeezing of '/' in 'http:/...' LIS lines (rev. 1.573) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_restore_lib.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.47 v_4_0_5_20: 1.50 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2012/04/16 15:38:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +50 -1 new: BOOL bGetOffsets( char *szOffset1, char *szOffset2, size_t iLength, char *szLine, int iGenFlag ) to fetch offset1/2 from LIS line ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2012/04/03 19:14:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: Always use backup drive for restore, if saveset is on a data store, because other drives in a drive group could not access it ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2012/03/13 12:27:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: Generation restore fails, if FDI chain becomes to long ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_restore_lib.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.6 v_4_0_5_20: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2012/04/16 15:38:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: BOOL bGetOffsets( char *szOffset1, char *szOffset2, size_t iLength, char *szLine, int iGenFlag ) to fetch offset1/2 from LIS line ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_sbc_com_lib.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.45 v_4_0_5_20: 1.47 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2012/03/20 09:32:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use 'restore_tasks.recover' for VADP specific recover options ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2012/03/15 14:14:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: Add 'rtask.recover/startmode/onlinemode' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_sms_backup.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.349 v_4_0_5_20: 1.349.2.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.349.2.1 date: 2012/03/26 15:44:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Add 'tasks.backup_options' to 'sbc' command in case of Zarafa ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_sms_copy.c,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/19 14:43:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 BUGFIX: (#14888) Set correct migration group state, if migration tasks are submitted into queue ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_sms_watch.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.165 v_4_0_5_20: 1.168 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2012/03/28 16:49:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#14962) Fix problems during restore with EOM and un-readable tape trailer. Select from DB wasn't correct in case of a generation restore, because parent restore task is set to active too ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2012/03/27 07:55:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +13 -10 BUGFIX: Fix core dump if 'BREAK' is send to STPD. (master_glbv tried to write into a const) NEW: Re-balance queues for data store drive if space is checked change: Fix some compiler warnings ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2012/02/13 15:07:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change some trace lines ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/sm_start.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.75 v_4_0_5_20: 1.76 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2012/03/16 11:00:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: (#14902) Check license must be done with STORAGE_BASIS_TB + STORAGE_EXTENSION_TB since STORAGE_BASIS_TB may be > 1 TB ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/python/sm_data_store.py,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.67 v_4_0_5_20: 1.69 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2012/03/19 16:25:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 NEW: (#14919) Add data store name and drive to log file name ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2012/01/29 22:02:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX (#14544) Fix exception if DS info file couldn't be found ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/python/sm_reformat_lis.py,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.67 v_4_0_5_20: 1.69 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2012/04/17 10:06:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: Add IMAP: lines for Exchange Server databases to allow restore of Users which appeared only in DIFF or INCR backup ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2012/03/22 13:33:50; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: If 'Microsoft Exchange Replica Writer' then parsing of sbc output must be done like in cale of 'Microsoft Exchange Writer' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/unix_hal/sm_check_version,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.14 v_4_0_5_20: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2012/03/05 08:57:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: New command line for sm_db_update with -o {old_version} and -n {new_version} ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/kernel/unix_hal/sm_hal_unix.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.149 v_4_0_5_20: 1.150 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.150 date: 2012/04/04 11:49:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Added: trace("%l1 file_copy: %s, %s", cpSource, cpTarget); ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/makefile.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.315 v_4_0_5_20: 1.318 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.318 date: 2012/04/18 15:48:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=4.0A20 Exchange Generation Restore via given RDB or generated RDB ---------------------------- revision 1.317 date: 2012/03/15 11:26:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: XBSA_VERSION=4.0R3 to accept protocol tag in front of host name, e.g. 'ftp://myserv:11001' ---------------------------- revision 1.316 date: 2012/03/08 14:50:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: SBC_WIN32_VERSION=4.0A19 Performance improved Exchange Backup: HTTP requests optimized, call GetMailboxPermission only if necessary ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/makefile.wcommon,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.101 v_4_0_5_20: 1.103 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2012/03/20 10:34:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 BUGFIX: (#14929) Lotus Notes backup with sbcln.dll x86 needs linker option /LARGEADDRESSAWARE to support addresses larger than 2 GB ---------------------------- revision 1.102 date: 2012/01/05 17:12:51; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: correct lib and headers paths for urlparser ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/makefile.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.315 v_4_0_5_20: 1.318 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.318 date: 2012/04/18 15:48:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=4.0A20 Exchange Generation Restore via given RDB or generated RDB ---------------------------- revision 1.317 date: 2012/03/15 11:26:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: XBSA_VERSION=4.0R3 to accept protocol tag in front of host name, e.g. 'ftp://myserv:11001' ---------------------------- revision 1.316 date: 2012/03/08 14:50:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: SBC_WIN32_VERSION=4.0A19 Performance improved Exchange Backup: HTTP requests optimized, call GetMailboxPermission only if necessary ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/skel/sm_db_update.ini,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.120 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/30 11:04:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: Allow relocation for task types: 'NSS File System','Groupwise' until we can make a difference between 'new target' and 'target path replacement ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/bsacreateobject.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.13 v_4_0_5_20: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2012/03/16 15:40:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 change: In case of SIB BSAcreateobject must return copyId build from saveset ID ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/08/18 14:54:20; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 add: http cvs synhronization ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/libbsa.rc,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 14:09:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; new: libbsa.rc resource file for LIBBSA.DLL (Informix) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.20 v_4_0_5_20: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2012/03/16 14:10:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Set /D SIB_LIBRARY for sib compilation to get 'SIB' as trace module in xbsa log for sib ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2012/03/15 14:15:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +39 -4 NEW: New rule sib to generate libbsa.dll for Informix using X/Open Preliminary Backup Services API ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2012/01/05 17:12:50; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 change: correct lib and headers paths for urlparser ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/12/29 15:55:06; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 change: change url parsing new: implement getdata(HTTP) call(restore is working) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/sbc_onbar.cmd,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/19 15:21:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -10 change: Added INFORMIXSERVER, INFORMIX_BAR_LOG and INFORMIX_BAR_LOG_COLLECT ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/19 15:04:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; NEW: sbc_onbar to be used for Informix onbar command events ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa.def,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.4 v_4_0_5_20: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/03/15 14:10:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: Use xbsa.def for libbsa so LIBRARY name 'xbsa' removed ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_stru.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.11 v_4_0_5_20: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/12/26 19:36:56; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: intial implementation of HTTP backup ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/12/22 16:45:42; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: remove printfs and code cleanup inside XBSA HTTP code ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/08/18 14:54:20; author: opr; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 add: http cvs synhronization ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_unix/sbc/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.69 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/04 09:20:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 remove 'common/libcurl/include' from include path, because incompatible with newer 'libcurl' installations ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_unix/sbc/sbc.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.119 v_4_0_5_20: 1.120 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2011/10/12 09:36:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Print out Sesam package installed in sbc help ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_unix/sbc/sbc_macros.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.53 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2011/10/12 09:36:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 branches: 1.54.2; NEW: Print out Sesam package installed in sbc help ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/29 07:40:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Print out complete Sesam package name in '3257' message ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_unix/sbc/sbc_nlm.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.177 v_4_0_5_20: 1.178 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2012/02/29 10:20:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 bugfix: (#14722): TSA restore fails with message 'No parent directory for file ... set'. Check was made for file name, not for directory name ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_unix/sbc/sbc_struct.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.52 v_4_0_5_20: 1.53 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2011/10/12 09:36:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Print out Sesam package installed in sbc help ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_unix/sbc/sbc_util.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.82 v_4_0_5_20: 1.83 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2011/10/12 09:36:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: Print out Sesam package installed in sbc help ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/build.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.1338 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1347 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1347 date: 2012/04/18 09:41:24; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1346 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc db_clnt.c sbc.c sbc_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.1346 date: 2012/04/12 09:41:06; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1345 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc sbc_util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.1345 date: 2012/04/10 07:04:26; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1344 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc sbc.c ---------------------------- revision 1.1344 date: 2012/04/10 07:03:40; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1343 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc makefile.win32 ---------------------------- revision 1.1343 date: 2012/04/02 07:06:44; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1342 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc makefile.win32 ---------------------------- revision 1.1342 date: 2012/03/20 09:24:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1341 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc sbc.c ---------------------------- revision 1.1341 date: 2012/03/20 09:04:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1340 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc sbc_rst.c sbc_bck.c sbc.c ---------------------------- revision 1.1340 date: 2012/03/05 17:04:14; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1339 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc sbc.c ---------------------------- revision 1.1339 date: 2012/03/05 14:57:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.1338 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc sbc.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/db_clnt.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.76 v_4_0_5_20: 1.78 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2012/04/18 09:41:24; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 new: -o generate option that allow vss module to generate recovery database with specify name set by -R option ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +32 -31 change: DB_InitOperation() declaration extended with extra parameter ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.63 v_4_0_5_20: 1.65 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2012/02/10 13:51:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: To resolve the reference to GetModuleFileNameExA() in fp_base.obj the library psapi.lib is necessary ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2012/01/06 18:07:21; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: change parsing of -S options of sbc.exe ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.229 v_4_0_5_20: 1.236 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.236 date: 2012/04/18 09:41:24; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 new: -o generate option that allow vss module to generate recovery database with specify name set by -R option ---------------------------- revision 1.235 date: 2012/04/10 07:04:26; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +45 -1 new: logic for test runs added ---------------------------- revision 1.234 date: 2012/03/20 09:24:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -6 change: Relocation items are implicite set to 0 via memset(&g_sSBC_Argument, 0, sizeof(SBC_Argument)); ---------------------------- revision 1.233 date: 2012/03/20 09:04:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Since version 4.0 iPIPE_OPEN() returns system exit codes: 0 == ERROR_SUCCESS ---------------------------- revision 1.232 date: 2012/03/05 17:04:14; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 bugfix: check VSPHERE* keywords ---------------------------- revision 1.231 date: 2012/03/05 14:57:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +51 -48 bugfix: sbc_vmware vmdk relocation dot case, settings flags - check VSPHERE* keywords before main arguments loop. ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2012/02/14 09:18:11; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: fix '-S' parameter handling inside sbc ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_bck.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.229 v_4_0_5_20: 1.230 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2012/03/20 09:04:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Since version 4.0 iPIPE_OPEN() returns system exit codes: 0 == ERROR_SUCCESS ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_func.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.22 v_4_0_5_20: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2012/01/06 18:07:21; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: change parsing of -S options of sbc.exe ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_oper.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.32 v_4_0_5_20: 1.40 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2012/01/17 11:22:52; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: curl read function returns 0, avoid error on upload ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2012/01/17 10:33:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: ignore error message 'The pipe has been ended', happens on successful restore ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2012/01/16 18:52:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -4 bugfix: include curl.h header makes sizeof(TCHAR) == 1 ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2012/01/16 11:21:17; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: pipe include saveset name ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2012/01/13 14:44:15; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: prepare error msg ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2012/01/13 14:37:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -9 change: get error iGetErrorMsg() ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2012/01/13 11:56:16; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: CURL_READFUNC_ABORT ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2012/01/13 11:39:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +21 -12 change: read/write curl traffic throught pipe, ReadFile() WriteFile() ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_rst.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.71 v_4_0_5_20: 1.73 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2012/03/20 09:04:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Since version 4.0 iPIPE_OPEN() returns system exit codes: 0 == ERROR_SUCCESS ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/12/14 15:50:50; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: using bXBSACloseMessageIgnore ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_stru.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.61 v_4_0_5_20: 1.62 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2012/04/18 09:41:24; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: -o generate option that allow vss module to generate recovery database with specify name set by -R option ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/xbsa_intf.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.7 v_4_0_5_20: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/12/14 15:50:50; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: using bXBSACloseMessageIgnore ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/build.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.29 v_4_0_5_20: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2012/03/27 19:07:25; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.37 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews sbc_ems.cs ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2012/03/26 13:12:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.36 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews es_item.cs ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2012/03/26 12:26:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.35 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews es_mslfile.cs ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2012/03/13 16:48:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.34 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews sbc_ews.cs ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2012/03/12 12:16:59; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.33 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews sbc_es.csproj sbc_es_exe.csproj ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2012/03/07 16:44:15; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.32 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews sbc_ews.cs ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2012/03/07 14:29:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.31 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews sbc_ews.cs ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.30 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews es_cmdline.cs es_dump.cs es_exception.cs es_ini.cs es_main.cs es_mslfile.cs es_operation.cs es_parser.cs es_server.cs es_trace.cs sbc_ews.cs ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2012/02/29 10:20:40; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.29 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews sbc_ews.cs ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_cmdline.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.9 v_4_0_5_20: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_dump.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +49 -26 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_exception.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_ini.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.14 v_4_0_5_20: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_item.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.44 v_4_0_5_20: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2012/03/26 13:12:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 change: message in the ItemCollection::FindItem method ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_main.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.21 v_4_0_5_20: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_mslfile.