RCS file: /cvs/united/makefiles/makefile.ver,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: V_3_4_1_73-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/16 14:03:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A17 Performance in version 3.2A15 was reduced due to file name initialisation ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/29 15:20:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A16: BUGFIX Backup on MS SQL Cluster Server may fail bcs. in last version servernode and instance could be overwritten with local node and instance ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/cm_lang.h,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.121 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.123 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2009/06/23 11:22:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: correct 'too many columns' ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2009/05/20 12:56:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: XX_R_RESTORE_RESULT ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/cm_semaphore.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.4 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2009/05/26 10:05:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 BUGFIX: i_SEMA with function '?' may return occupied if concurrent processes try to retrieve state ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/xutil.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.18 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/05/29 14:02:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -4 change: wcstombsl()/mbstowcsl() Return size_t for converted result or -1 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/unix_hal/xutil_base.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.5 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/05/14 14:49:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 BUGFIX: x_Stat() must return X_STAT_DIR even for links otherwise x_CreateDir() cannot create directories under symbolic linked directories ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/packdata.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: V_3_4_1_73-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/16 09:34:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -11 BUGFIX: Performance broke down due to code change by assigning an initial value to large wchar_t arrays, e.g. wchar_t sztItemName[MAX_PATH_LEN] = L""; Now large arrays are declared as static to avoid reinitialisation for every call of PackArchiveBlock(...). ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/wnt/cm_hal_pipe.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.45 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.46 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2009/06/18 09:48:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -13 BUGFIX: Due to wrong prototype for function pointer to InitializeProcThreadAttributeList() sm_main core dumped on W2008 x86 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/Policy.java,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.4 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/06/19 13:20:50; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: User rights could not be inserted bcs. command sm_setup allow_gui ... was generated with first argument 'allow_gui -u' (wrong usage) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/06/05 09:01:36; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +48 -37 change: reformatted sources to SEP java code formatting standard. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/05/13 09:27:03; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Better exception handling in RemoteExec ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2009/04/24 11:49:31; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 new: parameter -u/U (user) for frame.java for authentification check authentification check in 3 steps: 1. check sm_main.policy 2. check db user exists with type hostbase (no password required) 3. show authentification dialog and demand password from user new: combobox "Logintype" for user administration (new user) - must be set ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 13:14:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/installshield/setup.dat,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.40 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.41 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2009/06/18 10:07:15; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 CHANGE: Setup title extended with Windows Server 2008 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/makefile.win32,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.94 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.96 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.96 date: 2009/06/23 11:26:11; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: avoid '***' in make file echo output bcs. '***' will print all files in current dir ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2009/05/28 08:58:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: Use standard rule for $(BINDIR)\sm_rexec.exe ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_ctrlc_lib.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.34 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.35 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2009/06/23 14:35:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -12 BUGFIX: Backup could fail with message "sm_sms_backup undefined broken" bcs. on Windows x64 SOCKET data type was declared with wrong size and TerminateThread( hSTDIN_thread) and CloseHandle( hSTDIN_thread) were called even if STDIN_thread was not started. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_gui_request.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.36 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2009/05/13 08:29:23; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -22 BUGFIX: If a Windows client was added in GUI then the following error message appeared in Sesam daily protocol: E006-DATABAS[ 768]: CONFIG_CLIENT: empty recordlist, cannot catch requested data. ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2009/03/30 10:34:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: start 'sm_arch adjust' in qu_all,because there is no drive set to get drive group queue ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_init.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.170 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.172 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.172 date: 2009/06/09 08:26:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: Message in iINCREASE_EOL could become longer then SQL cmd buffer, leading to a coredump. (update media set init_flag='n',eol='2009-06-11 00:00:00',kommentar='Das angeforderte Medium DLT200008 stimmt nicht mit dem derzeit im Fach 39 Lader 1 befindlichen Not defined: mt: /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-SQuantum_DLT4000_JF61301469-nst: Device or re source busy überein.' where label='DLT200008') 10:44:55# --- DB_ACCESS returns 1 msg=ok ---------------------------- revision 1.171 date: 2009/01/13 14:36:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 BUGFIX: Check for fatal errors from 'sm_loaders' and return with error in this case, instead of increase EOM of medium and request next one ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_lib.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.610.2.1 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.610.2.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.610.2.3 date: 2009/06/19 13:26:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -14 BUGFIX: If tape trailer of backup media was forced then media was never accepted for backup (only for init). Now media is used like normal media if forced tape trailer contains correct label. (fetched from rev. 1.635) ---------------------------- revision 1.610.2.2 date: 2009/04/15 08:56:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 BUGFIX: Restart init in case of empty or unknown tape and 'accept_empty' is set ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_rexec.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.5 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/05/27 14:44:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 new: Enclose all parameters in " again before execute command ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/unix_hal/sm_ctrld.sh,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.7 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/05/13 14:46:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 remove set -x from sm_ctrld.sh script ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/05/13 14:38:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: Do not kill init script itself during /etc/init.d/sesam restart on Sesam client ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/qm/sm_qm.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.33 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2009/05/26 12:42:14; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +33 -19 change: Trace and error messages improved (UNIX) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/qm/sm_qm_main.