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.17 v_4_0_5_20: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2012/03/26 12:26:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: decode single items that were got by using msl file ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_operation.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.13 v_4_0_5_20: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_parser.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_server.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.18 v_4_0_5_20: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/es_trace.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.4 v_4_0_5_20: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/sbc_ems.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.58 v_4_0_5_20: 1.59 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2012/03/27 19:07:25; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +20 -38 change: warning traces about failure of getting PSObject attribute to the info message ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/sbc_es.csproj,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.10 v_4_0_5_20: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2012/03/12 12:16:59; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: add System.Web reference to the project ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/sbc_es_exe.csproj,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.4 v_4_0_5_20: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/03/12 12:16:59; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: add System.Web reference to the project ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbc_es/sbc_ews/sbc_ews.cs,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.36 v_4_0_5_20: 1.41 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2012/03/13 16:48:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -38 bugfix: calendar items are not encoded by using URL encoding method (the same behaviour with other single items expect messages) ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2012/03/07 16:44:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 change: emails subjects are encoded by using URL encoding ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2012/03/07 14:29:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +26 -6 change: improve the MS Exchange backup performance by handling Get-MailboxPermission cmdlet ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2012/03/05 11:43:06; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: set up souce file version by adding special property - CvsId ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2012/02/29 10:20:40; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +25 -13 change: imrove Exchange single item retriving by reducing HTTP requests to web server ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbcmsql/build.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.172 v_4_0_5_20: 1.173 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.172 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbcmsql sbcmsql.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/sbcmsql/sbcmsql.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.57 v_4_0_5_20: 1.58 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: DB_InitOperation() declaration extended with extra parameter ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/build.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.559 v_4_0_5_20: 1.583 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.583 date: 2012/04/18 15:41:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.582 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_server.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.582 date: 2012/04/18 15:40:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.581 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_exchange.cpp vss_exchange.h ---------------------------- revision 1.581 date: 2012/04/18 15:39:38; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.580 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_item.cpp vss_item.h ---------------------------- revision 1.580 date: 2012/04/18 09:45:21; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.579 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_exchange.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.579 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.578 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_config.cpp vss_config.h vss_item.cpp vss_item.h makefile.dep sbc_vss.cpp sbc_vss.def util.cpp vss_backup.cpp vss_base.cpp vss_base.h vss_browse.cpp vss_client.cpp vss_cli ent.h vss_exchange.h vss_operation.cpp vss_operation.h vss_restore.cpp vss_server.cpp vss_server.h vss_util.cpp vss_util.h ---------------------------- revision 1.578 date: 2012/04/11 15:45:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.577 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_server.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.577 date: 2012/04/10 15:16:41; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.576 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss makefile.win32 ---------------------------- revision 1.576 date: 2012/04/05 14:45:32; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.575 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.575 date: 2012/04/05 14:31:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.574 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp vss_collection.cpp vss_filedescriptors.h ---------------------------- revision 1.574 date: 2012/04/05 10:55:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.573 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss sbc_vss.cpp vss_backup.cpp vss_collection.cpp vss_filedescriptors.h vss_struct.h ---------------------------- revision 1.573 date: 2012/03/27 19:06:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.572 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_exchange.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.572 date: 2012/03/27 19:04:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.571 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_restore.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.571 date: 2012/03/27 19:03:32; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.570 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_server.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.570 date: 2012/03/27 00:52:29; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.569 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_server.cpp vss_server.h ---------------------------- revision 1.569 date: 2012/03/26 11:52:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.568 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_server.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.568 date: 2012/03/16 11:10:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.567 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_exchange.h ---------------------------- revision 1.567 date: 2012/03/15 11:43:55; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.566 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp vss_exchange.cpp vss_exchange.h ---------------------------- revision 1.566 date: 2012/03/06 09:02:59; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.565 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.565 date: 2012/02/28 11:18:31; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.564 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp vss_exchange.cpp vss_exchange.h ---------------------------- revision 1.564 date: 2012/02/22 17:30:22; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.563 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_exchange.cpp vss_exchange.h vss_server.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.563 date: 2012/02/20 13:46:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.562 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss vss_backup.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.562 date: 2012/02/14 09:37:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.561 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss sbc_vss.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.561 date: 2012/02/14 09:36:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.560 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss sbc_vss.cpp ---------------------------- revision 1.560 date: 2012/02/10 13:48:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.559 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss makefile.win32 ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.18 v_4_0_5_20: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.30 v_4_0_5_20: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2012/04/10 15:16:41; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: /DEBUG linker switch removed, in order to fix the atl-related dependency ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/sbc_vss.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: 1.50 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -19 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2012/04/05 10:55:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: wrong logic of getting count of file descriptors for processed database (it's a cause of the wrong thread management) ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2012/02/14 09:36:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -8 bugfix: DB_ItemFinishStatus() g_spVss_Global->currProcessItem.enStatus must not be set to PROCESSED in case of backup otherwise VSS backup ends after first file ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2012/02/03 11:12:21; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +71 -15 bugfix: check the operation status and all items are restored in DB_CloseOperation (needs for MS Exchange solution) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/sbc_vss.def,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.2 v_4_0_5_20: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +0 -5 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/util.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.31 v_4_0_5_20: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_backup.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.68 v_4_0_5_20: 1.74 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -13 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2012/04/05 14:45:32; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: wrong condition of the checking processed file descriptors within database ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2012/04/05 14:31:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: VSS backup crash caused by infinity count of recursive call of the GetCount method ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2012/04/05 10:55:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +14 -4 bugfix: wrong logic of getting count of file descriptors for processed database (it's a cause of the wrong thread management) ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2012/03/15 11:43:55; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: some Exchange backup opration is haning - change _beginthread to the _beginthreadex. Free CAsyncPrintInfo object after thread has been finished ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2012/03/06 09:02:59; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Changed user mailboxes and its store are not printed out in case of INCR or DIFF backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_base.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.49 v_4_0_5_20: 1.50 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_base.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.37 v_4_0_5_20: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_browse.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.21 v_4_0_5_20: 1.22 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_client.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.35 v_4_0_5_20: 1.36 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_client.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.20 v_4_0_5_20: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_collection.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.27 v_4_0_5_20: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/04/05 14:31:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: VSS backup crash caused by infinity count of recursive call of the GetCount method ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2012/04/05 10:55:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +23 -2 bugfix: wrong logic of getting count of file descriptors for processed database (it's a cause of the wrong thread management) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_config.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_config.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_exchange.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.38 v_4_0_5_20: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2012/04/18 15:40:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +14 -5 bugfix: do not restore mailbox database (overwrite exist) in case of empty msl file ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2012/04/18 09:45:21; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -12 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2012/03/27 19:06:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +23 -4 change: add few minor traces about relocation ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2012/03/15 11:43:55; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +23 -12 bugfix: some Exchange backup opration is haning - change _beginthread to the _beginthreadex. Free CAsyncPrintInfo object after thread has been finished ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_exchange.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.24 v_4_0_5_20: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2012/04/18 15:40:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: do not restore mailbox database (overwrite exist) in case of empty msl file ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/03/16 11:10:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set code convention __stdcall for CMailboxDatabase::Operation method as there is compiler error in case of x86 (but not on x64) ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2012/03/15 11:43:55; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 bugfix: some Exchange backup opration is haning - change _beginthread to the _beginthreadex. Free CAsyncPrintInfo object after thread has been finished ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_filedescriptors.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.8 v_4_0_5_20: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2012/04/05 14:31:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: VSS backup crash caused by infinity count of recursive call of the GetCount method ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2012/04/05 10:55:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: wrong logic of getting count of file descriptors for processed database (it's a cause of the wrong thread management) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_item.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/04/18 15:39:38; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 update: handle msl file and proper display in the log ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_item.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/04/18 15:39:38; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update: handle msl file and proper display in the log ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_operation.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.42 v_4_0_5_20: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -534 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_operation.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.28 v_4_0_5_20: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -238 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_restore.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.31 v_4_0_5_20: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +6 -55 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2012/03/27 19:04:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: proper handle errors in the RestoreProcessing function (set error code in any case) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_server.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.66 v_4_0_5_20: 1.72 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2012/04/18 15:41:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: do not restore mailbox database (overwrite exist) in case of empty msl file ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +26 -10 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2012/04/11 15:45:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -12 bugfix: MS EXchange single database INCR/DIFF backup is changing to full level automatically; ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2012/03/27 19:03:32; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -8 change: throw an exception in case of data is not restoring into RBD ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2012/03/27 00:52:29; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +135 -12 new: implemented a DAG restore into passive node; ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2012/03/26 11:52:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +48 -8 bugfix: mount recovery database in case of DAG restore (mistake in the algo of getting Exchange Replica Writer) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_server.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.24 v_4_0_5_20: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2012/03/27 00:52:29; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: implemented a DAG restore into passive node; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_struct.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.15 v_4_0_5_20: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2012/04/05 10:55:09; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 bugfix: wrong logic of getting count of file descriptors for processed database (it's a cause of the wrong thread management) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_util.cpp,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.28 v_4_0_5_20: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +9 -6 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_w32_os2/vss/vss_util.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.19 v_4_0_5_20: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2012/04/18 09:44:53; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 new: recovery database generating with name specify by the option -R; avoid some warnings; refactoring vss_operation; redesing CVssBaseObject::PrepareRestore method; ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sib/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 14:30:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; new: sib\makefile.win32 - SIB for windows is build under ..\xbsa\xbsa ! ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/build.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.78 v_4_0_5_20: 1.86 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2012/04/04 13:06:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.85 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes sbcln_f.c ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2012/03/30 15:27:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.84 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes dbbackup.c makefile.win32 ---------------------------- revision 1.84 date: 2012/03/30 12:20:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.83 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes makefile.win32 ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2012/03/30 12:06:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.82 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes dbbackup.c dbrecover.c ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2012/03/30 11:22:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.81 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes sbcln.c ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2012/03/20 10:34:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.80 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes makefile.win32 ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.79 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes sbcln.c ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2012/01/09 11:51:21; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.78 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_lotus_notes makefile.win32 ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/dbbackup.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.7 v_4_0_5_20: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2012/03/30 12:06:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -8 change: Allow to specify an ini file as an additional argument preceded by an '=' sign, e.g. '=../notes.ini' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/dbrecover.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.10 v_4_0_5_20: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2012/03/30 12:06:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Allow to specify an ini file as an additional argument preceded by an '=' sign, e.g. '=../notes.ini' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.24 v_4_0_5_20: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/03/30 15:27:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: (#14929) sbcln.dll must be linked with VC 9.0 (Visual Studio 2008) libraries otherwise larger notes databases are not backed up ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2012/03/30 12:20:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Clean rule with -del /Q $(OUT_FILES) ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2012/03/20 10:34:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 BUGFIX: Lotus Notes backup with sbcln.dll x86 needs linker option /LARGEADDRESSAWARE to support addresses larger than 2 GB ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/01/09 11:51:21; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use 'cvs up build.ver' to update build.ver for given CVS branch ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2012/01/06 15:22:59; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Lotus Notes API library added to resolve numerous dependences ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.28 v_4_0_5_20: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2012/03/30 11:22:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: WINDOWS: Add log line about compiler version _MSC_VER ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: DB_InitOperation() declaration extended with extra parameter ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_f.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.49 v_4_0_5_20: 1.50 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2012/04/04 13:06:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -11 bugfix: Avoid status 'with warnings' on Windows due to directories pushed into file list ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sdb2/makefile.win32,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.14 v_4_0_5_20: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2012/01/26 14:10:03; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: GetSystemMetrics reference resolved ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2012/01/06 16:54:26; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: fix typo ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2012/01/06 16:52:18; author: igo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: add missing flag ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2012/01/06 16:04:57; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: uriparser.lib and User32.lib library added to dependence list in order to resolve the GetSystemMetrics() Windows API call. ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sdb2/sdb2.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.11 v_4_0_5_20: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2012/03/23 13:44:59; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -24 bugfix: Compilation on windows failed due to wrong order of #includes ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2012/03/22 15:10:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -13 Comment out some unused variables, but do not delete them because we need for some functions to be implemented in the future ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2012/03/22 12:51:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: (#14594) Write number of written bytes for every block only in trace level ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/smy/sbc-mysql.py,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.11 v_4_0_5_20: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2012/03/20 12:53:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: 'sbc_uc' for Windows is obsolete use 'sbc' instead ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/smy/sbc_pgsql.py,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.6 v_4_0_5_20: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2012/03/20 12:53:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: 'sbc_uc' for Windows is obsolete use 'sbc' instead ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/build.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.201 v_4_0_5_20: 1.281 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.281 date: 2012/03/20 14:54:57; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.280 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.280 date: 2012/03/19 15:39:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.279 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.279 date: 2012/03/19 15:30:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.278 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.278 date: 2012/03/19 12:04:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.277 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.277 date: 2012/03/19 11:16:41; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.276 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.276 date: 2012/03/16 16:34:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.275 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.275 date: 2012/03/16 15:23:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.274 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.274 date: 2012/03/16 11:38:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.273 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.273 date: 2012/03/15 12:59:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.272 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.272 date: 2012/03/15 12:31:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.271 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.271 date: 2012/03/15 10:40:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.270 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.270 date: 2012/03/15 10:38:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.269 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.269 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.268 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.268 date: 2012/03/05 17:07:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.267 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.267 date: 2012/03/05 12:28:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.266 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.266 date: 2012/02/25 14:56:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.265 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.265 date: 2012/02/25 14:05:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.264 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.264 date: 2012/02/25 13:43:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.263 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.263 date: 2012/02/25 13:18:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.262 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.h sbc_vmware.h sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.262 date: 2012/02/24 11:34:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.261 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.261 date: 2012/02/22 11:23:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.260 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.260 date: 2012/02/22 10:59:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.259 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.259 date: 2012/02/13 09:17:31; author: fo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.258 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware set_vddk64.ps1 ---------------------------- revision 1.258 date: 2012/02/10 09:39:38; author: fo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.257 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware set_vddk64.ps1 ---------------------------- revision 1.257 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.256 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.256 date: 2012/01/20 12:12:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.255 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.255 date: 2011/12/19 14:36:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.254 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware makefile.unix ---------------------------- revision 1.254 date: 2011/12/16 16:03:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.253 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware vm_config_files.c ---------------------------- revision 1.253 date: 2011/12/16 16:01:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.252 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.252 date: 2011/12/16 16:00:30; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.251 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.251 date: 2011/12/16 15:56:33; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.250 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.250 date: 2011/12/16 15:48:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.249 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.h sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.249 date: 2011/12/16 11:33:41; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.248 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_read.c ---------------------------- revision 1.248 date: 2011/12/09 11:21:51; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.247 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware vm_config_files.c ---------------------------- revision 1.247 date: 2011/12/09 11:20:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.246 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware vm_config_files.c ---------------------------- revision 1.246 date: 2011/12/09 11:17:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.245 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware vm_config_files.c ---------------------------- revision 1.245 date: 2011/12/09 11:06:38; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.244 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_read.c ---------------------------- revision 1.244 date: 2011/12/09 11:04:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.243 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.243 date: 2011/12/09 11:01:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.242 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.242 date: 2011/12/09 10:57:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.241 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.241 date: 2011/12/07 14:03:57; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.240 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_read.c ---------------------------- revision 1.240 date: 2011/12/07 13:32:51; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.239 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_read.c ---------------------------- revision 1.239 date: 2011/12/07 13:20:19; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.238 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_read.c ---------------------------- revision 1.238 date: 2011/12/06 15:20:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.237 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware makefile.unix ---------------------------- revision 1.237 date: 2011/12/06 15:04:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.236 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware makefile.unix ---------------------------- revision 1.236 date: 2011/12/06 11:22:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.235 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.235 date: 2011/12/05 14:57:41; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.234 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.234 date: 2011/12/01 14:45:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.233 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.233 date: 2011/11/29 09:50:24; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.232 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.232 date: 2011/11/29 09:36:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.231 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.231 date: 2011/11/28 12:05:54; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.230 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2011/11/25 11:18:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.229 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.229 date: 2011/11/25 09:41:53; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.228 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.228 date: 2011/11/24 10:44:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.227 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.227 date: 2011/11/24 10:42:16; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.226 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.226 date: 2011/11/24 10:16:00; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.225 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- revision 1.225 date: 2011/11/24 10:08:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.224 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.224 date: 2011/11/24 09:51:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.223 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.223 date: 2011/11/24 09:37:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.222 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.222 date: 2011/11/24 09:29:58; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.221 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.221 date: 2011/11/24 09:06:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.220 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c db_set_unix.c db_set_unix.h ---------------------------- revision 1.220 date: 2011/11/23 18:04:03; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.219 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.219 date: 2011/11/23 17:01:18; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.218 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.218 date: 2011/11/23 17:00:22; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.217 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.217 date: 2011/11/23 16:40:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.216 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.216 date: 2011/11/23 14:37:29; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.215 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.215 date: 2011/11/23 14:33:31; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.214 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2011/11/23 14:24:31; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.213 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2011/11/23 14:23:16; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.212 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2011/11/23 14:18:35; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.211 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware.h ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2011/11/23 14:17:11; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.210 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware.c ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2011/11/23 11:34:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.209 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2011/11/22 15:31:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.208 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2011/11/22 15:19:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.207 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2011/11/22 15:11:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.206 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2011/11/22 14:45:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.205 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2011/11/22 14:37:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.204 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_set_unix.c db_set_unix.h makefile.unix db_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2011/11/21 18:18:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.203 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware.c ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2011/11/17 15:19:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.202 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware db_open.c ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2011/11/17 15:14:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.201 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware sbc_vmware_utils.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_init.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.80 v_4_0_5_20: 1.82 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2011/12/16 15:56:33; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2011/12/01 14:45:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: skip configuration files on raw backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_open.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.181 v_4_0_5_20: 1.194 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2012/03/20 14:54:57; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: message indents ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2012/03/19 12:04:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: unused variable ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2012/03/19 11:16:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -16 changge: setting vm_folder ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2012/03/16 16:34:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +18 -12 change: vm_folder from vmx_path ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +42 -33 change: vmx path without folder, vm variable instead vm_folder ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: DB_InitOperation() declaration extended with extra parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2011/12/16 16:01:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.187 date: 2011/12/09 11:04:25; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: compile warning ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2011/12/09 10:57:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 bugfix: unused variables ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2011/11/28 12:05:54; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +29 -1 change: moref, ssmoref and transport DB_ variables added ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2011/11/23 17:00:22; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 chnage: Temp directory path for "sbc_vmware" module made VADP-specific. ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2011/11/23 14:24:31; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: "esx_get()->temp_dir" initialozation added ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2011/11/17 15:19:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 change: skipping monkey in saveset name ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_read.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.26 v_4_0_5_20: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/12/16 11:33:41; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 change: DB_WriteBlock repoprt percentage of disk processing ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/12/09 11:06:38; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: type warning ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/12/07 14:03:57; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +13 -7 change: Percentage of processing progress of potentially huge .vmdk files added ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/12/07 13:32:51; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 chnage: Excessive block read logging eliminated ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/12/07 13:20:19; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +39 -55 change: DB_Read() refactored to conform the block backup for both "sbc_unix" and "sbc_win32" ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_set.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.107 v_4_0_5_20: 1.121 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2012/03/16 11:38:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: getting a name vmdk disk from saveset, includes vmdk without folder ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2012/03/15 12:59:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -8 change: name for disk in the root ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2012/03/15 10:40:26; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Malloc for esx_get()->config_dir must be called with size strlen(...) + ... + 1 to store ending '\0' ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2012/03/05 17:07:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: parsing %s stops after space ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2012/02/22 11:23:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: check item prefix ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2012/02/22 10:59:07; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: item path format changed: %d%s ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2011/11/24 09:06:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: set_item_unix() move up ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2011/11/23 18:04:03; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: limit for composed path to VADP Temp directory stretched ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2011/11/23 17:01:18; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +18 -11 chnage: Temp directory path for "sbc_vmware" module made VADP-specific. ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2011/11/23 14:37:29; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Calls to sprintf_s() changed to sprintf() due to compatibility issues with UNIX version. ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2011/11/23 14:33:31; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Calls to sscanf_s() changed to sscanf() due to compatibility issues with UNIX version. ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2011/11/23 14:23:15; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +89 -9 new: Added code that checks and adjusts the path to SEP Sesam temp directory, if it happened that backup was made on different system ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/11/23 11:34:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -29 change: skip win32 code ---------------------------- revision 1.108 date: 2011/11/22 14:37:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 new: db_set_unix ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/db_set_unix.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2012/03/19 15:39:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: check vmdk path ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2012/03/19 15:30:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +19 -20 bugfix: check vmdk path ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/12/09 11:01:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: brackets ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/12/06 11:22:01; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set current disk ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/12/05 14:57:41; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +17 -13 change: processing relocation ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/11/29 09:50:24; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -7 change: search string ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/11/29 09:36:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +14 -8 change: find_the_beginning_of_vmdk ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/11/25 09:41:53; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 change: set item processing status false ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/11/24 10:44:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: check disk name ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2011/11/24 10:42:16; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: return value ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2011/11/24 10:08:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set directory ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2011/11/24 09:51:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -13 change: directory processing ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/11/24 09:37:23; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 change: open disks ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/11/24 09:29:58; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +51 -31 change: item type processing ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2011/11/24 09:06:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set_item_unix() move up ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/11/23 16:40:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +26 -9 change: get disk name ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/11/22 15:31:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +20 -9 change: display vmx file ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/11/22 15:19:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -9 change: set configuration file ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/11/22 15:11:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +23 -1 change: set configuration directory ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/11/22 14:45:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 change: check ITEM_PATTERN ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/11/22 14:37:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; new: db_set_unix ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.12 v_4_0_5_20: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/12/19 14:36:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 change: make sbc_vmware_cbt ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/12/06 15:20:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: mkdir SMBINDIR ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/12/06 15:04:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: clean sbc_vmware.so ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/11/22 14:37:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: db_set_unix ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.346 v_4_0_5_20: 1.348 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.348 date: 2011/11/23 14:17:11; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: "temp_dir" member added to ESX data structure to reflect the SEP Sesam temp directory ---------------------------- revision 1.347 date: 2011/11/21 18:18:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -12 change: DB_SetLog moved to common.log ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.45 v_4_0_5_20: 1.47 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2012/02/25 13:18:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: parseing custom disk size ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2011/11/23 14:18:35; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: SESAM_TEMP_DIR_PREFIX definition added - contains contant pattern to SEP Sesam temp directory ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware_utils.