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.75 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.76 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2009/05/26 12:53:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +67 -56 BUGFIX: Error 'no answer from sm_qm_main (timed out)' could appear on Linux bcs. pipe from_qm_{pid} was not accessible by sm_qm_main despite of already been created by sm_qm ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/db_api.h,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.5 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/05/06 08:35:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 bugfix: Avoid redefinition of BOOL and HANDLE in common.h ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2008/12/25 14:35:49; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +156 -154 new: dummy DirItem added ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2008/12/08 16:22:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Renamed DB_STREAM_PREPARE to DB_FILE_PREPARE bcs. files are exchanged with APIT DB_FILE_PREPARE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/makefile.unix,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.19 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2008/12/09 13:56:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change: Compile with flag HANDLE_IS_32BITS to make sure HANDLE has size 32 bit ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.15 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2009/05/28 13:33:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +231 -166 BUGFIX: Since revision 1.12 with DB_PrepareItem() function Archive Logs were not longer processed ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/12/25 14:35:49; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1152 -1148 new: dummy DirItem added ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/12/11 08:00:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +36 -31 bugfix: If operation level COPY then g_sSBCLN_Global.bWithArchiveLogs and even if called with source NOTES endArchiveLogs() must not be called change: CIRCULLAR > CIRCULAR ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2008/12/09 13:55:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 bugfix: DB_PrepareItem() must use C_PATH_DELIMITER to generate correct path names for all platforms ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2008/12/08 16:22:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Renamed DB_STREAM_PREPARE to DB_FILE_PREPARE bcs. files are exchanged with APIT DB_FILE_PREPARE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln.h,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.7 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/05/06 08:34:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: UNIX: prototype void itoa(int input, char *buffer, int radix); ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_d.h,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.23 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2009/05/28 13:36:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: SBC_LN version Since last version Archive Logs weren't processed for backup level FULL and INCR ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2008/12/11 07:58:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CIRCULLAR > CIRCULAR ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2008/12/09 13:56:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: SBC_LN version with support of exclude list on UNIX ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_f.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.21 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.24 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2009/05/28 13:44:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 change: In last revision some WIN32 specific declarations were removed ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2009/05/28 13:31:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +24 -28 BUGFIX: A dangling symbolic link was treated like a directory (bcs. STAT() failed) and processing looped ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2008/12/11 07:58:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: CIRCULLAR > CIRCULAR ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_m.h,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.3 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2008/12/11 07:59:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: CIRCULLAR > CIRCULAR ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_n.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.17 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/05/06 08:32:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +65 -67 bugfix: PushFIFOItemLN() must be called with type change: compiler warnings solved ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/12/11 07:58:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 change: CIRCULLAR > CIRCULAR ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_lotus_notes/sbcln_o.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/05/28 12:26:52; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 change: Extra DB_Trace() for SysFileExists ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/packdata.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: V_3_4_1_73-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/16 09:34:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -11 BUGFIX: Performance broke down due to code change by assigning an initial value to large wchar_t arrays, e.g. wchar_t sztItemName[MAX_PATH_LEN] = L""; Now large arrays are declared as static to avoid reinitialisation for every call of PackArchiveBlock(...). ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/db_clnt.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.10 V_3_4_1_73-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/17 11:38:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -7 bugfix: In case of backup listIncludePatterns must contains wchar_t items otherwise following processing may fail (changes in version according to listIncludePatterns reverted to previous version) ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/04 08:38:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 enclose DB name in [] in trace message ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/29 15:00:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 BUGFIX: Restore with filter option was not possible bcs. items list was filled with w_char* but processed as char* ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: V_3_4_1_73-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/17 11:56:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -19 change: Reverted to version to fill and handle listIncludePatterns as wchar_t for backup ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/10 06:59:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 BUGFIX: Convert backup source from 'mbsttowcs' before calling VSS module ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/29 14:58:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -13 BUGFIX: Restore with filter option was not possible bcs. items list was filled with w_char* but processed as char* ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/13 11:03:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +30 -41 BUGFIX: Process -X like -x for regular expression matching with PCRE regular expressions or fnmatch pattern. CHANGE: -x and -X items are added so a further -x/-X switch will add exclude items to already filled list. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/sbc/sbc_bck.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: V_3_4_1_73-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/17 11:31:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +34 -43 bugfix: In case of backup listIncludePatterns must contain wchar_t items otherwise following processing may fail (changes in version according to listIncludePatterns reverted to previous version) ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/06/03 08:24:04; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix: memset DBNAME to '0' before reading item from FIFO ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/29 15:17:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +170 -170 BUGFIX: MS SQL Server Backup: Avoid using DB_DirItem() to get server and instance name via sbcmsql.dll modul, use given one (fetched from rev. 1.61) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/sidfana_func.c,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.20 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.21 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2009/05/25 14:27:01; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: sm_stpd core dumped on Linux x86_64 when calling sidf_ins_slash() for '/', e.g. during iFolder backup ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/win32bin/setup.dat,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.2 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/06/18 10:24:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: Set caption to SEP sesam - Microsoft Windows (x86) for setup.exe win32 ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2009/06/18 10:21:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: Use current setup.dat for win32 x86 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/win32bin/win64/setup.dat,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.3 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/06/18 10:23:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 CHANGE: Use current setup.dat for win32 x64 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/version/windows_cli.3.4,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.68 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.73 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2009/06/23 15:24:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +32 -10 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2009/06/19 13:40:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2009/06/18 10:46:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2009/06/17 12:18:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +36 -54 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2009/05/20 15:23:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +23 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/version/windows_gui.3.4,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.68 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.73 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2009/06/23 15:24:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +32 -10 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2009/06/19 13:40:41; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2009/06/18 10:47:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2009/06/17 12:18:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +38 -56 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2009/05/20 15:23:59; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +23 -5 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/version/windows_srv.3.4,v V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.68 V_3_4_1_73-windows: 1.73 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2009/06/23 15:23:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +31 -9 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2009/06/19 13:40:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2009/06/18 10:46:38; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +14 -14 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2009/06/17 12:17:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +39 -57 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2009/05/20 15:23:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +22 -4 update by sm_kit ---------------------------- Processed files: 4739 Number of changed files: 37