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.188 v_4_0_5_20: 1.206 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2012/03/20 14:54:57; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: message indents ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2012/03/19 11:16:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 changge: setting vm_folder ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2012/03/16 15:23:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -10 change: cutting directory from vmdk name ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2012/03/15 12:31:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: url for VM in the root ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2012/03/15 10:38:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -16 change: vmdk name without folder ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -8 change: vmx path without folder, vm variable instead vm_folder ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2012/03/05 12:28:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: parsing vm_name, %s stops on spaces. ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2012/02/25 14:56:46; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -16 change: revert parsing dimension ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2012/02/25 14:05:48; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 change: custom disk size dimension ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2012/02/25 13:43:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 change: set custom disk size ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2012/02/25 13:18:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +17 -2 change: parseing custom disk size ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2012/02/24 11:34:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 change: vmx path parsing inprovement (dot case). ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2012/01/20 12:12:08; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +37 -5 change: check snapshot suffix ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2011/12/16 16:00:30; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2011/12/16 15:48:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -32 change: remove append_to_dir ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2011/11/25 11:18:44; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: display_vmx_file remove string EOL ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2011/11/24 10:16:00; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: prepare full path ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2011/11/17 15:14:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -8 change: removing asserts ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/sbc_vmware_utils.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.108 v_4_0_5_20: 1.110 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2012/02/25 13:18:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: parseing custom disk size ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2011/12/16 15:48:32; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 change: remove append_to_dir ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/set_vddk64.ps1,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.2 v_4_0_5_20: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2012/02/13 09:17:31; author: fo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Added information to use parameter 'force' to install again. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2012/02/10 09:39:38; author: fo; state: Exp; lines: +22 -23 CHANGE: Added force switch to install VVDK again. Necessary, if VDDK has been updated ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/vm_config_files.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.26 v_4_0_5_20: 1.30 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/12/16 16:03:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/12/09 11:21:51; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: missing header ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/12/09 11:20:04; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: return value ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/12/09 11:17:55; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 bugfix: unused variable ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/build.ver,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.12 v_4_0_5_20: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2012/02/22 12:03:24; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.42 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.41 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.h ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/12/20 11:50:17; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.40 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/12/20 11:04:51; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.39 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/12/20 10:25:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.38 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/12/20 10:15:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.37 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/12/20 09:44:11; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.36 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2011/12/20 09:39:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.35 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c cbt.h ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2011/12/19 15:02:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.34 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2011/12/19 14:52:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.33 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt.h cbt_init.c cbt_exit.c ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2011/12/19 14:29:33; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.32 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2011/12/19 13:50:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.31 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/12/19 13:41:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.30 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/12/19 13:18:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.29 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/12/19 12:32:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.28 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/12/19 11:35:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.27 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_get.c ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/12/19 11:10:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.26 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/12/19 10:43:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.25 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/12/19 10:41:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.24 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt.c ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/12/19 10:23:05; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.23 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/12/17 11:04:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.22 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/12/17 10:52:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.21 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/12/16 15:23:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.20 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2011/12/16 15:17:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.19 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/12/16 15:07:22; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.18 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/12/16 12:17:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.17 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/12/16 09:26:28; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.16 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt.c cbt_init.c cbt_set.c ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/12/15 12:39:36; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.15 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/12/15 12:12:11; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.14 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c cbt_init.c ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/12/15 10:09:54; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.13 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt makefile.unix ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/11/21 18:18:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.12 generated during checkin of -d su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt cbt_db.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.12 v_4_0_5_20: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/12/19 10:41:47; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: _unlink ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/12/16 09:26:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: strdup ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.17 v_4_0_5_20: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/12/20 09:39:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: saveItem ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/12/19 14:52:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: temp directory with saveset name ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_db.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.22 v_4_0_5_20: 1.32 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2012/02/22 12:03:24; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: unix build ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2011/12/20 10:15:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: DB_SetItem for win32 skip numbers ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/12/20 09:44:11; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: set saveItem ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/12/20 09:39:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +74 -56 change: saveItem ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/12/19 13:41:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: cbt_set_item() ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/12/19 13:18:03; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +17 -15 change: cbt_set_item() ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/12/19 10:43:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: _unlink ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/12/15 12:39:36; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +23 -25 change: type casting ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/12/15 12:12:11; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -2 change: unix compilation ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/11/21 18:18:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -12 change: DB_SetLog moved to common.log ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_db.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.3 v_4_0_5_20: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2012/01/31 10:19:45; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3 change: DB_InitOperation() declaration extended with extra parameter ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_exit.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.7 v_4_0_5_20: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2011/12/19 14:52:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: temp directory with saveset name ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_get.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.27 v_4_0_5_20: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/12/19 11:35:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -5 change: block file path ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_init.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.64 v_4_0_5_20: 1.78 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2011/12/20 11:50:17; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: commentary ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2011/12/20 10:25:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: cbt2vmdk swap vm_folder, disk name ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2011/12/19 15:02:09; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +19 -4 change: check saveset name ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2011/12/19 14:52:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +11 -1 change: temp directory with saveset name ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2011/12/19 11:10:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: metafile path ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2011/12/19 10:23:05; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2011/12/17 11:04:35; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -8 change: prepare temp directory ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2011/12/17 10:52:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: load vddk message ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2011/12/16 15:23:20; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: VDDK path for unix ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2011/12/16 15:17:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +12 -2 change: skip VSPHERE* keywords ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2011/12/16 15:07:22; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +64 -35 change: cbt2vmdk ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2011/12/16 12:17:26; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: SLASH ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2011/12/16 09:26:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 change: strdup ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2011/12/15 12:12:11; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: unix compilation ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/cbt/cbt_set.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.23 v_4_0_5_20: 1.28 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/12/20 11:04:51; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: check disk range ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2011/12/19 14:29:33; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -5 change: SLASH ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2011/12/19 13:50:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: reading metafile ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/12/19 12:32:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: trace cbt_set_item() ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/12/16 09:26:27; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: strdup ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/makefile.dep,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.8 v_4_0_5_20: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2011/12/16 15:50:10; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: add utils ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/makefile.unix,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.5 v_4_0_5_20: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2011/11/25 14:36:39; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: CM_COMMON path added ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/trace.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.13 v_4_0_5_20: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/11/22 09:23:19; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +9 -8 change: SetError in log ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2011/11/22 09:06:02; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 bugfix: extra variables ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2011/11/22 09:02:40; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +29 -24 change: log for unix ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/11/21 18:18:59; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +13 -1 change: DB_SetLog moved to common.log ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vddk_connect.c,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2011/12/15 12:43:06; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2011/12/15 12:10:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2011/11/25 11:44:34; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +62 -40 change: vddk_connect() refactored and PrepareForAccess() crash eliminated when host is not accessible ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vddk_connect.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.3 v_4_0_5_20: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2011/12/15 12:10:21; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/11/25 11:44:34; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 change: vddk_connect() refactored and PrepareForAccess() crash eliminated when host is not accessible ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vixdisklib_callbacks.h,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/11/21 17:12:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Fix compiler error and some warnings ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/sbc_esx/sbc_vmware/common/vixdisklib_load.c,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.36 v_4_0_5_20: 1.44 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2012/03/21 15:43:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Do not report warning if vixdisk.dll could not be copied because more backups can run at the same time ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2012/01/18 11:24:45; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +8 -11 bugfix: load VDDK different version ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2012/01/17 15:58:37; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: commentary, todo ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2011/12/16 16:23:43; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5 change: win32 variables ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2011/12/16 16:18:19; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +7 -9 change: vddk path ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2011/12/16 16:11:11; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: header ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2011/12/16 16:10:12; author: yburdiak; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 change: vddk.ini path ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2011/11/21 17:12:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: Fix compiler error and some warnings ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/cli_filelist_x64.txt,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/15 09:42:17; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 change: erased the libvirt-qemu-0.dll from the file lists ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 07:55:18; author: kha; state: Exp; new: the filelist of all windows packages are added in text format. These files are compared to the list of files present in the build directories to check if new exe or dll files have been added. If file lists differ the build process is aborted since a major update is required. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/cli_filelist_x86.txt,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/15 09:42:17; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 change: erased the libvirt-qemu-0.dll from the file lists ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 07:55:19; author: kha; state: Exp; new: the filelist of all windows packages are added in text format. These files are compared to the list of files present in the build directories to check if new exe or dll files have been added. If file lists differ the build process is aborted since a major update is required. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/gui_filelist_x64.txt,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/15 09:42:17; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 change: erased the libvirt-qemu-0.dll from the file lists ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 07:55:19; author: kha; state: Exp; new: the filelist of all windows packages are added in text format. These files are compared to the list of files present in the build directories to check if new exe or dll files have been added. If file lists differ the build process is aborted since a major update is required. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/gui_filelist_x86.txt,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/15 09:42:17; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 change: erased the libvirt-qemu-0.dll from the file lists ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 07:55:19; author: kha; state: Exp; new: the filelist of all windows packages are added in text format. These files are compared to the list of files present in the build directories to check if new exe or dll files have been added. If file lists differ the build process is aborted since a major update is required. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/modifyAndBuildISM.bat,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.25 v_4_0_5_20: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/03/15 07:55:19; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 new: the filelist of all windows packages are added in text format. These files are compared to the list of files present in the build directories to check if new exe or dll files have been added. If file lists differ the build process is aborted since a major update is required. ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2012/03/14 13:21:18; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -14 change: erased the previous msi package from the build process and erased all remaining instances of the obsolete msi package build ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2012/03/14 13:07:54; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: included the -w flag in the msi build process which changes warnings to errors ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/02/29 09:46:09; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +22 -11 change: inserted some echo commands and the echo off command at the beginning. ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/sesaminstaller.ism,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.34 v_4_0_5_20: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2012/03/19 13:56:54; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: adjusted the German Firewall info dialog to three instead of 'two simulaneous backup jobs' ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2012/03/14 13:21:18; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +3 -6 change: erased the previous msi package from the build process and erased all remaining instances of the obsolete msi package build ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2012/03/13 14:20:13; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6 change: erased the 'restart' info from the Files in Use Dialog. Since users attempted to restart their computer even if they were only supposed to restart the closed applications. ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2012/03/08 14:32:17; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: (#14835) Update of SEP sesam fails if installation directory name is not ...\SEPsesam e.g. D:\SEP\. The installation always expected the installation directory name to be SEPsesam, which is true in case of MSI installation but not for old installer. ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/srv_filelist_x64.txt,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/15 09:42:17; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 change: erased the libvirt-qemu-0.dll from the file lists ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 07:55:19; author: kha; state: Exp; new: the filelist of all windows packages are added in text format. These files are compared to the list of files present in the build directories to check if new exe or dll files have been added. If file lists differ the build process is aborted since a major update is required. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/srv_filelist_x86.txt,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/15 09:42:17; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 change: erased the libvirt-qemu-0.dll from the file lists ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/15 07:55:19; author: kha; state: Exp; new: the filelist of all windows packages are added in text format. These files are compared to the list of files present in the build directories to check if new exe or dll files have been added. If file lists differ the build process is aborted since a major update is required. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/SesamInstaller/Script Files/Setup.rul,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.51 v_4_0_5_20: 1.58 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2012/04/04 14:58:04; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 bugfix: the sm_system_tray will now be shutdown before an update takes place to prevent a system restart. ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2012/03/23 10:41:06; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +44 -1 new: enables us to add new components without the need of a major update! Manipulates an installshield function to accept the new component even if it is not known by the old msi package. ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2012/03/14 15:54:56; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +17 -133 new: added the variables IGNOREDOTNET, IGNORESIZE and JAVA_HOME to the help message and erased the obsolete commented HelpMSIParameterInfo function ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2012/03/14 13:27:31; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +27 -12 change: included a new check case for quiet installation. In case of a client and gui kit the user does not need to include the variable SETUP=cli or SETUP=gui anymore, it is now automatically preselected. ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2012/03/13 15:56:59; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: (#14835) SEPsesam directory empty hence installation in the didn't work. ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2012/03/08 14:32:18; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +135 -110 BUGFIX: (#14835) Update of SEP sesam fails if installation directory name is not ...\SEPsesam e.g. D:\SEP\. The installation always expected the installation directory name to be SEPsesam, which is true in case of MSI installation but not for old installer. ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2012/03/05 09:37:45; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: CheckLiLicense() fixed an info message dialog which contained cryptic symbols ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/installshield_msi/fixes/fixTransforms.cmd,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2012/03/02 15:10:58; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +14 -6 bugfix: if neither 1031.mst nor 1033.mst language file can be found the transforms file entry is deleted from the registry. The consequence is that MSI specific dialogs will appear solely in english until a major update has taken place. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/03/02 14:40:00; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: adjusted the fix to one more option in case neither the 1033.mst nor the 1031.mst file can be found in the c:\windows\installer\... folder ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2012/03/02 10:07:13; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Added some comments to clarify the purpose of the batch ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2012/03/02 10:05:21; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: (#14742) Batch file to fix the broken registry entry due to Transform file problems in Windows version ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/02 09:58:09; author: kha; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 BUGFIX: (#14742) Batch file to fix the broken registry entry due to Transform file problems in Windows version ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/02 09:56:34; author: kha; state: Exp; new: initial checkin ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/msi_guids,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/02/28 13:10:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: GUID_4.0.6={07007377-2537-4AA1-9683-93E715DABF21} ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/02/14 15:39:17; author: kha; state: Exp; new: this file contains all guids for the msi installer. In case of a major update this file will be extended by a new guid. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/Attic/overview,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.1325 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1354 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1354 date: 2012/03/26 13:41:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1353 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1352 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1351 date: 2012/03/23 14:28:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1350 date: 2012/03/22 16:02:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1349 date: 2012/03/22 15:06:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1348 date: 2012/03/22 14:45:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1347 date: 2012/03/21 09:00:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1346 date: 2012/03/19 13:45:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1345 date: 2012/03/19 13:24:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1344 date: 2012/03/19 11:45:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1343 date: 2012/03/14 11:03:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1342 date: 2012/03/14 09:10:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1341 date: 2012/03/14 09:09:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1340 date: 2012/03/13 17:08:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1339 date: 2012/03/13 14:37:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1338 date: 2012/03/13 13:44:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1337 date: 2012/03/13 11:50:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1336 date: 2012/03/13 11:28:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1335 date: 2012/03/13 11:08:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1334 date: 2012/03/13 11:00:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1333 date: 2012/03/08 15:04:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1332 date: 2012/02/29 12:41:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1331 date: 2012/02/29 12:13:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1330 date: 2012/02/29 12:13:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1329 date: 2012/02/28 17:02:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1328 date: 2012/02/28 15:56:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1327 date: 2012/02/28 15:51:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- revision 1.1326 date: 2012/02/28 12:49:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 auto update in [VER_WINDOWS_CLI_4.0] cvsver= ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/sesam.3.2,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/04/04 10:01:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/03/20 15:38:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2006/12/07 13:36:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2006/12/07 13:27:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; new: release 3.2 ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/sesam.3.4,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.80 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2009/11/04 15:56:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2009/08/06 09:24:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2009/07/07 09:02:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.77 date: 2009/07/07 09:02:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2009/07/07 09:02:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.75 date: 2009/07/07 09:02:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.74 date: 2009/06/24 14:16:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2009/06/24 14:16:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2009/06/24 14:16:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2009/06/24 14:16:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2009/06/24 14:16:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2009/06/24 14:16:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2009/06/24 14:15:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2009/05/11 08:49:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2009/05/11 08:49:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2009/05/11 08:49:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2009/04/30 13:37:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2009/04/22 10:36:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2009/04/21 09:49:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2009/04/14 09:25:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2009/04/14 09:25:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2009/04/14 09:25:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2009/03/04 07:50:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2009/03/04 07:50:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2009/03/04 07:50:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2009/03/04 07:50:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2009/03/04 07:49:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2009/02/02 12:49:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.52 date: 2009/01/20 16:02:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.51 date: 2009/01/14 10:28:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.50 date: 2009/01/08 17:14:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2008/12/23 11:36:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2008/12/18 14:59:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.47 date: 2008/12/11 13:54:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/12/08 17:47:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2008/11/14 11:31:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2008/11/12 08:57:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2008/11/06 12:58:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2008/09/19 14:43:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2008/09/07 17:13:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2008/09/03 11:10:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2008/08/25 07:20:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2008/08/19 12:49:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/08/14 15:13:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/08/11 14:17:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2008/08/08 06:55:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2008/07/29 23:19:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2008/07/23 08:27:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2008/07/23 08:26:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2008/07/14 06:44:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2008/07/09 12:15:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2008/06/27 10:35:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2008/06/20 10:26:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2008/06/17 11:29:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2008/06/07 19:09:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/05/15 13:51:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/05/13 07:10:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2008/05/08 19:09:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/04/21 11:14:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2008/04/15 12:37:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/03/25 14:20:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/03/14 13:12:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/03/06 09:26:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/03/04 14:15:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/02/13 09:14:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2008/02/07 22:51:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/02/05 20:27:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2008/02/05 20:25:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2008/02/05 14:23:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2008/02/04 23:53:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2008/02/03 11:34:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2008/01/29 08:47:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/01/21 14:43:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2007/11/23 10:42:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2007/11/21 14:26:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2007/11/08 12:56:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2007/10/09 12:13:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2007/07/27 08:11:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2007/05/16 15:07:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2007/05/16 12:40:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; new: Sesam version 3.4 ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/sesam.3.6,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 4.35 description: ---------------------------- revision 4.35 date: 2010/09/03 11:07:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.34 date: 2010/08/23 08:27:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.33 date: 2010/08/12 16:08:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.32 date: 2010/08/10 07:06:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= Windows 2003 VSS Backup and W2008 SBS restore ---------------------------- revision 4.31 date: 2010/07/15 08:11:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.30 date: 2010/06/11 11:48:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.29 date: 2010/05/26 14:10:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.28 date: 2010/05/18 14:46:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.27 date: 2010/04/28 11:17:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.26 date: 2010/04/21 09:38:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.25 date: 2010/04/08 13:44:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.24 date: 2010/03/24 11:15:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.23 date: 2010/03/15 13:19:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.22 date: 2010/02/19 10:30:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= bcs. was uploaded ---------------------------- revision 4.21 date: 2010/02/12 16:01:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.20 date: 2010/02/09 16:33:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.19 date: 2010/01/26 16:39:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: new version ---------------------------- revision 4.18 date: 2009/12/30 13:01:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.17 date: 2009/11/25 15:34:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.16 date: 2009/11/24 14:05:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Sesam version= ---------------------------- revision 4.15 date: 2009/11/12 10:50:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.14 date: 2009/11/05 15:25:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Sesam version ---------------------------- revision 4.13 date: 2009/11/04 15:56:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.12 date: 2009/11/02 09:27:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.11 date: 2009/10/26 12:09:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.10 date: 2009/10/14 11:05:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.9 date: 2009/10/08 13:03:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: version= ---------------------------- revision 4.8 date: 2009/10/06 11:32:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.7 date: 2009/10/02 11:08:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.6 date: 2009/09/30 08:59:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.5 date: 2009/09/28 16:10:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.4 date: 2009/09/25 14:26:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.3 date: 2009/09/24 14:02:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.2 date: 2009/09/14 15:03:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 4.1 date: 2009/09/14 15:02:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 new Sesam release ---------------------------- revision 3.8 date: 2009/09/13 09:43:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 3.7 date: 2009/09/01 12:28:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 3.6 date: 2009/08/19 15:28:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: new version ---------------------------- revision 3.5 date: 2009/08/17 12:39:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 3.4 date: 2009/08/12 12:41:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 3.3 date: 2009/08/07 11:23:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 3.2 date: 2009/01/15 08:28:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 Sesam kit ---------------------------- revision 3.1 date: 2009/01/15 08:26:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 test only ---------------------------- revision 2.0 date: 2009/01/15 08:23:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 new release version ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2009/01/12 11:47:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; new: Version 3.5 and 3.6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/sesam.4.0,v v_4_0_5_17: 3.55 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/11 08:50:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 new Sesam version ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/27 07:45:23; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: version= ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/07 11:52:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new Sesam version for 4.0.5 branch ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/windows_cli.4.0,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.158 v_4_0_5_20: 1.231 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.231 date: 2012/03/26 16:55:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2012/03/26 16:55:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.229 date: 2012/03/26 13:41:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.228 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.227 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.226 date: 2012/03/23 14:29:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.225 date: 2012/03/23 14:28:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.224 date: 2012/03/23 08:17:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.223 date: 2012/03/23 08:16:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.222 date: 2012/03/22 16:20:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.221 date: 2012/03/22 16:20:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.220 date: 2012/03/22 16:02:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.219 date: 2012/03/22 15:06:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.218 date: 2012/03/22 14:45:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.217 date: 2012/03/21 16:34:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.216 date: 2012/03/21 15:49:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.215 date: 2012/03/21 14:13:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2012/03/21 09:00:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2012/03/19 13:45:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2012/03/19 13:24:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2012/03/19 13:07:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2012/03/19 13:06:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2012/03/19 11:45:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2012/03/15 10:01:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2012/03/15 09:50:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2012/03/15 08:59:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2012/03/15 08:59:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2012/03/15 08:35:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2012/03/15 08:25:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2012/03/15 08:24:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2012/03/14 13:38:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2012/03/14 13:37:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2012/03/14 11:03:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2012/03/14 11:03:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2012/03/14 09:10:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2012/03/14 09:09:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2012/03/13 17:08:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2012/03/13 14:37:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2012/03/13 13:44:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2012/03/13 11:50:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2012/03/13 11:28:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.187 date: 2012/03/13 11:08:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2012/03/13 11:00:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2012/03/12 13:34:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2012/03/12 12:49:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2012/03/12 11:54:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2012/03/08 16:13:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.181 date: 2012/03/08 15:31:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2012/03/08 15:04:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2012/02/29 15:13:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2012/02/29 13:36:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2012/02/29 13:09:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2012/02/29 12:59:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2012/02/29 12:44:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2012/02/29 12:41:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2012/02/29 12:13:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2012/02/28 17:02:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2012/02/28 15:56:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2012/02/28 15:51:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2012/02/28 13:12:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2012/02/28 12:49:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2012/02/24 14:29:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2012/02/24 14:16:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2012/02/23 14:17:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2012/02/23 14:16:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2012/02/23 12:07:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2012/02/23 12:07:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2012/02/23 11:30:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2012/02/23 11:04:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.159 date: 2012/02/23 11:03:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/windows_gui.4.0,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.148 v_4_0_5_20: 1.224 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.224 date: 2012/03/26 16:56:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.223 date: 2012/03/26 16:55:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.222 date: 2012/03/26 13:41:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.221 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.220 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.219 date: 2012/03/23 14:29:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.218 date: 2012/03/23 14:28:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.217 date: 2012/03/23 08:17:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.216 date: 2012/03/23 08:17:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.215 date: 2012/03/22 16:20:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2012/03/22 16:20:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2012/03/22 16:02:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2012/03/22 15:06:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2012/03/22 14:45:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2012/03/21 16:34:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2012/03/21 15:50:05; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2012/03/21 14:14:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2012/03/21 09:01:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2012/03/21 09:00:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2012/03/19 13:45:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2012/03/19 13:25:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2012/03/19 13:07:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2012/03/19 13:06:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2012/03/19 11:45:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2012/03/15 10:01:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2012/03/15 09:50:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2012/03/15 09:00:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2012/03/15 09:00:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2012/03/15 08:35:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2012/03/15 08:25:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2012/03/15 08:24:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2012/03/14 13:38:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2012/03/14 13:37:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2012/03/14 11:04:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.187 date: 2012/03/14 11:03:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2012/03/14 09:10:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2012/03/14 09:09:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2012/03/13 17:08:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2012/03/13 17:08:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2012/03/13 14:37:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.181 date: 2012/03/13 13:44:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2012/03/13 11:50:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2012/03/13 11:29:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2012/03/13 11:08:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2012/03/13 11:00:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2012/03/12 13:34:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2012/03/12 12:49:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2012/03/12 11:54:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2012/03/08 16:13:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2012/03/08 15:31:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2012/03/08 15:04:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2012/02/29 15:13:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2012/02/29 13:36:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2012/02/29 13:09:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2012/02/29 12:59:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2012/02/29 12:44:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2012/02/29 12:41:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2012/02/29 12:13:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2012/02/29 12:13:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2012/02/28 17:02:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2012/02/28 15:56:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2012/02/28 15:51:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.159 date: 2012/02/28 13:12:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.158 date: 2012/02/28 12:50:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.157 date: 2012/02/24 14:29:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.156 date: 2012/02/24 14:16:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.155 date: 2012/02/23 14:17:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.154 date: 2012/02/23 14:17:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.153 date: 2012/02/23 12:07:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.152 date: 2012/02/23 12:07:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.151 date: 2012/02/23 11:31:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.150 date: 2012/02/23 11:04:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.149 date: 2012/02/23 11:03:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/version/windows_srv.4.0,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.159 v_4_0_5_20: 1.235 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.235 date: 2012/03/26 16:55:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.234 date: 2012/03/26 16:54:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.233 date: 2012/03/26 13:40:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.232 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.231 date: 2012/03/26 13:07:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +296 -453 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.230 date: 2012/03/23 14:28:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +471 -314 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.229 date: 2012/03/23 08:17:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.228 date: 2012/03/23 08:16:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.227 date: 2012/03/22 16:20:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.226 date: 2012/03/22 16:19:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.225 date: 2012/03/22 16:02:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.224 date: 2012/03/22 15:06:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.223 date: 2012/03/22 14:44:58; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +264 -420 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.222 date: 2012/03/21 16:34:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -19 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.221 date: 2012/03/21 15:49:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.220 date: 2012/03/21 14:13:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +28 -28 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.219 date: 2012/03/21 09:00:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +467 -310 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.218 date: 2012/03/19 13:45:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.217 date: 2012/03/19 13:24:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +304 -461 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.216 date: 2012/03/19 13:07:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.215 date: 2012/03/19 13:06:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.214 date: 2012/03/19 11:45:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +457 -300 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2012/03/15 10:13:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2012/03/15 10:12:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2012/03/15 10:01:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2012/03/15 09:50:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2012/03/15 08:59:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2012/03/15 08:34:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2012/03/15 08:25:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2012/03/15 08:24:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2012/03/15 08:14:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2012/03/15 08:14:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2012/03/14 13:38:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2012/03/14 13:37:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2012/03/14 11:03:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.199 date: 2012/03/14 11:03:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.198 date: 2012/03/14 09:10:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.197 date: 2012/03/14 09:09:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.196 date: 2012/03/14 08:10:20; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.195 date: 2012/03/14 08:09:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +268 -421 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.194 date: 2012/03/13 17:07:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.193 date: 2012/03/13 14:37:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +420 -267 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.192 date: 2012/03/13 13:44:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +265 -418 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.191 date: 2012/03/13 11:49:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.190 date: 2012/03/13 11:28:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +414 -261 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.189 date: 2012/03/13 11:08:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +261 -414 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.188 date: 2012/03/13 11:00:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +416 -263 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.187 date: 2012/03/12 13:34:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.186 date: 2012/03/12 12:49:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.185 date: 2012/03/12 11:54:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.184 date: 2012/03/08 16:13:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.183 date: 2012/03/08 15:31:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.182 date: 2012/03/08 15:03:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +110 -108 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.181 date: 2012/02/29 15:13:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.180 date: 2012/02/29 13:35:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.179 date: 2012/02/29 13:08:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.178 date: 2012/02/29 12:59:32; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.177 date: 2012/02/29 12:44:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.176 date: 2012/02/29 12:41:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.175 date: 2012/02/29 12:12:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +229 -383 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.174 date: 2012/02/28 17:02:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +386 -232 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.173 date: 2012/02/28 15:56:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2012/02/28 15:50:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +229 -383 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2012/02/28 13:12:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.170 date: 2012/02/28 12:49:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +410 -256 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.169 date: 2012/02/24 14:28:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.168 date: 2012/02/24 14:16:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.167 date: 2012/02/24 14:12:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.166 date: 2012/02/23 14:16:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.165 date: 2012/02/23 12:07:22; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.164 date: 2012/02/23 12:07:10; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2012/02/23 11:30:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2012/02/23 11:04:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2012/02/23 11:03:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.160 date: 2012/02/23 10:53:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/cli/CliUpdate.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.11 v_4_0_5_20: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2012/03/02 13:32:22; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -9 change: GUI AutoUpdate: Update lib before gui component ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2012/02/16 13:11:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 new: update gui with restlet (#> curl -d "post" "http://beifus:11409/sep/sesam/gui/update") ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/LogMsg.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.16 v_4_0_5_20: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2012/04/16 15:12:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: log correct command with exitcode at vmaccess, that would be executed. ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2012/03/15 11:48:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: replace message with id '1938' with 'Register VM failed, no host system found at datacenter '%s'' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/SBCLogger.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.7 v_4_0_5_20: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2012/03/19 17:47:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +38 -1 change: improve vm access api, add subparameter 'recover' with option , individual parts of vm restore can be executed (restore vm config, create VM from config, Create VMDK from VMDK, Restore VMDK data, Add a new VMDK to an exit ing VM) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VMAccess.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.240 v_4_0_5_20: 1.281 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.281 date: 2012/04/18 13:19:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -91 change: revert last change (Check-in [42066]: bugfix: backup VM with vmdk, that does not belongs to root snapshot fixed) ---------------------------- revision 1.280 date: 2012/04/17 11:09:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: restore VM to original fixed (check, if ovf importer is not null to prevent nullpointer exception) ---------------------------- revision 1.279 date: 2012/04/16 15:12:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +50 -16 BUGFIX: log correct command with exitcode at vmaccess, that would be executed. ---------------------------- revision 1.278 date: 2012/03/23 14:09:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +65 -31 bugfix: restore vm from vmx file fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.277 date: 2012/03/22 17:19:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 change: continue with restore VM, if several ovf, vm config files exist at vm config files directory ---------------------------- revision 1.276 date: 2012/03/22 14:15:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.275 date: 2012/03/22 13:37:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +14 -13 change: remove 'nore*' single parameter and add 'nore*' as subparameter for parameter 'recover' ---------------------------- revision 1.274 date: 2012/03/22 12:18:23; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +94 -16 new: new parameter 'nore(store)' for parameter -a, that disable recover.rest mode for restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.273 date: 2012/03/21 10:48:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 change: improve vmaccess api, allow set of several 'recover' parameter ---------------------------- revision 1.272 date: 2012/03/21 10:28:04; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +20 -16 change: improve log for restore vm, log vmdk path of vmdks, which will be added to VM, disable 'overwrite', if recover action is 'addv', add new recover action 'start', that start VM after successful restore ---------------------------- revision 1.271 date: 2012/03/21 07:28:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.270 date: 2012/03/20 17:11:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -1 new: recover mode 'rest.data.addv' for restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.269 date: 2012/03/20 16:20:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.268 date: 2012/03/20 16:04:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: ignore empty parameter, when invoke vmaccess, add new vmdk to existing vm fixed (create only vmdk, if 'recover=data.addvadp') ---------------------------- revision 1.267 date: 2012/03/20 15:22:01; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -79 change: improve log for restore vm, prevent log of vm elements, which are 'null' ---------------------------- revision 1.266 date: 2012/03/20 14:49:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: improve log for restore vm, log spec of virtual devices, that will be added to created VM, set correct log, if restore vm without vmdk ---------------------------- revision 1.265 date: 2012/03/20 13:49:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.264 date: 2012/03/20 13:47:05; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -10 change: improve log for restore vm, set log 'vm' to upper case ---------------------------- revision 1.263 date: 2012/03/20 13:43:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.262 date: 2012/03/20 13:37:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: improve log for restore vm ---------------------------- revision 1.261 date: 2012/03/20 13:23:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +244 -120 change: improve log for restore vm, add new recover modes ''rest.conf.vmdk", "conf", "vmdk" ---------------------------- revision 1.260 date: 2012/03/20 10:45:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.259 date: 2012/03/19 17:47:21; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +392 -101 change: improve vm access api, add subparameter 'recover' with option , individual parts of vm restore can be executed (restore vm config, create VM from config, Create VMDK from VMDK, Restore VMDK data, Add a new VMDK to an exit ing VM) ---------------------------- revision 1.258 date: 2012/03/16 09:10:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +16 -5 bugfix: invoke vmaccess api with one flag at parameter '-a' fixed () for vm config files) ---------------------------- revision 1.242 date: 2012/03/01 16:11:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -5 new: subparameter 'vmdk_size' for parameter 'a' at vmbackup, that define size of vmdk (add to all vmdk´s - .vmdk@) ---------------------------- revision 1.241 date: 2012/02/29 14:33:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -6 BUGFIX: (#14752) backup vm config file (required for restore vm) at vm backup, if vm was renamed before ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/02 12:22:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +37 -6 BUGFIX: restore vm fixed, (set correct default path (../tmp/_vadp_/) for vm config files) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VMOldAccess.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.3 v_4_0_5_20: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2012/04/16 15:14:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: log correct command with exitcode at vmaccess, that would be executed. ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/DeviceConfig.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.9 v_4_0_5_20: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2012/03/22 17:05:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +18 -3 bugfix: restore vm with vmdks, which use different vm controllers (ide,scsi) fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2012/03/20 14:49:55; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 change: improve log for restore vm, log spec of virtual devices, that will be added to created VM, set correct log, if restore vm without vmdk ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2012/03/19 17:47:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: improve vm access api, add subparameter 'recover' with option , individual parts of vm restore can be executed (restore vm config, create VM from config, Create VMDK from VMDK, Restore VMDK data, Add a new VMDK to an exit ing VM) ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2012/03/15 17:37:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 bugfix: set correct vmdk total size at vm restore logging ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2012/03/13 15:07:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 bugfix: (#14677) restore vm from old vm backup, that use libvirt for backup fixed. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2012/03/09 12:37:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +49 -5 change: improve vmaccess java api, new: -a subparameter 'start' to start vm after restore, new: -a subparameter 'mode=config' to backup only vm config files, new: -a subparameter 'mode=novmdk' to restore vm without their vmdks, change: do not restore raw disks and log all information of this disk ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/ImportLocalOvfVApp.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.53 v_4_0_5_20: 1.66 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2012/03/22 17:05:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +119 -31 bugfix: restore vm with vmdks, which use different vm controllers (ide,scsi) fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2012/03/21 10:28:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +29 -11 change: improve log for restore vm, log vmdk path of vmdks, which will be added to VM, disable 'overwrite', if recover action is 'addv', add new recover action 'start', that start VM after successful restore ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2012/03/21 07:28:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2012/03/20 16:04:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +28 -22 change: ignore empty parameter, when invoke vmaccess, add new vmdk to existing vm fixed (create only vmdk, if 'recover=data.addvadp') ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2012/03/20 15:22:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2012/03/20 14:49:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +60 -53 change: improve log for restore vm, log spec of virtual devices, that will be added to created VM, set correct log, if restore vm without vmdk ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2012/03/20 13:47:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change message ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2012/03/20 13:23:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +23 -18 change: improve log for restore vm, add new recover modes ''rest.conf.vmdk", "conf", "vmdk" ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2012/03/20 10:38:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change message text ---------------------------- revision 1.57 date: 2012/03/19 17:47:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -7 change: improve vm access api, add subparameter 'recover' with option , individual parts of vm restore can be executed (restore vm config, create VM from config, Create VMDK from VMDK, Restore VMDK data, Add a new VMDK to an exit ing VM) ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2012/03/15 17:37:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: set correct vmdk total size at vm restore logging ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2012/03/13 15:07:11; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 bugfix: (#14677) restore vm from old vm backup, that use libvirt for backup fixed. ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2012/03/09 12:37:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +63 -114 change: improve vmaccess java api, new: -a subparameter 'start' to start vm after restore, new: -a subparameter 'mode=config' to backup only vm config files, new: -a subparameter 'mode=novmdk' to restore vm without their vmdks, change: do not restore raw disks and log all information of this disk ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/OVFObj.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.4 v_4_0_5_20: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/04/16 12:13:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: (#14609) backup VM with eula license (part of ovf file), that contains special chars fixed (convert ovf content to 'utf8', before parse it) ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMConfig.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.57 v_4_0_5_20: 1.68 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2012/04/18 13:54:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -173 BUGFIX: backup VM with snapshots, that is not running fixed (add no parameter 'ssmoref' to sbc invocation) ---------------------------- revision 1.67 date: 2012/04/18 13:19:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 change: revert last change (Check-in [42066]: bugfix: backup VM with vmdk, that does not belongs to root snapshot fixed) ---------------------------- revision 1.66 date: 2012/04/18 12:21:57; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 bugfix: backup VM with vmdk, that does not belongs to root snapshot fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2012/03/20 14:49:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -11 change: improve log for restore vm, log spec of virtual devices, that will be added to created VM, set correct log, if restore vm without vmdk ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2012/03/20 13:23:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 change: improve log for restore vm, add new recover modes ''rest.conf.vmdk", "conf", "vmdk" ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2012/03/19 17:47:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 change: improve vm access api, add subparameter 'recover' with option , individual parts of vm restore can be executed (restore vm config, create VM from config, Create VMDK from VMDK, Restore VMDK data, Add a new VMDK to an exit ing VM) ---------------------------- revision 1.62 date: 2012/03/09 13:52:42; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +68 -62 change: revert last change, remove raw disks from vmdk list at backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.61 date: 2012/03/09 13:25:43; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +68 -3 change: add -a subparameter config for backup/restore vm, that restore/backup only vm config files (sbc will be started with VSPHERE_CONFIG:); add raw disks to vmdk list at backup vm ---------------------------- revision 1.60 date: 2012/03/09 12:37:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve vmaccess java api, new: -a subparameter 'start' to start vm after restore, new: -a subparameter 'mode=config' to backup only vm config files, new: -a subparameter 'mode=novmdk' to restore vm without their vmdks, change: do not restore raw disks and log all information of this disk ---------------------------- revision 1.59 date: 2012/03/06 12:15:08; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: append linefeet '' at the end of vm config file for vm backup ---------------------------- revision 1.58 date: 2012/03/06 12:04:30; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +19 -10 change: append linefeet '' at the end of vm config file for vm backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMController.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.77 v_4_0_5_20: 1.83 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.83 date: 2012/03/22 17:05:50; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -14 bugfix: restore vm with vmdks, which use different vm controllers (ide,scsi) fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.82 date: 2012/03/21 10:28:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +15 -0 change: improve log for restore vm, log vmdk path of vmdks, which will be added to VM, disable 'overwrite', if recover action is 'addv', add new recover action 'start', that start VM after successful restore ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2012/03/20 14:49:56; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: improve log for restore vm, log spec of virtual devices, that will be added to created VM, set correct log, if restore vm without vmdk ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2012/03/20 13:23:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -0 change: improve log for restore vm, add new recover modes ''rest.conf.vmdk", "conf", "vmdk" ---------------------------- revision 1.79 date: 2012/03/19 17:47:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -0 change: improve vm access api, add subparameter 'recover' with option , individual parts of vm restore can be executed (restore vm config, create VM from config, Create VMDK from VMDK, Restore VMDK data, Add a new VMDK to an exit ing VM) ---------------------------- revision 1.78 date: 2012/03/09 12:37:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +41 -8 change: improve vmaccess java api, new: -a subparameter 'start' to start vm after restore, new: -a subparameter 'mode=config' to backup only vm config files, new: -a subparameter 'mode=novmdk' to restore vm without their vmdks, change: do not restore raw disks and log all information of this disk ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/VIJava/VMRestoreVI.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.13 v_4_0_5_20: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2012/03/23 14:09:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +116 -50 bugfix: restore vm from vmx file fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2012/03/21 10:28:03; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 change: improve log for restore vm, log vmdk path of vmdks, which will be added to VM, disable 'overwrite', if recover action is 'addv', add new recover action 'start', that start VM after successful restore ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2012/03/15 11:48:52; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +27 -339 change: replace message with id '1938' with 'Register VM failed, no host system found at datacenter '%s'' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2012/03/09 12:37:26; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +33 -4 change: improve vmaccess java api, new: -a subparameter 'start' to start vm after restore, new: -a subparameter 'mode=config' to backup only vm config files, new: -a subparameter 'mode=novmdk' to restore vm without their vmdks, change: do not restore raw disks and log all information of this disk ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/extensions/vmware/vsphere/resources/SBCStrings.properties,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.8 v_4_0_5_20: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2012/04/16 15:12:40; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: log correct command with exitcode at vmaccess, that would be executed. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2012/03/15 11:48:51; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 change: replace message with id '1938' with 'Register VM failed, no host system found at datacenter '%s'' ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/CalendarSheet.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.93 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/02 11:28:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: select another day of calendar sheet fixed ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/DataService.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/19 14:37:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 BUGFIX: (#14869) If a task event was moved to a different schedule, then the "terms" was not updated ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Frame.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.348.4.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.348. description: ---------------------------- revision 1.348. date: 2012/03/05 13:09:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: Avoid the need to start the GUI twice if a AutoUpdate of the sm_lib.jar is done. ---------------------------- revision 1.348. date: 2012/01/24 13:49:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -1 CHANGE: Do not finish the gui server if a db connection attempt fails. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaCommonMethods.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.9 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/15 10:43:20; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +25 -19 BUGFIX: (#14891) Create media event with action 'init tape' fixed ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaEventPanelController.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.3 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/22 08:37:21; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 BUGFIX: (#14944) Avoid NPE when a media action should be run ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/19 16:57:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +15 -2 bugfix: Media event dialog: The optional media was not shown in the execution parameters ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/16 14:29:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +101 -68 BUGFIX: (#14899) Upon opening media properties incorrect date values ??(pool, drive ..) will be displayed ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/MediaManagDialogPanelNB.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.2 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 10:54:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: The media management dialog did not open ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/SesamIconsFactory.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2012/03/23 11:50:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: packet structure: moved classes for scheduled commands to own package (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2012/03/08 09:36:51; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: Added a gif for rdstore in the loader dialog (replaced falconstore) ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2012/03/07 15:52:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Added a gif for falconstore in the loader dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2012/03/07 10:02:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Implemented logo and localized labels for Marathon everRun in the Client dialogs ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2012/03/06 15:11:35; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: Added new backup type MARATHON_EVERRUN to task type combobox new: Class OSTypes holding all defined os type strings new: image for task type "Marathon everRun" change: String "Citrix Xen Server" to "Citrix XenServer" ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2012/02/03 13:17:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Integrated selection for new 'SEP i3 Store' in DataStore combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2012/02/01 17:56:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: add os 'netapp' and task type 'netapp' to gui ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2012/01/31 16:50:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 NEW: Basic classes for support of new table 'data_store_types' ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2011/11/04 13:44:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -20 NEW: The gui software now includes support for Courier IMAP ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2011/10/12 12:52:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: dovecot imap icons for gui ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2011/09/22 15:41:14; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: Add Multi Selection and Change support in the saveset table of the Data Store dialog for the column 'EOL'. ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/access/ScheduleDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.40 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/19 14:37:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -2 BUGFIX: (#14869) If a task event was moved to a different schedule, then the "terms" was not updated ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/BrowserMethods.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/02 12:52:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +17 -3 change: All changes between 1.61 and' ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/02 11:59:41; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1 BUGFIX: use url decoder only for restore task saveset browser at restore wizard with task types 'Exchange DAG', 'Exchange 2007', 'Exchange 2010' ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/FileRowFactory.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/08 12:06:37; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 BUGFIX: (#14048) set correct browser row type, if path matches 'GroupWise .*' ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/PanelBrowser.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 16:11:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 bugfix: transfer changes done with Check-in [41602] from head to 4.0.5: Use the target from the correct panel in case of Exchange Server backup type ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/AbstractRow.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.40 v_4_0_5_20: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2012/04/02 12:03:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -18 bugfix: use url decoder only for restore task saveset browser at restore wizard with task types 'Exchange DAG', 'Exchange 2007', 'Exchange 2010' ---------------------------- revision 1.44 date: 2012/03/30 13:44:25; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 BUGFIX: parse file names with special characters at browser fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2012/03/23 11:50:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: packet structure: moved classes for scheduled commands to own package (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2012/03/21 17:05:24; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 bugfix: use url decoder only for visible file name at restore wizard saveset browser ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2012/02/20 14:21:35; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +22 -3 bugfix: (#14676) allow multiselection for browser rows under netware.volume node at browser ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/DbExch2010DagDatabaseRow.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.5 v_4_0_5_20: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2012/02/20 13:33:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 BUGFIX: browse task type 'exchange 2010 dag' fixed, set correct path for selected row ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browsernew/rowtypes/ParentRow.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.25 v_4_0_5_20: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2012/02/21 11:14:38; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -258 remove: clean class 'parentrow', remove outcommented source code ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/02/20 13:33:14; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: browse task type 'exchange 2010 dag' fixed, set correct path for selected row ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/cajo/CajoDataAccess.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.312.4.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.312. description: ---------------------------- revision 1.312. date: 2012/03/19 14:37:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 BUGFIX: (#14869) If a task event was moved to a different schedule, then the "terms" was not updated ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/datastore/Attic/DataStoreDialog.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/28 11:06:18; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 BUGFIX:(#14606) use selected saveset for property dialog at datastore dialog fixed ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/DockablePanelFactory.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.33 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/01 15:42:15; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0 Change: Added missing button 'Show button labels' to the toolbar of Components/Data Stores ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/dockable/DockingController.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.24 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 10:54:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 BUGFIX: The media management dialog did not open ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.672.4.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.672. description: ---------------------------- revision 1.672. date: 2012/03/21 13:53:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -33 branches: 1.672.; change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ---------------------------- revision 1.672. date: 2012/03/26 10:54:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -11 BUGFIX: The media management dialog did not open ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.661 v_4_0_5_20: 1.661. description: ---------------------------- revision 1.661.6.1 date: 2012/03/21 13:53:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +65 -36 branches: 1.661.6.1.2; change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ---------------------------- revision 1.661. date: 2012/03/26 10:54:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 BUGFIX: The media management dialog did not open ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings_de_BY.properties,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.302 v_4_0_5_20: 1.302. description: ---------------------------- revision 1.302.6.1 date: 2012/03/21 13:53:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -24 branches: 1.302.6.1.2; change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ---------------------------- revision 1.302. date: 2012/03/26 10:54:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -19 BUGFIX: The media management dialog did not open ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/results/RestoreResultsDialog.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.9 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 16:11:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: transfer changes done with Check-in [41602] from head to 4.0.5: Use the target from the correct panel in case of Exchange Server backup type ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/LevelAdjusterPropertyChangeListener.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.1 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/16 14:29:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: (#14899) Upon opening media properties incorrect date values ??(pool, drive ..) will be displayed ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/MediaEventPanel.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.26 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/16 14:29:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: (#14899) Upon opening media properties incorrect date values ??(pool, drive ..) will be displayed ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/02/23 10:23:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: revert rename variable 'mediaLevelAdjuster' to 'spinnerPriority' at mediaeventpanel ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/02/21 15:22:59; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: rename variable 'mediaLevelAdjuster' to 'spinnerPriority' at mediaeventpanel ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/ScheduleDialog.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/19 14:37:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#14869) If a task event was moved to a different schedule, then the "terms" was not updated ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/16 14:29:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +37 -27 BUGFIX: (#14899) Upon opening media properties incorrect date values ??(pool, drive ..) will be displayed ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/ScheduleDialogBase.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/19 14:37:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +17 -7 branches:; BUGFIX: (#14869) If a task event was moved to a different schedule, then the "terms" was not updated ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/16 14:29:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#14899) Upon opening media properties incorrect date values ??(pool, drive ..) will be displayed ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 12:54:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Do not try to update a terms entry if a schedule with no events is updated ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 11:34:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 bugfix: Do not try to update a terms entry if a new schedule is defined ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/schedule/ScheduleDialogItemListener.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/16 14:29:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: (#14899) Upon opening media properties incorrect date values ??(pool, drive ..) will be displayed ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RWExpertOptsDialog.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/27 10:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 branches:; change: allow Exchange DAG to use expert options 'as path' and 'into dum pfile'; avoid NPE for empty target ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/13 11:32:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -0 change: Control preselection of 'as path' in the Restore Wizards Expert Opt dialog ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/13 11:04:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 bugfix: Change handling of 'Exchange as path' in the RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/04 08:53:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +0 -1 BUGFIX: set correct reduction source path for existing restore task, that will be restarted ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/03 16:56:36; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 BUGFIX: set user for 'mail' task type at existing restore task, prevent change restore target path after change reduction target path and set correct backuptype at restore wizard expert options ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/02 16:57:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +46 -12 BUGFIX: init restore wizard with given restore task, that use path reduction fixed ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/30 13:18:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: Allow to select option 'as path' for task type 'zarafa' in the Restore Wizard Expert Opt dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/RestoreWizard.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.328. v_4_0_5_20: 1.328. description: ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/21 13:53:37; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +135 -106 branches: 1.328.; change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/13 15:27:49; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: restore 'vmware vsphere' task as 'path' restore fixed (set target path to restoretask at restore wizard, if task type is 'vmware vsphere' and will be restored as 'path' restore) ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/09 11:20:44; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 BUGFIX: restart an existing restore task, if the restore before was not to original fixed (if restoretask.original if set to '0', use that value for further restores, that are restored to original) ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/09 10:23:32; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 BUGFIX: restart an vm restore, if the first restore was not to original vm fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/09 09:24:02; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +13 -7 BUGFIX: if restart an existing vm restore, take 'overwrite', 'recover' flags from run before ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/26 16:44:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 branches: 1.328.; change: Handle original setting ofBackupType EXCHANGE_SERVER_DAG like if EXCHANGE_SERVER_2007_2010 ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/26 16:11:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 bugfix: transfer changes done with Check-in [41602] from head to 4.0.5: Use the target from the correct panel in case of Exchange Server backup type ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/27 10:03:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 branches: 1.328.; change: allow Exchange DAG to use expert options 'as path' and 'into dum pfile'; avoid NPE for empty target ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/29 10:08:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +707 -195 branches: 1.328.; change: Transfer changes down with Check-in [41718] from head to 4_0_5: change: Refactored method writeToRestoreTaskTable in the RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/04/16 10:23:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +50 -39 bugfix: Handle case 'Exchange as path' when reloading an existent restore task into the RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/04/13 11:04:16; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: Change handling of 'Exchange as path' in the RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/04/03 16:56:13; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 BUGFIX: set user for 'mail' task type at existing restore task, prevent change restore target path after change reduction target path and set correct backuptype at restore wizard expert options ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/04/02 16:50:39; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 BUGFIX: init restore wizard with given restore task, that use path reduction fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/30 13:18:33; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: Allow to select option 'as path' for task type 'zarafa' in the Restore Wizard Expert Opt dialog ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/30 12:02:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 bugfix: Write the correct reloc_source to db in the RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/29 14:02:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -30 change: Rename plainCB to deepCB in the Restore Wizard (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.328. date: 2012/03/29 13:55:30; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: Write the correct tree_type to db in the RestoreWizard ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/listener/RWItemListener.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/29 14:02:56; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Rename plainCB to deepCB in the Restore Wizard (no functional changes) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/listener/RWListSelectionListener.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/21 13:53:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/ClassicFilterPanelNB.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.3 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/21 13:54:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -17 change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/RWComponents.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/29 14:02:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Rename plainCB to deepCB in the Restore Wizard (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/21 13:54:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -4 change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/StartPage.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.39 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/16 10:23:31; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Handle case 'Exchange as path' when reloading an existent restore task into the RestoreWizard ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/13 12:23:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 change: Modify the preselection of the 'overwrite existing files' option in case of exchange restore in the Restore Wizard ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/30 13:18:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Allow to select option 'as path' for task type 'zarafa' in the Restore Wizard Expert Opt dialog ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/21 13:54:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -11 change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TargetCardPanel.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 16:11:44; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 branches:; bugfix: transfer changes done with Check-in [41602] from head to 4.0.5: Use the target from the correct panel in case of Exchange Server backup type ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/27 10:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 branches:; change: allow Exchange DAG to use expert options 'as path' and 'into dum pfile'; avoid NPE for empty target ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/29 10:08:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -24 change: Transfer changes down with Check-in [41718] from head to 4_0_5: change: Refactored method writeToRestoreTaskTable in the RestoreWizard ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TargetPathPanelNB.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/29 14:02:57; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: Rename plainCB to deepCB in the Restore Wizard (no functional changes) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/wizard/nb/TargetVMPanelNB.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/21 13:54:01; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +212 -190 change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/CVSVersion.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.14533 v_4_0_5_20: 1.15074 description: ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ClientRole.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/12/05 11:49:26; author: wf; state: Exp; bugfix: Correct the mask switching in the GUI when OperatorPermission or RestorePermission is set in the policy. ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/DataStoreTypes.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/03/06 08:41:00; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: revert last change and set correct datastore type names at table 'data_store_types' ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2012/03/05 17:46:12; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: set correct icons for datastore type 'Easy Archive' and 'FDS DeDup Store' ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2012/03/02 13:00:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -5 change: use updated names for data store types in data store combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/02/03 13:17:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: Integrated selection for new 'SEP i3 Store' in DataStore combobox ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/01/31 16:50:47; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: Basic classes for support of new table 'data_store_types' ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/EditorAction.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/12/22 14:18:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 new: use sm_sho with new syntax for writing files ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/12/22 10:06:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -99 bugfix: sm_sho read: Handle the case that the supplied file name ends with a NL ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/12/21 16:52:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +30 -13 change: use sm_sho with new syntax for reading files ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/12/20 11:36:55; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Get the sm_alarm, sm_disaster and sm_notify files from skel templates if not placed in gv_ro_bin ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ExeFormatter.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2012/01/25 12:15:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: reformat command execution 'sm_lis_items', add chars "--" between parameters and last argument ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2012/01/25 10:00:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: add extra parameter 'search flag' for command 'sm_lis_items', that add parameter '-S', when it set ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2012/01/25 09:30:45; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: search at restore wizard saveset browser fixed (execute command 'sm_lis_items' with correct parameters) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2012/01/03 17:01:25; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -12 change: log parameters of called sesam command calls with quotes ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2012/01/03 16:22:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Use restore wizards search function with new sm_search_lis syntax ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/01/03 15:04:04; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -15 change: Eliminate duplicate code for remote command execution via new ProcessBuilder on gui server side; better logging for execution of sesam sm_xxx-calls; ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2012/01/02 11:57:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 BUGFIX: (#14357) sm_cmd dir client did not work any more (TECH: change transfer mechanism) ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/12/22 14:18:12; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: use sm_sho with new syntax for writing files ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/12/21 16:52:49; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 change: use sm_sho with new syntax for reading files ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/12/21 14:05:53; author: cg; state: Exp; change: log exe command at client side, before execute it ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ExeProcess.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/01/04 13:40:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Eliminated usage of sm_lis_db; Log process starts with surrounding quotes ; ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/12/21 14:05:53; author: cg; state: Exp; change: log exe command at client side, before execute it ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/InfoServiceException.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/12/01 13:30:11; author: cg; state: Exp; change: get correct client name by client ip address ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/OSTypes.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2012/03/06 16:45:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 new: Implemented backup type MARATHON_EVERRUN in the Client dialog and the New Client dialog. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/03/06 15:11:36; author: wf; state: Exp; new: Added new backup type MARATHON_EVERRUN to task type combobox new: Class OSTypes holding all defined os type strings new: image for task type "Marathon everRun" change: String "Citrix Xen Server" to "Citrix XenServer" ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/ProtocolTypes.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/12/16 14:09:33; author: wf; state: Exp; change: Better performance when displaying log files (TECH: Eliminated usage of sm_sho stream for getting) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/DataStoreType.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.0 v_4_0_5_20: 1.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2012/01/31 16:50:46; author: wf; state: Exp; NEW: Basic classes for support of new table 'data_store_types' ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/RestoreTask.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.22 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/03/27 08:22:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 branches: 1.26.2; change: add original flag of restore task to properties window ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2012/03/16 10:47:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +123 -192 change: Integrated new db fields into java classes ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2012/03/15 16:54:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +31 -1 change: improve vm config mask at restore wizard, remove esx authentification and use vcenter authentification fields, if client is esx, add substring 'VCENTER_CONFIG:' to restoretask.target, if restore only vm config, set restoretask.startmode='1', if st art vm after restore ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/11/30 16:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +85 -1 change: Added missing fields to the properties window of the restore task ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/21 13:54:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +210 -165 change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/29 10:08:59; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Transfer changes down with Check-in [41718] from head to 4_0_5: change: Refactored method writeToRestoreTaskTable in the RestoreWizard ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/info/TaskType.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.11 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/21 13:54:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +49 -1 change: Use defined strings for vSphere Recover Switch in v4.0.5 instead of [0|1] ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: 1.95 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2012/03/27 08:22:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: add original flag of restore task to properties window ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2012/03/27 07:49:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +891 -932 change: revised common localstrings (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.93 date: 2012/03/16 10:47:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 change: Integrated new db fields into java classes ---------------------------- revision 1.92 date: 2012/03/15 16:54:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: improve vm config mask at restore wizard, remove esx authentification and use vcenter authentification fields, if client is esx, add substring 'VCENTER_CONFIG:' to restoretask.target, if restore only vm config, set restoretask.startmode='1', if st art vm after restore ---------------------------- revision 1.91 date: 2012/01/31 16:50:47; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -5 NEW: Basic classes for support of new table 'data_store_types' ---------------------------- revision 1.90 date: 2012/01/19 16:10:45; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Use the same labels in the media dialog and the associated properties window ---------------------------- revision 1.89 date: 2012/01/11 14:21:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 new: Added support for new db fields accept_other and allow_move in the media_pools table ---------------------------- revision 1.88 date: 2011/12/02 13:38:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: (#9589) Restore fails with plain and reloc fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2011/11/30 16:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +55 -43 change: Added missing fields to the properties window of the restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2011/11/16 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -2 new: Added a complete and localized property list for migration events in the time table window ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2011/11/14 10:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Ported changes done on v4_0_3_branch with check-in 38999 to HEAD: Fixed scheduled archive adjustment without disk loader ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: 1.31 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.31 date: 2012/03/27 08:22:19; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: add original flag of restore task to properties window ---------------------------- revision 1.30 date: 2012/03/27 07:49:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +774 -805 change: revised common localstrings (no functional changes) ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2012/03/16 10:47:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Integrated new db fields into java classes ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2012/03/15 16:54:33; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: improve vm config mask at restore wizard, remove esx authentification and use vcenter authentification fields, if client is esx, add substring 'VCENTER_CONFIG:' to restoretask.target, if restore only vm config, set restoretask.startmode='1', if st art vm after restore ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2012/01/19 16:06:28; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Use the same labels in the media dialog and the associated properties window ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2012/01/11 14:21:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: Added support for new db fields accept_other and allow_move in the media_pools table ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2011/12/02 13:38:41; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: (#9589) Restore fails with plain and reloc fixed ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2011/11/30 16:58:09; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +51 -43 change: Added missing fields to the properties window of the restore task ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2011/11/17 11:31:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: fix typo in migration event label ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2011/11/16 15:42:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -2 new: Added a complete and localized property list for migration events in the time table window ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2011/11/14 10:03:07; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Ported changes done on v4_0_3_branch with check-in 38999 to HEAD: Fixed scheduled archive adjustment without disk loader ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/RemoteData.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.318.4.1 v_4_0_5_20: 1.318. description: ---------------------------- revision 1.318. date: 2012/03/19 14:37:10; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 BUGFIX: (#14869) If a task event was moved to a different schedule, then the "terms" was not updated ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/RestoreTasksRow.java,v v_4_0_5_17: 1.21 v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/04/03 07:49:06; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: init restore wizard with given restore task, that use path reduction fixed ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/ResultsHandler.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/22 09:20:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: (#14948) Restore RW chooses not successfully migrated saveset ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/22 08:20:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#14948) Restore RW chooses not successfully migrated saveset ---------------------------- RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/TaskTypesHandler.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/22 10:26:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -4 branches:; bugfix: The option 'New restore target' was broken in the RestoreWizard (TECH: restore_reloc not fetched from db on server side) ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/26 08:42:27; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#14964) No selective restore possible (TECH: task_types.restore_selective unread) ============================================================================= RCS file: /var/opt/cvsnew/su/src/gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/TermsHandler.java,v v_4_0_5_17: v_4_0_5_20: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2012/03/19 15:02:23; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 BUGFIX: (#14869) If a task event was moved to a different schedule, then the "terms" was not updated (2) ---------------------------- Processed files: 9191 Number of changed files: 238